
venezuelan encephalitis virus infection in neotropical bats. i. natural infection in a guatemalan enzootic focus.a serological survey of 939 neotropical bats of 22 species from an enzootic focus of venezuelan encephalitis (ve) virus on the pacific lowlands of guatemala during 1971--1975 revealed ve virus specific antibodies in seven species, three belonging to the genus artibeus. ve virus was isolated from the blood of one uroderma bilobatum. antibody frequency was considerably lower in bats than in terrestrial mammals, and tended to vary within any given species from locality to locality and from year to ...1978646021
eimeria from bats of bolivia: two new species from vespertilionid bats.between 1985 and 1987, fecal samples were collected from 71 bats representing 14 species (desmodontidae, molossidae, noctilionidae, phyllostomidae, vespertilionidae) from 8 localities in 3 states (beni, pando, santa cruz) in bolivia, south america. of these, 2 black myotid bats (vespertilionidae), myotis nigricans, and 1 tent-making bat (phyllostomidae), uroderma magnirostrum, had oocysts in their feces that represent undescribed species of eimeria. the new species from m. nigricans (2/4, 50%) h ...199910386444
bats carry pathogenic hepadnaviruses antigenically related to hepatitis b virus and capable of infecting human hepatocytes.the hepatitis b virus (hbv), family hepadnaviridae, is one of most relevant human pathogens. hbv origins are enigmatic, and no zoonotic reservoirs are known. here, we screened 3,080 specimens from 54 bat species representing 11 bat families for hepadnaviral dna. ten specimens (0.3%) from panama and gabon yielded unique hepadnaviruses in coancestral relation to hbv. full genome sequencing allowed classification as three putative orthohepadnavirus species based on genome lengths (3,149-3,377 nt), ...201324043818
cryptic species? patterns of maternal and paternal gene flow in eight neotropical bats.levels of sequence divergence at mitochondrial loci are frequently used in phylogeographic analysis and species delimitation though single marker systems cannot assess bi-parental gene flow. in this investigation i compare the phylogeographic patterns revealed through the maternally inherited mitochondrial coi region and the paternally inherited 7(th) intron region of the dby gene on the y-chromosome in eight common neotropical bat species. these species are diverse and include members of two fa ...201121814545
discovery of a highly divergent hepadnavirus in shrews from sampling means that relatively little is known about the diversity and evolutionary history of mammalian members of the hepadnaviridae (genus orthohepadnavirus). an important case in point are shrews, the fourth largest group of mammals, but for which there is limited knowledge on the role they play in viral evolution and emergence. here, we report the discovery of a novel shrew hepadnavirus. the newly discovered virus, denoted shrew hepatitis b virus (shbv), is divergent to be considere ...201930884426
predation by squirrel monkeys and double-toothed kites on tent-making bats.central american squirrel monkeys (saimiri oerstedi) appear to recognize the modified leaves that phyllostomid bats utilize for diurnal roost sites. the monkeys visually and manually search these bat tents for both bats and insects. adult males are the most successful at capturing bats. nonvolant juvenile bats are more vulnerable to monkey predation than are adults. bats that escape monkey predation frequently are captured by doubletoothed kites (harpagus bidentatus) that tend foraging troops of ...198532102491
social calls produced within and near the roost in two species of tent-making bats, dermanura watsoni and ectophylla animals regularly face the problem of relocating conspecifics when separated. communication is one of the most important mechanisms facilitating group formation and cohesion. known as contact calls, signals exchanged between conspecifics that permit group maintenance are widespread across many taxa. foliage-roosting bats are an excellent model system for studying the evolution of contact calling, as there are opportunities to compare closely related species that exhibit major differences ...201323637893
bats are a potential reservoir of pathogenic leptospira species in colombia.bats have become an epidemiologically significant source of pathogenic microorganisms, such as leptospires, the causative agents of leptospirosis. however, little information exists about bats and their potential role as a reservoir of pathogenic leptospira spp. in colombia. the aim of this study was to evaluate the presence of pathogenic leptospira spp. in the kidneys of bats from the caribbean region of colombia deposited in the collection of mammals of the museo javeriano de historia natural ...201932045371
sources of assimilated protein in five species of new world frugivorous bats.fruits are n-poor items and their availability in the tropics varies throughout the year. field and experimental studies debate whether frugivorous bats have to switch to n-rich sources of food during part of the year or if they are able to subsist on a fruit-only diet. different strategies to meet their n requirements may influence the way in which frugivorous bats partition food resources allowing the coexistence of numerous species in tropical communities. we examined the extent to which five ...200228466224
on the mammals collected by friedrich sellow in brazil and uruguay (1814-1831), with special reference to the types and their provenance.from 1814 to 1831, the prussian naturalist friedrich sellow collected 263 mammals in brazil and uruguay. upon receiving the specimens, the curator of the berlin zoological museum, martin lichtenstein, removed the original labels and replaced with ones containing more generalized locations. as a consequence, several type specimens have now dubious type localities. we examined these types as well as geographically restricted mammals collected by sellow. in some cases, there are inconsistencies bet ...201728187657
a phylogenetic analysis using multidirectional chromosome painting of three species (uroderma magnirostrum, u. bilobatum and artibeus obscurus) of subfamily stenodermatinae (chiroptera-phyllostomidae).the species of genera uroderma and artibeus are medium-sized bats belonging to the family phyllostomidae and subfamily stenodermatinae (mammalia, chiroptera) from south america. they have a wide distribution in the neotropical region, with two currently recognized species in uroderma and approximately 20 species in artibeus. these two genera have different rates of chromosome evolution, with artibeus probably having retained the ancestral karyotype for the subfamily. we used whole chromosome pai ...201323775139
protein markers of synaptic behavior and chromatin remodeling of the neo-xy body in phyllostomid bats.the xx/xy system is the rule among mammals. however, many exceptions from this general pattern have been discovered since the last decades. one of these non-conventional sex chromosome mechanisms is the multiple sex chromosome system, which is evolutionary fixed among many bat species of the family phyllostomidae, and has arisen by a translocation between one original gonosome (x or y chromosome), and an autosome, giving rise to a "neo-xy body." the aim of this work is to study the synaptic beha ...201626661581
cyclic bouts of extreme bradycardia counteract the high metabolism of frugivorous flight requires the ability to efficiently fuel bursts of costly locomotion while maximizing energy conservation during non-flying times. we took a multi-faceted approach to estimate how fruit-eating bats (uroderma bilobatum) manage a high-energy lifestyle fueled primarily by fig juice. miniaturized heart rate telemetry shows that they use a novel, cyclic, bradycardic state that reduces daily energetic expenditure by 10% and counteracts heart rates as high as 900 bpm during flight. uroder ...201728923167
rapid behavioral changes during early development in peters' tent-making bat (uroderma bilobatum).bats transition from flightless, milk-sustained infants to volant, foraging juveniles in the span of a few weeks to a few months. this rapid development is accompanied by fast growth and weight gain, but behavioral development remains poorly understood. we addressed development of maternal support and pup independence for peters' tent-making bat (uroderma bilobatum) in light of population level reproductive patterns. uroderma bilobatum exhibited seasonal bimodal polyoestry at our study site. bir ...201830356286
host biology and anthropogenic factors affect hepadnavirus infection in a neotropical bat.the tent-making bat hepatitis b virus (tbhbv) is a hepadnavirus closely related to human hepatitis b virus. the ecology of tbhbv is unclear. we show that it is widespread and highly diversified in peters' tent-making bats (uroderma bilobatum) within panama, while local prevalence varied significantly between sample sites, ranging from 0 to 14.3%. females showed significantly higher prevalence than males, and pregnant females were more often acutely infected than non-reproductive ones. the distri ...201930564998
genetic interactions between hybridizing cytotypes of the tent-making bat (uroderma bilobatum). 198128563377
chromosome flow between chromosomally characterized taxa of a volant mammal, uroderma bilobatum (chiroptera: phyllostomatidae). 198128563382
genetic interactions at a contact zone of uroderma bilobatum (chiroptera: phyllostomidae). 198228568223
the structure of the hybrid zone in uroderma bilobatum (chiroptera: phyllostomatidae). 198228568238
an unusual parotid gland in the tent-building bat, uroderma bilobatum: possible correlation of interspecific ultrastructural differences with differences in salivary ph and buffering capacity.the tent-building bat, uroderma bilobatum, is a small, frugivorous phyllostomid bat with a broad neotropical distribution. generally found in humid forest, this bat lives in small groups that create daytime "roosts" from large leaves of a variety of tropical plants. fruit eating engenders a variety of ecological and physiological challenges for bats, some of which could require adaptive features in their salivary glands. the parotid salivary glands of uroderma bilobatum were prepared for transmi ...19989776084
mtdna perspective of chromosomal diversification and hybridization in peters' tent-making bat (uroderma bilobatum: phyllostomidae).we compared sequence variation in the complete mitochondrial cytochrome-b gene with chromosomal and geographical variation for specimens of peters' tent-making bat (uroderma bilobatum). three different chromosomal races have been described in this species: a 2n = 42 race from south america east of the andes, a 2n = 44 from nw central america and 2n = 38 from the rest of central america and nw south america. the deepest nodes in the tree were found within the south american race (42 race), which ...200314629379
human-modified habitats change patterns of population genetic structure and group relatedness in peter's tent-roosting bats.although coloniality is widespread among mammals, it is still not clear what factors influence composition of social groups. as animals need to adapt to multiple habitat and environmental conditions throughout their range, variation in group composition should be influenced by adaptive adjustment to different ecological factors. relevant to anthropogenic disturbance, increased habitat modification by humans can alter species' presence, density, and population structure. therefore, it is importan ...201627648225
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