
characterization of potyviruses from tulip and lily which cause flower-breaking.five viruses causing colour-breaking of tulip flowers were isolated from tulips and lilies. tulip-breaking virus (tbv), tulip top-breaking virus (ttbv), tulip band-breaking virus, rembrandt tulip-breaking virus and lily mottle virus were all characterized as potyviruses by serology and potyvirus-specific pcr. sequence analysis of amplified dna fragments spanning a conserved area of the coat protein cistron of potyviruses was performed in order to classify the isolates as distinct viruses or stra ...19938492092
control of aphid-borne lily symptomless virus and lily mottle virus in lilium in the overview is presented on the management of viruses of lilium crops in the netherlands since the 1960s. this mainly concerns lily symptomless virus (lsv) and lily mottle virus (lmov). various factors which affect the efficiency of control are considered. the variable symptoms of lmov in the many vegetatively propagated cultivars grown (c. 340) pose problems in the efficient roguing of diseased plants of some cultivars. additionally the acceptable incidence of viruses such as lsv which are gene ...200011137159
characterisation of some carla- and potyviruses from bulb crops in china. brief report.conserved carla- and potyvirus primers were used in rt-pcr to amplify virus fragments from garlic and other bulb crops in china and the fragments were subsequently sequenced and compared in phylogenetic analyses. garlic plants from henan, hubei, jiangsu, shangdong and yunnan provinces all contained at least one isolate each of garlic latent virus (genus carlavirus), onion yellow dwarf virus (oydv, genus potyvirus) and leek yellow stripe virus (lysv, genus potyvirus). the complete sequence of a z ...200211890533
occurrence and sequences of lily mottle virus and lily symptomless virus in plants grown from imported bulbs in zhejiang province, china.degenerate primers were used to amplify virus sequences from imported lilies in zhejiang province, china. two viruses, lily mottle virus (lmov, genus potyvirus) and lily symptomless virus (lsv, genus carlavirus) were detected, purified and completely sequenced from a mixed infection in a plant raised from bulbs imported from the netherlands. the sequence of lmov was 9644 nt long and encoded a polyprotein of 3095 amino acids with a calculated m(r) of 351.0 kda that had only 45.1-54.4% identity to ...200314648295
a new potyvirus from thunberg fritillary (fritillaria thunbergii miq.) in zhejiang, china.a potyvirus causing mosaic symptoms in thunberg fritillary (fritillaria thunbergii) was found at two sites in zhejiang province, china. the virus was readily mechanically transmitted to its original host but not to any of 17 other widely used plant virus indicators. a polyclonal antiserum raised to purified virus particles reacted with its homologous virus but not with a range of other viruses (including 16 potyvirus species). in electron microscopy, virus particles and inclusion bodies typical ...200515789262
a simple, sensitive, specific detection of mixed infection of multiple plant viruses using macroarray and microtube hybridization.a simple, sensitive and specific method using a cdna macroarray to detect multiple viruses was devised. the method is used in plants such as potato and lily, which need a reliable routine diagnosis for mixed infection. the biotinylated crna targets were prepared using an in vitro transcription-based system that was designed especially to eliminate nonspecific hybridizations. the macroarray hybridization was carried out using a convenient, cost-effective "microtube hybridization" (mth) system. by ...200818760308
lrabcf1, a gcn-type atp-binding cassette transporter from lilium regale, is involved in defense responses against viral and fungal pathogens.the l. regale atp-binding cassette transporter gene, lrabcf1 belonging to gcn subfamily, functions as a positive regulator of plant defense against cucumber mosaic virus, tobacco rattle virus , and botrytis cinerea in petunia. atp-binding cassette (abc) transporters are essential for membrane translocation in diverse biological processes, such as plant development and defense response. here, a general control non-derepressible (gcn)-type abc transporter gene, designated lrabcf1, was identified f ...201627485641
reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction-based system for simultaneous detection of multiple lily-infecting viruses.a detection system based on a multiplex reverse transcription (rt) polymerase chain reaction (pcr) was developed to simultaneously identify multiple viruses in the lily plant. the most common viruses infecting lily plants are the cucumber mosaic virus (cmv), lily mottle virus (lmov), lily symptomless virus (lsv). leaf samples were collected at lily-cultivation facilities located in the kangwon province of korea and used to evaluate the detection system. simplex and multiplex rt-pcr were performe ...201325288961
development of an indirect elisa and immunocapture rt-pcr for lily virus detection.multiple viruses such as lily symptomless virus (lsv), lily mottle virus (lmov), and cucumber mosaic virus (cmv) are the most prevalent viruses infecting lilies in korea. leaf samples and bulbs showing characteristic symptoms of virus infection were collected from gangwon, chungnam, and jeju provinces of korea in 2008-2011. coat protein (cp) genes of lsv and lmov were amplified from collected samples by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (rt-pcr) and cloned into a pet21d(+) expressi ...201223221542
purification and immuno-gold labeling of lily mottle virus from lily leaves.lily mottle virus (lmov) is prevalent in lilium species worldwide causing dwarfing, flower breaking, and reduced bulb yield. in this paper, an easy to use and efficient procedure is described for purification of lmov from lily leaves. the resulting sample is characterized by a 260/280 nm absorbance ratio of 1.20 at a concentration of 1.27 mg/ml. the procedure results in high protein purity and particle integrity as shown by uv-spectrophotometry, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (page), western ...201626927705
a rapid immunochromatographic test to detect the lily mottle virus.we developed a rapid immunochromatographic strip (ics) test for lily mottle virus (lmov). the test is based on a double-antibody sandwich format and employs two distinct anti-lmov polyclonal antibodies (igg3 and igg4). the first antibody, igg3 was conjugated with colloidal gold, and the second antibody, igg4 was used as the capture antibody at the test line. the performance of the ics test was evaluated and the results obtained were compared with a quadruplex rt-pcr assay. when serial dilutions ...201525896188
simultaneous detection of three lily viruses using triplex ic-rt-pcr.viruses commonly infecting lily (lilium spp.) include: lily symptomless virus (lsv), cucumber mosaic virus (cmv) and lily mottle virus (lmov). these viruses usually co-infect lilies causing severe economic losses in terms of quantity and quality of flower and bulb production around the world. reliable and precise detection systems need to be developed for virus identification. we describe the development of a triplex immunocapture (ic) reverse transcription (rt) polymerase chain reaction (pcr) a ...201728847563
first report of lily mottle virus on lily (lilium sp.) in southern india.lily samples collected from commercial cut flower growing field at nilgiris, tamil nadu, india were serologically tested through direct antigen coating-elisa and dot immuno binding assay for the infection of potyvirus through potyvirus group specific polyclonal antibody. the rt-pcr using potyvirus universal degenerate primers (pnibf1/pcpr1) showed the presence of a potyvirus and the sequencing results showed the association of lily mottle virus (lmov). further lmov was confirmed by rt-pcr amplif ...201728770252
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