
gastrointestinal helminths of the cetaceans phocoena spinipinnis (burmeister, 1865) and cephalorhynchus eutropia (gray, 1846) from the southern coast of chile.gastrointestinal helminths of the cetaceans cephalorhynchus eutropia and phocoena spinipinnis accidentally entangled in gillnets off the coast of queule, chile, were identified from 1989 to 1990. pseudoterranova sp., polymorphus (polymorphus) cetaceum and synthesium tursionis occurred in both cetaceans. additionally, anisakis sp. and braunina cordiformis were found in c. eutropia, and anisakis simplex was identified from p. spinipinnis. the species with the highest prevalence and mean intensity ...19921602588
[braunina cordiformis wolf, 1903 (digenea: brauninidae) in a chilean dolphin cephalorhynchus eutropia gray, 1846 (cetacea: odontoceti)]. 20063269732
echolocation clicks of free-ranging chilean dolphins (cephalorhynchus eutropia).in this paper, evidence is provided that chilean dolphins (cephalorhynchus eutropia) produce ultrasonic echolocation clicks of the narrow-band high-frequency category. echolocation clicks emitted during approaches of the hydrophones consisted only of narrow-band (rms-bw: 12.0 khz) single pulses with mean centroid frequencies of about 126 khz, peak frequencies of 126 khz, and a 20 db duration of 82.6 micros. the maximum received level measured exceeded 165 db re 1 micropa. in addition, high repet ...201020707424
microsatellite markers reveal strong genetic structure in the endemic chilean dolphin.understanding genetic differentiation and speciation processes in marine species with high dispersal capabilities is challenging. the chilean dolphin, cephalorhynchus eutropia, is the only endemic cetacean of chile and is found in two different coastal habitats: a northern habitat with exposed coastlines, bays and estuaries from valparaíso (33°02's) to chiloé (42°00's), and a southern habitat with highly fragmented inshore coastline, channels and fjords between chiloé and navarino island (55°14' ...201525898340
[corynosoma cetaceum johnston and best, 1942 (acanthocephala) in chilean dolphin, cephalorhynchus entropia gray, 1846 (cetacea: delphinidae)].the finding of corynosoma cetaceum johnston and best 1942, as a parasite of cephalorhynchus eutropia gray, 1846, is reported. this constitutes the first record of this acanthocephala in a new host, as well a new geographic distribution.20062152368
historical dimensions of population structure in a continuously distributed marine species: the case of the endemic chilean dolphin.the complementarity of historical and contemporary processes contributes to understanding the genetic structure of continuously distributed marine species with high dispersal capabilities. cephalorhynchus eutropia, has a continuous coastal distribution with strong genetic differentiation identified by nuclear dna markers. we explored the historical dimension of this genetic differentiation between northern and southern populations to evaluate phylogeographic structure. additionally, we conducted ...201627759113
first record of pseudoterranova (nematoda: anisakidae) from the chilean dolphin, cephalorhynchus eutropia (cetacea: delphinidae).larvae of third and fourth stages of pseudoterranova were isolated for the first time from cephalorhynchus eutropia in south coast of chile. morphological characteristics of hosts and parasites are given.19892487513
epidemiological pattern of tattoo skin disease: a potential general health indicator for cetaceans.the presence of tattoo skin disease (tsd) was examined in 1392 free-ranging and dead odontocetes comprising 17 species from the americas, europe, south africa, new zealand and greenland. we investigated whether tsd prevalence varied with sex, age and health status. tsd was encountered in cetaceans from the pacific and atlantic oceans as well as in those from the north, mediterranean and tasman seas. no clear patterns related to geography and host phylogeny were detected, except that prevalence o ...200919750811
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