
sphingobacterium multivorum isolated from a patient with cystic fibrosis. 19921563393
septicemia caused by sphingobacterium multivorum.sphingobacterium multivorum was isolated in pure culture from the blood of a man undergoing chemotherapy for a lymphoma. he responded to appropriate antibiotics and later showed a significant rise in specific serum antibodies. carbon substrate assimilation tests and fatty acid analysis proved useful in identifying the organism precisely.19873597758
comparison of flavobacterium and sphingobacterium species by enzyme profiles, with use of pattern recognition of two-dimensional fluorescence data.enzyme profiles of eight flavobacterium species and one sphingobacterium species were compared after using a two-dimensional fluorescence technique. enzyme contents and corresponding activities were rapidly determined for whole-cell preparations after incubation with a mixture of preselected fluorogenic substrates. a two-dimensional fluorescence spectrum of the resulting product mixture, measured with a video fluorometer, provided a characteristic "fingerprint" for each organism. comparison of f ...19873815801
oleic acid transformations by selected strains of sphingobacterium thalpophilum and bacillus cereus from composted a survey of 186 randomly selected microbial strains isolated from composted manure, 63 transformed oleic acid into three types of products: hydroxy fatty acid, fatty amide, and less polar oleyl lipid. selection of oleic acid-transforming microorganisms was enhanced in nutrient agar supplemented with 0.1% (vol/vol) oleic acid at ph 7.2. most of the 63 diverse isolates elicited inconsistent and poorly reproduced transformations. however, strains 142b (nrrl b-14797) transformed oleic acid to 10- ...19957767231
phosphorylation of membrane proteins in response to temperature in an antarctic pseudomonas syringae.temperature-dependent phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of membrane proteins was studied in vitro in a number of psychrotrophic antarctic bacteria which grow between 0 and 30 degrees c. one of them, a pseudomonas syringae isolate, was studied in detail and was found to have three membrane proteins of molecular mass 30, 65 and 85 kda which were phosphorylated differently in response to low and high temperatures. the 65 kda protein was phosphorylated only at lower temperatures (between 0 and 1 ...19947881543
expression of the symbiotic plasmid from rhizobium leguminosarum biovar trifolii in sphingobacterium inoculant strain of rhizobium leguminosarum biovar trifolii containing a tn5 marked symbiotic plasmid transferred this plasmid by conjugation to sphingobacterium multivorum, an organism that can be found in soil. the transconjugant bacteria nodulated the roots of white clover (trifolium repens) seedlings but did not fix atmospheric nitrogen. microscopic examination revealed abnormal nodule structures. bacteria isolated from the nodules were shown to be closely related to the recipient s. mult ...19948000966
riemerella anatipestifer gen. nov., comb. nov., the causative agent of septicemia anserum exsudativa, and its phylogenetic affiliation within the flavobacterium-cytophaga rrna homology group.the phylogenetic position of the causative agent of septicemia anserum exsudativa, now most often referred to as [moraxella] anatipestifer (brackets indicate a generically misnamed taxon) or "[pasteurella] anatipestifer," was established by performing rrna cistron similarity studies. [moraxella] anatipestifer belongs to rrna superfamily v, together with the genera flavobacterium, cytophaga, flexibacter, weeksella, capnocytophaga, and sphingobacterium. the detailed structure of rrna superfamily v ...19938240957
"candidatus comitans," a bacterium living in coculture with chondromyces crocatus (myxobacteria).we describe the phylogenetic position and some taxonomically relevant characteristics of a small pleomorphic gram-negative bacterium that was cocultured with some strains of the myxobacterium chondromyces crocatus that were isolated from the same geographic and ecological habitat. a 16s ribosomal dna analysis revealed that the companion was a member of the "cytophaga-flavobacterium-bacteroides" complex and was most closely related to members of the genus sphingobacterium. the results of a fatty ...19968573486
sphingobacterium multivorum septicemia: a case report.a 47-year-old man presented with a history of fever, chills and weight loss for 3 months. he had been treated for diabetes mellitus during the past 3 years. he developed high fever with abnormal liver function tests. both widal and weil-felix reactions were negative with normal roentgenogram of the chest. his anti-hiv tests were positive. the cultures from the blood and sputum yielded pure sphingobacterium multivorum sensitive to sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim, chloramphenicol, tetracycline, cefo ...19968855615
catalysis by a new sialidase, deaminoneuraminic acid residue-cleaving enzyme (kdnase sm), initially forms a less stable alpha-anomer of 3-deoxy-d-glycero-d-galacto-nonulosonic acid and is strongly inhibited by the transition state analogue, 2-deoxy-2, 3-didehydro-d-glycero-d-galacto-2-nonulopyranosonic acid, but not by 2-deoxy-2,3-didehydro-n-acetylneuraminic acid.deaminoneuraminic acid residue-cleaving enzyme (kdnase sm) is a new sialidase that has been induced and purified from sphingobacterium multivorum. catalysis by this new sialidase has been studied by enzyme kinetics and 1h nmr spectroscopy. vmax/km values determined for synthetic and natural substrates of kdnase sm reveal that 4-methylumbelliferyl-kdn (kdnalpha2meumb, vmax/km = 0.033 min-1) is the best substrate for this sialidase, presumably because of its good leaving group properties. the tran ...19979038146
hydrolysis of imipenem, meropenem, ceftazidime, and cefepime by multiresistant nosocomial strains of sphingobacterium multivorum. 19979105852
[the effect of cefepime on ceftazidime, cefotaxime and imipenem resistant strains of acinetobacter, xanthomonas, pseudomonas, flavobacterium, sphingobacterium and on producers of extended spectrum beta-lactamases (esbl) with resistance transfer].the new cephalosporins with heterocyclic positively charged substituent at position c3 belong to the 4th generation cephalosporins. it is not evident, whereas these antibiotics are effective against cefotaxime-ceftazidime-resistant bacteria. we investigated the efficiency of the cefepime (maxipime, bms) against acinetobacter sp., x. maltophilia, pseudomonas sp., flavobacterium sp., sphingobacterium sp. and against strains with production of esbl (extended spectrum beta-lactamases) (enterobacter ...19979221190
characterization of the bacterial flora isolated from a pilot-scale lagoon processing swine manure.the bacterial flora of an experimental plant that processes liquid swine manure by an aerated compartmented (multistage) lagoon system has been studied. the total flora is characterized by a larger number of oligotrophic bacteria than eutrophic ones. each compartment displays a specific flora, different from the flora in the manure, and consisting of a complex assembly of gram-negative and gram-positive ubiquitous species, such as aeromonas spp. and pseudomonas spp., and specialized species, suc ...19979436310
classification of heparinolytic bacteria into a new genus, pedobacter, comprising four species: pedobacter heparinus comb. nov., pedobacter piscium comb. nov., pedobacter africanus sp. nov. and pedobacter saltans sp. nov. proposal of the family sphingobacteriaceae fam. nov.sixteen heparinase-producing isolates, related to sphingobacterium heparinum, were grouped into three major clusters by sds-page and dna-rrna hybridizations. based on a polyphasic approach, it was shown that isolates of two of these clusters and s. heparinum species belong to a new genus for which the name pedobacter is proposed. the genus consists of pedobacter heparinus comb. nov. (formerly sphingobacterium heparinum), which is the type species, pedobacter piscium comb. nov. (formerly sphingob ...19989542086
the incidence of weeksella- and bergeyella-like bacteria in the food environment.eighty-five catalase- and oxidase-positive gram-negative rods and cocci susceptible to penicillin g were isolated from a variety of food sources. the phenotypic relationships of these isolates with reference cultures of bergeyella-like, chryseobacterium, empedobacter, myroides, moraxella, sphingobacterium and weeksella-like strains were examined by numerical taxonomy. seventy-three isolates were recovered in five groups; 80% of the isolates clustered in groups 1, 2 and 3 and produced indole, bea ...19989721639
conversion of unsaturated fatty acids by bacteria isolated from compost.a compost mixture amended with soybean oil was enriched in microorganisms that transformed unsaturated fatty acids (ufas). when oleic acid or 10-ketostearic acid was the selective fatty acid, sphingobacterium thalpophilum (nrrl b-23206, nrrl b-23208, nrrl b-23209, nrrl b-23210, nrrl b-23211, nrrl b-23212), acinetobacter spp. (nrrl b-23207, nrrl b-23213), and enterobacter cloacae (nrrl b-23264, nrrl b-23265, nrrl b-23266) represented isolates that produced either hydroxystearic acid, ketostearic ...199910069863
production of 10-ketostearic acid and 10-hydroxystearic acid by strains of sphingobacterium thalpophilum isolated from composted manure.six strains of sphingobacterium thalpophilum were isolated from a compost mixture enriched with oleic acid. these strains converted oleic acid to 10-ketostearic acid (10-ksa; 87-94% of the total conversion product) and to 10-hydroxystearic acid (10-hsa; 6-13%) exhibiting three levels of total product yields. the predominant production of 10-ksa by these new s. thalpophilum isolates is in contrast to strain 142b (nrrl b-14797) previously isolated from a commercial compost, which produces exclusiv ...200010594223
carotenoids of an antarctic psychrotolerant bacterium, sphingobacterium antarcticus, and a mesophilic bacterium, sphingobacterium multivorum.the major carotenoid pigments of an antarctic psychrotolerant bacterium, sphingobacterium antarcticus, and a mesophilic bacterium, sphingobacterium multivorum, were identified as zeaxanthin, beta-cryptoxanthin, and beta-carotene. analysis was based on ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy, mass spectroscopy, and reversed-phase hplc. photoacoustic spectroscopy of intact bacterial cells revealed that the bulk of the pigments in s. antarcticus and s. multivorum was associated with the cell membrane. in ...200010896223
rapid mineralization of benzo[a]pyrene by a microbial consortium growing on diesel fuel.a microbial consortium which rapidly mineralized the environmentally persistent pollutant benzo[a]pyrene was recovered from soil. the consortium cometabolically converted [7-(14)c]benzo[a]pyrene to (14)co(2) when it was grown on diesel fuel, and the extent of benzo[a]pyrene mineralization was dependent on both diesel fuel and benzo[a]pyrene concentrations. addition of diesel fuel at concentrations ranging from 0.007 to 0.2% (wt/vol) stimulated the mineralization of 10 mg of benzo[a]pyrene per li ...200011010861
resistance to antibiotics and biocides among non-fermenting gram-negative investigate the antibiotic and biocide susceptibilities of clinical isolates of rarely encountered gram-negative, non-fermenting bacteria.200111442564
a partial phylogenetic analysis of the "flavobacter-bacteroides" phylum: basis for taxonomic restructuring.on the basis of small subunit rrna sequence analyses five major subgroups within the flavobacteria-bacteroides phylum have been defined. these are tentatively designated the cytophaga subgroup (comprising largely cytophaga species), the flavobacter subgroup (comprising the true flavobacteria and the polyphyletic genus weeksella), the bacteroides subgroup (comprising the bacteroides and certain cytophaga-like bacteria), the sphingobacter subgroup (which contains the known sphingolipid-producing m ...199211541229
polyamine distribution profiles in newly validated genera and species within the flavobacterium-flexibacter-cytophaga-sphingobacterium complex.cellular polyamines of 58 strains belonging to the flavobacterium-flexibacter-cytophaga-sphingobacterium complex were analysed by hplc. homospermidine was found in all species of flavobacterium, chryseobacterium, empedobacter, myroides, cellulophaga, salegentibacter, psychroserpens and gelidibacter of the family flavobacteriaceae. flavobacterium ferrugineum located outside of this family also contained homospermidine. cytophaga fermentans and c. xylanolytica belonging to the family bacteroidacea ...200111548199
thioglucosidase activity from sphingobacterium sp. strain otg1.screening for novel thioglucoside hydrolase activity resulted in the isolation of sphingobacterium sp. strain otg1 from enrichment cultures containing octylthioglucoside (otg). otg was hydrolysed into octanethiol and glucose by cell free extracts. besides thioglucoside hydrolysis, several other glucoside hydrolase activities were detected in the sphingobacterium sp. strain otg1 cell free extract. by adding beta-glucosidase inhibitors it was possible to discriminate between these different activi ...200111601617
zeaxanthin and menaquinone-7 biosynthesis in sphingobacterium multivorum via the methylerythritol phosphate pathway.feeding of [1-(13)c]glucose, [u-(13)c(6)]glucose, [3-(13)c]alanine and [1-(13)c]acetate to sphingobacterium multivorum showed that this bacterium utilizes the methylerythritol phosphate pathway for the biosynthesis of menaquinone-7 and zeaxanthin, a carotenoid of industrial importance. differential incorporation of the labeled precursors gave some insight into the preferred carbon sources involved in isoprenoid biosynthesis.200111731147
isolation and initial characterization of a bacterial consortium able to mineralize fluorobenzene.fluorinated compounds are known to be more resistant to microbial degradation than other halogenated chemicals. a microbial consortium capable of aerobic biodegradation of fluorobenzene (fb) as the sole source of carbon and energy was isolated by selective enrichment from sediments collected in a drain near an industrial site. a combination of three microbial strains recovered from the enriched consortium was shown to be necessary for complete fb mineralization. two of the strains (f1 and f3) we ...200211772615
new degenerate cytophaga-flexibacter-bacteroides-specific 16s ribosomal dna-targeted oligonucleotide probes reveal high bacterial diversity in river taff epilithon.river microbial communities play an important role in global nutrient cycles, and aggregated bacteria such as those in epilithic biofilms may be major contributors. in this study the bacterial diversity of river taff epilithon in south wales was investigated. a 16s ribosomal dna (rdna) clone library was constructed and analyzed by partial sequencing of 76 of 347 clones and hybridization with taxon-specific probes. the epilithon was found to be very diverse, with an estimated 59.6% of the bacteri ...200211772628
[respiratory infection caused by sphingobacterium multivorum]. 200111852504
effect of dietary zeaxanthin on tissue distribution of zeaxanthin and lutein in quail.the xanthophyll carotenoids (lutein and zeaxanthin) are hypothesized to delay progression of age-related macular degeneration. the quail has a cone-dominant retina that accumulates carotenoids. the purpose of these experiments was to characterize the carotenoid composition of retina, serum, liver, and fat in quail and to determine whether dietary enrichment with zeaxanthin alters zeaxanthin or lutein concentrations in these tissues.200211923268
occurrence of epsilon-poly-l-lysine-degrading enzyme in epsilon-poly-l-lysine-tolerant sphingobacterium multivorum oj10: purification and characterization.epsilon-poly-l-lysine (epsilon-pl)-degrading enzyme was found in the epsilon-pl-tolerant strain sphingobacterium multivorum oj10 and purified to homogeneity. the purified enzyme has a molecular mass of approximately 80 kda. the enzyme catalyzed exo-type degradation of epsilon-pl and released l-lysine. the enzyme was a co2+ or ca2+ ion-activated aminopeptidase.200211958932
evaluation of a new etest for detecting metallo-beta-lactamases in routine clinical testing.several etest (ab biodisk, solna, sweden) gradient formats were developed for detection of metallo-beta-lactamases based on the reduction of imipenem (ip) or ceftazidime (tz) mics in the presence of edta or 2-mercaptopropionic acid (mpa). the etest metallo-beta-lactamase (etest mbl) strips consisted of a double-sided seven-dilution range of ip or tz (4 to 256 microg/ml) and ip or tz (1 to 64 microg/ml) overlaid with a constant concentration of edta or mpa. the prototype strips were evaluated on ...200212149325
identification of non-pseudomonad bacteria from fruit bodies of wild agaricales fungi that detoxify tolaasin produced by pseudomonas tolaasii.bacterial isolates from wild agaricales fungi detoxified tolaasin, the inducer of brown blotch disease of cultivated mushrooms produced by pseudomonas tolaasii. mycetocola tolaasinivorans and mycetocola lacteus were associated with fruit bodies of wild pleurotus ostreatus and wild lepista nuda, respectively. tolaasin-detoxifying bacteria belonging to other genera were found in various wild mushrooms. an acinetobacter sp. was isolated from fruit bodies of tricholoma matsutake, bacillus pumilus wa ...200212450133
bacterial ceramides and sphingophospholipids induce apoptosis of human leukaemic cells.the genus sphingobacterium, whose members are gram-negative non-fermentative rods, possesses ceramides and related sphingophospholipids (spls) with isoheptadecasphinganine and 2-hydroxy or non-hydroxy isopentadecanoic acid. this paper reports evidence that ceramides isolated from sphingobacterium spiritivorum atcc 33861 induce endonucleolytic dna cleavage in human myeloid leukaemia hl-60 cells in vitro, which is the primary characteristic biochemical marker for apoptosis or programmed cell death ...200312904547
rapid purification, characterization and substrate specificity of heparinase from a novel species of sphingobacterium.a type of heparinase (heparin lysase, no ec number) was isolated from the periplasmic space of a novel species of sphingobacterium by three-step osmotic shock. it was further purified to apparent homogeneity by a combination of sp-sepharose and source 30s chromatographies with a final specific activity of 17.6 iu/mg protein and purification factor of 13-fold. maldi-tof mass spectrum of the purified heparinase gave a molecular mass of 75,674 da of the native enzyme. peptide mass spectrum showed p ...200314561722
identification of novel eubacteria from spent mushroom compost (smc) waste by dna sequence typing: ecological considerations of disposal on agricultural land.a small study was undertaken to examine the microbiological characteristics of spent mushroom compost (smc), which is the major waste by-product of the mushroom industry and which is regularly disposed off by application to agricultural land. the primary aim of this study was to examine smc for the presence of faecal bacterial pathogens, including campylobacter spp., salmonella spp. and listeria monocytogenes. secondly it was desirable to quantify bacterial and fungal populations within smc, and ...200414672727
bacteremia caused by a novel species of sphingobacterium.a gram-negative rod was isolated from the blood cultures of an 84-year-old man with foot cellulitis. the bacterium was first identified as sphingobacterium spiritivorum on the basis of standard assimilation tests. however, sequencing analysis of its 16s rrna genes and whole genome hybridization studies with other related bacteria showed that this isolate belongs to a so far undescribed species of sphingobacterium, close to s. mizutae. this bacterium was susceptible to most of the antibiotics tes ...200314686992
structural analysis of sphingophospholipids derived from sphingobacterium spiritivorum, the type species of genus sphingobacterium.the unique feature of the genus sphingobacterium is the presence of sphingophospholipids and ceramides, besides diacylglycerophospholipids. as major cellular lipid components, five kinds of sphingophospholipids were purified from sphingobacterium spiritivorum atcc 33861(t), the type species of genus sphingobacterium. they were identified as ceramide phosphorylethanolamines (cerpe-1 and cerpe-2), ceramide phosphoryl-myo-inositols (cerpi-1 and cerpi-2), and ceramide phosphorylmannose (cerpm-1). th ...200314729071
role of bacteria in mediating the oviposition responses of aedes albopictus (diptera: culicidae).the responses of aedes albopictus to sources of oviposition attractants and stimulants were evaluated with a behavioral bioassay in which females attracted to odorants emanating from water were trapped on screens coated with an adhesive. gravid mosquitoes were attracted to volatiles from larval-rearing water and soil-contaminated cotton towels. bacteria were isolated from these substrates and from an organic infusion made with oak leaves. through fatty acid-methyl ester analyses, six bacterial i ...200314765661
characterization of a strain of sphingobacterium sp. and its degradation to herbicide mefenacet.a bacterium (designated strain y1) degrading acetanilide herbicide mefenacet was isolated from aerobic sludge. based on the analyses of partial 16s rrna gene, cellular fatty acid and biolog-gn, and general physiological and biochemical characteristics, strain y1 was identified as sphingobacterium multivolum. strain y1 was able to degrade mefenacet used as sources of carbon and energy. degradation of mefenacet was accompanied by producing the metabolites n-methylaniline and an unidentified compou ...200415137667
bacterial diversity of a soil sample from schirmacher oasis, antarctica.the bacterial diversity of a soil sample collected in the vicinity of lake zub, schirmacher oasis, antarctica, was determined both by establishing pure colonies of culturable bacteria and by cloning the total 16s rdna of the soil and establishing the phylogeny of the clones. analysis of the 16s rrna gene clones indicated that the bacteria belonged to the classes alpha-proteobacteria, beta-proteobacteria, gamma-proteobacteria, gemmatimonas, bacteriodetes, actinobacteria, chloroflexi and chlamydia ...200415559969
bacterial diversity in spent mushroom compost assessed by amplified rdna restriction analysis and sequencing of cultivated isolates.spent mushroom compost (smc) is the residual by-product of commercial agaricus spp. cultivation, and it is mainly composed of a thermally treated cereal straw/animal manure mixture colonized by the fungal biomass. research on the valorization of this material is mainly focusing on its use as soil conditioner and plant fertilizer. an investigation of the bacterial diversity in smc was performed using molecular techniques in order to reveal the origin of smc microflora and its potential effect on ...200415612633
the effect of simulated microgravity on bacteria from the mir space station.the effects of simulated microgravity on two bacterial isolates, sphingobacterium thalpophilium and ralstonia pickettii (formerly burkholderia pickettii), originally recovered from water systems aboard the mir space station were examined. these bacteria were inoculated into water, high and low concentrations of nutrient broth and subjected to simulated microgravity conditions. s. thalpophilium (which was motile and had flagella) showed no significant differences between simulated microgravity an ...200415773020
intraspecific comparative analysis of the species salinibacter ruber.salinibacter ruber is the first extremely halophilic member of the bacteria domain of proven environmental relevance in hypersaline brines at or approaching nacl saturation, that has been brought to pure culture. a collection of 17 strains isolated from five different geographical locations (mallorca, alicante, ebro delta, canary islands, and peruvian andes) were studied following the currently accepted taxonomic approach. additionally, random amplification of genomic dna led to the phenetic ana ...200515841344
[application of molecular systematics to study of bacterial cultures consuming volatile organic compounds].a range of species of four mixed bacterial cultures was studied by molecular systematics methods with the use of 16s rrna genes. the cultures had been developed for application in minireactors, to degrade volatile organic compounds (vocs): ethyl benzene, m-xylene, styrene, and o-xylene. a sample of 30 plasmid rdna clones was obtained for each of the mixed cultures. the clones were analyzed by rflp according to two restriction sites. major variants of the 16s-rdna sequences, corresponding to the ...200515859460
['in vitro' activity of different antimicrobial agents on gram-negative nonfermentative bacilli, excluding pseudomonas aeruginosa and acinetobacter spp].gram-negative nonfermentative bacilli (nfb) are widely spread in the environment. besides of difficulties for identification, they often have a marked multiresistance to antimicrobial agents, including those active against pseudomonas aeruginosa. the objective of this study was to evaluate the 'in vitro' activity of different antimicrobial agents on 177 gram-negative nonfermentative bacilli isolates (excluding pseudomonas aeruginosa and acinetobacter spp.) isolated from clinical specimens. minim ...200515991478
extrinsic allergic alveolitis (hypersensitivity pneumonitis) caused by sphingobacterium spiritivorum from the water reservoir of a steam iron.a case of extrinsic allergic alveolitis (eaa) caused by sphingobacterium spiritivorum is described. the symptoms were associated with the use of a steam iron. the water reservoir was heavily contaminated with s. spiritivorum (10(6) cfu ml(-1)). this is the first report of s. spiritivorum as a causative agent of eaa.200516145174
microbial production of optically active beta-phenylalanine ethyl ester through stereoselective hydrolysis of racemic beta-phenylalanine ethyl ester.the ability to produce (r)- or (s)-beta-phenylalanine ethyl ester (3-amino-3-phenylpropionic acid ethyl ester, bpae) from racemic bpae through stereoselective hydrolysis was screened for in bpae-assimilating microorganisms. sphingobacterium sp. 238c5 and arthrobacter sp. 219d2 were found to be potential catalysts for (r)- and (s)-bpae production, respectively. on a 24-h reaction, with 2.5% (w/v) racemic bpae (130 mm) as the substrate and wet cells of sphingobacterium sp. 238c5 as the catalyst, 1 ...200616170530
[production of a novel heparinase from sphingobacterium sp].the novel heparinase-producing bacterial strain sphingobacterium sp. was isolated and screened from soil. the optimum medium composition is (g/l): soytone 20, nacl 1, k2hpo4 2.5, mgso4 0.5, heparin 2, sucrose 15, ph 7.5. the optimum temperature for growth and enzyme production was 32 degrees c. when cultured at a rotating shaker at 30 degrees c for 36 hours, 200 r/min, 50 ml medium in 500 ml flask, the production of heparinase reached 4000 u/l.200316276908
a novel bacterium saprospira sp. strain pdy3 forms bundles and lyses cyanobacteria.a helical filamentous cyanobactericidal bacterium was isolated from dianchi lake, a eutrophic freshwater lake in kunming city of the yunnan province in china using a special solid medium. this species was designated strain pdy3. this bacterium was identified as a novel saprospira sp. on the basis of its morphological characteristics and 16s rdna sequence. strain pdy3 showed apparent group behavior on the solid medium, forming orderly, bundle-like group structures. these bundles moved as groups. ...200616368567
plasmid-encoded gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane degradation genes and insertion sequences in sphingobium francense (ex-sphingomonas paucimobilis sp+).the lin genes encode the gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma-hch or lindane) catabolic pathway in lindane-degrading strains. the location and stability of these genes have been explored in the lindane-degrading sphingobium francense strain sp+, and in two non-lindane-degrading mutants (sp1- and sp2-). the lin genes, lina, linb, line and linx were localized by hybridization on three of the six plasmids of the s. francense strain sp+ showing dispersal within the genome. the linc gene was detected b ...200616553860
[analysis of bacterial diversity of kefir grains by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and 16s rdna sequencing].kefir is an acidic, mildly alcoholic dairy beverage produced by the fermentation of milk with a grain-like starter culture. these grains usually contain a relatively stable and specific balance of microbes that exist in a complex symbiotic relationship. kefir grains can be considered a probiotic source as it presents anti-bacterial, anti-mycotic, anti-neoplasic and immunomodulatory properties. the microorganisms in kefir grains are currently identified by traditional methods such as growth on se ...200616736598
pedobacter sandarakinus sp. nov., isolated from soil.a gram-negative, non-motile, rod-shaped bacterial strain, designated ds-27(t), was isolated from a soil sample, and its taxonomic position was investigated by using a polyphasic approach. the organism grew optimally at 30 degrees c and in the presence of 0-0.5 % (w/v) nacl. strain ds-27(t) contained mk-7 as the predominant menaquinone and iso-c(15 : 0), c(16 : 1)omega7c and/or iso-c(15 : 0) 2-oh and iso-c(17 : 0) 3-oh as the major fatty acids. the dna g + c content was 39.7 mol%. phylogenetic an ...200616738103
bioconversion of isopropanol by a solvent tolerant sphingobacterium mizutae strain.the bioconversion of high concentration isopropanol (2-propanol, ipa) was investigated by a solvent tolerant strain of bacteria, which was identified as sphingobacterium mizutae st2 by partial 16s rdna gene sequencing. this strain of bacteria exhibited the ability to utilise high concentration isopropanol as the sole carbon source, with mineralization occurring via an acetone intermediate into central metabolism. the biodegradative performance of this strain for ipa was examined over a 2-38 g l( ...200616758171
degradation characteristics and metabolic pathway of 17alpha-ethynylestradiol by sphingobacterium sp. jcr5.a 17alpha-ethynylestradiol (ee2)-degrading bacterium was isolated from the activated sludge of the wastewater treatment plant (wwtp) of an oral contraceptives producing factory in beijing, china. on the basis of its morphology, biochemical properties and the 16s rdna sequence analysis, this strain was identified as sphingobacterium sp. jcr5. this strain grew on ee2 as sole source of carbon and energy, and metabolized up to 87% of the substrate added (30 mgl-1) within 10 d at 30 degrees c. in add ...200716766017
evaluation of pyrrolidonyl arylamidase for the identification of nonfermenting gram-negative evaluate the activity of pyrrolidonyl arylamidase (pyr) for the differentiation and identification of nonfermenting gram negative rods (nfgnr), 293 isolates were tested. a 24 h culture of each test organism was prepared. from this a 108-109 cfu/ml suspension was added to 0.25 ml of sterile physiologic solution. a pyr disk was then added and the test was incubated for 30 minutes at 35-37 degrees c, at environmental atmosphere. reading was done by adding 1 drop of cinnamaldehyde reagent. strain ...200716822636
antimicrobial activity of vanillin against spoilage microorganisms in stored fresh-cut mangoes.the antimicrobial activity of vanillin against four bacteria (pantoea agglomerans, aeromonas enteropelogenes, micrococcus lylae, and sphingobacterium spiritovorun), four fungi (alternaria sp., aspergillus sp., penicillium sp., and fusarium sp.), and three unidentified yeasts isolated from spoiling fresh-cut mango slices was verified in laboratory media adjusted to ph 5.0. mics of vanillin against the fungi (12.5 to 13.3 mm), bacteria (10 to 13.3 mm), and yeasts (5.0 to 6.7 mm) indicated that all ...200616865911
variations of bacterial community structure in flooded paddy soil contaminated with herbicide quinclorac.the denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (dgge) method was applied to determine the relative genetic complexity of microbial communities in flooded paddy soil treated with herbicide quinclorac (3,7-dichloro-8-quinoline-carboylic acid). the results obtained showed a significant effect of quinclorac on the development of bacterial populations in soils contaminated with different concentrations of the herbicide at the early time after application. in general, however, the number of populations o ...200616893772
[isolation, identification of 17alpha-ethynylestradiol-degrading strain and its degradation characteristics].a bacterial strain that degrades 17alpha-ethynylestradiol (ee2) was isolated from activated sludge of wastewater treatment plant treating wastewater from pharmacy factory mainly producing contraceptive medicine in beijing, china. based on its morphology, physiological and biochemical characters, as well as 16s rdna sequence analysis, this strain was identified as sphingobacterium sp. jcr5. strain jcr5 can use ee2 as sole carbon and energy source for growth. the optimal temperature and ph for str ...200616921959
sphingobacterium daejeonense sp. nov., isolated from a compost sample.a gram-negative, strictly aerobic, rod-shaped, non-motile, non-spore-forming bacterial strain, designated tr6-04(t), was isolated from compost and characterized taxonomically by using a polyphasic approach. the organism grew optimally at 30 degrees celsius and at ph 6.5-7.0. the isolate was positive for catalase and oxidase tests but negative for gelatinase, indole and h(2)s production. comparative 16s rrna gene sequence analysis showed that strain tr6-04(t) fell within the radiation of the clus ...200616957095
emendation of the genus flammeovirga and flammeovirga aprica with the proposal of flammeovirga arenaria nom. rev., comb. nov. and flammeovirga yaeyamensis sp. nov.the taxonomic positions of five bacterial strains isolated from the yaeyama islands of japan and 'microscilla arenaria' nbrc 15982 were determined using a polyphasic taxonomic approach. 16s rrna gene sequence analyses placed all of the strains close to the genus flammeovirga. dna-dna hybridization studies, biochemical and physiological characterizations and chemotaxonomic analyses suggested that 'm. arenaria' nbrc 15982 and the five novel isolates represented two separate species of the genus fl ...200616957105
[degradation pathway of 17alpha-ethynylestradiol by sphingobacterium sp. jcr5].a bacterial strain, jcr5, which degrades 17alpha-ethynylestradiol (ee2), was isolated from activated sludge of wastewater treatment plant treating wastewater from pharmacy factory mainly producing contraceptive medicine in beijing, china. based on its morphology, physiology biochemical properties and 16s rdna sequence analysis, this strain was identified as sphingobacteriumn sp. jcr5. strain jcr5 can grow on ee2 as sole carbon and energy source. the degradation process for ee2 with initial conce ...200617117642
effects of nutrient availability and ochromonas sp. predation on size and composition of a simplified aquatic bacterial community.predation and competition are two main factors that determine the size and composition of aquatic bacterial populations. using a simplified bacterial community, composed of three strains characterized by different responses to predation, a short-term laboratory experiment was performed to evaluate adaptations and relative success in communities with experimentally controlled levels of predation and nutrient availability. a strain with a short generation time (pseudomonas putida), one with high p ...200617117980
olivibacter sitiensis gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from alkaline olive-oil mill wastes in the region of sitia, crete.a novel, gram-negative, non-motile, non-sporulating, rod-shaped bacterium isolated from a viscous two-phase olive-oil mill waste ('alpeorujo') is described. the strain, designated aw-6t, is an obligate aerobe, forming irregular, pigmented creamy white colonies. the ph and temperature ranges for growth were ph 5-8 and 5-45 degrees c, with optimal ph and temperature for growth of ph 6-7 and 28-32 degrees c, respectively. strain aw-6t was chemo-organotrophic and utilized mostly d+ -glucose, protoca ...200717267986
pedobacter suwonensis sp. nov., isolated from the rhizosphere of chinese cabbage (brassica campestris).a mesophilic bacterium, strain 15-52(t), was isolated from the rhizosphere of chinese cabbage (brassica campestris). on the basis of phenotypic and genotypic characteristics, the bacterium was identified as representing a novel species belonging to the genus pedobacter. the strain is non-flagellated, non-spore-forming and grows at temperatures in the range 1-37 degrees c. physiological tests of the strain showed the presence of oxidase, catalase, protease (gelatin and casein hydrolysis), beta-gl ...200717329772
structural investigations of the ferredoxin and terminal oxygenase components of the biphenyl 2,3-dioxygenase from sphingobium yanoikuyae b1.the initial step involved in oxidative hydroxylation of monoaromatic and polyaromatic compounds by the microorganism sphingobium yanoikuyae strain b1 (b1), previously known as sphingomonas yanoikuyae strain b1 and beijerinckia sp. strain b1, is performed by a set of multiple terminal rieske non-heme iron oxygenases. these enzymes share a single electron donor system consisting of a reductase and a ferredoxin (bpdo-fb1). one of the terminal rieske oxygenases, biphenyl 2,3-dioxygenase (bpdo-ob1), ...200717349044
investigation of microbial communities on reverse osmosis membranes used for process water the present study, the diversity and the phylogenetic affiliation of bacteria in a biofouling layer on reverse osmosis (ro) membranes were determined. fresh surface water was used as a feed in a membrane-based water purification process. total dna was extracted from attached cells from feed spacer, ro membrane and product spacer. universal primers were used to amplify the bacterial 16s rrna genes. the biofilm community was analysed by 16s rrna-gene-targeted denaturing gradient gel electrophor ...200717546985
molecular characterization of membrane-associated soluble serine palmitoyltransferases from sphingobacterium multivorum and bdellovibrio stolpii.serine palmitoyltransferase (spt) is a key enzyme in sphingolipid biosynthesis and catalyzes the decarboxylative condensation of l-serine and palmitoyl coenzyme a (coa) to form 3-ketodihydrosphingosine (kds). eukaryotic spts comprise tightly membrane-associated heterodimers belonging to the pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (plp)-dependent alpha-oxamine synthase family. sphingomonas paucimobilis, a sphingolipid-containing bacterium, contains an abundant water-soluble homodimeric spt of the same family (h. ...200717557831
xanthorhodopsin: proton pump with a carotenoid antenna.retinal proteins function as photoreceptors and ion pumps. xanthorhodopsin of salinibacter ruber is a recent addition to this diverse family. its novel and distinctive feature is a second chromophore, a carotenoid, which serves as light-harvesting antenna. here we discuss the properties of this carotenoid/retinal complex most relevant to its function (such as the specific binding site controlled by the retinal) and its relationship to other retinal proteins (bacteriorhodopsin, archaerhodopsin, p ...200717571211
pseudosphingobacterium domesticum gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from home-made compost.a bacterial strain, dc-186(t), isolated from home-made compost, was characterized for its phenotypic and phylogenetic properties. the isolate was a gram-negative rod that was able to grow at 15-36 degrees c and ph 5.5-8.0. strain dc-186(t) was positive in tests for catalase, oxidase and beta-galactosidase activities and aesculin hydrolysis. the predominant fatty acids were the summed feature c(16 : 1)/iso-c(15 : 0) 2-oh (42 %) and iso-c(15 : 0) (26 %), the major respiratory quinone was menaquino ...200717625189
sphingobacterium composti sp. nov., isolated from cotton-waste composts.a gram-negative, strictly aerobic, short rod-shaped, non-motile bacterial strain designated 4m24(t) was isolated from cotton-waste compost. analysis of the 16s rrna gene sequence of strain 4m24(t) revealed that it is a member of the genus sphingobacterium, sharing 88.5-94.5 % sequence similarity with type strains of the genus sphingobacterium and being most closely related to sphingobacterium daejeonense tr6-04(t) (94.5 % sequence similarity) and sphingobacterium mizutaii atcc 33299(t) (92.2 % s ...200717625199
sphingobacterium canadense sp. nov., an isolate from corn roots.a free-living gram-negative bacterial strain cr11(t) was isolated from corn roots. polyphasic taxonomy was performed, including api20 ne and api50 ch bacterial identification kits, biolog analysis, lipids and fatty acid analysis, dna-dna hybridization, 16s rrna and cpn60 gene sequence analyses. 16s rrna gene sequence analysis indicated that strain cr11(t) belonged to the genus sphingobacterium and was closely related to sphingobacterium multivorum ifo 14947(t) (98% similarity) and sphingobacteri ...200717629434
identification of lactic acid bacteria within the consortium of a kefir grain by sequencing 16s rdna variable regions.the microflora of a kefir grain was identified using a polymerase chain reaction-based strategy combined with 16s rrna gene sequencing. dna was extracted from the kefir grain and amplified in its 16s rdna v1 and v2 regions. to guarantee a good representation of the overall lactic acid bacteria populations, dna amplification was performed separately with primers specific either to the dominant or to the less abundant bacterial groups. the amplified fragments were cloned in escherichia coli and th ...200717760349
pedobacter lentus sp. nov. and pedobacter terricola sp. nov., isolated from soil.two gram-negative, non-motile, pleomorphic bacterial strains, ds-40(t) and ds-45(t), were isolated from a soil sample collected from dokdo, korea, and their exact taxonomic positions were investigated by using a polyphasic approach. strains ds-40(t) and ds-45(t) grew optimally at 25 degrees c and ph 6.5-7.5 in the presence of 0-1.0 % (w/v) nacl. they contained mk-7 as the predominant menaquinone and possessed iso-c(15 : 0), iso-c(17 : 0) 3-oh and summed feature 3 (c(16 : 1)omega7c and/or iso-c(1 ...200717766877
culturable psychrotrophic bacterial communities in raw milk and their proteolytic and lipolytic traits.during cold storage after milk collection, psychrotrophic bacterial populations dominate the microflora, and their extracellular enzymes, mainly proteases and lipases, contribute to the spoilage of dairy products. the diversity, dynamics, and enzymatic traits of culturable psychrotrophs in raw milk from four farms were investigated over a 10-month period. about 20% of the isolates were found to be novel species, indicating that there is still much to be learned about culturable psychrotrophs in ...200717890340
mucilaginibacter paludis gen. nov., sp. nov. and mucilaginibacter gracilis sp. nov., pectin-, xylan- and laminarin-degrading members of the family sphingobacteriaceae from acidic sphagnum peat bog.two facultatively aerobic, heterotrophic bacteria capable of degrading pectin, xylan, laminarin and some other polysaccharides were obtained from the acidic sphagnum peat bog bakchar, in western siberia, russia, and were designated strains tpt18(t) and tpt56(t). cells of these isolates are gram-negative, non-motile, long rods that are covered by large capsules. on ageing, they transform into spherical l-forms. strains tpt18(t) and tpt56(t) are acido- and psychrotolerant organisms capable of grow ...200717911309
diversity of reed (phragmites australis) stem biofilm bacterial communities in two hungarian soda lakes.from reed biofilm samples of kelemen-szék (kiskunság national park, knp) and nagy-vadas (hortobágy national park, hnp) altogether 260 bacterial isolates were gained after serial dilutions and plating onto different media. following a primary selection 164 strains were investigated by "traditional" phenotypic tests and clustered by numerical analysis. fifty-six representative strains were selected to ardra and 16s rdna sequence analysis for identification. strains were identified as members of ge ...200718088008
photoactive yellow protein from the halophilic bacterium salinibacter ruber.a gene for photoactive yellow protein (pyp) was identified from the genome sequence of the extremely halophilic aerobic bacterium salinibacter ruber (sr). the sequence is distantly related to the prototypic pyp from halorhodospira halophila (hh) (37% identity) and contains most of the amino acid residues identified as necessary for function. however, the sr pyp gene is not flanked by its two biosynthetic genes as in other species. to determine as to whether the sr pyp gene encodes a functional p ...200818198898
cathodic oxygen reduction catalyzed by bacteria in microbial fuel cells.microbial fuel cells (mfcs) have the potential to combine wastewater treatment efficiency with energetic efficiency. one of the major impediments to mfc implementation is the operation of the cathode compartment, as it employs environmentally unfriendly catalysts such as platinum. as recently shown, bacteria can facilitate sustainable and cost-effective cathode catalysis for nitrate and also oxygen. here we describe a carbon cathode open to the air, on which attached bacteria catalyzed oxygen re ...200818288216
enterobacteriaceae and related organisms isolated from shell eggs collected during commercial the united states, commercial shell eggs are washed and graded before retail. since passage of the egg products inspection act in 1971, processing guidelines have been set to ensure that external and internal characteristics are maintained. however, less is known about how commercial processing affects the safety of shell eggs. to identify enteric bacteria entering plants and persisting throughout processing, eggs were collected from 3 us commercial shell egg-processing plants on 3 separate v ...200818493013
sphingobacterium siyangense sp. nov., isolated from farm soil.the taxonomic position of a novel gram-negative strain, designated sy1(t), isolated from a farm-soil sample obtained from jiangsu province, pr china, was characterized by using a polyphasic approach. the cells were non-motile, non-spore-forming rods. the organism grew optimally at 30-37 degrees c and at ph 6.0-8.0. based on 16s rrna gene sequence analysis, strain sy1(t) is a member of the genus sphingobacterium; sphingobacterium multivorum jcm 21156(t) was the nearest relative (98.5 % sequence s ...200818523194
sphingobacterium kitahiroshimense sp. nov., isolated from soil.a novel exopolysaccharide-degrading bacterium, designated strain 10c(t), was isolated from soil from kitahiroshima city, hokkaido, japan. the novel isolate was gram-negative, strictly aerobic and chemoheterotrophic. the dna g+c content was 36.9 mol%. major fatty acids were c(16 : 1)omega7c, iso-c(15 : 0) 2-oh, iso-c(15 : 0) and iso-c(17 : 0 )3-oh. 16s rrna gene sequence analysis and chemotaxonomic and morphological data indicated that the novel strain clearly belonged to the genus sphingobacteri ...200818599698
bacterial flora of captive houbara (chlamydotis undulata), kori (ardeotis kori) and rufous-crested (eupodotis ruficrista) bustards.a survey was carried out to investigate the aerobic bacterial flora of captive houbara (chlamydotis undulata), kori (ardeotis kori) and rufous-crested (eupodotis ruficrista) bustards maintained at the national avian research center, abu dhabi, united arab emirates. none of the houbara or rufous-crested bustards sampled were bred in captivity by the center but four of the kori bustards sampled were captive-bred. faecal, cloacal, oropharyngeal and skin samples (from under the wing) from clinically ...199618645872
phylogenetic and metabolic bacterial diversity of phragmites australis periphyton communities in two hungarian soda ponds.bacterial diversity of reed (phragmites australis) periphyton communities of kelemen-szék and nagy-vadas (two hungarian soda ponds) was investigated using molecular cloning and cultivation-based techniques. the majority of the 80 kelemen-szék and 72 nagy-vadas bacterial isolates proved to be moderately halophilic and alkaliphilic. a great proportion of the isolates showed phosphatase and urease activity, utilized aesculin, citrate and certain biopolymers (e.g., gelatine and tween 80). partial 16 ...200818679563
sphingobacterium anhuiense sp. nov., isolated from forest soil.a gram-negative bacterium, designated strain cw 186(t), was isolated from forest soil in anhui province, china. cells of strain cw 186(t) were strictly aerobic, non-motile and rod-shaped. the strain grew optimally at 25-30 degrees c and ph 6.0-8.0. the major cellular fatty acids of strain cw 186(t) were iso-c(15:0) (32.2%), iso-c(17:0) 3-oh (9.8%) and summed feature 3 (iso-c(15:0) 2-oh and/or c(16:1)omega7c; 33.7%). the predominant isoprenoid quinone was mk-7. the g+c content of the genomic dna ...200818768611
application of compochip microarray to investigate the bacterial communities of different composts.a microarray spotted with 369 different 16s rrna gene probes specific to microorganisms involved in the degradation process of organic waste during composting was developed. the microarray was tested with pure cultures, and of the 30,258 individual probe-target hybridization reactions performed, there were only 188 false positive (0.62%) and 22 false negative signals (0.07%). labeled target dna was prepared by polymerase chain reaction amplification of 16s rrna genes using a cy5-labeled universa ...200918818861
characterisation of aerobically grown non-spore-forming bacteria from paper mill pulps containing recycled fibres.a total of 179 non-spore-forming bacteria aerobically growing on nutrient agar, plate count agar or in specific enrichment conditions for salmonella, campylobacteria, listeria, yersinia or staphylococci, were isolated from 16 untreated paper mill pulps. after phenotypical screening the isolates were characterised by automated ribotyping and partial sequencing of the 16s rrna gene. they could be divided into seven taxonomical classes representing 63 taxa (species): actinobacteria (11 species), ba ...200918820960
a novel beta-propeller phytase from pedobacter nyackensis mj11 cgmcc 2503 with potential as an aquatic feed additive.a phytase with high activity at neutral ph and typical water temperatures ( approximately 25 degrees c) could effectively hydrolyze phytate in aquaculture. in this study, a phytase-producing strain, pedobacter nyackensis mj11 cgmcc 2503, was isolated from glacier soil, and the relevant gene, phyp, was cloned using degenerate pcr and thermal asymmetric interlaced pcr. to our knowledge, this is the first report of detection of phytase activity and cloning of phytase gene from pedobacter. phyp belo ...200919139877
sphingobacterium sp. strain pm2-p1-29 harbours a functional tet(x) gene encoding for the degradation of tetracycline.the tet(x) gene has previously been found in obligate anaerobic bacteroides spp., which is curious because tet(x) encodes for a nadp-dependent monooxygenase that requires oxygen to degrade tetracycline. in this study, we characterized a tetracycline resistant, aerobic, gram-negative sphingobacterium sp. strain pm2-p1-29 that harbours a tet(x) gene.200919187139
enhanced biodegradation of pentachlorophenol in unsaturated soil using reversed field electrokinetics.this study investigated the use of electrokinetics in unsaturated soil to promote biodegradation of pentachlorophenol through increased contact between bacteria and contaminant. soil microcosms, contaminated with approximately 100 mg kg(-1) pentachlorophenol (containing [(14)c]-pcp as a tracer), and inoculated with a specific pentachlorophenol-degrading bacterium (sphingobium sp. ug30-1 x 10(8) cfu g(-1)) were subjected to constant and regularly reversed electric currents (10 ma). the former cau ...200919188014
migratory response of soil bacteria to lyophyllum sp. strain karsten in soil this study, the selection of bacteria on the basis of their migration via fungal hyphae in soil was investigated in microcosm experiments containing lyophyllum sp. strain karsten (dsm2979). one week following inoculation with a bacterial community obtained from soil, selection of a few specific bacterial types was noticed at 30 mm in the growth direction of lyophyllum sp. strain karsten in sterile soil. cultivation-based analyses showed that the migration-proficient types encompassed 10 bacte ...200919286795
[effects of rotation and intercropping on bacterial communities in rhizosphere soil of cucumber].by the method of pcr-dgge, this paper studied the effects of rotation with wheat, soybean, villose vetch, clover, and alfalfa and intercropping with onion and garlic on the bacterial communities in rhizosphere soil of cucumber. the results showed that rotation and intercropping with test plants increased the diversity and evenness indices of bacterial communities in cucumber rhizosphere soil, and also, cucumber yield. the sequencing of dgge bands indicated that most of the bands had high homolog ...200819288729
worldwide prevalence of class 2 integrases outside the clinical setting is associated with human inti-targeted pcr assay was optimized to evaluate the frequency of partial class 2-like integrases relative to putative, environmental inti elements in clone libraries generated from 17 samples that included various terrestrial, marine, and deep-sea habitats with different exposures to human influence. we identified 169 unique inti phylotypes (< or =98% amino acid identity) relative to themselves and with respect to those previously described. among these, six variants showed an undescribed, ...200919502434
molecular and biochemical characterization of a novel xylanase from the symbiotic sphingobacterium sp. tn19.a xylanase-encoding gene, designated xyna19, was cloned from sphingobacterium sp. tn19--a symbiotic bacterium isolated from the gut of batocera horsfieldi larvae--and expressed in escherichia coli bl21 (de3). the full-length xyna19 (1,155 bp in length) encodes a 384-residue polypeptide (xyna19) containing a predicted signal peptide of 24 residues and a catalytic domain belonging to glycosyl hydrolase family 10 (gh 10). the deduced amino acid sequence of xyna19 is most similar (53.1% identity) to ...200919554324
chitinophaga terrae bacteremia in human. 200919624942
retinal-salinixanthin interactions in xanthorhodopsin: [corrected] a circular dichroism (cd) spectroscopy study with artificial pigments.xanthorhodopsin (xr) is a recently discovered retinal protein that contains, in addition to the retinal chromophore, a carotenoid (salinixanthin) absorbing at 456, 486, and 520 nm, which functions as a light-harvesting antenna. we have studied the interactions between the two chromophores by monitoring the absorbance and circular dichroism (cd) spectroscopies of artificial pigments derived from synthetic retinal analogues characterized by shifted absorption maxima. in addition, we have followed ...200919637932
mucilaginibacter rigui sp. nov., isolated from wetland freshwater, and emended description of the genus mucilaginibacter.a non-motile, rod-shaped bacterium, designated strain wpcb133(t), was isolated from freshwater collected from the woopo wetland (republic of korea). cells were gram-reaction-negative, aerobic and catalase- and oxidase-positive. the major fatty acids were iso-c(15 : 0) and anteiso-c(15 : 0). the strain contained mk-7 as the major isoprenoid quinone. the dna g+c content was 47 mol%. a phylogenetic tree based on 16s rrna gene sequences showed that strain wpcb133(t) forms an independent lineage with ...201019648338
niastella populi sp. nov., isolated from soil of euphrates poplar (populus euphratica) forest, and emended description of the genus niastella.a novel bacterial strain, designated thyl-44(t), was isolated from the soil of a euphrates poplar (populus euphratica) forest in xinjiang, china. the cells were strictly aerobic, gram-staining-negative, non-flagellated, non-motile and filamentous. growth occurred at 17-37 degrees c (optimum 30 degrees c), at ph 5.0-8.0 (optimum ph 7.0) and with 0-1 % nacl (w/v; optimum 0 %). flexirubin pigments were not produced. a phylogenetic analysis based on 16s rrna gene sequences revealed that strain thyl- ...201019654358
stratified bacterial community in the bladder of the medicinal leech, hirudo verbana.most animals harbour symbiotic microorganisms inside their body, where intimate interactions occur between the partners. the medicinal leech, hirudo verbana, possesses 17 pairs of excretory bladders that harbour a large number of intracellular and extracellular symbiotic bacteria. in this study, we characterized the bladder symbionts using molecular phylogenetic analyses, transmission electron microscopy (tem) and fluorescence in situ hybridization (fish). restriction fragment length polymorphis ...200919678832
dyadobacter psychrophilus sp. nov., a psychrophilic bacterium isolated from soil.a gram-negative, aerobic bacterium, designated strain bz26(t), was isolated from hydrocarbon-contaminated soil. the strain was psychrophilic, showing good growth over a temperature range of 1-20 degrees c. phylogenetic analysis based on 16s rrna gene sequences showed that strain bz26(t) was related to members of the genus dyadobacter and had highest 16s rrna gene sequence similarity to dyadobacter alkalitolerans 12116(t) (98.1 %), dyadobacter koreensis kctc 12537(t) (97.5 %) and dyadobacter gins ...201019717578
parapedobacter luteus sp. nov. and parapedobacter composti sp. nov., isolated from cotton waste compost.two aerobic, gram-reaction-negative, non-spore-forming bacterial strains, 4m29t and 4m40t, were isolated from cotton composts. the two strains grew in the presence of 0-5% (w/v) nacl (optimum growth in the absence of nacl), at ph 6.0-8.0 (optimum, ph 7.0) and at 15-45 degrees c (optimum, 30 degrees c). the strains shared 97.1% 16s rrna gene sequence similarity. strains 4m29t and 4m40t showed the next highest levels of 16s rrna gene sequence similarity to parapedobacter koreensis jip14t (95.6 and ...201019767359
characterization of a signaling complex composed of sensory rhodopsin i and its cognate transducer protein from the eubacterium salinibacter ruber.sensory rhodopsin i (sri) exists in the cell membranes of microorganisms such as the archaeon halobacterium salinarum and is a photosensor responsible for positive and negative phototaxis. sri forms a signaling complex with its cognate transducer protein, htri, in the membrane. that complex transmits light signals to the flagellar motor through changes in protein-protein interactions with the kinase chea and the adaptor protein chew, which controls the direction of the rotation of the flagellar ...200919778064
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