occurrence of campylobacter jejuni in free-living wild birds from japan. | campylobacter jejuni was isolated from 44 of 313 free-living birds from japan. the highest isolation rate was found in 30 of 87 (34%) crows (corvus levaillanti and corvus corone), followed by 2 of 10 (20%) blue magpies (cyanopica cyanus), 5 of 35 (14%) gray starlings (sturnus cineraceus), 2 of 16 (13%) domestic pigeons (columbia livia domestica), 4 of 36 (11%) bulbuls (hypsipetes amaurotis), and 1 of 62 (2%) eastern turtledoves (streptopelia orientalis). one-fourth of the contents of the crop an ... | 1988 | 3411703 |
occurrence of yersinia enterocolitica in wild-living birds and japanese serows. | yersinia spp. were isolated from 34 of 500 birds representing nine species. the highest isolation rate, 5 of 21 (23.8%), was found in blue magpies (cyanopia cyanus), followed by pheasants (phasianus colchicus tohkaidi), 5 of 33 (15.2%); gray starlings (sturnus cineraceus), 6 of 57 (10.5%); tree sparrows (passer montanus), 1 of 14 (7.1%); bulbuls (hypsipetes amaurotis), 4 of 57 (7.0%); crows (corvus levailantii or corvus corone), 7 of 117 (6.0%); eastern turtledoves (streptopelia orientalis), 4 o ... | 1985 | 3977310 |
amino acid sequence of the alpha a- and beta-polypeptide chains of the ryukyu rufous turtle dove (streptopelia orientalis stimpsoni) hemoglobin. | only one hemoglobin component is recognized in the erythrocytes of the adult ryukyu rufous turtle dove. we have determined the amino acid sequence of the alpha a-globin and the beta-globin by conventional protein sequence analysis. the sequences of both the alpha a- and the beta-globins were highly similar to domestic pigeon hemoglobin. the alpha a-globin has 6 exchanges and beta-globin has 4 exchanges compared with the corresponding domestic pigeon chains. | 1994 | 7811396 |
a novel sex-specific dna marker in columbidae birds. | that most columbidae birds have no conspicuous sexual dimorphism often makes it difficult to identify their sex on the basis of external morphology. in the present study, we report a novel sex-specific dna marker in columbidae birds. dna was extracted from one member of this bird group, streptopelia orientalis (s. orientalis, oriental turtle dove), and used to identify a female-specific dna marker using a random amplified polymorphic dna (rapd) fingerprinting. one hundred and sixty random primer ... | 2007 | 16965809 |
crows break off live camphor twigs: an avian disturbance effect on plants. | birds are usually considered beneficial partners for plants, acting as predators on herbivorous insects, pollinators and seed dispersal agents. however, in an urban area of central japan, birds break off large quantities of live camphor tree (cinnamomum camphora) twigs in winter. this loss of vegetative parts was examined quantitatively to estimate the impact on the trees. i also observed bird foraging behaviour to determine the species involved and the possible reasons underlying this destructi ... | 2009 | 19796368 |
cryptosporidium spp. in pet birds: genetic diversity and potential public health significance. | to characterize the prevalence and assess the zoonotic transmission burden of cryptosporidium species/genotypes in pet birds in henan, china, 434 fecal samples were acquired from 14 families of birds in pet shops. the overall prevalence of cryptopsoridium was 8.1% (35/434) by the sheather's sugar flotation technique. the cryptosporidium-positive samples were analyzed by dna sequence analysis of the small subunit (ssu) rrna gene. three cryptosporidium species and two genotypes were identified, in ... | 2011 | 21557938 |
interspecific comparison of traffic noise effects on dove coo transmission in urban environments. | most previous studies concerning avian adaptation to anthropogenic noise have focused on songbirds, but few have focused on non-songbirds commonly found in urban environments such as doves. we conducted field playback-recording experiments on the perch-coos of five dove species, including four native taiwan species (the spotted dove, spilopelia chinensis, the oriental turtle-dove, streptopelia orientalis, the red collared-dove, streptopelia tranquebarica, and the emerald dove, chalcophaps indica ... | 2016 | 27578359 |
genetic identification for prey birds of the endangered peregrine falcon (falco peregrinus). | to reveal the dietary ecology of the peregrine falcon (falco peregrinus), we conducted a molecular analysis for mitochondrial genes (coi and cytb) to identify the prey species collected from a feeding place found on sasu island, south korea. the results from noninvasive genetic analysis showed that the sequences obtained came from nine species of birds (cuculus canorus, eurystomus orientalis, limosa limosa, microscelis amaurotis, oriolus chinensis, phasianus colchicus, sterna hirundo, streptopel ... | 2017 | 28071972 |
molecular epidemiology of avian poxvirus in the oriental turtle dove (streptopelia orientalis) and the biting midge (culicoides arakawae) in the republic of korea. | a total of 600 wild birds were analyzed for the causes of mortality in the republic of korea (rok) from 2011 to 2013. avian poxvirus (apv) infections were identified as the primary cause of mortality in 39% (29/74) oriental turtle doves (streptopelia orientalis). at necropsy, all 29 s. orientalis birds, of which, 76% (22/29) were juveniles, had severe diphtheritic lesions in their oral and nasal cavities and on their eyelids, which were the lesions of apv that resulted in mortality. we detected ... | 2017 | 28700322 |
hypodectes propus (acarina: hypoderatidae) in a rufous turtle dove, streptopelia orientalis (aves: columbiformes), in japan. | an adult male rufous turtle dove, streptopelia (s.) orientalis (aves: columbiformes), was found dead in yorii-machi town, osato district 369-1217, saitama prefecture, japan, and subjected to necropsy. a large number of immobile hypopi (deutonymphs) of the hypoderatid mite, hypodectes (h.) propus (acarina: hypoderatidae), were found individually encapsulated subcutaneously primarily in the adipose tissue. the mites were 1.43 mm in length and 0.44 mm in width on average, and had provoked mild infl ... | 2013 | 23820220 |
differently sized cuckoos pose different threats to hosts. | hole-nesting tits parus spp. have been classified as "unsuitable" hosts for cuckoo parasitism because cuckoos cannot enter a cavity if the entrance is too small. however, chinese tits could reject alien eggs and egg ejection rate increased with the local diversity of parasitic cuckoo species. antiparasitic behavior among chinese tits may have evolved due to greater size variation among sympatric cuckoo species. this raises the question of whether differently sized parasitic cuckoos pose differen ... | 2020 | 32440285 |
hematologic, plasma biochemical, protein electrophoretic, and total solid values of captive oriental turtle doves (streptopelia orientalis). | i-ting tsai, chau-hwa chi, and pin-huan yu (2018) as part of ongoing studies on the blood profiles of taiwanese avian species, hematology, plasma biochemistry, and serum protein electrophoresis values and hand-held refractometer readings of total solids were determined in oriental turtle doves (streptopelia orientalis). blood samples were collected and analyzed from 44 healthy captive adult and sub-adult oriental turtle doves. there were no significant gender differences in any of the parameters ... | 2018 | 31966251 |
investigation of lethal concurrent outbreak of chlamydiosis and pigeon circovirus in a zoo. | during the spring, an outbreak of sudden death involving 58 birds occurred in a zoo. histopathological examinations revealed variable numbers of intracytoplasmic basophilic microorganisms in the macrophages, hepatocytes, and renal epithelium of most birds, along with occasional botryoid intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies within histiocytes in the bursa of fabricius. based on the results of histopathological examinations, immunohistochemical staining, transmission electron microscopy, and polymera ... | 2021 | 34199449 |