
a dna probe to distinguish the species anopheles quadriannulatus from other species of the anopheles gambiae complex.dna probes used previously to distinguish the species anopheles gambiae sensu stricto, an.arabiensis, an.melas and an.merus were tested against an.quadriannulatus. using these dna probes, an.gambiae s.s. and an.quadriannulatus were indistinguishable. a genomic library was constructed for an.quadriannulatus. differential screening of this genomic library with an.gambiae s.s. and an.quadriannulatus genomic dnas identified a species-specific, repeated dna sequence. when used as a hybridization prob ...19873450008
enzyme variation at the aspartate aminotransferase locus in members of the anopheles gambiae complex (diptera: culicidae).the enzyme aspartate aminotransferase (aat) currently is used to identify anopheles quadriannulatus theobald, the animal-biting, nonmalaria vector species of the anopheles gambiae complex. samples of an. quadriannulatus from south africa and an. gambiae giles s.str. from the island of grand comoros and the people's republic of congo have shown variation in electromorph frequencies that indicate that aat has five alleles. the three slowest alleles are found in an. quadriannulatus and the three fa ...19938459407
laboratory colonization of anopheles quadriannulatus from sympatry with other sibling species of the anopheles gambiae complex in zimbabwe.a laboratory colony of the mosquito anopheles quadriannulatus was established from a wild population occurring sympatrically with an.arabiensis in zimbabwe. these sibling species are members of the an.gambiae giles complex and were distinguished primarily by means of their specific polytene chromosome banding patterns. by using an ox-baited trap, we sampled selectively for the more zoophilic an.quadriannulatus. it was confirmed that an.quadriannulatus has the diagnostic slow allozyme of aspartat ...19938481528
the polymerase chain reaction method as a tool for identifying members of the anopheles gambiae complex (diptera:culicidae) in northeastern tanzania.polymerase chain reaction (pcr) primers developed at the centers for disease control in atlanta for the identification of members of the anopheles (cellia) gambiae giles complex were tested on material collected in the bagamoyo and muheza districts of northeastern tanzania. part of the sample from bagamoyo was chromosomally identified and correlated with the pcr identifications. this sample contained 170 anopheles arabiensis, 328 an. gambiae, and 58 anopheles merus, of which 121, 237, and 54 spe ...19968827604
ribosomal dna-polymerase chain reaction assay discriminates between anopheles quadriannulatus and an. merus (diptera: culicidae).a ribosomal dna polymerase chain reaction technique (rdna-pcr) that distinguishes the 5 more common and widespread members of the anopheles gambiae complex failed to consistently identify specimens of anopheles merus dönitz collected in south africa and tanzania. when the original rdna-pcr assay was applied to field-collected specimens or specimens from laboratory colonies established from these populations, bands diagnostic of both an. merus and an. quadriannulatus (theobald) were amplified fro ...19979379465
differential responses of mosquito sibling species anopheles arabiensis and an. quadriannulatus to carbon dioxide, a man or a calf.field studies on responses of two mosquito sibling species, anopheles arabiensis patton and an. quadriannulatus theobald, to a man, a calf and different release rates of carbon dioxide (man, calf and cow equivalents) were conducted in north-eastern south africa. various combinations of baits were compared in two-choice tests, using two mosquito nets, placed 2.5 m apart and 10 cm off the ground. mosquitoes attracted to the baits were able to enter the nets from below and were collected by means o ...19989622366
the anopheles gambiae complex: a new species from ethiopia.historically, members of the anopheles gambiae complex from ethiopia have been identified chromosomally as either a. arabiensis or a. quadriannulatus. recent collections from the jimma area in ethiopia, southwest of addis ababa, revealed 29 specimens of a. quadriannulatus based on the standard polymerase chain reaction (pcr) identification method. 'wild' females were induced to lay eggs and the progeny reared as individual families. resulting adults were cross-mated to a laboratory colony strain ...19989764342
a description and morphometric comparison of eggs of species of the anopheles gambiae complex.eggs of the 6 named species of the anopheles gambiae complex are described from scanning electron micrographs of specimens obtained from laboratory colonies or wild-caught females. morphometric measurements of eggs from 5 sources of anopheles arabiensis, 2 of anopheles gambiae, one of anopheles quadriannulatus, 2 of anopheles bwambae, 2 of anopheles merus, and one of anopheles melas are compared, and relationships are analyzed by multivariate statistics. no morphologic characters were species-di ...199910412112
biological problems with the replacement of a vector population by plasmodium-refractory mosquitoes.attempts are being made to backcross into anopheles gambiae s.s. the gene(s) which cause zoophily in anopheles quadriannulatus. such a backcrossed strain might be preferable to a plasmodium-refractory strain as a basis for genetic control because a refractory strain could select for evasion of refractoriness in the wild plasmodium population. the species composition of the malaria vector population in several tanzanian villages was overwhelmingly an. gambiae s.s. in a normal rainy season, but co ...199910697905
susceptibility of anopheles quadriannulatus theobald (diptera: culicidae) to plasmodium falciparum.anopheles quadriannulatus, the cattle-feeding member of the an. gambiae complex, was fed human blood which contained cultured gametocytes of plasmodium falciparum, using a membrane feeding system. after 7 days, 33-80% of the mosquitoes that took a blood meal contained developing oocysts. in 7 out of 12 females sporozoites were found in the salivary glands 14 days after the infectious blood meal. control groups of an. gambiae s.s. and an. stephensi became readily infected with > 90% developing oo ...199910717736
when genetic distance matters: measuring genetic differentiation at microsatellite loci in whole-genome scans of recent and incipient mosquito species.genetic distance measurements are an important tool to differentiate field populations of disease vectors such as the mosquito vectors of malaria. here, we have measured the genetic differentiation between anopheles arabiensis and anopheles gambiae, as well as between proposed emerging species of the latter taxon, in whole genome scans by using 23-25 microsatellite loci. in doing so, we have reviewed and evaluated the advantages and disadvantages of standard parameters of genetic distance, f(st) ...200111553812
unexpected anthropophagic behaviour in anopheles quadriannulatus.the strongly anthropophilic behaviour of anopheles gambiae giles sensu stricto (diptera: culicidae), the most important malaria vector in africa, has been demonstrated by field and laboratory studies. other members of the an. gambiae complex express varied degrees of anthropophily. anopheles quadriannulatus (theobald) species a and b are more zoophilic members of the complex and hence are considered to be of no medical importance. olfactometer experiments with an. quadriannulatus species a have ...200111583447
innate preference for host-odor blends modulates degree of anthropophagy of anopheles gambiae sensu lato (diptera: culicidae).in field studies, anopheles gambiae giles sensu stricto obtains most blood meals from humans, whereas anopheles quadriannulatus theobald bites predominantly bovids. we investigated whether host odors modulate the host preference of these mosquito species. in a dual-choice olfactometer, mosquitoes were given a choice between clean air and putative host-specific odor blends. an. gambiae chose 'human odor' over clean air and clean air over cow odor.' although anopheles quadriannulatus did not choos ...200111761386
pcr assay for identification of anopheles quadriannulatus species b from ethiopia and other sibling species of the anopheles gambiae complex.sibling species a and b of anopheles quadriannulatus (theobald) are recognized as allopatric members of the anopheles gambiae giles complex of afrotropical mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae). species a represents an. quadriannulatus sensu stricto, widespread in southern africa, whereas an. quadriannulatus species b occurs in ethiopia. because of difficulty of identification, distribution of an. quadriannulatus sensu lato remains poorly known. cytotaxonomy and the standard dna polymerase chain react ...200212109717
species-specific primer for identification of anopheles quadriannulatus sp. b (diptera: culicidae) from ethiopia using a multiplex polymerase chain reaction assay.anopheles quadriannulatus theobald historically has been reported from southern africa, zanzibar islands, and ethiopia. however, based on evidences of genetic incompatibility between crosses of south african and ethiopian populations, the population from ethiopia was recently reported as a distinct species designated as an. quadriannulatus sp. b. an. quadriannulatus sp. a, denoted the southern african population. to distinguish the two populations, the igs (intergenic spacer) region of rdna was ...200312597664
semipermeable species boundaries between anopheles gambiae and anopheles arabiensis: evidence from multilocus dna sequence variation.attempts to reconstruct the phylogenetic history of the anopheles gambiae cryptic species complex have yielded strongly conflicting results. in particular, an. gambiae, the primary african malaria vector, is variously placed as a sister taxon to either anopheles arabiensis or anopheles merus. the recent divergence times for members of this complex complicate phylogenetic analysis, making it difficult to unambiguously implicate interspecific gene flow, versus retained ancestral polymorphism, as t ...200312947038
distribution of the species of the anopheles gambiae complex and first evidence of anopheles merus as a malaria vector in madagascar.background: members of the anopheles gambiae complex are amongst the best malaria vectors in the world, but their vectorial capacities vary between species and populations. a large-scale sampling of an. gambiae sensu lato was carried out in various bioclimatic domains of madagascar. local abundance of an unexpected member of this complex raised questions regarding its role in malaria transmission. methods: sampling took place at 38 sites and 2,067 females were collected. species assessment was p ...200314609436
chromosome speciation: humans, drosophila, and mosquitoes.chromosome rearrangements (such as inversions, fusions, and fissions) may play significant roles in the speciation between parapatric (contiguous) or partly sympatric (geographically overlapping) populations. according to the "hybrid-dysfunction" model, speciation occurs because hybrids with heterozygous chromosome rearrangements produce dysfunctional gametes and thus have low reproductive fitness. natural selection will, therefore, promote mutations that reduce the probability of intercrossing ...200515851677
zoophilic anopheles quadriannulatus species b found in a human habitation in ethiopia. 200616492366
spatial variability in the density, distribution and vectorial capacity of anopheline species in a high transmission village (equatorial guinea).malaria transmission varies from one country to another and there are also local differences in time and space. an important variable when explaining the variability in transmission is the breeding behaviour of the different vector species and the availability of breeding sites. the aim of this study was to determine the geographical variability of certain entomological parameters: human biting rate (hbr), sporozoitic index (si) for plasmodium falciparum and entomological inoculation rate (eir).200616556321
antennal sensilla of two female anopheline sibling species with differing host ranges.volatile odors are important sensory inputs that shape the behaviour of insects, including agricultural pests and disease vectors. anopheles gambiae s.s. is a highly anthropophilic mosquito and is the major vector for human malaria in sub-sahara africa, while anopheles quadriannulatus, largely due to its zoophilic behaviour, is considered a non-vector species in the same region. careful studies of olfaction in these sibling species may lead to insights about the mechanisms that drive host prefer ...200616573828
breakpoint structure reveals the unique origin of an interspecific chromosomal inversion (2la) in the anopheles gambiae complex.paracentric chromosomal inversions are major architects of organismal evolution and have been associated with adaptations relevant to malaria transmission in anopheline mosquitoes. the processes responsible for their origin and maintenance, still poorly understood, can be illuminated by analysis of inversion breakpoint sequences. here, we report the breakpoint structure of chromosomal inversion 2la from the principal malaria vector anopheles gambiae and its relatives in the a. gambiae complex. t ...200616606844
polymorphism at the defensin gene in the anopheles gambiae complex: testing different selection hypotheses.genetic variation in defensin, a gene encoding a major effector molecule of insects immune response was analyzed within and between populations of three members of the anopheles gambiae complex. the species selected included the two anthropophilic species, an. gambiae and an. arabiensis and the most zoophilic species of the complex, an. quadriannulatus. the first species was represented by four populations spanning its extreme genetic and geographical ranges, whereas each of the other two specie ...200717161659
malaria vectors and transmission dynamics in coastal south-western cameroon.malaria is a major public health problem in cameroon. unlike in the southern forested areas where the epidemiology of malaria has been better studied prior to the implementation of control activities, little is known about the distribution and role of anophelines in malaria transmission in the coastal areas.200717233883
identification of field caught anopheles gambiae s.s. and anopheles arabiensis by taqman single nucleotide polymorphism genotyping.identification of anopheles gambiae s.s. and anopheles arabiensis from field-collected anopheles gambiae s.l. is often necessary in basic and applied research, and in operational control programmes. the currently accepted method involves use of standard polymerase chain reaction amplification of ribosomal dna (rdna) from the 3' 28s to 5' intergenic spacer region of the genome, and visual confirmation of amplicons of predicted size on agarose gels, after electrophoresis. this report describes dev ...200717326831
indoor collections of the anopheles funestus group (diptera: culicidae) in sprayed houses in northern kwazulu-natal, south africa.insecticide resistance in malaria vector mosquitoes presents a serious problem for those involved in control of this disease. south africa experienced a severe malaria epidemic during 1999/2000 due to pyrethroid resistance in the major vector anopheles funestus. subsequent monitoring and surveillance of mosquito populations were conducted as part of the malaria vector control programme.200717359529
spatial and temporal genetic structure of anopheles arabiensis in southern zambia over consecutive wet and drought studies have addressed the spatial complexity of anopheles arabiensis populations in zambia or the effects of drought on the genetic structure of this species. we genotyped approximately 420 an. arabiensis at 12 microsatellite loci representing 18 collections from the southern province of zambia. collections spanned three transmission seasons and covered a wet year-drought year-wet year cycle. anopheles arabiensis within the 2,000 km(2) of the macha study region were panmictic, with high gene ...200717690405
detection of knockdown resistance (kdr) mutations in anopheles gambiae: a comparison of two new high-throughput assays with existing methods.knockdown resistance (kdr) is a well-characterized mechanism of resistance to pyrethroid insecticides in many insect species and is caused by point mutations of the pyrethroid target site the para-type sodium channel. the presence of kdr mutations in anopheles gambiae, the most important malaria vector in africa, has been monitored using a variety of molecular techniques. however, there are few reports comparing the performance of these different assays. in this study, two new high-throughput as ...200717697325
malaria in africa: vector species' niche models and relative risk maps.a central theoretical goal of epidemiology is the construction of spatial models of disease prevalence and risk, including maps for the potential spread of infectious disease. we provide three continent-wide maps representing the relative risk of malaria in africa based on ecological niche models of vector species and risk analysis at a spatial resolution of 1 arc-minute (9 185 275 cells of approximately 4 sq km). using a maximum entropy method we construct niche models for 10 malaria vector spe ...200717786196
identification of the main malaria vectors in the anopheles gambiae species complex using a taqman real-time pcr assay.the anopheles gambiae sensu lato species complex comprises seven sibling species of mosquitoes that are morphologically indistinguishable. rapid identification of the two main species which vector malaria, anopheles arabiensis and an. gambiae sensu stricto, from the non-vector species anopheles quadriannulatus is often required as part of vector control programmes. currently the most widely used method for species identification is a multiplex pcr protocol that targets species specific differenc ...200718034887
the molecular evolution of four anti-malarial immune genes in the anopheles gambiae species complex.if the insect innate immune system is to be used as a potential blocking step in transmission of malaria, then it will require targeting one or a few genes with highest relevance and ease of manipulation. the problem is to identify and manipulate those of most importance to malaria infection without the risk of decreasing the mosquito's ability to stave off infections by microbes in general. molecular evolution methodologies and concepts can help identify such genes. within the setting of a comp ...200818325105
transmission blocking immunity in the malaria non-vector mosquito anopheles quadriannulatus species a.despite being phylogenetically very close to anopheles gambiae, the major mosquito vector of human malaria in africa, anopheles quadriannulatus is thought to be a non-vector. understanding the difference between vector and non-vector mosquitoes can facilitate development of novel malaria control strategies. we demonstrate that an. quadriannulatus is largely resistant to infections by the human parasite plasmodium falciparum, as well as by the rodent parasite plasmodium berghei. by using genetics ...200818497855
towards a fuller understanding of mosquito behaviour: use of electrocuting grids to compare the odour-orientated responses of anopheles arabiensis and an. quadriannulatus in the field.the epidemiological role of and control options for any mosquito species depend on its degree of 'anthropophily'. however, the behavioural basis of this term is poorly understood. accordingly, studies in zimbabwe quantified the effects of natural odours from cattle and humans, and synthetic components of these odours, on the attraction, entry and landing responses of anopheles arabiensis giles (diptera: culicidae) and anopheles quadriannulatus theobald. the numbers of mosquitoes attracted to hum ...200818498608
insertion polymorphisms of sine200 retrotransposons within speciation islands of anopheles gambiae molecular forms.sines (short interspersed elements) are homoplasy-free and co-dominant genetic markers which are considered to represent useful tools for population genetic studies, and could help clarifying the speciation processes ongoing within the major malaria vector in africa, anopheles gambiae s.s. here, we report the results of the analysis of the insertion polymorphism of a nearly 200 bp-long sine (sine200) within genome areas of high differentiation (i.e. "speciation islands") of m and s a. gambiae mo ...200818724871
characterization and expression of the odorant-binding protein 7 gene in anopheles stephensi and comparative analysis among five mosquito species.odorant-binding proteins (obps) are important molecular players in insect olfaction, which has a great influence on the host-seeking behaviour of mosquitoes and other disease vectors. the mrna level of the anopheles gambiae obp7 gene (agam-obp7) is higher in the adult female antennae and is slightly reduced in the female heads after blood-feeding. here we report the cloning, sequencing, chromosomal mapping and transcript analysis of aste-obp7, the obp7 gene from the asian malaria mosquito anophe ...200818811600
reduced susceptibility to ddt in field populations of anopheles quadriannulatus and anopheles arabiensis in malawi: evidence for larval selection.bioassays for insecticide resistance in adult mosquitoes were conducted on samples of anopheles gambiae giles s.l. (diptera: culicidae) species collected as larvae from breeding sites in the lower shire valley, malawi. the results indicate full susceptibility to permethrin, deltamethrin and malathion, but reduced susceptibility to ddt in one sample from thom (lt(50) of 8.39 min for females and 25.09 min for males). polymerase chain reaction-based species identification of the mosquitoes assayed ...200818816274
pyrethroid resistance in the major malaria vector anopheles arabiensis from gwave, a malaria-endemic area in zimbabwe.insecticide resistance can present a major obstacle to malaria control programmes. following the recent detection of ddt resistance in anopheles arabiensis in gokwe, zimbabwe, the underlying resistance mechanisms in this population were studied.200819038063
leucine-rich repeat protein complex activates mosquito complement in defense against plasmodium parasites.leucine-rich repeat-containing proteins are central to host defense in plants and animals. we show that in the mosquito anopheles gambiae, two such proteins that antagonize malaria parasite infections, lrim1 and apl1c, circulate in the hemolymph as a high-molecular-weight complex held together by disulfide bridges. the complex interacts with the complement c3-like protein, tep1, promoting its cleavage or stabilization and its subsequent localization on the surface of midgut-invading plasmodium b ...200919264986
the anopheles gambiae salivary protein gsg6: an anopheline-specific protein with a blood-feeding role.the anopheles gambiae salivary gland protein 6 (gsg6) is a small protein specifically found in the salivary glands of adult female mosquitoes. we report here the expression of a recombinant form of the protein and we show that in vivo gsg6 is expressed in distal-lateral lobes and is secreted with the saliva while the female mosquito probes for feeding. injection of gsg6 dsrna into adult a. gambiae females results in decreased gsg6 protein levels, increased probing time and reduced blood feeding ...200919442731
inferring selection in the anopheles gambiae species complex: an example from immune-related serine protease inhibitors.mosquitoes of the anopheles gambiae species complex are the primary vectors of human malaria in sub-saharan africa. many host genes have been shown to affect plasmodium development in the mosquito, and so are expected to engage in an evolutionary arms race with the pathogen. however, there is little conclusive evidence that any of these mosquito genes evolve rapidly, or show other signatures of adaptive evolution.200919497100
mosquito immune responses and compatibility between plasmodium parasites and anopheline mosquitoes.functional screens based on dsrna-mediated gene silencing identified several anopheles gambiae genes that limit plasmodium berghei infection. however, some of the genes identified in these screens have no effect on the human malaria parasite plasmodium falciparum; raising the question of whether different mosquito effector genes mediate anti-parasitic responses to different plasmodium species.200919643026
generation, annotation, and analysis of ests from midgut tissue of adult female anopheles stephensi mosquitoes.malaria is a tropical disease caused by protozoan parasite, plasmodium, which is transmitted to humans by various species of female anopheline mosquitoes. anopheles stephensi is one such major malaria vector in urban parts of the indian subcontinent. unlike anopheles gambiae, an african malaria vector, transcriptome of a. stephensi midgut tissue is less explored. we have therefore carried out generation, annotation, and analysis of expressed sequence tags from sugar-fed and plasmodium yoelii inf ...200919695102
avian host-selection by culex pipiens in experimental trials.evidence from field studies suggests that culex pipiens, the primary mosquito vector of west nile virus (wnv) in the northeastern and north central united states, feeds preferentially on american robins (turdus migratorius). to determine the contribution of innate preferences to observed preference patterns in the field, we conducted host preference trials with a known number of adult female c. pipiens in outdoor cages comparing the relative attractiveness of american robins with two common symp ...200919924251
loop-mediated isothermal amplification (lamp) for rapid identification of anopheles gambiae and anopheles arabiensis mosquitoes.the main malaria vectors of sub-saharan africa, anopheles gambiae sensu stricto and anopheles arabiensis are morphologically indistinguishable, but often occur in sympatry and differ in feeding preference and vector competence. it is important to assess vector species identity for understanding the vectorial system and establishing appropriate vector control measures. the currently available species diagnosis methods for an. gambiae sensu latu require equipment to which public health practitione ...200919996433
genetic association of physically unlinked islands of genomic divergence in incipient species of anopheles gambiae.previous efforts to uncover the genetic underpinnings of ongoing ecological speciation of the m and s forms of the african malaria vector anopheles gambiae revealed two centromere-proximal islands of genetic divergence on x and chromosome 2. under the assumption of considerable ongoing gene flow between m and s, these persistently divergent genomic islands were widely considered to be 'speciation islands'. in the course of microarray-based divergence mapping, we discovered a third centromere-ass ...201020149091
anopheles gambiae: historical population decline associated with regional distribution of insecticide-treated bed nets in western nyanza province, kenya.high coverage of insecticide-treated bed nets in asembo and low coverage in seme, two adjacent communities in western nyanza province, kenya; followed by expanded coverage of bed nets in seme, as the kenya national malaria programme rolled out; provided a natural experiment for quantification of changes in relative abundance of two primary malaria vectors in this holoendemic region. both belong to the anopheles gambiae sensu lato (s.l.) species complex, namely a. gambiae sensu stricto (s.s.) and ...201020187956
distribution of the main malaria vectors in kenya.a detailed knowledge of the distribution of the main anopheles malaria vectors in kenya should guide national vector control strategies. however, contemporary spatial distributions of the locally dominant anopheles vectors including anopheles gambiae, anopheles arabiensis, anopheles merus, anopheles funestus, anopheles pharoensis and anopheles nili are lacking. the methods and approaches used to assemble contemporary available data on the present distribution of the dominant malaria vectors in k ...201020202199
predicting and mapping malaria under climate change scenarios: the potential redistribution of malaria vectors in africa.malaria is rampant in africa and causes untold mortality and morbidity. vector-borne diseases are climate sensitive and this has raised considerable concern over the implications of climate change on future disease risk. the problem of malaria vectors (anopheles mosquitoes) shifting from their traditional locations to invade new zones is an important concern. the vision of this study was to exploit the sets of information previously generated by entomologists, e.g. on geographical range of vecto ...201020416059
identifying malaria vector breeding habitats with remote sensing data and terrain-based landscape indices in zambia.malaria, caused by the parasite plasmodium falciparum, is a significant source of morbidity and mortality in southern zambia. in the mapanza chiefdom, where transmission is seasonal, anopheles arabiensis is the dominant malaria vector. the ability to predict larval habitats can help focus control measures.201021050496
unexpected anthropophily in the potential secondary malaria vectors anopheles coustani s.l. and anopheles squamosus in macha, zambia.abstract anopheles coustani s.l. and anopheles squamosus are sub-saharan mosquito species that have been implicated in malaria transmission. although generally believed to be of negligible importance due to their overwhelmingly zoophilic behavior, an. coustani s.l. and an. squamosus made up a large proportion of the anophelines collected by human landing catches during the 2007-2008 and 2008-2009 rainy seasons in macha, zambia. further, polymerase chain reaction-based blood meal identification s ...201021142969
identification of a fibrinogen-related protein (fbn9) gene in neotropical anopheline mosquitoes.malaria has a devastating impact on worldwide public health in many tropical areas. studies on vector immunity are important for the overall understanding of the parasite-vector interaction and for the design of novel strategies to control malaria. a member of the fibrinogen-related protein family, fbn9, has been well studied in anopheles gambiae and has been shown to be an important component of the mosquito immune system. however, little is known about this gene in neotropical anopheline speci ...201121288344
exceptional diversity, maintenance of polymorphism, and recent directional selection on the apl1 malaria resistance genes of anopheles gambiae.the three-gene apl1 locus encodes essential components of the mosquito immune defense against malaria parasites. apl1 was originally identified because it lies within a mapped qtl conferring the vector mosquito anopheles gambiae natural resistance to the human malaria parasite, plasmodium falciparum, and apl1 genes have subsequently been shown to be involved in defense against several species of plasmodium. here, we examine molecular population genetic variation at the apl1 gene cluster in spati ...201121408087
malaria prevalence pattern observed in the highland fringe of butajira, southern ethiopia: a longitudinal study from parasitological and entomological survey.abstract: background: in ethiopia, information regarding highland malaria transmission is scarce, and no report has been presented from butajira highland so far whether the appearance of malaria in the area was due to endemicity or due to highland malaria transmission. thus this study aimed to determine the presence and magnitude of malaria transmission in butajira. methods: for parasitological survey, longitudinal study was conducted from october to december 2006. the entomological surveys were ...201121649923
comparative analyses reveal discrepancies among results of commonly used methods for anopheles gambiae molecular form identification.abstract: background: anopheles gambiae m and s molecular forms, the major malaria vectors in the afro-tropical region, are ongoing a process of ecological diversification and adaptive lineage splitting, which is affecting malaria transmission and vector control strategies in west africa. these two incipient species are defined on the basis of single nucleotide differences in the igs and its regions of multicopy rdna located on the x-chromosome. a number of pcr and pcr-rflp approaches based on f ...201121810255
Comparative susceptibility to Plasmodium falciparum of the molecular forms M and S of Anopheles gambiae and Anopheles arabiensis.The different taxa belonging to Anopheles gambiae complex display phenotypic differences that may impact their contribution to malaria transmission. More specifically, their susceptibility to infection, resulting from a co-evolution between parasite and vector, might be different. The aim of this study was to compare the susceptibility of M and S molecular forms of Anopheles gambiae and Anopheles arabiensis to infection by Plasmodium falciparum.201121929746
gene expression studies in mosquitoes.research on gene expression in mosquitoes is motivated by both basic and applied interests. studies of genes involved in hematophagy, reproduction, olfaction, and immune responses reveal an exquisite confluence of biological adaptations that result in these highly-successful life forms. the requirement of female mosquitoes for a bloodmeal for propagation has been exploited by a wide diversity of viral, protozoan and metazoan pathogens as part of their life cycles. identifying genes involved in h ...200819161831
larvicidal efficacy of ethiopian ethnomedicinal plant juniperus procera essential oil against afrotropical malaria vector anopheles arabiensis (diptera: culicidae).to screen the essential oil of juniperus procera (j. procera) (cupressaceae) for larvicidal activity against late third instar larvae of anopheles arabiensis (an. arabiensis) patton, the principle malaria vector in ethiopia.025183156
evaluation of cdc light traps for mosquito surveillance in a malaria endemic area on the thai-myanmar border.centers for disease control and prevention miniature light traps (cdc-lt) baited with co2 are a routine tool for adult mosquito sampling used in entomological surveys, and for monitoring and surveillance of disease vectors. the present study was aimed at evaluating the performance of baited and unbaited cdc-lt for indoor and outdoor trapping of endemic mosquito species in northwestern thailand.201526666683
ecophysiology of anopheles gambiae s.l.: persistence in the sahel.the dry-season biology of malaria vectors is poorly understood, especially in arid environments when no surface waters are available for several months, such as during the dry season in the sahel. here we reappraise results on the dry-season physiology of members of the anopheles gambiae s.l. complex in the broad context of dormancy in insects and especially in mosquitoes. we examine evidence on seasonal changes in reproduction, metabolism, stress tolerance, nutrition, molecular regulation, and ...201424933461
species interactions among larval mosquitoes: context dependence across habitat gradients.biotic interactions involving mosquito larvae are context dependent, with effects of interactions on populations altered by ecological conditions. relative impacts of competition and predation change across a gradient of habitat size and permanence. asymmetrical competition is common and ecological context changes competitive advantage, potentially facilitating landscape-level coexistence of competitors. predator effects on mosquito populations sometimes depend on habitat structure and on emerge ...019067629
mutations in the voltage-gated sodium channel gene of anophelines and their association with resistance to pyrethroids - a review.constant and extensive use of chemical insecticides has created a selection pressure and favored resistance development in many insect species worldwide. one of the most important pyrethroid resistance mechanisms is classified as target site insensitivity, due to conformational changes in the target site that impair a proper binding of the insecticide molecule. the voltage-gated sodium channel (nav) is the target of pyrethroids and ddt insecticides, used to control insects of medical, agricultur ...201425292318
entomological monitoring and evaluation: diverse transmission settings of icemr projects will require local and regional malaria elimination strategies.the unprecedented global efforts for malaria elimination in the past decade have resulted in altered vectorial systems, vector behaviors, and bionomics. these changes combined with increasingly evident heterogeneities in malaria transmission require innovative vector control strategies in addition to the established practices of long-lasting insecticidal nets and indoor residual spraying. integrated vector management will require focal and tailored vector control to achieve malaria elimination. ...201526259942
susceptibility status of anopheles arabiensis (diptera: culicidae) commonly used as biological materials for evaluations of malaria vector control tools in madagascar.madagascar is a malaria-endemic country with an increase in cases in recent years. in vector control using insecticide, a susceptible strain is necessary to evaluate insecticide efficacy, either for spraying or on nets. the susceptibility of anopheles arabiensis from antananarivo, madagascar to two organophosphate, three pyrethroid, two carbamate, and one organochlorine insecticides was investigated. since 2010, an. arabiensis strain has been maintained away from insecticide source during 110 ge ...201627364163
pirna pathway gene expression in the malaria vector mosquito anopheles stephensi.the ability of transposons to mobilize to new places in a genome enables them to introgress rapidly into populations. the pirna pathway has been characterized recently in the germ line of the fruit fly, drosophila melanogaster, and is responsible for downregulating transposon mobility. transposons have been used as tools in mosquitoes to genetically transform a number of species including anopheles stephensi, a vector of human malaria. these mobile genetic elements also have been proposed as too ...201424947897
the vector population monitoring tool (vpmt): high-throughput dna-based diagnostics for the monitoring of mosquito vector populations.regular monitoring of mosquito vector populations is an integral component of most vector control programmes. contemporary data on mosquito species composition, infection status, and resistance to insecticides are a prerequisite for effective intervention. for this purpose we, with funding from the innovative vector control consortium (ivcc), have developed a suite of high-throughput assays based on a single "closed-tube" platform that collectively comprise the "vector population monitoring tool ...201022347668
a cost-effective, community-based, mosquito-trapping scheme that captures spatial and temporal heterogeneities of malaria transmission in rural zambia.monitoring mosquito population dynamics is essential to guide selection and evaluation of malaria vector control interventions but is typically implemented by mobile, centrally-managed teams who can only visit a limited number of locations frequently enough to capture longitudinal trends. community-based (cb) mosquito trapping schemes for parallel, continuous monitoring of multiple locations are therefore required that are practical, affordable, effective, and reliable.201424906704
field study site selection, species abundance and monthly distribution of anopheline mosquitoes in the northern kruger national park, south africa.knowledge of the ecology and behaviour of a target species is a prerequisite for the successful development of any vector control strategy. before the implementation of any strategy it is essential to have comprehensive information on the bionomics of species in the targeted area. the aims of this study were to conduct regular entomological surveillance and to determine the relative abundance of anopheline species in the northern kruger national park. in addition to this, the impact of weather c ...201424460920
mario coluzzi (1938-2012). 201424498979
the larvicidal effects of black pepper (piper nigrum l.) and piperine against insecticide resistant and susceptible strains of anopheles malaria vector mosquitoes.insecticide resistance carries the potential to undermine the efficacy of insecticide based malaria vector control strategies. therefore, there is an urgent need for new insecticidal compounds. black pepper (dried fruit from the vine, piper nigrum), used as a food additive and spice, and its principal alkaloid piperine, have previously been shown to have larvicidal properties. the aim of this study was to investigate the larvicidal effects of ground black pepper and piperine against third and fo ...201627117913
radical remodeling of the y chromosome in a recent radiation of malaria mosquitoes.y chromosomes control essential male functions in many species, including sex determination and fertility. however, because of obstacles posed by repeat-rich heterochromatin, knowledge of y chromosome sequences is limited to a handful of model organisms, constraining our understanding of y biology across the tree of life. here, we leverage long single-molecule sequencing to determine the content and structure of the nonrecombining y chromosome of the primary african malaria mosquito, anopheles g ...201627035980
a cohort study of the effectiveness of insecticide-treated bed nets to prevent malaria in an area of moderate pyrethroid resistance, malawi.insecticide-treated bed nets (itns) are the cornerstone of malaria control in sub-saharan africa but their effectiveness may be compromised by the spread of pyrethroid resistance among malaria vectors. the objective of this investigation was to assess the effectiveness of itns to prevent malaria in an area of malawi with moderate pyrethroid resistance.201525627987
remarkable diversity of intron-1 of the para voltage-gated sodium channel gene in an anopheles gambiae/anopheles coluzzii hybrid zone.genomic differentiation between anopheles gambiae and anopheles coluzzii--the major malaria vectors in sub-saharan africa--is localized into large "islands" toward the centromeres of chromosome-x and the two autosomes. linkage disequilibrium between these genomic islands was first detected between species-specific polymorphisms within ribosomal dna genes (igs-rdna) on the x-chromosome and a single variant at position 702 of intron 1 (int-1702) of the para voltage-gated sodium channel (vgsc) gene ...201525604888
mosquito genomics. extensive introgression in a malaria vector species complex revealed by phylogenomics.introgressive hybridization is now recognized as a widespread phenomenon, but its role in evolution remains contested. here, we use newly available reference genome assemblies to investigate phylogenetic relationships and introgression in a medically important group of afrotropical mosquito sibling species. we have identified the correct species branching order to resolve a contentious phylogeny and show that lineages leading to the principal vectors of human malaria were among the first to spli ...201425431491
differential effects of inbreeding and selection on male reproductive phenotype associated with the colonization and laboratory maintenance of anopheles gambiae.effective mating between laboratory-reared males and wild females is paramount to the success of vector control strategies aiming to decrease disease transmission via the release of sterile or genetically modified male mosquitoes. however mosquito colonization and laboratory maintenance have the potential to negatively affect male genotypic and phenotypic quality through inbreeding and selection, which in turn can decrease male mating competitiveness in the field. to date, very little is known a ...201424418094
a review of new challenges and prospects for malaria elimination in mutare and mutasa districts, zimbabwe.this review outlines and discusses the new challenges in malaria control and prospects for its elimination in mutare and mutasa districts, zimbabwe. the burden of malaria has declined significantly over the past 5 years in most regions in zimbabwe, including mutare and mutasa districts. the nationwide malaria reduction has been primarily linked to scaled-up vector control interventions and early diagnosis and treatment with effective anti-malarial medicines. the successes recorded have prompted ...201627411705
change in composition of the anopheles gambiae complex and its possible implications for the transmission of malaria and lymphatic filariasis in north-eastern tanzania.a dramatic decline in the incidence of malaria due to plasmodium falciparum infection in coastal east africa has recently been reported to be paralleled (or even preceded) by an equally dramatic decline in malaria vector density, despite absence of organized vector control. as part of investigations into possible causes for the change in vector population density, the present study analysed the anopheles gambiae s.l. sibling species composition in north-eastern tanzania.201222681999
shifts in malaria vector species composition and transmission dynamics along the kenyan coast over the past 20 years.over the past 20 years, numerous studies have investigated the ecology and behaviour of malaria vectors and plasmodium falciparum malaria transmission on the coast of kenya. substantial progress has been made to control vector populations and reduce high malaria prevalence and severe disease. the goal of this paper was to examine trends over the past 20 years in anopheles species composition, density, blood-feeding behaviour, and p. falciparum sporozoite transmission along the coast of kenya.201323297732
sampling host-seeking anthropophilic mosquito vectors in west africa: comparisons of an active human-baited tent-trap against gold standard this study, we characterize the ability of the previously described infoscitex tent (ist) to capture mosquitoes in comparison to either the centers for disease control light trap hung next to individuals under a bed net (ltc) or to human landing catches (hlc). in senegal, the ist caught 6.14 times the number of anopheles gambiae sensu lato (s.l.), and 8.78 times the culex group v mosquitoes as ltc. in one of two locations in burkina faso, the ist caught an. gambiae at a rate not significantly ...201425422393
inactivation of anopheles gambiae glutathione transferase ε2 by epiphyllocoumarin.glutathione transferases (gsts) are part of a major family of detoxifying enzymes that can catalyze the reductive dehydrochlorination of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (ddt). the delta and epsilon classes of insect gsts have been implicated in conferring resistance to this insecticide. in this study, the inactivation of anopheles gambiae gstε2 by epiphyllocoumarin (tral 1) was investigated. recombinant aggstε2 was expressed in escherichia coli cells containing a pet3a-agstε2 plasmid and purifie ...201626925266
a genome-scale investigation of incongruence in culicidae mosquitoes.comparison of individual gene trees in several recent phylogenomic studies from diverse lineages has revealed a surprising amount of topological conflict or incongruence, but we still know relatively little about its distribution across the tree of life. to further our understanding of incongruence, the factors that contribute to it and how it can be ameliorated, we examined its distribution in a clade of 20 culicidae mosquito species through the reconstruction and analysis of the phylogenetic h ...201526608059
repellent efficacy of deet, mygga, neem (azedirachta indica) oil and chinaberry (melia azedarach) oil against anopheles arabiensis, the principal malaria vector in ethiopia, anopheles arabiensis is the main vector responsible for the transmission of malaria in the country and its control mainly involves application of indoor residual spraying (irs) and use of insecticide-treated bed nets (itns).201525935845
mosquito genomics. highly evolvable malaria vectors: the genomes of 16 anopheles mosquitoes.variation in vectorial capacity for human malaria among anopheles mosquito species is determined by many factors, including behavior, immunity, and life history. to investigate the genomic basis of vectorial capacity and explore new avenues for vector control, we sequenced the genomes of 16 anopheline mosquito species from diverse locations spanning ~100 million years of evolution. comparative analyses show faster rates of gene gain and loss, elevated gene shuffling on the x chromosome, and more ...201425554792
using a near-infrared spectrometer to estimate the age of anopheles mosquitoes exposed to pyrethroids.we report on the accuracy of using near-infrared spectroscopy (nirs) to predict the age of anopheles mosquitoes reared from wild larvae and a mixed age-wild adult population collected from pit traps after exposure to pyrethroids. the mosquitoes reared from wild larvae were estimated as <7 or ≥7 d old with an overall accuracy of 79%. the age categories of anopheles mosquitoes that were not exposed to the insecticide papers were predicted with 78% accuracy whereas the age categories of resistant, ...201424594705
antennal transcriptome profiles of anopheline mosquitoes reveal human host olfactory specialization in anopheles gambiae.two sibling members of the anopheles gambiae species complex display notable differences in female blood meal preferences. an. gambiae s.s. has a well-documented preference for feeding upon human hosts, whereas an. quadriannulatus feeds on vertebrate/mammalian hosts, with only opportunistic feeding upon humans. because mosquito host-seeking behaviors are largely driven by the sensory modality of olfaction, we hypothesized that hallmarks of these divergent host seeking phenotypes will be in evide ...201324182346
evidence for population-specific positive selection on immune genes of anopheles interactions can be powerful drivers of adaptive evolution, shaping the patterns of molecular variation at the genes involved. in this study, we sequenced alleles from 28 immune-related loci in wild samples of multiple genetic subpopulations of the african malaria mosquito anopheles gambiae, obtaining unprecedented sample sizes and providing the first opportunity to contrast patterns of molecular evolution at immune-related loci in the recently discovered goundry population to thos ...201223275874
entomological indices of malaria transmission in chikhwawa district, southern malawi.although malaria is highly prevalent throughout malawi, little is known of its transmission dynamics. this paper describes the seasonal activity of the different vectors, human biting indices, sporozoite rates and the entomological inoculation rate in a low-lying rural area in southern malawi.201223171123
scaffolding low quality genomes using orthologous protein sequences.the ready availability of next-generation sequencing has led to a situation where it is easy to produce very fragmentary genome assemblies. we present a pipeline, swips (scaffolding with protein sequences), that uses orthologous proteins to improve low quality genome assemblies. the protein sequences are used as guides to scaffold existing contigs, while simultaneously allowing the gene structure to be predicted by homology.201223162087
a new chromosomal phylogeny supports the repeated origin of vectorial capacity in malaria mosquitoes of the anopheles gambiae complex.understanding phylogenetic relationships within species complexes of disease vectors is crucial for identifying genomic changes associated with the evolution of epidemiologically important traits. however, the high degree of genetic similarity among sibling species confounds the ability to determine phylogenetic relationships using molecular markers. the goal of this study was to infer the ancestral-descendant relationships among malaria vectors and nonvectors of the anopheles gambiae species co ...201223055932
leveraging skewed transcript abundance by rna-seq to increase the genomic depth of the tree of life.assembling the tree of life is a major goal of biology, but progress has been hindered by the difficulty and expense of obtaining the orthologous dna required for accurate and fully resolved phylogenies. next-generation dna sequencing technologies promise to accelerate progress, but sequencing the genomes of hundreds of thousands of eukaryotic species remains impractical. eukaryotic transcriptomes, which are smaller than genomes and biased toward highly expressed genes that tend to be conserved, ...201020080632
positive selection drives accelerated evolution of mosquito salivary genes associated with blood-feeding.the saliva of bloodsucking animals contains dozens to hundreds of proteins that counteract their hosts' haemostasis, inflammation and immunity. it was previously observed that salivary proteins involved in haematophagy are much more divergent in their primary sequence than those of housekeeping function, when comparisons were made between closely related organisms. while this pattern of evolution could result from relaxed selection or drift, it could alternatively be the result of positive selec ...201324237399
the remarkable journey of adaptation of the plasmodium falciparum malaria parasite to new world anopheline mosquitoes.plasmodium falciparum originated in africa, dispersed around the world as a result of human migration and had to adapt to several different indigenous anopheline mosquitoes. anophelines from the new world are evolutionary distant form african ones and this probably resulted in a more stringent selection of plasmodium as it adapted to these vectors. it is thought that plasmodium has been genetically selected by some anopheline species through unknown mechanisms. the mosquito immune system can gre ...025185006
effect of stable and fluctuating temperatures on the life history traits of anopheles arabiensis and an. quadriannulatus under conditions of inter- and intra-specific competition.constant and fluctuating temperatures influence important life-history parameters of malaria vectors which has implications for community organization and the malaria disease burden. the effects of environmental temperature on the hatch rate, survivorship and development rate of anopheles arabiensis and an. quadriannulatus under conditions of inter- and intra-specific competition are studied.201627301875
the contribution of agricultural insecticide use to increasing insecticide resistance in african malaria vectors.the fight against malaria is increasingly threatened by failures in vector control due to growing insecticide resistance. this review examines the recent primary research that addresses the putative relationship between agricultural insecticide use and trends in insecticide resistance. to do so, descriptive evidence offered by the new research was categorized, and additional factors that impact the relationship between agricultural insecticide use and observed insecticide resistance in malaria v ...201626895980
population genetic structure and potential incursion pathways of the bluetongue virus vector culicoides brevitarsis (diptera: ceratopogonidae) in australia.culicoides brevitarsis is a vector of the bluetongue virus (btv), which infects sheep and cattle. it is an invasive species in australia with an assumed asian/south east asian origin. using one mitochondrial marker (i.e., part of the cytochrome oxidase subunit i gene) and six nuclear markers, we inferred population genetic structure and possible incursion pathways for australian c. brevitarsis. nine mitochondrial haplotypes, with low nucleotide sequence diversity (0.0-0.7%) among these, were ide ...201626771743
the emergence of insecticide resistance in the major malaria vector anopheles funestus (diptera: culicidae) from sentinel sites in mutare and mutasa districts, zimbabwe.insecticide resistance in major malaria vectors poses severe challenges for stakeholders responsible for controlling the disease. during the 2013/14 season, malaria vector sentinel sites in mutare and mutasa districts, zimbabwe, experienced high presence of gravid malaria vector mosquitoes resting indoors in recently pyrethroid-sprayed structures. subsequently, an evaluation of insecticide resistance in anopheles funestus populations, the major malaria vector, was conducted to better inform the ...201526589891
where have all the mosquito nets gone? spatial modelling reveals mosquito net distributions across tanzania do not target optimal anopheles mosquito habitats.malaria remains the deadliest vector-borne disease despite long-term, costly control efforts. the united republic of tanzania has implemented countrywide anti-malarial interventions over more than a decade, including national insecticide-treated net (itn) rollouts and subsequent monitoring. while previous analyses have compared spatial variation in malaria endemicity with itn distributions, no study has yet compared anopheles habitat suitability to determine proper allocation of itns. this study ...201526283538
widespread recurrent patterns of rapid repeat evolution in the kinetochore scaffold knl1.the outer kinetochore protein scaffold knl1 is essential for error-free chromosome segregation during mitosis and meiosis. a critical feature of knl1 is an array of repeats containing melt-like motifs. when phosphorylated, these motifs form docking sites for the bub1-bub3 dimer that regulates chromosome biorientation and the spindle assembly checkpoint. knl1 homologs are strikingly different in both the amount and sequence of repeats they harbor. we used sensitive repeat discovery and evolutiona ...201526254484
retraction note: species-specific chemosensory gene expression in the olfactory organs of the malaria vector anopheles gambiae. 201526238716
behavioural responses of females of two anopheline mosquito species to human-occupied, insecticide-treated and untreated bed nets.insecticide-treated bed nets (itns), used extensively to reduce human exposure to malaria, work through physical and chemical means to block or deter host-seeking mosquitoes. despite the importance of itns, very little is known about how host-seeking mosquitoes behave around occupied bed nets. as a result, evidence-based evaluations of the effects of physical damage on bed net effectiveness are not possible and there is a dearth of knowledge on which to base itn design.201425080389
the dynamics of pyrethroid resistance in anopheles arabiensis from zanzibar and an assessment of the underlying genetic basis.the emergence of pyrethroid resistance in the malaria vector, anopheles arabiensis, threatens to undermine the considerable gains made towards eliminating malaria on zanzibar. previously, resistance was restricted to the island of pemba while mosquitoes from unguja, the larger of the two islands of zanzibar, were susceptible. here, we characterised the mechanism(s) responsible for resistance on zanzibar using a combination of gene expression and target-site mutation assays.201324314005
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