
nucleotide sequence analysis of the 3' terminal region of a wasabi strain of crucifer tobamovirus genomic rna: subgrouping of crucifer tobamoviruses.the 3' terminal 2378 nucleotides of a wasabi strain of crucifer tobamovirus (ctmv-w) infectious to crucifer plants was determined. this includes the 3' non-coding region of 235 nucleotides, coat protein (cp) gene (468 nucleotides), movement protein (mp) gene (798 nucleotides) and c-terminal partial readthrough portion of 180 k protein gene (940 nucleotides). comparison of the sequence with homologous regions of thirteen other tobamovirus genomes showed that it had much higher identity to those o ...19989787663
physiological effects of constitutive expression of oilseed rape mosaic tobamovirus (ormv) movement protein in arabidopsis thaliana.movement proteins (mps) are non-cell autonomous viral-encoded proteins that assist viruses in their cell-to-cell movement. the mp encoded by tobamoviruses is the best characterized example among mps of non-tubule-inducing plant rna viruses. the mp of oilseed rape mosaic tobamovirus (ormv) was transgenically expressed in arabidopsis thaliana, ecotype rld, under the expression of the 35s promoter from cauliflower mosaic virus. transgenic lines were obtained in sense and antisense orientations. one ...200616957879
specific impact of tobamovirus infection on the arabidopsis small rna profile.tobamoviruses encode a silencing suppressor that binds small rna (srna) duplexes in vitro and supposedly in vivo to counteract antiviral silencing. here, we used srna deep-sequencing combined with transcriptome profiling to determine the global impact of tobamovirus infection on arabidopsis srnas and their mrna targets. we found that infection of arabidopsis plants with oilseed rape mosaic tobamovirus causes a global size-specific enrichment of mirnas, ta-sirnas, and other phased sirnas. the obs ...201121572953
the phylogenetic structure of the cluster of tobamovirus species serologically related to ribgrass mosaic virus (rmv) and the sequence of streptocarpus flower break virus (sfbv).ribgrass mosaic virus (rmv), turnip vein-clearing virus (tvcv) and youcai mosaic virus (yomv; formerly designated as oilseed rape mosaic virus; ormv) belong to the genus tobamovirus and are arranged in one out of three subgroups because of their common host range, serological cross-reactivity and amino acid composition of their coat proteins. the recently defined species wasabi mottle virus (wmov) is closely related to the same subgroup. the distinction of the four species is difficult and the l ...200616328151
the molecular cloning and nucleotide sequencing of the 3'-terminal region of ornithogalum mosaic virus.dna complementary to the 3'-terminal 3684 nucleotides of the ornithogalum mosaic potyvirus (omv) genome was cloned and sequenced. the sequence consisted of a single large open reading frame which probably starts upstream of the cloned region. by comparison to other sequenced potyviruses, it was estimated that the clone contained the 3' non-coding (3'-nc) region, the coat protein (cp) gene and the large nuclear inclusion protein (nib) gene, as well as approximately 85% of the small nuclear inclus ...19902254751
local infection with oilseed rape mosaic virus promotes genetic rearrangements in systemic arabidopsis tissue.we have previously shown that local infection of tobacco plants with tobacco mosaic virus (tmv) or oilseed rape mosaic virus (ormv) results in a systemic increase in the homologous recombination frequency (hrf). here, we analyzed what other changes in the genome are triggered by pathogen infection. for the analysis of hrf, mutation frequency (mf) and microsatellite instability (mi), we used three different transgenic arabidopsis lines carrying ß-glucuronidase (gus)-based substrates in their geno ...201121376739
virus infection elevates transcriptional activity of mir164a promoter in plants.micro rnas (mirs) constitute a large group of endogenous small rnas that have crucial roles in many important plant functions. virus infection and transgenic expression of viral proteins alter accumulation and activity of mirs and so far, most of the published evidence involves post-transcriptional regulations.200920042107
chimeras between oilseed rape mosaic virus and tobacco mosaic virus highlight the relevant role of the tobamoviral rdrp as pathogenicity determinant in several hosts.oilseed rape mosaic virus (ormv) is a tobamovirus taxonomically distinct from the type member of the genus, tobacco mosaic virus (tmv). both viruses display a specific host range, although they share certain hosts, such as arabidopsis thaliana, nicotiana benthamiana and n. tabacum, on which they induce different symptoms. using a gain-of-symptom approach, we generated chimeric viruses, starting from a tmv infectious clone, over which different regions of ormv were exchanged with their correspond ...200919161353
four plant dicers mediate viral small rna biogenesis and dna virus induced other eukaryotes, plants use dicer-like (dcl) proteins as the central enzymes of rna silencing, which regulates gene expression and mediates defense against viruses. but why do plants like arabidopsis express four dcls, a diversity unmatched by other kingdoms? here we show that two nuclear dna viruses (geminivirus calcuv and pararetrovirus camv) and a cytoplasmic rna tobamovirus ormv are differentially targeted by subsets of dcls. dna virus-derived small interfering rnas (sirnas) of specifi ...200617090584
nucleotide sequences of the coat protein gene of potyviruses infecting ornithogalum thyrsoides.species of three viral genera infecting ornithogalum thyrsoides plants showing mosaic symptoms were identified using rt-pcr and degenerate universal primers for each viral genus. the dna fragments obtained encoded the coat protein (cp) gene and were sequenced. the plants were found to be infected with one or other of three potyvirus species, one of them was ornithogalum mosaic virus (ormv). the other two viruses were previously unrecorded and were named ornithogalum virus 2 (ov-2) and 3 (ov-3). ...200312664289
complete genome sequence of ornithogalum mosaic virus infecting gladiolus spp. in south korea.we report here the first complete genome sequence of ornithogalum mosaic virus (ormv) isolated from taean, south korea, in 2011, which was obtained by next-generation sequencing and sanger sequencing. the sequence information provided here may serve as a potential reference for other ormv isolates.201627516509
exotic and indigenous viruses infect wild populations and captive collections of temperate terrestrial orchids (diuris species) in australia.four species of diuris temperate terrestrial orchids from wild and captive populations were tested for the presence of polyadenylated rna viruses. the genomes of three exotic viruses were determined: two potyviruses, bean yellow mosaic virus and ornithogalum mosaic virus, and the polerovirus turnip yellows virus. the genomes of five indigenous viruses were detected, including four novel species. they were the potyvirus blue squill virus a, another potyvirus, two proposed capilloviruses, and a pa ...201323089850
tobamovirus infection is independent of hsp101 mrna induction and protein expression.heat shock protein 101 (hsp101) has been implicated in tobamovirus infections by virtue of its ability to enhance translation of mrnas possessing the 5'omega-leader of tobacco mosaic virus (tmv). enhanced translation is mediated by hsp101 binding to a caa-repeat motif in tmv omega leader. caa repeat sequences are present in the 5' leaders of other tobamoviruses including oilseed rape mosaic virus (ormv), which infects arabidopsis thaliana. hsp101 is one of eight hsp100 gene family members encode ...200616644052
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