
significance of transovarial infections of amblyospora sp. (microspora:thelohaniidae) in relation to parasite maintenance in the mosquito culex salinarius. 1979536610
development, ultrastructure, and mode of transmission of amblyospora sp. (microspora) in the mosquito.amblyospora sp. in culex salinarius (coquillett) is transovarially transmitted and has 2 developmental sequences, one in each host sex. in females, the entire life cycle is restricted to oenocytes which become greatly hypertrophied due to the multiplication of diplokaryotic cells during merogony and come to lie next to ovaries. sporulation occurs only after a blood meal is taken and is shortly followed by infection of the oocytes and subsequent transmission to the next host generation. in the ma ...1979536933
amblyospora sp. (microspora, amblyosporidae) infecting nerve ganglia of culex pipiens (diptera, culicidae) from egypt.a species of amblyospora-infecting neurones of culex pipiens is described. diplokaryotic meronts, which divided by binary fission, were distinguished at the electron microscope level by their unthickened plasma membranes. sporonts with an electron-dense surface coat gave rise to eight uninucleate sporoblasts within a sporophorous vesicle, cytoplasmic division occurring at the quadrinucleate or octonucleate stages. indications that nuclear fusion and chromosome reorganization occurred in merogony ...19911783780
dimorphic development of amblyospora sp. (microspora: amblyosporidae) in culex salinarius gynandromorphs. 19902319162
intermediate host for an amblyospora sp. (microspora) infecting the mosquito, culex annulirostris. 19852863312
habitat associations of mosquito and copepod species.copepods and mosquitoes were collected and identified over a 12-month period from three woodland ponds, discarded tires and a salt marsh. the species distribution of both mosquitoes and copepods varied among habitats and seasonally. acanthocyclops vernalis was the predominant copepod in all of the habitats except the discarded tires, where thermocyclops dybowskii was the predominant species. amblyospora sp.-infected mosquitoes and copepods were found on several occasions in one of the woodland p ...19872904968
experimental transmission of a microsporidian pathogen from mosquitoes to an alternate copepod host.meiospores of a microsporidian parasite amblyospora sp. (protozoa: microspora) from larval aedes cantator mosquitoes were directly infectious to an alternate copepod host, acanthocyclops vernalis (arthropoda: crustacea). infections ranged from 6.7% to 60.0% in laboratory tests when meiospores and copepods were maintained together for 10-30 days in filtered water from the breeding site or in a balanced salt solution. pathogen development takes place within host adipose tissue and is fatal to the ...19853860877
an epizootic amblyospora sp. (microspora: amblyosporidae) in field populations of the mosquito, aedes cantator. 19836417246
phylogenetic position of amblyospora hazard & oldacre (microspora:amblyosporidae) based on small subunit rrna data and its implication for the evolution of the microsporidia.sequences of the small subunit rrna genes of amblvospora california and an amblyospora sp. from culex salinarius were determined. these sequences were compared phylogenetically with 16 other microsporidia. the results suggest amblyospora forms a sister taxon to the rest of the microsporidia examined. the basal position of amblyospora is discussed with respect to the evolution of microsporidian life cycles. these sequences represent the longest microsporidian small subunit rrna genes sequenced to ...19979183710
[seasonal variation of three culex species (diptera: culicidae) and its parasites and pathogens in punta lara, buenos aires, argentina].the seasonality of immatures, imagoes and pathogens of culex dolosus lynch arribálzaga, culex intrincatus brethes and culex maxi dyar from punta lara (buenos aires province, argentina) was monitored weekly (larvae and pupae) or fortnightly (adults), from 1989 to 1991. culex dolosus was present during all months. the larvae were parasitized by geotrichum candidum link ex person, smittium morbosum var. rioplatensis lópez lastra, coelomomyces sp., achlya sp, amblyospora dolosi garcía & becnel and s ...19979404524
phylogeny of amblyospora (microsporida: amblyosporidae) and related genera based on small subunit ribosomal dna data: a possible example of host parasite cospeciation.small subunit ribosomal rna (ssu rrna) gene sequences were analyzed for six species and four genera of microsporidia from mosquito hosts; amblyospora stimuli (aedes stimulans), amblyospora californica (culex tarsalis), amblyospora sp. (culex salinarius), edhazardia aedis (aedes aegypti), culicosporella lunata (culex pilosus), and parathelohania anophelis (anopheles quadrimaculatus). comparison of these sequences to those of other microsporidia show that these sequences are longer with the ssu rr ...19989538024
amblyospora salinaria n. sp. (microsporidia: amblyosporidae), parasite of culex salinarius (diptera: culicidae): its life cycle stages in an intermediate host.horizontal transmission testing with an amblyospora species from the mosquito culex salinarius has documented the involvement of a copepod intermediate host. meiospores (one type of uninucleate spore) of the amblyospora sp. were infectious per os to female macrocyclops albidus adults. all developmental stages in the copepod had unpaired nuclei (were haplophasic), starting with the sporoplasms from the meiospore, continuing as a succession of schizonts undergoing binary division and ending with s ...19989538031
[parasitic systems of microsporidia: descriptions and terminology questions].three parasitic systems of microsporidia are described: the system of monoxenic vairimorpha mesnili with paraxenic hosts presented lepidopteran and hymenopteran species; the system of dixenic amblyospora sp. with metaxenic hosts presented bloodsucking mosquitoes and crustaceans and the system of metchnikovella sp. as parasite of other obligate parasite. the last case is characterized by very intimate interrelations between hyperparasite (microsporidian species), obligate parasite--host of micros ...200212624964
influence of temperature on microsporidia infections in a natural population of simulium pertinax kollar, 1832 (diptera; simuliidae).during the studies involving the correlation between the water temperature of the breeding site of simulium pertinax larvae and the infection prevalence by microsporidia, developed in the andorinhas river, magé, rj, weekly samples of blackfly larvae were taken within a two-year period (2001-2002 and 2003-2004), and it was noticed that the infections by amblyospora sp. were more prevalent when compared to infections by polydispyrenia sp. in larvae. it was also observed that the infections do not ...200718094835
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