
genetic and morphologic differentiation of bolbophorus confusus and b. levantinus (digenea: diplostomatidae), based on rdna ssu polymorphism and sem.metacercariae of bolbophorus species are serious pathogens of farmed fish. molecular diagnostic tools, capable of identifying and differentiating these parasites, may assist in the development of rationale control strategies. the rdna 18s (small sub-unit: ssu) genes of adult b. confusus and b. levantinus obtained from a pelican, pelecanus onocrotalus, and a night heron, nycticorax nycticorax, respectively, were amplified, sequenced, and aligned. based on this alignment, we developed a genetic di ...200314960036
the first recording of piagetiella titan (menoponidae: mallophaga) on a white pelican (pelecanus onocrotalus, linneaus) in turkey.during the examination of a wounded white pelican (pelecanus onocrotalus) brought to the clinic of faculty of veterinary medicine, selcuk university, lice infestation of the oral cavity was observed and 26 lice were collected. the lice were identified as piagetiella titan during microscopical examination. no other report of this particular subject in turkey was found. therefore, this original observation is reported as the first case of p. titan infestation of a white pelican found in turkey. th ...200617124664
[mallophaga species observed in white pelicans (pelecanus onocrotalus, linnaeus) in turkey].this study was carried out on six white pelicans (pelecanus onocrotalus) between the years 2002-2006. oral cavities of the pelicans were examined macroscopically. the lice found in the oral cavities were collected by forceps and were preserved in tubes containing 70% alcohol. also, each pelican was put in a big carton-box, the bottom of which was covered with a white paper and the pelicans were treated with propoxur for a few minutes. the lice that fell on to the paper were collected in a petri ...200818351556
serological evidence of west nile virus in the great white pelican (pelecanus onocrotalus). 200818621998
morphology, biology and taxonomy of dendritobilharzia loossi skrjabin, 1924 (trematoda: bilharziellidae), a parasite of pelecanus onocrotalus (pelecanidae) and anas plathyrinchos (anatidae).life cycles of dendritobilharzia loossi skrjabin, 1924, a parasite of waterbirds, and its morphobiological traits are studied and described. mollusks anisus spirorbis, the infection rate of which in natural environments reaches 1.3-1.9%, were recorded as intermediate hosts under conditions of uzbekistan. the development of this trematode in intermediate and definitive hosts lasts for 26 and 15 days, respectively. diagnostic traits of the trematodes during all stages of their ontogeny are reviewe ...201121395204
a snapshot avian surveillance reveals west nile virus and evidence of wild birds participating in toscana virus circulation.birds are involved in the epidemiology of several vector-borne viruses, as amplification hosts for viruses, dissemination vehicles for the vectors, and sources of emerging strains in cross-species transmission. turkey provides diverse habitats for a variety of wild birds and is located along major bird migration routes. this study was undertaken to provide a cross-sectional screening of avian specimens for a spectrum of vector-borne viruses.201728832259
trace element contamination in tissues of four bird species from the rift valley region, ethiopia.concentrations of ten trace elements (hg, as, cd, pb, co, cr, cu, ni, se and zn) were determined in different tissues (liver, kidney, muscle, heart and brain) of african sacred ibis (threskiornis aethiopicus), hamerkop (scopus umbretta), marabou stork (leptoptilos crumeniferus) and great white pelican (pelecanus onocrotalus) inhabiting the ethiopian rift valley region. there were differences in trace element patterns among the bird species. significantly (p < 0.05) higher concentrations of cd (5 ...201728035427
the ecology of lake nakuru (kenya) : iv. biomass and distribution of consumer organisms.consumer biomass and spatial distribution in the equatorial alkaline-saline lake nakuru were studied from 1972-1976. these data will provide the basis for estimating feeding and production rates and for quantifying energy flow at the consumer level. two of the main consumers, the lesser flamingo (phoeniconaias minor) and the soda tilapia (sarotherodon alcalicus grahami), were covered by earlier papers. the biomass of the only planktonic crustacean, the copepod lovenula (=paradiaptomus) africana ...198428311388
social learning in great white pelicans (pelecanus onocrotalus): a preliminary study.great white pelicans (pelecanus onocrotalus) exhibit life-history parameters and ecological traits thought to be associated with social learning, and advanced cognitive processing more generally. in this study we investigated whether this species can acquire novel behavior socially in a foraging context. birds from the test group watched a trained conspecific opening an opaque box containing a food reward by using its beak, whereas the control group had no demonstrator but saw the box for an equ ...202032052278
confidence intervals and sample size for estimating the prevalence of plastic debris in seabird nests.evidence is accumulating about the impacts of plastics on marine life. the prevalence of plastics in seabird nests has been used as an indicator of levels of this pollutant in the ocean. however, the lack of a framework for defining sample sizes and errors associated with estimating the prevalence of plastic in nests prevents researchers from optimising time and reducing impacts of fieldwork. we present a method to determine the confidence intervals for the prevalence of debris in seabird nests ...202032234635
the ecology of lake nakuru (kenya) : v. production and consumption of consumer organisms.consumer production and consumption were studied in the equatorial alkaline-saline lake nakuru from 1972 to 1976. together with earlier reports (including a study of the dominant consumer, the lesser flamingo phoeniconaias minor), the data provide the basis for estimating the major pathways of energy flow. detritus food chains were not included in this project.production and consumption rates were estimated from the distribution of numbers and size classes in the lake and laboratory experiments ...198428311389
contribution to knowledge of the development and comparative morphogenesis of the nasal apparatus of the white pelican pelecanus onocrotalus l. (morphogenesis of the nasal capsule, the nasal epithelial tube and the organ of jacobson in sauropsida xii). 19853988177
the ecology of lake nakuru : vi. synopsis of production and energy flow.the major pathways of energy flow in lake nakuru (east africa) are presented. the trophic structure of this equatorial alkaline-saline lake shows no predictable long term continuity. during the five years of this study it had a bloom of spirulina platensis that persisted at least two years, it had periods with low algal densities and in addition it had various transitional phases with dramatic fluctuations of species composition and density.the spirulina platensis bloom is characterized by a ric ...198528310447
organochlorine compounds in pelicans (pelecanus crispus and pelecanus onocrotalus) nesting at lake mikri prespa, north western greece. 199910094718
the erection of pelecanema n. g. (nematoda: spirurida: acuariidae), with redescriptions of p. sirry (khalil, 1931) n. comb. and p. pelecani (johnston & mawson, 1942) n. comb.pelecanema n. g. is erected for p. sirry (khalil, 1931) n. comb., syn. synhimantus sirry khalil, 1931 (type-species) and p. pelecani (johnston & mawson, 1942) n. comb., syn. dispharynx pelecani johnston & mawson, 1942. in the structure of its cordons, consisting of two rows of delicate cuticular plates, the new genus is similar to synhimantus railliet, henry & sisoff, 1912, dispharynx railliet, henry & sisoff, 1912, chordatortilis machado de mendonça & olivera de rodrigues, 1965 and parachordato ...201020700697
the physiological state of captive and migrating great white pelicans (pelecanus onocrotalus) revealed by their blood chemistry.the great white pelican pelecanus onocrotalus is an endangered migratory bird, threatened by diminishing natural feeding sites and by persecution by fishermen. the majority of the migrating white pelican (71000) stop-over in israel during their autumn migration to africa. as part of a larger study, aimed to assess the necessity of feeding during the stop-over in israel, we examined the blood chemistry of captive and migrating white pelicans. blood was sampled from captive birds maintained on a f ...200010779728
energy saving in flight formation.many species of large bird fly together in formation, perhaps because flight power demands and energy expenditure can be reduced when the birds fly at an optimal spacing, or because orientation is improved by communication within groups. we have measured heart rates as an estimate of energy expenditure in imprinted great white pelicans (pelecanus onocrotalus) trained to fly in 'v' formation, and show that these birds save a significant amount of energy by flying in formation. this advantage is p ...200111607019
erosive stomatitis in a white pelican (pelecanus onocrotalus) caused by piagetiella titan (mallophaga: menoponidae).two white pelicans at the garden of a restaurant in beyşehir, a county of konya province were examined for the presence of ectoparasites. nine lice were collected from the oral cavity of one of them. they were identified as piagetiella titan. diffuse erosions, erosive ulcers covered by dried yellowish-brown exudate and petechial haemorrhages were observed in oral mucosa.200616629729
subcutaneous xanthomatosis in a great white pelican (pelecanus onocrotalus).a great white pelican (pelecanus onocrotalus) was referred for assessment of a subacute-onset, nonpainful swelling located in the pectoral region. physical examination revealed a firm, round, well-circumscribed subcutaneous mass approximately 10 cm in diameter. cytological evaluation of a fine needle aspirate of the mass was consistent with a mesenchymal tumor. the mass was excised, and a diagnosis of xanthomatosis was made based on histopathologic results. avian xanthomatosis is a nonneoplastic ...201424712175
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