
genomic analysis of hadv-b14 isolate from the outbreak of febrile respiratory infection in china.human adenovirus type 14 (hadv-b14) was first reported in 1955 from the netherlands and since then had been associated with outbreaks of febrile respiratory illness (fri). in china, sporadic hadv-b14 infections were first identified in 2010, in guangzhou and beijing. in 2012, an outbreak of fri occurred in beijing and the etiological agent was determined to be hadv-b14. we present a complete hadv-b14 genome sequence isolated from this recent fri outbreak. virus in 30 throat swab samples was dete ...201324055951
genome sequence of the first human adenovirus type 14 isolated in china.emergent pathogens may be examined rapidly at high resolution on a molecular level using genomics, allowing an understanding of their evolution. china is a unique environment for studying pathogens, having a large, dense, and generally closed population. human adenovirus type 14 (hadv-14) was originally identified as an acute respiratory disease (ard) pathogen in the netherlands (1955), with a second isolation in england (1957). since then, few reports of this virus appeared until an ard pathoge ...201222628402
in vitro characterization of human adenovirus type 55 in comparison with its parental adenoviruses, types 11 and 14.human adenovirus type 55 (hadv-b55) represents a re-emerging human pathogen, and this adenovirus has been reported to cause outbreaks of acute respiratory diseases among military trainees and in school populations around the world. hadv-b55 has been revealed to have evolved from homologous recombination between human adenovirus type 14 (hadv-b14) and type 11 (hadv-b11), but it presents different clinical manifestations from parental virus hadv-b11. in the present paper, we report the distinct bi ...201424956280
neutralizing epitopes mapping of human adenovirus type 14 hexon.human adenoviruses 14 (hadv-14) caused several clusters of acute respiratory disease (ard) outbreaks in both civilian and military settings. the identification of the neutralizing epitopes of hadv-14 is important for the surveillance and control of infection. since the previous studies had indicated that the adenoviruses neutralizing epitopes were likely to be exposed on the surface of the hexon, four epitope peptides, a14r1 (residues 141-157), a14r2 (residues 181-189), a14r4 (residues 252-260) ...201526546264
surveillance for emerging respiratory viruses.several new viral respiratory tract infectious diseases with epidemic potential that threaten global health security have emerged in the past 15 years. in 2003, who issued a worldwide alert for an unknown emerging illness, later named severe acute respiratory syndrome (sars). the disease caused by a novel coronavirus (sars-cov) rapidly spread worldwide, causing more than 8000 cases and 800 deaths in more than 30 countries with a substantial economic impact. since then, we have witnessed the emer ...201425189347
genome sequences of human adenovirus 14 isolates from mild respiratory cases and a fatal pneumonia, isolated during 2006-2007 epidemics in north america.human adenovirus 14 (hadv-14) is a recognized causative agent of epidemic febrile respiratory illness (fri). last reported in eurasia in 1963, this virus has since been conspicuously absent in broad surveys, and was never isolated in north america despite inclusion of specific tests for this serotype in surveillance methods. in 2006 and 2007, this virus suddenly emerged in north america, causing high attack rate epidemics of fri and, in some cases, severe pneumonias and occasional fatalities. so ...201020738863
molecular epidemiology and brief history of emerging adenovirus 14-associated respiratory disease in the united states.first isolated in the netherlands in 1955 during an outbreak of acute respiratory disease (ard) among military recruits, human adenovirus 14 (hadv-14) has historically been considered rare. with no precedent of circulation in north america, hadv-14 has been isolated from military and civilian cases of ard of variable severity since 2003 in the united states.201020500088
evaluation and validation of a real-time pcr assay for detection and quantitation of human adenovirus 14 from clinical 2007, the centers for disease control and prevention (cdc) reported that human adenovirus type 14 (hadv-14) infected 106 military personnel and was responsible for the death of one u.s. soldier at lackland air force base in texas. identification of the responsible adenovirus, which had not previously been seen in north america and for which rapid diagnostic tools were unavailable, required retrospective analysis at reference laboratories. initial quarantine measures were also reliant on relat ...200919759905
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