
dna probes for two microsporidia, nosema bombycis and nosema costelytrae.two dna fragments which hybridize specifically with dna of nosema bombycis and nosema costelytrae, respectively, were obtained from genomic dna of each microsporidian species and sequenced. neither fragment hybridized with genomic dna from four other microsporidian isolates tested: nosema apis, vairimorpha sp. from cabbage white butterfly (pieris rapae), and two isolates of vavraia oncoperae, one from new zealand grass grubs, costelytrae zealandica, and another from porina caterpillars, wiseana ...19957745281
analysis of the ribosomal dna sequences of the microsporidia thelohania and vairimorpha of fire ants.sequences of the 16srrna gene of three microsporidia pathogenic to imported fire ants, solenopsis invicta and solenopsis richteri, were determined and compared to each other and 15 other species of microsporidia. the sequences of 2 thelohania species are nearly identical (99.2% identity), supporting light-microscopic and ultrastructural evidence that thelohania solenopsae and thelohania sp. are closely related but probably not conspecific. sequence comparisons further revealed that vairimorpha s ...19989709016
timing of an early sporulation sequence of microsporidia in the genus vairimorpha (microsporidia: burenellidae)an early sporulation event in the host midgut tissues has been reported for several species of microsporidia infecting diptera, hymenoptera, and lepidoptera. the role of these primary spores, formed between 35 and 96 h postinfection per os, has been suggested to be the cell to cell spread of infection within the host, but the sequence of events during the early sporulation stages has been reported for only a few species of microsporidia. we investigated these early life cycle events for two spec ...19989784358
impact of vairimorpha sp. (microsporidia: burnellidae) on trichogramma chilonis (hymenoptera, trichogrammatidae), a hymenopteran parasitoid of the cabbage moth, plutella xylostella (lepidoptera, yponomeutidae).a multi-generation mass breeding colony of the cabbage moth, plutella xylostella, was found to be infected with a microsporidium, vairimorpha sp., which is passed transovarially between generations. the microsporidian infection had little impact on the fitness of this lepidopteran pest. however, when trichogramma chilonis parasitized such infected host eggs, the offspring of this parasitoid species suffered from severe deficiencies. microsporidian spores, ingested by parasitoid larvae together w ...199910486223
interactions between an entomopathogenic microsporidium and the endoparasitoid glyptapanteles liparidis within their host, the gypsy moth larva.interactions in the host-parasitoid-pathogen system, lymantria dispar l. (lep., lymantriidae)-glyptapanteles liparidis (bouché) (hym., braconidae)-vairimorpha sp. (protista, microspora), were investigated. host selection experiments revealed that g. liparidis females did not discriminate between infected and uninfected host larvae for oviposition. transmission of the microsporidium from infected to uninfected hosts by stinging female wasps could not be ascertained. females that developed in infe ...200010631059
phagocytosis of vairimorpha sp. (microsporida, nosematidae) spores by plutella xylostella and panorpa vulgaris hemocytes. 200010753600
phylogenomic analysis of the alpha proteasome gene family from early-diverging eukaryotes.we employed a phylogenomic approach to study the evolution of alpha subunits of the proteasome gene family from early diverging eukaryotes. blast similarity searches of the giardia lamblia genome identified all seven alpha proteasome genes characteristic of eukaryotes from the crown group. in addition, a pcr strategy for the amplification of multiple alpha subunit sequences generated single alpha proteasome products for representatives of the kinetoplastida (leishmania major), the parabasalia (t ...200011116327
alterations in carbohydrate and fatty acid levels of lymantria dispar larvae caused by a microsporidian infection and potential adverse effects on a co-occurring endoparasitoid, glyptapanteles liparidis.infection of lymantria dispar host larvae by the entomopathogenic microsporidium vairimorpha sp. has a negative impact on the performance of the endoparasitic braconid glyptapanteles liparidis. to investigate possible causes for this effect, we studied to what extent nutritional host suitability is altered by the microsporidium. therefore, we analyzed carbohydrates and fatty acids in host larvae after vairimorpha infection and/or parasitism by g. liparidis. trehalose levels were significantly re ...200212111971
establishment of phagocytic cell lines from larval hemocytes of the beet armyworm, spodoptera exigua.hemolymph was taken from beet armyworm (spodoptera exigua) larvae and a new hemocyte cell line (sehe920-1a) was established by supplementing the culture medium with a reduced form of glutathione to avoid the activation of prophenoloxidase cascade. to evaluate the phagocytic ability of the sehe920-1a cells, polystyrene microspheres of two sizes (6.14 +/- 0.45 microm and 2.84 +/- 0.14 microm in diameter) and inactivated spores of an entomopathogenic microsporidium, vairimorpha sp. nis m12 (5.10 +/ ...200415638701
phylogenetic relationships of heterovesicula cowani, a microsporidian pathogen of mormon crickets, anabrus simplex (orthoptera: tettigoniidae), based on ssu rdna-sequence analyses.the microsporidium heterovesicula cowani, discovered in 1985, was initially identified as vairimorpha sp. because it produces two types of spores: nosema-like diplokaryotic spores and thelohania-like mononuclear meiospores. however, light and electron microscopy studies revealed characters that did not fit any known microsporidian genera, and a new monotypic genus heterovesicula was erected. the goal of this study was to test the validity of the genus heterovesicula by molecular characterization ...200818374939
[cloning and phylogenetic analysis of small subunit ribosomal rna core sequence of vairimorpha ceraces (microspora: burenellidae) from the insect of lepidoptera, cerace stipatana (walker)].vairimorpha ceraces is a new microsporidium that isolated from the insect of lepidoptera, cerace stipatana (walker). we used 16s rdna sequence to explore genetic status of vairimorpha ceraces.200819149157
ultrastructure, chromosomal karyotype, and molecular phylogeny of a new isolate of microsporidian vairimorpha sp. bm (microsporidia, nosematidae) from bombyx mori in china.the spore morphology, chromosomal karyotype, and molecular systematic of a new microsporidian which was isolated from the domesticated silkworm bombyx mori (lepidoptera: bombycidae) in shandong, china have been studied. the spores were long oval and measured 3.4 × 1.6 μm on fresh smears. ultrastructure of the spores was characteristic for the genus vairimorpha: 13-15 polar filament coils, posterior vacuole, and a diplokaryon. six chromosome bands have been separated by pulsed field gel electroph ...201121633844
effects of glyptapanteles liparidis (hym.: braconidae) parasitism, polydnavirus, and venom on development of microsporidia-infected and uninfected lymantria dispar (lep.: lymantriidae) larvae.effects of parasitism, polydnavirus, and venom of the endoparasitoid glyptapanteles liparidis on lymantria dispar larvae infected with the microsporidium vairimorpha sp. and uninfected hosts were studied. we tested the impact on growth and development of hosts, as well as on microsporidian infection. both parasitism and polydnavirus/venom treatment alone caused a slight increase in growth rate and relative growth rate in uninfected fourth instar hosts. this effect was more pronounced with the ad ...200111161992
food utilization values of gypsy moth lymantria dispar (lepidoptera: lymantriidae) larvae infected with the microsporidium vairimorpha sp. (microsporidia: burenellidae).infection of the gypsy moth, lymantria dispar, with the microsporidium vairimorpha sp. strongly influences the development of the host in ways typical of many species of terrestrial entomopathogenic microsporidia; growth is reduced while development time is extended in infected insects. the appearance of the different stages of the parasite in the host relative to the elapsed time after oral infection, as well as the influence of the parasite proliferation on food utilization of the host, were e ...200011112371
detection of nosema locustae (microsporidia:nosematidae) in frozen grasshoppers (orthoptera:acrididae) by using monoclonal antibodies.we developed several monoclonal antibodies that recognized germinated and nongerminated spores and other developmental stages of nosema locustae, a pathogen of grasshoppers, by using spore homogenate as antigen. the hybridomas were produced with standard techniques. indirect fluorescence assay demonstrated recognition by several antibodies to the spore and extruded polar filament. monoclonal antibody d10-9-11 recognized the spore wall in smears and frozen sections of infected grasshopper fat bod ...19968768890
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