
paratuberculosis (johne's disease) in bighorn sheep and a rocky mountain goat in colorado.between may, 1972 and february, 1978, six cases of paratuberculosis (johne's disease) caused by mycobacterium paratuberculosis were diagnosed in free-ranging rocky mountain bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis) and one rocky mountain goat (oreamnos americanus) on or near mt. evans in colorado. diagnosis of paratuberculosis was based on gross and histopathologic examination of the animals and by isolation of m. paratuberculosis from three sheep and the goat. the clinical signs and pathologic changes se ...1979480512
contagious ecthyma in mountain goat of coastal british columbia.contagious ecthyma has been reported previously from mountain goat (oreamnos americanus) in one restricted area of eastern british columbia. a second focus of infection is reported for mountain goat from western british columbia. diagnosis was based on appearance of lesions at necropsy, histopathology and demonstration of poxvirus with the electron microscope. the epizootiology of this infection in mountain goat is discussed briefly.1977559107
dna replication in the sex chromosomes of the pronghorn and the rocky mountain goat.the x chromosomes of the male pronghorn (antilocapra americana) is larger than the "original" type and carries a large segment of late-labelling chromatin. the y chromosome has a late-labelling segment that appears to duplicate synchronously with that of the x. both chromosomes have segments that label throughout the period of observation; that the x is about 4.7% of the haploid complement and approaches "original" proportions. the x chromosomes of the rocky mountain goat (oreamnos americanus) a ...1977862436
contagious ecthyma in bighorn sheep and mountain goat in western canada.contagious ecthyma (ce) is reported in bighorn sheep (ovis c. canadensis) from several national parks in western canada and in moutain goat (oreamnos americanus) from kootenay national park, british columbia. (this is the first report of ce in mountain goat.) diagnosis was based on clinical signs, histopathology, transmission experiments and the demonstration of a proxvirus with the electron microscope. the infection was transmitted from wild to domestic goat, but not to domestic sheep. most inf ...19751113436
[functional morphology of resistant pulmonary vessels and capillaries in individual and species adaptation to high altitude].morphological and structural rearrangement of resistant pulmonary vessels and alveolar capillaries was assessed in lowland animals (rabbits) during high-altitude adaptation, in aboriginal high-altitude species (yaks, mountain goats) and on native highlanders. structural adaptive developments in pulmonary vessels and capillaries of high-altitude animals contribute to maximal facilitation of gas diffusion. similar adaptive changes in pulmonary resistant vessels and capillaries of laboratory animal ...19921421290
[intersexuality in hornless xx-goats: pathological findings in 2 young pseudobucks, 3 young bucks with urethral diverticula and 2 pseudohermaphroditic kids].dealing with the subject "polled goats intersexuality", whose problems are discussed, we studied the pathology of 7 3-month old xx-kids: 2 pseudomales, 3 males with urethral diverticulum (1 animal with 2 u.d.), and 2 testicular pseudohermaphrodites. four horned male kids of comparable age were used as control. urethral diverticula, seen now and then in local breeds, i.e. in "chamois-colored" mountain goats, saanen, and toggenburg goats, are rather unknown and only sporadically reported abroad. i ...19921609259
[involution and redevelopment of the mammary gland in goats. histological-histochemical studies after a lactation time of 8-10 months].7 chamois-coloured mountain goats were used to investigate histologically and histochemically the processes of involution and redevelopment of the mammary gland after a lactation period of 8 to 10 months. tissue specimens were obtained by incision biopsy at drying-off two months prepartum and afterwards in intervals of 8-16 days up to parturition. the findings of this investigation were compared with results of two former investigations, in which involution and proliferation of the gland were st ...19911896838
[veterinary aspects of the raising of mountain goats (oreamnos americanus)].an empirical report outlines veterinary problems in rocky mountain goats kept in climatic conditions of central europe. described are therapeutic findings in the treatment of infections, parasitosis, disorders of the extremities, disturbances of reproduction, and injuries as well as haematological findings and experiences made during immobilization of rocky mountain goats.19912049057
sarcocystis sp. in mountain goats (oreamnos americanus) in washington: prevalence and search for the definitive host.during october and november 1986, sarcocystis sp. was detected in 24 of 56 (43%) tongues from hunter-killed mountain goats (oreamnos americanus) in washington (usa). sarcocysts had an unusual sessile polyp-shaped branched wall. mean size of 154 sarcocysts was 71.3 x 37.8 microns (range, 20 to 248 x 10 to 120 microns), and the mean intensity was 2.3 (range, 1 to 28). in an attempt to identify the definitive host, infected tongues were fed to four coyotes (canis latrans), eight domestic dogs, four ...19892509738
serologic evidence of respiratory syncytial virus infection in free-ranging mountain goats (oreamnos americanus). 19863735589
starvation secondary to an oral fibroma in a wild mountain goat (oreamnos americanus). 19853999254
psoroptic ear mange (psoroptes cuniculi, delafond, 1859) in domestic and wild ruminants in israel.otoacariasis, caused by psoroptes cuniculi (delafond, 1859) is reported in sheep (ovis aries), domestic goats (capra aegagrus hircus), mountain goats (capra ibex nubiana) and yaez (a cross between domestic and mountain goats). captive and captured deer (gazella gazella and gazella dorcas) were found negative for ear mites. sheep and mountain goats were found to be the most affected while goats and yaez only sporadically so. the clinical manifestations are described and the results are discussed ...19854002605
a case of orf (ecthyma contagiosum; contagious pustular dermatitis) contracted by a human from a wild alaskan mountain goat. 19684297665
trichuris oreamnos sp. n. from the mountain goat, oreamnos americanus (blainville), in british columbia, canada, and a key to trichurids in north american ruminants. 19744821114
goat milk. i. mountain goat (oreamnos americanus) milk. gross composition and fatty acid constitution. 19695406770
natural salt licks as a part of the ecology of the mountain goat. 19715557898
eimeria montanaensis n. sp. and e. ernesti n. sp. (protozoa, eimeriidae) from the rocky mountain goat oreamnos americanus. 19685719082
serum protein electrophoresis of coreamnos americanus (mountain goat) and comparison of sera from canadian and alaskan alces alces (moose) and ovis dalli (sheep). 19685758870
nematodirus maculosus sp. n. (nematoda: trichostrongylidae) from the mountain goat, oreamnos americanus, in north america. 19655848824
morphological and histochemical observations on the duodenal glands of eight wild ungulate species native to north america.the duodenal glands of the species examined (alces alces, ovis canadensis, cervus canadensis, oreamnos americanus, bison bison, antilocapra americana, odocoileus virginianas, odocoileus heminous) are confined primarily to the submucosa of the small intestine. in one species, the moose, a significant population of secretory tubules also is observed in the mucosa. the ducts of the duodenal glands pierce the overlying muscularis mucosae to empty most often independently into the intestinal lumen. t ...19816171158
beta-endorphin levels in blood from selected alaskan mammals.blood samples were analyzed for beta-endorphin from 43 non-torpid black bear (ursus americanus), 8 torpid black bear, 3 non-torpid brown bear (ursus arctos), 14 moose (alces alces), 6 mountain goats (oreamnus americanus) and 30 steller sea lions (eumetopias jubatus). beta-endorphin levels were detected in all species sampled and there were no significant differences in levels among non-torpid black bear, brown bear and sea lions. also, no differences were detected between moose and mountain goat ...19816279890
sarcocystis in wild ungulates in alberta.muscle samples from 557 wild ungulates in alberta, comprising seven species, were examined grossly and/or histologically for cysts of sarcocystis. sarcocystis was found in 100, 96, 94, 75, 75, 73, and 49% of the wapiti (cervus canadensis), moose (alces alces), bison (bison bison), mule deer (odocoileus hemionus), bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis), mountain goat (oreamnos americanus), and white-tailed deer (o. virginianus), respectively.19806780701
[cell content of milk in lactating chamois-colored mountain goats]. 19836844905
pathology of spontaneous and experimental infection of north american wild ruminants with mycobacterium paratuberculosis.spontaneous paratuberculosis was studied in free-ranging and captive bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis), and rocky mountain goats (oreamnos americanus). lesions of paratuberculosis in these species resembled the disease in domestic sheep and goats. mycobacterium paratuberculosis cultured from bighorn sheep was used to orally infect bighorn x mouflon (ovis musimon) hybrid sheep, elk (cervus elaphus nelsoni), mule deer (odocoileus hemionus), and white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus). clinical pa ...19836879954
observations on mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides infection in saanen epizootic in white saanen goats, caused by mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides is described. twenty-five flocks totalling approximately 4,500 animals were involved. the disease was characterized by a high, transient temperature, general malaise and mastitis in the lactating does, and a keratoconjunctivitis, arthritis, mycoplasmaemia and death among the kids. in one goat flock there was a precipitous change in the character of the disease, from a predominantly mastitis syndrome to a fulminatin ...19817026494
comparative aspects of biochemical polymorphism in the blood of caprinae species and their hybrids.biochemical variation at 14 blood loci was reviewed, and specific features compared experimentally in sheep ovis aries, mouflon ovis musimon, goat capra hircus, aoudad ammotragus iervia and in 2 stillborn aoudad x goat hybrids. variation at 3 loci was also studied in dall sheep ovis dalli, bighorn sheep ovis canadensis and rocky mountain goat oreamnos americanus. haemoglobin c production in an anaemic hb ab mouflon and in mouflon x sheep hybrids was examined. mouflon differ from domestic sheep i ...19807458003
[first description of a desmoid tumor in a goat and comparative observations to human fibromatosis. case report].the macroscopical, histological, and ultrastructural aspects of the abdominal and extra-abdominal desmoid tumour are reported in a 1 1/2-year old goat (breed: nera-verzasca, tessin mountain goat). macroscopically, the disease was characterized by glassy, whitish, very hard, plate-forming masses found in the abdominal wall and in the medial aspect of the upper hind limbs. histologically, the masses consisted of well differentiated fibroblasts which locally infiltrated the surrounding tissues. no ...19938211956
forensic identification of ungulate species using restriction digests of pcr-amplified mitochondrial dna.a survey of mitochondrial d-loop variation in 15 species of ungulates was conducted via amplification by the polymerase chain reaction followed by restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. this survey included moose (alces alces), caribou (rangifer tarandus), mule deer (odocoileus hemionus hemionus), black-tailed deer (o. h. columbianus), white-tailed deer (o. virginianus), waipiti (cervus elaphus), pronghorn antelope (antilocapra americana), bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis), stone's she ...19958522926
prevalence of antibody to malignant catarrhal fever virus in wild and domestic ruminants by competitive-inhibition elisa.a competitive-inhibition elisa (ci-elisa), based on a monoclonal antibody to an epitope conserved among malignant catarrhal fever virus (mcfv) strains of both wildebeest and sheep origin, was used to determine the prevalence of antibody to mcfv in selected domestic and wild ruminants, both free-ranging and captive, from the usa. we evaluated 2528 sera from 14 species between 1990 and 1995, including 80 pronghorn antelope (antilocapra americana), 339 bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis), 103 biston (b ...19968827669
experimental contact of bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis) with horses and cattle, and comparison of neutrophil sensitivity to pasteurella haemolytica cytotoxins.peripheral blood neutrophils from horses, cattle, and rocky mountain bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis) were evaluated for susceptibility to cytotoxin-dependent lysis of different biotypes and serotypes of pasteurella haemolytica of domestic sheep, cattle, bighorn sheep, or mountain goat (oreamnos americana) origin utilizing a cytotoxicity assay which measures the degree of bacteria cytotoxin-killing of neutrophils. all isolates of p. haemolytica (biotypes a and t) were noncytotoxic to h ...19969359057
immobilization of mountain goats with xylazine and reversal with idazoxan.mountain goats (oreamnos americanus) were captured in traps and immobilized with xylazine, later reversed with idazoxan. one hundred and forty-one goats were immobilized, 94 with a single injection and 47 with multiple injections. dosage (mg/kg of body weight) of xylazine received, induction time, and recovery time after handling did not differ among sex-age classes. increasing the dosage did not shorten induction time. the first injection of xylazine in multiple-injection captures was lower tha ...19989577782
a diet supplement for captive wild ruminants.nutritional husbandry of captive wild ruminants often requires feeding these animals a supplemental diet to enhance their health, reproductive performance, and productivity. although supplemental diets for wild ruminants are commercially available, few have been evaluated in controlled intake and digestion trials. voluntary intake, digestive efficiency, nitrogen retention, and gross energy utilization of pronghorn (antilocapra americana), mule deer (odocoileus hemionus), mountain sheep (ovis can ...19989732028
mechanical characterization of regenerated osseous tissue during callotasis and its related biological phenomenon.the mechanical characteristics of the regenerated osseous tissue and osteoblastic activities during callotasis were studied using chinese mountain goat as the animal model. open osteotomy of the left tibiae was done in 24 goats. distraction started 6 days after the operation with the rate of 1 mm per day for 4 weeks. the bone regeneration was monitored with serial x-ray films. the tension generated during distraction was measured with the strain gauges mounted on the distraction apparatus. the o ...200010665984
mitochondrial dna from myotragus balearicus, an extinct bovid from the balearic islands.dna was extracted from teeth and bones of myotragus balearicus, a bovid that evolved in isolation on the balearic islands (western mediterranean) from the end of the miocene, becoming extinct 4,000 years bp, after the arrival of humans in the islands. the numerous morphological apomorphies of myotragus, most strikingly its dwarfism, frontal eyes, and ever-growing incisors, obscure its phylogenetic relationships with extant bovids. therefore, the recovery of genetic information from myotragus is ...200010750053
goats as an osteopenic animal model.a large osteopenic animal model that resembles human osteoporotic changes is essential for osteoporosis research. this study aimed at establishing a large osteopenic animal model in goats. twenty-five chinese mountain goats were used in which they were either ovariectomized (ovx) and fed with a low-calcium diet (n = 16) or sham-operated (sham; n = 9). monthly photodensitometric analysis on proximal tibial metaphysis and calcaneus was performed. two iliac crest biopsy specimens obtained before an ...200111760851
[the stability of progesterone in feces of different wild animal species kept in a zoological garden].methodical investigations were carried out to monitor especially in what respect external factors (dry mass of faeces, time point of freezing, duration of storage of the frozen samples, multiple defrosting of the samples) influence the progesterone concentration of the faeces of several wild animal species (baringo giraffe, black rhinoceros, dama gazelle, mountain goat) living in a zoological garden. with reference to one animal species the dry mass of the faeces showed only small variations. th ...200212073499
human exposure following mycobacterium tuberculosis infection of multiple animal species in a metropolitan zoo.from 1997 to 2000, mycobacterium tuberculosis was diagnosed in two asian elephants (elephas maximus), three rocky mountain goats (oreamnos americanus), and one black rhinoceros (diceros bicornis) in the los angeles zoo. dna fingerprint patterns suggested recent transmission. an investigation found no active cases of tuberculosis in humans; however, tuberculin skin-test conversions in humans were associated with training elephants and attending an elephant necropsy.200212453358
notes on the metabolism of a mountain goat. 195413207369
eimeria oreamni sp. n. (protozoa: eimeriidae) from the rocky mountain goat oreamnos americanus. 196414215480
[excessive formation of bladder calculi in an african mountain goat]. 196514314881
comparative morphological study on the tongue and lingual papillae of horses (perissodactyla) and selected ruminantia (artiodactyla).a common characteristic of horses, rocky mountain goats, and cattle is that they all have a well developed lingual prominence on the dorsal surface of the posterior area of the tongue. foliate papillae were found in the horse studied but not in the goat or in cattle. the horse filiform papillae had a long and slender external form with a thin and slender ctc, while in the goat and cattle the external form consisted of a large thick main process and the ctc consisted of a bundle of numerous rod-s ...200516101021
geographic distribution of the muscle-dwelling nematode parelaphostrongylus odocoilei in north america, using molecular identification of first-stage larvae.molecular identification of dorsal-spined larvae (dsl) from fecal samples indicates that the protostrongylid parasite parelaphostrongylus odocoilei occupies a broader geographic range in western north america than has been previously reported. we analyzed 2,124 fecal samples at 29 locations from thinhorn sheep (ovis dalli dalli and o. d. stonei), bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis and o. c. californiana), mountain goats (oreamnos americanus), woodland caribou (rangifer tarandus caribou), ...200516108550
extinction of harrington's mountain goat.keratinous horn sheaths of the extinct harrington's mountain goat, oreamnos harringtoni, were recovered at or near the surface of dry caves of the grand canyon, arizona. twenty-three separate specimens from two caves were dated nondestructively by the tandem accelerator mass spectrometer (tams). both the tams and the conventional dates indicate that harrington's mountain goat occupied the grand canyon for at least 19,000 years prior to becoming extinct by 11,160 +/- 125 radiocarbon years before ...198616593655
[the histomorphological changes of tubular bone following widening distraction osteogenesis].the purpose of this experimental study was to investigate the histomorphological changes of tubular bone following widening distraction osteogenesis.200617144458
high prevalence of west nile virus: a continuing risk in acquiring infection from a mosquito bite.the prevalence of west nile virus (wnv) was evaluated by diplex real-time rt-pcr assay for the years 2001-2005 in culex species of mosquitoes, several species of dead birds, and clinically suspected mammals collected in kansas. the analysis was performed using a taqman-based diplex real-time rt-pcr assay targeted against two regions of the wnv genome, envelope glycoprotein gene and 3' untranslated region. the assay aided in the accurate detection of wnv in mosquitoes at high prevalence for the y ...200617187569
weighted distributions and estimation of resource selection probability functions.understanding how organisms selectively use resources is essential for designing wildlife management strategies. the probability that an individual uses a given resource, as characterized by environmental factors, can be quantified in terms of the resource selection probability function (rspf). the present literature on the topic has claimed that, except when both used and unused sites are known, the rspf is non-estimable and that only a function proportional to rspf, namely, the resource select ...200617249227
early onset of vegetation growth vs. rapid green-up: impacts on juvenile mountain ungulates.seasonal patterns of climate and vegetation growth are expected to be altered by global warming. in alpine environments, the reproduction of birds and mammals is tightly linked to seasonality; therefore such alterations may have strong repercussions on recruitment. we used the normalized difference vegetation index (ndvi), a satellite-based measurement that correlates strongly with aboveground net primary productivity, to explore how annual variations in the timing of vegetation onset and in the ...200717479756
mountain goat horn: a clue to extinction? 198617743567
individual variation in reproductive costs of reproduction: high-quality females always do better.1. although life-history theory predicts substantial costs of reproduction, individuals often show positive correlations among life-history traits, rather than trade-offs. the apparent absence of reproductive costs may result from heterogeneity in individual quality. 2. using detailed longitudinal data from three contrasted ungulate populations (mountain goats, oreamnos americanus; bighorn sheep, ovis canadensis; and roe deer, capreolus capreolus), we assessed how individual quality affects the ...200918700872
evidence for persistent bovine viral diarrhea virus infection in a captive mountain goat (oreamnos americanus).bovine viral diarrhea (bvd) viruses are pestiviruses that have been isolated from domestic and wild ruminants. there is serologic evidence of pestiviral infection in more than 40 species of free-range and captive mammals. vertical transmission can produce persistently infected animals that are immunotolerant to the infecting strain of bovine viral diarrhea virus (bvdv) and shed virus throughout their lives. seven species (white-tailed deer, mouse deer, eland, domestic cattle, alpaca, sheep, and ...200818987224
multilocus heterozygosity, parental relatedness and individual fitness components in a wild mountain goat, oreamnos americanus population.matings between relatives lead to a decrease in offspring genetic diversity which can reduce fitness, a phenomenon known as inbreeding depression. because alpine ungulates generally live in small structured populations and often exhibit a polygynous mating system, they are susceptible to inbreeding. here, we used marker-based measures of pairwise genetic relatedness and inbreeding to investigate the fitness consequences of matings between relatives in a long-term study population of mountain goa ...200919389162
foraging decisions in a capital breeder: trade-offs between mass gain and lactation.the high energetic costs of lactation can lead to fundamental trade-offs in life-history traits, particularly in young females that reproduce before completing body growth. we assessed whether lactating female mountain goats (oreamnos americanus) used behavioural tactics at fine spatio-temporal scales to increase energy intake to compensate for the costs of lactation. lactating females increased bite rate and chewing rate compared with non-lactating females, but selected similar foraging sites i ...200919488787
individual quality, early-life conditions, and reproductive success in contrasted populations of large herbivores.variations among individuals in phenotypic quality and fitness often confound analyses of life-history strategies assessed at the population level. we used detailed long-term data from three populations of large herbivores with generation times ranging from four to nine years to quantify heterogeneity in individual quality among females, and to assess its influence on mean annual reproductive success over the lifetime (mrs). we also determined how environmental conditions in early life shaped in ...200919694145
father-offspring phenotypic correlations suggest intralocus sexual conflict for a fitness-linked trait in a wild sexually dimorphic sexually dimorphic and polygynous mammals, sexual selection often favours large males with well-developed weaponry, as these secondary sexual characters confer advantages in intrasexual competition and are often preferred by females. little is known, however, about the effects of sexually selected paternal traits on offspring phenotype in wild mammals, especially when considering that shared phenotypic traits and selection can also differ greatly between genders. here, we conducted molecular ...200919740880
echinococcus granulosus in gray wolves and ungulates in idaho and montana, usa.we evaluated the small intestines of 123 gray wolves (canis lupus) that were collected from idaho, usa (n=63), and montana, usa (n=60), between 2006 and 2008 for the tapeworm echinococcus granulosus. the tapeworm was detected in 39 of 63 wolves (62%) in idaho, usa, and 38 of 60 wolves (63%) in montana, usa. the detection of thousands of tapeworms per wolf was a common finding. in idaho, usa, hydatid cysts, the intermediate form of e. granulosus, were detected in elk (cervus elaphus), mule deer ( ...200919901399
placing the mountain goat: a total evidence approach to testing alternative hypotheses.the interpretation of a group's evolutionary history can be altered based on the phylogenetic placement of problematic taxa. mountain goats (oreamnos americanus) epitomize a 'rogue taxon' as many placements within the caprini tribe have been suggested. using a total evidence approach, we reconstructed the caprini phylogeny using parsimony, likelihood, and bayesian methods. bayesian and likelihood methods placed mountain goats as an independent lineage sister to all caprini except muskox and gora ...201020097296
maternal characteristics and environment affect the costs of reproduction in female mountain goats.reproduction should reduce resources available for somatic investment and result in fundamental trade-offs among life-history traits. using 18 years of longitudinal data from marked mountain goats (oreamnos americanus), we assessed whether reproductive status affected female survival and future reproduction when accounting for parity, age, individual quality, population density, and environmental conditions. reproduction reduced the probability of parturition and offspring survival in the follow ...201020715626
inferring landscape effects on gene flow: a new model selection framework.populations in fragmented landscapes experience reduced gene flow, lose genetic diversity over time and ultimately face greater extinction risk. improving connectivity in fragmented landscapes is now a major focus of conservation biology. designing effective wildlife corridors for this purpose, however, requires an accurate understanding of how landscapes shape gene flow. the preponderance of landscape resistance models generated to date, however, is subjectively parameterized based on expert op ...201020723066
hot spots of genetic diversity descended from multiple pleistocene refugia in an alpine ungulate.species that inhabit naturally fragmented environments are expected to be spatially structured and exhibit reduced genetic diversity at the periphery of their range. patterns of differentiation may also reflect historical processes such as recolonization from glacial refugia. we examined the relative importance of these factors in shaping the spatial patterns of genetic differentiation across the range of an alpine specialist, the north american mountain goat (oreamnos americanus). contrary to f ...201120731714
[establishment of an animal model of widening distraction of tubular bone with dental implant distractor].to establish an animal model of widening distraction of tubular bone with dental implant distractor (did) and investigate radiographical and histomorphological changes of long tubular bone following widening distraction with dental implant.201021211439
does reduced heterozygosity influence dispersal? a test using spatially structured populations in an alpine ungulate.despite having a profound effect on population dynamics, the reasons that animals disperse are poorly understood. evolutionary explanations have focused on inbreeding and competition, where the potential cost of philopatry is negated through dispersal. such scenarios lead to the prediction that less successful individuals preferentially disperse, termed 'fitness-associated dispersal'. since heterozygosity is associated with fitness, we assessed whether dispersed animals had less observed heteroz ...201121270020
temporal dynamics of genetic variability in a mountain goat (oreamnos americanus) population.the association between population dynamics and genetic variability is of fundamental importance for both evolutionary and conservation biology. we combined long-term population monitoring and molecular genetic data from 123 offspring and their parents at 28 microsatellite loci to investigate changes in genetic diversity over 14 cohorts in a small and relatively isolated population of mountain goats (oreamnos americanus) during a period of demographic increase. offspring heterozygosity decreased ...201121366746
genome-wide cross-amplification of domestic sheep microsatellites in bighorn sheep and mountain goats.we tested for cross-species amplification of microsatellite loci located throughout the domestic sheep (ovis aries) genome in two north american mountain ungulates (bighorn sheep, ovis canadensis, and mountain goats, oreamnos americanus). we identified 247 new polymorphic markers in bighorn sheep (≥ 3 alleles in one of two study populations) and 149 in mountain goats (≥ 2 alleles in a single study population) using 648 and 576 primer pairs, respectively. our efforts increased the number of avail ...200921564850
reinstatement of dermacentor kamshadalus neumann (acari: ixodidae) as a valid species parasitizing mountain goats and sheep in the united states, canada, and russia.reexamination of dermacentor albipictus (packard, 1869) holdings stored in the united states national tick collection revealed several collections of a morphologically distinct dermacentor species. comparison of these specimens with other dermacentor taxa showed that they are identical to an old taxon originally described as dermacentor variegatus kamshadalus neumann, 1908. for more than a century, this taxon was known only from the male holotype specimen collected in russia, and the name was co ...023926766
persistent bovine viral diarrhea virus infection in domestic and wild small ruminants and camelids including the mountain goat (oreamnos americanus).bovine viral diarrhea virus (bvdv) is a pestivirus best known for causing a variety of disease syndromes in cattle, including gastrointestinal disease, reproductive insufficiency, immunosuppression, mucosal disease, and hemorrhagic syndrome. the virus can be spread by transiently infected individuals and by persistently infected animals that may be asymptomatic while shedding large amounts of virus throughout their lifetime. bvdv has been reported in over 40 domestic and free-ranging species, an ...201626779126
a serologic survey of viral infections in captive ungulates in turkish zoos.zoos and zoologic gardens make optimal environments for interspecies transmission of viral infections. there are seven zoos and several small zoologic collections in turkey. this study aimed to determine the current status of viral infections in captive ungulates living in these environments. blood samples were taken from 163 captive animals from two zoos. there were 39 cameroon sheep (ovis ammon f aries), 11 barbary sheep (ammotragus lervia), 57 pygmy goats (capra hircus), 9 angora goats (capra ...201122946369
evidence of bovine viral diarrhea virus infection in three species of sympatric wild ungulates in nevada: life history strategies may maintain endemic infections in wild populations.evidence for bovine viral diarrhea virus (bvdv) infection was detected in 2009-2010 while investigating a pneumonia die-off in rocky mountain bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis, canadensis), and sympatric mountain goats (oreamnos americanum) in adjacent mountain ranges in elko county, nevada. seroprevalence to bvdv-1 was 81% (n = 32) in the bighorns and 100% (n = 3) in the mountain goats. serosurveillance from 2011 to 2015 of surviving bighorns and mountain goats as well as sympatric mule deer (odoc ...201627014215
fatal caprine arthritis encephalitis virus-like infection in 4 rocky mountain goats (oreamnos americanus).over a 3.5-year period, 4 rocky mountain goats (oreamnos americanus), housed at a single facility, developed clinical disease attributed to infection by caprine arthritis encephalitis virus (caev). ages ranged from 1 to 10 years. three of the goats, a 1-year-old female, a 2-year-old male, and a 5-year-old male, had been fed raw domestic goat milk from a single source that was later found to have caev on the premises. the fourth animal, a 10-year-old male, had not ingested domestic goat milk but ...201222379056
discovery and description of a new trichostrongyloid species (nematoda: ostertagiinae), abomasal parasites in mountain goat, oreamnos americanus, from the western cordillera of north america.marshallagia lichtenfelsi sp. n. is a dimorphic ostertagiine nematode occurring in the abomasum of mountain goats, oreamnos americanus, from the western cordillera of north america. major and minor morphotype males and females are characterized and distinguished relative to the morphologically similar marshallagia marshalli / marshallagia occidentalis from north america and marshallagia dentispicularis, along with other congeners, from the palearctic region. the configuration of the convoluted a ...201222316219
mycoplasma feriruminatoris sp. nov., a fast growing mycoplasma species isolated from wild caprinae.five mycoplasma strains from wild caprinae were analyzed: four from alpine ibex (capra ibex) which died at the berlin zoo between 1993 and 1994, one from a rocky mountain goat collected in the usa prior to 1987. these five strains represented a population different from the populations belonging to the 'mycoplasma mycoides cluster' as tested using multi locus sequence typing, matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight mass spectrometry analysis and dna-dna hybridization. analysis ...201324016869
the influence of sulfur and hair growth on stable isotope diet estimates for grizzly bears.stable isotope ratios of grizzly bear (ursus arctos) guard hair collected from bears on the lower stikine river, british columbia (bc) were analyzed to: 1) test whether measuring δ34s values improved the precision of the salmon (oncorhynchus spp.) diet fraction estimate relative to δ15n as is conventionally done, 2) investigate whether measuring δ34s values improves the separation of diet contributions of moose (alces alces), marmot (marmota caligata), and mountain goat (oreamnos americanus) and ...201728248995
cadmium and other elements in tissues from four ungulate species from the mackenzie mountain region of the northwest territories, canada.tissue samples from four ungulate species from the south mackenzie mountain region of the northwest territories (nt), canada, were analysed for stable and radioactive elements and (15)n and (13)c stable isotopes. elevated cd concentrations in moose (alces americanus) kidney have been observed in the region and are a health care concern for consumers of traditional foods. this study examined the factors associated with, and potential renal effects from, the accumulation of cadmium, and interactio ...201627240258
evaluation of two quantitative pcr assays using bacteroidales and mitochondrial dna markers for tracking dog fecal contamination in waterbodies.this study describes a comparative performance evaluation of two qpcr assays targeting a dog-associated bacteroidales 16s rrna genetic marker (canbac-ucd) and a dog mitochondrial dna (mtdna) marker. the same fecal and environmental samples were assayed for the two markers thereby allowing direct comparison. a wide range of non-target species including, human, pig, horse, deer, mountain goat, bison, caribou, and moose were tested. marker persistence was also monitored in freshwater microcosms. bo ...201223041493
a descriptive analysis of the climbing mechanics of a mountain goat (oreamnos americanus).the mountain goat (oreamnos americanus) is one of the most extraordinary mountaineers in the animal kingdom. while observational descriptions exist to indicate factors that may influence their climbing ability, these have never been assessed biomechanically. here, we describe whole-body motion of a mountain goat during ascent of a 45° incline based on a video recording in the canadian rocky mountains, and discuss the results in a mechanical context. during the push-off phase, the hindlimb extend ...201627402383
bone formation and degradation behavior of nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite with or without collagen-type 1 in osteoporotic bone defects - an experimental study in osteoporotic goats.the intention of the current work is to assess new bone formation and degradation behavior of nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite with (ha/col-1) or without collagen-type i (ha) in osteoporotic metaphyseal bone defects in goats. after ovariectomy and special low-calcium diet for three months, 3 drill hole defects in the vertebrae of l3, l4, l5, 4 drill hole defects in the right and left iliac crest and 1 drill hole defect at the distal femur were created in three chinese mountain goats with a total o ...201627338229
erratum to: sarcocystis oreamni, n. sp. (apicomplexa: sarcocystidae) from the mountain goat (oreamnos americanus). 201626510655
the role of maternal behavior and offspring development in the survival of mountain goat kids.studies on juvenile survival have mainly focused on the effects of environmental conditions and maternal traits. however, growing evidence indicates that the ability of parents to care for their young and the offspring developmental behaviors could be key determinants of their survival. we examined the relative influence of (1) environmental conditions, (2) offspring traits, (3) maternal traits, (4) maternal care behaviors, and (5) offspring developmental behaviors on kid survival to weaning and ...201525556294
conservation biology. can cloning revive spain's extinct mountain goat? 201424723587
habitat selection predicts genetic relatedness in an alpine ungulate.landscape heterogeneity plays an integral role in shaping ecological and evolutionary processes. despite links between the two disciplines, ecologists and population geneticists have taken different approaches to evaluating habitat selection, animal movement, and gene flow across the landscape. ecologists commonly use statistical models such as resource selection functions (rsfs) to identify habitat features disproportionately selected by animals, whereas population genetic approaches model gene ...201222834373
evaluating mountain goat dairy systems for conversion to the organic model, using a multicriteria farming conserves natural resources, promotes biodiversity, guarantees animal welfare and obtains healthy products from raw materials through natural processes. in order to evaluate possibilities of increasing organic animal production, this study proposes a farm-scale multicriteria method for assessing the conversion of dairy goat systems to the organic model. in addition, a case study in the northern sierra of seville, southern spain, is analysed. a consensus of expert opinions and a f ...201222436287
(lack of) genetic diversity in immune genes predates glacial isolation in the north american mountain goat (oreamnos americanus).the major histocompatibility complex (mhc) plays an important role in an organism's ability to respond to pathogens. immunogenetic diversity is advantageous as it permits the recognition of more external antigens. for this reason, mhc and immune gene variation are considered a barometer for the genetic health of wild populations. mountain goats (oreamnos americanus) were previously shown to have little variation at the mhc class ii oram-drb locus, which was attributed to population bottlenecks d ...201222268162
birthdate, mass and survival in mountain goat kids: effects of maternal characteristics and forage temperate environments, early-born ungulates may enjoy a longer growth period before winter, and so attain a higher body mass and an increased probability of survival compared to late-born ones. we assessed the effects of maternal characteristics, forage quality and population density on kid birthdate, mass and survival in a population of marked mountain goats (oreamnos americanus) in alberta. the duration and timing of the birth season were similar in all years. births were highly synchronis ...200124577654
the relative roles of body size and feeding type on activity time of temperate ruminants.recently, there has been some critical testing of whether body size or feeding type (cs: concentrate selectors, if: intermediate feeders, gr: grass-roughage eaters) is the most important determinant of physiological aspects of ruminant ecology, whereas little has been done on behavioral aspects like activity time. different predictions regarding the relationships between activity time and body weight/feeding type were tested with activity time data from 18 temperate ruminants. activity time decr ...199828307829
sarcocystis oreamni, n. sp. (apicomplexa: sarcocystidae) from the mountain goat (oreamnos americanus).numerous species of sarcocystis have been reported from wild ruminants, but none has been named from the rocky mountain goat (oreamnos americanus). mature sarcocysts were found in frozen muscle samples of three of seven mountain goats from alaska, usa. two morphological types of sarcocysts were found; one had sarcocystis cornagliai-like sarcocysts, previously named from the alpine ibex (capra ibex) from europe. two other goats were infected with a new species, sarcocystis oreamni. sarcocystis or ...201526255900
seasonal acclimatization determined by non-invasive measurements of coat insulation.seasonal acclimatization in terrestrial mammals in the northern hemisphere involves changes in coat insulation. it is more economical to provide increased insulation than increased heat production for protection against the cold. this study was done to test a technique for the non-invasive measurement of mammal coat insulation and to measure coat insulation over several seasons on captive exotics. the working hypothesis was that species that have no coat or have a coat that does not change seaso ...201526087320
comparison of two bacterial transport media for culture of tonsilar swabs from bighorn sheep ( ovis canadensis ) and mountain goats ( oreamnos americanus ).duplicate tonsilar swabs were collected from 77 bighorn sheep ( ovis canadensis ) and 19 mountain goats ( oreamnos americanus ) in utah. swabs were refrigerated in bacterial transport medium or frozen in cryopreservation medium prior to bacteriologic culture. the cryopreservation medium yielded comparable or superior bacterial growth while permitting more flexibility in specimen shipment to the laboratory.201727669011
orf virus infection in alaskan mountain goats, dall's sheep, muskoxen, caribou and sitka black-tailed deer.the zoonotic orf virus (orfv; genus parapoxvirus, poxviridae family) occurs worldwide and is transmitted between sheep and goats, wildlife and man. archived tissue samples from 16 alaskan wildlife cases, representing mountain goat (oreamnos americanus, n = 8), dall's sheep (ovis dalli dalli, n = 3), muskox (ovibos moschatus, n = 3), sitka black-tailed deer (odocoileus hemionus sitkensis, n = 1) and caribou (rangifer tarandus granti, n = 1), were analyzed.201829467004
maternal longevity and offspring sex in wild species with sexual size dimorphism, the offspring of the larger sex usually have greater energy requirements and may lead to greater fitness costs for parents. the effects of offspring sex on maternal longevity, however, have only been tested in humans. human studies produced mixed results and considerable debate mainly owing to the difficulty of distinguishing the effects of sexual dimorphism from sociocultural factors. to advance this debate, we examined how the relative number of sons inf ...201930963926
conservation implications of using an imitation carnivore to assess rarely used refuges as critical habitat features in an alpine ungulate.understanding relationships between animals and their habitat is a central goal in ecology with important implications for conservation. misidentified habitat requirements can have serious repercussions because land protection or reintroductions might occur in less than optimal habitat. studies of resource selection have greatly facilitated an understanding of ecological relationships but can be improved when vital yet infrequently utilized habitat features are more fully described. a critical e ...202032566402
accounting for individual-specific variation in habitat-selection studies: efficient estimation of mixed-effects models using bayesian or frequentist computation.popular frameworks for studying habitat selection include resource-selection functions (rsfs) and step-selection functions (ssfs), estimated using logistic and conditional logistic regression, respectively. both frameworks compare environmental covariates associated with locations animals visit with environmental covariates at a set of locations assumed available to the animals. conceptually, slopes that vary by individual, that is, random coefficient models, could be used to accommodate inter-i ...202031454066
mountain goat survival and mortality during a period of increased puma abundance in the black hills, south dakota.we investigated survival and cause-specific mortality for a mountain goat (oreamnos americanus) population during a period when the puma (puma concolor) population was growing in the black hills, south dakota, 2006-2018. we obtained survival data from 47 adult goats (n = 33 females, n = 14 males). annual survival varied from 0.538 (95% ci [0.285-0.773]) to 1.00 (95% ci [1.00-1.00]) and puma predation was the primary cause-specific mortality factor over a 12-year period. cumulative hectares of mo ...202032523807
variable age structure and apparent density dependence in survival of adult ungulates.large herbivores have strongly age-structured populations. because recruitment often decreases as population density increases, in unexploited populations the proportion of older adults may increase with density. because survival senescence is typical of ungulates, ignoring density-dependent changes in age structure could lead to apparent density-dependence in adult survival. to test for density dependence in adult survival, we used data from three populations that underwent considerable changes ...200330893958
predicting the spread-risk potential of chronic wasting disease to sympatric ungulate species.wildlife disease incidence is increasing, resulting in negative impacts on the economy, biodiversity, and potentially human health. chronic wasting disease (cwd) is a fatal, transmissible spongiform encephalopathy of cervids (wild and captive) which continues to spread geographically resulting in exposure to potential new host species. the disease agent (prpcwd) is a misfolded conformer of the cellular prion protein (prpc). in canada, the disease is endemic in alberta and saskatchewan, affecting ...202032008428
microstructure and mechanical properties of different keratinous horns.animal horns play an important role during intraspecific combat. this work investigates the microstructure and mechanical properties of horns from four representative ruminant species: the bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis), domestic sheep (ovis aries), mountain goat (oreamnos americanus) and pronghorn (antilocapra americana), aiming to understand the relation between evolved microstructures and mechanical properties. microstructural similarity is found where disc-shaped keratin cells attach edge-t ...201829875283
genetic structure of mycoplasma ovipneumoniae informs pathogen spillover dynamics between domestic and wild caprinae in the western united states.spillover diseases have significant consequences for human and animal health, as well as wildlife conservation. we examined spillover and transmission of the pneumonia-associated bacterium mycoplasma ovipneumoniae in domestic sheep, domestic goats, bighorn sheep, and mountain goats across the western united states using 594 isolates, collected from 1984 to 2017. our results indicate high genetic diversity of m. ovipneumoniae strains within domestic sheep, whereas only one or a few strains tend t ...201931653889
an historical overview of selected rare ruminants in assessing the situation revealed by the survey, we concluded that in general when sufficient numbers of founders were available and attention paid to the animals general and specific needs, including preventative medicine, the captive populations have done reasonably well. is is obvious that some small groups, such as the small african antelope and the duikers, need highly specialised care and there is a great deal of work still to be done on their husbandry. the mountain or alpine species ha ...198632336816
dermacentor kamshadalus (acari: ixodidae), a tick of mountain goats and sheep in western united states, canada, and russia, is a valid species. 202032935844
seeking snow and breathing hard - behavioral tactics in high elevation mammals to combat warming temperatures.the world glaciers and areas of persistent summer snowpack are being lost due to warming temperatures. for cold-adapted species, habitat features may offer opportunities for cooling during summer heat yet the loss of snow and ice may compromise derived thermoregulatory benefits. herein we offer insights about habitat selection for snow and the extent to which other behavioral adjustments reduce thermal debt among high elevation mammals. specifically, we concentrate on respiration in mountain goa ...201931825971
genome assembly and analysis of the north american mountain goat (oreamnos americanus) reveals species-level responses to extreme environments.the north american mountain goat (oreamnos americanus) is an iconic alpine species that faces stressors from climate change, industrial development, and recreational activities. this species' phylogenetic position within the caprinae lineage has not been resolved and their phylogeographic history is dynamic and controversial. genomic data could be used to address these questions and provide valuable insights to conservation and management initiatives. we sequenced short-read genomic libraries co ...202031806764
space, time and captivity: quantifying the factors influencing the fecal microbiome of an alpine ungulate.the community of microorganisms in the gut is affected by host species, diet and environment and is linked to normal functioning of the host organism. although the microbiome fluctuates in response to host demands and environmental changes, there are core groups of microorganisms that remain relatively constant throughout the hosts lifetime. ruminants are mammals that rely on highly specialized digestive and metabolic modifications, including microbiome adaptations, to persist in extreme environ ...201931210274
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