
[wheat streak mosaic virus and biological properties of its vectors aceria tulipae keifer (acarina: eriophydae)]. 19674899375
properties of infectious ribonucleic acid from wheat streak mosaic virus. 19705483263
electron microscopy of wheat streak mosaic virus particles in infected plant cells. 19675583204
[transmission of wheat streak mosaic virus by aceria tulipae keifer mites]. 19675619958
distribution of wheat streak mosaic virus-like particles in aceria tulipae. 19695784849
electron microscopy of inclusions associated with wheat streak mosaic virus. 19655841872
[electron microscopy of the wheat streak mosaic virus]. 19655864807
[wheat streak mosaic virus in the plant cells and in the carrier tick]. 19665999097
localization of wheat streak mosaic virus in the alimentary canal of its vector aceria tulipae keifer. 19676025881
molecular cloning and nucleotide sequencing of the partial genomes of agropyron and hordeum mosaic viruses, two members of the rymovirus genus in the taxonomic family potyviridae.complementary dnas encompassing the coat protein coding and adjacent regions of agropyron mosaic virus (agmv) and hordeum mosaic virus (homv) were cloned and sequenced. comparison with other sequenced potyviruses indicated that each clone contained the 3'-non-coding region (3'ncr), the coat protein (cp) gene and part of the nuclear inclusion protein (nib) gene. nucleotide and amino acid sequence comparisons of the 3'-terminal regions of these and other rymoviruses indicate that distinct groups e ...19968973527
three distinct mechanisms facilitate genetic isolation of sympatric wheat streak mosaic virus lineages.cross-protection and vector transmission bottlenecks have been proposed as mechanisms facilitating genetic isolation of sympatric viral lineages. molecular markers were used to monitor establishment and resolution of mixed infections with genetically defined strains of wheat streak mosaic virus (wsmv). two closely related wsmv strains from the u.s. (type and sidney 81) exhibited reciprocal cross-protection in wheat, confirming this classic phenomenon as a mechanism of genetic isolation. in contr ...200111289805
structure and temporal dynamics of populations within wheat streak mosaic virus isolates.variation within the type and sidney 81 strains of wheat streak mosaic virus was assessed by single-strand conformation polymorphism (sscp) analysis and confirmed by nucleotide sequencing. limiting-dilution subisolates (ldsis) of each strain were evaluated for polymorphism in the p1, p3, nia, and cp cistrons. different sscp patterns among ldsis of a strain were associated with single-nucleotide substitutions. sidney 81 ldsi-s10 was used as founding inoculum to establish three lineages each in wh ...200111581391
correlation of rod length with infectivity of wheat streak mosaic virus. 195813581513
contributions of genetic drift and negative selection on the evolution of three strains of wheat streak mosaic tritimovirus.genome sequences of three wheat streak mosaic virus (wsmv) strains were compared. the type and sidney 81 strains of wsmv from the american great plains were closely related, with sequence identities of 97.6% (nucleotide) and 98.7% (amino acid). in contrast, the el batán 3 strain from central mexico was divergent, and shared only 79.2-79.3% (nucleotide) and 90.3-90.5% (amino acid) sequence identity with type and sidney 81. all three wsmv strains were serologically related, however the el batán 3 ...200111338395
influence of volunteer wheat plant condition on movement of the wheat curl mite, aceria tosichella, in winter wheat.the wheat curl mite (wcm), aceria tosichella keifer, is the vector of wheat streak mosaic virus and high plains virus which cause significant crop loss in winter wheat throughout the western great plains. volunteer wheat emerging before harvest, as a result of severe hail, is the primary source of mites and virus that infect fall-planted winter wheat. wind-borne movement of the wcm is of key importance in the spread and infection of the virus complex. significant movement of wcm from wheat has b ...200314974690
a plant virus vector for systemic expression of foreign genes in cereals.inserts bearing the coding sequences of npt ii and beta-glucuronidase (gus) were placed between the nuclear inclusion b (nib) and coat protein (cp) domains of the wheat streak mosaic virus (wsmv) polyprotein orf. the wsmv nib-cp junction containing the nuclear inclusion a (nia) protease cleavage site was duplicated, permitting excision of foreign protein domains from the viral polyprotein. wheat, barley, oat and maize seedlings supported systemic infection of wsmv bearing npt ii. the npt ii inse ...200010972881
multiple interactions among proteins encoded by the mite-transmitted wheat streak mosaic tritimovirus.the genome organization of the mite-transmitted wheat streak mosaic virus (wsmv) appears to parallel that of members of the potyviridae with monopartite genomes, but there are substantial amino acid dissimilarities with other potyviral polyproteins. to initiate studies on the functions of wsmv-encoded proteins, a protein interaction map was generated using a yeast two-hybrid system. because the pathway of proteolytic maturation of the wsmv polyprotein has not been experimentally determined, rand ...200010662614
molecular cloning, sequencing, and phylogenetic relationships of a new potyvirus: sugarcane streak mosaic virus, and a reevaluation of the classification of the potyviridae.the nucleic acid of a serologically distinct potyvirus, originally isolated out of sugar cane from pakistan, was reverse transcribed and the 3' terminal 2000 bp was pcr amplified, cloned, and sequenced. phylogenetic comparisons of viruses representing each genus of the potyviridae show that the pakistani isolate is most closely related to the rymoviruses wheat streak mosaic virus (wsmv) and brome streak mosaic virus. we therefore propose that this new virus species be named sugar cane streak mos ...199810051385
characterization of the translocated chromosome using fluorescence in situ hybridization and random amplified polymorphic dna on two triticum aestivum-thinopyrum intermedium translocation lines resistant to wheat streak mosaic or barley yellow dwarf virus.fluorescence in situ hybridization (fish) was used to determine the breakpoint of the translocation chromosome in two bread wheat (triticum aestivum) germplasm lines with thinopyrum intermedium chromatin carrying resistance to either wheat streak mosaic virus (wsmv) or barley yellow dwarf virus (bydv). in addition, genome-specific random amplified polymorphic dna (rapd) markers were used to ascertain the genomic sources of the th. intermedium chromosome carrying the wsmv or bydv resistance. ci17 ...19969024975
phylogenetic justification for splitting the rymovirus genus of the taxonomic family potyviridae.the potyviridae family has been divided into four genera on the basis of vector transmission, as follows: potyvirus genus (aphid), rymovirus genus (mite), bymovirus genus (fungus) and ipomovirus genus (whitefly). however recent sequence comparisons of the coat protein and 3' ncr regions of the potyviruses have demonstrated that the rymoviruses appear to be a group of two unrelated clusters namely ryegrass mosaic virus (rgmv), agropyron mosaic virus (agmv) and hordeum mosaic virus (homv) in one g ...19968973537
structural proteins of three viruses in the potyviridae adhere only to their homologous cylindrical inclusions in mixed infections.immunoelectron microscopy of serial sections of leaf cells of wheat doubly infected by wheat streak mosaic virus and agropyron mosaic virus or wheat spindle streak mosaic virus showed that structural proteins or virions associated only with homologous cylindrical inclusions (ci) or with self in aggregates. ci protein of wsmv was seen firmly attached to, and extended through, a plasmodesma. based on ci protein similarities with transport protein families, membrane-associated secretion proteins, o ...19938373700
simplified sample preparation for detection of wheat streak mosaic virus and barley yellow dwarf virus by pcr.a pcr diagnostic procedure for wheat streak mosaic virus (wsmv) was developed using a primer derived from 3'-terminal sequences of five wsmv isolates and an oligo d(t)-based primer. cereal extracts prepared by digestion with proteinase k and boiling permitted pcr-based detection of both wsmv and bydv in field samples. this procedure saves time, eliminates multiple liquid transfer steps, and reduces the chances of cross contamination. sensitivity of such assays is still very good; bydv could be r ...19947829597
relationship of wheat streak mosaic and barley stripe mosaic viruses to vector and nonvector eriophyid mites.large amounts of wheat streak mosaic virus (wsmv) accumulate in the midgut of its mite vector eriophyes tulipae reared on virus infected plants. masses of flexuous rod shaped virus particles persisted in the midgut, without degradation, for at least 5 of the 6--9 day adult life of mites. wsmv particles also were found distributed in the body cavity and in salivary glands of mites suggesting that the virus is "circulative" in e. tulipae. abacarus hystrix, a nonvector of wsmv, when reared on virus ...19807356391
cytoplasmic inclusions induced by wheat streak mosaic virus. 19806997507
possible members of the potyvirus group transmitted by mites or whiteflies share epitopes with aphid-transmitted definitive members of the group.there are at least ten viruses identified in the literature that resemble definitive potyviruses in having flexuous filamentous particles and inducing the formation of "pinwheel" cytoplasmic inclusions in infected cells but that are transmitted by eriophyid mites, whiteflies or soil fungi and not by aphids, the vectors of the definitive potyviruses. the taxonomic status of these viruses is uncertain at present. using a broadly cross-reactive antiserum raised against the dissociated coat protein ...19892473719
cdna cloning and nucleotide sequence of the wheat streak mosaic virus capsid protein gene.the 3'-terminal region of wheat streak mosaic virus (wsmv) genomic rna was cloned and a cdna sequence of 1809 nucleotides upstream of the poly(a) tract was determined. the sequence contains a single open reading frame of 1662 nucleotides and a 3' untranslated region of 147 nucleotides. translation products from wsmv rna and wsmv cdna transcripts were immunoprecipitated by wsmv capsid protein antiserum, indicating that the 3'-terminal region of wsmv rna encodes the capsid protein. five potential ...19912005429
cylindrical inclusion bodies of wheat streak mosaic virus and three other potyviruses only self-assemble in mixed infections.potyviruses produce cylindrical inclusions (cis) in the cytoplasm of infected cells. immunogold labelling and electron microscopy of embedded and sectioned wheat and maize cells doubly infected by different potyviruses revealed no mixing of inclusion proteins in cis. the viruses were wheat streak mosaic virus (wsmv), agropyron mosaic virus and hordeum mosaic virus, in wheat, and wsmv and maize dwarf mosaic virus in maize. the three viruses in wheat were indistinguishable morphologically and in u ...19912005428
isolation, transmission and purification of the high plains virus.the wheat curl mite (aceria tosichella keifer) often simultaneously transmits the high plains virus and wheat streak mosaic virus under field conditions, resulting in doubly infected plants. in this study, a pure culture of the high plains virus (isolate hpv95id), which was infected with both high plains virus and wheat streak mosaic virus, was mechanically transmitted from barley (hordeum vulgáre l.) to maize (zea mays l.) by vascular puncture inoculation. different water temperatures and durat ...200616672165
potyviridae: genus rymovirus.the genus rymovirus of the family potyviridae is comprised of seven rod-shaped viruses with the shared characteristic of being transmitted by mites. aside from this distinguishing feature, rymoviruses are similar to aphid-transmitted potyviruses in that they share a similar particle morphology, some similar antigenic determinants, similar physico-chemical properties, the ability to induce the formation of cytoplasmic cylindrical inclusions, and the ability to infect only graminaceous hosts. in v ...19921450749
the effects of b, k10, and ar chromosomes on the resistance of maize to viral infection.studies were conducted to determine if accessory (b) chromosomes, the abnormal tenth (k10) chromosome or the aberrant ratio (ar) phenomenon of maize (zea mays l.) affect the resistance of the plants to viral infection. genetically similar stocks of maize with and without these elements were compared to determine what effect they would have on the plants response to brome mosaic virus (bmv), maize dwarf mosaic virus (mdmv), wheat streak mosaic virus (wsmv) and barley stripe mosaic virus (bsmv).-t ...197817248865
assessment of aegilops tauschii for resistance to biotypes of wheat curl mite (acari: eriophyidae).aegilops tauschii, the wild diploid d-genome progenitor of wheat, triticum aestivum l., is an important source of resistance to several arthropod pests and pathogens. a total of 108 ae. tauschii accessions from different geographic regions were evaluated for resistance to biotypes of the wheat curl mite, aceria tosichella keifer, from kansas, nebraska, and montana. the wheat curl mite is the only vector known to transmit wheat streak mosaic virus. wheat curl mite resistance was detected in germp ...200314503608
development of a multiplexed pcr detection method for barley and cereal yellow dwarf viruses, wheat spindle streak virus, wheat streak mosaic virus and soil-borne wheat mosaic virus.barley and cereal yellow dwarf viruses (b/cydvs), wheat spindle streak mosaic (wssmv), soil-borne wheat mosaic virus (sbwmv) and wheat streak mosaic virus (wsmv) constitute the most economically important group of wheat viruses. in this paper, a multiplex reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (m-rt-pcr) method was developed for the simultaneous detection and discrimination of eight viruses: five strains of b/cydvs, wssmv, sbwmv and wsmv. the protocol uses specific primer sets for each ...200818063125
evolution of wheat streak mosaic virus: dynamics of population growth within plants may explain limited many other plant rna viruses, wheat streak mosaic virus (wsmv) sequence diversity within and among infected plants is low given the large number of virions produced. this may be explained by considering aspects of plant virus life history. intracellular replication of rna viruses is predominately linear, not exponential, which means that the rate at which mutations accumulate also is linear. bottlenecks during systemic movement further limit diversity. analysis of mixed infections with two ...200312730393
molecular cytogenetic discrimination and reaction to wheat streak mosaic virus and the wheat curl mite in zhong series of wheat--thinopyrum intermedium partial amphiploids.thinopyrum intermedium (2n = 6x = 42, jjjsjsss) is potentially a useful source of resistance to wheat streak mosaic virus (wsmv) and its vector, the wheat curl mite (wcm). five partial amphiploids, namely zhong 1, zhong 2, zhong 3, zhong 4, and zhong 5, derived from triticum aestivum x thinopyrum intermedium crosses produced in china, were screened for wsmv and wcm resistance. zhong 1 and zhong 2 had high levels of resistance to wsmv and wcm. the other three partial amphiploids, zhong 3, 4, and ...200312669806
colony establishment and maintenance of the eriophyid wheat curl mite aceria tosichella for controlled transmission studies on a new virus-like pathogen.high plains disease (hpd) is of serious economic concern for wheat and corn production, but little is known about the virus-like causal agent. in the field, hpd is often associated with wheat streak mosaic virus (wsmv) and both pathogens are transmitted by the same eriophyid wheat curl mite, aceria tosichella keifer. the objective of this study was to develop methods for establishing and maintaining hpd-transmitting wheat curl mite colonies for their use in studies on hpd. towards this goal, mit ...200312565164
patterns of polymorphism in wheat streak mosaic virus: sequence space explored by a clade of closely related viral genotypes rivals that between the most divergent strains.nucleotide (nt) sequence polymorphism within a collection of wheat streak mosaic virus (wsmv) isolates was examined. an approximately 1267-nt region encompassing the coat protein (cp) cistron and flanking sequences was amplified by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (rt-pcr) for each of 49 isolates not previously sequenced. consensus sequences were compiled for each isolate based on sequences derived from three clones per rt-pcr product. among 59 consensus sequences examined, only t ...200212429516
fully biologically active in vitro transcripts of the eriophyid mite-transmitted wheat streak mosaic tritimovirus.abstract infectious rna of wheat streak mosaic virus (wsmv) has been produced using a full-length cdna clone as a template for in vitro transcription with sp6 rna polymerase. infectivity was dependent on the use of template plasmid dna that had not undergone spontaneous rearrangement during amplification in escherichia coli. the presence of wsmv in systemically infected wheat plants inoculated with in vitro transcripts was confirmed by reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction of the wsmv ...199918944643
a fertile amphiploid between durum wheat (triticum turgidum) and the x agroticum amphiploid (agropyron cristatum x t. tauschii).agropyron (gaertn) is a genus of triticeae which includes the crested wheatgrass complex, i.e. a. cristatum (l.) as representative species containing the p genome. this species is an important source for increase the genetic variability of both durum and bread wheat. among the possible interesting features to be introgressed into wheat are resistance to wheat streak mosaic virus, rust diseases, and tolerance to drought, cold and moderate salinity. by crossing tetraploid wheat (triticum turgidum ...200112152332
rapid identification of transformed wheat using a half-seed pcr assay.a simple, nondestructive pcr-based screening method has been developed for identifying putative transgenic soft white winter wheat (triticum aestivum l.) carrying the coat protein gene of wheat streak mosaic virus. removal of the endosperm end of individual seed provided sufficient material for dna extraction and pcr. dna from seed is more free of the secondary, metabolites found in leaf tissue that can inhibit both pcr and restriction digests required for southern analysis. the half-seed pcr as ...200211911660
phylogenetic relationships, strain diversity and biogeography of tritimoviruses.north american and eurasian isolates of wheat streak mosaic virus (wsmv; genus tritimovirus) and oat necrotic mottle virus (onmv; genus rymovirus) were examined. nine wsmv isolates differentially infected oat, barley, inbred maize line sdp2 and sorghum line ks56. the wsmv isolates clustered into groups based on phylogenetic analyses of the capsid protein (cp) cistron and flanking regions. wsmv isolates from the united states (us) and turkey were closely related, suggesting recent movement betwee ...200211907340
resistance to wheat streak mosaic virus in transgenic wheat engineered with the viral coat protein gene.wheat (triticum aestivum) plants were stably transformed with the coat protein (cp) gene of wheat streak mosaic virus (wsmv) by the biolistic method. eleven independently transformed plant lines were obtained and five were analyzed for gene expression and resistance to wsmv. one line showed high resistance to inoculations of two wsmv strains. this line had milder symptoms and lower virus titer than control plants after inoculation. after infection, new growth did not show symptoms. the observed ...200211874101
mapping of the p1 proteinase cleavage site in the polyprotein of wheat streak mosaic virus (genus tritimovirus).monopartite members of the family potyviridae utilize three virus-encoded proteinases to cleave the viral polyprotein into mature proteins. the amino-terminal region of the viral polyprotein is autolytically cleaved by the p1 proteinase. a domain required for p1 proteinase activity of wheat streak mosaic virus (wsmv) was mapped using a series of templates with nested 3'-truncations or 5'-deletions to program in vitro transcription-translation reactions. the wsmv p1 proteinase cleavage site was m ...200211807238
field evaluation of transgenic and classical sources of wheat streak mosaic virus resistance.the development of wheat (triticum aestivum l.) cultivars that are resistant to wheat streak mosaic virus (wsmv), yet competitive in yield under nondiseased conditions, is an objective for breeding programs in the great plains. this field study was conducted to compare classical and transgenic sources of resistance to wsmv. three sets of germplasm were evaluated. these included adapted cultivars with various levels of tolerance, transgenic wheat lines containing viral coat protein or replicase s ...200211756260
complete nucleotide sequence of oat necrotic mottle virus: a distinct tritimovirus species (family potyviridae) most closely related to wheat streak mosaic virus.the rna genome (9346 nucleotides) of oat necrotic mottle virus (onmv) was cloned and sequenced. complete genome comparisons indicated that onmv, currently classified as a rymovirus, was most closely related ( approximately 73% nucleotide, approximately 79% amino acid identity) to the tritimovirus wheat streak mosaic virus (wsmv). onmv encoded a single polyprotein, with proteinase cleavage sites very similar to those of wsmv. pairwise comparison of onmv and wsmv cistrons revealed that p3 was most ...200414991449
functional replacement of wheat streak mosaic virus hc-pro with the corresponding cistron from a diverse array of viruses in the family potyviridae.helper component-proteinase (hc-pro) of wheat streak mosaic virus strain sidney 81 (wsmv-sidney 81) was systematically replaced with the corresponding cistron derived from four strains of wsmv (type, tk1, cz, and el batán 3), the tritimovirus oat necrotic mottle virus (onmv), the rymoviruses agropyron mosaic virus (agmv) and hordeum mosaic virus (homv), or the potyviruses tobacco etch virus (tev) and turnip mosaic virus (tumv). these hc-pro proteins varied in amino acid sequence identity shared ...200415193921
characterization of derivatives from wheat-thinopyrum wide crosses.partial amphiploids are lines that contain 42 (38-42) wheat and 14 (14-18) alien chromosomes. they are derived by backcrossing wheat onto hybrids between wheat and either thinopyrum intermedium (6x) or th. ponticum (10x). gish analysis has shown that, with possibly one exception, the alien genomes (chromosome sets) in partial amphiploids are found to be hybrids i.e. composed of chromosomes from more than one alien genome. the individual partial amphiploids are meiotically stable and nearly perfe ...200515753597
clinostating effects on biochemical characteristics and productivity of healthy and virus-infected wheat plants of dwarf apogee variety.the effects of clinostating on physiological processes and biochemical characteristics of wheat plants (triticum aestivum l.) both healthy and infected by the wheat streak mosaic virus (wsmv) were studied. in six experiments, each lasting over 30 days, healthy and infected plants of the dwarf apogee variety were grown under conditions of continuous horizontal and vertical clinostating with 2 rpm at 21 +/- 2 degrees c and 6000 1x (the optimal moisture of a substrate being maintained). the control ...200415880900
plant virus hc-pro is a determinant of eriophyid mite transmission.the eriophyid mite transmitted wheat streak mosaic virus (wsmv; genus tritimovirus, family potyviridae) shares a common genome organization with aphid transmitted species of the genus potyvirus. although both tritimoviruses and potyviruses encode helper component-proteinase (hc-pro) homologues (required for nonpersistent aphid transmission of potyviruses), sequence conservation is low (amino acid identity, approximately 16%), and a role for hc-pro in semipersistent transmission of wsmv by the wh ...200515994799
efficient and stable expression of gfp through wheat streak mosaic virus-based vectors in cereal hosts using a range of cleavage sites: formation of dense fluorescent aggregates for sensitive virus tracking.a series of wheat streak mosaic virus (wsmv)-based expression vectors were developed by engineering a cycle 3 gfp (gfp) cistron between p1 and hc-pro cistrons with several catalytic/cleavage peptides at the c-terminus of gfp. wsmv-gfp vectors with the foot-and-mouth disease virus 1d/2a or 2a catalytic peptides cleaved gfp from hc-pro but expressed gfp inefficiently. wsmv-gfp vectors with homologous nia-pro heptapeptide cleavage sites did not release gfp from hc-pro, but efficiently expressed gfp ...201021145088
the n-terminal region of wheat streak mosaic virus coat protein is a host- and strain-specific long-distance transport factor.understanding the genetics underlying host range differences among plant virus strains can provide valuable insights into viral gene functions and virus-host interactions. in this study, we examined viral determinants and mechanisms of differential infection of zea mays inbred line sdp2 by wheat streak mosaic virus (wsmv) isolates. wsmv isolates sidney 81 (wsmv-s81) and type (wsmv-t) share 98.7% polyprotein sequence identity but differentially infect sdp2: wsmv-s81 induces a systemic infection, ...201021147925
responses of maize (zea mays l.) near isogenic lines carrying wsm1, wsm2, and wsm3 to three viruses in the potyviridae.genes on chromosomes six (wsm1), three (wsm2) and ten (wsm3) in the maize (zea mays l.) inbred line pa405 control resistance to wheat streak mosaic virus (wsmv), and the same or closely linked genes control resistance to maize dwarf mosaic virus (mdmv) and sugarcane mosaic virus (scmv). near isogenic lines (nil) carrying one or two of the genes were developed by introgressing regions of the respective chromosomes into the susceptible line oh28 and tested for their responses to wsmv, mdmv, and sc ...201121667271
wheat streak mosaic virus--structural parameters for a potyvirus.wheat streak mosaic virus is a tritimovirus, a member of the potyviridae family, which includes the very large potyvirus genus. we have examined wheat streak mosaic virus by electron microscopy and fiber diffraction from partially oriented sols, and analyzed the results to estimate the symmetry and structural parameters of the viral helix. the virions have an apparent radius of 63 +/- 5 a. the viral helix has a pitch of 33.4 a +/- 0.6 a. there appear to be 6.9 subunits per turn of the helix, alt ...200516026812
an internal rna element in the p3 cistron of wheat streak mosaic virus revealed by synonymous mutations that affect both movement and replication.multiple synonymous substitution mutations in the wheat streak mosaic virus p3 cistron did not affect translation in vitro but rendered the virus incapable of systemic infection. multiple synonymous substitutions in the cylindrical inclusion cistron did not alter infectivity or in vitro translation. to assess replication and movement phenotypes, p3 mutations were placed in context with a gus reporter gene. gus activity measured in barley protoplasts 36 h post-transfection indicated that mutants ...200516099920
population genetics of the wheat curl mite (aceria tosichella keifer) in australia: implications for the management of wheat pathogens.the wheat curl mite (wcm), aceria tosichella keifer, is a polyphagous eriophyoid mite and the primary vector of wheat streak mosaic virus (wsmv) and five other viral pathogens in cereals. previous research using molecular markers and a series of laboratory experiments found a. tosichella in australia to consist of two genetically distinct lineages, which have broad overlapping distributions and differ in their ability to transmit wsmv under controlled conditions. this pattern of transmission als ...201122030277
complete deletion of wheat streak mosaic virus hc-pro: a null mutant is viable for systemic infection.a wheat streak mosaic virus (wsmv) genome lacking hc-pro was constructed and confirmed by reverse transcription-pcr to systemically infect wheat, oat, and corn. coupled in vitro transcription/translation reactions indicated that wsmv p1 proteinase cleaved the polyprotein at the p1/p3 junction of the hc-pro null mutant. the wsmv hc-pro null mutant was competent for virion formation, but the virus titer was reduced 4.5-fold relative to that of the wild type. collectively, these results indicate th ...200516140783
population structure within lineages of wheat streak mosaic virus derived from a common founding event exhibits stochastic variation inconsistent with the deterministic quasi-species model.structure of wheat streak mosaic virus (wsmv) populations derived from a common founding event and subjected to serial passage at high multiplicity of infection (moi) was evaluated. the founding population was generated by limiting dilution inoculation. lineages of known pedigree were sampled at passage 9 (two populations) and at passage 15, with (three populations) or without mixing (four populations) of lineages at passage 10. polymorphism within each population was assessed by sequencing 17-2 ...200516181653
clinostating effects on apogee wheat resistance to wheat streak mosaic virus.the effects of vertical and horizontal clinostating with container velocity 2 rpm and platform velocity 1 rpm on apogee wheat resistance to wheat streak mosaic virus (wsmv) were studied. for the first time the yield of grain was obtained from both, healthy and the wsmv-infected wheat plants under conditions of simulated microgravity (clinorotation) which is accounted for by the inclusion of various mechanisms in the process of plant adaptation to the factors of stresses. for the first time the s ...200416240513
insect infestations, incidence of viral plant diseases, and yield of winter wheat in relation to planting date in the northern great plains.planting date effects on arthropod infestation and viral plant disease are undocumented for winter wheat, triticum aestivum l., in south dakota and the northern great plains. winter wheat was planted over three dates (early, middle, and late; generally from late august to late september) to determine the effect on abundance of insect pests, incidence of plant damage, incidence of viral plant disease, and grain yield. the study was conducted simultaneously at two sites in south dakota over three ...200516539128
nested deletion analysis of wheat streak mosaic virus hc-pro: mapping of domains affecting polyprotein processing and eriophyid mite transmission.a series of in-frame and nested deletion mutations which progressively removed 5'-proximal sequences of the wheat streak mosaic virus (wsmv) hc-pro coding region (1152 nucleotides) was constructed and evaluated for pathogenicity to wheat. wsmv hc-pro mutants with 5'-proximal deletions of 12 to 720 nucleotides systemically infected wheat. boundary sequences flanking the deletions were stable and unaltered by passage through plants for all deletion mutants except hcd12 (lacking hc-pro codons 3-6) ...200616540139
random mutagenesis of wheat streak mosaic virus hc-pro: non-infectious interfering mutations in a gene dispensable for systemic infection of plants.mutations within the hc-pro coding region of wheat streak mosaic virus (wsmv) were introduced by misincorporation during pcr and evaluated for phenotype within the context of an infectious clone. nine synonymous substitutions and 15 of 25 non-synonymous substitutions had no phenotypic effect. four non-synonymous substitutions, including one that reverted consistently to wild type, resulted in attenuated systemic infection. six non-synonymous substitutions and one nonsense substitution abolished ...200616894215
validation of real-time pcr assays for bioforensic detection of model plant pathogens.the u.s. agricultural sector is vulnerable to intentionally introduced microbial threats because of its wide and open distribution and economic importance. to investigate such events, forensically valid assays for plant pathogen detection are needed. in this work, real-time pcr assays were developed for three model plant pathogens: pseudomonas syringae pathovar tomato, xylella fastidiosa, and wheat streak mosaic virus. validation included determination of the linearity and range, limit of detect ...201424261870
development of methodologies for virus detection in soybean and wheat seeds.seeds that contain large amounts of oil, starch, fibers and phenols are the most difficult tissues for rna extraction. currently, there are some reports of virus detection in seeds using commercial kits for rna extraction. however, individual seeds were used, which may not be always suitable for analyses that deal with large amounts of seeds. sangha [1] described a simple, quick and efficient protocol for rna extraction and downstream applications in a group of seeds of jatropha (jatropha curcas ...201627408831
aspects of adaptive answering formation in virus-host plant pathosystem for different wheat cultivars under simulating microgravity condition.investigations of prolonged clinorotation effect on some morphological and physiological parameters under wheat streak mosaic virus wsmw-infection of apogee and lada wheat cultivars were carried out. experiments were held on universal clinostat cycle-2. clinorotation caused changing of wsmv virions shape and reducing of the virus reproduction. apogee wheat plants grown under two stress factors (infection and clinorotation) produced more kernels than stationary (motionless) plants, but the averag ...200718372724
c-banding and fluorescence in situ hybridization studies of the wheat-alien hybrid 'agrotana'.'agrotana', a wheat-alien hybrid (2n = 56), is a potential source of resistance to common root rot, stem rust, wheat streak mosaic virus, and the wheat curl mite. however, the origin of 'agrotana', reported to be durum wheat x agropyron trichophorum (pubescent wheatgrass), is uncertain. the objective of this investigation was to determine the chromosome constitution of 'agrotana' using c-banding and fluorescence in situ hybridization techniques. the f1 hybrid of 'agrotana' x 'chinese spring' whe ...199418470093
analyses of the complete sequence of the genome of wheat eqlid mosaic virus, a novel species in the genus tritimovirus.the complete nucleotide sequence of the genome of wheat eqlid mosaic virus (weqmv) (excluding the poly a tail) comprised 9636 nucleotides including 5' and 3' noncoding regions of 137 and 172 nt, respectively. it contained a single orf coding for a polyprotein of 3,109 amino acid residues and had a deduced genome organization typical of members of the family potyviridae and with proteinase cleavage sites very similar to those of the members of the genus tritimovirus. pairwise and multiple alignme ...200818648923
wheat streak mosaic virus lacking helper component-proteinase is competent to produce disease synergism in double infections with maize chlorotic mottle virus.abstract the tritimovirus wheat streak mosaic virus (wsmv) and the machlomovirus maize chlorotic mottle virus (mcmv) each cause systemic chlorosis in infected maize plants. infection of maize with both viruses produces corn lethal necrosis disease (clnd). here, we report that complete deletion of the wsmv helper component-proteinase (hc-pro) coding region had no effect on induction of clnd symptoms following coinoculation of maize with wsmv and mcmv. we further demonstrated that elevation of vir ...200718943679
phylogenetic relationships within the family potyviridae: wheat streak mosaic virus and brome streak mosaic virus are not members of the genus rymovirus.abstract the complete nucleotide sequence of wheat streak mosaic virus (wsmv) has been determined based on complementary dna clones derived from the 9,384-nucleotide (nt) rna of the virus. the genome of wsmv has a 130-nt 5' leader and 149-nt 3'-untranslated region and is polyadenylated at the 3' end. wsmv rna encodes a single polyprotein of 3,035 amino acid residues and has a deduced genome organization typical for a member of the family potyviridae (5'-p1/hc-pro/p3/6k1/ci/6k2/vpg-nia/nib/cp-3') ...199818944883
wheat streak mosaic virus genotypes introduced to argentina are closely related to isolates from the american pacific northwest and australia.wheat streak mosaic virus (wsmv) was first detected in argentina in 2002. comparison of 78 wsmv coat protein sequences revealed that three argentine isolates were closely related to isolates from the american pacific northwest (apnw) and australia. complete sequences were determined for one argentine isolate, four apnw isolates, and three additional isolates from other regions of the usa. comparison of these eight new sequences with five previously sequenced isolates of wsmv confirmed close affi ...200919132286
molecular markers indicate that the wheat curl mite, aceria tosichella keifer, may represent a species complex in australia.the wheat curl mite (wcm), aceria tosichella keifer, is an eriophyoid pest of cereals, and the vector responsible for transmitting wheat streak mosaic virus. several authors have suggested cryptic species of this mite identified through morphological variation, but this has never been conclusively demonstrated. here, we use the mitochondrial 16s rrna gene and two nuclear markers (internal transcribed spacer 1 and adenine nucleotide translocase) to show that wcm from australia consists of at leas ...200919224660
quantifying wheat yield across the field as a function of wheat streak mosaic intensity: a state space approach.wheat streak mosaic virus (wsmv), vectored by the wheat curl mite aceria tosichella, is one of the major limiting factors in wheat production in the texas panhandle. the mites are blown by wind into wheat fields from nearby volunteer wheat fields or fields supporting vegetation which harbor virulent mites. consequently, gradients of wheat streak severity are often observed stretching from the edges of wheat fields into the center or beyond. to describe the magnitude of the spatial relationships ...200919271985
n-terminal of papaya ringspot virus type-w (prsv-w) helper component proteinase (hc-pro) is essential for prsv systemic infection in zucchini.the papaya ringspot virus (prsv) is one of the limiting factors affecting papaya and cucurbits production worldwide. prsv belongs to the potyvirus genus which consists of 30% of known plant viruses. two serological closely related strains, namely type-p and -w, have been reported. prsv type-p infects both papaya and cucurbits, while type-w infects only cucurbits. the genome of prsv thailand isolate consists of a (+) rna molecule of 10323 nucleotides, which is first translated into a single polyp ...200919322647
the complete genome sequence of triticum mosaic virus, a new wheat-infecting virus of the high plains.the genome of triticum mosaic virus (trimv), a recently discovered mite-transmitted wheat potyvirus, was sequenced, characterized, and compared to other members of the family potyviridae. trimv has a single mrna strand of 10,266 nucleotides with a predicted polyprotein consisting of 3,112 peptides. protein alignments of the coat protein demonstrate that trimv has 45.9% identity to sugarcane streak mosaic virus strain ap (scsmv-ap), but shares only 23.2% identity to wheat streak mosaic virus. alt ...200919649764
thinopyrum ponticum and th. intermedium: the promising source of resistance to fungal and viral diseases of wheat.thinopyrum ponticum and th. intermedium provide superior resistance against various diseases in wheat (ttricum aestivum). because of their readily crossing with wheat, many genes for disease resistance have been introduced from the wheatgrasses into wheat. genes for resistance to leaf rust, stem rust, powdery mildew, barley yellow dwarf virus, wheat streak mosaic virus, and its vector, the wheat curl mite, have been transferred into wheat by producing chromosome translocations. these genes offer ...200919782957
wheat cultivar-specific disease synergism and alteration of virus accumulation during co-infection with wheat streak mosaic virus and triticum mosaic virus.triticum mosaic virus (trimv), the type member of the newly proposed poacevirus genus, and wheat streak mosaic virus (wsmv), the type member of tritimovirus genus of the family potyviridae, infect wheat naturally in the great plains and are transmitted by wheat curl mites. in this study, we examined the ability of these viruses to infect selected cereal hosts, and found several differential hosts between trimv and wsmv. additionally, we examined the interaction between wsmv and trimv in three wh ...201020128696
multiplex real-time rt-pcr for detection of wheat streak mosaic virus and triticum mosaic virus.wheat streak mosaic virus (wsmv) and triticum mosaic virus (trimv) are widespread throughout the southwestern great plains states. when using conventional diagnostics such as enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (elisa), these two viruses are commonly found together in infected wheat samples. methods for molecular detection have been developed for wheat viral pathogens, but until recently no multiplex method for detection of both wsmv and trimv within a single sample was available. therefore, the ...201020138086
hairpin rna derived from viral nia gene confers immunity to wheat streak mosaic virus infection in transgenic wheat plants.wheat streak mosaic virus (wsmv), vectored by wheat curl mite, has been of great economic importance in the great plains of the united states and canada. recently, the virus has been identified in australia, where it has spread quickly to all major wheat growing areas. the difficulties in finding adequate natural resistance in wheat prompted us to develop transgenic resistance based on rna interference (rnai). an rnai construct was designed to target the nuclear inclusion protein 'a' (nia) gene ...201020374525
architecture of the potyviruses.x-ray fiber diffraction data were obtained and helical pitch and symmetry were determined for seven members of the family potyviridae, including representatives from the genera potyvirus, rymovirus, and tritimovirus. the diffraction patterns are similar, as expected. there are, however, significant variations in the symmetries, as previously found among the flexible potexviruses, but not among the rigid tobamoviruses. wheat streak mosaic virus, the only member of the genus tritimovirus examined, ...201020598724
wheat curl mite resistance: interactions of mite feeding with wheat streak mosaic virus infection.the majority of plant viruses are dependent on arthropod vectors for spread between plants. wheat streak mosaic virus (family potyviridae, genus tritimovirus, wsmv) is transmitted by the wheat curl mite, aceria tosichella keifer, and this virus and vector cause extensive yield losses in most major wheat (triticum aestivum l.)-growing regions of the world. many cultivars in use are susceptible to this vector-virus complex, and yield losses of 10-99% have been documented. wheat curl mite resistanc ...201121882710
resistance to wheat streak mosaic virus generated by expression of an artificial polycistronic microrna in wheat.wheat streak mosaic virus (wsmv) is a persistent threat to wheat production, necessitating novel approaches for protection. we developed an artificial mirna strategy against wsmv, incorporating five amirnas within one polycistronic amirna precursor. using mirna sequence and folding rules, we chose five amirnas targeting conserved regions of wsmv but avoiding off-targets in wheat. these replaced the natural mirna in each of five arms of the polycistronic rice mir395, producing amirna precursor, f ...201121895944
tritimovirus p1 functions as a suppressor of rna silencing and an enhancer of disease symptoms.wheat streak mosaic virus (wsmv) is an eriophyid mite-transmitted virus of the genus tritimovirus, family potyviridae. complete deletion of helper component-proteinase (hc-pro) has no effect on wsmv virulence or disease synergism, suggesting that a different viral protein suppresses rna silencing. rna silencing suppression assays using nicotiana benthamiana 16c plants expressing gfp were conducted with each wsmv protein; only p1 suppressed rna silencing. accumulation of gfp sirnas was markedly r ...201122230313
multiple categories of resistance to wheat curl mite (acari: eriophyidae) expressed in accessions of aegilops tauschii.the wheat curl mite, aceria tosichella keifer, is an important pest in the western plains of the united states as well as in most major wheat-growing regions of the world. this mite is a vector of the economically important diseases wheat streak mosaic virus (wsmv), triticum mosaic virus (trimv), and high plains virus (hpv). this study looked at seven accessions of aegilops tauschii (coss) schmal to determine if they exhibit antibiosis, tolerance, and/or antixenosis to the wheat curl mite using ...201223356085
heritable, de novo resistance to leaf rust and other novel traits in selfed descendants of wheat responding to inoculation with wheat streak mosaic virus.stable resistance to infection with wheat streak mosaic virus (wsmv) can be evolved de novo in selfing bread wheat lines subjected to cycles of wsmv inoculation and selection of best-performing plants or tillers. to learn whether this phenomenon might be applied to evolve resistance de novo to pathogens unrelated to wsmv, we examined the responses to leaf rust of succeeding generations of the rust- and wsmv-susceptible cultivar 'lakin' following wsmv inoculation and derived rust-resistant sublin ...201424497941
comparative analysis of antiviral responses in brachypodium distachyon and setaria viridis reveals conserved and unique outcomes among c3 and c4 plant defenses.viral diseases cause significant losses in global agricultural production, yet little is known about grass antiviral defense mechanisms. we previously reported on host immune responses triggered by panicum mosaic virus (pmv) and its satellite virus (spmv) in the model c3 grass brachypodium distachyon. to aid comparative analyses of c3 and c4 grass antiviral defenses, here, we establish b. distachyon and setaria viridis (a c4 grass) as compatible hosts for seven grass-infecting viruses, including ...201425296115
genetic analysis of resistance to six virus diseases in a multiple virus-resistant maize inbred line.novel and previously known resistance loci for six phylogenetically diverse viruses were tightly clustered on chromosomes 2, 3, 6 and 10 in the multiply virus-resistant maize inbred line, oh1vi. virus diseases in maize can cause severe yield reductions that threaten crop production and food supplies in some regions of the world. genetic resistance to different viruses has been characterized in maize populations in diverse environments using different screening techniques, and resistance loci hav ...201424500307
substitution of conserved cysteine residues in wheat streak mosaic virus hc-pro abolishes virus transmission by the wheat curl mite.substitutions in the amino-proximal region of wheat streak mosaic virus (wsmv) hc-pro were evaluated for effects on transmission by the wheat curl mite (aceria tosichella keifer). alanine substitution at cysteine residues 16, 46 and 49 abolished vector transmission. although alanine substitution at cys(20) had no effect, substitution with arginine reduced vector transmission efficiency. random substitutions at other positions (lys(7) to asn, asn(19) to ile, and arg(45) to lys) did not affect vec ...200717680324
is it time to retire the genus rymovirus from the family potyviridae?in the most recent report of the international committee on taxonomy of viruses (9(th) report, 2011) (king et al., virus taxonomy, elsevier, new york, 2011) the family potyviridae is described as comprising seven genera - potyvirus, ipomovirus, macluravirus, rymovirus, tritimovirus, brambyvirus and bymovirus - despite previous suggestions questioning the validity of the taxonomic status of the genus rymovirus. since then the ictv website records that an eighth genus poacevirus has been approved ...201728265774
molecular characterization of haynaldia villosa chromatin in wheat lines carrying resistance to wheat curl mite colonization.wheat-haynaldia villosa (l.) schur, hybrid lines were tested as potential sources of resistance to colonization by the wheat curl mite, the vector of wheat streak mosaic virus. two lines, add 6v-1 and sub 6v-1, were found to be mite-resistant. fluorescence in situ hybridization using total genomic dna, from h. villosa in the presence of unlabelled wheat dna, confirmed that add 6v-1 is a disomic wheat-h. villosa chromosome addition line. sub 6v-1 turned out to be a homoeologous wheat-h. villosa c ...199624162394
development of pcr markers linked to resistance to wheat streak mosaic virus in wheat.wheat streak mosaic virus (wsmv), vectored by the wheat curl mite (acer tulipae), is an important disease of wheat (triticum aestivum l.) in the north american great plains. resistant varieties have not been developed for two primary reasons. first, useful sources of resistance have not been available, and second, field screening for virus resistance is laborious and beyond the scope of most breeding programs. the first problem may have been overcome by the development of resistance to both the ...199624162306
wheat genotypes with combined resistance to wheat curl mite, wheat streak mosaic virus, wheat mosaic virus, and triticum mosaic virus.the wheat curl mite, aceria tosichella keifer, (wcm) is a global pest of bread wheat that reduces yields significantly. in addition, wcm carries wheat streak mosaic virus (wsmv, family potyviridae, genus tritimovirus), the most significant wheat virus in north america; high plains wheat mosaic virus (hpwmov, genus emaravirus, formerly high plains virus); and triticum mosaic virus (trimv, family potyviridae, genus poacevirus). viruses carried by wcm have reduced wheat yields throughout the u.s. g ...201728087646
homoeologous recombination-based transfer and molecular cytogenetic mapping of a wheat streak mosaic virus and triticum mosaic virus resistance gene wsm3 from thinopyrum intermedium to, we report the production of a wheat- thinopyrum intermedium recombinant stock conferring resistance to wheat streak mosaic virus and triticum mosaic virus. wheat streak mosaic caused by the wheat streak mosaic virus (wsmv) is an important disease of bread wheat (triticum aestivum) worldwide. to date, only three genes conferring resistance to wsmv have been named and two, wsm1 and wsm3, were derived from the distantly related wild relative thinopyrum intermedium. wsm3 is only available in t ...201727900400
the coat protein and nia protease of two potyviridae family members independently confer superinfection exclusion.superinfection exclusion (sie) is an antagonistic virus-virus interaction whereby initial infection by one virus prevents subsequent infection by closely related viruses. although sie has been described in diverse viruses infecting plants, humans, and animals, its mechanisms, including involvement of specific viral determinants, are just beginning to be elucidated. in this study, sie determinants encoded by two economically important wheat viruses, wheat streak mosaic virus (wsmv; genus tritimov ...201627681136
temperature-dependent wsm1 and wsm2 gene-specific blockage of viral long-distance transport provides resistance to wheat streak mosaic virus and triticum mosaic virus in wheat.wheat streak mosaic virus (wsmv) and triticum mosaic virus (trimv) are economically important viral pathogens of wheat. wheat cvs. mace, carrying the wsm1 gene, is resistant to wsmv and trimv, and snowmass, with wsm2, is resistant to wsmv. viral resistance in both cultivars is temperature sensitive and is effective at 18°c or below but not at higher temperatures. the underlying mechanisms of viral resistance of wsm1 and wsm2, nonallelic single dominant genes, are not known. in this study, we fou ...201627551888
introgression of chromosome segments from multiple alien species in wheat breeding lines with wheat streak mosaic virus resistance.pyramiding of alien-derived wheat streak mosaic virus (wsmv) resistance and resistance enhancing genes in wheat is a cost-effective and environmentally safe strategy for disease control. pcr-based markers and cytogenetic analysis with genomic in situ hybridisation were applied to identify alien chromatin in four genetically diverse populations of wheat (triticum aestivum) lines incorporating chromosome segments from thinopyrum intermedium and secale cereale (rye). out of 20 experimental lines, 1 ...201627245423
triticum mosaic virus exhibits limited population variation yet shows evidence of parallel evolution after replicated serial passage in infectious cdna clone of triticum mosaic virus (trimv) (genus poacevirus; family potyviridae) was used to establish three independent lineages in wheat to examine intra-host population diversity levels within protein 1 (p1) and coat protein (cp) cistrons over time. genetic variation was assessed at passages 9, 18 and 24 by single-strand conformation polymorphism, followed by nucleotide sequencing. the founding p1 region genotype was retained at high frequencies in most lineage/passage populat ...201626914507
loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay to rapidly detect wheat streak mosaic virus in quarantined plants.we developed a loop-mediated isothermal amplification (lamp) method to rapidly diagnose wheat streak mosaic virus (wsmv) during quarantine inspections of imported wheat, corn, oats, and millet. the lamp method was developed as a plant quarantine inspection method for the first time, and its simplicity, quickness, specificity and sensitivity were verified compared to current reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (rt-pcr) and nested pcr quarantine methods. we were able to quickly screen ...201526674930
the effect of temperature, relative humidity, and virus infection status on off-host survival of the wheat curl mite (acari: eriophyidae).the wheat curl mite, aceria tosichella keifer, is an eriophyid pest of wheat, although its primary economic impact on wheat is due to the transmission of wheat streak mosaic (wsmv), wheat mosaic (also known as high plains virus), and triticum mosaic (trimv) viruses. these viruses cause significant annual losses in winter wheat production throughout the western great plains. temperature and humidity are factors that often influence arthropod survival, especially during dispersal from their hosts, ...201526470294
in vitro transcripts of wild-type and fluorescent protein-tagged triticum mosaic virus (family potyviridae) are biologically active in wheat.triticum mosaic virus (trimv) (genus poacevirus, family potyviridae) is a recently described eriophyid mite-transmitted wheat virus. in vitro rna transcripts generated from full-length cdna clones of trimv proved infectious on wheat. wheat seedlings inoculated with in vitro transcripts elicited mosaic and mottling symptoms similar to the wild-type virus, and the progeny virus was efficiently transmitted by wheat curl mites, indicating that the cloned virus retained pathogenicity, movement, and w ...201526214124
first detection of wheat streak mosaic virus in germany: molecular and biological characteristics.wheat streak mosaic virus is a serious threat in wheat-producing countries. in germany, the virus was first recorded in 2013 near hoym. the complete sequence of isolate hoym was obtained and compared to all other known complete wsmv sequences, including newly collected and sequenced isolates from france and austria. phylogenetic analysis revealed that the european isolates group together with those from the middle east to form a separate cluster characterized by a distinct putative p1 protease c ...201525913690
physiological responses of hard red winter wheat to infection by wheat streak mosaic virus.wheat streak mosaic virus (wsmv) causes significant yield loss in hard red winter wheat in the u.s. southern high plains. despite the prevalence of this pathogen, little is known about the physiological response of wheat to wsmv infection. a 2-year study was initiated to (i) investigate the effect of wsmv, inoculated at different development stages, on shoot and root growth, water use, water use efficiency (wue), and photosynthesis and (ii) understand the relationships between yield and photosyn ...201525901871
dynamics of small rna profiles of virus and host origin in wheat cultivars synergistically infected by wheat streak mosaic virus and triticum mosaic virus: virus infection caused a drastic shift in the endogenous small rna of wheat (triticum aestivum l.) by wheat streak mosaic virus (wsmv, a tritimovirus) and triticum mosaic virus (trimv, a poacevirus) of the family potyviridae causes synergistic interaction. in this study, the effects of the synergistic interaction between wsmv and trimv on endogenous and virus-derived small interfering rnas (vsirnas) were examined in susceptible ('arapahoe') and temperature-sensitive resistant ('mace') wheat cultivars at 18°c and 27°c. single and double infections i ...201425365307
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