
an in vitro focus-induction assay for xenotropic murine leukemia virus, feline leukemia virus c, and the feline--primate viruses rd-114/ccc/m-7. 1975170737
variations in expression of xenotropic murine leukemia virus genomes in lymphoid tissues of nzb mice.lymphocytes from thy, sp, ln, and bm and nzb mice were tested for expression of x-mulv genomes as cell surface gp70 (xencsa) or infectious virus. the results demonstrate major dissociations for these parameters of x-mulv expression in different lymphoid compartments and suggest that factors involved in t lymphocyte differentiation modify the levels of expression in these two modes.1979221584
expression and structure of serum gp70 as an acute phase protein in nzb mice.a cdna corresponding to a serum gp70 synthesized as an acute phase protein in mouse hepatocytes was cloned and analyzed. this cloned cdna had the characteristics of an endogenous xenotropic murine leukemia virus. synthesized oligo-dna specific for this cdna reacted strongly with liver rna derived from nzb mice injected with lps as a trigger of an acute phase inflammatory response. there was also low level of gp70 in the kidney in response to lps injection. the ltr structure of the cdna showed th ...19921374841
synthesis, processing, and cell surface expression of friend and xenotropic murine leukemia virus gp70 antigens on friend virus-induced erythroleukemia cell clones. 19806157724
genetic mapping of xenotropic murine leukemia virus-inducing loci in five mouse strains.a single mendelian gene was identified for induction of the endogenous xenotropic murine leukemia virus in five mouse strains (c57bl/10, c57l, c57br, akr, and balb/c). this locus, designated bxv-1, mapped to the same site on chromosome 1 in all strains: id-1-pep-3-[bxv-1-lp]. thus, inducibility loci for xenotropic virus are more limited in number and chromosomal distribution than ecotropic inducibility loci. virus expression in mice with bxv-1 was induced by treatment of fibroblasts with 5-iodod ...19806249881
replication of mouse-tropic and xenotropic strains of murine leukemia virus in human x mouse hybrid cells.the replication of mouse-tropic and xenotropic strains of murine leukemia virus in human x mouse hybrid cells was investigated. nb-tropic strains of the leukemia virus replicated efficiently in several hybrid lines, including those that contained a complete complement of human chromosomes and many mouse chromosomes. in lines with only a few mouse chromosomes, nb-tropic viruses failed to replicate. n- and b-tropic viruses replicated in human x n-type and human x b-type cells, respectively. the n- ...19744369143
molecular cloning of akr xenotropic murine leukemia virus unintegrated proviral dna.suprahelical proviral dna of akr xenotropic murine leukemia virus was purified from agarose gels and cloned in lambda charon 28 dna (bamhi sites). nine viral dna recombinants were identified and mapped with 12 restriction endonucleases. three calsses of cloned viral dna inserts were found: (1) six inserts were apparently full-length 9.0-kb dna with tandem long terminal repeat (ltr) elements; (2) two inserts contained dnas with deletions in or adjacent to the ltr regions; (3) a single isolate con ...19826286412
envelope and long terminal repeat sequences of a cloned infectious nzb xenotropic murine leukemia infectious nzb xenotropic murine leukemia virus (mulv) provirus (nzb was molecularly cloned from the hirt supernatant of nzb-iu-6-infected mink cells, and the nucleotide sequence of its env gene and long terminal repeat (ltr) was determined. the partial nucleotide sequence previously reported for the env gene of nfs-th-1 xenotropic proviral dna (repaske, et al., j. virol. 46:204-211, 1983) is identical to that of the infectious nzb xenotropic mulv dna reported here. alignment of nucleotide or ...19852981327
multiple endogenous xenotropic and mink cell focus-forming murine leukemia virus-related transcripts are induced by polyclonal immune activators.northern (rna) analyses were used to study the kinetics of induction of endogenous mink cell focus-forming (mcf) and xenotropic murine leukemia virus (mulv)-related sequences in nfs and c57bl/6 mice injected with the polyclonal immune activators lipopolysaccharide (lps), concanavalin a, and 8-bromoguanosine. all three mitogens induced 8.4-, 7.2-, 3.0-, and 1.8-kilobase (kb) mcf-related transcripts coordinately in the spleens of injected mice. xenotropic mulv-related expression was also rapidly i ...19882843657
origin of pathogenic determinants of recombinant murine leukemia viruses: analysis of bxv-1-related xenotropic viruses from cwd mice.the acquisition of u3 region sequences derived from the endogenous xenotropic provirus bxv-1 appears to be an important step in the generation of leukemogenic recombinant viruses in akr, hrs, c58, and some cwd mice. we report here that each of three cwd lymphomas produced infectious xenotropic murine leukemia virus related to bxv-1. in southern blot experiments, these proviruses hybridized to probes that were specific for the xenotropic envelope and bxv-1 u3 region sequences. nucleotide sequence ...19902170683
organization and stability of endogenous xenotropic murine leukemia virus proviral dna in mouse a series of blot hybridization experiments, using a xenotropic envelope probe and restriction enzymes known to cut xenotropic proviral dna a single time (ecori) or not at all (hindiii), we have studied the organization and relationship of endogenous xenotropic env-related sequences in various mouse strains. multiple copies (18 to 28) of xenotropic env-reactive fragments were found in all mouse dnas after digestion with either hindiii or ecori, and the majority of fragments were of sizes compa ...19836296455
a simple, general method for detecting retroviral rnas expressed in cells.a simple, efficient method has been developed for detecting retroviral rnas expressed in cells. in this method, total rnas or poly a+ rnas extracted from various human cells are separated by electrophoresis and hybridized with synthetic oligonucleotides corresponding to the 3'-terminal 18 nucleotides of various trnas. genomic and subgenomic rnas of htlv-i and htlv-ii in virus-infected cells and of xenotropic murine leukemia virus expressed in human lung cancer cells were easily detected with the ...19902112525
h-2-linked regulation of xenotropic murine leukemia virus expression.a high proportion of lymphocytes from f/st mice produce infectious xenotropic murine leukemia virus (x-mulv) and express high levels of cell surface antigens, termed xencsa, related to the major glycoprotein of x-mulv. in crosses of f/st with akr, the high-virus phenotype of f/st was found to be recessive and was shown to be governed by a single locus, cxv-1, less than 2 centimorgans from h-2k. the close association of cxv-1 with the h-2 complex was confirmed by the observation that b10.f mice, ...19836300850
inhibition of b6rv2 leukemia growth by immunization with purified unique antigen.monoclonal antibody (mab) nu7-99 reacted with only b6rv2 cells, not with 28 other leukemia cell lines, fibroblasts or normal tissues. biochemical analyses of the unique antigen on b6rv2 cells that reacted with nu7-99 mab indicated its relationship to xenotropic murine leukemia virus gp70. the antigen that reacted with nu7-99 mab was extracted from the surface of b6rv2 cells with n-butanol and purified by ion-exchange chromatography and affinity chromatography. growth of b6rv2 tumors in semi-syng ...19921644667
genetics of xenotropic virus expression in mice. ii. expression of major virus structural proteins in crosses involving nzb/b1nj, swr/j, and 129/j strains of mice.the expression of viral structural polypeptides and the production of infectious xenotropic virus were found to segregate together in nzb, 129/j, and swr/j mice and in crosses between these strains. the viral p30 protein segregation pattern, as measured by competition radioimmunoassay using extracts of frozen spleens from backcross progeny, indicate that xenotropic murine leukemia virus expression is controlled by two dominant genes.19836306669
characterization of infectious oncornaviruses from mopc-460 plasmacytomas: their relation to a-type particles.mopc-460 mouse plasmacytoma cells produce intracellular a-type particles and extracellular oncornavirus-like particles ("myeloma-associated virus," abbreviated mav). the genomes of these two particles are closely related. during attempts to establish infections with mopc-460 extracellular particles, we isolated ecotropic and xenotropic infectious forms of murine leukemia virus. we have investigated the relation of these isolates to a-type particles and to mav by nucleic acid hybridization. using ...1979232165
expression of xenotropic murine leukemia viruses as cell-surface gp70 in genetic crosses between strains dba/2 and c57bl/6.flow microfluorometry was used to assess levels of xenotropic murine leukemia virus envelope-related cell-surface antigens (xencsa) expressed on lymphocytes of mice derived from crosses between c57bl/6 (b6) and dba/2 (d2); 24 recombinant inbred strains (bxd ris) and 62 backcross mice were studied. the results suggest that xencsa expression is affected by more than one gene but that the predominant influence is exerted by a single semidominant gene apparently located on chromosome 4 at or in clos ...1979221612
endogenous xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related sequences map to chromosomal regions encoding mouse lymphocyte antigens.dnas of all inbred mouse strains contain multiple copies (18 to 28 copies per haploid mouse genome) of endogenous xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related sequences detectable by southern analysis with a xenotropic murine leukemia virus env gene-specific probe. after pvuii digestion, we identified a subset of xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related sequences that are well resolved by agarose gel electrophoresis and can be mapped to specific chromosomes by using recombinant inbred mouse strains. ...19846321791
endogenous rna tumor viruses are activated during chemical induction of murine plasmacytomas.plasmacytomas are induced in balb/c mice by the intraperitoneal injection of pristane (2,6,10,14-tetra-methylpentadecane) after a latent period of six months and more [anderson, p. n. & potter, m. (1969) nature 222, 994-995]. spleen cells mesenteric lymph node cells, thoracic lymph node cells, and peritoneal exudate cells were prepared from pristane-treated and control uninjected balb/c mice during the course of a 10-month period, and these cell suspensions were tested for the release of infecti ...1978212759
heteroduplex analysis of the nonhomology region between moloney mulv and the dual host range derivative hix virus.the dual host range virus hix has been previously characterized as an envelope gene recombinant between moloney murine leukemia virus (mo-mulv) and an unidentified xenotropic murine leukemia virus. using long reverse transcripts of mo-mulv, a region of nonhomology has been mapped by electron microscopic analysis of heteroduplexes formed with hix 35s virion rna. in this nonhomology region, the mo-mulv cdna strand measured approximately 900 nucleotides, mapping between 1.6 and 2.5 kilobases from t ...1978210960
biochemical characterization of the amphotropic group of murine leukemia viruses.the recently described amphotropic group of murine leukemia viruses constitutes a distinct biological group, differing from the ecotropic and xenotropic groups in host range, cross interference, and serological reactivity. viruses of this group have been detected only in wild mice from certain areas in california. by using a [3h]dna probe synthesized in an endogenous reaction from detergent-lysed amphotropic virus (strain 1504-a), it was demonstrated that the amphotropic murine leukemia viruses ...1978206729
genetic mapping of xenotropic leukemia virus-inducing loci in two mouse genetic studies of c57bl/10 and balb/c mice, inducibility of xenotropic murine leukemia virus from tissue cultures by treatment with 5-iododeoxyuridine shows single gene segregation ratios. in both strains, the virus-inducing loci are on chromosome 1, linked to the dip-1/isozyme locus, but the two may not be at allelic sites.1978204014
specific neutralization of defective spleen focus-forming virus in friend virus complex by rat antiserum.the spleen focus-forming virus (sffv), a rapidly transforming, replication-defective virus in friend virus (fv) complex that is readily neutralized by antisera directed against its helper virus, was examined for the presence of sffv-specific antigens. antisera prepared in fisher rats against an sffv-infected fisher rat embryo fibroblast line (sffv-fre) neutralized sffv effectively, but not friend-associated murine leukemia virus (f-mulv) whether the latter was tested alone or was mixed with sffv ...197990172
cloning and characterization of an envelope-specific probe from xenotropic murine leukemia proviral 8.9-kilobase ecori restriction fragment was cloned from mink cells chronically infected with nfs-th-1 xenotropic murine leukemia virus by using a lambda phage host vector system. after its transfer into pbr322, the ecori dna insert was characterized and found to contain 6.7 kilobases of proviral dna sequences and 2.2 kilobases of mink cellular dna flanking the 5' end of the viral genome. a 500-base pair fragment which was located at the 3' terminus of the cloned dna insert and which mapped to ...19826283115
quantitative competitive reverse transcription-pcr as a method to evaluate retrovirus removal during chromatography procedures.chinese hamster ovary cells used for pharmaceutical protein production express non-infectious retrovirus-like particles. to assure the safety of pharmaceutical proteins, validation of the ability of manufacturing process to clear retrovirus-like particles is required for product registration. xenotropic murine leukemia virus (x-mulv) is often used as a model virus for validation studies. some chromatography procedures used for pharmaceutical protein purification utilize low ph (< ph 4.0) elution ...199910553652
molecular cloning of murine endogenous viral sequences and expression of a newly constructed recombinant murine leukemia virus dna in transfected mink the process of molecularly cloning unintegrated proviral dna from nih-3t3 mouse cells infected with rauscher murine leukemia virus, we observed the occurrence of clones with inserts smaller than the expected rauscher murine leukemia virus fragments. the insert of one of these clones, lambda.xe-1, was characterized in more detail. it had a size of 3.5 kilobases. the restriction map was similar but not identical to that of the envelope regions of moloney and rauscher murine leukemia viruses. af ...19826280180
comparison of the restriction endonuclease maps of unintegrated proviral dnas from four xenotropic murine leukemia viruses.from purified linear and superhelical dnas, the restriction endonuclease maps of four xenotropic murine leukemia virus dnas from nfs, nzb, balb/c, and akr mice were determined with ten restriction endonucleases. each xenotropic proviral dna was found to be a unique restriction endonuclease map, with differences in the gag, pol, env, and terminal repeated sequence regions. however, type-specific saci and ecori sites in the env region were identical in all four xenotropic murine leukemia virus dna ...19816275130
selective host range restriction of goat cells for recombinant murine leukemia virus and feline leukemia virus type a.we isolated a strain of normal goat fibroblasts which was uniquely selective in that it allowed the replication of xenotropic murine leukemia virus but not polytropic recombinant murine leukemia virus. in addition, feline leukemia virus type a replication was severely diminished in these goat cells, whereas feline leukemia virus type b and feline endogenous rd114-ccc viruses replicated efficiently. no other known cells exhibit this pattern of virus growth restriction. these goat cells allow the ...19816270364
glycoproteins of murine leukemia viruses. iii. glycosylation of env precursor glycoproteins.we have compared the glycopeptides obtained after extensive pronase digestion of the env precursors (prenv proteins) of ecotropic, xenotropic, and dual-tropic murine leukemia viruses. two glycopeptide size classes, having molecular weights of approximately 2,200 and 1,500, were shown to be associated with the prenv proteins of all murine leukemia viruses studied. glycopeptides associated with the env precursors were totally susceptible to endo-beta-n-acetyglucosaminidase h. analysis by sodium do ...19816268835
a cell surface antigen of the mouse related to xenotropic mulv defined by naturally occurring antibody and monoclonal antibody. relation to gix g(rada1), g(aksl2) systems of mulv-related antigens.a new cell surface antigen of the mouse related to xenotropic murine leukemia virus (mulv) is described. the antigen, designated g(erld), is defined by cytotoxic tests with the b6-x-ray-induced erld and naturally occurring antibody. g(erld) is distinct from all previously defined cell surface antigens. monoclonal antibody with the same specificity has been developed. inbred mouse strains are classified as g(erld)+ or g(erld)- according to the presence of absence of the antigen on lymphoid cells. ...19816268731
origin of mink cytopathic focus-forming (mcf) viruses:comparison with ecotropic and xenotropic murine leukemia virus genomes. 19816267794
efficient production of xenotropic murine leukemia virus unintegrated proviral dna by cocultivation.cocultivation of virus-producing cells and homologous uninfected cells yielded greater than a 10-fold increase in linear and superhelical proviral dnas as compared with previously published techniques.19816264153
leukemogenesis, immune responsiveness, and murine leukemia virus expression in congenic akr/j mice differing at this study we examined the leukemia incidence, ectropic and xenotropic murine leukemia virus expression, and immune responsiveness of congenic akr/j mice differing at the h locus. congenic akr.l-h-2b/1 mice, bearing the h-2b haplotype derived from c57l/j, were found to have a significant delay in time of death due to leukemia relative to that of akr/j (h-2k) mice. the expression of ecotropic murine leukemia virus was found to be identical in both strains. the expression of xenotropic murine l ...19806253394
double transformation of indian muntjac cells by avian and murine sarcoma viruses.avian sarcoma virus-transformed indian muntjac cells, sr-mm-1, formed foci by murine sarcoma-xenotropic murine leukemia virus complex [msv(x-mulv)] superinfection. the response of sr-mm-1 and parental normal indian muntjac mm-2k cells to msv(x-mulv) infection was compared. focus formation by msv(x-mulv) followed two-hit kinetics in mm-2k, but one-hit kinetics in sr-mm-1 cells. msv(x-mulv)-infected sr-mm-1 cells formed larger colonies than uninfected sr-mm-1 cells in soft agar, while no colony wa ...19806247523
characterization of structural and immunological properties of specific domains of friend ecotropic and dual-tropic murine leukemia virus gp70s.a detailed comparison of the gp70 proteins of cloned ecotropic friend murine leukemia virus (flv) and dual-tropic friend mink focus-forming virus (frmcf) was performed by analyzing the structural and immunological properties of amino- and carboxy-terminal domains of these molecules generated upon controlled trypsinization. the two gp70s gave characteristic fragmentation patterns; the amino-terminal fragments of frmcf gp70 were smaller than the corresponding fragments of flv and contained a tryps ...19846198530
differential expression of murine leukemia virus loci in chemically induced hybrid cells.the time course of murine leukemia virus production after chemical induction was determined in hamster-mouse somatic cell hybrids containing the xenotropic murine leukemia virus induction locus bxv-1 or the ecotropic locus akv-2. by using these hybrids, induction could be studied in the absence of secondary virus spread because xenotropic viruses cannot infect hybrid cells and ecotropic viruses cannot infect hybrids which have lost mouse chromosome 5. after induction, hybrids with bxv-1 produced ...19846088810
unique features of retrovirus expression in f/st mice.f/st mice are unique in producing high levels of both ecotropic and xenotropic murine leukemia virus. the high ecotropic virus phenotype is determined by three or more v (virus-inducing) loci. a single locus for inducibility of xenotropic murine leukemia virus was mapped to chromosome 1 close to, but possibly not allelic to, bxv-1. although the high ecotropic virus phenotype is phenotypically dominant, the high xenotropic virus phenotype was recessive in all crosses tested. suppression of xenotr ...19826286989
internal organization of endogenous proviral dnas of xenotropic murine leukemia viruses.the internal organization of endogenous xenotropic murine leukemia virus proviruses was determined in a series of blot hybridization experiments in which dna from several different inbred mouse strains, digested with restriction enzymes known to cleave xenotropic proviral dnas at least twice, was annealed to generalized murine leukemia virus or xenotropic env-specific dna probes. comigrating bands of variable intensity which hybridized to the xenotropic env probe were identified in all inbred mo ...19826287018
isolation and characterization of mink cell focus-inducing murine leukemia viruses with xenotropic host range from mouse strain sl.a new type of mink cell focus-inducing virus was persistently isolated from the leukemic tissues of sl mice. in contrast to the dual tropic mink cell focus-inducing viruses reported to date, the new virus has the host range of the xenotropic murine leukemia virus. analysis of rnase t(1) fingerprints of genomic rnas suggested that the mink cell focus-inducing virus with the xenotropic host range isolated from sl mice is a recombinant virus deriving from xenotropic murine leukemia virus.19836296452
fibrils of prostatic acid phosphatase fragments boost infections with xmrv (xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus), a human retrovirus associated with prostate cancer.the xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (xmrv) has recently been detected in prostate cancer tissues and may play a role in tumorigenesis. it is currently unclear how this virus is transmitted and which factors promote its spread in the prostate. we show that amyloidogenic fragments known as semen-derived enhancer of virus infection (sevi) originating from prostatic acid phosphatase greatly increase xmrv infections of primary prostatic epithelial and stromal cells. hybrid simian/human ...200919403677
nucleotide sequence of the env-specific segment of nfs-th-1 xenotropic murine leukemia virus.the sequence of 863 contiguous nucleotides encompassing portions of the pol and env genes of nfs-th-1 xenotropic proviral dna was determined. this region of the xenotropic murine leukemia virus genome contains and env-specific segment that hybridizes exclusively to xenotropic and mink cell focus-forming but not to ecotropic proviral dnas (c. e. buckler et al., j. virol. 41:228-236, 1982). the unique xenotropic env segment contained several characteristic deletions and insertions relative to the ...19836298457
detection of an infectious retrovirus, xmrv, in blood cells of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome.chronic fatigue syndrome (cfs) is a debilitating disease of unknown etiology that is estimated to affect 17 million people worldwide. studying peripheral blood mononuclear cells (pbmcs) from cfs patients, we identified dna from a human gammaretrovirus, xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (xmrv), in 68 of 101 patients (67%) as compared to 8 of 218 (3.7%) healthy controls. cell culture experiments revealed that patient-derived xmrv is infectious and that both cell-associated and cell-fr ...200919815723
endogenous murine leukemia proviral long terminal repeats contain a unique 190-base-pair insert.we have determined the nucleotide sequence in the u3-r regions of the long terminal repeat (ltr) associated with nfs-th-1 xenotropic murine leukemia virus (mulv) dna and the ltr components of five endogenous proviruses cloned from balb/c mouse chromosomal dna. the five endogenous mulv ltrs contained the regulatory signals thought to be important in viral transcription, such as "tataa" and ccaat-like boxes. a unique feature in four of the endogenous ltrs was the presence of a highly conserved 190 ...19836302701
murine type c retroviruses and intracisternal a-particles in human tumors serially passaged in nude ultrastructural survey of 11 human tumors passaged in n:nih(s) (nu/nu) mice showed two instances of type c virus production. in one instance type c virus particles were observed in the endothelial murine stromal cell component of an embryonal carcinoma but not in the human tumor cells. in another instance type c virus particles were seen replicating in the chondroblastic human cells of a xenografted osteosarcoma. the type c virus produced in the human cells failed to transform nih/3t3 cells, ...19836310201
dnas of two molecularly cloned endogenous ecotropic proviruses are poorly infectious in dna transfection assays.endogenous ecotropic murine leukemia virus expression varies with inbred mouse strain and age. the mechanism(s) regulating virus expression is unknown, but expression is thought to be controlled at the transcriptional level by linkage to cis-acting cellular dna sequences or dna methylation or both. to begin to differentiate between these different control mechanisms, we molecularly cloned two endogenous ecotropic proviruses, emv-3 and emv-13, complete with flanking cellular dna sequences. both p ...19846319743
laboratory and wild-derived mice with multiple loci for production of xenotropic murine leukemia virus.mendelian segregation analysis was used to define genetic loci for the induction of infectious xenotropic murine leukemia virus in several laboratory and wild-derived mice. ma/my mice contain two loci for xenotropic virus inducibility, one of which, bxv -1, is the only induction locus carried by five other inbred strains. the second, novel ma/my locus, designated mxv -1, is unlinked to bxv -1 and shows a lower efficiency of virus induction. the nzb mouse carries two induction loci; both are dist ...19846328046
cell-mediated immunity to chemically xenogenized tumors--vi. the effect of cell treatment with retroviral env antisense oligonucleotides.the occurrence of aberrant, retrovirus-related proteins is a common finding in immunogenic clones of the triazene-xenogenized l5178y lymphoma line (l5178y/dtic). in clone d-cells, newly expressed 80 kda antigens related to xenotropic murine leukemia virus env gene products induce specific humoral and cell-mediated responses and possess biologic activity in vivo. to further clarify the relationship between immunogenic properties of clone d and retroviral gene expression, tumor cells were treated ...19938375938
localization of a retroviral element within the rd gene coding for the beta subunit of cgmp phosphodiesterase.retinal degeneration in the rd mouse is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait and is caused by a defect in the gene encoding the beta subunit of cgmp phosphodiesterase. recently, a close genetic association of the rd gene with an endogenous xenotropic murine leukemia virus (xmv-28) was established by linkage analysis using recombinant inbred strains of mice. in this study, genomic dna mapping and sequence analyses clarify the position of the proviral sequences in relation to the rd gene. we ...19938385352
precise gene localization by phenotypic assay of radiation hybrid cells.a high resolution map of the human genome previously has been constructed by using the g3 panel of human/hamster radiation hybrid cell lines and >15,000 unique human genetic markers. by determining whether human dna sequences are present or absent in each of the hybrids, localization of single genes may routinely be achieved at approximately 250-kb resolution. in this paper we have tested whether similarly precise localization might be achieved by phenotypic screening of the hybrids to facilitat ...200010852967
evaluation of a quantitative product-enhanced reverse transcriptase assay to monitor retrovirus in mab cell-culture.murine hybridoma cells used in the production of monoclonal antibodies (mabs) produce endogenous type c retrovirus particles. regulatory agencies require a demonstration that mabs intended for human use are free of retrovirus with an adequate margin of safety. this is usually achieved by evaluation studies, performed at small scale, to demonstrate that the manufacturing process is capable of removing or inactivating several different model viruses, including a murine retrovirus. in a previous re ...200211846426
inhibition of xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus by apobec3 proteins and antiviral drugs.xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (xmrv), a gammaretrovirus, has been isolated from human prostate cancer tissue and from activated cd4(+) t cells and b cells of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome, suggesting an association between xmrv infection and these two diseases. since apobec3g (a3g) and apobec3f (a3f), which are potent inhibitors of murine leukemia virus and vif-deficient human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1), are expressed in human cd4(+) t cells and b cells, we s ...201020335265
performance of a novel viresolve nfr virus filter.mammalian cell-expressed therapeutic proteins are particularly vulnerable to contamination by endogenous retrovirus-like particles (rvlps). the viresolve nfr filter was designed to meet the critical requirement of manufacturing a safe and virus-free therapeutic by retaining rvlps by a minimum of six log reduction value (lrv). the nfr designation refers to retrovirus removal in a normal flow format. to qualify the product, we tested two model viruses: the 78 nm diameter phi6 bacteriophage and the ...200212153313
bracketed generic inactivation of rodent retroviruses by low ph treatment for monoclonal antibodies and recombinant proteins.viral safety is a predominant concern for monoclonal antibodies (mabs) and other recombinant proteins (rps) with pharmaceutical applications. certain commercial purification modules, such as nanofiltration and low-ph inactivation, have been observed to reliably clear greater than 4 log(10) of large enveloped viruses, including endogenous retrovirus. the concept of "bracketed generic clearance" has been proposed for these steps if it could be prospectively demonstrated that viral log(10) reductio ...200312599259
molecular cloning, complete sequence, and biological characterization of a xenotropic murine leukemia virus constitutively released from the human b-lymphoblastoid cell line dg-75.a previously undetected retrovirus has been isolated from the human epstein-barr virus (ebv)-negative, b-lymphoblastoid dg-75 cell line, widely used for ebv gene transfection studies. the complete 8207-base genome of the dg-75 retrovirus was molecularly cloned from viral mrna and sequenced (accession no. af221065). northern blot analysis with probes specific for the putative ru-5, gag, pol, and env regions identified a full-length viral rna and spliced env mrna. dg-75 viral rna was isolated from ...200312706092
real time quantitative pcr as a method to evaluate xenotropic murine leukemia virus removal during pharmaceutical protein purification.chinese hamster ovary cells used for pharmaceutical protein production express noninfectious retrovirus-like particles. to assure the safety of pharmaceutical proteins, validation of the ability of manufacturing processes to clear retrovirus-like particles is required for product registration. xenotropic murine leukemia virus (x-mulv) is often used as a model virus for clearance studies. traditionally, cell-based infectivity assay has been the standard virus quantification method. in this articl ...200415334415
mouse retrovirus mediates porcine endogenous retrovirus transmission into human cells in long-term human-porcine chimeric mice.porcine endogenous retrovirus (perv) is a potential pathogen in clinical xenotransplantation; transmission of perv in vivo has been suggested in murine xenotransplantation models. we analyzed the transmission of perv to human cells in vivo using a model in which immunodeficient nod/scid transgenic mice were transplanted with porcine and human lymphohematopoietic tissues. our results demonstrate, we believe for the first time, that human and pig cells can coexist long-term (up to 25 weeks) withou ...200415343388
pseudotyping of porcine endogenous retrovirus by xenotropic murine leukemia virus in a pig islet xenotransplantation model.the potential of porcine endogenous retrovirus (perv) as a human pathogen, particularly as a public health risk, is a major concern for xenotransplantation. in vitroperv transmission to human cells is well established. evidence from human/pig hematopoietic chimeras in immunodeficient mice suggests perv transmission from pig to human cells in vivo. however, recently yang et al. demonstrated in such a model that perv-c, a nonhuman-tropic class, could be transmitted via pseudotyping by xenotropic m ...200515996230
evaluation of viral removal by nanofiltration using real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction.nanofiltration is commonly introduced into purification processes of biologics produced in mammalian cells to serve as a designated step for removal of potential exogenous viral contaminants and endogenous retrovirus-like particles. the lrv (log reduction value) achieved by nanofiltration is often determined by cell-based infectivity assay, which is time-consuming and labour-intensive. we have explored the possibility of employing qpcr (quantitative pcr) to evaluate lrv achieved by nanofiltratio ...200717233631
an infectious retrovirus susceptible to an ifn antiviral pathway from human prostate tumors.we recently reported identification of a previously undescribed gammaretrovirus genome, xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (xmrv), in prostate cancer tissue from patients homozygous for a reduced activity variant of the antiviral enzyme rnase l. here we constructed a full-length xmrv genome from prostate tissue rna and showed that the molecular viral clone is replication-competent. xmrv replication in the prostate cancer cell line du145 was sensitive to inhibition by ifn-beta. howeve ...200717234809
evaluation of microfluidics reactor technology on the kinetics of virus inactivation.mammalian cell lines constitute an important part in the manufacture of therapeutic proteins. however, their susceptibility to virus contamination is a potential risk to patient safety and productivity, and has led to the development of a repertoire of virus inactivation techniques. from a process development viewpoint, the challenge is to demonstrate the required log reduction in virus content without a significant loss in product titer or quality. the balance between the two is dictated by the ...200818023056
integration site preference of xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus, a new human retrovirus associated with prostate cancer.xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (xmrv) is a new human gammaretrovirus identified in prostate cancer tissue from patients homozygous for a reduced-activity variant of the antiviral enzyme rnase l. neither a casual relationship between xmrv infection and prostate cancer nor a mechanism of tumorigenesis has been established. to determine the integration site preferences of xmrv and the potential risk of proviral insertional mutagenesis, we carried out a genome-wide analysis of viral ...200818684813
prevalence of human gammaretrovirus xmrv in sporadic prostate cancer.we previously identified a novel exogenous gammaretrovirus (xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related gammaretrovirus (xmrv)) using a pan-viral microarray. xmrv is the first mlv-related virus found in human infection. forty percent (8/20) of familial prostate cancer patients homozygous for a mutation in rnase l (r462q) were positive for xmrv, while the virus was rarely (1/66) detected in familial prostate cancer patients heterozygous for r462q or carrying the wild type allele.200818823818
multiple integrated copies and high-level production of the human retrovirus xmrv (xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus) from 22rv1 prostate carcinoma cells.the human retrovirus xmrv (xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus) is associated with prostate cancer, most frequently in humans with a defect in the antiviral defense protein rnase l, suggesting a role for xmrv in prostate carcinogenesis. however, xmrv has not been found in prostate carcinoma cells. here we show that 22rv1 prostate carcinoma cells produce high-titer virus that is nearly identical in properties and sequence to xmrv isolated by others and consist primarily of a single clo ...200919403664
xmrv is present in malignant prostatic epithelium and is associated with prostate cancer, especially high-grade tumors.xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (xmrv) was recently discovered in human prostate cancers and is the first gammaretrovirus known to infect humans. while gammaretroviruses have well-characterized oncogenic effects in animals, they have not been shown to cause human cancers. we provide experimental evidence that xmrv is indeed a gammaretrovirus with protein composition and particle ultrastructure highly similar to moloney murine leukemia virus (momlv), another gammaretrovirus. we ana ...200919805305
can detection of xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus be linked to chronic fatigue syndrome? 201020629499
no evidence for xmrv association in pediatric idiopathic diseases in france.retroviruses have been linked to a variety of diseases such as neoplastic and immunodeficiency disorders and neurologic and respiratory diseases. recently, a novel infectious human retrovirus, the xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (xmrv), has been identified in cohorts of patients with either a familial type of prostate cancer or chronic fatigue syndrome. the apparent unrelatedness of these diseases raised the question of the potential involvement of xmrv in other, we ...201020678193
lack of evidence for xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus(xmrv) in german prostate cancer patients.a novel gammaretrovirus named xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (xmrv) has been recently identified and found to have a prevalence of 40% in prostate tumor samples from american patients carrying a homozygous r462q mutation in the rnasel gene. this mutation impairs the function of the innate antiviral type i interferon pathway and is a known susceptibility factor for prostate cancer. here, we attempt to measure the prevalence of xmrv in prostate cancer cases in germany and determine ...200919835577
peg enhances viral clearance on ceramic hydroxyapatite.viral clearance across ceramic hydroxyapatite (cht) was examined in two elution systems: sodium chloride and sodium chloride plus poly(ethylene glycol) (peg). in both cases clearance of xenotropic murine leukemia virus was significant (3-4 log) while that of minute virus of mice varied between 1.7 and 2.7 log; in addition, the addition of peg to the elution buffer enhanced viral clearance. the data are in agreement with the previous results and demonstrate that additional clearance can be obtain ...200919877137
androgen stimulates transcription and replication of xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus.xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (xmrv) is a gammaretrovirus originally identified in a subset of prostate cancer patients. because androgens stimulate prostate tumors and some retroviruses, we investigated the effects of dihydrotestosterone (dht) on xmrv transcription and replication. transcription from the xmrv u3 region was stimulated up to 2-fold by dht, but only in cells containing a functional androgen receptor. mutations in the glucocorticoid response element (gre) of xmrv i ...201019906923
susceptibility of the human retrovirus xmrv to antiretroviral inhibitors.xmrv (xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus) is the first known example of an exogenous gammaretrovirus that can infect humans. a limited number of reports suggest that xmrv is intrinsically resistant to many of the antiretroviral drugs used to treat hiv-1 infection, but is sensitive to a small subset of these inhibitors. in the present study, we used a novel marker transfer assay to directly compare the antiviral drug sensitivities of xmrv and hiv-1 under identical conditions in the sa ...201020807431
comparison of efficiency of infection of human gene therapy target cells via four different retroviral receptors.the relative efficiency of transduction of gene therapy target cells was measured for retroviruses bearing the envelopes of amphotropic murine leukemia virus (mlv-a), xenotropic murine leukemia virus (mlv-x), gibbon ape leukemia virus (galv), feline leukemia virus subgroup b (felv-b), and the feline endogenous virus rd114. these viruses use various cell-surface receptors. activated peripheral blood lymphocytes (pbl) and primary melanoma cultures were infected relatively poorly by mlv-x pseudotyp ...19968727505
evolution of functional and sequence variants of the mammalian xpr1 receptor for mouse xenotropic gammaretroviruses and the human-derived retrovirus xmrv.genetic conflicts between retroviruses and their receptors result in the evolution of novel host entry restrictions and novel virus envelopes, and such variants can influence trans-species transmission. we screened rodents and other mammals for sequence variation in the xpr1 receptor for the mouse xenotropic or polytropic mouse leukemia viruses (x-mlvs or p-mlvs, respectively) of the gammaretrovirus family and for susceptibility to mouse-derived x/p-mlvs and to xmrv (xenotropic murine leukemia v ...201020844050
pathogenicity of a mutant friend spleen focus-forming virus encoding an env-like membrane glycoprotein (gp55) with substitution by a xenotropic murine leukemia virus env gp70 sequence.friend spleen focus-forming virus (f-sffv) is a replication-defective acutely leukemogenic mouse retrovirus and encodes an envelope protein (env)-like membrane glycoprotein (gp55) in its defective env gene, which is responsible for the early stage of the viral leukemogenesis. gp55 is a modified env protein and contains a polytropic mink cell focus-inducing (mcf) murine leukemia virus (mulv) env gp70-derived sequence in its amino-terminal region. to evaluate the possibility that the presumed bind ...19989623923
chronic fatigue syndrome: xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus, murine leukemia virus, both, or neither? 201020884850
pg-4 cell plaque assay for xenotropic murine leukemia virus.xenotropic murine leukemia virus (x-mulv) is often used in retrovirus elimination studies involving rodent cells. currently, x-mulv is measured using a focus-forming assay on mink (micl1 s+l-) or cat (pg-4 s+l-) cell lines. an easier and quicker pg-4 cell plaque assay, which retains the statistical reproducibility of the focus-forming assay, was developed and evaluated in this study. the pg-4 plaque assay is more sensitive than the micl1 focus assay for titering x-mulv. the best results were ach ...199910488760
susceptibility of xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (xmrv) to retroviral restriction factors.xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (xmrv) is a recently discovered gammaretrovirus that has been linked to prostate cancer and chronic fatigue syndrome. this virus is therefore an important potential human pathogen and, as such, it is essential to understand its host cell tropism. intriguingly, infectious virus has been recovered from patient-derived peripheral blood mononuclear cells. these cells express several antiviral restriction factors that are capable of inhibiting the replic ...201020194752
current status of xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related retrovirus in chronic fatigue syndrome and prostate cancer: reach for a scorecard, not a prescription pad. 201020936981
xmrv infection in patients with prostate cancer: novel serologic assay and correlation with pcr and develop a serum-based assay to detect neutralizing antibodies to the xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (xmrv) retrovirus and to use this assay with polymerase chain reaction and fluorescence in situ hybridization to identify patients with prostate cancer previously exposed to xmrv infection and those who carry xmrv viral sequences in their prostate.201020371060
pcr and serology find no association between xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (xmrv) and autism.abstract: xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (xmrv) is a retrovirus implicated in prostate cancer and chronic fatigue syndrome (cfs). press releases have suggested that it could contribute to autism spectrum disorder (asd). in this study we used two pcr assays and one antibody assay to screen 25 blood samples from autistic children born to mothers with cfs and from 20 mixed controls including family members of the children assayed, people with fibromyalgia and people with chronic lym ...201020946639
xmrv: a new virus in prostate cancer?several recent articles have reported the presence of a gammaretrovirus, termed "xmrv" (xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus) in prostate cancers (pca). if confirmed, this could have enormous implications for the detection, prevention, and treatment of pca. however, other articles report failure to detect xmrv in pca. we tested nearly 800 pca samples, using a combination of real-time pcr and immunohistochemistry (ihc). the pcr reactions were simultaneously monitored for amplification o ...201020966126
absence of detectable xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus in plasma or peripheral blood mononuclear cells of human immunodeficiency virus type 1-infected blood donors or individuals in africa.since the identification of xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (xmrv) in prostate cancer patients in 2006 and in chronic fatigue syndrome patients in 2009, conflicting findings have been reported regarding its etiologic role in human diseases and prevalence in general populations. in this study, we screened both plasma and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (pbmncs) collected in africa from blood donors and human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1)-infected individuals to gain evid ...201021077909
endogenous retroviruses as potential hazards for vaccines.retroviruses are classified as exogenous or endogenous according to their mode of transmission. generally, endogenous retroviruses (ervs) are not pathogenic in their original hosts; however, some ervs induce diseases. in humans, a novel gammaretrovirus was discovered in patients with prostate cancer or chronic fatigue syndrome. this virus was closely related to xenotropic murine leukemia virus (x-mlv) and designated as xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (xmrv). the origin and transmi ...201020378372
evaluation of cellular determinants required for in vitro xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus entry into human prostate cancer and noncancerous cells.the newly identified retrovirus-the xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (xmrv)-has recently been shown to be strongly associated with familial prostate cancer in humans (a. urisman et al., plos pathog. 2:e25, 2006). while that study showed evidence of xmrv infection exclusively in the prostatic stromal fibroblasts, a recent study found xmrv protein antigens mainly in malignant prostate epithelial cells (r. schlaberg et al., proc. natl. acad. sci. u. s. a. 106:16351-16356, 2009). to he ...201020410264
fidelity of target site duplication and sequence preference during integration of xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus.xenotropic murine leukemia virus (mlv)-related virus (xmrv) is a new human retrovirus associated with prostate cancer and chronic fatigue syndrome. the causal relationship of xmrv infection to human disease and the mechanism of pathogenicity have not been established. during retrovirus replication, integration of the cdna copy of the viral rna genome into the host cell chromosome is an essential step and involves coordinated joining of the two ends of the linear viral dna into staggered sites on ...201020421928
xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus in chronic fatigue syndrome and prostate cancer.xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (xmrv) is a gamma retrovirus that has been associated with chronic fatigue syndrome (cfs) and prostate cancer. the search for viral causes of these syndromes was reignited by the finding that rnase l activity was low in hereditary prostate cancer and some cfs patients. the six strains of xmrv that have been sequenced have greater than 99% identity, indicating a new human infection rather than laboratory contamination. dna, rna, and proteins from xmr ...201020425007
polymorphisms in inflammatory genes, plasma antioxidants, and prostate cancer risk.presence of xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus and chronic inflammation in prostate tumor suggests that inflammation plays a role in prostate cancer etiology. this study investigated whether variants in inflammatory genes act alone or interact with plasma antioxidants to influence prostate cancer risk in a population-based case-control study in central arkansas.201020431935
acutely transforming retrovirus expressing nras generated from ht-1080 fibrosarcoma cells infected with the human retrovirus xmrv.virus from ht-1080 fibrosarcoma cells infected with the human retrovirus xmrv (xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus) can induce rare foci of transformation in rat 208f fibroblasts. characterization of three such foci revealed that one produced an acutely transforming virus at a high titer. the virus consists of a mutant nras cdna from the ht-1080 cells inserted into a retroviral vector (added to the ht-1080 cells as a marker for infection) in place of internal vector sequences. these r ...201020504941
characterization of retroviral and lentiviral vectors pseudotyped with xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus envelope glycoprotein.retroviral and lentiviral vectors are effective gene delivery vehicles that are being evaluated in clinical trials. variations in the viral envelope (env) glycoproteins, which are used to pseudotype retroviral or lentiviral vectors, can alter vector performance, including stability, titers, host range, and tissue tropism. xenotropic murine leukemia virus (mlv)-related virus (xmrv) is a novel human retrovirus identified in patients with prostate cancer. xmrv targets xpr1 cell surface receptor, wh ...201020507233
xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related gammaretrovirus in respiratory tract.xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related gammaretrovirus (xmrv) has been recently associated with prostate cancer and chronic fatigue syndrome. to identify nucleic acid sequences, we examined respiratory secretions by using pcr. xmrv-specific sequences were detected in 2%-3% of samples from 168 immunocompetent carriers and approximately 10% of samples from 161 immunocompromised patients.201020507757
the human retrovirus xmrv in prostate cancer and chronic fatigue syndrome.xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (xmrv) is an authentic, newly recognized human retrovirus first identified in prostate cancer tissues from men with a deficiency in the innate immunity gene rnasel. at present, studies have detected xmrv at widely different rates in prostate cancer cases (0-27%) and in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (cfs; 0-67%). indirect or direct modes of carcinogenesis by xmrv have been suggested depending on whether the virus was found in stroma or malig ...201020517289
identification of viral infections in the prostate and evaluation of their association with cancer.several viruses with known oncogenic potential infect prostate tissue, among these are the polyomaviruses bkv, jcv, and sv40; human papillomaviruses (hpvs), and human cytomegalovirus (hcmv) infections. recently, the xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related gammaretrovirus (xmrv) was identified in prostate tissue with a high prevalence observed in prostate cancer (pc) patients homozygous for the glutamine variant of the rnasel protein (462q/q). association studies with the r462q allele and non-xm ...201020576103
absence of evidence of xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus infection in persons with chronic fatigue syndrome and healthy controls in the united states.xmrv, a xenotropic murine leukemia virus (mulv)-related virus, was recently identified by pcr testing in 67% of persons with chronic fatigue syndrome (cfs) and in 3.7% of healthy persons from the united states. to investigate the association of xmrv with cfs we tested blood specimens from 51 persons with cfs and 56 healthy persons from the us for evidence of xmrv infection by using serologic and molecular assays. blinded pcr and serologic testing were performed at the us centers for disease cont ...201020594299
absence of xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus in blood cells of men at risk for and infected with hiv.xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus has been detected in blood cells of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome and in 3.7% of healthy controls from the same geographic region. we evaluated 996 men who were participants in the multicenter aids cohort study for xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus sequences in blood cells by means of a real-time quantitative pcr assay. xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus was detected in none of the men on the basis of the absence of ...201020597166
characterization of antibodies elicited by xmrv infection and development of immunoassays useful for epidemiologic studies.xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (xmrv) is a human gammaretrovirus recently identified in prostate cancer tissue and in lymphocytes of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. to establish the etiologic role of xmrv infection in human disease requires large scale epidemiologic studies. development of assays to detect xmrv-specific antibodies would greatly facilitate such studies. however, the nature and kinetics of the antibody response to xmrv infection have yet to be determined.201020716359
biology and pathophysiology of the new human retrovirus xmrv and its association with human disease.xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (xmrv) is a new human retrovirus originally identified in prostate cancer patients with a deficiency in the antiviral enzyme rnase l. xmrv has been detected with varying frequencies in cases of prostate cancer and chronic fatigue syndrome (cfs), as well as in a small proportion of healthy individuals. an etiologic link between xmrv infection and human disease, however, has yet to be established. here, we summarize existing knowledge regarding the ch ...201020717743
detection of mlv-related virus gene sequences in blood of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome and healthy blood donors.chronic fatigue syndrome (cfs) is a serious systemic illness of unknown cause. a recent study identified dna from a xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (xmrv) in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (pbmcs) from 68 of 101 patients (67%) by nested pcr, as compared with 8 of 218 (3.7%) healthy controls. however, four subsequent reports failed to detect any murine leukemia virus (mlv)-related virus gene sequences in blood of cfs patients. we examined 41 pbmc-derived dna samples from 37 pat ...201020798047
no xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus detected in fibromyalgia patients. 201121291619
distribution of xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (xmrv) infection in chronic fatigue syndrome and prostate 2006, sequences described as xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (xmrv) were discovered in prostate cancer patients. in october 2009, we published the first direct isolation of infectious xmrv from humans and the detection of infectious xmrv in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. in that study, a combination of classic retroviral methods were used including: dna polymerase chain reaction and reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction for gag and env, full length genomic se ...201020842203
xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus is susceptible to azt.the xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (xmrv) is a human retrovirus, recently isolated from tissues of prostate cancer patients with impaired rnase l activity. in this study, we evaluated 10 licensed anti-hiv-1 compounds for their activity against xmrv, including protease inhibitors (pi), nucleoside reverse transcriptase (rt) inhibitors (nrti), non-nucleoside rt inhibitors (nnrti) and an integrase inhibitor. no pi affected xmrv production; even high concentrations of ritonavir failed ...201019959199
the prostate cancer-associated human retrovirus xmrv lacks direct transforming activity but can induce low rates of transformation in cultured cells.the human retrovirus xmrv (xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus) is associated with prostate cancer, but a causal relationship has not been established. here, we have used cultured fibroblast and epithelial cell lines to test the hypothesis that xmrv might have direct transforming activity but found only rare transformation events, suggestive of indirect transformation, even when the target cells expressed the human xpr1 cell entry receptor for xmrv. characterization of cells from thre ...201020007266
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