
karyotype and dna content of pharctolaemus ansorgei blgr. (teleostei: gonorynchifomes).the diploid dna content of pharctolaemus ansorgei spinosus (phractolaemidae) is estimated by feulgen cytophotometry at 3 pg. the karyotype has 28 chromosomes and 54 chromosome arms; it significantly resembles the karyotype of chanos chanos (chanidae).1979437025
acute toxicity of potassium permanganate to milkfish fingerlings, chanos chanos. 19892804420
microsomal monooxygenase activity in milkfish (chanos chanos) from aquaculture ponds near metal reclamation facilities. 19989724362
significant organotin contamination of sediment and tissues of milkfish in brackish water ponds. 199910475906
ichthyotoxicity studies of milkfish chanos chanos fingerlings exposed to a harmful dinoflagellate alexandrium minutum.milkfish (chanos chanos forsskal) fingerlings were treated with toxic, nontoxic dinoflagellate alexandrium minutum cells or toxic algal extract in the water medium without any aeration. mortality of fish increased with increasing concentrations of toxic, nontoxic algal cells and water-soluble toxic algae extract. milkfish fingerlings, which were exposed to toxic algae (1.5x10(4)-3.0x10(4) cells/ml) or algal extract [5.13x10(3)-2.05x10(4) cells/ml, 0.195 mu/10(4) cells (toxin concentration)] for ...200111445088
exposure of taiwan residents to polychlorinated biphenyl congeners from farmed, ocean-caught, and imported fish.this study is to assess pcb levels in five frequently consumed fish species in taiwan, tilapia, milkfish, white pomfret, hairtail, and cod. seventeen congeners were measured in fillet samples purchased from major markets in northern, central, and southern taiwan. all 136 samples had traces of pcbs. the median concentrations were 0.18, 0.46, 0.62, 0.69, and 7.34 ng/g wet wt and 1.01, 0.28, 1.14, 5.06, and 19.3 pg-who-teq/g lipid in tilapia, milkfish, white pomfret, hairtail, and cod samples, resp ...200314594364
length and sequence variability in mitochondrial control region of the milkfish, chanos chanos.extensive length variability was observed in the mitochondrial control region of the milkfish, chanos chanos. the nucleotide sequence of the control region and flanking regions was determined. length variability and heteroplasmy was due to the presence of varying numbers of a 41-bp tandemly repeated sequence and a 48-bp insertion/deletion (indel). the structure and organization of the milkfish control region is similar to that of other teleost fish and vertebrates. however, extensive variation i ...200214961287
pituitary of chanos chanos forskål. 195114826914
biogeochemical conditions in sediments enriched by organic matter from net-pen fish farms in the bolinao area, philippines.sedimentation and sediment metabolism was measured at eight active milkfish fish pens and at one abandoned site in the bolinao area, philippines in order to examine the interactions between sediment and water in this shallow coastal zone. the rates of sedimentation were high in the area due to siltation, but the activities in the fish pens also contributed to enhanced sedimentation as indicated by the difference between the abandoned and active sites. the sediment metabolism appeared to decrease ...200314607544
risk assessment of arsenic exposure from consumption of cultured milkfish, chanos chanos (forsskål), from the arsenic-contaminated area in southwestern taiwan. 200516400542
cdna nucleotide sequence coding for stearoyl-coa desaturase and its expression in the zebrafish (danio rerio) embryo.a cdna sequence of stearoyl-coa desaturase (scd) was determined from zebrafish (danio rerio) and compared to the corresponding genes in several teleosts. zebrafish scd cdna has a size of 1,061 bp, encodes a polypeptide of 325 amino acids, and shares 88, 85, 84, and 83% similarities with tilapia (oreochromis mossambicus), grass carp (ctenopharyngodon idella), common carp (cyprinus carpio), and milkfish (chanos chanos), respectively. this 1,061 bp sequence specifies a protein that, in common with ...200314579408
evidence of paralytic shellfish poisoning toxin in milkfish in south taiwan.natural phytoplankton blooms of the dinoflagellate alexandrium minutum, milkfish (chanos chanos) exposed to natural blooms, sediment and mangrove crab (scylla serrata) were analysed for paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins by high-performance liquid chromatography. the toxin profiles of milkfish and mangrove crab were similar to that of a. minutum collected from blooming fishponds. in a laboratory a. minutum-blooming environment, the stomach and intestine of milkfish accumulated paralytic shellf ...200312881129
the expression of gill na, k-atpase in milkfish, chanos chanos, acclimated to seawater, brackish water and fresh water.juvenile milkfish chanos chanos (forsskål, 1775) were transferred from a local fish farm to fresh water (fw; 0 per thousand ), brackish water (bw; 10 per thousand, 20 per thousand ) and seawater (sw; 35 per thousand ) conditions in the laboratory and reared for at least two weeks. the blood and gill of the fish adapted to various salinities were analyzed to determine the osmoregulatory ability of this euryhaline species. no significant difference was found in plasma osmolality, sodium or chlorid ...200312829056
acute toxicity of endosulfan to the milkfish, chanos chanos, of the southeast coast of india. 200616688544
impacts of milkfish (chanos chanos) aquaculture on carbon and nutrient fluxes in the bolinao area, philippines.sediment oxygen consumption, tco2 production and nutrient fluxes across the sediment-water interface were measured in sediments within and along a transect from four fish pens with production of milkfish (chanos chanos) in the bolinao area, the philippines. the four fish pens were each representing a specific period in the production cycling. there was a positive linear relationship between the rates of sedimentation inside the fish pens and the sediment oxygen consumption indicating that the be ...200212222893
pathological and molecular studies on mycobacteriosis of milkfish chanos chanos in taiwan.investigated in milkfish chanos chanos, which had a cumulative mortality of up to 66.7% over the course of 1 yr. gross reddish- or greyish-white nodules appeared on the peritoneal surface, spleen, kidney, liver and gastrointestinal (gi) tract. epithelioid granulomas with the formation of langhan's type giant cells were the prominent histopathological changes. despite large numbers of acid-fast bacilli in the granulomas, neither caseous necrosis nor dystrophic calcification were observed. using d ...200617140137
genetic manipulations in aquaculture: a review of stock improvement by classical and modern technologies.the aim of this review was to highlight the extent to which the genetic technologies are implemented by the aquaculture industry. the review shows that some of the modern genetic technologies are already extensively applied by the diverse aquaculture industries, though not to the same extent for all important aquacultured species (according to fao 1998 figures). some species (common carp, atlantic salmon, rainbow trout, channel catfish, nile tilapia, and the pacific oyster) received concentrated ...200111841164
oxygen, sulphide and nutrient uptake of the mangrove mud clam anodontia edentula (family: lucinidae).oxygen, sulphide and nutrient (ammonia, nitrite and phosphate) uptake of anodontia edentula was measured. oxygen and sulphide were measured from sealed containers provided with 1 l fresh mangrove mud (sulphide source) and seawater (oxygen source) with two treatments (with and without clam) at 16 replicates each. oxygen, sulphide and other parameters were measured at days 1 (initial), 3 and 5 (final). nutrients were measured from containers filled with 1.5 l wastewater from a milkfish broodstock ...200111763226
paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins accumulation in purple clam hiatula rostrata and toxic effect on milkfish chanos chanos larval an attempt to feed purple clams (hiatula rostrata) with dinoglagellate alexandrium minutum, the maximal accumulation toxicity of paralytic shellfish poisoning (psp) toxins reached 40.6 mu/g on day 5 of feeding. subsequently, the toxicity increased no further, although purple clams ingested more toxic algae. furthermore, when milkfish (chanos chanos) larvae were treated with toxic, nontoxic a. minutum or psp toxin-containing extract in the water medium, it was found that the mortality of fish ...200111695819
molecular cloning and sequence analysis of stearoyl-coa desaturase in milkfish, chanos chanos.stearoyl-coa desaturase (ec is a key enzyme in the biosynthesis of polyunsaturated fatty acids and the maintenance of the homeoviscous fluidity of biological membranes. the stearoyl-coa desaturase cdna in milkfish (chanos chanos) was cloned by rt-pcr and race, and it was compared with the stearoyl-coa desaturase in cold-tolerant teleosts, common carp and grass carp. nucleotide sequence analysis revealed that the cdna clone has a 972-bp open reading frame encoding 323 amino acid residu ...200111691624
effect of starvation on free histidine and amino acids in white muscle of milkfish chanos chanos.milkfish (chanos chanos) decreased their body weight from 47 to 28 g over the 60-day period of starvation. starvation also resulted in the reduction of muscle lipid and protein, and hepatosomatic index. the predominant free amino acid (faa) in white muscle of milkfish was histidine, followed by taurine and glycine. in the first 25 days of starvation, no significant change in histidine was found. after 40 days of starvation, however, the histidine concentration was significantly decreased by 46%, ...200111250545
metal contents of fish from cultureponds near scrap metal reclamation facilities.milkfish (chanos chanos) from four fish-culture ponds adjacent to different metal recovery facilities along the er-jen river area, tainan, taiwan, were sampled to determine their metal contents. chemical analysis showed that fish tissue contained different concentrations of cu: 0.71-6.37 micrograms/g, pb: nd (not detectable) approximately 41.04 micrograms/g, cd: nd approximately 0.41 microgram/g, al: 6.75-64.11 micrograms/g, ni: 0.062-0.504 microgram/g and zn: 16.11-41.86 micrograms/g. the avera ...200010665446
muscle strain histories in swimming milkfish in steady and sprinting gaitsadult milkfish (chanos chanos) swam in a water-tunnel flume over a wide range of speeds. fish were instrumented with sonomicrometers to measure shortening of red and white myotomal muscle. muscle strain was also calculated from simultaneous overhead views of the swimming fish. this allowed us to test the hypothesis that the muscle shortens in phase with local body bending. the fish swam at slow speeds [u<2.6 fork lengths s-1 (=fl s-1)] where only peripheral red muscle was powering body movements ...19999929456
interactive effects of salinity on metabolic rate, activity, growth and osmoregulation in the euryhaline milkfish (chanos chanos)the euryhaline milkfish (chanos chanos) is an excellent subject for studies of the physiological and behavioral processes involved in salinity adaptation. in this study, energy partitioning for metabolism, activity and growth, maximal activity performance and blood osmotic concentrations were assessed at two activity levels in juvenile milkfish fed equal rations and maintained at a relatively constant temperature (262 c) and at salinities (15, 35 and 55 ?) that represented a wide range of osmore ...19989817832
requirements of juvenile milkfish (chanos chanos forsskal) for essential amino acids.the dietary requirements of juvenile milkfish (chanos chanos forsskal) for essential amino acids were determined in a series of experiments. the fish (< or = 8.0 g) were reared in fiber glass tanks provided with flow-through seawater at 28 degrees c and salinity of 32 g/l for 12 wk. in each experiment, a series of amino acid test diets was formulated containing a combination of intact protein sources (casein-gelatin, fish meal-gelatin, fish meal-soybean meal or fish meal-zein) and crystalline am ...19938421223
acute toxicity of nifurpirinol, a fish chemotherapeutant, to milkfish (chanos chanos) fingerlings. 19948142702
changes induced in the gills of milkfish (chanos chanos forsskål) fingerlings after acute exposure to nifurpirinol (furanace; p-7138). 19957539314
gonadotropin-releasing hormone (gn-rh) in striped mullet (mugil cephalus), milkfish (chanos chanos), and rainbow trout (salmo gairdneri): comparison with salmon gn-rh.immunoreactive gonadotropin-releasing hormone (gn-rh) was extracted from brains of striped mullet, milkfish, rainbow trout, and chum salmon with acetone/hcl and petroleum ether. high pressure liquid chromatography and cross-reactivity studies show mullet, milkfish, and trout brains to contain a peptide chromatographically and immunologically identical to synthetic salmon gn-rh, while the mammalian form of gn-rh is detectable in none of these fishes. gn-rh is present in immature 7-month-old and 4 ...19846383951
formation of mutagens during the frying of hawaiian fish: correlation with creatine and creatinine content.compounds mutagenic toward salmonella typhimurium strain ta98 in the presence of rat-liver homogenates (s9) were formed when fish flesh was fried at 199 degrees c. three species of hawaiian fish commonly consumed in hawaii (skipjack tuna, katsuwonus pelamis; yellowfin tuna, neothunnus macropterus; and milkfish, chanos chanos) were cooked in an electric skillet, along with samples of sole (microstomus pacificus). organic extracts of the fish were tested in the ames salmonella mutagenic assay usin ...19902270090
resilience of coral-associated bacterial communities exposed to fish farm effluent.background: the coral holobiont includes the coral animal, algal symbionts, and associated microbial community. these microbes help maintain the holobiont homeostasis; thus, sustaining robust mutualistic microbial communities is a fundamental part of long-term coral reef survival. coastal pollution is one major threat to reefs, and intensive fish farming is a rapidly growing source of this pollution. methodology & principal findings: we investigated the susceptibility and resilience of the bacte ...200919806190
cortisol content of eggs and larvae of teleosts.the whole-animal content of the cortisol was measured in embryos and larvae of tilapia (oreochromis mossambicus), rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss), ayu (plecoglossus altivelis), milkfish (chanos chanos), and yellowfin bream (acanthropagrus latus) by radioimmunoassay following the validation of an extraction method. the total cortisol content in tilapia was 50.3 +/- 19.1 pg immediately following fertilization, then decreased abruptly and maintained a lower level of 10-17 pg until larval hatchi ...19921601267
distribution and abundance of fish eggs and larvae in arasalar estuary, karaikkal, south-east coast of india.the distribution and abundance of fish eggs and larvae have been studied at two stations of arasalar estuary. eggs of stolephorus sp., mugil cephalus, sardinella sp., cynoglossus sp and the larvae of stolephorus indicus, ambassis commersoni, terapon jarbua, chanos chanos, trichiurus sp anguilla sp and thryssa sp have been collected and identified. environmental parameters such as temperature, salinity, ph and dissolved oxygen were also recorded. the present study clearly indicate the higher occu ...200516161985
influence of physico-chemical properties on the abundance of a few economically important juvenile fin-fishes of vellar estuary.studies on the economically important juvenile fin-fishes such as elops machnata, chanos chanos, lates calcarifer, epinephelus sp., sillago sihama, etroplus suratensis, mugil cephalus, liza parsia and liza tade with relation to the hydrographical parameters as rainfall, temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and ph of vellar estuary during september 2001 to august 2002. the simple correlation co-efficient showed positive significance against juvenile density with water temperature and dissolved ...200516114469
stearoyl-coa desaturase expression and fatty acid composition in milkfish (chanos chanos) and grass carp (ctenopharyngodon idella) during cold acclimation.desaturation of fatty acids is an important adaptation mechanism for fish to maintain membrane fluidity under thermal stress. to comprehend the temperature adaptation mechanism in fish, we investigated the difference in the changes of stearoyl-coa desaturase expression and fatty acid composition between milkfish and grass carp under cold acclimation. we find that in both fish the proportions of unsaturated fatty acids at 15 degrees c are all higher than those at 25 degrees c. in milkfish delta(9 ...200515820139
variation in the rate of growth of the milk-fish (chanos chanos). 194621019870
sodium or potassium ions activate different kinetics of gill na, k-atpase in three seawater- and freshwater-acclimated euryhaline teleosts.the effects of [na(+)] or [k(+)] on na, k-atpase activity of fw-acclimated and sw-acclimated tilapia, puffer and milkfish were examined in gill homogenates. [na(+)] or [k(+)] stimulated na, k-atpase hydrolyzing atp in all experimental groups. atp hydrolysis stimulated by [na(+)] or [k(+)] followed michaelian-menten kinetics. km values for [k(+)] (i.e., km(k)), were lower in sw- than fw-acclimated tilapia and puffer fishes (tilapia: 8.69+/-0.22 vs. 11.93+/-1.17 mm; puffer: 13.51+/-1.39 vs. 30.52+ ...200515612003
arsenic accumulation and acute toxicity in aquacultural juvenile milkfish (chanos chanos) from blackfoot disease area in taiwan. 200415106758
high average daily intake of pcdd/fs and serum levels in residents living near a deserted factory producing pentachlorophenol (pcp) in taiwan: influence of contaminated fish abandoned pentachlorophenol plant and nearby area in southern taiwan was heavily contaminated by dioxins, impurities formed in the pcp production process. the investigation showed that the average serum pcdd/fs of residents living nearby area (62.5 pg who-teq/g lipid) was higher than those living in the non-polluted area (22.5 and 18.2 pg who-teq/g lipid) (p<0.05). in biota samples, average pcdd/f of milkfish in sea reservoir (28.3 pg who-teq/g) was higher than those in the nearby fish farm ( ...200616213641
short-term effects of hyposmotic shock on na+/k+ -atpase expression in gills of the euryhaline milkfish, chanos chanos.changes in expression of gill na+/k+ -atpase (nka) on a short-term (96 h) time-course following hyposmotic shock (direct transfer to fresh water) of the euryhaline, marine milkfish were studied on gene, protein, and cell levels in this paper. plasma osmolality and [na+] responded with rapid declines in 3 h post-transfer yet, thereafter, remained constant. plasma [cl-] gradually fell to a significantly lower level at 6 h post-transfer. gills responded to hyposmotic shock by a dual phase enhanceme ...200616459117
toxicokinetics/toxicodynamics of arsenic for farmed juvenile milkfish chanos chanos and human consumption risk in bfd-endemic area of taiwan.this paper presents a toxicokinetic/toxicodynamic analysis to appraise arsenic (as) bioaccumulation in farmed juvenile milkfish chanos chanos at blackfoot disease (bfd)-endemic area in taiwan, whereas probabilistic incremental lifetime cancer risk (ilcr) and hazard quotient (hq) models are also employed to assess the range of exposures for the fishers and non-fishers who eat the contaminated fish. we conducted a 7-day exposure experiment to obtain toxicokinetic parameters, whereas a simple criti ...200616513169
optimum conditions for l-glutaminase production by actinomycete strain isolated from estuarine fish, chanos chanos (forskal, 1775).actinomycetes were isolated from skin, gills and gut contents of estuarine fish. chanos chanos using kuster's agar medium. out of 20 strains tested, the strain lg-10 which was tentatively identified as streptomyces rimosus showed l-glutaminase activity. optimum production of l-glutaminase enzyme (17.51 iu/ml) was observed after 96 h of incubation at 27 degrees c, ph 9 and glucose and malt extract as carbon and nitrogen sources, respectively. the present study indicated scope for the use of s. ri ...200616538868
detection of betanodaviruses in apparently healthy aquarium fishes and invertebrates.betanodaviruses are the causative agents of viral nervous necrosis (vnn) in cultured marine fish. a total of 237 apparently healthy aquarium fish, marine (65 species) and freshwater (12 species) fishes and marine invertebrates (4 species), which were stocked in a commercial aquarium in seoul, south korea, were collected from november 2005 to february 2006. the brains of the fish and other tissues of the invertebrates were examined by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (rt-pcr) and n ...200617106229
supra dietary levels of vitamins c and e enhance antibody production and immune memory in juvenile milkfish, chanos chanos (forsskal) to formalin-killed vibrio vulnificus.juveniles of milkfish, chanos chanos (forsskal), were fed two independent supra dietary levels of vitamins c (500 and 1500 mg kg(-1) feed, t1 and t2) and e (50 and 150 mg kg(-1), t3 and t4). milkfish fed diets with supra (in addition to the vitamins present in the control diet) and normal levels (t5 containing 90 and 1.2mg of vitamins c and e, respectively, kg(-1) of feed) of vitamins were immunized (ip) with formalin-killed vibrio vulnificus (fkvv). priming and booster antibody responses to the ...200717208456
development and characterization of two new cell lines from milkfish (chanos chanos) and grouper (epinephelus coioides) for virus isolation.two new cell lines, simh and sige, were derived from the heart of milkfish (chanos chanos), a euryhaline teleost, and from the eye of grouper (epinephelus coioides), respectively. these cell lines were maintained in leibovitz's l-15 supplemented with 20% fetal bovine serum (fbs). the simh cell line was subcultured more than 50 times over a period of 210 days and sige cell line has been subcultured 100 times over a period of 1 1/2 years. the simh cell line consists predominantly of fibroblastic-l ...200717216384
estuarine fish and turtles as intermediate and paratenic hosts of gnathostoma binucleatum in nayarit, mexico.human gnathostomosis is a severe public health problem in the state of nayarit, mexico. between 1995 and 2005, the registration of human cases numbered 6,328, which makes it one of the largest focal points of the disease in the country. the present study determined the presence of natural hosts of gnathostoma binucleatum larvae at the laguna de agua brava in nayarit, mexico. a total of 5,450 fish and 247 turtles were sampled. muscular tissue was ground and observed against the light using a 100- ...200717924145
sustainability and local people's participation in coastal aquaculture: regional differences and historical experiences in sri lanka and the philippines.this article discusses environmental sustainability in aquaculture and its contribution to poverty alleviation, based on field studies in sri lanka and the philippines. the aquaculture practices studied are the monoculture of the black tiger prawn (penneaus monodon) and milkfish (chanos chanos) and the polyculture of the two species together with the mud crab (scylla serrata). factors affecting economic viability, social equity and environmental impacts in aquaculture are discussed and used to i ...200717929084
studies on l-asparaginase enzyme of actinomycetes isolated from estuarine fishes.actinomycetes were isolated from different organs viz. skin, gills and gut contents of three species of fishes viz. mugil cephalus (linnaeus, 1758), chanos chanos (forskal, 1775) and etroplus suratensis (bloch, 1780) using three different media from the vellar estuary, situated along the southeast coast of india. among the three fishes, m. cephalus harboured highest number of actinomycetes population in all the three body parts examined followed by c. chanos and e. suratensis. out of the three b ...200717929767
assessing the risks on human health associated with inorganic arsenic intake from groundwater-cultured milkfish in southwestern taiwan.the risk of consuming groundwater-cultured milkfish (chanos chanos) was assessed. samples of water and milkfish from groundwater-cultured ponds in southwestern taiwan were analyzed. one third of the 12 sampled ponds had arsenic concentrations in the water higher than 50 microg/l, which is the maximum allowed concentration for arsenic in aquacultural water in taiwan. of the total amount of arsenic in water, the percentage of inorganic arsenic was 67.5+/-8.8%. the inorganic arsenic level in milkfi ...200817967501
picture archive and communication system (pacs) in the detection of fish bone: an animal study.we have developed an animal model to investigate the feasibility of using a digital radiography picture archive and communication system (pacs) to identify fish bones.200818503850
epizoic communities of prokaryotes on healthy and diseased scleractinian corals in lingayen gulf, search for microbiological indicators of coral health and coral diseases, community profiles of coral-associated epizoic prokaryotes were investigated because of their dual potential as a source of coral pathogens and their antagonists. in pairwise samples of visually healthy and diseased coral specimens from bolinao bay (pangasinan, philippines), mixed biofilm communities of ectoderm- and mucus-colonizing epizoic prokaryotes were compared using fluorescent in situ hybridization (fish). oligo ...200918535850
gradients of coastal fish farm effluents and their effect on coral reef microbes.coastal milkfish (chanos chanos) farming may be a source of organic matter enrichment for coral reefs in bolinao, republic of the philippines. interactions among microbial communities associated with the water column, corals and milkfish feces can provide insight into the ecosystem's response to enrichment. samples were collected at sites along a transect that extended from suspended milkfish pens into the coral reef. water was characterized by steep gradients in the concentrations of dissolved ...200818557772
an integrated gis-based approach in assessing carcinogenic risks via food-chain exposure in arsenic-affected groundwater areas.this study presented an integrated gis-based approach for assessing potential carcinogenic risks via food-chain exposure of ingesting inorganic arsenic (as) in aquacultural tilapia, milkfish, mullet, and clam in the as-affected groundwater areas. to integrate spatial information, geographic information system (gis) was adopted to combine polygon-shaped features of aquacultural species with cell-shaped features of as contamination in groundwater. owing to sparse measured data, monte carlo simulat ...201019260046
risk assessment on mixture toxicity of arsenic, zinc and copper intake from consumption of milkfish, chanos chanos (forsskål), cultured using contaminated groundwater in southwest taiwan.studies on bioaccumulation of arsenic, zinc, and copper in freshwater-cultured milkfish were carried out to assess the risks on human health. the arsenic, zinc, and copper levels in milkfish showed significant positive correlations to the arsenic, zinc, and copper concentrations in pond water. the hazard index of arsenic, zinc, and copper mixture for intake of milkfish (1.75 +/- 0.65) demonstrated that intake of in this way contaminated milkfish will result in non-carcinogenic risk. the target c ...200919319458
relative changes in the abundance of branchial na(+)/k(+)-atpase alpha-isoform-like proteins in marine euryhaline milkfish (chanos chanos) acclimated to environments of different salinities.previous studies revealed that upon salinity challenge, milkfish (chanos chanos), the euryhaline teleost, exhibited adaptive changes in branchial na(+)/k(+)-atpase (nka) activity with different na(+) and k(+) affinities. since alteration of activity and ion-affinity may be influenced by changes in different isoforms of nka alpha-subunit (i.e., the catalytic subunit), it is, thus, intriguing to compare the patterns of protein abundance of three major nka alpha-isoform-like proteins (i.e., alpha1, ...200919484743
ontogenetic changes in color vision in the milkfish (chanos chanos forsskål, 1775).the milkfish (chanos chanos forsskål, 1775) is a euryhaline fish widely distributed in tropical and subtropical indo-pacific waters. it is unique in having in the cephalic region adipose eyelid tissue that begins to develop in the larval stage and is completely formed by the juvenile stage. the formation of the adipose eyelids coincides with the onset of active swimming ability. larval and juvenile milkfish have different dietary modes and habitats. this study was aimed to investigate ontogeneti ...200919715505
polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofuran contents in fish and sediment near a pentachlorophenol contaminated site.polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (pcdd/fs) in sediment and fish of aqua farms close to a contaminated site of a pentachlorophenol production plant (cpdc-ass) were investigated. the total pcdd/f i-teq level in sediment and fish ranged from 0.725 to 87.9 ng i-teq kg(-1)d.w.(-1) and 0.044 to 3.10 pg i-teq g(-1)w.w.(-1), respectively, meaning that the cpdc-ass was a long-term exposure pcdd/f contaminated area. the four dominant congeners in sediment and fish were ocdd, ocdf, 1,2,3 ...201020446148
dietary lecithin potentiates thermal tolerance and cellular stress protection of milk fish (chanos chanos) reared under low dose endosulfan-induced stress.endosulfan is an organochlorine pesticide commonly found in aquatic environments that has been found to reduce thermal tolerance of fish. lipotropes such as the food additive, lecithin has been shown to improve thermal tolerance in fish species. this study was conducted to evaluate the role of lipotropes (lecithin) for enhancing the thermal tolerance of chanos chanos reared under sublethal low dose endosulfan-induced stress. two hundred and twenty-five fish were distributed randomly into five tr ...201425455939
the structure and possible functions of the milkfish chanos chanos adipose eyelid.basic histological sections (with different staining methods) and scanning electron microscopy (sem) examinations showed that there were three distinctive layers in the adipose eyelid of milkfish chanos chanos, which is found in the cephalie region and covers the entire eye. the outer and inner layers were epithelial tissues and the middle layer was composed of connective tissue formed by type i collagen fibrils. no adipose tissue was found in any of the three layers of the so-called adipose eye ...200920738484
histamine production by enterobacter aerogenes in sailfish and milkfish at various storage temperatures.enterobacter aerogenes was studied for its growth and ability to promote the formation of total volatile base nitrogen (tvbn) and histamine in sailfish (istiophorus platypterus) and milkfish (chanos chanos) stored at various temperatures from -20 to 37 degrees c. the optimal temperature for bacterial growth in both fish species was 25 degrees c, whereas the optimal temperature for histamine formation was 37 degrees c. the two fish species inoculated with e. aerogenes, when not properly stored at ...200521132980
assessing and managing the health risk due to ingestion of inorganic arsenic from fish and shellfish farmed in blackfoot disease areas for general taiwanese.this paper assesses health risks due to the ingestion of inorganic arsenic from fish and shellfish farmed in blackfoot disease areas by general public in taiwan. the provisional tolerable weekly intake of arsenic set by fao/who and the target cancer risk assessment model proposed by usepa were integrated to evaluate the acceptable consumption rate. five aquacultural species, tilapia (oreochromis mossambicus), milkfish (chanos chanos), mullet (mugil cephalus), clam (meretrix lusoria) and oyster ( ...201021134715
impact of metals on histopathology and expression of hsp 70 in different tissues of milk fish (chanos chanos) of kaattuppalli island, south east coast, india.histological and immunohistochemical studies were carried out to document the possible impact of heavy metal contamination in different tissues of chanos chanos. heavy metals such as cu, pb, zn, cd, mn and fe were predominant in water, sediment and biota of kaattuppalli island and varied significantly between two different sites. histological changes such as swelling of muscle fiber and break down of muscle bundles were noted in the muscle. similarly gill filament cell proliferation, increase in ...201121257190
using remote underwater video to estimate freshwater fish species richness.species richness records from replicated deployments of baited remote underwater video stations (bruvs) and unbaited remote underwater video stations (ubruvs) in shallow (<1 m) and deep (>1 m) water were compared with those obtained from using fyke nets, gillnets and beach seines. maximum species richness (14 species) was achieved through a combination of conventional netting and camera-based techniques. chanos chanos was the only species not recorded on camera, whereas lutjanus argentimaculatus ...201323639156
toxicity, feeding rate and growth rate response to sub-lethal concentrations of anthracene and benzo [a] pyrene in milkfish chanos chanos (forskkal).the feeding rate, growth rate and gross conversion efficiency were studied in milkfish chanos chanos for 28 days of exposure to sub-lethal concentrations of anthracene (1.00, 2.00, 3.00, 6.00 and 12.0 μg l(-1)) and benzo [a] pyrene (0.30, 0.70, 1.40, 2.80 and 5.60 μg l(-1)) under continuous flow through bioassays. based on survival and growth data, no observed effect concentration; lowest observed effect concentration were estimated after 28 days, the values for anthracene were 2.03 and 3.09 μg  ...201323196369
effect of salt concentrations and drying methods on the quality and formation of histamine in dried milkfish (chanos chanos).the effects of salt concentrations (0-15.0%) and drying methods on the quality of dried milkfish were studied. the results showed that the levels of aerobic plate counts, total coliform, water activity, moisture contents, total volatile basic nitrogen (tvbn) and thiobarbituric acid (tba) of the dried milkfish samples prepared with the same drying method decreased with increased salt concentrations. the samples prepared with the cold-air drying method had better quality in term of lower tvbn and ...201222868167
immunolocalization of chloride transporters to gill epithelia of euryhaline teleosts with opposite salinity-induced na(+)/k (+)-atpase responses.opposite patterns of branchial na(+)/k(+)-atpase (nka) responses were found in euryhaline milkfish (chanos chanos) and pufferfish (tetraodon nigroviridis) upon salinity challenge. because the electrochemical gradient established by nka is thought to be the driving force for transcellular cl(-) transport in fish gills, the aim of this study was to explore whether the differential patterns of nka responses found in milkfish and pufferfish would lead to distinct distribution of cl(-) transporters i ...201121336594
Biochemical response of anthracene and benzo [a] pyrene in milkfish Chanos chanos.Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are common toxic pollutants found in the aquatic environment, and the assessment of their impact on biota is of considerable concern. The aim of the present research was to study the acute toxicity, bioaccumulation and biochemical response of milkfish Chanos chanos (Forsskal) to two selected PAHs: anthracene and benzo [a] pyrene. Acute toxicity test results were evaluated by the Probit analysis method and 96h LC(50) values for C. chanos exposed to anthrace ...201221944957
dietary pyridoxine protects against stress and maintains immunohaematological status in chanos chanos exposed to endosulfan.the amelioration effect of water-soluble vitamin pyridoxine against stress was evaluated in milkfish, chanos chanos exposed to endosulfan. two hundred and twenty-five fish were distributed randomly into five treatments, each with three replicates. four isocaloric and isonitrogenous diets with graded levels of pyridoxine feed were as follows: normal water and fed with control diet (en0/py0); endosulfan-treated water and fed with control diet (en/py0); and endosulfan-treated water and fed with 50 ...201627038044
bioaccumulation of trace mercury in trophic levels of benthic, benthopelagic, pelagic fish species, and sea birds from arvand river, this study, concentration of mercury was determined in the trophic levels of benthic, benthopelagic, pelagic fish species, and river birds from arvand river, located in the khuzestan province in the lowlands of southwestern iran at the head of the persian gulf. the order of mercury concentrations in tissues of the fish species was as follows: liver>gill>muscle and in tissues of the kingfisher species was as follows: feather>liver>kidney>muscle. therefore, liver in fish and feather in kingfish ...201324174062
the antioxidant peroxiredoxin 6 (prdx6) exhibits different profiles in the livers of seawater- and fresh water-acclimated milkfish, chanos chanos, upon hypothermal challenge.a tropical species, the euryhaline milkfish (chanos chanos), is a crucial economic species in southeast asia and is intolerant of water temperature below 12°c. large numbers of milkfish die during cold periods in winter. hypothermal environments usually increase oxidative stress in teleosts, and the liver is the major organ for anti-oxidative responses in the body. peroxiredoxin-6 (prdx6) in mammals is a multi-functional enzyme and acts as both glutathione peroxidase, phospholipase a2 and acyl-t ...201627965586
the expression of vill protein is hypoosmotic-dependent in the lamellar gill ionocytes of otocephala teleost fish, chanos chanos.milkfish, a species within the primitive teleost lineage otocephala, can survive in water conditions ranging from hypo- to hyper-saline. this study explored the effects of environmental salinity on apical morphologies of ionocytes and the expression of villin homologs in the gills of milkfish acclimated to either seawater (sw) or fresh water (fw). scanning electron microscopy revealed that the ionocytes in the gill filaments of sw and fw milkfish, respectively, cellular apical morphologies were ...201727557990
a complex of cardicola short, 1953 (digenea: aporocotylidae) species infecting the milkfish chanos chanos forsskål (gonorynchiformes), with descriptions of two new species.two new species of cardicola short, 1953 are described from the milkfish, chanos chanos forsskål (gonorynchiformes: chanidae), obtained from off lizard island on the northern great barrier reef (gbr) and north stradbroke island in southeast queensland. these are the first known blood flukes from this order of fishes. cardicola suni n. sp. differs from all other cardicola spp. by a combination of a large ovoid oral sucker surrounding a subterminal mouth, recurved tegumental spines up to 16 μm lon ...201627743234
comparison of integrated responses to nonlethal and lethal hypothermal stress in milkfish (chanos chanos): a proteomics study.milkfish is an important aquaculture species in taiwan, and its high mortality during cold snaps in winter usually causes huge economic losses. to understand the effect of hypothermal stress and the corresponding compensatory stress response in milkfish, this study aimed to compare liver and gill protein levels between milkfish exposed to nonlethal (18°c), lethal (16°c), and control (28°c) temperatures. using a proteomics approach based on two-dimensional electrophoresis and nano-lc-ms/ms analys ...201727657931
different expression patterns of renal na(+)/k(+)-atpase α-isoform-like proteins between tilapia and milkfish following salinity challenges.euryhaline teleosts can survive in a broad range of salinity via alteration of the molecular mechanisms in certain osmoregulatory organs, including in the gill and kidney. among these mechanisms, na(+)/k(+)-atpase (nka) plays a crucial role in triggering ion-transporting systems. the switch of nka isoforms in euryhaline fish gills substantially contributes to salinity adaptation. however, there is little information about switches in the kidneys of euryhaline teleosts. therefore, the responses o ...201627497666
description of three species of isorchis (digenea: atractotrematidae) from australia.three species of isorchis durio and manter, 1969 are described from australian waters. isorchis megas sp. nov. is described from the spotbanded scat, selenotoca multifasciata (richardson), off western australia (wa) and northern territory (nt); isorchis currani sp. nov. is described from s. multifasciata off nt; and isorchis anomalus sp. nov. is described from the milkfish, chanos chanos forsskål, off wa. isorchis megas sp. nov. can be differentiated from the other species of isorchis by possess ...201627447225
dietary pyridoxine potentiates thermal tolerance, heat shock protein and protect against cellular stress of milkfish (chanos chanos) under endosulfan-induced stress.we herein report the protective role of pyridoxine in enhancing thermal tolerance of milkfish chanos chanos reared under endosulfan-induced stress. four isocaloric and isonitrogenous diets were prepared with graded levels of pyridoxine (0, 50, 75 and 100 mg/kg). two hundred and twenty five fishes were randomly distributed into four treatment groups in triplicate, reared under endosulfan-treated water, which were fed with pyridoxine supplemented diet, while the negative control group was reared w ...201627288993
acute toxicity, biochemical and histopathological responses of endosulfan in chanos chanos.this study investigated 96h median lethal concentration of endosulfan (99%, pure α: β ratio of 7:3) by conducting static non-renewable acute toxicity bio-assay in chanos chanos juvenile with average weight (110±5.65g). further, the effect of different definitive doses (18.5, 19.5, 20.5, 21.5 and 22.5µg/l) of endosulfan on metabolic, heamato-immunoligcal and histopathological response were probed. anti-oxidative enzymes cat, sod and gst showed significant (p<0.01) increase of activity in the live ...201627213563
bioaccumulation and retention kinetics of cesium in the milkfish chanos chanos from jakarta bay. 201627184130
risks and benefits of fish consumption for childbearing women.pregnant women's fish consumption provides both benefits and risks to the developing fetus. docosahexaenoic acid (dha) from fish may enhance fetal neurodevelopment, while methylmercury (mehg) can have detrimental effects. dietitians would benefit from information on the frequency with which fish species may be consumed to increase dha intake among canadian women of childbearing age, and on minimizing the risks from mehg, especially for those who consume fish frequently. eighteen fish species wer ...201020205977
elevated na+/k+-atpase responses and its potential role in triggering ion reabsorption in kidneys for homeostasis of marine euryhaline milkfish (chanos chanos) when acclimated to hypotonic fresh water.the milkfish (chanos chanos) is an economic species in southeast asia. in taiwan, the milkfish are commercially cultured in environments of various salinities. na(+)/k(+)-atpase (nka) is a key enzyme for fish iono- and osmoregulation. when compared with gills, nka and its potential role were less examined by different approaches in the other osmoregulatory organs (e.g., kidney) of euryhaline teleosts. the objective of this study was to investigate the correlation between osmoregulatory plasticit ...201020232202
the lamellae-free-type pseudobranch of the euryhaline milkfish (chanos chanos) is a na(+), k(+)-atpase-abundant organ involved in teleosts, the pseudobranch is hemibranchial, with a gill-like structure located near the first gill. we hypothesized that the pseudobranch of the milkfish might exhibit osmoregulatory ability similar to that of the gills. in this study, the obtained na(+), k(+)-atpase (nka) activity and protein abundance profiles showed that these parameters were higher in the pseudobranchs of the seawater (sw)- than the freshwater (fw)-acclimated milkfish, opposite the situation in the gills. the pseudobranc ...201424389090
impact of milk fish farming in the tropics on potentially pathogenic vibrios.ratios of sucrose-negative to sucrose-positive vibrios on tcbs agar (suc-/suc+) indicate the abundance of potential human pathogenic non-cholera vibrios in coastal mariculture environments of the lingayen gulf (philippines. in guts of adult maricultured milkfish (chanos chanos) of suc- vibrios reached extreme peak values ranging between 2 and 545 million per g wet weight. suc- vibrios outnumbered suc+ vibrios in anoxic sediments, too, and were rarely predominant in coastal waters or in oxidized ...201324079922
effects of heavy metals on antioxidants and expression of hsp70 in different tissues of milk fish (chanos chanos) of kaattuppalli island, chennai, india.distribution of heavy metals and its associated oxidative stress, ultrastructure and expression of hsp 70 were studied in varies tissues of chanos chanos collected from polluted sites compared with the fish collected from less polluted sites of kaattuppalli island. the concentrations of copper, lead, zinc, cadmium, manganese and iron were quantified in gills and liver. the results showed marked differences between the two sites as well as significant variations within the tissues. the decreasing ...201324021871
biochemical and genotoxic response of naphthalene to fingerlings of milkfish chanos chanos.the present study investigated the acute toxicity, sub-lethal toxicity and biochemical response of naphthalene in fingerlings of milkfish chanos chanos. the 96 h acute toxicity lc50 values for c. chanos exposed to naphthalene was 5.18 μg l(-1). the estimated no observed effect concentration and lowest observed effect concentration values for naphthalene in c. chanos were 0.42 and 0.69 μg l(-1) respectively for 30 days. the estimated maximum allowable toxicant concentration for naphthalene was 0. ...201323836361
toxicokinetics/toxicodynamics links bioavailability for assessing arsenic uptake and toxicity in three aquaculture species.the purpose of this study was to link toxicokinetics/toxicodynamics (tk/td) and bioavailability-based metal uptake kinetics to assess arsenic (as) uptake and bioaccumulation in three common farmed species of tilapia (oreochromis mossambicus), milkfish (chanos chanos), and freshwater clam (corbicula fluminea). we developed a mechanistic framework by linking damage assessment model (dam) and bioavailability-based michaelis-menten model for describing tk/td and as uptake mechanisms. the proposed mo ...201222684900
hormonal changes accompanying sexual maturation in captive milkfish (chanos chanos forsskal).steroid hormone profiles accompanying sexual maturation in captive milkfish are described. there were no significant differences in levels of serum estradiol 17-β (e2) and testosterone (t) between immature male and female fish. mean e2 levels rose from 0.54±0.11 ng/ml in immature females (stage 1) to 4.53±1.16 ng/ml in vitellogenic females (stage 5), while t levels increased from 2.06±0.28 ng/ml to 38.4±9.26 ng/ml. e2 and t levels were positively correlated to gsi and oocyte diameter. in males, ...199224214323
requirement for tryptophan by milkfish (chanos chanos forsskal) juveniles.groups of milkfish juveniles (mean initial weight 7.7 g) were fed semipurified diets containing 0.9, 1.4, 2.1, 3.1, 4.1 and 6.1 g tryptophan/kg dry diet for 12 weeks. the mean crude protein content of the diets (containing white fishmeal, gelatin and free amino acid mixture to simulate the pattern of hydrolysed milkfish protein) was 49%. on the basis of the growth response, the tryptophan requirement of milkfish juveniles was estimated to be 3.1 g/kg diet. fish fed low levels of tryptophan exhib ...199224214193
the essential fatty acid requirement of milkfish (chanos chanos forsskal).the essential fatty acid (efa) requirement of milkfish was examined by a 12-week feeding trial using defined, purified diets at water temperature of 28-29°c and salinity of 32‰. the test diets contained varying levels of 18:0 (triglyceride form, tg), 18:3(n-3), 18:2(n-6) and (n-3) highly unsaturated fatty acids (n-3 hufa). milkfish juveniles were starved for 7 days and were than fed lipid-free diet for 30 days before the initiation of feeding trials. low growth and feed efficiency together with ...199224213817
species composition of by-catch from milkfish (chanos chanos) fry fishery in selected sites in the philippines as determined by dna barcodes.milkfish fry fishery, an important industry in the philippines, uses non-selective fishing gears and push nets in coastal areas which lead to the capture of other non-targeted juvenile aquatic species. unfortunately, information on the amount and the identity of by-catch species is lacking thus the extent of impact of the fry fishery is not known. in this study, the species composition of milkfish fry fishery by-catch sampled from selected coastal areas that are known to be fry collection sites ...201625329278
cellular immune responses and phagocytic activity of fishes exposed to pollution of volcano mud.since may 29, 2006, a mud volcano in the brantas delta of the sidoarjo district has emitted mud that has inundated nearby villages. pollution in this area has been implicated in detrimental effects on fish health. in fishes, leukocyte and phagocytic cells play a vital role in body defenses. we report for the first time the effect of "lusi" volcano mud on the immune systems of fish in the brantas delta. the aim of this study was to find biomarkers to allow the evaluation of the effects of volcani ...201424631200
na(+), k(+)-atpase β1 subunit associates with α1 subunit modulating a "higher-nka-in-hyposmotic media" response in gills of euryhaline milkfish, chanos chanos.the euryhaline milkfish (chanos chanos) is a popular aquaculture species that can be cultured in fresh water, brackish water, or seawater in southeast asia. in gills of the milkfish, na(+), k(+)-atpase (i.e., nka; sodium pump) responds to salinity challenges including changes in mrna abundance, protein amount, and activity. the functional pump is composed of a heterodimeric protein complex composed of α- and β-subunits. among the nka genes, α1-β1 isozyme comprises the major form of nka subunits ...201728283795
the ultrastructural characterization of mitochondria-rich cells as a response to variations in salinity in two types of teleostean pseudobranch: milkfish (chanos chanos) and mozambique tilapia (oreochromis mossambicus).the pseudobranchs of two euryhaline teleost species, the milkfish (chanos chanos) and the mozambique tilapia (oreochromis mossambicus), were studied after acclimization to different salinities using optical and electron microscopy. the milkfish pseudobranch was the lamellae-free type, with separate lamellae along the filaments containing two groups of mitochondria (mt)-rich cells: chloride cells (ccs) and pseudobranch type cells (pscs). conversely, the tilapia pseudobranch was the embedded type, ...201728078676
transcriptomic analysis of metabolic pathways in milkfish that respond to salinity and temperature changes.milkfish (chanos chanos), an important marine aquaculture species in southern taiwan, show considerable euryhalinity but have low tolerance to sudden drops in water temperatures in winter. here, we used high throughput next-generation sequencing (ngs) to identify molecular and biological processes involved in the responses to environmental changes. preliminary tests revealed that seawater (sw)-acclimated milkfish tolerated lower temperatures than the fresh water (fw)-acclimated group. although f ...201526263550
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