
phylogenetic relationships among the true porpoises (cetacea:phocoenidae).portions of the cytochrome b gene and control region of the mitochondrial dna molecule were sequenced to investigate systematic relationships among the six extant species of true porpoises, (cetacea: phocoenidae). phylogenetic analyses of mitochondrial cytochrome b sequences support a close relationship between burmeister's porpoise, phocoena spinipinnis, and the vaquita, phocoena sinus, and the association of these two species with the spectacled porpoise, australophocaena dioptrica. the latter ...19958747302
metazoan parasites from odontocetes off new zealand: new records.information about the parasite fauna of spectacled porpoises and cetaceans from new zealand waters in general is scarce. this study takes advantage of material archived in collections of the otago museum in dunedin and massey university in auckland, sampled from cetacean species found stranded along the new zealand coastline between 2007 and 2014. parasites from seven species of cetaceans (spectacled porpoise, phocoena dioptrica (n = 2 individuals examined); pygmy sperm whale (n = 1); long-finne ...201728799088
cestodes from hector's beaked whale ( mesoplodon hectori ) and spectacled porpoise ( phocoena dioptrica ) from argentinean waters.single individuals of 2 little-known cetacean species, mesoplodon hectori and phocoena dioptrica , stranded and died on the coast of argentina (buenos aires and chubut provinces, respectively) and were studied for the presence of helminths. the cestodes found were described and illustrated using light microscopy. the following cestode taxa were recovered: tetrabothrius ( tetrabothrius ) hobergi n. sp. (several fragmented specimens, at least 1 gravid) and tetrabothrius ( s.l. ) sp. 1 (several fra ...201020486735
interspecific variation of ontogeny and skull shape among porpoises (phocoenidae).all extant members of phocoenidae (porpoises) have been characterized as pedomorphic based on skeletal characters. to investigate the ontogenetic background for pedomorphosis and assess interspecific differences in ontogeny among phocoenids, samples of the six extant species were compared in terms of development of both epiphyseal and cranial suture fusion. across all species, full maturity of the vertebral column was rare. vertebral epiphyseal development did not progress so far in most phocoen ...201020967830
parasites in stranded cetaceans of patagonia.there is an increasing interest in parasites of marine mammals of argentina. here, we examined several poorly known cetaceans, i.e., 2 spectacled porpoises and 1 burmeister's porpoise (phocoenidae), and 1 gray's beaked whale and 1 cuvier's beaked whale (ziphidae); we also updated the parasite information for 1 sperm whale (physeteridae). these hosts strand only occasionally. we found anisakis simplex s.l. in 2 spectacled porpoises and the burmeister's porpoise, and recorded its distribution amon ...200818576713
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