
prevalence of the trichomycete fungus harpella melusinae (harpellales: harpellaceae) in larval black flies (diptera: simuliidae) across a heterogeneous environment.a total of 2063 mid- to late-instar larval black flies were collected from 64 stream sites in south carolina and screened for the presence of the trichomycete fungus harpella melusinae. sixteen of 18 host species were colonized by h. melusinae on at least one occasion. prevalence of h. melusinae in larvae of simulium tuberosum cytospecies "a" was highest in acidic streams with low conductivity, whereas h. melusinae colonized larvae of simulium verecundum most frequently in slower-moving streams. ...200321148966
collection of blood-engorged black flies (diptera: simuliidae) and identification of their source of blood.blood-engorged black flies were captured by 2 methods: early morning application of a quick knock down insecticide (resmethrin) into tree canopies, and late afternoon to early evening truck trapping. more engorged flies were captured per man-hour with the tree spraying method than with the truck trap. the percentages of females captured by the spraying and truck trap methods that were engorged were 18 and 1.3, respectively. the most commonly engorged species captured were prosimulium magnum and ...19892614405
comparison of mitochondrial dna sequences of seven morphospecies of black flies (diptera: simuliidae).universal primers constructed from the 16s ribosomal rna gene in the drosophila yakuba mitochondrial genome were successfully used to amplify, via the polymerase chain reaction, the homologous region of mitochondrial dna from seven black fly morphospecies. amplification was achieved from single larval salivary glands and from single adults preserved in carnoy's fixative (ethanol - acetic acid, 3:1), allowing dna sequences and polytene chromosome banding pattern data to be gathered from the same ...19912055453
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