
the nucleotide sequence and genome organization of strawberry mild yellow edge-associated potexvirus.the nucleotide sequence (5966 nucleotides) of cdna clones of strawberry mild yellow edge-associated potexvirus was determined. the genome contains six open reading frames (orfs) encoding putative proteins with mrs of 149,423, 25,344, 11,576, 8079, 25,714 and 11,216. in the first three putative proteins and the coat protein considerable similarity was found to comparable polypeptides of the potexviruses potato virus x, clover yellow mosaic virus, narcissus mosaic virus, papaya mosaic virus, white ...19921339469
the atp requirement for initiation of eukaryotic translation varies according to the mrna species.the requirement for atp for initiation of eukaryotic mrna translation was tested using gel-filtered rabbit reticulocyte lysates incubated with labelled met-trnafmet and exogenous rna templates, and assaying the formation of labelled 80s initiation complexes in the presence of gtp, or labelled 40s initiation complexes in the presence of a non-hydrolysable analogue of gtp. initiation complex formation on globin mrna, or on capped viral rnas such as papaya mosaic virus rna and tobacco mosaic virus ...19911889398
complete nucleotide sequence of clover yellow mosaic virus rna.the entire genomic rna of clover yellow mosaic virus was sequenced from cdna clones and run-off cdna transcripts. the genomic rna is 7015 nucleotides in length [excluding a 3' poly(a) tail], with six open reading frames (orfs) greater than 150 nucleotides in length. the first five orfs encode proteins of mr 191k, 26k, 12k, 6.5k and 28k, respectively. the sixth orf lies completely within orf1 and codes for a protein of mr 14k. the capsid protein coding region (mr 23k) is found within orf5 which e ...19902212986
single- and double-stranded viral rnas in plants infected with the potexviruses papaya mosaic virus and foxtail mosaic virus.three classes of viral rna were recovered from polyribosomes purified from papaya leaves infected with papaya mosaic virus (papmv) and from barley leaves infected with foxtail mosaic virus (fomv): full-length viral rnas [6.8 and 6.2 kilobases (kb), respectively]; less abundant intermediate subgenomic rnas (2.2 and 1.9 kb), and abundant, small subgenomic rnas (1 and 0.9 kb). small amounts of the papmv-specified 1.0-kb subgenomic rna were encapsidated, whereas no encapsidated subgenomic rnas could ...19883182231
host susceptibility of the papaya mosaic virus in sri lanka.75 plant species from 11 families were tested in sri lanka for their susceptibility to transferring the papaya mosaic virus. after inoculation with this virus, six species, cucurbita pepo, cucumis sativus, nicotiana tabacum, chenopodium amaranticolor, gomphrena globosa and lycopersicum esculentum, developed such symptoms, and after re-isolation from the host plant the virus again infected papaya plants. thus these species are possible alternate hosts of papaya mosaic virus in sri lanka.19817342959
genome characterization and taxonomy of plantago asiatica mosaic potexvirus.the complete nucleotide sequence of plantago asiatica mosaic virus (p1amv) genomic rna has been determined. the 6128 nucleotide sequence contains five open reading frames (orfs) coding for proteins of m(r) 156k (orf1), 25k (orf2), 12k (orf3), 13k (orf4) and 22k (orf5). the sequences of these p1amv proteins exhibit strong homology to the proteins of the other potexviruses. phylogenetic trees based on the multiple sequence alignments of three conserved domains in orf1 product and capsid protein re ...19948113746
characterisation of a virus from australia that is closely related to papaya mosaic potexvirus.we have isolated a previously undescribed potexvirus from alternanthera pungens (amaranthaceae) in southern queensland, australia. this virus was shown to have a moderately wide experimental host range, infecting plants in nine of the twelve families tested. using specific antibodies, a plate trapped antigen elisa was developed, allowing detection of virions down to 0.8 microgram/ml of leaf extract. virions averaged 554 nm long and had a capsid protein with a m(r) of 23.1 x 10(3). a portion of t ...199910226621
inability of agrobacterium tumefaciens ribosomes to translate in vivo mrnas containing non-shine-dalgarno translational initiators.numerous data accumulated during the last decade have shown that the shine-dalgarno (sd) sequence is not a unique initiator of translation for escherichia coli. several other sequences, mostly of viral origin, have demonstrated their capability of either enhancing or initiating translation in vivo. a phage t7 gene 10 sequence, called "epsilon" (epsilon), has shown its high enhancing activity on translation in both escherichia coli and agrobacterium tumefaciens cells. in this study the epsilon, t ...200212064732
complete nucleotide sequence and genome organization of a cactus virus x strain from hylocereus undatus (cactaceae).the complete nucleotide sequence of a strain of cactus virus x (cvx-hu) isolated from hylocereus undatus (cactaceae) has been determined. excluding the poly(a) tail, the sequence is 6614 nucleotides in length and contains seven open reading frames (orfs). the genome organization of cvx is similar to that of other potexviruses. orf1 encodes the putative viral replicase with conserved methyltransferase, helicase, and polymerase motifs. within orf1, two other orfs were located separately in the +2 ...200415098117
structures of plant viruses from vibrational circular dichroism.vibrational circular dichroism (vcd) spectra in the amide i and ii regions have been measured for viruses for the first time. vcd spectra were recorded for films prepared from aqueous buffer solutions and also for solutions using d(2)o buffers at ph 8. investigations of four filamentous plant viruses, tobacco mosaic virus (tmv), papaya mosaic virus, narcissus mosaic virus (nmv) and potato virus x (pvx), as well as a deletion mutant of pvx, are described in this paper. the film vcd spectra of the ...200516033985
identification and full sequence of an isolate of alternanthera mosaic potexvirus infecting phlox stolonifera.a potexvirus was isolated from creeping phlox (phlox stolonifera) plants from a commercial nursery in pennsylvania. the virus was serologically related to clover yellow mosaic virus, plantain virus x, potato virus x, and potato aucuba mosaic virus, and was most closely related to papaya mosaic virus (papmv). the sequence of a pcr fragment obtained with potexvirus group-specific primers was distinct from that of papmv; the coat protein (cp) gene and 3' untranslated region (utr) were closely relat ...200616211329
purification and biochemical characterization of a monomeric form of papaya mosaic potexvirus coat protein.papaya mosaic virus (papmv) is a flexuous rod shape virus made of 1400 subunits that assemble around a plus sense genomic rna. the structure determination of papmv and of flexuous viruses in general is a major challenge for both nmr and x-ray crystallography. in this report, we present the characterization of a truncated version of the papmv coat protein (cp) that is suitable for nmr study. the deletion of the n-terminal 26 amino acids of the papmv cp (cp27-215) generates a monomer that can be e ...200616310377
effect of mutations k97a and e128a on rna binding and self assembly of papaya mosaic potexvirus coat protein.papaya mosaic potexvirus (papmv) coat protein (cp) was expressed (cpdeltan5) in escherichia coli and showed to self assemble into nucleocapsid like particles (nlps). twenty per cent of the purified protein was found as nlps of 50 nm in length and 80% was found as a multimer of 450 kda (20 subunits) arranged in a disk. two mutants in the rna binding domain of the papmv cp, k97a and e128a showed interesting properties. the proteins of both mutants could be easily purified and cd spectra of these p ...200616367744
delineation of protein structure classes from multivariate analysis of protein raman optical activity data.vibrational raman optical activity (roa), measured as a small difference in the intensity of raman scattering from chiral molecules in right and left-circularly polarized incident light, or as the intensity of a small circularly polarized component in the scattered light, is a powerful probe of the aqueous solution structure of proteins. on account of the large number of structure-sensitive bands in protein roa spectra, multivariate analysis techniques such as non-linear mapping (nlm) are especi ...200616962609
proteasome-independent major histocompatibility complex class i cross-presentation mediated by papaya mosaic virus-like particles leads to expansion of specific human t cells.the development of versatile vaccine platforms is a priority that is recognized by health authorities worldwide; such platforms should induce both arms of the immune system, the humoral and cytotoxic-t-lymphocyte responses. in this study, we have established that a vaccine platform based on the coat protein of papaya mosaic virus (papmv cp), previously shown to induce a humoral response, can induce major histocompatibility complex (mhc) class i cross-presentation of hla-a*0201 epitopes from gp10 ...200717121795
high avidity binding of engineered papaya mosaic virus virus-like particles to resting spores of plasmodiophora brassicae.papaya mosaic virus (papmv) like particles (vlps) were used as a platform for fusion of affinity peptides binding to resting spores of plasmodiophora brassicae-a major pathogen of crucifers. three peptides with specific affinity to the target were isolated and cloned at the c-terminus of the papmv coat protein (cp), generating three different high avidity vlps. the peptides were exposed at the surface of the vlps and their avidity to resting spores of p. brassicae was measured by flow cytometry. ...200717126944
immunogenicity of papaya mosaic virus-like particles fused to a hepatitis c virus epitope: evidence for the critical function of multimerization.plant-virus-based vaccines have emerged as a promising avenue in vaccine development. this report describes the engineering of an innovative vaccine platform using the papaya mosaic virus (papmv) capsid protein (cp) as a carrier protein and a c-terminal fused hepatitis c virus (hcv) e2 epitope as the immunogenic target. two antigen organizations of the papmv-based vaccines were tested: a virus-like-particle (vlp; papmvcp-e2) and a monomeric form (papmvcp(27-215)-e2). while the two forms of the v ...200717320136
novel plant virus-based vaccine induces protective cytotoxic t-lymphocyte-mediated antiviral immunity through dendritic cell maturation.currently used vaccines protect mainly through the production of neutralizing antibodies. however, antibodies confer little or no protection for a majority of chronic viral infections that require active involvement of cytotoxic t lymphocytes (ctls). virus-like particles (vlps) have been shown to be efficient inducers of cell-mediated immune responses, but administration of an adjuvant is generally required. we recently reported the generation of a novel vlp system exploiting the self-assembly p ...200817989184
translating innate response into long-lasting antibody response by the intrinsic antigen-adjuvant properties of papaya mosaic virus.identifying the properties of a molecule involved in the efficient activation of the innate and adaptive immune responses that lead to long-lasting immunity is crucial for vaccine and adjuvant development. here we show that the papaya mosaic virus (papmv) is recognized by the immune system as a pathogen-associated molecular pattern (pamp) and as an antigen in mice (pamptigen). a single immunization of papmv without added adjuvant efficiently induced both cellular and specific long-lasting antibo ...200818070030
the f13 residue is critical for interaction among the coat protein subunits of papaya mosaic virus.papaya mosaic virus (papmv) coat protein (cp) in escherichia coli was previously showed to self-assemble in nucleocapsid-like particles (nlps) that were similar in shape and appearance to the native virus. we have also shown that a truncated cp missing the n-terminal 26 amino acids is monomeric and loses its ability to bind rna. it is likely that the n-terminus of the cp is important for the interaction between the subunits in self-assembly into nlps. in this work, through deletion and mutation ...200818312419
development of a universal influenza a vaccine based on the m2e peptide fused to the papaya mosaic virus (papmv) vaccine platform.with the emergence of highly virulent influenza viruses and the consequent risk of pandemics, new approaches to designing universal influenza vaccines are urgently needed. in this report, we demonstrate the potential of using a papaya mosaic virus (papmv) platform carrying the universal m2e influenza epitope (papmv-cp-m2e) as a candidate flu vaccine. we show that papmv-cp-m2e virus-like particles (vlps) can induce production in mice of anti-m2e antibodies that can recognize influenza-infected ce ...200818511159
the polarity of assembly of papaya mosaic virus and tobacco mosaic virus rnas with pmv-protein under conditions of nonspecificity.the problem of the rapid multiinitiation of papaya mosaic virus or tobacco mosaic virus rna by pmv-protein near ph 7.0 at low ionic strength has been overcome. if nacl is added to 0.1 m, both rnas are first encapsidated at their respective 5' ends. this shows that the initial site of helix formation depends on the protein rather than the rna.198018631809
melting of viral rna by coat protein: assembly strategies for elongated plant viruses.the coat proteins of two rod-shaped plant viruses, papaya mosaic virus (pmv) and tobacco mosaic virus (tmv), have been tested for rna melting activity. under reconstitution conditions, pmv protein melts rna in a noncooperative fashion. this activity is aspecific and is inhibited by low concentrations of nacl as is virus reconstitution. tmv protein does not melt rna either in the absence of nacl or under reconstitution conditions at moderate ionic strength levels. the results suggest that elongat ...198118635029
the primary structure of papaya mosaic virus coat protein.the amino acid sequence of the coat protein of the potexvirus papaya mosaic virus (pmv) has been determined, using a combination of the edman degradation procedure (manual and automated) and mass spectrometry. the amino acid sequence is compared with that of the coat protein of potato virus x (pvx) as reported (s. yu. morozov, v. m. zakhariev, b. k. chernov, v. s. prasolov, yu. v. kozlov, j. g. atabekov, and k. g. skyabin, dokl. acad. nauk, sssr 271, 211-215,1983). pmv has 73 of 211 amino acid r ...198618640641
translational strategies in potexviruses: products encoded by clover yellow mosaic virus, foxtail mosaic virus, and viola mottle virus rnas in vitro.we have examined the template properties of the genomic rnas from three potexviruses: clover yellow mosaic virus (cymv), foxtail mosaic virus (fmv), and viola mottle virus (vmv). all three rnas encode a large (160,000 to 182,000 molecular weight) nonstructural protein when translated in the rabbit reticulocyte cell-free system. only cymv rna is able to direct the synthesis of significant quantities of a product whose electrophoretic mobility, antigenic determinants, and partial peptide map resem ...198618640646
two distinct chimeric potexviruses share antigenic cross-presentation properties of mhc class i epitopes.chimeric vlps made of papaya mosaic virus (papmv) trigger a ctl response through antigenic presentation of epitopes on mhc class i. here, a chimeric vlp composed of malva mosaic virus (mamv) was shown to share similar properties. we demonstrated the capacity of both vlps to enter human apcs. the chimeric constructions were cross-presented in cd40-activated b lymphocytes leading to in vitro expansion of antigen-specific t lymphocytes. we showed that high concentrations of chimeric mamv induced ce ...201020600515
improvement of the trivalent inactivated flu vaccine using papmv nanoparticles.commercial seasonal flu vaccines induce production of antibodies directed mostly towards hemaglutinin (ha). because ha changes rapidly in the circulating virus, the protection remains partial. several conserved viral proteins, e.g., nucleocapsid (np) and matrix proteins (m1), are present in the vaccine, but are not immunogenic. to improve the protection provided by these vaccines, we used nanoparticles made of the coat protein of a plant virus (papaya mosaic virus; papmv) as an adjuvant. immuniz ...201121747909
structural properties of potexvirus coat proteins detected by optical has been shown by x-ray analysis that cores of coat proteins (cps) from three potexviruses, flexible helical rna-containing plant viruses, have similar α-helical structure. however, this similarity cannot explain structural lability of potexvirus virions, which is believed to determine their biological activity. here, we used circular dichroism (cd) spectroscopy in the far uv region to compare optical properties of cps from three potexviruses with the same morphology and similar structure. cp ...201628259129
infectious rna transcripts derived from cloned cdna of papaya mosaic virus: effect of mutations to the capsid and polymerase proteins.genomic length cdnas of papaya mosaic virus (pmv) rna were generated utilizing reverse transcriptase (rnase h-) for first strand synthesis, sequenase for second strand synthesis and primers specific for the 5' and 3' termini of the viral genome. these cdnas were cloned into plasmid puc18 and infectious rna transcripts were synthesized in vitro from a bacteriophage t7 rna polymerase promoter incorporated into the 5' specific primer. the infectivity of transcripts was 16% that of native pmv rna. i ...19937685373
improvement of the papmv nanoparticle adjuvant property through an increased of its avidity for the antigen [influenza np].the principal caveat of existing influenza vaccine is their failure to provide long-term protection. this lack of efficiency is caused by persistent (drift) and dramatic (shift) antigenic changes on the major surface proteins, the main target of protective immunity generated by traditional vaccines. alternatively, vaccination with most conserved protein, like the nucleoprotein (np) can stimulate immunity against multiple serotypes and could potentially provides an extended protection. the np ant ...201222326774
nanoparticle adjuvant sensing by tlr7 enhances cd8+ t cell-mediated protection from listeria monocytogenes infection.developing new adjuvants and vaccination strategies is of paramount importance to successfully fight against many life-threatening infectious diseases and cancer. very few adjuvants are currently authorized for human use, and these mainly stimulate a humoral response. however, specific abs are not sufficient to confer protection against persisting infections or cancer. therefore, development of adjuvants and immunomodulators able to enhance cell-mediated immune responses represents a major medic ...201424376264
simultaneous detection of papaya ringspot virus, papaya leaf distortion mosaic virus, and papaya mosaic virus by multiplex real-time reverse transcription pcr.both the single infection of papaya ringspot virus (prsv), papaya leaf distortion mosaic virus (pldmv) or papaya mosaic virus (papmv) and double infection of prsv and pldmv or papmv which cause indistinguishable symptoms, threaten the papaya industry in hainan island, china. in this study, a multiplex real-time reverse transcription pcr (rt-pcr) was developed to detect simultaneously the three viruses based on their distinctive melting temperatures (tms): 81.0±0.8°c for prsv, 84.7±0.6°c for pldm ...201526666186
development and validation of a multiplex reverse transcription pcr assay for simultaneous detection of three papaya viruses.papaya ringspot virus (prsv), papaya leaf distortion mosaic virus (pldmv), and papaya mosaic virus (papmv) produce similar symptoms in papaya. each threatens commercial production of papaya on hainan island, china. in this study, a multiplex reverse transcription pcr assay was developed to detect simultaneously these three viruses by screening combinations of mixed primer pairs and optimizing the multiplex rt-pcr reaction conditions. a mixture of three specific primer pairs was used to amplify t ...201425337891
antagonism or synergism between papaya ringspot virus and papaya mosaic virus in carica papaya is determined by their order of infection.antagonism between unrelated plant viruses has not been thoroughly described. our studies show that two unrelated viruses, papaya ringspot virus (prsv) and papaya mosaic virus (papmv) produce different symptomatic outcomes during mixed infection depending on the inoculation order. synergism occurs in plants infected first with prsv or in plants infected simultaneously with prsv and papmv, and antagonism occurs in plants infected first with papmv and later inoculated with prsv. during antagonism, ...201626765969
a common structure for the potexviruses.we have used fiber diffraction, cryo-electron microscopy, and scanning transmission electron microscopy to confirm the symmetry of three potexviruses, potato virus x, papaya mosaic virus, and narcissus mosaic virus, and to determine their low-resolution structures. all three viruses have slightly less than nine subunits per turn of the viral helix. our data strongly support the view that all potexviruses have approximately the same symmetry. the structures are dominated by a large domain at high ...201323245732
induction of innate immunity in lungs with virus-like nanoparticles leads to protection against influenza and streptococcus pneumoniae challenge.nanoparticles composed of the coat protein of a plant virus (papaya mosaic virus; papmv) and a single-stranded rna (ssrna) trigger a strong innate immune stimulation in the lungs of the animals a few hours following instillation. a rapid recruitment of neutrophils, monocytes/macrophages and lymphocytes follows. this treatment was able to provide protection to an influenza challenge that lasts at least 5 days. protection could be recalled for longer periods by repeating the instillations once per ...201323499666
crystal structure of the coat protein of the flexible filamentous papaya mosaic virus.papaya mosaic virus (papmv) is a filamentous plant virus that belongs to the alphaflexiviridae family. flexible filamentous viruses have defied more than two decades of effort in fiber diffraction, and no high-resolution structure is available for any member of the alphaflexiviridae family. here, we report our structural characterization of papmv by x-ray crystallography and cryo-electron microscopy three-dimensional reconstruction. we found that papmv is 135å in diameter with a helical symmetry ...201222659319
agroinoculation of carica papaya with infectious clones of papaya mosaic virus. 201425518722
biotic stress induced demolition of thylakoid structure and loss in photoelectron transport of chloroplasts in papaya leaves.papaya mosaic virus (pmv) causes severe mosaic symptoms in the papaya (carica papaya l.) leaves. the pmv-induced alterations in photosystem ii (ps ii) structure and photochemical functions were probed. an increase in chlorophyll a (chl a) fluorescence polarization suggests pathogen-induced transformation of thylakoid membrane to a gel phase. this transformation in physical state of thylakoid membrane may result in alteration in topology of pigments on pigment-binding proteins as reflected in pat ...200818328719
a versatile papaya mosaic virus (papmv) vaccine platform based on sortase-mediated antigen coupling.flexuous rod-shaped nanoparticles made of the coat protein (cp) of papaya mosaic virus (papmv) have been shown to trigger innate immunity through engagement of toll-like receptor 7 (tlr7). papmv nanoparticles can also serve as a vaccine platform as they can increase the immune response to fused peptide antigens. although this approach shows great potential, fusion of antigens directly to the cp open reading frame (orf) is challenging because the fused peptides can alter the structure of the cp a ...201728720097
complement component 3 regulates ifn-α production by plasmacytoid dendritic cells following tlr7 activation by a plant virus-like nanoparticle.the increasing use of plant viruses for the development of new vaccines and immunotherapy approaches poses questions regarding the mechanism by which the mammalian immune system recognizes these viruses. for example, although natural abs (na) and complement are key components of the innate immune system involved in the opsonization, phagocytosis, and destruction of microorganisms infecting mammals, their implication in plant virus recognition and immunogenicity is not well defined. in this study ...201727864474
influence of papmv nanoparticles on the kinetics of the antibody response to flu vaccine.the addition of an adjuvant to a vaccine is a promising approach to increasing strength and immunogenicity towards antigens. despite the fact that adjuvants have been used in vaccines for decades, their mechanisms of action and their influence on the kinetics of the immune response are still not very well understood. the use of papaya mosaic virus (papmv) nanoparticles-a novel tlr7 agonist-was recently shown to improve and broaden the immune response directed to trivalent inactivated flu vaccine ...201627282291
potentiating cancer immunotherapy using papaya mosaic virus-derived nanoparticles.the recent development of novel immunotherapies is revolutionizing cancer treatment. these include, for example, immune checkpoint blockade, immunomodulation, or therapeutic vaccination. although effective on their own, combining multiple approaches will most likely be required in order to achieve the maximal therapeutic benefit. in this regard, the papaya mosaic virus nanoparticle (papmv) has shown tremendous potential as (i) an immunostimulatory molecule, (ii) an adjuvant, and (iii) a vaccine ...201626891174
engineering of the papmv vaccine platform with a shortened m2e peptide leads to an effective one dose influenza vaccine.the emergence of highly virulent influenza strains and the risks of pandemics as well as the limited efficiency of the current seasonal vaccines are important public health concerns. there is a major need for new influenza vaccines that would be broadly cross-protective. the ectodomain of matrix protein 2 (m2e) is highly conserved amongst different influenza strains and could be used as a broad spectrum antigen. to overcome its low immunogenicity we have fused a short peptide epitope derived fro ...201526549362
engineering of papaya mosaic virus (papmv) nanoparticles with a ctl epitope derived from influenza np.the ever-present threat of infectious disease, e.g. influenza pandemics, and the increasing need for new and effective treatments in immunotherapy are the driving forces that motivate research into new and innovative vaccine platforms. ideally, such platforms should trigger an efficient ctl response, be safe, and easy to manufacture. we recently developed a novel nanoparticle adjuvant comprised of papaya mosaic virus (papmv) coat protein (cp) assembled around an rna. the papmv nanoparticle is an ...201323556511
mapping the surface-exposed regions of papaya mosaic virus general, the structure of the papaya mosaic virus (papmv) and other members of the potexviruses is poorly understood. production of papmv coat proteins in a bacterial expression system and their self-assembly in vitro into nanoparticles is a very useful tool to study the structure of this virus. using recombinant papmv nanoparticles that are similar in shape and appearance to the plant virus, we evaluated surface-exposed regions by two different methods, immunoblot assay and chemical modifica ...201222524169
engineering of papaya mosaic virus (papmv) nanoparticles through fusion of the ha11 peptide to several putative surface-exposed sites.papaya mosaic virus has been shown to be an efficient adjuvant and vaccine platform in the design and improvement of innovative flu vaccines. so far, all fusions based on the papmv platform have been located at the c-terminus of the papmv coat protein. considering that some epitopes might interfere with the self-assembly of papmv cp when fused at the c-terminus, we evaluated other possible sites of fusion using the influenza ha11 peptide antigen. two out of the six new fusion sites tested led to ...201222363771
the minimal 5' sequence for in vitro initiation of papaya mosaic potexvirus assembly.the minimal 5' initiation of assembly sequence for papaya mosaic virus (pmv) has been determined by the generation of successive 3' deletion clones from a full-length cdna copy of the pmv genome followed by in vitro assembly of rna transcripts. sequences closest to the 5' terminus were cloned into plasmid vectors with synthetic complementary oligonucleotides representing viral sequences. the in vitro initiation sequence has been narrowed down to 38-47 nucleotides at the 5' terminus which are cap ...19948116250
crystallization and preliminary x-ray analysis of papaya mosaic virus coat protein.papaya mosaic virus coat protein has been treated with trypsin and a large fragment of the intact protein has been crystallized in space group p3(1)21 or p3(2)21 (unit cell dimensions: a = b = 110 a, c = 237 a). the crystals diffract to 3.5 a resolution. crystals of the untreated protein have also been grown. the untreated protein crystals diffract to 4 a resolution, but have a large mosaic spread. they have the same space group as the trypsin-treated protein crystals, but a much smaller unit ce ...19938254680
the primary structure of papaya mosaic virus coat protein: a revision.the presence of an acetyl blocking group at the n-terminus of the coat protein of papaya mosaic virus has been identified by fab mass spectrometry. furthermore, we have found that the n-terminal sequence of the protein is four amino-acid residues (ac-ser-lys-ser-ser-) longer than that previously reported, while glu instead of gln is the c-terminal residue. the present paper shows that pmv-protein is made up of 215 amino acid residues, with a molecular mass of 22,960 da.19892624687
nucleotide sequence of papaya mosaic virus rna.the rna genome of papaya mosaic virus is 6656 nucleotides long [excluding the poly(a) tail] with six open reading frames (orfs) more than 200 nucleotides long. the four nearest the 5' end each overlap with adjacent orfs and could code for proteins with mr 176307, 26248, 11949 and 7224 (orfs 1 to 4). the fifth orf produces the capsid protein of mr 23043 and the sixth orf, located completely within orf1, could code for a protein with mr 14113. the translation products of orfs 1 to 3 show strong si ...19892778435
nucleotide sequence of the capsid protein gene and 3' non-coding region of papaya mosaic virus rna.the nucleotide sequences of cdna clones corresponding to the 3' oh end of papaya mosaic virus rna have been determined. the 3'-terminal sequence obtained was 900 nucleotides in length, excluding the poly(a) tail, and contained an open reading frame capable of giving rise to a protein of 214 amino acid residues with an mr of 22930. this protein was identified as the viral capsid protein. the 3' non-coding region of pmv genome rna was about 121 nucleotides long [excluding the poly(a) tail] and hom ...19883335832
the nucleotide sequence of the 5' end of papaya mosaic virus rna: site of in vitro assembly initiation.the sequence of the first 138 nucleotides at the 5' end of papaya mosaic virus (pmv) rna spanning the initiation site for in vitro assembly has been determined by direct rna sequencing. the first 35 nucleotides are free of uridine and rich in adenosine. eight consecutive pentamer repeats (essentially gcaaa) are located immediately downstream of the cap site. the possible roles of these repeating adenosine-rich units in the nucleation of pmv assembly are discussed.198618640648
synthesis in vitro of the coat protein of papaya mosaic virus.papaya mosaic virus (pmv) rna directs the synthesis in vitro in either the wheat germ or reticulocyte lysate translation systems of numerous products. three polypeptides are most prominent: pa (155,000 molecular weight), pb (73,000), and pc (22,000). the last, pc, displays the same molecular weight as coat protein and is precipitated by antibodies raised against pmv. the identities of pa and pb are less clear, although peptide mapping suggests that they and many of the minor products of translat ...198518639835
subassembly aggregates of papaya mosaic virus examination of the number of subunits in small aggregates of papaya mosaic virus (pmv) coat protein is presented based on a model system which gives results consistent with the experimental observation that the 14 s subassembly species is a double disc, composed of two rows of nine subunits each. the estimated hydration of the disc, about 0.85 g 1h20/9 protein, is unusually large and indicates a cavitated structure for the disc. comparison with other rod-shaped viruses suggests that the flexu ...198318639088
the structure of an unusual ordered aggregate of papaya mosaic virus protein.the structure of unusual rod-shaped particles made from papaya mosaic virus protein in methylpentanediol is described. it is shown how the structural subunits group to form the morphological subunits observed on the particles.198218635132
the amino acid sequences of eleven tryptic peptides of papaya mosaic virus protein by electron ionization mass spectrometry.eleven of the fourteen tryptic peptides of papaya mosaic virus protein have been sequenced by electron ionization mass spectrometry using chemical and enzymic hydrolyses and mixture analysis as required. mid-chain cleavages of n-c bonds produced secondary ion series which allowed up to 16 residues to be sequenced without further hydrolysis. mixture analysis on hydrolysis products enabled a 24 residue tryptic peptide to be sequenced from the data recorded in a single mass spectrum.19827093438
the polar alkaline disassembly of papaya mosaic virus.the disassembly of papaya mosaic virus (pmv) at alkaline ph (ph 10) was monitored by following the decrease of turbidity at 320 nm and by electron microscopy. most of the virion particle population undergoes a sequential loss of protein subunits starting exclusively from the 3'oh end of the rna, but a small fraction resists degradation. the progressive decrease in size distribution suggests a sequential process and the presence of "brush-like" structures at one end of the virus particle favors a ...198118635087
circular dichroism studies of papaya mosaic virus coat protein and its polymers. 19817288883
the assembly of papaya mosaic virus coat protein with dna.products of specific (ph 8.0-8.5) and nonspecific (ph 6.0) assembly reactions of papaya mosaic virus (pmv) coat protein with dna are described. the strandedness, topology, and sugar moiety of the nucleic acid are important parameters for assembly in nonspecific conditions. the linear, single-stranded form of lambda dna, but not the double-stranded form, reacted with pmv protein to form multiply initiated particles whose helical segments apparently annealed to produce continuous tubular particles ...19806450421
the inhibition of papaya mosaic virus assembly related to the effect of cations on its rna.levels of mgcl2 and spermidine which have no effect on the equilibrium of papaya mosaic virus (pmv) coat protein, as measured by analytical centrifugation, or on its configuration, as judged by circular dichroism, inhibit reconstitution. this inhibition can be correlated with enhanced secondary structure of pmv-rna as indicated by melting profiles. it is inferred that the inhibition of pmv assembly by nacl or kcl results from the same effect, which is not found with glycine.197918631612
diffraction studies of papaya mosaic virus.x-ray and optical diffraction studies of the flexuous papaya mosaic virus are described. the virus is constructed so that there are 35 coat protein subunits in 4 turns of the helix. the virus contains about 1410 protein subunits and 6800 nucleotides and has a molecular weight of about 33 x 10(6). the structure of tubes assembled in vitro from coat protein both in the presence and absence of nucleic acid resembles that of the native virus.197918631611
sequential encapsidation of heterologous rnas with papaya mosaic virus protein. 1979433154
cation binding by papaya mosaic virus and its protein. 197934924
the initiation of papaya mosaic virus assembly. 1978716227
the kinetics of papaya mosaic virus assembly. 1978716226
the specificity of papaya mosaic virus assembly. 197831029
the self-assembly of papaya mosaic virus. 197831028
the assembly of papaya mosaic virus protein. 19767879
insect transmission of papaya viruses with special reference to papaya mosaic virus. 19705536747
Displaying items 1 - 70 of 70