[meiosis in microsporidia: effects on biological cycles]. | synaptinemal complexes have been demonstrated in 7 microsporidian species belonging to 6 different genera (gurleya, thelohania, pleistophora, tuzetia, baculea, glugea). thus, it can be presumed that a meiosis and consequently a karyogamy occur during their life cycle. meisis occurs at the beginning of sporogony; therefore, karyogamy, must occur between spore and merogany, i.e. during the poorly known part of the life cycle. in the microsporidian species studied, with uninucleate spores and diplo ... | 1979 | 114628 |
[pleistophora carpocapsae sp. n. (microsporidia, nosematidae)--a parasite of the codling moth]. | | 1975 | 127972 |
[pleistophora ladogensis sp. n., a microsporidian (protozoa, microsporidia) from the musculature of the burbot, lota lota, and of the smelt, osmerus eperlanus eperlanus ladogensis]. | the parasite develops inside the fibres of the cross-striated musculature. on the histologic sections of the affected tissue most young stages of p. ladogensis are represented by 2--6 nucleic cells 5--6 mu in size. mature pansporoblasts have a thick and solid membrane. their average size is 43 (18--60) mu. the number of spores in pansporoblasts is over 16. live spores are egg-shaped and are 5.4 (5.0--5.8).2.9 (2.7--3.3) mu in size. the length of the polar filament is 100 to 180 mu. | 1978 | 151848 |
[simuliids larvae microsporidans: ultrastructural data (author's transl)]. | this work is the summary of our present knowledge about the ultrastructure of simuliids larvae microsporidans, including several new data concerning: 1. pleistophora simulii (lutz et splendore, 1904): reticulated or net-like plasmodial envelope, formation of pansporoblastic structures looking like short pipes. 2. stempellia simulii maurand et manier, 1968: plasmodial envelope as pleistophora simulii, granular-textured polaroplast. 3. thelohania fibrata (strickland, 1913): ultrastructural study o ... | 1978 | 695825 |
a new host for pleistophora ovariae (microsporida). | | 1977 | 845729 |
development and fine structure of pleistophora sp. (cnidospora: microsporida) in the mosquito, aedes sierrensis. | | 1976 | 932479 |
[microsporidia of the simulium larvae: systematic, cytochemical, pathological and ecological data]. | at present, 10 microsporidian species belonging to the genera nosema, pleistophora, thelohania, stempellia, octosporea, weiseria and caudospora are known as parasites in simuliids larvae. acid mucosubstances fixing alcian blue and proteinic granules rich in -sh groups appear during sporogony in various species of thelohania, pleistophora, stempellia. the microsporidan contracts intimate relations with larval host-cells of the type host-parasite complex and lengthens larval state as well for the ... | 1975 | 1211771 |
[pleistophora carpocapsae sp. n. (microsporidia, nosematidae) - a parasite of the codling moth]. | a new species of microsporidia, pleistiophora carpocapsae sp. n., a parasite of caterpillars and pupae of the codling moth, is described from moldavia. it is noteworthy that one sporant forms pansporoblasts containing from 4 to 64 sporoblasts and then the same number of spores. | 1975 | 1235417 |
[microsporida infections in immunocompetent and immunosuppressed subjects]. | parasites of the phylum microspora are obligatory intracellular protoza with a widespread host range among invertebrates and vertebrates. species from nosema, encephalitozoon, enterocytozoon and pleistophora genera can infect immunocompetent and immunosuppressed patients. the emergency of the aids epidemic has recently highlighted the role of these parasites in human pathology, microsporidian species being a frequent cause of diarrhoea and ocular infections. recent acquisitions in the taxonomy a ... | 1991 | 1844514 |
parasitic protozoa of cyprinid fishes: protozoa of the roach rutilus rutilus (linnaeus, 1758) in czechoslovakia. | in the years 1985-1988, a total of 254 specimens of the roach, rutilus rutilus, captured in 23 localities of south bohemia, were examined for the presence of protozoan parasites. only 17 specimens (6.7%) were free of infection, whereas the others were infected at least with one parasite species, mixed infections were observed most frequently. the following species were found rarely: myxidium rhodei léger, 1905 in the liver and muscles. pleistophora mirandellae vaney et conte, 1901 in ovaries, tr ... | 1991 | 1916526 |
new aspects of parasitic zoonoses. | selected parasitic zoonoses are discussed with emphasis on epidemiological, diagnostic and some chemotherapeutic aspects. pneumocystosis, toxoplasmosis, cryptosporidiosis and microsporidiosis are briefly reviewed as "aids-related zoonoses". up to now 5 genera of microsporidia have been identified as causative agents of human infections, including encephalitozoon cuniculi, enterocytozoon bieneusi and pleistophora sp. which were found in aids patients. from the many "other parasitic zoonoses", gia ... | 1989 | 2669318 |
the isolation of microsporidia and other pathogens from concentrated ditch water. | water from a mosquito larval habitat in florida was collected periodically for one year. after removing debris and macroscopic organisms, the small particles were concentrated by continuous flow centrifugation and examined microscopically. anopheles quadrimaculatus, culex salinarius and heliothis zea larvae were exposed to the concentrates. the microsporidia isolated were nosema, pleistophora, telomyxa, vavraia and vairimorpha. in addition to these microsporidia, a helicosporidium (protozoa), a ... | 1987 | 3144577 |
[parasitism by pleistophora sp. in coho salmon (oncorhynchus kisutch) in chile]. | | 1988 | 3269733 |
pleistophora milesi, a new species of microsporida from maorigoeldia argyropus walker (diptera: culicidae) in new zealand. | | 1974 | 4153436 |
a new species of pleistophora (microsporida: pleistophoridae) parasitic in the shrimp palaemonetes pugio. | | 1974 | 4207629 |
development of pleistophora sp. (microsporidian) in eggs of the polychaete armandia brevis. | | 1971 | 4999158 |
observations on the spores of pleistophora gigantea (thélohan, 1895) swellengrebel, 1911, a microsporidan parasite of the fish crenilabrus melops. | | 1968 | 5752777 |
[effect of pleistophora carpocapsae and p. schubergi microsporidians on the growth, development and mortality of lackey moth caterpillars]. | the microsporidian pleistophora carpocapsae does not influence the growth, development and mortality of its host--the caterpiller malacosoma neustria l. on the other hand p. schubergi causes sireous desturbances of the insects functions: stimulation of growth just after the infection, its opression and retardation of development during the next stage of the disease. all this results in the fatal end. | 1980 | 6769082 |
two microsporidian parasites found in marine fishes in the atlantic ocean. | two new species of microsporidia are reported from the atlantic marine fishes: pleistophora duodecimae sp. n. from skeletal musculature of the rat-tail, coryphaenoides nasutus günther and glugea capverdensis sp. n. from the intestine, mesentery and ovary of the lantern fish, myctophum punctatum rafinesque. formation of secondary xenomas was observed in the latter species. both species may inflict serious damage upon their hosts. | 1980 | 6774932 |
comparison of techniques used for isolation of spores of pleistophora ovariae (microsporida). | | 1980 | 7012293 |
[microsporidiosis: a new protozoan disease in persons infected with human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)]. | the list of infections, threatening patients with impaired immunological system, especially infected with hiv, prolongs systematically. since early eighties many authors pay attention to little known type of protozoan: microspora. more and more often new microsporidia species are described as a cause of disease, especially in patients with aids. we present review of literature data concerning species known up to now as pathogenic for man: encephalitozoon cuniculi, encephalitozoon hellem, nosema ... | 1994 | 7597182 |
[new parasitic diseases in man: infections caused by microsporida and cyclospora species]. | the non-taxonomic term microsporidia relates to a group of organisms belonging to the order microsporida of the phylum microspora. microsporidia are obligate intracellular spore-forming protozoa and have no metabolically active stages outside the host cell. their host range is extensive and includes most invertebrates and all 5 classes of vertebrates. more than 100 microsporidial genera and almost 1000 species have now been identified. 5 genera (enterocytozoon, encephalitozoon, septata, pleistop ... | 1995 | 7770752 |
diagnostic approaches for encephalitozoon infections in patients with aids. | in conclusion, at the current time the most important task of the laboratory for proper clinical management of the patient with microsporidiosis is to perform genus-level diagnosis of the agent, i.e. distinguishing encephalitozoon sp. infection from other microsporidial agents including septata, enterocytozoon, nosema, and pleistophora. this can be performed in any well-equipped pathology department with access to electron microscopy. if species identification is desired, we currently recommend ... | 1994 | 7804259 |
microsporidial infections in immunodeficient and immunocompetent patients. | microsporidia are obligate, intracellular, spore-forming protozoal parasites. their host range is extensive and includes most invertebrates and all classes of vertebrates. five microsporidial genera (enterocytozoon, encephalitozoon, septata, pleistophora, and nosema) and unclassified microsporidia have been associated with human disease, which appears to manifest primarily in immunocompromised persons. the clinical manifestations of microsporidiosis are diverse and include intestinal, pulmonary, ... | 1994 | 7811872 |
isolation and identification of encephalitozoon hellem from an italian aids patient with disseminated microsporidiosis. | microsporidia are primitive mitochondria-lacking spore-forming eukaryotic protozoa that infect a wide variety of animals and also humans. of the five genera (encephalitozoon, enterocytozoon, septata, nosema and pleistophora) that cause infections in humans, enterocytozoon bieneusi, septata intestinalis, and encephalitozoon hellem are being increasingly identified in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids). e. bieneusi causes gastrointestinal disease, s. intestinalis causes gastro ... | 1994 | 7833001 |
human microsporidial infections. | microsporidia are obligate intracellular spore-forming protozoal parasites belonging to the phylum microspora. their host range is extensive, including most invertebrates and all classes of vertebrates. more than 100 microsporidial genera and almost 1,000 species have now been identified. five genera (enterocytozoon spp., encephalitozoon spp., septata spp., pleistophora sp., and nosema spp.) and unclassified microsporidia (referred to by the collective term microsporidium) have been associated w ... | 1994 | 7834600 |
polyclonal and monoclonal antibody and pcr-amplified small-subunit rrna identification of a microsporidian, encephalitozoon hellem, isolated from an aids patient with disseminated infection. | microsporidia are primitive, spore-forming, mitochondria-lacking, eukaryotic protozoa that are obligate intracellular parasites. they are known to parasitize almost every group of animals including humans. recently, microsporidia have increasingly been found to infect patients with aids. five genera (encephalitozoon, enterocytozoon, nosema, septata, and pleistophora) of microsporidia are known to infect humans. enterocytozoon organisms cause gastrointestinal disease in a majority of aids patient ... | 1994 | 7852569 |
microsporidiosis in hiv positive patients: current methods for diagnosis using biopsy, cytologic, ultrastructural, immunological, and tissue culture techniques. | microsporidiosis is an increasingly important opportunistic infection in hiv-positive patients. five species of microsporidia (enterocytozoon bieneusi, encephalitozoon hellem and e. cuniculi, septata intestinalis, and pleistophora sp.) have been reported to occur in aids, with each agent producing a different clinicopathologic spectrum of disease. this communication reviews routine and specialized methods for diagnosis of these important pathogenic protozoa, including biopsy, cytology, ultrastru ... | 1994 | 7927059 |
comparative pathology of microsporidiosis. | the obligate intracellular protozoan parasites belonging to the phylum microspora are ubiquitous. they parasitize insects and all five classes of vertebrates. only one genus infects mammals and birds but at least four genera affect humans. two genera have been isolated from human specimens and both infect experimental animals. some genera (eg, enterocytozoon and pleistophora) seem to be limited to a very few tissues but others (encephalitozoon and the encephalitozoon-like genus septata) can infe ... | 1993 | 8250691 |
myositis due to pleistophora (microsporidia) in a patient with aids. | microsporidia are obligate intracellular protozoa that parasitize both vertebrates and invertebrates and are now recognized as important pathogens in individuals infected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1). we describe the clinical and morphological features of a case of pleistophora (microsporidian) myositis in a patient with aids and delineate the stages of the microsporidian life cycle, as visualized by light and electron microscopy. we discuss significant aspects of microsporid ... | 1993 | 8448294 |
unusual infections in humans. | nine cases of unusual infections in humans are presented. in each case, we present the clinical history, histopathologic changes (if indicated), morphologic features of the causative organism, diagnosis, discussion, differential diagnosis, therapy, and current literature. all of the cases are illustrated with pertinent photographs. the nine cases are as follows: (i) acanthocephaliasis, the first acquired human infection by moniliformis moniliformis in the united states; (ii) dipylidiasis, an unc ... | 1993 | 8457979 |
[update on microsporidiosis in humans]. | the importance of microsporidium as an opportunistic agent in immunocompromised and aids patients is reviewed. five strains of the agent have been described: encephalitozoon, enterocytozoon, nosema, pleistophora and septata. the clinical presentation may be as 1) generalized infections with multisystemic involvement, specially of the central nervous system; 2) intestinal, that is the most important and frequent localization in man, and that may cause death in aids patients; 3) ocular, that affec ... | 1995 | 8525232 |
development and ultrastructure of trachipleistophora hominis n.g., n.sp. after in vitro isolation from an aids patient and inoculation into athymic mice. | continuous culture was achieved in several cell lines of a microsporidium obtained from the skeletal muscle of an aids patient. development in cos-1 and rk13 cells was prolific. spores from the original biopsy were also inoculated into athymic mice by i.m. and i.p. routes. infection was found in several organs as well as in skeletal muscle after a few weeks. all stages were surrounded by an electron-dense surface coat. meronts had 2-4 nuclei and divided by binary fission. in sporogony the surfac ... | 1996 | 8587798 |
pathology of microsporidiosis: emerging parasitic infections in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. | microsporidiosis is a group of rapidly emerging protozoan infections that have thus far been reported predominantly from severely immunosuppressed persons with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids). the four genera that have been identified in aids patients (enterocytozoon, encephalitozoon, septata, and pleistophora) are an increasingly common source of both localized and disseminated infections. however, the clinical and pathologic features of these agents are being described with such ... | 1996 | 8712897 |
disseminated microsporidiosis especially infecting the brain, heart, and kidneys. report of a newly recognized pansporoblastic species in two symptomatic aids patients. | microsporidia have emerged as important opportunistic aids pathogens of the alimentary, respiratory, and urinary tracts. although nonhuman mammalian microsporidia infections typically include encephalitis, cns microsporidiosis has not been reported in patients with aids. a 33-year-old white male and an 8-year-old black girl presented with seizures and declining mental status. central nervous system (cns) imaging studies revealed small peripherally and diffusely enhancing lesions present for at l ... | 1996 | 8853044 |
myositis associated with a newly described microsporidian, trachipleistophora hominis, in a patient with aids. | microsporidia are zoonotic protozoa which were rare human pathogens prior to 1985, when enterocytozoon bieneusi was described in human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients with chronic diarrhea. another species, encephalitozoon (septata) intestinalis, is associated with diarrhea and chronic sinusitis, and approximately 25 cases have been reported in the literature. however, other microsporidial infections in human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients remain extremely rare. we report the ... | 1996 | 8897186 |
ultrastructure of the wall of the sporophorous vesicle during sporogony of pleistophora mirandellae (protozoa:microspora). | the wall of the younger sporophorous vesicle (enclosing the sporogogonial plasmodium) of pleistophora mirandellae vaney and conte, 1901 is composed of a membranous labyrinth, about 0.3-0.6 microns high, interwoven with host cell cytoplasm. there is electron-opaque matter within the partitions of the labyrinth. at the onset of plasmotomy, the partitions of the labyrinth become shorter and then possibly due to stretching of the wall and withdrawal of the membranes, the electron-opaque matter is ej ... | 1996 | 8897511 |
[myositis caused by pleistophora in a patient with aids]. | the third case in the literature is reported of an infection produced by pleistophora. the clinical detail of the three cases are discussed. two of the patients-including the reported one-were infected by hiv. all patients suffered from myositis with fever, resting and at palpation myalgia, and progressive weakness. blood tests showed anaemia and high levels of muscle enzymes. necrotic muscle fibrosis induced disabling contractures. diagnosis was obtained by detecting the protozoon in a muscle b ... | 1996 | 9019606 |
[microsporidiosis: current state of a new parasitosis]. | protozoa of the order microsporida have become regarded as causes of several pathologies in patients with severe immunodeficiencies. apparently they are transmitted to the human through fecalism, but also the respiratory route has been considered. people most affected are young males infected with the human immunodeficiency virus. the most important genera are: enterocytozoon, encephalitozoon, septata, nosema and pleistophora. there are discrepancies about the biology of these parasites and litt ... | 1996 | 9026860 |
parasites of the deepwater sculpin, myoxocephalus thompsoni (cottidae), from lake michigan and lake huron. | a total of 190 deepwater sculpins, myoxocephalus thompsoni, collected in 1995 from michigan waters of lake michigan and lake huron was examined for parasites. five parasite species occurred in sculpins from lake michigan with echinorhynchus salmonis being most common. six parasite species infected sculpins from lake huron, with haplonema sp. the most common. haplonema sp. is the only gravid helminth species reported from deepwater sculpins. pleistophora sp. and trichodina sp. infected sculpins f ... | 1997 | 9057717 |
microsporidia of the genus trachipleistophora--causative agents of human microsporidiosis: description of trachipleistophora anthropophthera n. sp. (protozoa: microsporidia). | trachipleistophora anthropophthera n. sp., was found at autopsy in the brain of one and in the brain, kidneys, pancreas, thyroid, parathyroid, heart, liver, spleen, lymph nodes, and bone marrow of a second patient with aids. the parasite is similar to the recently described t. hominis hollister, canning, weidner, field, kench and marriott, 1996, in having isolated nuclei, meronts with a thick layer of electron dense material on the outer face of their plasmalemma and sporogony during which spore ... | 1998 | 9627987 |
molecular phylogeny of microsporidians with particular reference to species that infect the muscles of fish. | ribosomal dna from eight species of microsporidians infecting fish have been sequenced. seven of these species infect the skeletal muscle of fish (pleistophora spp.) and one species infects migratory mesenchyma cells (glugea anomala). these sequences, in addition to other available microsporidian rdna sequences from a broad range of host taxa, have been used in phylogenetic analysis. this analysis revealed that muscle-infecting microsporidians from fish are a polyphyletic group, indicating that ... | 1998 | 9783455 |
the small subunit ribosomal rna gene sequence of pleistophora anguillarum and the use of pcr primers for diagnostic detection of the parasite. | using the polymerase chain reaction (pcr) and two primers for conserved regions of the small subunit ribosomal rna (ssu-rrna) of microsporidia, a dna segment about 1,195 base pairs long was amplified from a dna template prepared from purified spores of the microsporidian species pleistophora anguillarum. these spores had been isolated from adult eels (anguilla japonica) with "beko disease." a comparison of sequence data from other microsporidian species showed p. anguillarum ssu-rrna to be most ... | 1998 | 9783458 |
fatty acid composition of four microsporidian species compared to that of their host fishes. | the fatty acid composition of four microsporidian species (glugea atherinae, spraguea lophii, glugea americanus, and pleistophora mirandellae) and their host fishes has been determined using gas chromatography. twenty-four fatty acids were identified with differences in relative abundance of fatty acids among the four parasites. certain even-saturated fatty acids were found in a very high proportion: palmitic acid (16:0) represented one-third of total fatty acids in pleistophora mirandellae. the ... | 2000 | 10651288 |
small subunit ribosomal dna phylogeny of microsporidia with particular reference to genera that infect fish. | molecular data have proved useful in the study of microsporidia phylogeny. previous studies have shown that there are several important differences between phylogenies based on rrna and morphological data. in the present study, small subunit (ssu) rdna sequences were obtained from 7 different fish-infecting microsporidia from 4 different genera (glugea thélohan, 1891, loma morrison and sprague, 1981, pleistophora gurley, 1893, and spraguea weissenberg, 1976). the lengths of the ssu rdna genes in ... | 2000 | 10701575 |
rflp analysis of pcr-amplified small subunit ribosomal dna of three fish microsporidian species. | the phylogenetic relationships of the microsporidian species microgemma caulleryi, pleistophora finisterrensis and tetramicra brevifilum were investigated on the basis of restriction fragment length polymorphism (rflp) analysis of pcr-amplified small-subunit rdna (ssurdna). using pcr primers specific for microsporidian ssurdna, a single product was obtained from each species, and heteroduplex analysis indicated a high degree of sequence homology among the 3 products. in rflp analysis of the pcr- ... | 2000 | 10726273 |
phylogenetic relationships of pleistophora-like microsporidia based on small subunit ribosomal dna sequences and implications for the source of trachipleistophora hominis infections. | the microsporidian trachipleistophora hominis was isolated in vitro from the skeletal muscle of an aids patient. since its discovery several more cases of myositis due to trachipleistophora have been diagnosed but the source of infection is unknown. morphologically, t. hominis most closely resembles pleistophora and vavraia, which undergo polysporous sporogony in sporophorous vesicles, but differs from these genera in the mode of formation of sporoblasts and in the morphology of the sporophorous ... | 2000 | 10847345 |
detection of microsporidia in surface water: a one-year follow-up study. | in order to estimate the rate and seasonal variation of enterocytozoon bieneusi contamination of surface water, sequential samples of water from the river seine in france were collected during a 1-year period. each sample (300-600 l) was submitted to sequential filtrations, and the filters were then examined for microsporidia using light microscopy and nested polymerase chain reaction (pcr) for e. bieneusi. amplified products were hybridized with a e. bieneusi-specific probe. twenty-five samples ... | 2000 | 11024347 |
emerging parasite zoonoses associated with water and food. | the environmental route of transmission is important for many protozoan and helminth parasites, with water, soil and food being particularly significant. both the potential for producing large numbers of transmissive stages and their environmental robustness, being able to survive in moist microclimates for prolonged periods of time, pose a persistent threat to public and veterinary health. the increased demands on natural resources increase the likelihood of encountering environments and produc ... | 2000 | 11113263 |
ultrastructural justification for the transfer of pleistophora anguillarum hoshina, 1959 to the genus heterosporis schubert, 1969. | this study presents the ultrastructure of the microsporidian infecting the trunk musculature of anguilla japonica and originally described as pleistophora anguillarum hoshina, 1959. all stages develop within a special structure, the sporophorocyst (spc), which is equipped with a thick dense wall. this wall grows along with the growth of the parasites within it. meronts are uni- to binucleate, which divide and steadily give rise to sporonts. during transition to sporonts the cell coat of the mero ... | 2000 | 11206738 |
microsporidia: emerging pathogenic protists. | microsporidia are eukaryotic spore forming obligate intracellular protozoan parasites first recognized over 100 years ago. these organisms infect all of the major animal groups and are now recognized as opportunistic pathogens of humans. microsporidian spores are common in the environment and microsporidia pathogenic to humans have been found in water supplies. the genera nosema, vittaforma, brachiola, pleistophora, encephalitozoon, enterocytozoon, septata (reclassified to encephalitozoon) and t ... | 2001 | 11230819 |
relationships of microsporidian genera, with emphasis on the polysporous genera, revealed by sequences of the largest subunit of rna polymerase ii (rpb1). | molecular data have proved useful as an alternative to morphological data in showing the relationships of genera within the phylum microsporidia, but until now have been available only for ribosomal genes. in previous studies protein-coding genes of microsporidia have been used only to assess their position in the evolution of eukaryotes. for the first time we report on the use of a protein-coding gene, the a-g region of the largest subunit of rna polymerase ii (rpb1) from 14 mainly polysporous ... | 2001 | 11249186 |
serological differentiation of microsporidia with special reference to trachipleistophora hominis. | myositis is a common clinical syndrome in advanced stages of aids. trachipleistophora hominis (phylum microspora) has been detected in several cases of painful, immobilising myositis in aids patients. enzyme linked immunosorbent assays (elisas) and western blotting of protein profiles separated by sds page were used to determine whether this species could be detected and differentiated by serology. sixteen microsporidia, including several species known to infect man and species infecting fish, c ... | 2001 | 11474986 |
detection of protozoan parasites and microsporidia in irrigation waters used for crop production. | the occurrence of human pathogenic parasites in irrigation waters used for food crops traditionally eaten raw was investigated. the polymerase chain reaction was used to detect human pathogenic microsporidia in irrigation waters from the united states and several central american countries. in addition, the occurrence of both cryptosporidium oocysts and giardia cysts was determined by immunofluorescent techniques. twenty-eight percent of the irrigation water samples tested positive for microspor ... | 2002 | 11848571 |
human microsporidiosis: clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of an increasing infection. | human microsporidiosis is a parasitic infection due to species of four different genera: encephalitozoon; enterocytozoon; nosema; and pleistophora. although well known as a cause of disease in animals, microsporidiosis was only occasionally reported in humans. recently, in human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-infected patients, microsporidia belonging to encephalitozoon and enterocytozoon species have proved to be important opportunistic pathogens. enterocytozoon bieneusi is associated with chroni ... | 1995 | 11866734 |
ovipleistophora gen. n., a new genus for pleistophora mirandellae-like microsporidia. | based on ultrastructural study and molecular analysis, a new genus, ovipleistophora, is established for pleistophora mirandellae-like microsporidia from roach and ruff oocytes. unlike pleistophora, ovipleistophora has a thick additional envelope around the meront. this envelope breaks open to release the cells into the host cell cytoplasm. the cells, becoming multinuclear sporogonic plasmodia, already have a surface coat that transforms into the sporont wall and eventually into the sporophorous ... | 2002 | 12005235 |
fish microsporidia: fine structural diversity and phylogeny. | structural diversity of fish microsporidian life cycle stages and of the host-parasite interface is reviewed. in the infected cell of the fish host, microsporidia may either cause serious degradation of the cytoplasm and demise of the cell, or they may elicit host cell hypertrophy, producing a parasite-hypertrophic host cell complex, the xenoma. the structure of the xenoma and of its cell wall may differ according to the genus of the parasite, and seems to express properties of the parasite rath ... | 2003 | 12633649 |
ultrastructure and development of pleistophora ronneafiei n. sp., a microsporidium (protista) in the skeletal muscle of an immune-compromised individual. | this report provides a detailed ultrastructural study of the life cycle, including proliferative and sporogonic developmental stages, of the first pleistophora species (microsporidium) obtained from an immune-incompetent patient. in 1985, the organism obtained from a muscle biopsy was initially identified as belonging to the genus pleistophora, based on spore morphology and its location in a sporophorous vesicle. since that initial report, at least two new microsporidial genera, trachipleistopho ... | 2003 | 12744518 |
parasite-mediated predation between native and invasive amphipods. | parasites can structure biological communities directly through population regulation and indirectly by processes such as apparent competition. however, the role of parasites in the process of biological invasion is less well understood and mechanisms of parasite mediation of predation among hosts are unclear. mutual predation between native and invading species is an important factor in determining the outcome of invasions in freshwater amphipod communities. here, we show that parasites mediate ... | 2003 | 12816645 |
parasite transmission and cannibalism in an amphipod (crustacea). | in its freshwater amphipod host gammarus duebeni celticus, the microsporidian parasite pleistophora mulleri showed 23% transmission efficiency when uninfected individuals were fed infected tissue, but 0% transmission by water-borne and coprophagous routes. cannibalism between unparasitised and parasitised individuals was significantly in favour of the former (37% compared to 0%). in addition, cannibalism between parasitised individuals was significantly higher than between unparasitised individu ... | 2003 | 12865079 |
morphological and molecular investigations of a microsporidium infecting the european grape vine moth, lobesia botrana den. et schiff., and its taxonomic determination as cystosporogenes legeri nov. comb. | we have isolated a microsporidium from a laboratory stock of the european grape vine moth, lobesia botrana den. et schiff. (lepidoptera, tortricidae). screening of this stock showed an infection rate of more than 90%, whereas field collected larvae from three different locations in rhineland-palatinate (germany) did not demonstrate any signs of infection. light and electron microscopic investigations of infected insects showed that gross pathology, morphology, and ultrastructure of the microspor ... | 2003 | 12877831 |
resolution of a taxonomic conundrum: an ultrastructural and molecular description of the life cycle of pleistophora mulleri (pfeiffer 1895; georgevitch 1929). | the classification of a microsporidian parasite observed in the abdominal muscles of amphipod hosts has been repeatedly revised but still remains inconclusive. this parasite has variable spore numbers within a sporophorous vesicle and has been assigned to the genera glugea, pleistophora, stempellia, and thelohania. we used electron microscopy and molecular evidence to resolve the previous taxonomic confusion and confirm its identification as pleistophora mulleri. the life cycle of p. mulleri is ... | 2003 | 15132170 |
a review of the development of two types of human skeletal muscle infections from microsporidia associated with pathology in invertebrates and cold-blooded vertebrates. | traditionally, the microsporidia were primarily studied in insects and fish. there were only a few human cases of microsporidiosis reported until the advent of aids, when the number of human microsporidian infections dramatically increased and the importance of these new pathogens to medicine became evident. over a dozen different kinds of microsporidia infecting humans have been reported. while some of these infections were identified in new genera (enterocytozoon, vittaforma), there were also ... | 2005 | 16004364 |
intersex in wild roach (rutilus rutilus) from danish sewage effluent-receiving streams. | roach (rutilus rutilus) from danish streams that receive discharges of domestic sewage effluent were examined for the presence of alterations to gonadal development. in male roach, intersex was observed at a prevalence of 4.5-5% at reference sites and 6.7-6.5% at sewage effluent-impacted sites. a positive correlation was found between sewage effluent load and intersex frequency among male roach. the highest frequency of intersex (26.5%) was found in the stream kristrup landkanal, which had the h ... | 2006 | 16054215 |
inpatient management of severe psoriasis. | historically, severe psoriasis frequently required inpatient hospitalization for several weeks to reduce symptoms and prevent morbidity and mortality, despite declining hospitalization rates there remain patients who undergo severe, acute psoriasis exacerbations requiring inpatient care. the majority of the literature describes the treatment of psoriasis in the outpatient setting. we review the inherent differences between the inpatient and outpatient management of psoriasis along several dimens ... | 2005 | 16167414 |
ecological impacts of the microsporidian parasite pleistophora mulleri on its freshwater amphipod host gammarus duebeni celticus. | the microsporidian parasite, pleistophora mulleri, infects the abdominal muscle of the freshwater amphipod gammarus duebeni celticus. we recently showed that p. mulleri infection was associated with g. d. celticus hosts being more vulnerable to predation by the invasive amphipod gammarus pulex. parasitized g. d. celticus also had a reduced ability to prey upon other co-occurring amphipods. we suggested the parasite may have pervasive influences on host ecology and behaviour. here, we examine the ... | 2005 | 16178354 |
pleistophora infestation in fathead minnows, pimephales promelas (rafinesque). | pleistophora infestation was observed in adult fathead minnows, pimephales promelas, held under laboratory conditions. fish were clinically healthy, and presented no gross findings at necropsy. histopathology revealed parasitic stages only in the ovaries. spores within sporophorous vesicles were mainly encountered in late vitellogenic oocytes and were ultrastructurally identified as a microsporidian parasite. heavily parasitized oocytes underwent degeneration followed by the release of spores in ... | 2005 | 16303025 |
[microsporidia: general characteristics, infections and laboratory diagnosis]. | microsporidia are single celled, obligate intracellular, spore forming microorganisms which were first described as a cause of human disease in 1959. they are capable of infecting a wide variety of vertebrate and invertebrate hosts. among the numerous microsporidial genera, seven have been described in human diseases such as enterocytozoon, encephalitozoon, nosema, pleistophora, trachipleistophora, vittaforma, brachiola. among these, enterocytozoon bieneusi is the most frequently identified micr ... | 2005 | 16544554 |
human microsporidial infection and possible animal sources. | sources of human microsporidial infection remain speculative, but possible animal reservoirs are emerging. of the common human microsporidial infections, enterocytozoon bieneusi has now been identified in non-human primates, pigs, dogs and a cat; encephalitozoon intestinalis in dogs, pigs, cows, goats and donkeys and encephalitozoon hellem in budgerigars and parrots. evidence of species heterogeneity is also emerging suggesting that some animal isolates may be distinctive. further molecular epid ... | 1999 | 17035814 |
distribution and host range of the microsporidian pleistophora mulleri. | microsporidia of the genus pleistophora are important parasites of fish and crustacea. pleistophora mulleri has been described previously as a parasite of the gammarid amphipod crustacean gammarus duebeni celticus in irish freshwater habitats. through a survey of european g. duebeni populations, p. mulleri was found to be widely distributed in the western british isles (wales, scotland, and the isle of man), and populations of the subspecies gammarus duebeni duebeni as well as g. d. celticus wer ... | 2008 | 18681850 |
ultrastructure, development, and host-parasite relationship of a new species of the genus pleistophora--a microsporidian parasite of the marine fish epinephelus chlorostignei. | the life cycle of a new microsporidian of the genus pleistophora is described. this parasite infects the epithelial cells of the gut and the peritoneal cavity of the red sea fish, epinephelus chlorostignei. all stages develop within a special structure, the sporophorocyst, which is covered by a thick dense wall. this wall grows along with the growth of the parasites inside. meronts are uni- to binucleate, which divide and constantly give rise to sporonts. during transition to sporonts, the cell ... | 2009 | 19844744 |
molecular characterisation of the microsporidia of the amphipod gammarus duebeni across its natural range revealed hidden diversity, wide-ranging prevalence and potential for co-evolution. | microsporidia comprise an unusual group of intracellular, eukaryotic parasites that exhibit ubiquitous distribution throughout the animal kingdom. we analysed the small subunit ribosomal gene (ssurdna) using pcr and sequencing and screened 894 gammarus duebeni (crustacea, amphipoda) specimens from 35 european marine and freshwater populations. we discovered considerable hidden microsporidian diversity. blast searches, sequence analysis and phylogenetic analysis revealed intraspecific sequence va ... | 2010 | 20601176 |
pleistophora hyphessobryconis (microsporidia) infecting zebrafish danio rerio in research facilities. | zebrafish danio rerio are important models for biomedical research, and thus, there is an increased concern about diseases afflicting them. here we describe infections by pleistophora hyphessobryconis (microsporidia) in zebrafish from 3 laboratories. as reported in other aquarium fishes, affected zebrafish exhibited massive infections in the skeletal muscle, with no involvement of smooth or cardiac muscle. in addition, numerous spores within macrophages were observed in the visceral organs, incl ... | 2010 | 20853741 |
microsporidian parasites: a danger facing marine fishes of the red sea. | out of 600 marine fish from the red sea belonging to three different species that were collected and examined for microsporidian parasites, 87 (14.5%) fish were found to be infected. the infection was recorded as cysts or xenomas embedded in the gut epithelium and the peritoneal cavity of the three fish species. the highest percent of infection with microsporidian parasites was recorded in saurida tumbil 19.5% (39/200) followed by pagrus pagrus 15% (45/300) and the lowest percent of infection wa ... | 2010 | 20865429 |
detection and species identification of microsporidial infections using sybr green real-time pcr. | diagnosis of microsporidial infections is routinely performed by light microscopy, with unequivocal non-molecular species identification achievable only through electron microscopy. this study describes a single sybr green real-time pcr assay for the simultaneous detection and species identification of such infections. this assay was highly sensitive, routinely detecting infections containing 400 parasites (g stool sample)(-1), whilst species identification was achieved by differential melt curv ... | 2010 | 21183599 |
tubulinosema sp. microsporidian myositis in immunosuppressed patient. | the phylum microsporidia comprises >1,200 species, only 15 of which are known to infect humans, including the genera trachipleistophora, pleistophora, and brachiola. we report an infection by tubulinosema sp. in an immunosuppressed patient. | 2011 | 21888805 |
Morphological and molecular biological characterization of Pleistophora aegyptiaca sp. nov. infecting the Red Sea fish Saurida tumbil. | One hundred three out of 225 (45.8%) of the Red Sea fish Saurida tumbil were infected with microsporidian parasites. The infection was recorded as tumor-like masses (whitish macroscopic cysts) or xenomas often up to 2 cm in diameter and embedded in the peritoneal cavity. Generally, the infection was increased during winter 63.8% (86 out of 135) and fall to 18.9% (17 out of 90) in summer. Light microscopic study revealed that xenomas were encapsulated by a fibrous layer encircling numerous sporop ... | 2011 | 21858478 |
Luna stain, an improved selective stain for detection of microsporidian spores in histologic sections. | Microsporidia in histologic sections are most often diagnosed by observing spores in host tissues. Spores are easy to identify if they occur in large aggregates or xenomas when sections are stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E). However, individual spores are not frequently detected in host tissues with conventional H&E staining, particularly if spores are scattered within the tissues, areas of inflammation, or small spores in nuclei (i.e. Nucleospora salmonis). Hence, a variety of selective ... | 2011 | 21848126 |