
[uncommon mycobacterial infections in domestic and zoo animals: four cases with special emphasis on pathology].infections caused by classical tubercle bacilli are rare during the last years. nevertheless, diseases caused by other mycobacteria have to be considered clinically and in diagnostic pathology especially in cases of immunosuppression and due to their potential zoonosis risk. an infection by mycobacteria was diagnosed in four animals (mayotte maki, blue-headed parrot, patagonian sealion, beagle) necropsied between 1995 and 2002 in the institute of veterinary-pathology of the university of leipzig ...200314560447
mycobacteriosis in psittacine birds.mycobacteriosis was diagnosed in five psittacine birds: a blue-headed pionus parrot (pionus menstruus), three grey-cheeked parakeets (brotogeris pyrrhopterus), and a red-crowned amazon parrot (amazona dufresniana rhodocorytha). signs were marked muscular wasting, anemia, recurrent diarrhea, and dulling or loss of feathers. lesions were commonly present in the intestines, livers, and spleens, suggesting an oral route of infection. other tissues in which granulomas were found were the oropharynx, ...20046651704
recurrent smoke-induced respiratory infections in a ruby blue-headed pionus parrot (pionus menstruus rubrigularis).a 4-year-old female blue-headed pionus parrot (pionus menstruus rubrigularis) presented repeatedly for acute smoke inhalation. the protracted clinical course and secondary respiratory infections with multiple pathogens represented characteristic sequelae to smoke inhalation and toxicosis seen in other species, but these have not been previously reported in birds.200818689075
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