
isolation of three viroids and a circular rna from grapevines.analysis of nucleic acids from grapevine tissues by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis demonstrated the presence of two bands of circular rna. the smaller rna contained about 300 nucleotide residues and was identified as hop stunt viroid by nucleotide sequencing. the larger rna band was a mixture of species and contained similar amounts of two components, referred to as rna 1a and rna 1b, and in addition a trace amount of citrus exocortis viroid (cev) which became detectable only after inoculat ...19882448417
nucleotide sequence of a hop stunt viroid (hsvd) isolate from grapefruit in israel. 19892701933
complete nucleotide sequence of a viroid isolated from etrog citron, a new member of hop stunt viroid group. 19883340529
coconut tinangaja viroid: sequence homology with coconut cadang-cadang viroid and other potato spindle tuber viroid related rnas.the nucleotide sequence of two variants of coconut tinangaja viroid (ctiv) were obtained. both sequence variants are 254 nucleotide residues in size but differ in sequence at two positions. in comparisons with other viroids, the sequences and proposed secondary structure of ctiv show most homology with the 246 nucleotide residue variant of coconut cadang-cadang viroid (cccv (246]. several regions throughout the rod-like molecules of ctiv show significant structural and sequence homology with oth ...19883341120
a revised replication cycle for viroids: the role of longer than unit length rna in viroid replication.longer than unit length plus and minus strand rnas were detected in hop stunt viroid (hsv) infected cucumber leaf tissues by northern blot hybridization analysis using strand-specific probes. to elucidate the role of these longer than unit length rnas in the viroid replication cycle, we synthesized tandemly repeated plus and minus strand hsv rnas in vitro from cloned hsv cdna and assayed their infectivities. two and four unit tandemly repeated plus strand rnas were infectious, but one unit plus, ...19846094970
hop stunt viroid: molecular cloning and nucleotide sequence of the complete cdna copy.the complete cdna of hop stunt viroid (hsv) has been cloned by the method of okayama and berg (mol.cell.biol.2,161-170. (1982] and the complete nucleotide sequence has been established. the covalently closed circular single-stranded hsv rna consists of 297 nucleotides. the secondary structure predicted for hsv contains 67% of its residues base-paired. the native hsv can possess an extended rod-like structure characteristic of viroids previously established. the central region of the native hsv h ...19836312412
nucleotide sequence of cucumber pale fruit viroid: homology to hop stunt viroid.double stranded cdna of cucumber pale fruit viroid ( cpfv ) has been cloned by the method of okayama and berg (mol.cell.biol.2,161-170 (1982] and the complete nucleotide sequence was established. the covalently closed circular molecules of single-stranded cpfv rna consists of 303 nucleotides. the nucleotide sequence of cpfv was compared with the previously established sequence of hop stunt viroid (hsv), which consists of 297 nucleotides ( ohno et al. nucleic acid res.11,6185-6197 (1983]. cpfv di ...19846328420
phylogenetic analysis of hop and grapevine isolates of hop stunt viroid supports a grapevine origin for hop stunt disease.we have examined sequence variability among nine isolates of hop stunt viroid (hsvd) collected from hop gardens in tohoku district in japan, the only area in the world where hop stunt disease is endemic. six different consensus and one-consensus sequences as well as 12 sequence variants were detected in the nine hsvd-hop isolates, which suggested the sequence of hsvd-hop was remarkably variable. a neighbor-joining analysis was carried out on the new hsvd-hop sequences together with 44 previously ...200111210940
simultaneous detection of six citrus viroids and apple stem grooving virus from citrus plants by multiplex reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction.we developed a multiplex reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (rt-pcr) to detect six citrus viroids: citrus exocortis viroid (cevd), citrus bent leaf viroid (cblvd), hop stunt viroid (hsvd), citrus viroid iii (cvd-iii), citrus viroid iv (cvd-iv) and citrus viroid os (cvd-os) and apple stem grooving virus (asgv, synonym: citrus tatter leaf virus (ctlv)) from citrus plants. the multiplex rt-pcr was also designed to distinguish cvd-i-lss (a distinct variant of cblvd) from cblvd. by the m ...200212393154
viroid rna systemic spread may depend on the interaction of a 71-nucleotide bulged hairpin with the host protein virp1.viroids are noncoding circular single-stranded rnas that are propagated systemically in plants. virp1 is a protein from tomato, which is an excellent host for potato spindle tuber viroid (pstvd), and it has been isolated by virtue of its specific in vitro binding to pstvd rna. we report on the specific in vivo interaction of virp1 with full-length viroid rna as well as with subfragments in the three-hybrid system. the terminal right domain (tr) of pstvd was identified as a strong interacting par ...200312592008
a novel multiplex rt-pcr probe capture hybridization (rt-pcr-elisa) for simultaneous detection of six viroids in four genera: apscaviroid, hostuviroid, pelamoviroid, and pospiviroid.a rapid and sensitive assay was developed for the detection and identification of viroids by standard or multiplex reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (rt-pcr)-probe capture hybridization (rt-pcr-elisa). the assay was applied successfully for the detection and identification of the following six viroid species from infected tissues: potato spindle tuber viroid (pospiviroid), peach latent mosaic viroid (pelamoviroid), apple scar skin viroid (apscaviroid), apple dimple fruit viroid (ap ...200212176148
identification of an in vitro ribonucleoprotein complex between a viroid rna and a phloem protein from cucumber plants.we used the interaction of hop stunt viroid (hsvd) and cucumber plants to investigate the involvement of phloem proteins in the systemic transport of rna molecules. a ribonucleoprotein complex, stable even at high salt and temperature conditions, was detected in vitro between hsvd-rna and the phloem exudate obtained from sectioned internodes from cucumber plants. the phloem protein 2 was recovered from this ribonucleoprotein complex and its rna-binding properties as demonstrated by gel retardati ...200111437265
development of a one tube-one step rt-pcr protocol for the detection of seven viroids in four genera: apscaviroid, hostuviroid, pelamoviroid and pospiviroid.a one tube-one step rt-pcr was developed for the detection of seven viroids (apple scar skin viroid, apple dimple fruit viroid, pear blister canker viroid, hop stunt viroid, chrysanthemum stunt viroid, citrus exocortis viroid and peach latent mosaic viroid) in four genera that infect eight plant species. the efficiency and specificity of this method were optimized by the use of moloney-murine leukemia virus (m-mlv) reverse-transcriptase and hotstartaq dna polymerase which allowed increase sensit ...200415350729
efficient methods for sample processing and cdna synthesis by rt-pcr for the detection of grapevine viruses and viroids.template preparation is important in reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (rt-pcr)-based detection methods. a tissuelyser with tungsten carbide beads was used for simultaneous processing of up to 48 samples under the same conditions in the development of a simple and rapid procedure to prepare a plant extract for rt reaction. a sandpaper method was also developed by which wood tissue of dormant cuttings could be macerated easily to process with minimal time and effort. it was also dem ...200616510197
possible involvement of the phloem lectin in long-distance viroid movement.incubation with cucumber phloem exudate in vitro results in a dramatic decrease in the electrophoretic mobility of hop stunt viroid. uv cross-linking and a combination of size exclusion and ion exchange chromatography indicate that this phenomenon reflects a previously unsuspected ability of phloem protein 2, a dimeric lectin and the most abundant component of phloem exudate, to interact with rna. in light of its demonstrated ability to move from cell to cell via plasmodesmata as well as long di ...200111437264
the molecular characterization of 16 new sequence variants of hop stunt viroid reveals the existence of invariable regions and a conserved hammerhead-like structure on the viroid present isolates of hop stunt viroid (hsvd) are divided into five groups: three major groups (plum-type, hop-type and citrus-type) each containing isolates from only a limited number of isolation hosts and two minor groups that were presumed to derive from recombination events between members of the main groups. in this work we present the characterization of 16 new sequence variants of hsvd obtained from four mediterranean countries (cyprus, greece, morocco and turkey) where this viroid had ...200111257203
a simple, rapid method of nucleic acid extraction without tissue homogenization for detecting viroids by hybridization and rt-pcr.a simple, rapid method of nucleic acid extraction on a microcentrifuge tube scale for detecting viroids is presented. five distinct citrus viroids (cvds), chrysanthemum stunt viroid (csvd), hop stunt viroid (hsvd), hop latent viroid (hlvd) and potato spindle tuber viroid (pstvd) were detected in their natural host plants by hybridization using crna probes and reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (rt-pcr). nucleic acids (na) were liberated from tissues by incubation in a buffer contain ...199910029324
regulation of pathogenicity in hop stunt viroid-related group ii citrus viroids.nucleotide sequences were determined for two hop stunt viroid-related group ii citrus viroids characterized as either a cachexia disease non-pathogenic variant (cvd-iia) or a pathogenic variant (cvd-iib). sequence identity between the two variants of 95.6% indicated a conserved genome with the principal region of nucleotide difference clustered in the variable (v) domain. full-length viroid rt-pcr cdna products were cloned into plasmid sp72. viroid cdna clones as well as derived rna transcripts ...19989880036
hop stunt viroid (hsvd) sequence variants from prunus species: evidence for recombination between hsvd isolates.hop stunt viroid (hsvd) is able to infect a number of herbaceous and woody hosts, such as grapevine, citrus or prunus plants. previous phylogenetic analyses have suggested the existence of three major groups of hsvd isolates (plum-type, hop-type and citrus-type). the fact that these groups often contain isolates from only a limited number of isolation hosts prompted the suggestion that group-discriminating sequence variations could, in fact, represent host-specific sequence determinants which ma ...19979400968
purification and characterization of hop stunt viroid.the hop stunt viroid (hsv) has been purified from cucumber leaves infected with the hop stunt disease agent. electron microscopic observation of denatured hsv shows a typical viroid rna molecule of covalently closed circular form. the molecular length was estimated to be 290-300 nucleotides by electron microscopic measurement and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis using potato spindle tuber viroid as a standard. hsv is one of the smallest viroids characterized so far. hsv preparations were separ ...198218635127
variation of viroid profiles in individual grapevine plants: novel grapevine yellow speckle viroid 1 mutants show alterations of hairpin i.this is the first report which gives a general survey about viroid variant composition in a vineyard and within single plants. a german vineyard with 20-year-old grapevines (vitis vinifera) of the cultivars 'bacchus' and 'kerner' was analysed for viroid infections. only grapevine yellow speckle viroid 1 (gysvd1) and the grapevine isolate of hop stunt viroid (hsvdg) were detected. both viroids occur in several sequence variations. eighteen novel gysvd1 variants and two previously published hsvdg ...19968558124
multiple citrus viroids in citrus from japan and their ability to produce exocortis-like symptoms in citron.abstract sequential polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analyses showed many viroid-like rnas in samples collected from citrus trees in japan. reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction and sequencing analyses of the amplified fragments verified that they were derived from variants of six citrus viroids, citrus exocortis viroid (cevd), citrus bent leaf viroid (cblvd) including cvd-i-lss (a distinct variant of cblvd), hop stunt viroid, citrus viroid iii, citrus viroid iv, and citrus viroid os ...200218943029
interactions between citrus viroids affect symptom expression and field performance of clementine trees grafted on trifoliate orange.abstract citrus exocortis viroid (cevd), citrus bent leaf viroid (cblvd), a noncachexia variant of hop stunt viroid (hsvd), citrus viroid iii (cvd-iii), and citrus viroid iv (cvd-iv) were co-inoculated as two-, three-, four-, and five-viroid mixtures to clementine trees grafted on trifoliate orange to evaluate their effect on symptom expression, tree growth, and fruit yield. most trees infected with cevd-containing viroid mixtures developed exocortis scaling symptoms, as did cevd alone, whereas ...200618943417
nucleotide sequence of a hop stunt viroid variant isolated from citrus growing in taiwan.the 303 nucleotide sequence of hsvd-citrus(t), a hop stunt viroid (hsvd) variant present in etrog citron growing in taiwan, was determined from cdnas amplified by the polymerase chain reaction. hsvd-citrus(t) is very similar to several hsvd isolates previously recovered from citrus or cucumber, and exhibits microsequence heterogeneity at positions 154 and 181. phylogenetic analysis using maximum parsimony grouped hsvd-citrus(t) with seven other isolates from citrus and cucumber in a large cluste ...19957732666
double-stranded cdnas of hop stunt viroid are infectious.restriction fragments composed of only hop stunt viroid (hsv) cdna were prepared from recombinant clone phs-p4p, which carries four tandemly repeated hsv cdnas, and inoculated into cucumber cotyledons. the results showed that double-stranded cdnas consisting of 1 to 3 units of hsv sequences were infectious. in cucumber plants inoculated with these double-stranded cdnas, infectious rna molecules indistinguishable from authentic hsv were propagated.19846086604
in vitro mutagenesis of infectious viroid cdna clone.previously we constructed an infectious hop stunt viroid (hsv) cdna clone, phs-p2p, which carries two copies of full-length hsv cdna tandemly and generates hsv rna when it is inoculated into cucumber plants. the in vitro transcript of the cdna clone was also infectious. to investigate the essential regions for infectivity of hsv, we introduced a short deletion or insertion into the hsv sequence of phs-p2p using restriction sites (xhoi site for phi-x1, pvui site for phi-p1, and bamhi site for phi ...19853841541
nucleotide sequence of the korean strain of hop stunt viroid (hsv). 19883419930
synthetic oligonucleotide hybridization probes to diagnose hop stunt viroid strains and citrus exocortis viroid.four species of synthetic oligonucleotide probes for the diagnosis of hop stunt viroid (hsv) and citrus exocortis viroid (cev) were devised. probe hsv-1 detected all the members of hsv group, such as hsv-hop, hsv-grapevine, hsv-cucumber, hsv-citrus and a viroid-like rna isolated from plum trees affected by plum dapple fruit disease. probe hsv-2 discriminated hsv-grapevine from the other members of hsv group. hsv-hop and hsv-grapevine consist of the same numbers of nucleotides, with only one nucl ...19883366851
nucleotide sequence of a hop stunt viroid isolate from the german grapevine cultivar 'riesling'. 19883362684
interference between coinoculated viroids.experiments were carried out to seek evidence of an interaction between two viroid rnas introduced to tomato plants in the same inoculum. at the level of symptom expression, the severe isolate of potato spindle tuber viroid (pstv) dominated the mild isolate. seventy-five percent of the plants inoculated with a 100-fold excess of the mild isolate developed unattenuated symptoms of severe disease. other experiments revealed that infectious rna molecules transcribed from cloned dna templates contai ...19883354205
chemical synthesis of the 24 rna fragments corresponding to hop stunt viroid.a general and practical synthetic method of oligoribonucleotides (10-20 mers) by using the cyanoethyl phosphoramidite approach was described. in this experiment 9-phenylxanthen-9-yl (pix) and 9-(4-methoxy)phenylxanthen-9-yl (mox) groups were employed for the 5'-hydroxyls and tetrahydropyranyl (thp) group was used for the 2'-hydroxyl protecting groups. in addition, suitable acyl groups were introduced for the protection of the lactam functions of guanine and uracil moieties.19892813059
nucleotide sequence of a hop stunt viroid (hsvd) isolate from the german grapevine rootstock 5bb as determined by pcr-mediated sequence analysis. 19892762158
hop stunt viroid strains from dapple fruit disease of plum and peach in japan.viroids have been isolated from plum trees (prunus salicina lindley) affected with plum dapple fruit disease and from peach trees (prunus persica batsch) showing dapple fruit symptoms. the viroids were inoculated mechanically to cucurbitaceous plants, in which symptoms typical of hop stunt viroid (hsv) infection appeared. the complete nucleotide sequences of an isolate from plum and an isolate from peach (af isolate) were shown to be identical, consisting of 297 nucleotides with a 93.6% sequence ...19892732717
nucleotide sequence and proposed secondary structure of columnea latent viroid: a natural mosaic of viroid sequences.the columnea latent viroid (clv) occurs latently in certain columnea erythrophae plants grown commercially. in potato and tomato, clv causes potato spindle tuber viroid (pstv)-like symptoms. its nucleotide sequence and proposed secondary structure reveal that clv consists of a single-stranded circular rna of 370 nucleotides which can assume a rod-like structure with extensive base-pairing characteristic of all known viroids. the electrophoretic mobility of circular clv under nondenaturing condit ...19892602114
some properties of the viroid inducing peach latent mosaic disease.analysis by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of nucleic acid extracts from different peach samples, healthy or infected with the peach latent mosaic (plm) disease, demonstrated the association of this disease with an rna exhibiting the electrophoretic properties typical of circular viroid molecules. this rna was called peach latent mosaic viroid (plmv), since a purified preparation of it, when inoculated into gf 305 peach seedlings induced characteristic symptoms of plm disease. plmv was estim ...19902326551
identification of a new viroid as the putative causal agent of pear blister canker disease.a small rna species with the structural and functional properties characteristic of viroids has been isolated from three different pear sources each of which induced symptoms of the pear blister canker (pbc) disease when indexed in the pear indicator a 20. a close association between this rna and pbc disease was established, since two of the three studied sources were known to be affected by this malady only, and the viroid was not detected in healthy pear tissue. moreover, the pbc-associated vi ...19912045786
relationships among the viroids derived from grapevines.there have been numerous reports of grapevine viroids, describing physical and biological properties suggestive of similar or identical molecular forms. with consideration of these properties and the application of random-primed and specific cdna probes, four major groups of grapevine viroids have been defined. designations which can be used to describe distinct viroids within the four groups include (i) cevd-g, a grapevine isolate of citrus exocortis viroid, (ii) gvd-c, a grapevine viroid recov ...19921607864
arabidopsis thaliana has the enzymatic machinery for replicating representative viroid species of the family pospiviroidae.viroids, subviral noncoding rnas, replicate, move, and incite diseases in plants. viroids replicate through a rolling-circle mechanism in which oligomeric rnas of one or both polarities are cleaved and ligated into the circular monomers. attempts to transmit viroids to arabidopsis have failed for unknown reasons. to tackle this question, arabidopsis was transformed with cdnas expressing dimeric (+) transcripts of representative species of the families pospiviroidae and avsunviroidae, which repli ...200415096616
characterization of citrus hsvd citrus isolates of hop stunt viroid (hsvd) were subjected to retrotranscription and dna amplification (rt-pcr), cloning and sequencing. single stranded polymorphism (sscp) analysis demonstrated the existence of variability among and within cachexia inducing sources of hsvd. the electrophoretic profiles of sscp appeared to be able to discriminate between non-cachexia and cachexia sources of hsvd. sequence analysis demonstrated that the variable (v) domain was very conserved among the cachex ...200414991442
identification of a novel structural interaction in columnea latent viroid.pairwise sequence comparisons suggest that columnea latent viroid (clvd) may have originated from a recombination event involving potato spindle tuber viroid (pstvd) and hop stunt viroid (hsvd). to examine the role of specific structural features in determining the host range of clvd, we constructed a series of interspecific chimeras by replacing increasing portions of its terminal left and pathogenicity domains with the corresponding portions of pstvd. exchanges involving the left side of the p ...200312954225
a long-distance translocatable phloem protein from cucumber forms a ribonucleoprotein complex in vivo with hop stunt viroid rna.viroids are highly structured plant pathogenic rnas that do not code for any protein, and thus, their long-distance movement within the plant must be mediated by direct interaction with cellular factors, the nature of which is presently unknown. in addition to this type of rnas, recent evidence indicates that endogenous rnas move through the phloem acting as macromolecular signals involved in plant defense and development. the form in which these rna molecules are transported to distal parts of ...200415331743
construction of a multiprobe for the simultaneous detection of viroids infecting citrus trees.infections with different viroid species are common among cultivated fruit trees and grapevines, and many old-clone citrus varieties contain up to five citrus viroids (cvds) within a single tree. this paper describes the construction of a cvd-multiprobe consisting of full-length clones of hop stunt viroid, citrus exocortis viroid, citrus bent leaf viroid and cvd-iii. the cvd-multiprobe was tested against rna transcripts of the four viroids and rna extracts from plants singly infected with cevd o ...200616990999
a peptide derived from a single-modified viroid-rna can be used as an "in vivo" nucleolar marker.viroids are small, single-stranded, circular, non-coding pathogenic rnas. hop stunt viroid (hsvd) is characterized by possesses rod-like structure and replicate in the host nuclei. green fluorescent protein (gfp) fusions with transit sequences or entire proteins can be used for deliberate labelling of particular cell compartments. different gfp-fusions have been obtained to selectively illuminate different organelles and membranes in many cell types. however, as far as we know, examples for esta ...200717570537
mature monomeric forms of hop stunt viroid resist rna silencing in transgenic plants.viroids, small non-coding pathogenic rnas, are able to induce rna silencing, a phenomenon that has been associated with the pathogenesis and evolution of these small rnas. it has been recently suggested that viroids may resist this plant defense mechanism. however, the simultaneous degradation of non-replicating full-length viroid rna, and the resistance of mature forms of viroids to rna silencing, have not been experimentally demonstrated. transgenic nicotiana benthamiana plants expressing a di ...200717711417
molecular variability of hop stunt viroid: identification of a unique variant with a tandem 15-nucleotide repeat from naturally infected plum tree.for this study, 68 plum samples were collected from 12 provinces of china. low molecular weight rnas were extracted and used for dot-blot, reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (rt-pcr), return-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and biological indexing using cucumber. results showed that 15 out of the 68 plum samples were positive for hop stunt viroid (hsvd). four positive samples were selected for cloning and sequence analysis. results indicated that most hsvd sequences from the plum ...200818324471
viroid-induced symptoms in nicotiana benthamiana plants are dependent on rdr6 activity.viroids are small self-replicating rnas that infect plants. how these noncoding pathogenic rnas interact with hosts to induce disease symptoms is a long-standing unanswered question. recent experimental data have led to the suggestive proposal of a pathogenic model based on the rna silencing mechanism. however, evidence of a direct relation between key components of the rna silencing pathway and symptom expression in infected plants remains elusive. to address this issue, we used a symptomatic t ...200818599649
a single nucleotide change in hop stunt viroid modulates citrus cachexia symptoms.cachexia disease of citrus is caused by hop stunt viroid (hsvd). in citrus, pathogenic and non-pathogenic strains differ by a "cachexia expression motif" of five to six nucleotides located in the variable domain of the proposed rod-like secondary structure. here, site-directed mutants were generated to investigate if all these nucleotides were required for infectivity and/or symptom expression. specifically an artificial cachexia inducing mutant m0 was generated by introducing the six nucleotide ...200818789983
correlation of hop stunt viroid variants to cachexia and xyloporosis diseases of citrus.abstract citrus viroid (cvd) group ii is comprised of hop stunt viroid (hsvd)-related variants of 295 to 302 nucleotides. included in this group are the cachexia-inducing agents citrus cachexia viroid (or cvd-iib), cvd-iic, ca-903, and ca-909 as well as the non-cachexia-inducing variant cvd-iia. the cachexia indexing hosts 'parson's special' mandarin and 'orlando' tangelo as well as citrus macrophylla responded with symptoms of gumming, discoloration, and stem pitting when infected by cvd-iib, c ...199918944692
deep sequencing of viroid-derived small rnas from grapevine provides new insights on the role of rna silencing in plant-viroid interaction.viroids are circular, highly structured, non-protein-coding rnas that, usurping cellular enzymes and escaping host defense mechanisms, are able to replicate and move through infected plants. similarly to viruses, viroid infections are associated with the accumulation of viroid-derived 21-24 nt small rnas (vd-srnas) with the typical features of the small interfering rnas characteristic of rna silencing, a sequence-specific mechanism involved in defense against invading nucleic acids and in regula ...200919890399
cultivated grapevines represent a symptomless reservoir for the transmission of hop stunt viroid to hop crops: 15 years of evolutionary analysis.hop stunt was a mysterious disorder that first emerged in the 1940s in commercial hops in japan. to investigate the origin of this disorder, we infected hops with natural hop stunt viroid (hpsvd) isolates derived from four host species (hop, grapevine, plum and citrus), which except for hop represent possible sources of the ancestral viroid. these plants were maintained for 15 years, then analyzed the hpsvd variants present. here we show that the variant originally found in cultivated grapevines ...200920041179
high-throughput sequencing of hop stunt viroid-derived small rnas from cucumber leaves and phloem.small rna (srna)-guided processes, referred to as rna silencing, regulate endogenous and exogenous gene expression. in plants and some animals, these processes are noncell autonomous and can operate beyond the site of initiation. viroids, the smallest self-replicating plant pathogens known, are inducers, targets and evaders of this regulatory mechanism and, consequently, the presence of viroid-derived srnas (vd-srnas) is usually associated with viroid infection. however, the pathways involved in ...201020447283
hop stunt viroid is processed and translocated in transgenic nicotiana benthamiana plants.summary viroids are small, single-stranded, circular, pathogenic rnas that do not code for proteins and thus depend on host factors for their replication and movement. they induce diseases in plants by direct interaction with host factors through a mechanism as yet unidentified. hop stunt viroid (hsvd) has been found in a wide range of herbaceous and woody hosts. nicotiana benthamiana is one of the most frequently used experimental systems in the study of plant-virus interactions. however, this ...200620507465
development and validation of a multiplex rt-pcr method for the simultaneous detection of five grapevine viroids.grapevine yellow speckle viroid 1 (gysvd-1), grapevine yellow speckle viroid 2 (gysvd-2), australian grapevine viroid (agvd), hop stunt viroid (hsvd) and citrus exocortis viroid (cevd) are the five viroids known to infect naturally grapevines. we developed a multiplex rt-pcr (mrt-pcr) method for the simultaneous detection of these five viroids and the amplification of the cdna fragment of a host-derived mrna (actin mrna) as an internal positive control. specific primers for each targeted viroid ...201222004912
a new grapevine virus discovered by deep sequencing of virus- and viroid-derived small rnas in cv pinot gris.field symptoms of chlorotic mottling and leaf deformations were observed on the cv pinot gris (pg) in the trentino region (italy). extensive assays excluded the presence of widely distributed nepo-, ampelo- and vitiviruses. an analysis of small rna populations from two pg grapevines showing or not symptoms was carried out by illumina high throughput sequencing. the study disclosed the virus and viroids contents of the two vines that was composed by grapevine rupestris stem pitting-associated vir ...201122036729
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