
site of replication of influenza virus a/budgerigar/hokkaido/1/77 (hav 4 nav 1) in budgerigars. 197944601
[the budgerigar (melopsittacus undulatus)--a suitable endocrinological model of the thyroid gland].the budgerigar (melopsittacus undulatus) was tested as an endocrinological model of the thyroid gland. for this purpose, 514 animals were applied in our investigation. besides the elaboration of an animal-specific method for the registration of thyroid function, questions of iodine metabolism, especially the influence of several endogenous and exogenous factors, were elucidated. taking into consideration the results received we examined the model with regard to its application in functional, mor ...197552305
isolation of an influenza virus subtype hav4navl from a budgerigar. 1979108521
clinical correlations between long-term (ige) and short-term (igg s-ts) anaphylactic antibodies in atopic and 'non-atopic' subjects with respiratory allergic disease.the sera of atopic and non-atopic persons with allergic pulmonary disorders were examined for long-term sensitizing, ige and short-term sensitizing heat-stable (s-ts) antibodies which were present separately or together in the sera of some patients sensitive to antigens such as budgerigar serum proteins and aspergillus funigatus. in fourteen atopic patients with extrinsic asthma, six had both types of antibody to common allergens, and of nine non-atopic patients with crytogenic (intrinsic) asthm ...1979117951
[results of identifying ornithosis strains isolated in tajikistan (author's transl)].studies were carried out aimed at isolation of the causative agent of ornithosis from the organs of pigeons and budgerigars. the present study was based on the results of a serological survey which had revealed a high rate of infection with ornithosis in pigeons as well as a case of ornithosis in an owner of budgerigars. the isolates were identified, their pathogenicity for some animal species was determined; morphological studies were carried out in cell culture; antigens and immune sera were p ...1975128906
psittacine herpesvirus infection resembling pacheco's parrot disease.herpesvirus was detected by electron microscopy in hepatocytes of psittacine birds that died at a florida aviary. the virus was identified in hepatocytes of chick embryos and budgerigars that were given injections of liver suspensions from naturally infected psittacines. infected hepatocytes had prominent intranuclear inclusions that contained naked nucleocapsids. both naked and enveloped virions were seen in the cytoplasm of hepatocytes, and enveloped nucleocapsids occasionally were seen in the ...1975163868
ultrastructure of the budgerigar testis during a photoperiodically induced cycle.spermatogenesis in the budgerigar can be arrested by reducing the birds' photoperiod to 8 hours of daylight or less. when this occurs, sertoli cell cytoplasm shows a great increase in the size and number of residual bodies, while the smooth endoplasmic reticulum is reduced. if the bird is kept at 8 hours of daylight for some weeks large lipid droplets are seen in sertoli cytoplasm, and degenerated spermatids are apparently phagocytosed. the interstitium shows fewer active leydig cells, a paucity ...1975167976
pacheco's parrot disease of psittacine birds.pacheco's parrot disease was identified as the cause of death of 3 psittacine birds at an aviary. confirming a previous report, a herpesvirus was found to be the etiologic agent. the virus induced mortality in embryonated chicken eggs and budgerigars. the virus was characterized by electron microscopy, filtration experiments, and ether-sensitivity. hepatic lesions in chick embryos and budgerigars were similar by light- and electron-microscope studies. naked and enveloped nucleocapsids were seen ...1977194568
false positive complement fixation tests with respiratory virus preparations in bird fanciers with allergic alveolitis.false positive raised complement fixation titres to egg-grown virus preparations were found in six pigeon fanciers suffering from extrinsic allergic alveolitis but not in six similar budgerigar fanciers. the raised titres in the pigeon fanciers fell fourfold over a short interval in the absence of avian exposure and were attributable to antibodies directed against antigens from hen's egg in which the test virus preparations were grown. such antigens were shown to be present in the virus preparat ...1977202037
two respiratory patterns in the budgerigar during flight at different ambient temperatures. 1975240572
isolation and growth characteristics of psittacine viruses in chicken embryos.eight viruses were isolated in embryonating eggs, from psittacine birds comprising a cockatiel, a budgerigar, 3 parrots, a love bird, and 2 rosellas. initial attempts at isolation used 3 routes of embryo inoculation: yolk sac, allantoic sac, and chorioallantoic membrane (cam). the most sensitive route was determined for 6 of the isolates by making comparative titrations by yolk sac, allantoic sac, and cam routes of inoculation. in growth-curve studies of 6 of the isolates, virus concentration wa ...1979485999
characterization of paramyxo-, herpes-, and orbiviruses isolated from psittacine birds.isolates of paramyxo-, herpes-, and orbiviruses from psittacine birds were characterized in the course of studies in cell cultures. the lbd-1 isolate, from a lovebird, was grown in chick kidney (ck) cells. it had the properties of a paramyxovirus but was found tobe serologically distinct from known avian paramyxoviruses. this virus was pathogenic for japanese quail but not for young chickens or budgerigars. rsl-1 and -2, isolated from diseased rosellas, were propagated in chicken embryo fibrobla ...1979486000
isolation of influenza a virus from budgerigars and its serological characterization.a hemagglutinating agent was isolated from the respiratory organs of budgerigars suffering from diarrhea and malnutrition. this agent, possessing neuraminidase activity, was identified as influenza a virus by the double immunodiffusion test. the results of hemagglutination and neuraminidase-inhibition tests with monospecific antisera to the isolated surface antigens showed that the isolates possessed hav4 hemagglutinin and nav1 neuraminidase subunits both of which were closely related to the cor ...1979502902
budgerigar-fancier's lung: the commonest variety of allergic alveolitis in britain.a questionnaire survey of 1005 consecutive attenders at four outpatient clinics yielded 117 (12%) budgerigar fanciers (exposed to budgerigars- known in north america as parakeets-for at least three months) and 296 (29%) former fanciers. twnety had precipitins to budgerigar serum or droppings or both, and 10 of these together with 39 precipitin-negative patients reported undue breathlessness on exertion during exposure to buderigars. these 59 patients were investigated further, seven completing a ...1978566603
oral xanthoma in a budgerigar, melopsittacus undulatus. (a case report). 1977584603
interactions between viscerotropic velogenic newcastle diseases virus and pet birds of six species. i. clinical and serologic responses, and viral excretion.clinical and serologic responses to a psittacine isolate of viscerotropic velogenic newcastle disease virus (vvndv) were evaluated in pet birds of six species: budgerigar, yellow-headed amazon parrot, halfmoon conure, lesser hill mynah, black-headed nun, canary. the clinical response was most marked in the budgerigars, parrots, and conures, and only minimal in the nuns. between post-exposure days (ped) 3 and 5 some birds developed ruffled plumage, conjunctivitis, and central nervous system dysfu ...1977606222
interactions between viscerotropic velogenic newcastle disease virus and pet birds of six species. ii. viral evolution through bird passage.following in vivo studies in pet birds of 6 species, 279 newcastle disease virus (ndv) reisolates were selected for characterization by the embryonated-chicken-egg mean-death-time, plaque-assay, hemagglutination-elution, and hemagglutinin-thermostability techniques. initially, the 279 isolates were screened by the mean-death-time and plaque-assay techniques, and 5 sequential isolates were chosen for each of 3 budgerigars and 2 parrots for characterization by the other 2 in vitro assays to determ ...1977606223
isolation of a new avian paramyxovirus from budgerigar (melopsittacus undulatus).in 1974 an epizootic occurred among budgerigar flocks in kunitachi, tokyo, and a causative agent which possessed haemagglutinating, neuraminidase, and haemolytic activities was isolated from the lung of a dead budgerigar. this agent was 100 to 300 nm in diamter and pleomorphic. the width of the ribonucleo-protein was estimated to be about 20 nm. these results indicated that the virus, designated kunitachi virus, was a member of the paramyxovirus group. the virus contained in the amniotic fluid f ...1978627875
epizootiologic aspects of viscerotropic velogenic newcastle disease in six pet bird birds of 6 species were exposed to a psittacine isolate to viscerotropic velogenic newcastle disease (vvnd) virus to evaluate the impact of vvnd in those species. species examined were the budgerigar, yellow-headed amazon parrot, canary, halfmoon conure, lesser hill mynah, and blackheaded nun. five of the 6 species were highly susceptible to infection with vvnd virus. canaries were relatively refractory to infection with the virus. contact birds of the same species developed infections almos ...1978629430
[the allergic alveolitis of budgerigar fanciers. unusual increase of incidence during recent years]. 1978663585
frequency selectivity in the parakeet (melopsittacus undulatus) studied with psychophysical tuning parakeets were trained to avoid shock during pure-tone stimulation. a modified method of limits was used to measure detection thresholds of the pure tones. the intensity of masker tones, at numerous frequencies, was varied in order to measure the masked threshold of a probe-tone signal set at a fixed frequency and intensity. masking curves were obtained for three probe tones (.63, 1.6, and 2.5 khz) at each of five sensation levels (10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 db). the masking curves from this p ...1978681561
mycobacterium avium associated with chronic pulmonary disease in a queensland resident.bacteriological investigation over an 11-year period has implicated mycobacterium avium ser i as the most probable cause of chronic pulmonary disease in a resident of south-eastern queensland. although the patient had contact with domestic fowls and a pet budgerigar, the source of the organism is uncertain.1978683698
auditory duration discrimination in the parakeet (melopsittacus undulatus).two parakeets were trained by a method of avoidance conditioning to respond to duration differences in successively occurring tone bursts. difference limens for duration were obtained at six durations (20-160 ms) of a 2.86-khz tone presented at a sensation level of 60 db. calculations of the weber fractions at each duration showed threshold values which compare favorably to similar measures for man ranging between 0.10 and 0.20.1978690338
frequency selectivity in the parakeet (melopsittacus undulatus) studied with narrow-band noise masking.narrow-band noise masking was studied in the parakeet (melopsittacus undulatus) using a modified method of limits and an instrumental avoidance-conditioning procedure. masked thresholds were obtained from five subjects at 10 frequencies between 0.5 and 5.0 khz for each of four sensation levels (26, 46, 66, and 86 db) of a 1/3-octave band noise masker centered at 1.6 khz. the amount of masking was found to be linearly related to noise level, and the shape of the masking curve was symmetrical on b ...1978715471
crop lithiasis in a budgerigar. 1978743061
[synthesis of indolamines in the pineal organ of birds: radioautographic study in the parrot (melopsittacus undulatus shaw)]. 1975806380
avian erythrocyte agglutination tests with the sera of bird fanciers.the agglutination of avian red cells, particularly pigeon and budgerigar cells, by sera from patients who had been exposed to birds and had respiratory symptoms, as well as from healthy bird fanciers, has been used to detect the presence of avian specific antibody. agglutination tests performed by standard techniques using bird erythrocytes can be read within 45 minutes. one hundred and sixty-five sera were tested, and the 44 which were precipitin positive gave a positive agglutination test with ...1977838868
saffan (ct 1341) as an anaesthetic agent for the budgerigar melopsittacus undulatus. 1977886836
endocarditis as a manifestation of chlamydia b infection (psittacosis).a case of chlamydia b (psittacosis) endocarditis is described in a patient with no known previous valve disease. after mitral valve replacement a fall in chlamydia b antibody titre occurred. at repeat mitral valve replacement five months later for a paravalve leak no evidence of continuing endocarditis was present. direct confirmation of infection in the patient's apparently healthy budgerigar was obtained. aspects of the pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment are discussed.1977901690
isolation of adenoviruses and reoviruses from avian species other than domestic fowl.adenoviruses and reoviruses were isolated from pigeons and mallard ducks. in addition, adenoviruses were isolated from budgerigars and a bantam and a reovirus was isolated from a turkey. primary identification of these viruses was by electron-microscope examination. it was further possible to assign the 4 adenoviruses to recognized fowl serotypes, and the reoviruses shared a common antigen with fowl reoviruses. these viruses were isolated from a variety of clinical conditions.1976962759
familial hypersensitivity pneumonitis.two families are described in which seven members of a total of 19 were found to have hypersensitivity pneumonitis due to exposure to avian antigens. diagnosis was made on the basis of characteristic roentgenologic changes together with respiratory function and immunologic studies. the latter included screening for precipitins, macrophage migration inhibition (mmi) to specific antigens in avian serum and droppings, quantitation of immunoglobulin and alpha1 antitrypsin (aat) levels and assessment ...19751080953
hearing in the parakeet (melopsittacus undulatus): absolute thresholds, critical ratios, frequency difference limens, and vocalizations.avoidance conditioning and the method of limits were used to measure absolute auditory thresholds, masked thresholds, and critical ratios in 4 parakeets. the same procedure was then used to study frequency difference limens in 6 additional animals. the power spectrum and "constancy of intonation" of the parakeet call were also measured and related to the absolute and differential frequency sensitivity. the mechanism of frequency analysis in the parakeet ear was considered in relation to the pres ...19751120787
the differentiation of the acrosome in the spermatid of the budgerigar (melopsittacus undulatus).the development of the acrosome of the budgerigar spermatid was studied under the electronmicroscope. the acrosome arises from a granule derived from the golgi apparatus which interacts with the nucleus to form a cone shaped acrosomal cap and a perforatorium. a quanity of cytoplasm and plasma membrane is captured from the cell periphery and incorporated into the substance of the acrosome. the possible significance of the developmental phases and comparative avian spermatology is discussed.19751122529
auditory intensity discrimination in the parakeet (melopsittacus undulatus). 19751206164
an oestrogen-mediated effect of photoperiod on the reproductive behaviour of the budgerigar. 19751206655
the budgerigar (melopsittacus undulatus) as endocrinological test model. thyroxine transport in comparing in-vivo and in-vitro investigations the transport protein of thyroxine in the budgerigar (melopsittacus undulatus) was determined. electrophoretic and auto-radiographic methods were applied. both investigations show the alpha-globulin to be a thyroxine-binding protein. the contradictions to other investigators are discussed. the experimental animal as an endocrinological model of the thyroid for questions of human medicine is recommended.19751227830
[allergies to animal hair in diseases of the upper respiratory tract (author's transl)].among 214 patients diagnosed in 1972 as being allergic to animal hair, 79 (48 women) were re-examined later. in almost all cases with a positive personal (33) or family history (26) of allergy there was a particularly rapid sensitization. the largest proportion of pathogenic allergens was from guinea pigs (39), cats (17), golden hamsters (11), rabbits (6), horses, dogs and budgerigars (2 each). 14 patients reacted to the main antigen alone in prick or intracutaneous tests, while in all other cas ...19751238245
hypersensitive lung disease due to avian antigens.five patients, three exposed to budgerigars (parakeets) and two to chickens, had immunological lung reactions. a type iii hypersensitivity response likely accounts for the pulmonary alteration. the inflammatory exudate accumulates within the alveolar walls and adjacent lobular septa. radiologically, this is manifested as reticular linear densities and/or multiple small nodules, the interstitial pattern. with spillage into the distal air spaces, an acinar pattern emerges. as this disease is rever ...19751239788
[budgerigar breeder's disease--a case report]. 19751241052
catarrhal proventriculitis associated with a filamentous organism in pet birds.catarrhal proventriculitis due to infection by an unidentified organism was diagnosed in 79 of 534 pet birds examined histologically. it was more prevalent in domestic birds (70 cases) than in imported ones (9 cases). a high incidence of the disease was encountered in budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus) and it was occasionally found in finches (poephila gouldiae gouldiae), parakeets (psittacula krameri manillensis), amazona parrots (amazona aestiva aestiva) and cockatiels (nymphicus hollandicu ...19921297007
histopathological survey of protozoa, helminths and acarids of imported and local psittacine and passerine birds in japan.a total of 534 psittacine and passerine birds consisting of 241 imported and 293 local birds were examined histologically. as a result, the following parasites were found: giardia (86 cases), knemido-coptes (26 cases), coccidia (10 cases), ascaridia (6 cases), cryptosporidium (5 cases), sarcocystis (5 cases), tapeworm (4 cases), microfilaria (2 cases), hexamita (1 case), and spiroptera (1 case). high incidences of giardiasis and knemido-coptic infestation were detected in the local birds, but ra ...19921297009
effects of yohimbine as a reversing agent for ketamine-xylazine anesthesia in budgerigars.fourteen adult budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus) were anesthetized with a combination of ketamine hydrochloride (40 mg/kg) and xylazine hydrochloride (10 mg/kg) intramuscularly. forty-five minutes after ketamine-xylazine injection, one of four yohimbine hydrochloride doses (0.0, 0.11, 0.275, or 0.44 mg/kg, im) was administered in a 0.7% saline vehicle. latencies were recorded in minutes from yohimbine injection until subjects' behavior indicated three different points of recovery: 1) lifting ...19921316510
phosphorylation of the budgerigar fledgling disease virus major capsid protein vp1.the structural proteins of the budgerigar fledgling disease virus, the first known nonmammalian polyomavirus, were analyzed by isoelectric focusing and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (sds-page). the major capsid protein vp1 was found to be composed of at least five distinct species having isoelectric points ranging from ph 6.45 to 5.85. by analogy with the murine polyomavirus, these species apparently result from different modifications of an initial translation produc ...19921318417
perception of conspecific faces by budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus): i. natural faces.perception of faces by 4 budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus), a species of small parrot, was studied with a same-different discrimination task. reaction times were taken as a measure of the similarity between pairs of faces and analyzed with multidimensional scaling to reveal patterns of similarity among the faces. the perception of natural faces was tested to determine which characteristics were perceptually salient. color, patterns of markings, darkness of the iris, and size of the pupil cor ...19921395490
production and characterization of monoclonal antibodies to budgerigar fledgling disease virus major capsid protein vp.eleven hybridoma cell lines producing monoclonal antibodies (mabs) against intact budgerigar fledgling disease (bfd) virions were produced and characterized. these antibodies were selected for their ability to react with bfd virions in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. each of these antibodies was reactive in the immunofluorescent detection of bfd virus-infected cells. these antibodies immunoprecipitated intact virions and specifically recognized the major capsid protein, vp1, of the dissoci ...19921417586
budgerigar fledgling disease (papovavirus) in pet birds. 19921457550
[comparison of vulnerability between avian and mammalian inner ears--electrophysiological and morphological studies].in order to assess the vulnerability of the inner ear, auditory function and morphology of the inner ear were compared between adult budgerigars and adult guinea pigs. budgerigars have been considered to have an excellent auditory-vocal system. two experimental conditions were produced in each species; one by acoustic hyperstimulation (1500 hz, 120 dbspl) for 96 hours, the other by administration of kanamycin (200 mg/kg) for 7 weeks. measurement of auditory evoked potentials (aep) and observatio ...19921491279
auditory perception of conspecific and heterospecific vocalizations in birds: evidence for special processes.budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus), canaries (serinus canaria), and zebra finches (poephila guttata castanotis) were tested for their ability to discriminate among distance calls of each species. for comparison, starlings (sturnus vulgaris) were tested on the same sounds. response latencies to detect a change in a repeating background of sound were taken as a measure of the perceptual similarity among calls. all 4 species showed clear evidence of 3 perceptual categories corresponding to the c ...19921555398
hair cell regeneration in the adult budgerigar after kanamycin budgerigars were given kanamycin at a dose of 200 mg/kg/day for 10 successive days. at 1, 7, 14 and 28 days after the drug treatment, the cochleae of the birds were processed for scanning electron microscopy (sem). complete degeneration of sensory hair cells was observed in the basal 55-75% of the basilar papilla immediately after the treatment. regenerating hair cells, characterized by clusters of microvilli and small apical surfaces, were present in the basal end of the papilla as early ...19921629046
polymerase chain reaction assay for avian polyomavirus.a polymerase chain reaction assay was developed for detection of budgerigar fledgling disease virus (bfdv). the assay used a single set of primers complementary to sequences located in the putative coding region for the bfdv vp1 gene. the observed amplification product had the expected size of 550 bp and was confirmed to derive from bfdv dna by its restriction digestion pattern. this assay was specific for bfdv and highly sensitive, being able to detect as few as 20 copies of the virus. by using ...19911647403
purification and characterization of peroxisomal apo and holo alanine:glyoxylate aminotransferase from bird liver.alanine:glyoxylate aminotransferase has been reported to be present as the apo enzyme in the peroxisomes and as the holo enzyme in the mitochondria in chick (white leghorn) embryonic liver. however, surprisingly, birds were found to be classified into two groups on the basis of intraperoxisomal forms of liver alanine:glyoxylate aminotransferase. in the peroxisomes, the enzyme was present as the holo form in group 1 (pigeon, sparrow, java sparrow, australian budgerigar, canary, goose, and duck), ...19911654790
nuclear localization of budgerigar fledgling disease virus capsid protein vp2 is conferred by residues 308-317.the capsid protein vp2 of budgerigar fledgling disease virus (bfdv) contains two sequences (residues 309-315 and 334-340) which are homologous to the prototypic nuclear localization sequence (nls) of the simian virus 40 t-antigen. using recombinant potential nls-beta-galactosidase fusion proteins we identified amino acid residues 308-317 (vpkrkrklpt) to be the nls of bfdv capsid proteins vp2 and vp3. microfluorometry studies show that the bfdv-vp2 signal is considerably more efficient in nuclear ...19911657638
trap perches to assess the activity of pyrethrins against the poultry red mite dermanyssus gallinae in cage birds.trap perches were utilised to quantify mite recoveries during efficacy tests of pyrethrin formulations against experimental infestations of dermanyssus gallinae (de geer, 1778) in budgerigars and pigeons, and to monitor mite recoveries from untreated canaries. pyrethrins applied topically before infestation significantly reduced the mean numbers of poultry red mites found in both budgerigar and pigeon trap perches, over those in untreated controls (p = less than 0.01). in untreated control budge ...19911748030
regeneration of lateral line and inner ear vestibular cells.labelling experiments with [3h]thymidine demonstrate a continuous production of cells in the mechanoreceptive lateral line organs of the eel (anguilla anguilla) and butterfly fish (pantodon buchholzi) as well as in the electroreceptive ampullary organ of the transparent catfish (kryptopterus bicirrhus). shortly after [3h]thymidine injection many cells are labelled in the middle and basal parts of the sensory organ and after a few days' survival sensory cells are also labelled. the vestibular sen ...19911752161
[isolation and identification of chlamydia spp. from effusion of otitis media].three chlamydial strains isolated from patients of otitis media with effusion were studied by comparing reactivity to monoclonal antibody (mab) and polyclonal antibody (pab) produced against one clinical isolate (named mk), which was first isolated by dr mukai (mukai microbiological research laboratory, yamato-shi, kanagawa prefecture). commercially supplied antibody (microtrak (syva), culture-set (ortho diagnostic system)) was also used. to isolate the chlamydia spp, the yolk sacs of eggs were ...19911783812
mycoplasma gallisepticum as a model to assess efficacy of inhalant therapy in budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus).one hundred budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus) were infected in the nares (0.02 ml/naris), eye (0.02 ml/eye), and throat (0.2 ml) with mycoplasma gallisepticum (mg) r strain (3.175 x 10(7) colony-forming units/ml). fifty birds were treated with sterile broth and served as the controls; 25 of those were exposed to an inhalant, and the others were not treated. infected birds were divided into four groups; 1) no treatment, 2) penicillin in drinking water, 3) inhalant, 4) both penicillin and inha ...19911786013
malignant melanoma in a budgerigar (melopsittacus undulatus).a 3-year-old male budgerigar was presented for weakness. a 0.5-cm mass was located in the left patagium. histologically, the mass was diagnosed as a malignant melanoma, previously unreported in budgerigars.19911786031
[the occurrence of cryptococcus neoformans in fecal samples from birds kept in human living areas].with help of guizotia creatinine agar (syn. bird seed agar) cryptococcus (cr.) neoformans var. neoformans was isolated from 71 (7.7%) of 925 investigated droppings of birds kept within human living area. cr. neoformans was detected in droppings of 1.2% from 164 psittacines, in droppings of 1.7% from 118 budgerigars and in droppings of 18.4% from (carrier) pigeons. this yeast was not isolated from droppings of 13 small parrots, 10 eclectus parrots, 13 rosellas, 21 cockatiels, 6 polytelidus sp., 3 ...19911786044
[the occurrence of conjunctivitis of unknown etiology in budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus, shaw 1805)].the present paper describes a previously unrecorded conjunctivitis of unknown etiology in the budgerigar. clinical observation reveals close parallels with "cockatiel conjunctivitis". this disease of the cockatiel is often associated with respiratory symptoms. clinical and pathological features, as well as therapy of the disease are discussed.19911796469
antigenic analysis of avian chlamydia psittaci using monoclonal antibodies to the major outer membrane protein.monoclonal antibodies to the major outer membrane protein (momp) of chlamydia psittaci derived from a parrot were established for antigenic analysis of avian c. psittaci. with 17 monoclonal antibodies to momp, 17 reactivity patterns were identified on 112 strains of c. psittaci, c. pneumoniae and c. trachomatis, which were isolated from birds, mammals and humans in japan, u.s.a., canada and taiwan, from 1938 to 1987. immunological reactivity of budgerigar-derived strains to the monoclonal antibo ...19911832026
sound localization in small birds: absolute localization in azimuth.nine small birds of 3 species (melopsittacus undulatus, serinus canarius, and poephila guttata) were trained in an operant procedure to fly to sound sources for food reward. the angle between the 2 sound sources was varied on a session-by-session basis, and threshold (i.e., minimum resolvable angle) was taken as the angle that corresponded to a performance level of 75% correct. in all, thresholds were calculated for pure tones of 5 different frequencies, noise bands of 3 different spectral compo ...19911860306
[familial outbreak of psittacosis].three familial cases of psittacosis are reported. the first case was a 46-year-old woman, the second case, her 18-year-old daughter. both of them often visited the house of the third case, a 49-year-old women, who was the elder sister of case 1 and who took care of the chick of a budgerigar which she kept in the house. case 1 came to our hospital with abrupt onset of fever, headache, nausea and general malaise. because she was suspected to have meningitis, she was admitted to the department of n ...19911886299
leucocytozoon-like infection in parakeets, budgerigars and a common buzzard.the gross and histological lesions of a protozoan infection, possibly caused by leucocytozoon, in parakeets (genera neophema and cyanoramphus), budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus) and a wild buzzard (buteo buteo) are described. the infection appears not to have been identified before in budgerigars in great britain, and in its chronic form resulted in vomiting and wasting. the possible identity of the parasite and the epidemiological factors are considered.19911926686
the nutrition of the budgerigar (melopsittacus undulatus).growing interest in the nutrition of the budgerigar (melopsittacus undulatus) has highlighted the paucity of knowledge in this area. the aims of this study were to review the available literature on their individual nutrient requirements and relate this to the nutrient content of their predominantly seed-based diet and to investigate the effect of the bird's daily energy requirement on the fluctuations in body weight. studies were conducted at the waltham centre to measure the relationship betwe ...19911941225
calcium transport activities of plasma membranes isolated from the livers of various animal species.1. plasma membranes of comparable yield and purity were isolated from the livers of various animal species belonging to phylogenetic groups from amphibia to mammalia. 2. calcium transport activity was observed in all liver plasma membranes examined. 3. no phylogenetic pattern of expression of the liver plasma membrane calcium transport system was observed, with the order of activity being: guinea pig greater than rabbit greater than frog greater than chicken = hamster greater than rat = budgerig ...19901978814
perception of distance calls by budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus) and zebra finches (poephila guttata): assessing species-specific advantages.budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus) and zebra finches (poephila guttata) share a common functional class of vocalizations called distance calls. the perception of species-specific distance calls by both species was measured with a habituation-dishabituation operant paradigm. changes in discrimination performance were noted as listening conditions were modified or stimulus properties were altered. both species showed better performance for calls of their own species. for zebra finches this tend ...19912032457
detection of auditory sinusoids of fixed and uncertain frequency by budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus) and zebra finches (poephila guttata).three budgerigars and three zebra finches were tested for their ability to detect sinusoidal stimuli in the presence of broadband noise. masked thresholds for 1, 2, and 4 khz pure tones were measured with a fixed frequency condition, in which only one test frequency was presented in a session, and with an uncertain frequency condition, in which three signal frequencies were presented in random order in one session. the critical signal/noise ratios obtained in the fixed frequency condition were s ...19902076970
detection of gaps in noise by budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus) and zebra finches (poephila guttata).temporal gap detection thresholds were obtained for two species of birds, budgerigars and zebra finches, which are known to have different auditory filter bandwidths. both species showed gap detection thresholds of about 2.5 msec for broadband noise stimuli. comparing octave bands of noise centered at 1, 3, and 5 khz, zebra finches showed the smallest gap thresholds for the noise band centered at 5 khz whereas budgerigars showed the smallest gap detection thresholds for the noise band centered a ...19902076971
pathology of experimental sarcocystis falcatula infections of canaries (serinus canarius) and pigeons (columba livia).sarcocystis falcatula is an apicomplexan parasite with a broad range of avian intermediate hosts. the pathology and pathogenesis of infection with this parasite has been studied experimentally in the budgerigar (melopsittacus undulatus). the present study quantitatively examines the pathology of this parasite in canaries (serinus canarius) and pigeons (columba livia) and compares it with that found in budgerigars. the general progression of merogony and cyst formation is similar qualitatively to ...19902105389
naturally occurring apicomplexan acute interstitial pneumonitis in thick-billed parrots (rhynchopsitta pachyrhyncha).this report describes acute interstitial pneumonitis due to an apicomplexan parasite with schizogony in endothelial cells of pulmonary vessels accompanied by early and metrocyte stages of sarcocysts in the heart of a thick-billed parrot (rhynchopsitta pachyrhyncha). the pattern of this disease is similar to that of the acute phase (approximately 10-15 days postinoculation) of experimental infections of budgerigars, melopsittacus undulatus, with high doses of sporocysts of sarcocystis falcatula.19902108237
investigation of central auditory nuclei in the budgerigar with cytochrome oxidase histochemistry.cytochrome oxidase (co) histochemistry was used to study the organization of central auditory structures in the budgerigar (melopsittacus undulatus). in contrast to prior studies in birds showing that acetylcholinesterase staining is most intense within hindbrain auditory structures co staining was prominent at all levels of the auditory pathway including the thalamus (i.e. nucleus ovoidalis) and primary telencephalic auditory area (field 'l'). furthermore, co staining clearly distinguishes the ...19902159823
cellular basis of an avian countercurrent multiplier system.a kidney from the budgerigar (budgie, parakeet; melopsittacus undulatus) is composed of cortical reptilian-type nephrons (without loops of henle) and mammalian-type nephrons (with loops) grouped together in medullary cones. the loop of the mammalian-type nephrons has a descending segment composed of thin and highly interdigitated cells. these thin limb cells have few mitochondria (15% of cell volume), undetectable na+,k(+)-atpase activity, and virtually no basolateral surface amplification. prio ...19902174084
[two cases of budgerigar breeder's lung].we report 2 patients with bird breeder's lung associated with keeping budgerigars. patient 1 kept a budgerigar indoors for 13 years. histological examination revealed fibrosis and granulomatous changes in the alveolar septa. among t lymphocyte subsets in balf, helper t cell were increased. in the serum, precipitating antibodies to budgerigar dropping extract were observed. patient 2 had kept budgerigar for 7 months. histologically, alveolitis was the primary finding, and suppressor t cell in the ...19902214418
characterization of a gram-positive bacterium from the proventriculus of budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus).the cellular, cultural, and biochemical characteristics of eight isolates of a large gram-positive bacillus that are commonly observed as apparently normal flora in the proventriculus of budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus) were determined. the bacterium was highly pleomorphic and changed markedly in both diameter and length when subcultured on agar media. the bacterium was facultative anaerobic and capnophilic, hemolytic on blood agar, and formed flat colonies with irregular edges after incuba ...19902241708
comparative cell kinetics of avian growth data on the cell kinetics of the cartilage growth plates in the chicken, budgerigar and rhea derived from studies with tritiated thymidine labelling are given. quantitative histological measurements on growth plates from leg bones (tibiotarsus, tarsometatarsus and a phalangeal bone) in a further five species of birds are presented. counts of flat cells and measurements of the average diameter of hypertrophic cells were made for each growth plate. these data are compared with values for the o ...19902267417
[spinocellular epithelioma of the skin: etiology of the eczema syndrome in budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus) and lovebirds (agapornis sp.)].squamous cell carcinoma in the axilla, unilaterally as well as bilaterally, is described pathologically in three love-birds and two budgerigars. the deep, hemorrhagic ulceration with secondary bacterial and/or mycotic infection corresponds to the "ema-syndrome".19902270455
speech perception by budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus): spoken vowels.discrimination of natural, sustained vowels was studied in 5 budgerigars. the birds were trained using operant conditioning procedures on a same-different task, which was structured so that response latencies would provide a measure of stimulus similarity. these response latencies were used to construct similarity matrices, which were then analyzed by multidimensional scaling (mds) procedures. mds produced spatial maps of these speech sounds where perceptual similarity was represented by spatial ...19902367177
[behavior of pet animals].severe mistakes in pet keeping are often the result of ignorance. many animals suffer from the care of their owners. industry provides food in the proper composition, but the importance of the cage's interior, its size and the number of animals of the same species kept in it is often neglected. the key to a better understanding of pets is the knowledge of the ecological environment of their species. fish, amphibia and reptiles are capable of simple acts of learning, but their potential of adapta ...19902387228
immunoglobulin e antibodies against budgerigar and canary 212 sera from budgerigar and canary fanciers with symptoms of rhinitis and/or bronchial asthma, ige antibodies against budgerigar feathers (budf) or canary feathers (canf) were determined. in 25 of 98 canf-specific ige antibody measurements, and in 28 of 154 budf-specific ige antibody measurements, a significant (6% or more binding of 125i-anti-ige) level of specific ige was found. in 3 sera with the highest levels of canf- or budf-specific ige, ige antibodies against sera from both birds wer ...19852410373
[a comparative intradermal test using intestinal extracts and serum of pigeons, chickens and budgerigars in patients with exogenous allergic alveolitis and in control persons].to compare two different sources of bird-antigens (intestinal extracts versus serum dilutions) we performed intracutaneous tests in 79 birdkeepers (34 pigeon-, 20 hen- and 25 budgerigar-keepers) and in nonexposed control persons. the bird-exposed persons were divided into 3 groups: 1. seropositive patients with extrinsic allergic alveolitis (eaa), 2. seropositive persons without any signs of eaa (sensitized asymptomatics), and 3. exposed seronegative healthy persons. the results of the investiga ...19872440192
nasal allergy to avian antigens.this study describes the case of a patient who developed symptoms of rhinoconjunctivitis on exposure to budgerigars and parrots. an ige-mediated allergy to budgerigar, parrot and pigeon antigens was demonstrated using both in-vivo challenge tests (skin and nasal provocation tests) and in-vitro investigations (radio-allergo-sorbent test, histamine release test). the study shows that the development of nasal disease can be associated with allergy to avian antigens.19872449301
pathogenesis of sarcocystis falcatula (apicomplexa: sarcocystidae) in the budgerigar (melopsittacus undulatus). iii. pathologic and quantitative parasitologic analysis of extrapulmonary disease.forty-four budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus) were administered sporocysts of sarcocystis falcatula orally and were examined at necropsy intervals from less than 12 hr to 168 days. tissue were examined by touch preparations (of organ cut surfaces), light microscopy, and electron microscopy. meront and cyst burdens were determined in various organs and correlated with duration of infection, inoculum, and the meront or cyst burdens of other organs. host inflammatory tissue reactions were quanti ...19892494317
pathogenesis of sarcocystis falcatula (apicomplexa: sarcocystidae) in the budgerigar (melopsittacus undulatus). iv. ultrastructure of developing, mature and degenerating sarcocysts.sarcocysts in cardiac and skeletal muscles of budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus) were examined transmission electron microscopically 5 to 168 days after experimental infection with sarcocystis falcatula. the ultrastructure of the primary cyst wall, amorphous substance, metrocytes and bradyzoites in developing, degenerating and mature sarcocysts is described and compared with precystic merozoites studied previously. sufficient morphologic differences between precystic merozoites, metrocytes an ...19892504912
myristoylation of budgerigar fledgling disease virus capsid protein vp2.we present evidence that the structural protein vp2 of budgerigar fledgling disease virus, an avian polyomavirus, is specifically modified by covalent attachment of myristic acid. the fatty acid linkage is insensitive to hydroxylamine treatment and thus represents the amide type of fatty acylation of proteins.19892535744
polyomavirus infection in budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus): clinical and aetiological order to get insight into the aetiology of french moult (fm) and budgerigar fledgling disease (bfd), and to determine relationships between the two diseases, 298 budgerigars from 49 different breeding flocks were examined. from all birds with bfd and from several birds with fm, viruses were isolated which produced characteristic cytopathic changes in chicken embryo fibroblasts. they were insensitive to chloroform treatment, and their replication was inhibited in the presence of 5-iododeoxyuri ...19892552708
antigenic analysis of h4 influenza virus isolates using monoclonal antibodies to defined antigenic sites on the hemagglutinin of a/budgerigar/hokkaido/1/77 strain.three non-overlapping antigenic sites were defined on the hemagglutinin of avian influenza virus a/budgerigar/hokkaido/1/77 (h4n6) by competitive binding assay of monoclonal antibodies to the virus and comparative antigenic analysis of variants selected with monoclonal antibodies. antigenic relationship among 25 h4 influenza viruses of different bird origin was examined by elisa with the monoclonal antibodies to each of defined antigenic sites. two of the three antigenic sites contained epitopes ...19852581528
[inventory of the shedding of chlamydia psittaci by parakeets in the utrecht area using elisa].using a chlamydia-elisa test to detect the agent in cloacal swabs in budgerigars and other parakeets, the following findings may be summarised: --10/25 breeders of budgerigars (40 per cent) housed birds shedding the agent, involving ten per cent of all birds tested, average shedding being 28 per cent in positive lofts. --4/15 pet shops (27 per cent) were found to have positive birds on sale, at least three per cent of all tested birds being shedders, the proportion of shedders averaging nine per ...19892617495
diarrhea associated with small-intestinal cryptosporidiosis in a budgerigar and in a cockatiel.small-intestinal cryptosporidiosis has not been described in budgerigars or cockatiels. organisms of the genus cryptosporidium were found during histologic examination of segments of small intestine from a budgerigar with chronic weight loss and from a cockatiel that died acutely. parasitism was accompanied by non-purulent inflammation (lymphocytes and plasma cells predominated). bacterial and viral pathogens were not isolated. the death of the budgerigar was attributed to malassimilation interp ...19892619673
sleep patterns in the parakeet melopsittacus undulatus.electrophysiological and behavioral studies of vigilance states were performed on adult specimens of the parakeet melopsittacus undulatus. four states of vigilance were identified: wakefulness, drownsiness, slow wave sleep and paradoxical sleep. during wakefulness, a low voltage fast eeg pattern was observed. this pattern was progressively increasing in amplitude and decreasing in frequency when passing from drowsiness to slow wave sleep. sleep spindles were not present. slow wave sleep was freq ...19892628990
[successful treatment of a patient with fulminant psittacosis].a previously healthy 40-year-old woman was admitted with severe dyspnea, cough and slight fever. chest x-ray film revealed bilateral widespread opaque infiltration with ground glass shadows around it. the laboratory examination showed moderate hepatic and muscular injury with disseminated intravascular coagulation. in addition her arterial blood gas showed severe hypoxemia (pao2: 25 torr under room air). moreover, about 1 week prior to admission, 2 baby budgerigars she had been raising for half ...19892693784
speech perception by budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus): the voiced-voiceless distinction.discrimination of synthetic speech sounds from the bilabial, alveolar, and velar voice onset time (vot) series was studied in 5 budgerigars. the birds were trained, using operant conditioning procedures, to detect changes in a repeating background of sound consisting of a synthetic speech token. response latencies for detection were measured and were used to construct similarity matrices. multidimensional scaling procedures were then used to produce spatial maps of these speech sounds, in which ...19892755763
serological evaluation of some psittaciformes for budgerigar fledgling disease virus.breeding psittaciform birds (psittacines) from three geographically separated aviaries experiencing fledgling mortality were monitored during 1983 and 1984 for specific serum antibody to budgerigar fledgling disease virus (bfdv) using a fluorescent-antibody virus-neutralization test. neither the time nor the extent of exposure to the virus was known. serological titers were positive in 45% of birds sampled from aviary 1, 25% from aviary 2, and 11% from aviary 3. several species of psittacine bir ...19872823781
the genome of budgerigar fledgling disease virus, an avian polyomavirus.budgerigar fledgling disease virus (bfdv) represents the first avian member of the polyomavirus family. in contrast to mammalian polyomaviruses bfdv exhibits unique biological properties, in particular it is able to cause an acute disease with distinct organ manifestations in affected birds. here we present the complete nucleotide sequence of the bfdv genome, consisting of 4980 bp. when compared to published nucleotide sequences of other polyomaviruses, the bfdv genome exposes a number of very s ...19882838972
the activity of hepatic gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase in various animal species.the activity of gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase was determined in liver homogenates derived from various animals belonging to different phylogenetic groups. although gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase was present in all livers studied, the activity varied greatly, with the order of activity being: guinea pig much greater than frog much greater than rabbit greater than toad greater than dog congruent to cat = duck greater than hamster = budgerigar = goldfish congruent to rat = mouse. there was no trend wi ...19852865045
past pets and paget's disease.there is strong morphological evidence that paget's disease is caused by a chronic focal paramyxovirus infection of osteoclasts, but the source of this virus and the reason for the wide variation in the incidence of the disease are unknown. the infection may be a zoonosis, with a domestic animal as the usual host. past exposure to pets was studied in 50 patients with paget's disease and 50 age and sex matched control subjects with diabetes mellitus. dog ownership was significantly more common in ...19852865421
seminal plasma composition in budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus).seminal plasma composition was studied in budgerigars. semen was obtained from adult male budgerigars by applying gentle pressure to both sides of the cloaca. pooled samples were centrifuged at 15,000 g for 2 min, and the seminal plasma separated for biochemical analysis. osmolality, na+, k+, cl-, ph, glucose and fructose values were determined. the biochemical composition of budgerigar seminal plasma obtained in this study was: osmolality 329.9 +/- 14.5 mos/kg; na+ 158.6 +/- 8.4 meq/l; k+ 16.39 ...19862875841
avocado (persea americana) intoxication in caged birds.avocados of 2 varieties were mashed and administered via feeding cannula to 8 canaries and 8 budgerigars. two control budgerigars were given water via feeding cannula. six budgerigars and 1 canary died within 24 to 47 hours after the first administration of avocado. deaths were associated with administration of both varieties of avocado. higher dose was associated with greater mortality. the 2 budgerigars given water were normal throughout the observation period. results indicated that avocados ...19892914792
kanamycin induced low-frequency hearing loss in the budgerigar (melopsittacus undulatus).the chronic effects of kanamycin (km) on hearing in the budgerigar were investigated by behavioral audiometry. the birds received a daily intramuscular injection of km (100 mg/kg or 200 mg/kg) for 10 successive days, and absolute thresholds between pre- and post-treatment were compared. km induced both transient and permanent low-frequency specific hearing loss; i.e., the elevation of threshold for frequencies below 1 khz was greater than that for frequencies above 1 khz. moreover, the degree of ...19892921411
cryptosporidium infections in birds and mammals and attempted cross-transmission studies.infections by cryptosporidium were detected in association with clinical disease in 11 humans (homo sapiens), 19 calves (bos taurus), nine common quail (coturnix coturnix), six mallard ducks (anas platyrhynchos), five ring-necked pheasant (phasianus colchicus) and a single budgerigar (melopsittacus undulatus). infections in mammals were accompanied by transient diarrhoea and anorexia, whereas infected birds exhibited clinical signs of respiratory distress. repeated cross-transmission studies rev ...19872964117
[susceptibility of birds other than chickens to infectious laryngotracheitis].susceptibility to infectious laryngotracheitis virus was studied in peafowl (pavo cristatus), various species of pheasant (phasianus colchicus, lophura swinhoeii, lophophorus impejanus), guinea-fowl (numida meleagris), canaries (serinus canaria), budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus) and japanese quail (coturnix coturnic japonica). apart from clinical observations, experiments were evaluated in terms of histopathology, immunofluorescence, serology and recovery of virus. only peafowl and pheasant ...19852990066
Displaying items 1 - 100 of 857