quantitative investigations of visual brain structures in wild and domestic sheep. | a cytoarchitectonic subdivision into visual structures and neocortical grey and white matter has been made from frontal serial sections of brains of mouflons (ovis ammon musimon) and domestic sheep (ovis ammon f. aries). the reduction rates determined for the volumes of the brain areas are calculated by means of intraspecific allometric methods. the overall decrease of visual brain structures in domestic sheep compared with wild sheep amounts to 25.9%, the greatest reduction is found in the stri ... | 1975 | 1147289 |
a cytoarchitectonic volumetric comparison of the area gigantopyramidalis in wild and domestic sheep. | the area gigantopyramidalis has been circumscribed on frontal serial sections of brains of mouflons (ovis ammon musimon) and domestic sheep (ovis ammon f. aries). a brief description of the topography and lamination of the area 4 is given. by means of intraspecific-allometric methods this area has shown a decrease in volume by 29.9% in domestic sheep compared with wild sheep. in view of the close relationship between size and function of a structure the reduction rates of the area gigantopyramid ... | 1975 | 1180392 |
allozyme divergence and phylogenetic relationships among capra, ovis and rupicapra (artyodactyla, bovidae). | genetic divergence and phylogenetic relationships between the chamois (rupicaprini, rupicapra rupicapra rupicapra) and three species of the caprini (capra aegagrus hircus, capra ibex ibex and ovis ammon musimon) have been studied by multilocus protein electrophoresis. dendrograms have been constructed both with distance and parsimony methods. goat, sheep and chamois pair-wise genetic distances had very similar values. all the topologies showed that capra, ovis and rupicapra originate from the sa ... | 1991 | 1774188 |
integral lipids of mammalian hair. | 1. it has been demonstrated that hair contains lipids which cannot be removed by extensive extraction with chloroform-methanol mixtures. these integral lipids can be extracted only after the hair has been subjected to alkaline hydrolysis. 2. integral hair lipids include cholesterol sulfate (0.7-2.9 mg/g hair), ceramides (0.6-1.4 mg/g), cholesterol (0.3-1.4 mg/g), fatty alcohols (trace-0.2 mg/g) and fatty acids (2.3-4.0 mg/g). 3. one of the major integral hair lipids, representing 38.4-47.6% of t ... | 1989 | 2721159 |
[fascioliasis in moufflons]. | subacute fascioliasis was diagnosed by pathomorphological and parasitological investigations on 13 dead moufflons (ovis ammon musimon) from a herd of 21 animals (mortality 62%) which had succumbed between january and april 1988. the flock had been kept on meadow in the so-called leipziger auenwald. the main findings like severe hepatitis traumatica fasciolosa, fibrinous and fibrous perihepatitis, chronic interstitial hepatitis (pseudocirrhosis), cholangitis fasciolosa (x 13), wasting (x 8), hear ... | 1989 | 2782670 |
the complete amino-acid sequence of dimeric beta-lactoglobulin from mouflon (ovis ammon musimon) milk. | beta-lactoglobulin from mouflon (ovis ammon musimon) milk has been isolated and its complete primary structure determined. this protein has been isolated in dimeric form and has a molecular mass of 37 kda. the amino-acid sequence has been determined by microsequencing of the native protein and the peptides were obtained after tryptic cleavage. the tryptic peptides were isolated by reversed phase high-performance liquid chromatography. the primary structure of mouflon beta-lactoglobulin shows clo ... | 1987 | 3426802 |
[scanning electron microscopy of spermatozoa of the domestic sheep (ovis ammon aries, l.)]. | | 1972 | 4634676 |
the sternum of the sheep (ovis ammon f.aries l.) and the goat (capra aegagrus f.hircus l.). | | 1972 | 4674000 |
morphogenesis of the carpus of the sheep (ovis ammon f. aries l.) and the goat (capra aegagrus f. hircus l.). | | 1972 | 5054366 |
morphogenesis of the pelvic limb metapodium of the sheep (ovis ammon f. aries l.) and the goat (capraaegagrus f. hircus l.). | | 1971 | 5103387 |
morphogenesis of the tarsus of the sheep (ovis ammon f. aries l.) and thegoat (capra aegagrus f. hircus l.). | | 1971 | 5110980 |
[on the genus nematodirus ransom 1907 (nematoda: trichostrongyloidea)]. | n. roscidus railliet, 1911, from dama dama (italy); n. abnormalis may, 1920, from ovis aries, capra hircus and rupicapra rupicapra (france, italy, australia); n. lanceolatus ault, 1944, from ovis aries (iran); n. europaeus jansen, 1972, from capreolus caperolus and ovis musimon (first record) (france); n. davtiani alpinus biocca, balbo & costantini, 1974, from rupicapra rupicapra (italy); n. rupicaprae biocca, balbo & costantini, 1983, from rupicapra rupicapra (france); n. ibicis biocca, balbo & ... | 1983 | 6673643 |
comparative anatomical and topographic studies of the salivary glands of red deer (cervus elaphus), fallow deer (cervus dama), and mouflon (ovis ammon musimon)--ruminantia: cervidae, bovidae. | the salivary glands of red deer, fallow deer, and mouflon were investigated macroscopically as to their topographic situation and relationship, as to their specific structure including their ducts and to their relative weight. these findings were compared with those from domestic ruminants and were related to the morphophysiological specialisation of other portions of the ruminant digestive system and to their function. the relative size of all salivary glands decreases from red deer via fallow ... | 1984 | 6724282 |
a study of antibody levels in wild ruminants vaccinated against rabies. | the authors have vaccinated 22 fallow deer (dama dama) and 10 mouflons (ovis ammon musimon) against rabies with an inactivated vaccine: 4 fallow deer with 1 ml, 14 fallow deer and 10 mouflons with 2 ml, 4 animals were kept as controls (fallow deer). the antibody responses were checked by fluorescent foci inhibition carried out on blood samples collected during a two-year period. all the animals developed antibody titres and were still protected after 24 months. | 1983 | 6868344 |
[the primary structure of the hemoglobin gamma-chains of fetal sheep (ovis ammon) and goat (capra aegagrus), artiodactyla]. | the complete primary structures of the gamma-chains of fetal sheep (ovis ammon) and goat (capra aegagrus) hemoglobins are presented. the chains were isolated by chromatography on carboxymethyl cellulose cm-52. the primary structures of both chains were established by automatic edman degradation, mainly on the tryptic peptides. the n-terminal regions were sequenced on the chains. large c-terminal peptides were isolated and sequenced after acidic hydrolysis of the asp-pro bond (gamma 99/100). the ... | 1982 | 7118074 |
a summary of antibody titration experiments in some animal species treated with era vaccine and an inactivated rabies vaccine. | the results of antibody titrations in different animal species vaccinated against rabies are reported. the following points are considered: (1) antibody titration may be used to detect an immunity status in dogs, (2) equines should be vaccinated in infected areas, (3) experiments in progress are comparing era vaccine and an inactivated vaccine in bovines, and (4) the vaccination of fallow deer (dama dama) and moufflons (ovis ammon musimon) produced results suggesting an extension of the experime ... | 1982 | 7128062 |
[morphologic characteristics of the hearts of argali continuously dwelling at high mountain altitudes]. | the hearts of argali living at 3800-5000 m above the sea level were examined. macroscopy showed complete absence of fatty tissue under the epicardium. increased number of the capillaries surrounding cardiomyocytes, intercalated discs in many zones of the myocardium, sharp thickening giving pronounced cross lines of myofibrils were revealed on semithin and ultrathin sections. the data obtained demonstrate specificity of the heart structure of argali and are discussed from the standpoint of increa ... | 1980 | 7388172 |
[study of polymorphism and divergence of genomic dna at the species and population levels (using dna of domestic sheep and wild rams as an example)]. | genetic divergence in repetitive sequences of nuclear dna of wild and domestic sheep was studied by general restriction endonuclease mapping (i.e., the taxonoprint method). the pcr rapd method with one and two arbitrary primers was also used to analyze the nuclear dna polymorphism in some other regions. the taxonoprint method, performed using six endonucleases, showed specificity and virtually complete similarity in the patterns of repetitive dna sequences of two wild forms, argali and mouflon, ... | 1995 | 7590218 |
diversionary role of hoofed game in the transmission of lyme disease spirochetes. | to determine whether the presence of ungulates may inhibit transmission of the agent of lyme disease (borrelia burgdorferi) while promoting the abundance of its european vector tick (ixodes ricinus), we compared the feeding density of subadult ticks on roe deer (capreolus capreolus), red deer (cervus elaphus), fallow deer (dama dama), and wild sheep (ovis ammon) near berlin and in brandenburg state, germany. the prevalence of spirochetal infection in these ticks was compared with that in ticks s ... | 1993 | 8517488 |
cyst wall ultrastructure of two sarcocystis spp. from european mouflon (ovis ammon musimon) in germany compared with domestic sheep. | muscle samples from six wild and two captive european mouflons (ovis ammon musimon) in germany as well as one domestic sheep from a german zoo were infected with sarcocysts (sarcocystis: sarcocystidae, apicomplexa). sarcocystis tenella and s. arieticanis were identified by light and electron microscopy. both species are determined for the first time from wild sheep, and this is the first description of s. arieticanis from wild sheep. | 1995 | 8592390 |
prevalence of antibody to malignant catarrhal fever virus in wild and domestic ruminants by competitive-inhibition elisa. | a competitive-inhibition elisa (ci-elisa), based on a monoclonal antibody to an epitope conserved among malignant catarrhal fever virus (mcfv) strains of both wildebeest and sheep origin, was used to determine the prevalence of antibody to mcfv in selected domestic and wild ruminants, both free-ranging and captive, from the usa. we evaluated 2528 sera from 14 species between 1990 and 1995, including 80 pronghorn antelope (antilocapra americana), 339 bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis), 103 biston (b ... | 1996 | 8827669 |
oestrid head maggots in slaughtered sheep in cairo abattoir. | oestrosis or infestation of sheep, goats, ibex, argali and sometimes man with oestrus ovis maggots is a real problem in sheep-farming areas allover the world. parasitism in sheep may be benign, the majority of cases do not terminate fatally, but death may come within a week after appearance of aggravated symptoms. in man, ophthalmomyiasis (sometimes nasopharyngeal) may be benign to destruction of the eye ball or the entire eye in misdiagnosis. in the present study, examination of 1200 slaughtere ... | 1997 | 9425828 |
analysis of mitochondrial dna indicates that domestic sheep are derived from two different ancestral maternal sources: no evidence for contributions from urial and argali sheep. | to investigate the origins and phylogenetic relationships of domestic sheep, mitochondrial dna (mtdna) from 243 sheep of five european, one african, and four asian breeds and several mouflon (ovis musimon), urial (o. vignei bochariensis), and argali (o. ammon nigrimontana, o. a. collium) were assayed for restriction fragment length polymorphisms (rflp). twenty haplotypes were identified which occurred in three major phlogenetic groups: urial/argali, mouflon/domestic, and domestic sheep. from the ... | 1998 | 9542158 |
effects of capture and transport on blood parameters in free-ranging mouflon (ovis ammon). | twelve free-ranging mouflon (ovis ammon), eight adults and four lambs, were captured in northeast spain. the animals were transported for 9 hr from the capture site to the wildlife rescue center at vallcalent (lleida), 300 km sw. blood samples were taken at capture and after transport to study the effects on hematologic and biochemical parameters. the rbc, pcv, hb, and alkaline phosphatase values were significantly higher in lambs than in adults, and total protein levels were significantly lower ... | 1997 | 9580218 |
chromosome number of severtzov's sheep (ovis ammon severtzovi): g-banded karyotype comparisons within ovis. | severtzov's sheep (ovis ammon severtzovi; nasonov 1914) has a 2n = 56 diploid chromosome number and a karyotype consisting of two pairs of biarmed and 25 pairs of acrocentric autosomes, a large acrocentric x, and a minute biarmed y. the g-banding patterns of the largest pair of biarmed chromosomes were identical to those of the largest biarmed chromosomes in all wild and domestic sheep of the genus ovis. the banding patterns of the second pair of biarmed chromosomes were identical to the third p ... | 1998 | 9656470 |
the stress response to repeated capture in mouflon (ovis ammon): physiological, haematological and biochemical parameters. | two groups of mouflons (ovis ammon) were held in captivity to study the effects of repeated capture on physiological, haematological and biochemical parameters. the first one (group i) was of 6 mouflons captured in the wild, while the second (group ii) was also of 6 mouflons, but which had been in captivity for 3 years. in group i, body temperature, mature neutrophil count and lactate increased during activity, while red blood cells, haemoglobin, alt, ast, total lipid, phospholipids, cholesterol ... | 1998 | 9697426 |
[the isolation and analysis of the highly repetitive dna from the argali]. | the repeated dna sequence of wild ram (ovis ammon) of 800 bp has been cloned. the blot-hybridization, in situ-hybridization, sequencing and computer analysis were used for the sequence analysis. it was shown that the cloned dna is from 1.714 gm/cm3 repeated satellite dna family. fourteen highly homologous sequences were revealed in the nucleotide sequence databases. an analysis of their alignment revealed presence of two subfamilies (a and b). average divergence of subfamily a. sequences (includ ... | 1998 | 9879117 |
single-strand conformational polymorphism and sequence polymorphism of mhc-drb in latxa and karrantzar sheep: implications for caprinae phylogeny. | single-strand conformational polymorphism analysis and dna sequencing were used to characterize mhc-drb second exon variability in the latxa and karrantzar breeds of sheep. the presence of more than two sequences in some animals indicates that alleles of two different loci have been amplified. six new alleles were identified by sequencing. the allele frequency distribution of the drb1 gene is striking, with two alleles accounting for half of the gene pool in both breeds under study. the most fre ... | 2000 | 11003382 |
[the functional morphology of the large intestinal mucosa of the ox (bos primigenius f. taurus), sheep (ovis ammon f. aries) and goat (capra aegagrus f. hircus)]. | the mucous membrane of the large intestine of the ox, sheep and goat was studied using light and electron microscopy. the surface epithelium possesses the well-known complement of organelles with a conspicuous number of mitochondria as a source of energy for absorptive activities. occasionally, brush cells are found in the epithelium; the functional significance of this type of cell is still under discussion. in the present material, electron-lucid spheroids (diameter: 45 x 35 nm), which tend to ... | 2001 | 11379368 |
the rumen ciliate fauna of domestic sheep (ovis ammon aires) from the turkish republic of northern cyprus. | concentration and composition of ciliate protozoa in the families ophryoscolecidae and isotrichidae were determined in rumen contents of domestic sheep (ovis ammon aries) from cyprus. a total of five genera of ophryoscolecidae were identified, metadinium, enoploplastron, polyplastron, epidinium, and ophrvoscolex, which included six species: metadinium affine, enoploplastron triloricatum, polyplastron multivesiculatum, epidinium ecaudatum, epidinium graini, and ophryoscolex purkynjei. eight separ ... | 2001 | 11456322 |
tickborne encephalitis in a mouflon (ovis ammon musimon). | | 2002 | 11878442 |
molecular analysis of wild and domestic sheep questions current nomenclature and provides evidence for domestication from two different subspecies. | complete mitochondrial dna (mtdna) control regions (cr) were sequenced and analysed in order to investigate wild sheep taxonomy and the origin of domestic sheep (ovis aries). the dataset for phylogenetic analyses includes 63 unique cr sequences from wild sheep of the mouflon (o. musimon, o. orientalis), urial (o. vignei), argali (o. ammon) and bighorn (o. canadensis) groups, and from domestic sheep of asia, europe and new zealand. domestic sheep occurred in two clearly separated branches with mo ... | 2002 | 12028771 |
[detection of genetic materials in mammalian somatic cell cloning]. | following the production of cloned sheep, mice, goats, pigs, cats, rabbits and argali from somatic cells, the cellular and molecular biological tests of cloned animals and early embryos turn to be more important. in this review, chromosome analysis, nuclear dna analysis, mitochondrial dna analysis and telomeric dna analysis that are applied in the detection of cloned mammal and early embryos are described. | 2002 | 12417906 |
[pharmacognostical identification of antelope horn(cornu saigae tataricae) and its adulterants]. | to provide appropriate information and scientific basis for identifying antelope horn (saiga tatarica) contained in traditional chinese patent medicines, and formulate relevant quality criteria through experiments. | 2000 | 12512419 |
a point scale in the study of excavated osseus remains of the domestic sheep (ovis ammon f. aries). | on the basis of the standard measurements of 1277 long appendicular bones of the domestic sheep, a universal point scale has been elaborated. the bones examined were obtained from european, asian and african archaeological sites dating from 4500 bc to 1500 ad. a comparative analysis of the metapodial bones of the domestic sheep from central europe (poland, germany and hungary) has been undertaken, using this scale. | 2003 | 14507045 |
genotyping of clostridium perfringens isolated from domestic and exotic ruminants and swine. | clostridium perfringens types a, b, c, d and e are known to cause severe enteritis/enterotoxaemia and diseases (especially caused by type a) belonging to the gas oedema complex in many species. samples from the small intestine as well as faeces of domestic and exotic animals suffering from enterotoxaemic signs or having died within days after first occurance of toxaemia were submitted for typing c. perfringens toxovars by multiplex pcr. the following species have been investigated: domestic shee ... | 2003 | 14535937 |
a population genetic comparison of argali sheep (ovis ammon) in mongolia using the nd5 gene of mitochondrial dna; implications for conservation. | we sequenced 556 bp of the mitochondrial nd5 gene to infer aspects of population structure and to test subspecific designations of argali sheep (ovis ammon) in mongolia. analysis of molecular variance (amova) revealed greater variation within than among putative subspecies and populations, suggesting high levels female-mediated gene flow. compared with bighorn sheep (o. canadensis) in north america, substantially less differentiation in mitochondrial dna was found among argali populations over 1 ... | 2004 | 15078469 |
phylogenomic study of the subfamily caprinae by cross-species chromosome painting with chinese muntjac paints. | chromosomal homologies have been established between the chinese muntjac (muntiacus reevesi, mre, 2n = 46) and five ovine species: wild goat (capra aegagrus, cae, 2n = 60), argali (ovis ammon, oam, 2n = 56), snow sheep (ovis nivicola, oni, 2n = 52), red goral (naemorhedus cranbrooki, ncr, 2n = 56) and sumatra serow (capricornis sumatraensis, csu, 2n = 48) by chromosome painting with a set of chromosome-specific probes of the chinese muntjac. in total, twenty-two chinese muntjac autosomal paintin ... | 2005 | 15973503 |
the corpus fibulae in sheep (ovis ammon f. aries)--ontogeny, persistence, size and shape from the fetal period to adulthood. | osteological characteristics are often used to identify animal species. in this regard it is believed that the corpus fibulae of the sheep is represented by a tight cord of connective tissue--the so-called "ligamentum fibulare". the results of the present morphometric study indicate, however, that in 67% of the fetuses, 61% of the lambs or 48% of the adult sheep out of the 160 examined animals, the corpus fibulae is represented by a pin-shaped flattened piece of bone. the length of the corpus fi ... | 2005 | 16130830 |
establishment of pregnancy after the transfer of nuclear transfer embryos produced from the fusion of argali (ovis ammon) nuclei into domestic sheep (ovis aries) enucleated oocytes. | cloning mammalian species from cell lines of adult animals has been demonstrated. aside from its importance for cloning multiple copies of genetically valuable livestock, cloning now has the potential to salvage endangered or even extinct species. the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the bovine and domestic (ovis aries) ovine oocyte cytoplasm on the nucleus of an established cell line from an endangered argali wild sheep (ovis ammon) after nuclear transplantation. a fibroblast ... | 1999 | 16218829 |
[morphology and topography of the carotid body and carotid sinus in sheep (ovis ammon f. aries l., 1758)]. | the studies were conducted on 60 preparations of 30 sheep heads. the objective of the work was to describe the form, structure, situation, innervation and blood supply of the carotid body and carotid sinus in the sheep. it results from the present study that the carotid body of the sheep is a single formation, of an oval, circular or irregular shape. in most cases it lies on the surface of the medial termination of the common carotid artery and is situated closer to or farther from one of the ar ... | 1975 | 16296038 |
prevalence of toxoplasma gondii antibodies in red deer (cervus elaphus) and other wild ruminants from spain. | serum samples from 441 red deer (cervus elaphus) and 161 other wild ruminant species, collected between 1993 and 2005 from six regions of spain were tested for antibodies against toxoplasma gondii by the modified agglutination test (mat). antibodies to t. gondii (mat 1:25 or higher) were detected in 15.6% of red deer. statistically significant differences were observed among sampling sites with seroprevalence in red deer from catalonia (42.2%) being significantly higher compared with other spani ... | 2006 | 16359801 |
[origin and genetic diversity of mongolian and chinese sheep using mitochondrial dna d-loop sequences]. | to determine the origin and gene diversity of the chinese and mongolian domestic sheep, a partial fragment of mitochondrial dna d-loop was sequenced for total number of 314 individuals from nine chinese sheep populations and 11 mongolian sheep populations. the results show no difference in nucleotide composition between chinese and mongolian sheep mtdna d-loop sequences. however, more variables were identified in mongolian sheep (26.85% of the sites) than that in chinese sheep (24.22%). in china ... | 2005 | 16459654 |
cerebral coenurosis in a wild sheep (ovis ammon). | cerebral coenurosis is described in a 2 year-old wild sheep (ovis ammon). diagnosis was based on clinical signs and pathology. | 1976 | 16502695 |
true hermaphroditism in a wild sheep: a clinical report. | intersexuality in sheep is rare, with the freemartin anomaly being the most common. we describe here a true hermaphrodite in a wild sheep. an f(1) wild sheep ewe of argali-mouflon x mexican desert bighorn breeding was bred to an f(1) ram of the same breeding. a single lamb was born with the external appearance of a normal female. the lamb grew faster than its female cohorts, and by 6 months of age exhibited the aggressive behavior, size, coloration and horn development associated with males. phe ... | 1991 | 16726991 |
seroprevalence of neospora caninum in non-carnivorous wildlife from spain. | serum samples from 1034 non-carnivorous wildlife from spain were tested for antibodies to neospora caninum by competitive screening enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) and confirmed by an indirect fluorescent antibody test (ifat). high agreement was observed between results in both techniques (kappa value higher than 0.9). prevalences of n. caninum antibodies positive by both techniques were 11.8% of 237 red deer (cervus elaphus), 7.7% of 13 barbary sheep (ammotragus lervia), 6.1% of 33 ro ... | 2007 | 16962706 |
five ovine mitochondrial lineages identified from sheep breeds of the near east. | archaeozoological evidence indicates that sheep were first domesticated in the fertile crescent. to search for dna sequence diversity arising from previously undetected domestication events, this survey examined nine breeds of sheep from modern-day turkey and israel. a total of 2027 bp of mitochondrial dna (mtdna) sequence from 197 sheep revealed a total of 85 haplotypes and a high level of genetic diversity. six individuals carried three haplotypes, which clustered separately from the known ovi ... | 2007 | 17194773 |
analysis of mitochondrial dna for authentication of meats from chamois (rupicapra rupicapra), pyrenean ibex (capra pyrenaica), and mouflon (ovis ammon) by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism. | the prevention of fraudulent labeling of game meat constitutes an important part of food regulatory control and quality assurance systems. a polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (pcr-rflp) analysis based on mitochondrial deoxyribonucleic acid (dna) was developed for authentication of meats from chamois (rupicapra rupicapra), pyrenean ibex (capra pyrenaica), and mouflon (ovis ammon). amplification and restriction site analysis of a dna fragment about 720 base pairs ( ... | 2007 | 17373450 |
susceptibility of sheep to european bat lyssavirus type-1 and -2 infection: a clinical pathogenesis study. | european bat lyssaviruses (eblvs) have been known to cross the species barrier from their native bat host to other terrestrial mammals. in this study, we have confirmed eblv-1 and eblv-2 susceptibility in sheep (ovis ammon) following intracranial and peripheral (intramuscular) inoculation. notably, mild clinical disease was observed in those exposed to virus via the intramuscular route. following the intramuscular challenge, 75% of the animals infected with eblv-1 and 100% of those that were cha ... | 2007 | 17706900 |
vitamin d receptor distribution in intestines of domesticated sheep ovis ammon f. aries. | the biologically active form of vitamin d, i.e., 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol or calcitriol, plays an important role in bone metabolism and calcium homeostasis, which is often disturbed at the onset of lactation in high milk-yielding domestic ruminants. gene transcription is modulated via vitamin d receptors, but nongenomic effects of vitamin d via membrane receptors have also been described. in the intestines, vitamin d promotes calcium absorption via vitamin d receptors. vitamin d receptors a ... | 2008 | 17935204 |
factors of craniometric variability in argali, using an example of ovis ammon polii (bovidae, artiodactyla). | | 2007 | 18047031 |
an outbreak of tick paralysis in free-ranging mouflon (ovis ammon musimon). | during november 2006, two live and one dead mouflon (ovis ammon musimon) were presented with a history of weakness, tremors, and paralysis. after a detailed gross and histologic examination and a bacteriologic, parasitologic, and rabies evaluation, a preliminary diagnosis of tick paralysis was established. a thorough field search revealed 13 affected mouflons found in the open hunting ground "sveti juraj" near the town of senj (croatia), along with an additional 35 mouflon carcasses. all 13 mouf ... | 2007 | 18229866 |
re-sequencing regions of the ovine y chromosome in domestic and wild sheep reveals novel paternal haplotypes. | the male-specific region of the ovine y chromosome (msy) remains poorly characterized, yet sequence variants from this region have the potential to reveal the wild progenitor of domestic sheep or examples of domestic and wild paternal introgression. the 5' promoter region of the sex-determining gene sry was re-sequenced using a subset of wild sheep including bighorn (ovis canadensis), thinhorn (ovis dalli spp.), urial (ovis vignei), argali (ovis ammon), mouflon (ovis musimon) and domestic sheep ... | 2009 | 19016675 |
physical characteristics of rumen contents in two small ruminants of different feeding type, the mouflon (ovis ammon musimon) and the roe deer (capreolus capreolus). | in domestic ruminants, the stratification of forestomach contents - the results of flotation and sedimentation processes - is an important prerequisite for the selective particle retention in this organ. a series of anatomical and physiological measurements suggests that the degree of this stratification varies between browsing and grazing wild ruminants. we investigated the forestomach contents of free-ranging mouflon and roe deer shot during regular hunting procedures. there was no difference ... | 2009 | 19110405 |
successful field capture techniques for free-ranging argali sheep (ovis ammon) in mongolia. | argali sheep (ovis ammon) are the world's largest wild sheep and are threatened throughout their range in mongolia. little is known about the ecology of this highly cursorial species. this project was initiated to develop safe capture techniques in order to learn more about the ecology of argali in the ikh nartiin chuluun nature reserve in southeastern mongolia by using radiotelemetry. to our knowledge no one had ever successfully live-caught a free-ranging argali. we developed three techniques ... | 2008 | 19360611 |
bilateral complex microphthalmia with intraocular dermoid cyst in a neonate red deer (cervus elaphus). | a 3-day-old, male red deer (cervus elaphus) with bilateral microphthalmia was found dead in the western alps in northern italy. no other gross alterations were present. ocular globes were formalin fixed and processed for histology. in both eyes, a large cyst, filled with keratin and lined by squamous epithelium admixed with sebaceous glands and hair follicles, expanded the anterior chamber. a mass composed of spindle cells and small tubules, embedded in myxoid ground substance, filled the vitrea ... | 2010 | 20688706 |
retrospective study of pestivirus infection in pyrenean chamois (rupicapra pyrenaica) and other ungulates in the pyrenees (ne spain). | in 2001 a new pestivirus (family flaviviridae) was associated with an outbreak of a previously unreported disease in pyrenean chamois (rupicapra pyrenaica) in the pyrenees (ne spain). molecular characterization assigned this virus to the border disease virus (bdv) cluster, bdv-4 genotype. a retrospective study was performed in archived sera and spleen of 74 pyrenean chamois and in archived sera of 28 mouflon (ovis ammon), 56 red deer (cervus elaphus), 43 roe deer (capreolus capreolus) and 29 fal ... | 2010 | 20961710 |
species composition and morphology of protostrongylids (nematoda: protostrongylidae) in ruminants from bulgaria. | lungs of 52 ruminants from different regions of bulgaria, 16 from goats (capra aegagrus f. domestica l.), 15 from sheep (ovis ammon f. domestica l.), 11 from mouflons (ovis musimon l.), and 10 from chamois (rupicapra rupicapra l.), were investigated. the aim of the study was to determine the species composition of small lungworms in these hosts. the obtained results are summarized with those of previous studies, and a picture of the present status of the species composition of protostrongylids i ... | 2011 | 21461727 |
substitutes for endangered medicinal animal horns and shells exposed by antithrombotic and anticoagulation effects. | cornu saigae tataricae (antelope horn), manis squama (pangolin scale), cornu cervi pantotrichum (velvet antler) and cornu bovis grunniens (yak horn) are valuable medicinal animal horns and shells (mahs). as the major source of biological agents and ethnodrugs, mahs show pretty good bioactivities. however, with the increased demand for mahs, some of the medicinal resources are endangered, and there has been a concomitant increase in the prevalence of adulterated or impostor mahs. it is of great s ... | 2011 | 21549826 |
pcr identification of meats from chamois (rupicapra rupicapra), pyrenean ibex (capra pyrenaica), and mouflon (ovis ammon) targeting specific sequences from the mitochondrial d-loop region. | a polymerase chain reaction (pcr) assay was developed for the identification of meats from chamois (rupicapra rupicapra), pyrenean ibex (capra pyrenaica), and mouflon (ovis ammon) by using oligonucleotides targeting mitochondrial d-loop sequences. a d-loop region (~700-1000 bp) was firstly amplified and sequenced from various game and domestic meat dnas, and three primer sets were then designed on the basis of nucleotide multialignment of the generated d-loop sequences. as expected from sequence ... | 2007 | 22061240 |
cloning and sequence analysis of wild argali isg15 cdna. | the complete coding sequence of wild argali isg15 cdna was generated by rapid amplification of cdna ends. the isg15 cdna was 642 bp with an open reading frame of 474 bp, which encoded a 17.47 kda protein composed of 157 amino acids. its amino acid sequence shared 97.9%, 80.8%, 91.4%, 94.3%, 78.3% identity with those of isg15cdna from ovis aries (accession no. nm001009735.1), capra hircus (accession no. hq329186.1), bos taurus (accession no. bc102318.1), bubalus bubalis (accession no. hm543269.1) ... | 0 | 25049988 |
prey preferences of the snow leopard (panthera uncia): regional diet specificity holds global significance for conservation. | the endangered snow leopard is a large felid that is distributed over 1.83 million km(2) globally. throughout its range it relies on a limited number of prey species in some of the most inhospitable landscapes on the planet where high rates of human persecution exist for both predator and prey. we reviewed 14 published and 11 unpublished studies pertaining to snow leopard diet throughout its range. we calculated prey consumption in terms of frequency of occurrence and biomass consumed based on 1 ... | 2014 | 24533080 |
the first mitogenome of the cyprus mouflon (ovis gmelini ophion): new insights into the phylogeny of the genus ovis. | sheep are thought to have been one of the first livestock to be domesticated in the near east, thus playing an important role in human history. the current whole mitochondrial genome phylogeny for the genus ovis is based on: the five main domestic haplogroups occurring among sheep (o. aries), along with molecular data from two wild european mouflons, three urials, and one argali. with the aim to shed some further light on the phylogenetic relationship within this genus, the first complete mitoch ... | 2015 | 26636977 |
prey preference of snow leopard (panthera uncia) in south gobi, mongolia. | accurate information about the diet of large carnivores that are elusive and inhabit inaccessible terrain, is required to properly design conservation strategies. predation on livestock and retaliatory killing of predators have become serious issues throughout the range of the snow leopard. several feeding ecology studies of snow leopards have been conducted using classical approaches. these techniques have inherent limitations in their ability to properly identify both snow leopard feces and pr ... | 2012 | 22393381 |
bluetongue virus serotype 1 in wild ruminants, france, 2008-10. | the persistence of bluetongue virus serotype 1 (btv-1) circulation was evaluated in red deer (cervus elaphus), roe deer (capreolus capreolus), mouflons (ovis ammon), and pyrenean chamois (rupicapra pyrenaica pyrenaica) sampled during two hunting seasons between september 2008 and february 2010 in the east pyrenean mountains, france. the prevalence of btv antibody in red deer was high and not significantly different between the two hunting seasons (50.9% and 49.6%, respectively). the prevalence o ... | 2012 | 23060507 |
a serologic survey of viral infections in captive ungulates in turkish zoos. | zoos and zoologic gardens make optimal environments for interspecies transmission of viral infections. there are seven zoos and several small zoologic collections in turkey. this study aimed to determine the current status of viral infections in captive ungulates living in these environments. blood samples were taken from 163 captive animals from two zoos. there were 39 cameroon sheep (ovis ammon f aries), 11 barbary sheep (ammotragus lervia), 57 pygmy goats (capra hircus), 9 angora goats (capra ... | 2011 | 22946369 |
infection levels of protostrongylid nematodes in definitive caprine and intermediate gastropod hosts from uzbekistan. | morphological analysis of lungworms collected among caprinae from uzbekistan resulted in the identification of four species of protostrongylidae: protostrongylus rufescens, protostrongylus hobmaieri, spiculocaulus leuckarti and cystocaulus ocreatus. the following species were recorded as definitive hosts: ovis aries, ovis ammon, ovis vignei, capra hircus, capra falconeri and capra sibirica. the prevalence of p. rufescens reached 45.3%, followed by s. leuckarti and c. ocreatus with 31.7% and p. h ... | 2017 | 27018914 |
cloning and sequence analysis of wild argali splunc1 cdna. | the complete coding sequence of wild argali splunc1 cdna was generated by rapid amplification of cdna ends. the splunc1 cdna was 1076 bp with an open reading frame of 768 bp, which encoded a 26.49 kda protein composed of 255 amino acids. its amino acid sequence shared 98.4%, 96.9%, 94.5%, 90.2%, 80.8 %, 78.4%, 78.3%, 72.5%, 72.3%, 68.8% identity with those of splunc1 cdna from ovis aries (accession no. np_001288334.1), capra hircus (accession no. xp_005688516.1), pantholops hodgsonii (accession ... | 2016 | 27620892 |
diagnosis of peste des petits ruminants in wild and domestic animals in xinjiang, china, 2013-2016. | peste des petits ruminants viruses (pprvs) re-emerged in china at the end of 2013 and then spread rapidly into 22 provinces through movement of live goats and sheep. in this study, 96 samples of domestic animals and 13 samples of wildlife were analysed for the presence of pprv infection by elisa or rt-pcr. of 96 samples from sheep and goats, 91 were pprv positive, whereas all of the 13 samples from three wild species, capra ibex (capra ibex sibirica), argali (ovis ammon) and goitered gazelle (ga ... | 2017 | 28101989 |
toxoplasma gondii isolates from mouflon sheep (ovis ammon) from hawaii, usa. | little is known of toxoplasma gondii isolates circulating in wildlife. the mouflon (ovis ammon) is very popular game animal, hunted for its trophy horns. here, we report the isolation and genetic characterization of t. gondii from two mouflons from hawaii, usa. both sheep had antibodies titers of 1:800 or higher. viable t. gondii were isolated and nested pcr-rflp genotyping revealed two genotypes, a clonal type iii (designated tgmouflonus1), and a new genotype (designated tgmouflonus2, and toxod ... | 2015 | 25066494 |
serological survey of avian influenza virus infection in non-avian wildlife in xinjiang, china. | we conducted a serological survey to detect antibodies against avian influenza virus (aiv) in gazella subgutturosa, canis lupus, capreolus pygargus, sus scrofa, cervus elaphus, capra ibex, ovis ammon, bos grunniens and pseudois nayaur in xinjiang, china. two hundred forty-six sera collected from 2009 to 2013 were assayed for antibodies against h5, h7 and h9 aivs using hemagglutination inhibition (hi) tests and a pan-influenza competitive elisa. across all tested wildlife species, 4.47 % harbored ... | 2016 | 26733295 |
snow leopard and himalayan wolf: food habits and prey selection in the central himalayas, nepal. | top carnivores play an important role in maintaining energy flow and functioning of the ecosystem, and a clear understanding of their diets and foraging strategies is essential for developing effective conservation strategies. in this paper, we compared diets and prey selection of snow leopards and wolves based on analyses of genotyped scats (snow leopards n = 182, wolves n = 57), collected within 26 sampling grid cells (5×5 km) that were distributed across a vast landscape of ca 5000 km2 in the ... | 2017 | 28178279 |
desert pastoralists' negative and positive effects on rare wildlife in the gobi. | in arid regions of the developing world, pastoralists and livestock commonly inhabit protected areas, resulting in human-wildlife conflict. conflict is inextricably linked to the ecological processes shaping relationships between pastoralists and native herbivores and carnivores. to elucidate relationships underpinning human-wildlife conflict, we synthesized 15 years of ecological and ethnographic data from ikh nart nature reserve in mongolia's gobi steppe. the density of argali (ovis ammon), th ... | 2017 | 27976422 |
draft genome of the marco polo sheep (ovis ammon polii). | the marco polo sheep (ovis ammon polii), a subspecies of argali (ovis ammon) that is distributed mainly in the pamir mountains, provides a mammalian model to study high altitude adaptation mechanisms. due to over-hunting and subsistence poaching, as well as competition with livestock and habitat loss, o. ammon has been categorized as an endangered species on several lists. it can have fertile offspring with sheep. hence, a high-quality reference genome of the marco polo sheep will be very helpfu ... | 2017 | 29112761 |
genomic reconstruction of the history of native sheep reveals the peopling patterns of nomads and the expansion of early pastoralism in east asia. | china has a rich resource of native sheep (ovis aries) breeds associated with historical movements of several nomadic societies. however, the history of sheep and the associated nomadic societies in ancient china remains poorly understood. here, we studied the genomic diversity of chinese sheep using genome-wide snps, mitochondrial and y-chromosomal variations in > 1,000 modern samples. population genomic analyses combined with archeological records and historical ethnic demographics data reveal ... | 2017 | 28645168 |
meta-analysis evidence of maternal lineages in chinese tibetan sheep using mtdna d-loop panel. | the tibetan sheep is an indigenous breed living in the entire tibetan plateau, and its origin and phylogenic relationships are still uncertain and controversial. in this study, we analyzed partial mtdna d-loop sequences of 156 chinese tibetan sheep individuals from 12 distributed geographic ecotype populations. phylogenetic analysis indicated that three maternal lineages (haplogroups a, b and c) were found in this breed and that ovis vignei and ovis ammon have possibly contributed to the origina ... | 2017 | 27159711 |
development of interspecies nuclear transfer embryos reconstructed with argali (ovis ammon) somatic cells and sheep ooplasm. | interspecies nuclear transfer has already achieved success in several species, which shows great potential in recovery and conservation of endangered animals. the study was conducted to establish an efficient system for in vitro argali (ovis ammon)-sheep embryo reconstruction via interspecies somatic cell nuclear transfer (iscnt). the competence of domestic sheep cytoplasts to reprogram the adult argali fibroblast nuclei was evaluated, and the effects of enucleation methods and donor cell passag ... | 2014 | 24123771 |
the complete mitochondrial genome sequence analysis of tibetan argali (ovis ammon hodgsoni): implications of tibetan argali and gansu argali as the same subspecies. | the genus ovis (bovidae, artiodactyla) includes six species, i.e. ovis ammon, ovis aries, ovis canadensis, ovis dalli, ovis nivicola and ovis vignei. based on morphology, geographical location, habitat, etc., the species o. ammon is divided into nine subspecies. the near threatened tibetan argali is distributed across the tibetan plateau and its peripheral mountains, and believed to be one of the o. ammon subspecies (o. a. hodgsoni). however, considering its morphological features and distributi ... | 2013 | 23542075 |
summer and winter habitat suitability of marco polo argali in southeastern tajikistan: a modeling approach. | we modeled summer and winter habitat suitability of marco polo argali in the pamir mountains in southeastern tajikistan using these statistical algorithms: generalized linear model, random forest, boosted regression tree, maxent, and multivariate adaptive regression splines. using sheep occurrence data collected from 2009 to 2015 and a set of selected habitat predictors, we produced summer and winter habitat suitability maps and determined the important habitat suitability predictors for both se ... | 2017 | 29159323 |
the diversity of major histocompatibility complex class ii drb1 gene in sheep breeds from xinjiang, china. | exon 2 of the ovine leukocyte antigen ola-drb1 locus was examined in sheep from the xinjiang karakul ram and bashibai populations, and three generations of hybrids were derived from a cross between bashibai and altai argali wild sheep. this identified 12 novel alleles and 30 previously reported alleles. a neighbor-joining tree of the amino acid sequences of these 42 alleles revealed allelic clusters shared across the study populations. there were significant differences in allelic frequency betw ... | 2015 | 25430475 |
mixture model-based approach for optic cup segmentation. | glaucoma is a leading cause of blindness with permanent damage to optic nerve head. argali is an automated computer-aided diagnosis system designed for glaucoma detection via optic cup-to-disc ratio assessment. it employs several methods to determine the optic cup and disc from retinal images. | 2010 | 21097297 |
convex hull based neuro-retinal optic cup ellipse optimization in glaucoma diagnosis. | glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness. glaucoma can be diagnosed through measurement of neuro-retinal optic cup-to-disc ratio (cdr). automatic calculation of optic cup boundary is challenging due to the interweavement of blood vessels with the surrounding tissues around the cup. a convex hull based neuro-retinal optic cup ellipse optimization algorithm improves the accuracy of the boundary estimation. the algorithm's effectiveness is demonstrated on 70 clinical patient's data set col ... | 2009 | 19963748 |
intelligent fusion of cup-to-disc ratio determination methods for glaucoma detection in argali. | glaucoma is a leading cause of permanent blindness. argali, an automated system for glaucoma detection, employs several methods for segmenting the optic cup and disc from retinal images, combined using a fusion network, to determine the cup to disc ratio (cdr), an important clinical indicator of glaucoma. this paper discusses the use of svm as an alternative fusion strategy in argali, and evaluates its performance against the component methods and neural network (nn) fusion in the cdr calculatio ... | 2009 | 19963657 |
level-set based automatic cup-to-disc ratio determination using retinal fundus images in argali. | glaucoma is a leading cause of permanent blindness. however, disease progression can be limited if detected early. the optic cup-to-disc ratio (cdr) is one of the main clinical indicators of glaucoma, and is currently determined manually, limiting its potential in mass screening. in this paper, we propose an automatic cdr determination method using a variational level-set approach to segment the optic disc and cup from retinal fundus images. the method is a core component of argali, a system for ... | 2008 | 19163151 |
seasonal movements of female corsican mouflon (ovis ammon) in a mediterranean mountain range, southern france. | the spatial occupation of female corsican mouflon (ovis ammon) in medium mediterranean mountains of southern france, was studied between the end of 1987 and june 1989. it can be divided into two seasonal home ranges, one in fall/winter, and one in spring/summer. both seasonal home ranges start with a period of intense locomotive activity in the different individuals. this behaviour could be explained by a general inclination of the animals to move on large scale, the expression of this inclinati ... | 1992 | 24924325 |
social tendencies of the corsican mouflon ovis ammon musimon in the caroux-espinouse massif (south of france). | mouflons, according to their age and sex, show particular social tendencies during the annual cycle. during its life, each individual builds on its own "ontogenetic social trajectory" whose annual variations are representative of its social tendencies. males and females present major differences from the beginning of their second year of life. as they grow older, a process of social segregation develops between the sexes. individual behaviour is considered here as one of the major causes of grou ... | 1989 | 24895902 |
seroprevalence of five zoonotic pathogens in wild ruminants in xinjiang, northwest china. | wild ruminants are at risk for zoonotic pathogen infection as a result of interactions with domestic animals and humans. one way to assess the level of a wild ruminant disease in a population is to determine the seroprevalence of the pathogen of interest. the objective of this study was to determine the seroprevalence of five zoonotic pathogens in wild ruminants in xinjiang, northwest china. in 2009 and 2011-2015, 258 wild ruminant sera samples were collected from various species. samples were o ... | 2020 | 32936059 |
responses of snow leopards, wolves and wild ungulates to livestock grazing in the zorkul strictly protected area, tajikistan. | long recognized as a threat to wildlife, livestock grazing in protected areas has the potential to undermine conservation goals, via competition, habitat degradation, human-carnivore conflict and disruption of predator-prey relationships. in the strictly protected area zorkul in tajikistan (zorkul reserve), grazing is commonplace despite official prohibition, with potentially detrimental effects on local fauna, in particular, snow leopard panthera uncia, wolf canis lupus, brown bear ursus arctos ... | 2018 | 30500847 |
new data on the holocene mammal fauna of the ustyurt plateau. | analysis of mammalian species composition has been performed for eight archaeological sites on the ustyurt plateau. they date to the range from the middle subboreal to the middle subatlantic. the modern species composition of large mammals formed by the end of the middle holocene (subboreal 2) and did not change until the early 20th century. the ungulate species composition and ratio on the plateau showed geographical variation and changed over time. boars were always rare or absent in the north ... | 2020 | 32632837 |
historical introgression from wild relatives enhanced climatic adaptation and resistance to pneumonia in sheep. | how animals, particularly livestock, adapt to various climates and environments over short evolutionary time is of fundamental biological interest. further, understanding the genetic mechanisms of adaptation in indigenous livestock populations is important for designing appropriate breeding programs to cope with the impacts of changing climate. here we conducted a comprehensive genomic analysis of diversity, interspecies introgression and climate-mediated selective signatures in a global sample ... | 2020 | 32941615 |
sarcocystis species in wild and domestic sheep (ovis ammon and ovis aries) from china. | sarcocystis species are intracellular protozoan parasites that can pose a threat to animal health and food safety. the aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of infection with sarcocystis infection in sheep from china. | 2018 | 30509255 |
therapeutic effects of recombinant splunc1 on mycoplasma ovipneumoniae-infected argali hybrid sheep. | clinical therapeutic and immunoregulatory effects of recombinant splunc1 protein (rsplunc1) were evaluated in mycoplasma ovipneumoniae (mo)-infected argali hybrid sheep (ahs). group a contained six bashibai sheep (bs) and groups b-d contained six ahs each. all sheep were manually infected with mo. five days post-infection, rsplunc1 from bs and ahs was injected intratracheally into group c and d animals; physiological saline was administered to groups a and b. serum il-5, il-6, and il-9 were quan ... | 2020 | 32992128 |
comprehensive rna-seq profiling of the lung transcriptome of argali hybrid sheep in response to experimental mycoplasma ovipneumoniae infection. | an experiment was conducted to reveal why the argali hybrid sheep are susceptible to mycoplasma ovipneumoniae infection, the causative agent of mycoplasma ovipneumonia, a chronic respiratory disease that is harmful to the sheep industry. | 2020 | 32505020 |
the genome landscape of tibetan sheep reveals adaptive introgression from argali and the history of early human settlements on the qinghai-tibetan plateau. | tibetan sheep are the most common and widespread domesticated animals on the qinghai-tibetan plateau (qtp) and have played an essential role in the permanent human occupation of this high-altitude region. however, the precise timing, route, and process of sheep pastoralism in the qtp region remain poorly established, and little is known about the underlying genomic changes that occurred during the process. here, we investigate the genomic variation in tibetan sheep using whole-genome sequences, ... | 2019 | 30445533 |
habitat assessment of marco polo sheep (ovis ammon polii) in eastern tajikistan: modeling the effects of climate change. | identifying the factors predicting the high-elevation suitable habitats of central asian argali wild sheep and how these suitable habitats are affected by the changing climate regimes could help address conservation and management efforts and identify future critical habitat for the species in eastern tajikistan. this study used environmental niche models (enms) to map and compare potential present and future distributions of suitable environmental conditions for marco polo argali. argali occurr ... | 2018 | 29876087 |