
studies on the experimental infection of hyalomma dromedarii (koch) ticks with tick-born encephalitis virus.the replication dynamics of 4 strains of tick-borne encephalitis virus, differing in neurovirulence towards white mice, and their penetration to the salivary glands and ovaries of h. dromedarii were examined. the ticks were infected by being artificially fed a large dose of the virus and were observed for 44 days. the virus actively multiplied in whole ticks and examined organs. a relation between the neurovirulence of the strains towards white mice and persistence of infection in the ticks and ...197876420
[study of the circulation of crimean hemorrhagic fever virus in turkmenistan].final results of the virological and serological investigations of the circulation of the crimean hemorrhagic fever virus in the turkmenian ssr carried out in 1968-1976 are presented in this report. in the examination of 2294 blood serum samples of human beings complement binding antibodies against the crimean hemorrhagic fever were revealed in 0.4% of cases. it was revealed that five species of ixodes ticks could he infected with this virus; for the first time its strains were also isolated fro ...1978146992
[the antibacterial effect of organs and tissues of hyalomma dromedarii, hyalomma anatolicum and ixodes persulcatus ticks]. 1975815775
development and survival of the tick hyalomma dromedarii koch under laboratory conditions.developmental cycle of the tick hyalomma dromedarii as influenced by changes of temperature and humidity was studied under laboratory conditions. feeding and metamorphosis of developmental stages were observed under standard laboratory conditions, the metamorphosis was traced at exposure to temperature of 28 degrees c, 80% rh to alternating diurnal climate 40 degrees c, 25% rh and 20 degrees c, 80% rh and alternating humidity of 40/100% and 60/100% rh at a constant temperature 30 degrees c.1977852772
demonstration of guanine biosynthesis in hyalomma dromedarii ticks using 14c-labeled glycine and glyoxylate. 1977886415
[phagocytosis in hyalomma dromedarii koch ticks following intracoelomatic infection with yersinia enterocolitica]. 1977899010
[suitability of various selected media for tissue culture of hyalomma dromedarii koch and dermacentor (fabr.) (acarina, ixodides)]. 1977899015
[study of the protein spectrum of the organs of blood-fed and hungry ticks hyalomma dromedarii by the method of polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis]. 19751177832
a freeze etching study on the distribution of nuclear pores during spermatogenesis in this study the freeze-fracturing and freeze-etching techniques was used to study pore distribution during spermatogenesis in ticks. three species of ixodid ticks were studied: hyalomma dromedarii, h. marginatum and amblyomma hebraeum. in all three species of the ticks examined, the nuclei of the early stages of male germ cells showed varying degrees of aggregation into pore-rich and pore-poor areas. spermatocytes demonstrated significant pore clustering in pore-rich areas, leaving areas almos ...19921500776
biochemical changes in hyalomma (hyalomma) dromedarii (acari: ixodidae) embryos and effect of 20-hydroxyecdysone applied to the mother.changes in dna, rna, total lipids, phospholipids, and proteins and the activity of certain enzymes and pattern of their isozymes were studied in hyalomma dromedarii koch during embryogenesis. total proteins fluctuated with a net increase (p less than 0.05) on day 20. total lipids increased during the first half of embryogenesis and then declined with a net decrease to about 60% of the original level. total phospholipids decreased to half this original level. dna content increased greatly during ...19901700124
nucleic acid levels in the developing ovaries of hyalomma (hyalomma) dromedarii (acari: ixodidae).protein and nucleic acid levels from the ovaries of hyalomma dromedarii koch were determined during different stages of oogenesis. the concentrations of total protein, dna, and rna increased during oogenesis, reflecting the rapid developmental changes taking place in this tissue. peak protein and dna levels were reached in the fully fed females, whereas rna level peaked slightly earlier. ribosomal rna (rrna) was found to be composed of 27.0s, 17.0s, and 4.1s particles. the ratio of 27.0s to 17.0 ...19911711581
replication of crimean-congo hemorrhagic fever virus in four species of ixodid ticks (acari) infected experimentally.the vector potentials of hyalomma dromedarii koch, h. impeltatum schulze & schlottke, h. truncatum koch, and rhipicephalus appendiculatus neumann for crimean-congo hemorrhagic fever (cchf) virus (ibar 10200) were evaluated by intracoelomic inoculation. all three hyalomma species became infected; infection rates ranged between 80 and 100% at 7-14 d after inoculation, and viral titers increased in unfed specimens almost 100 times above inoculation levels within the first week following infection. ...19902117664
[presence of theileria annulata in mauritania].a fatal case of bovine theileriosis by theileria annulata is reported from mauritania in a friesian cow born in a dairy farm in nouakchott. the farm was originally established with cattle imported from france. specific diagnosis was based on piroplasm morphology and on high specific antibody titres in some of the animals. the only tick found in the herd was hyalomma dromedarii. four of 49 local zebus sampled at random in the south of the country had high specific antibody titres to t. annulata, ...19902132789
scototaxis and target perception in the camel tick hyalomma dromedarii.the camel tick, hyalomma dromedarii, exhibited positive scototaxis in an arena, e.g. it oriented towards a black or grey target in front of a white background. the degree of the scototactic response varied with the size and the elevation of the target, with its luminance contrast, with its shape and with the speed by which the target was moved: (1) the response to stationary and moving targets increased with increasing target size; (2) presentation of the targets at an elevation of 11 degrees--1 ...19902261819
effect of unfed female weight on the biology of hyalomma (hyalomma) dromedarii koch (acari: ixodidae).unfed female hyalomma (hyalomma) dromedarii koch in 3 different weight groups of 2.4-5.0, 5.3-10.0 and 10.3-14.5 mg, respectively, were investigated for the effect of unfed female weight (ufw) on certain biological parameters. the results showed that the correlation between ufw and the duration of the feeding, preoviposition and oviposition periods varies greatly among the different weight groups and the pooled data. engorged female and egg mass weights were strongly correlated with ufw of the s ...19902332666
effect of blood meal and mating on the genital tract ultrastructure in the female camel tick hyalomma (hyalomma) dromedarii (ixodoidea: ixodidae).the genital tract ultrastructure in the female hyalomma (hyalomma) dromedarii is described during feeding and mating and up to oviposition. the vagina, consisting of vestibular (vv) and cervical (cv) regions, is formed of an epithelium lined internally with a folded cuticular layer and surrounded externally by muscle layers. these facilitate the passage of endospermatophores containing sperm into the receptaculum seminis (rs), and ova to the exterior. a pair of tubular accessory glands (ag) open ...19892707112
spectral sensitivity, absolute threshold, and visual field of two tick species, hyalomma dromedarii and amblyomma variegatum.1. the spectral sensitivity in the wavelength range of 340-750 nm was determined by both a behavioral approach based on spontaneous positive phototaxis and the electroretinogram (erg). 2. concerning phototaxis the camel tick, hyalomma dromedarii, showed two sensitivity maxima, one in the uv range (ca. 380 nm) and another in the blue-green range (ca. 500 nm). at higher intensities the relative sensitivity was more pronounced in the uv and at lower intensities more pronounced in the blue-green (re ...19892746548
fine structure of muscles in the tick hyalomma (hyalomma) dromedarii (ixodoidea: ixodidae).skeletal and visceral muscles are distinguished in the unfed nymph hyalomma (hyalomma) dromedarii according to position, structure and function. the skeletal muscles include the capitulum, dorsoventral and leg oblique muscles. their muscle fibres have the striated pattern of successive sarcomeres whose thick myosin filaments are surrounded by orbitals of up to 12 thin actin filaments. the cell membrane invaginates into tubular system (t) extending deeply into the sarcoplasm and closely associate ...19892806017
effect of temperature on hyalomma (hyalomma) dromedarii koch (acari: ixodidae). 19883193428
ticks parasitising the indian buffalo (bubalus bubalis) and their possible role in disease transmission.a total of 13 ixodid tick species, boophilus microplus, haemaphysalis bispinosa, haemaphysalis cornupunctata, haemaphysalis himalaya, heamaphysalis montgomeryi, hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum, hyalomma dromedarii, hyalomma marginatum isaaci, hyalomma (hyalommina) brevipunctata, hyalomma (hyalommina) hussaini, nosomma monstrosum, rhipicephalus haemaphysaloides, and r. turanicus were collected off 424 buffaloes from the northwestern states of india. ten tick species, amblyomma testudinarium, b. mi ...19883369083
the effect of 20-hydroxyecdysone on the neurohemal endocrine organs in hyalomma dromedarii koch (ixodoidea: ixodidae). 19883418146
neurosecretory cell types and distribution in unfed female hyalomma dromedarii (acari:ixodoidea:ixodidae) synganglion. 19873572078
fine structure of the gene's organ in the camel tick hyalomma (hyalomma) dromedarii (ixodoidea: ixodidae).gene's organ of the camel tick hyalomma (hyalomma) dromedarii is located in the anterodorsal region of the body cavity ventrad to the scutum. it consists of a short stalk, dividing posteriorly into 2 pairs of horns and then into tubular glands. in unfed ticks, the epithelial layer of both the stalk and horns is lined internally by 2 cuticular layers; an inner, thin, greatly folded, dense layer surrounds the organ main lumen, and an outer, thick, slightly folded, less dense layer abuts the cell a ...19873612816
[histopathological changes in the skin of rabbits caused by the tick hyalomma dromedarii asiaticum schülze et schlottke 1929, and larvae of rhipicephalus sp]. 19863660812
the effect of feeding and mating on the neurosecretory activity in female hyalomma dromedarii synganglion (acari: ixodoidea: ixodidae). i. changes in neurosecretory cell types in semifed virgin and mated females. 19873693954
the effect of feeding and mating on the neurosecretory activity in female hyalomma dromedarii synganglion (acari: ixodoidea: ixodidae). ii. changes in neurosecretory cell types in fully engorged females. 19873693962
effect of two insect growth regulators on the camel tick, hyalomma dromedarii (acari: ixodoidea: ixodidae). 19863701801
metabolism of ecdysone and 20-hydroxyecdysone in the camel tick, hyalomma dromedarii (acari: ixodidae). 19863795234
fine structure of rickettsia prowazeki in the haemocytes of ticks hyalomma dromedarii. 19674382138
the use of hyalomma dromedarii tick tissue cultures for the isolation of tick-borne encephalitis virus from its natural foci. 19694389120
biochemical and physiological studies of certain ticks (ixodoidea). cycle of nitrogenous excretion of hyalomma dromedarii koch (ixodidae). 19734744034
carbon dioxide fixation by the nymphs of the tick, hyalomma dromedarii. 19734744521
dhori virus, a new agent isolated from hyalomma dromedarii in india. 19734781001
transmission of theileria annulata by the crushed infected unfed hyalomma dromedarii. 19694986778
biochemical and physiological studies of certain ticks (ixodoidea). the ionic composition of hyalomma (hyalomma) dromedarii koch and h. (h.) anatolicum excavatum koch (ixodidae). 19725022873
detection of coxiella burneti in saliva of experimentally infected ticks, hyalomma dromedarii koch. 19685306113
changes in neurosecretory activity at different stages in the adult hyalomma dromedarii koch, 1844. 19675340344
[hyalomma asiaicum and hyalomma dromedarii. comparison of the larvae]. 19695371172
tick-borne viruses of west pakistan. 3. dera ghazi khan virus, a new agent isolated from hyalomma dromedarii ticks in the d. g. khan district of west pakistan. 19705460469
a study of the citric acid cycle in the tick hyalomma dromedarii. 19695777381
preparation of tissue cultures from the tick hyalomma dromedarii koch. 19655827574
phagocytosis of coxiella burnetii by hyalomma dromedarii tick haemocytes.haemocytes of laboratory bred half-engorged hyalomma dromedarii ticks phagocytized intracoelomally inoculated coxiella burnetii organisms. significantly higher phagocytosis of phase ii than phase i c. burnetii was observed, irrespective of whether live, killed untreated or killed organisms treated with chloroform-methanol (cm) mixture were used. however, hcl- or kio4-treated phase i cells were phagocytized to a similar extent as phase ii cells. more consistent results were obtained with haemocyt ...19846201060
juvenile hormone i effects on the camel tick, hyalomma dromedarii (acari: ixodidae). 19846502615
the general energy metabolism and economy, and morphogenetic observations on the embryo of hyalomma dromedarii. 19846512294
camel production in kenya and its constraints. ii. tick infestation.the tick loads and tick species infesting an experimental herd, a rendille pastoralists' herd and two ranch herds of camels, in four different areas of kenya are described. the tick species most commonly observed were hyalomma rufipes, hyalomma dromedarii and rhipicephalus pulchellus.19836623649
copulation and spermatophore formation in hyalomma dromedarii. 19836631112
cytochemistry of glycogen distribution in the spermatozoa of the tick hyalomma dromedarii. 19836663099
studies on the water movements between the atmosphere and hyalomma dromedarii eggs during embryogenesis, using 3hho. 19836685160
juvenoid-interruption to molting of hyalomma dromedarii nymph. 19846736693
mating regulation and reproductive isolation in the ticks hyalomma dromedarii and h, anatolicum excavatum (acari: ixodoidea: ixodidae). 19836842522
the phagocytotic process in the sperm of the tick hyalomma dromedarii (acari: ixodidae). 19826891394
effect of 20-hydroxyecdysone on neurosecretory cell activity in female hyalomma dromedarii synganglion (acari: ixodidae).twenty micrograms of 20-hydroxyecdysone (20-he) were applied topically to nymphal hyalomma dromedarii koch on the day of detachment. in emerging adult females, some neurosecrtory cells (nsc) in certain synganglion centers exhibited changes in size and/or neurosecretory material (nsm) shape, distribution and/or quantity. these changes were compared with those normally occurring in untreated unfed, semifed virgin and mated, and engorged females. 20-he effects included (a) accelerating the changes ...19883197577
purification and characterization of purine nucleoside phosphorylase from developing embryos of hyalomma dromedarii.purine nucleoside phosphorylase from hyalomma dromedarii, the camel tick, was purified to apparent homogeneity. a molecular weight of 56,000 - 58,000 was estimated for both the native and denatured enzyme, suggesting that the enzyme is monomeric. unlike purine nucleoside phosphorylase preparations from other tissues, the h. dromedarii enzyme was unstable in the presence of beta-mercaptoethanol. the enzyme had a sharp ph optimum at ph 6.5. it catalyzed the phosphorolysis and arsenolysis of ribo- ...19911905141
kadam virus (togaviridae, flavivirus) infecting camel-parasitizing hyalomma dromedarii ticks (acari: ixodidae) in saudi arabia. 19827086856
quaranfil virus from hyalomma dromedarii (acari: ixodoidea) collected in kuwait, iraq and yemen. 19827086857
biochemical studies of tick embryogenesis. v. purification and partial characterization of isocitrate lyase from eggs of the tick hyalomma dromedarii.1. isocitrate lyase (ds-isocitrate glyoxylate-lyase, ec was purified approximately 93-fold from developing embryos of the tick hyalomma dromedarii. 2. the enzyme requires mg2+ (km 2.1 mm) and sulfhydryl compounds for maximal activity and has a ph optimum of 7.4 in phosphate buffer. the km of the enzyme for isocitrate is 2.4 mm. 3. data obtained from the ph effect on km implicate the presence of at least three dissociable groups with pk's of 5.8, 6.8 and 7.4 involved in the enzyme cataly ...19827105652
comparative ultrastructure of the spermatids and spermatozoa of the tick hyalomma dromedarii and amblyomma hebraeum (acari: ixodidae). 19827153570
the role played by hyalomma dromedarii in the transmission of african horse sickness virus in egypt. 19817348587
a pre-attachment aggregation pheromone in the adult metastriate tick hyalomma dromedarii koch (acarina: ixodidae).in vitro investigation demonstrates the existence of pheromone-regulated movement in the metastriate tick h. dromedarii before host contact. males exhibit significant assembly to material of females. the palps, not haller's organ, are essential for pheromone detection. the material is soluble in water, not in ether, benzene, or acetone and it is relatively stable to heat and cold.19807450615
ticks (acari: ixodidae) infesting the arabian camel (camelus dromedarius) in the sinai, egypt with a note on the acaricidal efficacy of this study, tick burdens on camels (camelus dromedarius) were determined in the vicinity of the st. catherine monastery, sinai, egypt. in total 2,545 ticks (1,491 adults and 1,054 nymphs) were collected and identified. mean tick burdens were relatively heavy and the range in number of ticks per camel was very broad (6-173). hyalomma dromedarii was the predominant tick species and accounted for 95.6% of the adult ticks. other ticks found were h. marginatum subspp. and h. anatolicum excavatum. ...19937628237
cholesteryl esters on the body surfaces of the camel tick, hyalomma dromedarii (koch, 1844) and the brown dog tick, rhipicephalus sanguineus (latreille, 1806).cholesteryl esters were found to constitute a major component of the lipids coating the body cuticle of females of the camel tick, hyalomma dromedarii and the brown dog tick, rhipicephalus sanguineus. one or more cholesteryl esters, alone or in combination, have been shown to serve as the mounting sex pheromone of several species of ixodid ticks. consequently, knowledge of these compounds is important for an understanding of the mating behavior of these ticks. based on thin layer chromatography, ...19947628247
purification and characterization of a novel acid-soluble nuclear protein from developing embryos of the camel tick hyalomma dromedarii (acarina: ixodidae).a novel acid-soluble protein has been extracted from nuclei of developing embryos of h. dromedarii ticks and purified to homogeneity. this tick embryo basic protein (tebp) was predominant during the cleavage stage of tick embryogenesis, whereas the complete set of histones was detectable at the late cleavage stage. the amount of tebp reaches a maximum value at day 9 after oviposition. thereafter, the original n-terminal dipeptide (leucine-serine) is eliminated. this coincides with the start of o ...19957766687
[descriptive epidemiology of bovine theileriosis caused by theileria annulata in mauritania, subsaharian west africa].tropical bovine theileriosis due to theileria annulata has been discovered recently in mauritania. an epidemiological study performed in the dry season allowed to better determine the serological prevalence of t. annulata infection and its associated factors. the sex does not seem to have any influence, the role of the breed could not be clearly established, whereas, the age, the geographical origin and the management of the herd have a significant influence on the serological prevalence. these ...19947863061
[efficacy and residual effect of amitraz (taktic) on adult hyalomma dromedarii in camels: preliminary trial].amitraz (12.5% emulsifiable concentrate) was tested against hyalomma dromedarii of the one-humped camel in a dairy camel herd in nouakchott (mauritania), at a concentration of 0.025% of the active component. the efficacy on adult ticks and the rapid rate of tick detachment are clearly shown: 95% reduction within eight hours; however, the nymphs seem to be more resistant: only 50% reduction after eight hours. the residual activity of amitraz against hyalomma dromedarii in camels is very short, le ...19947863074
stimulation of attachment in a camel tick, hyalomma dromedarii (acari: ixodidae): the unintended result of sublethal exposure to permethrin-impregnated fabric.the susceptibility of a camel tick, hyalomma dromedarii (koch), to permethrin-impregnated military uniform fabric was studied to determine the effects of laundering and contact time. separate contact toxicity tests were conducted with laboratory-colonized male and female ticks of uniform age. unfed, unmated ticks were exposed for periods of 5, 10, 30, and 60 min to each of five fabrics: unwashed-untreated, unwashed-treated, and 1, 2, or 3 times washed after treatment (1-, 2-, 3-wash-treated). tr ...19948158625
changes in the salivary glands of female hyalomma (hyalomma) dromedarii during and after feeding.the salivary glands in female h. dromedarii consists of three alveolar types, one agranular (type i) and two granular (type ii and iii). five granule secreting cell types were identified according to their granular submicroscopic appearance. the structure and changes observed in type i alveoli before, during and after feeding suggest its role in ion and water transport from the haemolymph to the lumen during initial feeding. secretory cells in salivary alveoli types ii and iii undergo substantia ...19948169449
distribution and host-relationship of ticks (ixodoidea) infesting domestic animals and rodents in sinai peninsula.geographical distribution of ticks infesting farm animals in sinai peninsula revealed the presence of 12 tick species namely hyalomma dromedarii, h. impeltatum, h. an anatolicum, h. an. excavatum, h. marginatum rufipes, h. m. turanicum, h. schulzei, rhipicephalus sanguineus, r. turanicus, boophilus annulatus, ornithodors erraticus and argas persicus. the distribution map of those species is given. the areas of sinai could be arranged as regards the number of tick species in the following descend ...19938376863
artificial immunization of rabbits with hyalomma dromedarii tick-derived midgut zealand white rabbits were immunized with partly fed hyalomma dromedarii tick-derived midgut concealed antigens (supernate and pellet fractions) and freund's complete adjuvant (fca). the rabbits received three inoculations subcutaneously on days 0, 14 and 21 at a dose rate of 1 mg antigen per animal. the effects of the immunity induced was determined by infesting the rabbits with adult h. dromedarii ticks. in immunized rabbits a significant reduction in tick yield, engorgement weight, ovipos ...19958521745
the sterilizing effect of pour-on flumethrin on the camel tick, hyalomma dromedarii (acari: ixodidae).the relationship between the efficacy of 1% flumethrin in pour-on formulation on the fertility of engorged female hyalomma dromedarii and exposure time was investigated. using a contact method, ticks were exposed in vitro to 87 micrograms active ingredient for 1, 5, 10, 30 or 720 min. fertility inhibition was related to the exposure time. no significant effect was obtained after 1 min exposure, but 5 or 10 min exposure reduced the percentage of females ovipositing, egg mass weight, number of egg ...19968720571
camel tick (acari:ixodidae) control with pour-on application of flumethrin.the pyrethroid flumethrin (bayticol) was tested in camels (camelus dromedarius) as a pour-on for the control of the camel tick, hyalomma dromedarii. two, small, naturally infested camel herds, one heavily infested and the other lightly infested, each composed of eight head of animals, were used for this field trial. in each herd, four camels were randomly selected for treatment and the other four untreated camels were kept as controls. the heavily infested herd was treated with 2 ml 10kg-1 body ...19969017876
biological control studies of soft and hard ticks in egypt. i. the effect of bacillus thuringiensis varieties on soft and hard ticks (ixodidae).the potential activity of three varieties of bacillus thuringiensis (kurstaki, israeliensis, and thuringiensis) against the soft tick argas persicus and the hard tick hyalomma dromedarii was investigated. soft ticks succumbed within a period ranging from 36 h to 5 days and hard ticks died at between 48 h and 10 days posttreatment, depending on the dose. concentrations lethal to 50% of tick populations (lc50 values) indicated that dipel 2x (b. thuringiensis var. kurstaki) was the most potent, fol ...19979089714
detection of theileria annulata by the pcr in ticks (acari:ixodidae) collected from cattle in mauritania.we report on the detection of theileria annulata in infected hyalomma ticks by the pcr using primers derived from the gene encoding the 30 kda major merozoite surface antigen (tamsi-1). no inhibition of the pcr was observed and as little as 0.1 pg of parasite dna, corresponding to 12 sporozoites, could be detected in non-infected tick dna samples, spiked with t. annulata genomic dna. hyalomma dromedarii ticks, fed on a calf experimentally infected with t. annulata, were used to validate the pcr ...19979203350
enzymes of delta 1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate metabolism in the camel tick hyalomma dromedarii during embryogenesis. purification and characterization of delta 1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate dehydrogenases.the activity of p5c metabolizing enzymes: oat, p5cr, po, and p5cd, in the camel tick hyalomma dromedarii has been followed throughout embryogenesis. the profiles of enzymatic activity showed clear differences in the four enzymes as the embryos grew older. during purification of p5cd to homogeneity the ion exchange chromatography steps lead to two separate forms (termed a and b) with different molecular weights (60,000-59,000 and 50,000-52,000 for the native and denatured enzymes, respectively), ...19979418013
contact toxicity of permethrin-impregnated fabric to hyalomma anatolicum excavatum (acari: ixodidae): effects of laundering and exposure and recovery times.a previous study that documented enhanced host attachment by the camel ticks hyalomma dromedarii koch after permethrin exposure prompted a similar investigation of permethrin effects in h. anatolicum excavatum koch, an old world hardbacked tick suspected of vectoring human pathogens. contact toxicity tests were conducted with laboratory-colonized male and female h. a. excavatum of the same age exposed for periods of 5, 10, 30, and 60 min to each of 5 fabric treatments: unwashed/untreated; unwash ...19989615556
trials for control of ixodid ticks using pheromone acaricide tick decoys.experimental application of hyalomma dromedarii pheromone-impregnated in cyfluthrin (pyrethroid) decoys on experimentally infested camels revealed efficacy rate of 85.33%, while the control group showed normal pattern of tick engorgement. this study proved the rapid movement of males toward decoys and some males took the mounting position with such decoys. on the other side, the same decoys (h. dromedarii) when used on naturally infested cattle with boophilus annulatus did not even disturb the b ...19989707683
protozoal parasites in tick species infesting camels in sinai peninsula.a faunistic survey of ticks infesting camels was carried out in 7 localities of sinai; el-arish, beer el abd, nakhel, ain mousa, st. catherine, wadi hadra, and dahab. the protozoal organisms present in the gut and haemolymph of the collected tick species were investigated. results revealed the presence of six species of tick infesting camels, hyalomma dromedarii, h. impeltatum, h. an. excavatum, h. an. anatolicum, h. marginatum and h. schulzei. the first 3 species were most common, whereas the l ...19989914699
traffic of the tick embryo basic protein during embryogenesis of the camel tick hyalomma dromedarii (acari: ixodidae).the tick embryo basic protein (tebp) is present in the nucleus as a counterpart of histones at early embryonic stages of the tick hyalomma dromedarii. the sharp drop in the tebp nuclear level and elimination of the n-terminal dipeptide (leucine-serine) between days 12 and 15 after oviposition suggested the transport of tebp to the cytoplasm for protein turnover. the traffic of tebp during tick embryogenesis was examined. the level of tebp was detected in the cytoplasm from the different embryoni ...199810095826
lack of immunological cross-reactivity of 36-kda secretory salivary gland antigen of hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum with hyalomma dromedarii and boophilus microplus ticks.during feeding of ticks of the species hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum, most of the proteins in salivary gland extracts (sges) remained unchanged from the unfed to the fully fed state (from day 1 to day 7 of the experiment), as revealed by sds-page. however, a 45-kda protein band disappeared and 26-, 32- and 33-kda bands appeared when feeding commenced. some of the protein bands changed their intensity. when probed with anti-h. anatolicum anatolicum hyperimmune sera, transblotted sge proteins of ...199910481624
alpha-amylase from developing embryos of the camel tick hyalomma dromedarii.alpha-amylase activity in the camel tick hyalomma dromedarii was followed throughout embryogenesis. during purification of alpha-amylase iii to homogeneity, ion exchange chromatography lead to four separate forms (termed i, ii, iii and iv). alpha-amylase iii with the highest specific activity was pure after chromatography on sephacryl s-300. the molecular mass of alpha-amylase iii was 106 kda for the native enzyme, composed of two subunits of 43 and 66 kda, respectively. alpha-amylase had a valu ...200010825669
distribution and ecology of ticks (acari: ixodidae) infesting livestock in tunisia: an overview of eighth years field collections.ticks (ixodidae) play a significant role as vectors of pathogens of domestic animals in tunisia. the major losses caused by ticks are related to transmission of protozoan parasites. these include agents of tropical theileriosis and babesiosis in ruminants. since 1991, we conducted research studies on tick population of livestock in tunisia. this overview reports a synthesis on tick distribution, their biology and their role as vectors of pathogens in domestic animals, particularly cattle. during ...199911071534
investigation of blood parasites in livestock infested with argasid and ixodid ticks in egypt.nineteen species and subspecies of ixodid and argasid ticks, hyalomma dromedarii, h. impeltatum, h. anatolicum excavatum, h. a. anatolicum, h. truncatum, h. m. marginatum, h. m. rufipes, h. m. turanicum, boophilus annulatus, rhipicephalus sanguineus, r. turanicus, r. guilhoni, r. camicasi, amblyomma lipidum, a. marmoreum, a. vareigatum, argas persicus, a. hermanii and a. arboreus were collected from different localities in five governorates, giza, sharkia, ismailia, el beheira and sinai. hyalomm ...200111478436
purification and characterization of aspartate aminotransferase from developing embryos of the camel tick hyalomma dromedarii.aspartate transaminase (ast) activity in the camel tick hyalomma dromedarii was followed throughout embryogenesis. during purification of ast to homogeneity, ion exchange chromatography lead to four separate forms (termed i, ii, iii and iv). ast ii with the highest specific activity was pure after chromatography on sephacryl s-300. the molecular mass of ast ii was 52 kda for the native enzyme, composed of one subunit of 50 kda. ast ii had a km value of 0.67mm for a-ketoglutarate and 15.1 mm for ...200111523919
evidence for the utility of the bm86 antigen from boophilus microplus in vaccination against other tick species.the bm86 antigen, as originally identified in boophilus microplus, is the basis of commercial tick vaccines against this tick species. the potential for using this antigen or homologues of the antigen in vaccination against other tick species has been assessed. we have conducted vaccine trials in cattle using the b. microplus-derived recombinant bm86 vaccine (tickgard) using pairs of vaccinated calves and control calves. these were infested with b. microplus and boophilus decoloratus larvae simu ...200111523920
factor xa (fxa) inhibitor from the nymphs of the camel tick hyalomma inhibitor of factor xa (fxa) was isolated from the nymphs of the camel tick hyalomma dromedarii by a combination of chromatography on deae-cellulose and sephacryl s-300 columns. the isolated nymphal fxa inhibitor turned out to be a homogenous preparation of a single polypeptide chain (15 kda) as judged by both the native and denatured sds-page. its pi value ranged from 7.7 to 7.9. the inhibitor is a potent anticoagulant since it prolonged both the activated partial thromboplastin time (aptt) ...200111691627
efficacy of flumethrin and coumaphos against the camel tick hyalomma dromedarii l. (acari: ixodidae).the efficacy of flumethrin pour on and coumaphos 50% wp was tested against different stages of hyalomma dromedarii. with contact method, lc50 values for larvae and adults were 0.04, 0.03 ug/cm2 and 0.05, 1.06 ug/cm2 respectively. the lc50 for coumaphos against the larvae, adults and eggs using dipping method were 44, 63, and 62 ppm respectively. flumethrin caused significant reduction in oviposition and hatchability in female ticks that survived sublethal concentrations, while sublethal doses of ...200111775105
isolation and properties of two forms of thrombin inhibitor from the nymphs of the camel tick hyalomma dromedarii (acari: ixodidae).two forms of the nymphal thrombin inhibitors (nti) 3.2 kda and 14.9 kda were purified by chromatography on cm-cellulose. sephacryl s-300 and sephadex g-50 columns and designated nti- 1 and nti-2 respectively. the nti-2 turned out to be homogenous monomeric protein in both native-page and denatured sds-page with m(r) value of 14.9 kda approximately and its pi value ranged from 7.2 to 7.5. the nti-1 and nti-2 displayed anticoagulant activity since they prolonged both the activated partial thrombop ...200112171275
studies on theileria and babesia infecting live and slaughtered animals in al arish and el hasanah, north sinai governorate, egypt.during the year 2001, a total of 475 sheep, 200 goats, 135 cattle and 190 camels in el arich city and el hassanah center were examined for babesia ovis and theileria ovis. blood films were taken from the vein of the ear. meanwhile, the animals were examined for tick infestations. b. ovis and th. ovis were detected in 13 (2.7%), and 14 (2.9%) sheep, 14 (7.0%), and 15 (7.5%) goats, 13 (9.6%), and 11 (8.1%) cattle and 18 (9.5%), and 24 (12.6%) camels respectively. on the other hand, double infectio ...200212214937
molecules and morphology: evidence for cryptic hybridization in african hyalomma (acari: ixodidae).the role of natural hybridization and introgression as part of the evolutionary process is of increasing interest to zoologists, particularly as more examples of gene exchange among species are identified. we present mitochondrial and nuclear sequence data for hyalomma dromedarii, hyalomma truncatum, and hyalomma marginatum rufipes (acari: ixodidae) collected from one-humped camels in ethiopia. these species are well differentiated morphologically and genetically; sequence data from the mitochon ...200312679078
acaricidal effects of cardiac glycosides, azadirachtin and neem oil against the camel tick, hyalomma dromedarii (acari: ixodidae).the cardiac glycoside, digitoxin, from digitalis purpurea l (scrophulariaceae), a cardiac glycosidal (cardenolide) extract from calotropis procera (ait) r br (asclepiadaceae), azadirachtin and neem oil from azadirachta indica a juss (meliaceae) were tested for their effects against larvae and adult stages of the camel tick, hyalomma dromedarii koch (acari: ixodidae). the contact lc50 values of the first three materials against adults were 4.08, 9.63 and >40.7 microg cm(-2), respectively, whereas ...200314620053
immunization of crossbred cattle (bos indicus x bos taurus) with fractionated midgut antigens against hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum.crossbred calves (bos indicus x bos taurus) were immunized with a fractionated midgut supernate antigen (gs-f ag from hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum). the first inoculation on day 0 was given intramuscularly after emulsification with freund's complete adjuvant; the second was given subcutaneously on day 14 in incomplete freund's adjuvant; and the third on day 35 was given subcutaneously without adjuvant. each injection comprised 1 mg of antigen protein. ten days after the last inoculation, the i ...200314690089
esterase and lipase in camel tick hyalomma dromedarii (acari: ixodidae) during embryogenesis.esterase and lipase activity showed significant changes during embryogenesis of camel tick hyalomma dromedarii. from the elution profile of chromatography on deae-cellulose, six forms of h. dromedarii esterase (el to evi) can be distinguished. esterase eiii was purified to homogeneity after chromatography on sepharose 6b. the molecular mass of esterase eiii was 45 kda for the native enzyme and represented a monomer of 45 kda by sds-page. esterase eiii had an acidic pi at 5.3. lipase activity was ...200414990212
species of ticks on camels and their seasonal population dynamics in eastern ethiopia.a study was conducted to identify the species of ticks found on camels (camelus dromedarius) and their seasonal population dynamics in eastern ethiopia. collection and identification of the ticks were undertaken at 2-month intervals from december 1997 to august 1999. on each occasion, all the visible adult ticks were collected from one side of the body of each of the same 17 camels. the most abundant species of ticks on the camels were rhipiephalus pulchellus (85.2%), hyalomma dromedarii (5.9%), ...200415080539
effects of permethrin on the salivary glands and neuroendocrine organs of unfed female hyalomma (hyalomma) dromedarii (ixodoidea: ixodidae).permethrin-impregnated fabric has been shown to be an effective repellent against various tick species. however, some tick species are not repelled by this chemical. in hyalomma dromedarii (koch), permethrin exposure is reported to actually enhance the tick's attachment behavior. this study evaluated the histological effects of permethrin exposure on the salivary glands and neuroendocrine organs of unfed, virgin h. dromedarii ticks of uniform age. three fabric treatments consisting of unwashed-u ...200015535583
crimean-congo hemorrhagic fever, mauritania.from february to august 2003, 38 persons were infected with crimean-congo hemorrhagic fever (cchf) virus in mauritania; 35 of these persons were residents of nouakchott. the first patient was a young woman who became ill shortly after butchering a goat. she transmitted the infection to 15 persons in the hospital where she was admitted and four members of her family. in nouakchott, two disease clusters and 11 isolated cases were identified. the case-fatality ratio was 28.6%. of the patients not i ...200415663851
preliminary survey of ticks (acari: ixodidae) on cattle in northern a cross sectional survey conducted during the period june 2001 to july 2002, the geographical distribution of ticks on cattle in the sudan was determined. seventeen locations were surveyed from northern, central, eastern, western, blue nile and white nile provinces. total body collections of ticks were made from 20 cattle at each location. four tick genera and 11 species were identified. the tick species collected included amblyomma lepidum, amblyomma variegatum, boophilus decoloratus, hyalom ...200415732459
gram-negative bacteria from the camel tick hyalomma dromedarii (ixodidae) and the chicken tick argas persicus (argasidae) and their antibiotic sensitivities.a total of nine species of gram-negative bacteria were isolated from organs and haemolymph of the hard tick hyalomma (hyalomma) dromedarii and the soft tick argas (persicargas) persicus. four species namely serratia liquefaciens, stenotrophomonas maltophilia, klebsiella ornithinolytica and aeromonas hydrophila were isolated from h. dromedarii and five species namely rahnella aquatilis, pseudomonas fluorescens, enterobacter cloacae, chryseomonas luteola and chryseobacterium meningosepticum were i ...200515880998
transstadial and intrastadial experimental transmission of ehrlichia canis by male rhipicephalus sanguineus.the acquisition and transmission of rickettsial pathogens by different tick developmental stages has important epidemiological implications. the purpose of this study was to determine if male rhipicephalus sanguineus can experimentally acquire and transmit ehrlichia canis in the absence of female ticks. two trials were performed where nymphal and male r. sanguineus were simultaneously acquisition fed on the same infected donor hosts, and transstadially or intrastadially exposed male ticks were f ...200515941624
hyaluronidase isoforms from developing embryos of the camel tick hyalomma dromedarii.changes in hyaluronidase activity in the camel tick hyalomma dromedarii were followed throughout embryogenesis. peak activity of the enzyme on days 21 and 24 during development was accompanied with a complete organization of larvae before hatching on day 27. during purification of hyaluronidase to homogeneity, ion exchange chromatography lead to four forms (haase1, 2, 3 and 4). haase2 and haase4 with highest purity and specific activities after chromatography on sephacryl s-200. the apparent mol ...200516051510
some observations on ticks (acari: ixodidae) infesting sheep in river nile province of northern sudan.five species of ixodid ticks were found in a cross-sectional survey in which 200 sheep were examined for ticks in river nile province, sudan. hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum was the predominant species (73.6%), whereas ticks belonging to the rhipicephalus sanguineus group (14.7%), rhipicephalus evertsi evertsi (9.1%), rhipicephalus simus (2%) and hyalomma dromedarii (0.5%) were also found. the mean tick load was 11.2 per animal. in a subsequent longitudinal survey ticks were collected on a monthl ...200516300192
studies on rodents role as reservoir hosts of leishmaniasis with specical reference to their ectoparasites in suez governorate.the distribution of rodents was studied in three different habitats. seven rodent species were identified: rattus norvegicus, r. alexandrinus, r. frugivorous, mus musculus, acomys russatus, meriones sacramenti and gerbillus pyramidum. the species distribution varied with the habitat type. the highest density of rodents was in july and august and the lowest one was in january. however, some species were collected all the year round. the rodents were investigated for the endo- and ecto-parasites. ...200616605103
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