
mycoplasma-like bodies in the saliva of the leafhopper macrosteles fascifrons (stål) (homoptera:cicadellidae). 19695371932
insect tissue culture: use of blastokinetic stage of leafhopper find the proper material for cultivation in vitro of cells of leafhopper vectors of plant viruses, embryonic tissues of the six-spotted aster leaf-hopper (macrosteles fascifrons) were tested during early developmental stages, during blastokinetic movement, and in late developmental stages. growing cells were only obtained from the stage of blastokinetic movement. this stage can be determined visually in leafhopper eggs.196414171542
distribution of clover phyllody virus in the leafhopper macrosteles fascifrons (stal). 19684387331
heat inactivation and interactions of four aster yellows virus strains in their vector, macrosteles fascifrons (stål). 19685722181
cryopreservation of aster yellows agent in whole leafhoppers.aster yellows agent was preserved in an infectious state in leafhoppers (macrosteles fascifrons) that had been fed on infected asters and then frozen and stored as whole insects at -64 degrees c for up to 2 years. no difference in infectivity was observed between extracts prepared from insects stored at -28 and -64 degrees c for up to 21 weeks. three solutions (glycine + magnesium chloride, glycine + magnesium chloride + sodium sulphate, and phosphate-buffered saline) were found to be equally su ...1977890602
initial and subsequent sites of aster yellows virus infection in a leafhopper vector.aster yellows virus (ayv) was recovered from hemolymph, alimentary canal, salivary glands and ovaries, but not from malpighian tubules, mycetomes, fat body, testes, or brain of viruliferous leafhoppers, macrosteles fascifrons (stål). the presence of virus in the tissues was determined by injecting their extracts into virus-free leafhoppers, then testing the latter singly for inoculativity on aster (callistephus chinensis nees.) seedlings. the virus was first recovered from the alimentary canal i ...196718614090
evidence on possible mycoplasma etiology of aster yellows disease ii. suppression of aster yellows in insect vectors.chlortetracycline or chloramphenicol (but not kanamycin, penicillin, or erythromycin), when administered in hydroponic solution to diseased aster, reduced the availability of the aster yellows (ay) agent to nymphs of macrosteles fascifrons (stål). insects exposed to healthy plants whose roots were immersed in chlortetracycline were able to acquire ay agent from diseased plants the day after removal from the antibiotic-treated plants, but the latent period of the ensuing disease in the insects wa ...197016557821
the aster yellows controversy: current status.evidence for and against the spiroplasmal etiology of aster yellows (ay) disease is examined. a spiroplasma, serologically identical to spiroplasma citri, was cultivated by some workers from lettuce (lactuca sativa l.) plants claimed to be naturally infected with ay. the isolated spiroplasma was shown to be infectious by injecting macrosteles fascifrons with the cultured organisms and then confining the injected leafhoppers on healthy plants. the reports claiming that a spiroplasma is the etiolo ...19836382826
various infection status and molecular evidence for horizontal transmission and recombination of wolbachia and cardinium among rice planthoppers and related species.wolbachia and cardinium are widely distributed and are considered important for their ability to disturb reproduction and affect other fitness-related traits of their hosts. by using multilocus sequence typing (mlst), rflp (restriction fragment length polymorphism) and 16s ribosomal dna gene sequencing methods, we extensively surveyed wolbachia and cardinium infection status of four predominant rice planthoppers and one kind of leafhopper in different rice fields. the results demonstrated that s ...201323955885
ecological implications from a molecular analysis of phytoplasmas involved in an aster yellows epidemic in various crops in texas.abstract in the spring of 2000, an aster yellows (ay) epidemic occurred in carrot crops in the winter garden region of southwestern texas. a survey revealed that vegetable crops, including cabbage, onion, parsley, and dill, and some weeds also were infected by ay phytoplasmas. nested polymerase chain reaction (pcr) and restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of pcr-amplified phytoplasma 16s rdna were employed for the detection and identification of phytoplasmas associated with these cr ...200318944064
cellular specialization in the excretory epithelia of an insect, macrosteles fascifrons stal (homoptera).an electron microscopic investigation of the malpighian tubules of a leaf hopper, macrosteles fascifrons, shows that these organs comprise three quite distinct cell types, and the structure of these and of the mid- and hindgut epithelial cells is described. in particular, a comparison is made between the organization of the basal and apical surfaces of cells in the malpighian tubule and in the vertebrate kidney, and it is suggested that similarities between these excretory epithelia reflect func ...196019866568
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