
the effects of insulin/igf-i on glucose and leucine metabolism in the redclaw crayfish (cherax quadricarinatus).in recent years, invertebrate peptides have been identified which share substantial homologies with vertebrate insulin and insulin-like growth factors (igfs), indicating a high degree of conservation of insulin/igf systems through animal evolution. in a previous study, we provided evidence for the presence of igf-i-like peptides in the redclaw (cherax quadricarinatus), a species of freshwater crayfish endemic to northern australia river systems which has attained support as a culture species. th ...19979073490
a newly established elisa showing the effect of the androgenic gland on secondary-vitellogenic-specific protein in the hemolymph of the crayfish cherax quadricarinatus.a quantitative enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) was developed to monitor the onset of secondary vitellogenesis in cherax quadricarinatus females and in intersex individuals (having both male and female reproductive systems) after removal of the androgenic gland (ag). as a prerequisite for the assay, the 106-kda polypeptide was separated from newly laid c. quadricarinatus eggs by sds-page, and anti-106-kda antibody was raised in rabbit. the specificity of the anti-106-kda polypeptide for ...199910375462
the accumulation of cylindrospermopsin from the cyanobacterium cylindrospermopsis raciborskii in tissues of the redclaw crayfish cherax quadricarinatus.redclaw crayfish, cherax quadricarinatus harvested from an aquaculture pond infested by a bloom of the cyanobacterium cylindrospermopsis raciborskii (order: nostocales), were shown to accumulate the toxic alkaloid cylindrospermopsin. pond water samples collected during the bloom contained 589 microg l(-1) of the toxin (93% in the cyanobacterial cells, 7% in the water). crayfish from the pond contained cylindrospermopsin at concentrations of 4.3 microg g freeze dried hepatopancreas tissue and 0.9 ...199910484741
characterization of microsatellite loci in the redclaw crayfish, cherax quadricarinatus. 200010736055
natural infection of the redclaw crayfish cherax quadricarinatus with presumptive spawner-isolated mortality virus.crayfish farmers reported reduced tolerance of stress in specimens of cherax quadricarinatus, which were formerly robust crayfish. furthermore, one farmer reported a large reduction in yield with final harvest only equaling the stocking weight. upon trapping, one-third of the crayfish regularly died overnight and a further one-third died on the sorting tray during sexing of juveniles (approximately 3 mo old). histopathological examination revealed very light (1 or 2 cells per section) infections ...200010843560
description of a presumptive hepatopancreatic reovirus, and a putative gill parvovirus, in the freshwater crayfish cherax quadricarinatus.the redclaw freshwater crayfish cherax quadricarinatus has a reputation for being hardy and resistant to handling stress. however, in recent years, possibly since 1996, c. quadricarinatus farmers in northern queensland have noted a decrease in stress resistance in their stock. a presumptive reovirus in the hepatopancreas, and a putative parvovirus in the gills, were associated with chronic mortalities in c. quadricarinatus at one northern queensland farm. hypertrophic nuclei with marginated chro ...200010918976
infectivity, transmission and 16s rrna sequencing of a rickettsia, coxiella cheraxi sp. nov., from the freshwater crayfish cherax quadricarinatus.a rickettsia-like organism isolated from infected, farm-reared cherax quadricarinatus was cultured in the yolk sac of developing chicken eggs, but could not be cultured in 3 continuous cell lines, bluegill fry (bf-2), fathead minnow (fhm), and spodoptera frugiperda (sf-9). the organism was confirmed by fulfilling koch's postulates as the aetiological agent of mortalities amongst c. quadricarinatus. when c. quadricarinatus was inoculated with the organism, mortality was 100% at 28 degrees c and 8 ...200010918979
ultrastructure and cytopathology of a rickettsia-like organism causing systemic infection in the redclaw crayfish, cherax quadricarinatus (crustacea: decapoda), in ecuador.a study of the ultrastructural characteristics of an intracellular bacterium infecting the redclaw crayfish, cherax quadricarinatus, a pathogen referred to previously as a rickettsia-like organism (rlo), revealed the presence of different developmental stages. these included a rod-shaped and uniformly electron-dense elementary body (eb) and an intermediate body (ib). the length of the eb varied between 0.48 and 0.6 microm, and the diameter was 0.3 microm. the ib was 0.75 to 1.1 microm long by 0. ...200011023732
a newly developed elisa showing the effect of environmental stress on levels of hsp86 in cherax quadricarinatus and penaeus monodon.the induction of hsps by stress in cherax quadricarinatus and penaeus monodon was investigated using sds-page, western blotting and elisa techniques. western blotting showed the presence of an immuno-reactive protein to mouse alpha-human hsp70 igg1 monoclonal antibody at a mass of 86 kda (hsp86) in pleopod samples but was not sensitive enough to detect differences in response to stress. an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) was developed using this antibody for the detection of hsp86 in t ...200212044768
a parvo-like virus in cultured redclaw crayfish cherax quadricarinatus from queensland, the summer of 1999/2000, an epizootic occurred in cultured juvenile redclaw crayfish cherax quadricarinatus on one commercial crayfish farm in northern queensland, australia. mortalities occurred over 4 wk, with up to 96% cumulative mortalities in 2 earthen ponds stocked with juveniles. the crayfish were weak, anorexic and lethargic. a transmission trial was conducted, using filtered, cell-free extract prepared from infected crayfish as inoculum. the disease was reproduced, with on-going mort ...200212180708
structural characterization of the n-glycan moiety and site of glycosylation in vitellogenin from the decapod crustacean cherax quadricarinatus.glycosylation is of importance for the structure and function of proteins. in the case of vitellin (vt), a ubiquitous protein accumulated into granules as the main yolk protein constituent of oocytes during oogenesis, glycosylation could be of importantance for the folding, processing and transport of the protein to the yolk and also provides a source of carbohydrate during embryogenesis. vt from the crayfish cherax quadricarinatus is synthesized as a precursor protein, vitellogenin (vg), in the ...200415175255
methods to enhance the intensity of intranuclear bacilliform virus infection in cherax quadricarinatus.many studies have examined the morphology, pathology and epizootiology of the intranuclear bacilliform virus (ibv) of cherax quadricarinatus, but little research has been conducted to acquire specific knowledge of the virus. this is partly due to difficulties in detecting the virus and in obtaining sufficient material for viral isolation and purification. as quantified by light microscopy, we significantly (p < 0.01) enhanced ibv intensities from 10.56 to 16.67% in c. quadricarinatus by using sa ...200415460862
oie white spot syndrome virus pcr gives false-positive results in cherax quadricarinatus.white spot syndrome virus (wssv) is an intranuclear bacilliform virus (ibv) that is a serious, notifiable crustacean pathogen. the office international des epizooties (oie) pcr protocol for wssv uses primer sets initially developed by lo et al. (1996). it yields a first-step pcr amplicon of 1441 bp and a nested pcr amplicon of 941 bp. an amplicon (941 bp) purported to specifically detect wssv was obtained when using template dna extracted from cherax quadricarinatus in a wssv pcr detection proto ...200415672884
isolation and expression analysis of multiple isoforms of putative farnesoic acid o-methyltransferase in several crustacean species.farnesoic acid o-methyltransferase (famet) is the enzyme responsible for the conversion of farnesoic acid (fa) to methyl farnesoate (mf) in the final step of mf synthesis. multiple isoforms of putative famet were isolated from six crustacean species belonging to the families portunidae, penaeidae, scyllaridae and parastacidae. the portunid crabs portunus pelagicus and scylla serrata code for three forms: short, intermediate and long. two isoforms (short and long) were isolated from the penaeid p ...200716999957
sifamide peptides in clawed lobsters and freshwater crayfish (crustacea, decapoda, astacidea): a combined molecular, mass spectrometric and electrophysiological investigation.recently, we identified the peptide vyrkppfngsifamide (val(1)-sifamide) in the stomatogastric nervous system (stns) of the american lobster homarus americanus using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-fourier transform mass spectrometry (maldi-ftms). given that h. americanus is the only species thus far shown to possess this peptide, and that a second sifamide isoform, gly(1)-sifamide, is broadly conserved in other decapods, including another astacidean, the crayfish procambarus clarkii, ...200818308319
attempts at immortalization of crustacean primary cell cultures using human cancer genes.primary cell cultures from crustacea have been initiated since the 1960s, yet no permanent cell line is available. primary cells have a limited proliferative capacity in culture due to cellular senescence, which is regulated by a group of dominant senescence genes. the aim of this research was to manipulate cell cycle regulation by transfecting cherax quadricarinatus primary cells with oncogenes, in an effort to induce a permanent cell line. human papillomaviruses (hpv) play a critical role in t ...200818830775
differential gene expression profile from haematopoietic tissue stem cells of red claw crayfish, cherax quadricarinatus, in response to wssv infection.white spot syndrome virus (wssv) is one of the most important viral pathogens in crustaceans. during wssv infection, multiple cell signaling cascades are activated, leading to the generation of antiviral molecules and initiation of programmed cell death of the virus infected cells. to gain novel insight into cell signaling mechanisms employed in wssv infection, we have used suppression subtractive hybridization (ssh) to elucidate the cellular response to wssv challenge at the gene level in red c ...201121396955
Recombinant medaka (Oryzias melastigmus) pro-hepcidin: Multifunctional characterization.Recently, two hepcidin variant genes (Om-hep1 and Om-hep2) were identified in a model fish marine medaka and both were highly induced in vivo with bacterial challenge, suggesting that the medaka hepcidin may have a similar function to other reported teleostean hepcidins. In the present study, the antibacterial, antiviral and antitumor activities of Om-hep1 were determined using its synthetic and recombinant pro-peptides. The recombinant pro-hepcidin1 was expressed in Escherichia coli and an effe ...201222051539
A novel DDX5 gene in the freshwater crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus is highly expressed during ontogenesis and spermatogenesis.The freshwater crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus, originally from Australia, is an invasive species that is also widely used in aquaculture. DEAD-box helicase family genes are found throughout evolution and encode RNA-binding proteins. The human DDX5 (p68) is important for normal cell growth, differentiation and proliferation. We identified a C. quadricarinatus homolog of DDX5 (Cq-DDX5); the temporal expression of Cq-DDX5 mRNA transcripts was measured during early ontogenesis, during sperma ...201122033909
a crayfish insulin-like-binding protein: another piece in the androgenic gland insulin-like hormone puzzle is revealed.across the animal kingdom, the involvement of insulin-like peptide (ilp) signaling in sex-related differentiation processes is attracting increasing attention. recently, a gender-specific ilp was identified as the androgenic sex hormone in crustacea. however, moieties modulating the actions of this androgenic insulin-like growth factor were yet to be revealed. through molecular screening of an androgenic gland (ag) cdna library prepared from the crayfish cherax quadricarinatus, we have identifie ...201323775079
transcriptomic characterization and curation of candidate neuropeptides regulating reproduction in the eyestalk ganglia of the australian crayfish, cherax quadricarinatus.the australian redclaw crayfish (cherax quadricarinatus) has recently received attention as an emerging candidate for sustainable aquaculture production in australia and worldwide. more importantly, c. quadricarinatus serves as a good model organism for the commercially important group of decapod crustaceans as it is distributed worldwide, easy to maintain in the laboratory and its reproductive cycle has been well documented. in order to better understand the key reproduction and development reg ...201627924858
the superoxide dismutase from red claw crayfish, cherax quadricarinatus: molecular cloning and characterization the present study, an extracellular copper-zinc superoxide dismutase (eccuznsod) gene and a mitochondrial manganese superoxide dismutase (mtmnsod) gene were cloned from hemocytes of red claw crayfish, cherax quadricarinatus. the open reading frame (orf) of eccuznsod is 498 bp and encodes a 166 amino acids (aa) protein, whereas the orf of mtmnsod is 654 bp and encodes a 218 aa protein. the amino acid sequences of c. quadricarinatus eccuznsod and mtmnsod showed high similarities with those of e ...201425366155
immune responses of prophenoloxidase and cytosolic manganese superoxide dismutase in the freshwater crayfish cherax quadricarinatus against a virus and bacterium.prophenoloxidase (propo) and cytosolic manganese superoxide dismutase (cytmnsod) play crucial roles in crustacean innate immunity. in the present study, both of the above genes were cloned from hemocytes of the red claw crayfish cherax quadricarinatus. a phylogenetic analysis of the amino acid sequences showed that c. quadricarinatus propo and cytmnsod were more closely related to the propo and cytmnsod of other crayfish than to those of penaeids, crabs, lobsters, or freshwater prawns. a tissue ...201323669811
characterization of micrornas by deep sequencing in red claw crayfish cherax quadricarinatus haematopoietic tissue cells after white spot syndrome virus infection.white spot syndrome virus (wssv) is one of the most prevalent and widespread viruses in both shrimp and crayfish aquaculture. micrornas (mirnas) are crucial post-transcriptional regulators and play critical roles in cell differentiation and proliferation, apoptosis, signal transduction and immunity. in this study, mirna expression profiles were identified via deep sequencing in red claw crayfish cherax quadricarinatus haematopoietic tissue (hpt) cell cultures infected with wssv at both early (i. ...201627825947
characterisation of a novel type i crustin involved in antibacterial and antifungal responses in the red claw crayfish, cherax quadricarinatus.antimicrobial peptides are important immune effectors involved in mediating innate immune responses against intruding pathogens. here, we successfully isolated and characterized a novel type i crustin from the red claw crayfish cherax quadricarinatus. the full-length cdna encoded by this gene, designated cqcrs, comprised 608 bp, containing a 5'-untranslated region (utr) of 55 bp, a 3'-utr of 229 bp with a poly (a) tail, and an open reading frame (orf) of 324 bp encoding a polypeptide of 107 amin ...201626584757
antimicrobial activity of a novel hypervariable immunoglobulin domain-containing receptor dscam in cherax quadricarinatus.down syndrome cell adhesion molecule (dscam) mediates innate immunity against pathogens in arthropods. here, a novel dscam from red claw crayfish cherax quadricarinatus (cqdscam) was isolated. the cqdscam protein contains one signal peptide, ten immunoglobulin domains, six fibronectin type iii domains, one transmembrane domain and cytoplasmic tail. cqdscam phylogenetically clustered with other invertebrate dscams. variable regions of cqdscam in n-terminal halves of ig2 and ig3 domains, complete ...201526497093
granulocytes of the red claw crayfish cherax quadricarinatus can endocytose beads, e. coli and wssv, but in different ways.the hemocytes of the red claw crayfish cherax quadricarinatus are classified by morphologic observation into the following types: hyalinocytes (h), semi-granulocytes (sg) and granulocytes (g). density gradient centrifugation with percoll was developed to separate these three subpopulations of hemocytes. beads, escherichia coli, and fitc labeling wssv were used to investigate the characteristics of granulocytes by using scanning electron microscope, transmission electron microscope, and laser sca ...201424747430
structure and bioactivity of a modified peptide derived from the lps-binding domain of an anti-lipopolysaccharide factor (alf) of shrimp.the lipopolysaccharide binding domain (lbd) in anti-lipopolysaccharide factor (alf) is the main functional element of alf, which exhibits antimicrobial activities. our previous studies show that the peptide lbdv, synthesized based on the modified sequence of lbd (named lbd2) from fcalf2, exhibited an apparently enhanced antimicrobial activity. to learn the prospect of lbdv application, the characteristics of lbdv were analyzed in the present study. the lbdv peptide showed higher antimicrobial an ...201627213409
identification of an anti-lipopolysacchride factor possessing both antiviral and antibacterial activity from the red claw crayfish cherax is well-known that anti-lipopolysacchride factors (alfs) are involved in the recognition and elimination of invading pathogens. in this study, the full-length alf cdna sequence of the red claw crayfish cherax quadricarinatus (termed cqalf) was cloned from a suppression subtractive hybridization library constructed using red claw crayfish hematopoietic tissue cell (hpt cell) cultures following challenge with white spot syndrome virus (wssv). the full-length cdna sequence of cqalf was 863 bp, a ...201627544268
characterization of a lectin from the craysfish cherax quadricarinatus hemolymph and its effect on hemocytes.lectins participate in the immune mechanisms of crustaceans. they have been considered as humoral receptors for pathogen-associated molecular patterns; however, some reports suggest that lectins could regulate crustacean cellular functions. in the present study, we purified and characterized a serum lectin (cql) from the hemolymph of cherax quadricarinatus by affinity chromatography and determined its participation in the regulation of hemocytes' oxidative burst. cql is a 290-kda lectin in nativ ...201424929243
production of recombinant insulin-like androgenic gland hormones from three decapod species: in vitro testicular phosphorylation and activation of a newly identified tyrosine kinase receptor from the eastern spiny lobster, sagmariasus crustaceans the insulin-like androgenic gland hormone (iag) is responsible for male sexual differentiation. to date, the biochemical pathways through which iag exerts its effects are poorly understood and could be elucidated through the production of a functional recombinant iag (riag). we have successfully expressed glycosylated, biologically active iag using the pichia pastoris yeast expression system. we co-expressed recombinant single-chain precursor molecules consisting of the b and a ch ...201626883686
aphanomyces astaci in wild crayfish populations in slovenia: first report of persistent infection in a stone crayfish austropotamobius torrentium population.all 5 crayfish species inhabiting slovenian freshwaters, of which 3 are indigenous crayfish species (ics: astacus astacus, austropotamobius pallipes, and a. torrentium) and 2 are non-indigenous (nics: pacifastacus leniusculus and cherax quadricarinatus), were inspected for the presence of aphanomyces astaci, the causative agent of crayfish plague. wild crayfish populations showing no clinical signs of infection were inspected using a. astaci-specific real-time pcr. in addition, a conventional pc ...201323548366
high-resolution structural and elemental analyses of calcium storage structures synthesized by the noble crayfish astacus astacus.during premolt, crayfish develop deposits of calcium ions, called gastroliths, in their stomach wall. the stored calcium is used for the calcification of parts of the skeleton regularly renewed for allowing growth. structural and molecular analyses of gastroliths have been primarily performed on three crayfish species, orconectes virilis, procambarus clarkii, and more recently, cherax quadricarinatus. we have performed high-resolution analyses of gastroliths from the native noble crayfish, astac ...201627612582
densoviruses in oyster crassostrea ariakensis.densoviruses have short ssdna genomes and mainly infect arthropods. to characterize viral nucleic acid in shellfish, oysters (crassostrea ariakensis) were analyzed using viral metagenomics. two large de novo assembled contigs, caadv1 and caadv2, consisting of nearly complete densovirus genomes (5860 nucleotides (nt) and 4034 nt) with two major ambisense protein coding regions were identified. several potential non-structural proteins and capsid proteins were encoded by these genomes, but these w ...201728342032
first introduction of two australian temnocephalan species into africa with an alien host: double trouble.the redclaw crayfish, cherax quadricarinatus (decapoda: parastacidae), is native to australia but has been introduced to south africa as a warm-water aquaculture species. in a south african natural waterbody, examined crayfish had high-intensity infections of 3 temnocephalan species on their body surfaces and within the branchial chambers. temnocephalans were characterized using light and scanning electron microscopy and identified as craspedella pedum, diceratocephala boschmai, and didymorchis ...201627513351
hardy exotics species in temperate zone: can "warm water" crayfish invaders establish regardless of low temperatures?the spreading of new crayfish species poses a serious risk for freshwater ecosystems; because they are omnivores they influence more than one level in the trophic chain and they represent a significant part of the benthic biomass. both the environmental change through global warming and the expansion of the pet trade increase the possibilities of their spreading. we investigated the potential of four "warm water" highly invasive crayfish species to overwinter in the temperate zone, so as to pred ...201526572317
cqtoll participates in antiviral response against white spot syndrome virus via induction of anti-lipopolysaccharide factor in red claw crayfish cherax is well known that tolls/toll like receptors (tlrs), a family of pattern recognition receptors, play important roles in immune responses. previously, we found that a toll transcript was increased in a transcriptome library of haematopoietic tissue (hpt) cells from the red claw crayfish cherax quadricarinatus post white spot syndrome virus infection. in the present study, a full-length cdna sequence of toll receptor (named as cqtoll) was identified with 3482 bp which contained an open reading ...201728479346
white spot syndrome virus entry is dependent on multiple endocytic routes and strongly facilitated by cq-gabarap in a cme-dependent manner.white spot syndrome virus (wssv) is a lethal pathogen of shrimp and many other crustaceans, including crayfish. however, the molecular mechanism underlying its cellular entry remains elusive due to the lack of shrimp cell lines for viral propagation. crayfish hematopoietic tissue (hpt) cell culture was recently established as a good model for wssv infection study. here, we showed that multiple endocytic routes, including clathrin-mediated endocytosis (cme), macropinocytosis and caveolae-mediated ...201627385304
comparative ultrastructure of spermatozoa of the redclaw cherax quadricarinatus and the yabby cherax destructor (decapoda, parastacidae).ultrastructure of spermatozoa of redclaw cherax quadricarinatus and yabby cherax destructor were described and compared. the acrosome complex and nucleus are located at the anterior and posterior region of the spermatozoon, respectively. the acrosome is a complex vesicle divided into two parts: the main body of the acrosome appears as a dense cup-shaped structure in longitudinal sagittal view, with the subacrosome zone occupying the central area of the vesicle. the acrosome is larger in c. quadr ...201525484246
crayfish plague aphanomyces astaci detected in redclaw crayfish, cherax quadricarinatus in taiwan.between december 2013 and january 2014, five outbreaks of an unknown disease with moderate to high cumulative mortality were observed among the freshwater redclaw crayfish (cherax quadricarinatus) populations at four crayfish farms in miaoli and changhua counties (northern taiwan) and at one crayfish farm in pingtung county (southern taiwan). polymerase chain reaction (pcr) analysis allowed the detection of aphanomyces astaci dna in dead crayfish. histopathological examination revealed an infect ...201627039156
computational analysis of molt-inhibiting hormone from selected crustaceans.molt-inhibiting hormone (mih) is a principal endocrine hormone regulating the growth in crustaceans. in total, nine mih peptide sequences representing members of the family penaeidae (penaeus monodon, litopenaeus vannamei, marsupenaeus japonicus), portunidae (portunus trituberculatus, charybdis japonica, charybdis feriata), cambaridae (procambarus bouvieri), parastacidae (cherax quadricarinatus) and varunidae (eriocheir sinensis) were selected for our study. in order to develop a structure based ...201324041714
white spot syndrome virus strains of different virulence induce distinct immune response in cherax this study, we identified three white spot syndrome virus (wssv) strains (wssv-cn01, wssv-cn02 and wssv-cn03) with significant differences in virulence. among them, wssv-cn01 caused significant higher and earlier mortality in redclaw crayfish cherax quadricarinatus, thus was determined as high-virulent, while wssv-cn02 and wssv-cn03 were moderate-virulent and low-virulent. by investigating the total number of the circulating haemocytes and the activity of immune relative enzymes, we demonstra ...201424795080
metabolic product response profiles of cherax quadricarinatus towards white spot syndrome virus infection.white spot syndrome virus (wssv) is one of the most devastating viral pathogens in both shrimp and crayfish farms, which often causes disease outbreak and leads to massive moralities with significant economic losses of aquaculture. however, limited research has been carried out on the intrinsic mechanisms toward wssv challenge at the metabolic level. to gain comprehensive insight into metabolic responses induced by wssv, we applied an nmr approach to investigate metabolic changes of crayfish gil ...201627068762
proteomic analysis by itraq in red claw crayfish, cherax quadricarinatus, hematopoietic tissue cells post white spot syndrome virus elucidate proteomic changes of hpt cells from red claw crayfish, cherax quadricarinatus, we have carried out isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantitation (itraq) of cellular proteins at both early (1 hpi) and late stage (12 hpi) post white spot syndrome virus (wssv) infection. protein database search revealed 594 protein hits by mascot, in which 17 and 30 proteins were present as differentially expressed proteins at early and late viral infection, respectively. generally, these differ ...201626845698
effects of white spot syndrome virus infection on immuno-enzyme activities and ultrastructure in gills of cherax this study, we explored the pathogenic mechanism of white spot syndrome virus (wssv) in crayfish, cherax quadricarinatus, by investigating activities of enzymes related to innate immune function during infection. after 6-12 h of exposure to wssv, the activities of four enzymes, phenoloxidase (po), peroxidase (pod), superoxide dismutase (sod) and lysozyme (lsz), increased in the gills of c. quadricarinatus but then sharply decreased during longer infection times. except for po, the activities ...201222281607
molecular cloning and expression analysis of chymotrypsin-like serine protease from the redclaw crayfish (cherax quadricarinatus): a possible role in the junior and adult innate immune systems.a novel chymotrypsin-like serine protease (clsp) was isolated from the hepatopancreas of the redclaw crayfish cherax quadricarinatus (cq-chy). the full-length cdna of cq-chy contains 951 nucleotides encodes a peptide of 270 amino acids. the mature peptide comprising 223 amino acids contains the conserved catalytic triad (h, d, and s). similarity analysis showed that cq-chy shares high identity with chymotrypsins from the fiddler crab; uca pugilator. cq-chy mrna expression in c. quadricarinatus w ...201323541770
comparative molecular analyses of select ph- and osmoregulatory genes in three freshwater crayfish cherax quadricarinatus, c. destructor and c. cainii.systemic acid-base balance and osmotic/ionic regulation in decapod crustaceans are in part maintained by a set of transport-related enzymes such as carbonic anhydrase (ca), na+/k+-atpase (nka), h+-atpase (hat), na+/k+/2cl- cotransporter (nkcc), na+/cl-/hco[formula: see text] cotransporter (nbc), na+/h+ exchanger (nhe), arginine kinase (ak), sarcoplasmic ca+2-atpase (serca) and calreticulin (crt). we carried out a comparative molecular analysis of these genes in three commercially important yet e ...201728852583
first record of a new epibionts suctorian ciliate tokophrya huangmeiensis sp.n. (ciliophora, phyllopharyngea) from redclaw crayfish cherax quadricarinatus von martens 1868.a new suctorian ciliate, tokophrya huangmeiensis sp. n. was isolated from the carapace of redclaw crayfish cherax quadricarinatus, during investigation of fish ciliates diversity in freshwater aquaculture of hubei, china. the zooids of newly isolated ciliate were found aggregated into colonies on stalks of another ciliate epistylis. the adults of this newly found species were characterized by an elongated pyramidal shaped and corrugated cell body with two fascicles of tentacles on the apical par ...201728610336
Displaying items 1 - 48 of 48