
identification of infectious bronchitis virus by interference with the b-1 isolant of newcastle disease virus. waxing and waning of interference.the massachusetts and the connecticut types of infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) were identified by interference in embryonating chicken eggs (ece) with the production of hemagglutinin by the b-1 isolant of newcastle disease virus (ndv). this interference test appears to be specific because the above interference was eliminated by adding type-specific anti-ibv serum to the ibv-ndv system; however, interference was not detectable when fowlpox virus (fpv) and infectious laryngotracheitis virus (lt ...1975168852
thymidine kinase isozymes of normal and virus-infected cells. 1975169026
responses of isolator-derived japanese quail and quail cell cultures to selected animal viruses.thirteen oncogenic and necrotizing animal viruses were assayed in life sciences, inc. (lsi)-specific pathogen-free japanese quail and lsi-specific pathogen-free chicken embryo cell cultures. nine viruses produced similar titers in the quail and chicken cell systems, whereas four viruses showed significantly higher titers in chickens. young japanese quail and chickens were inoculated with five selected avain viruses and maintained in stainless-steel isolators. comparable responses were noted in q ...1975172527
an avian-related new herpesvirus infection in man--subacute myelo-optico-neuropathy (smon). 1975174155
[cytopathogenic changes in cell cultures under the effect of avian laryngotracheitis virus]. 1975175252
induction of smon-type virus form avian infectious laryngotracheitis virus.smon-type virus which shows different host range was induced from ilt virus under unsuitable culture conditions for the growth of the parental ilt virus, such as cultivation in cam of 12-day-old eggs or cultivation in chk cells at 32 degrees. furthermore, it was induced from ilt virus by mutagenesis by either brdu or ng in chk cell cultures.1976175380
epizootiology of infectious laryngotracheitis in british columbia 1971-1973. 1976177165
the effect of infectious laryngotracheitis virus on the bursa of fabricius of young chickens. 1976181407
studies on vaccination against infectious laryngotracheitis by the drinking water.the authors, after a brief reference to the wide use in the field of a mild vaccinal strain of infectious laryngotracheitis virus by the drinking water to prevent the disease, describe laboratory experiments to confirm the efficacy of this route of administration compared with the conventional one (ocular). four groups of 7-week-old chickens were vaccinated as follows: a) ocularly with the normal dose, b)by instillation per os, c) by the drinking water with one dose, d) by the same route with te ...1976182588
rapid diagnosis of some avian virus electron microscopy was used to identify virions of infectious laryngotracheitis in lysed tracheal cells and of fowlpox in scabs and exudates from natural cases. rapid identification of avian adenovirus and infectious laryngotracheitis by gel diffusion was possible using antigens prepared by simple distilled-water lysis of infected cell cultures. precipitin lines were often visible within 5 hours.1976186012
immunization of broiler chickens with a commercial infectious laryngotracheitis vaccine in the drinking water.seventy-five thousand broiler chickens in four flocks were immunized at four weeks of age with a commercial infectious laryngotracheitis vaccine administered in the drinking water. three of the flocks exhibited a vaccine reaction represented by mild respiratory illness between seven and 14 days after vaccination. immunity challenge experiments demonstrated 97% protection in one trial and 67% in another trial in which the dose of challenge virus was increased fourfold. in the latter trial a paral ...1976187294
transfer of parental immunity to infectious laryngotracheitis in chicks.the transfer of parental immunity to infectious laryngotracheitis was appraised by measuring serum antibody levels in 150 chicks from the day of hatch up to five weeks. the breeder flock which had received primary vaccination at eight weeks and a booster at 20 weeks transferred high antibody levels which fell markedly within two weeks and remained constant thereafter. chicks whose parents were vaccinated at 20 weeks only, had low antibody levels throughout. these low levels, in either group of c ...1976187298
[effect of iosan and bradofen on the viruses of newcastle disease, laryngotracheitis and fowl pox].tested was the effect of the iodoform preparation iosan and the quaternary ammonium preparation bradofen against the viruses of the newcastle disease (strain la sota), laryngotracheitis (strain tsniip) and fowl pox (strain fk) in birds. the following results were obtained: 1. to a concentration of 3% (262 ppm of active iodine) and exposure of 45 min. to iosan the virus of laryngotracheitis was sensitive; that of newcastle disease perished at a conc. of 5% (525 ppm of active iodine for 15 min); a ...1976189485
prevalence of antibodies to infectious laryngotracheitis virus in poultry in new zealand. 1976190570
micro-assay systems for infectious laryngotracheitis virus. 1977190993
an outbreak of infectious laryngotracheitis in commercial poultry flocks in outbreak of infectious laryngotracheitis was observed in ontario commercial poultry flocks from september 1974 to june 1975. fifty-five flocks, totalling over 848,770 birds were clinically affected by this disease in the southern region of the province. sixty-nine percent (38/55) of the exposed flocks were in wentworth country and the regional municipality of niagara. hemorrhagic tracheitis with histological evidence of intranuclear inclusion bodies in syncytia of tracheal epithelial cells we ...1977193623
[infectious laryngotracheitis]. 1977194356
virus-induced lysosomal enzyme dissolution of nasal turbinate cartilage.the mechanism of laryngotracheitis virus-induced dissolution of chick nasal turbinate cartilage was studied by lysosomal enzyme histochemistry. five-day-old chicks were infected by intranasal instillation, and changes in lysosomal enzyme distribution were followed at daily intervals through the tissue regeneration stage, day 28. in the mucosa the lysosomes were activated beginning on day 1, and glycerol acid phosphatase and a diffuse form of beta-glucuronidase were released concomitant with tiss ...1977194485
a fluorescent-antibody study of the pathogenesis of infectious laryngotracheitis.a study of the pathogenesis of infectious laryngotracheitis (ilt) by the fluorescent-antibody (fa) technique in birds inoculated ocularly, intratracheally, by vent brush, and by aerosol revealed that the epithelium of the conjunctiva and respiratory tract are the tissues actively infected by natural routes of infection. the virus propagated at the sites of initial exposure but there was no evidence of spread by viremia. viral antigen was detected 2-7 days postexposure and rarely thereafter. bird ...1977194566
the role of bursa-dependent responses in immunity to infectious laryngotracheitis.the effect of combined day-old surgical bursectomy and cyclophosphamide therapy on the response of young chicks to brucella abortus antigen and cloacal vaccination against infectious laryngotracheitis virus (iltv) was examined. the combined treatment effectively prevented the development of serum antibody to both b abortus and iltv, yet when these chickens were challenged with virulent iltv, they were found to be immune. it is suggested that immunity to iltv may depend on the development of a ce ...1977195320
[respiratory diseases in poultry caused by viruses--occurrence and diagnosis (author's transl)].the highly intensive conditions, that economic necessity has forced upon the poultry industry, have resulted in strongly changed environmental conditions and management which combined with the use of a constantly increasing number of live vaccines has highly complicated clearing up the etiology in diseased flocks. this is true not least as far as respiratory diseases concerns, which thereby often run an atypical course. a review, however, not complete, is given of the occurrence and diagnostic p ...1977198739
[aerosol vaccination of chickens against avian infectious laryngotracheitis]. 1977198945
[sensitivity of japanese quail, embryos and embryonal tissue culture to infection with several avian viruses].the sensitivity of the biological system japanese quail-embryo-quail fibroblast cultures to some common fowl viruses (newcastle disease virus, infectious laryngotracheitis and infectious bronchitis viruses) was studied. japanese quails, their embryos and embryo cell cultures were found to be sensitive to newcastle disease virus infection. the virus reproduction was accompanied by death of embryos and destruction of cell culture. japanese quails are sensitive to infectious laryngotracheitis virus ...1977198966
demonstration of low-pathogenicity laryngotracheitis virus in a chicken flock affected by newcastle disease. 1976200130
comparison of tracheal histopathology and scanning electron microscopy of infectious laryngotracheitis.samples of trachea were examined with light microscope, fluorescent microscope, and scanning electron microscopy (sem). negative controls and infectious laryngotracheitis (ilt) positive samples were compared. histopathology illustrated lesions characteristic fo ilt. lesions seen with sem suggested surface changes including ciliary disruption. luminal debris, epithelial slough, crevices, hemorrhage and exudate. fluorescence was noted in infected tracheas throughout both trials using fluorescent a ...1977203916
subclinical pneumonia associated with an experimental adenovirus infection in the domestic fowl and the effect of concurrent infectious laryngotracheitis virus.a celo-type adenovirus (av) isolated from fowls with respiratory disease was inoculated experimentally into the tracheas of young birds. no symptoms referable to respiratory infection were evident. post mortem examination between days 2 and 5 after inoculation revealed pneumonia involving up to 30 per cent of the surface of the lungs. histologically, a focal to diffuse interstitial lymphocytic infiltration and bronchiolar degeneration were present. concurrent infections with a mild strain of inf ...1978203988
an in vivo and in vitro study of infectious laryngotracheitis virus in chicken leukocytes.infectious laryngotracheitis (ilt) virus, an avian herpesvirus, caused an infection in chickens that was followed by leukopenia due to a decrease in the number of circulating lymphocytes. viral synthesis in leukocytes in cell cultures was evident by specific and progressive viral antigens in the nuclei of infected leukocytes as shown by fluorescent-antibody technique and by the formation of multinucleated giant cells, typical of the herpesviruses. in addition, viral multiplication was observed i ...1977204276
response to several avian respiratory viruses as affected by infectious bursal disease virus.after being inoculated with the infectious bursal disease virus (ibdv) at one day of age, specific-pathogen-free chickens were inoculated with either newcastle disease virus (ndv), infectious bronchitis virus (ibv), or infectious laryngotracheitis virus (iltv). their immunity was challenged 2-3 weeks later with homologous virus, and antibody titers were determined for iltv and ibv. several studies were made to determine the effects of ibdv on the development of persistent or chronic virus infect ...1978206256
sensitivity and specificity of the fluorescent antibody technique for detection of infectious laryngotracheitis virus.the specificity of a fluorescent conjugate to infectious laryngotracheitis virus was examined using chick trachea organ culture or tissue sections infected with other avian viruses (adenovirus, infectious bronchitis, poxvirus, reovirus, newcastle disease virus, marek's disease virus, avian encephalomyelitis and infectious bursal agent) or mycoplasma gallisepticum. confirmation of virus replication in these preparations was obtained by either 1) demonstration of virus titre increase or 2) demonst ...1978206327
vaccination immunity to selected diseases in chickens fed the androgen analog mibolerone.chickens fed the androgen analog mibolerone during the first 7 weeks of life regress their bursa of fabricius but can be properly immunized by vaccination against avian pathogens of major economic importance such as newcastle disease virus, infectious laryngotracheitis virus, avian encephalomyelitis virus, infectious bronchitis virus, fowl pox virus, marek's disease virus, and pasteurella multocida, the pathogen causing fowl cholera. these findings on immunocompetence to infectious agents are im ...1978209430
immunosuppressive effects of the infectious bursal agent and relationships to other poultry diseases. 1976220631
isolation of a herpesvirus from an american kestrel with inclusion body disease.a herpesvirus was isolated from the liver of a captive-bred american kestrel (falco sparverius) which had died of inclusion body disease. initial isolation was achieved in chicken embryo fibroblasts after three blind passages. cell-adapted virus produced a distinct rounding of cef cells within 24 to 48 h. biologic and serologic tests suggested that the kestrel virus is similar to falcon herpesvirus and pigeon herpesvirus and is at least partially related to owl herpesvirus. however, serologic te ...1979222917
an immunofluorescence diagnostic test for avian infectious antiserum to a recent field isolate of infectious laryngotracheitis virus was conjugated with fluorescein isothiocyanate and used to detect viral antigen to infected chorioallantoic membranes and trachael epithelium by the direct fluorescent antibody technique. in experimentally infected birds, viral antigen was detected with the fluorescent antibody technique from 2 to 14 days post-inoculation but histological evidence of tracheitis was only observed from day three to day ten. the fluorescen ...1979231428
[physical and biological stability of vaccinal aerosols against ilt in chickens]. 1979232327
isolation of infectious laryngotracheitis virus from tracheal swabs. 1979232416
isolation of infectious laryngotracheitis virus from tracheas. 1979232417
isolation and identification of avian infectious laryngotracheitis virus in lebanon. 1979232654
the development and evaluation of a cell culture vaccine against infectious laryngotracheitis virus. 1979489622
the sensitivity of some avian viruses to formaldehyde fumigation.various avian viruses (infectious bursal agent, reovirus, adenovirus, infectious bronchitis, newcastle disease, poxvirus, avian encephalomyelitis and infectious laryngotracheitis virus) as suspensions in buffer or in a litter slurry were exposed to aerosolized formalin in an attempt to determine the efficacy of this fumigation method for decontamination of laboratory isolation cubicles. formalin (37% formaldehyde) was delivered by a commercial insecticide fogger at a flow rate of 40 ml per minut ...1979574054
prevalence of precipitating antibodies against mycoplasmas and viruses in egg-laying flocks in northern jutland.antibodies against infectious laryngotracheitis virus, influenavirus and newcastle disease virus were not demonstrated. the prevalence of infections caused by adeno- and reovirus in egg-laying flocks was 85 and 74% respectively. approximately 25% of the flocks had antibodies against infectious bronchitis virus and infectious bursal disease virus. a raised prevalence of antibodies against mycoplasmas was found with increasing age.1978643540
acute inflammatory response to cowpox virus infection of the chorioallantoic membrane of the chick embryo.the chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane was used to study the acute inflammatory response in the absence of contributions from the immune system. in preliminary experiments, lesions of wild-type cowpox virus strain brighton (cpv-br) and a 38k gene deletion mutant of cpv-br (cpv-br.d1) were compared with vaccinia virus (strains wr and copenhagen), fowlpox virus, laryngotracheitis virus, and infectious tenosynovitis virus, and were ranked for degree of induced inflammation. the maximal and minim ...19921312273
infectious laryngotracheitis virus growth, dna replication, and protein synthesis.the polypeptides associated with infection of primary chicken kidney (ck) cells with infectious laryngotracheitis virus (iltv) were examined by metabolic labelling with [35s]methionine and sds-page. polypeptide synthesis was followed over the first 24 h post-infection (p.i.) as this was shown to be the period of viable virus production. a total of 16 iltv encoded or induced polypeptides were identified using metabolic labelling. the use of inhibitors of protein and dna synthesis in conjunction w ...19921312821
detection of infectious laryngotracheitis virus infected cells with cloned dna probes.a genomic library of infectious laryngotracheitis virus (iltv) dna bamh1 fragments was prepared and two cloned fragments were evaluated for their potential as probes for the detection of iltv infected cells. the virus was purified by a modified sucrose density gradient procedure for the isolation of pure iltv dna. a genomic library was constructed using bamh1-digested iltv dna and pgem7 as a vector. a 1.1 kb cloned bamh1 fragment of iltv dna was tested in a slot or dot blot assay for the detecti ...19921316798
demonstration of sites of latency of infectious laryngotracheitis virus using the polymerase chain reaction.mature laying chickens were inoculated intratracheally with a field strain of infectious laryngotracheitis (ilt) virus. tracheal swabs were collected regularly from all birds for virus culture. at various times post-inoculation, pairs of birds were killed and tissues removed for detection of virus products using conventional tissue homogenization and culture, organ culture, indirect immunofluorescence (if) and also the polymerase chain reaction (pcr). the latter was used to detect a dna sequence ...19921328497
differences among restriction endonuclease dna fingerprints of pennsylvania field isolates, vaccine strains, and challenge strains of infectious laryngotracheitis virus.restriction endonuclease fingerprints of infectious laryngotracheitis virus (iltv) dna from 13 pennsylvania field isolates, embryo-propagated and tissue-culture-propagated vaccine strains, and three reference strains were compared. these comparisons were made to evaluate the possible contribution of mutation of iltv vaccine strains to recent outbreaks of infectious laryngotracheitis (ilt) in pennsylvania. six different restriction enzymes were used to generate the fingerprints. differences in dn ...19921329708
immune dysfunction following infection with chicken anemia agent and infectious bursal disease virus. ii. alterations of in vitro lymphoproliferation and in vivo immune determine the functional impact of alterations in lymphocyte concentrations and ratios following infection with chicken anemia agent (caa) alone or in combination with infectious bursal disease virus (ibdv) on the immune system of young chickens, in vitro lymphoproliferation assays and in vivo responses to vaccination with several common viral agents were assessed at various time intervals post-inoculation (pi). concanavalin a (con a), phytohemagglutinin (pha) and pokeweed mitogen (pwm) stimu ...19921333677
studies on transmissibility of a tissue-culture-modified laryngotracheitis virus.the spreading characteristic of a tissue-culture-modified laryngotracheitis virus (ltv) was demonstrated in chickens under both laboratory and field conditions. an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was used to measure serum antibodies to ltv in experimental chickens. contact controls developed immunity comparable to that of vaccinates and were able to resist challenge with a virulent ltv inoculated into the infraorbital sinus.19921333818
detection of infectious laryngotracheitis virus in chickens using a non-radioactive dna probe.a dna hybridization assay using a non-radioactive probe has been developed for the detection of infectious laryngotracheitis virus (iltv) dna. a 1.4-kilobase pair bamhi fragment of iltv genomic dna was cloned and then labeled by one of two methods; nick translation using 32p-datp or non-radioactive labeling using a commercially available dna labeling and detection kit. the non-radioactive dna labeling method proved to be as sensitive as the radioactive method. using the non-radioactive probe, il ...19911649586
increased virulence of modified-live infectious laryngotracheitis vaccine virus following bird-to-bird passage.modified-live (ml) infectious laryngotracheitis (ilt) vaccine viruses, both tissue-culture-origin (tco) and chicken-embryo-origin (ceo), were passaged 20 times in specific-pathogen-free chickens. after serial bird-to-bird passage, increased virulence was observed for ceo virus but not tco virus. increased mortality and increased severity and duration of respiratory disease were observed in chickens inoculated with chicken-passaged ceo viruses; only mild respiratory disease (no mortality) occurre ...19911649591
comparison of histopathology to the direct immunofluorescent antibody test for the diagnosis of infectious laryngotracheitis in chickens.histopathology and direct immunofluorescent antibody (difa) tests were compared for diagnoses of infectious laryngotracheitis (ilt) in 144 cases of spontaneous respiratory disease in chickens presented to the georgia poultry laboratory during 1988. for the 48 cases in which ilt was diagnosed, correct histologic diagnoses were made 100% (48/48) of the time and correct difa diagnoses were made 96% (46/48) of the time. for the 96 cases in which ilt was not diagnosed, correct histologic and difa dia ...19911649593
gallid herpesvirus 1 (infectious laryngotracheitis virus): cloning and physical maps of the sa-2 strain.clones representing 90% of the genome of gallid herpesvirus 1 (infectious laryngotracheitis virus; iltv) were obtained and used in hybridization experiments to construct ecori, kpni amd smai physical maps. the genome was 155 kilobase pairs (kbp) and comprised of a long unique sequence (120 kbp) and a short unique sequence (17 kbp) bounded by repeat sequences each of 9 kbp. an unrelated second pair of repeat sequences was located at 0.67 and 0.88 map untis. a terminal repeat of the unique long re ...19911652235
dna fingerprint analysis of three infectious laryngotracheitis viruses. 19911652931
safety and efficacy of the cell-associated vaccine prepared by an attenuated infectious laryngotracheitis virus.the safety and efficacy of the cell-associated (c-a) vaccine prepared by chicken embryo fibroblast (cef) cells infected with the tissue-culture-modified strain of infectious laryngotracheitis (ilt) virus were studied in chickens. over seventy percent of chickens inoculated with the c-a vaccine by the subcutaneous (s.c.) or intramuscular (i.m.) route at 1 day of age was protected against challenge with a virulent strain of ilt virus without any clinical signs. chickens vaccinated with the c-a vac ...19911657213
survey of field outbreaks of avian infectious laryngotracheitis in england and wales.field outbreaks of infectious laryngotracheitis in commercial chicken flocks in england and wales between 1985 and 1988 were investigated. material from 49 outbreaks was submitted to liverpool university, and virus was isolated from 17 of them. the results of a questionnaire on each outbreak are described. generally, the disease was of moderate severity, and mainly affected laying flocks; it occurred in birds of a wide age range but most of the outbreaks were in birds between 10 and 20 weeks of ...19911660191
latency and reactivation of infectious laryngotracheitis vaccine virus.latency and reactivation of a commercial infectious laryngotracheitis virus vaccine were demonstrated in live chickens. virus was re-isolated at intervals between seven and fourteen weeks post-vaccination and this may be of epizootiological significance.19911662039
isolation of a turkey rhinotracheitis-like virus from broiler breeder chickens in england. 19911664552
identification of the thymidine kinase gene of infectious laryngotracheitis an initial step in the development of a recombinant poultry infectious laryngotracheitis virus (iltv) vaccine, we report on the identification, cloning, and sequencing of a thymidine kinase (tk) gene from a virulent u.s. field isolate of iltv. degenerate oligonucleotide primers for the consensus nucleotide (atp) binding site and the nucleoside (thymidine) binding site of other herpesvirus tk genes were used in the polymerase chain reaction (pcr) to amplify a fragment of iltv dna. the 344-base ...19911664722
identification of the infectious laryngotracheitis virus glycoprotein gb gene by the polymerase chain reaction.the infectious laryngotracheitis virus (iltv) homologue of the herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) glycoprotein b (gb) gene was identified by pcr amplification of genomic iltv dna. a 488-bp amplified dna fragment was used to identify and clone two adjacent psti fragments from genomic iltv dna. sequence analysis of the region surrounding the amplified fragment identified a 2619-bp open reading frame that has 39% homology with both the nucleotide and amino-acid sequences of the hsv-1 gb gene. nort ...19911665614
nucleotide sequence of the gene encoding infectious laryngotracheitis virus glycoprotein b.the nucleotide sequence of the infectious laryngotracheitis virus (iltv) gene encoding the 205k complex glycoprotein (gp205) was determined. the gene is contained within a 3-kb ecori restriction fragment mapping at approximately map coordinates 0.23 to 0.25 in the ul region of the iltv genome and is transcribed from right to left. nucleotide sequence analysis of the dna fragment identified a single, long open reading frame capable of encoding 873 amino acids. the predicted precursor polypeptide ...19911840710
the nucleotide sequence of the glycoprotein gb gene of infectious laryngotracheitis virus: analysis and evolutionary relationship to the homologous gene from other herpesviruses.a 3698 bp region of the genome of infectious laryngotracheitis virus (iltv) was sequenced and found to contain the entire glycoprotein gb gene and the c-terminal region of a gene homologous to the icp 18.5 protein gene of herpes simplex virus type 1. the iltv gb gene encoded a protein with an mr of 100k possessing all the characteristics of a transmembrane glycoprotein. alignment of the iltv gb sequence with homologous sequences from six other herpesviruses revealed that 10 cysteine residues on ...19911847176
detection of dna from infectious laryngotracheitis virus by colourimetric analyses of polymerase chain reactions.a combination of the polymerase chain reaction and a novel elisa-type dna colourimetric assay (developed from studies with a retrovirus from man) was used in a preliminary study to detect dna from avian infectious laryngotracheitis virus. the method is sensitive, specific and easy to perform. since it can be readily adapted for the detection of dna from other sources it could be useful for the identification of a variety of pathogens from other species of veterinary importance.19901964943
identification of an infectious laryngotracheitis virus equivalent to the herpes simplex virus type 2 major dna binding protein (icp8).a region of homology between the genomic dna of infectious laryngotracheitis virus (iltv), an avian herpesvirus, and the region encoding the herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2) major dna binding protein (icp8) has been detected by the use of nick translation and southern blot analysis. further, a monoclonal antibody directed against the hsv-2 icp8 protein detected has antigenic cross-reaction with iltv as demonstrated by indirect immunofluorescence.19901981454
virulence of infectious laryngotracheitis viruses: comparison of modified-live vaccine viruses and north carolina field isolates.virulence of six modified-live (ml) infectious laryngotracheitis (ilt) vaccine viruses was compared with that of 11 field isolates (indistinguishable from vaccine viruses by dna restriction endonuclease analyses) by intratracheal exposure of 4-week-old, specific-pathogen-free chickens. virulence of ilt viruses was based on an intratracheal pathogenicity index, mortality, and tracheal lesions. intratracheal pathogenicity indices for ml vaccine viruses ranged from 0.0 to 0.14, while those for fiel ...19902157386
reproducibility of a virus-neutralization test for infectious laryngotracheitis virus.a virus-neutralization test for infectious laryngotracheitis virus was performed in microtiter plates using standard techniques. to assess the reproducibility of the test, 11 sera were each titrated repeatedly once a week for 8 weeks, and the results were compared to a standard. the standard used for reproducibility was that the 95% logarithmic confidence intervals of the mean calculated from three titrations of the same serum had to be smaller than the logarithmic distance "within" two microtit ...19902157392
analysis of the nucleotide sequence of dna from the region of the thymidine kinase gene of infectious laryngotracheitis virus; potential evolutionary relationships between the herpesvirus subfamilies.we have sequenced a 5.4 kb region of the genome from the avian herpesvirus infectious laryngotracheitis virus (iltv) and identified genes homologous to the thymidine kinase (tk) gene, the capsid p40 gene of herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1), a gene encoding a protein antigenic in epstein-barr virus infections plus one other highly conserved gene encoding a protein implicated in cell fusion in hsv-1. computer analysis of the tk gene and the upstream overlapping gene sequence is used to produce ...19902157797
the complete sequence of the capsid p40 gene from infectious laryngotracheitis virus. 19902163526
immunological properties of the cell-associated live infectious laryngotracheitis virus. 19902167997
examination of sera from game birds for antibodies against avian viruses. 19902171182
hemagglutination with avian infectious laryngotracheitis virus.avian infectious laryngotracheitis virus grown in primary chicken kidney cell cultures was tested for hemagglutination (ha) with erythrocytes of a variety of species at 4 degrees c, 22 degrees c, and 37 degrees c. ha was observed at all temperatures with mouse erythrocytes but not with cattle, sheep, goat, swine, rabbit, guinea pig, chicken, and goose erythrocytes. a strain variation between mice in the agglutinability of their erythrocytes necessitated selection of mice to obtain erythrocytes. ...19902171463
the role of mucosal antibody in immunity to infectious laryngotracheitis virus in chickens.the role of mucosal antibody in recovery from a primary infection and resistance to reinfection with infectious laryngotracheitis (ilt) herpesvirus was studied in bursectomized chickens, which were unable to synthesize specific antibodies. viral antigen in the infected trachea was assessed by indirect immunofluorescence on tissue sections and by elisa. the ability of bursectomized chickens to resolve primary infections as effectively as intact chickens and of vaccinated-bursectomized chickens to ...19902172453
differentiation of vaccine strains and georgia field isolates of infectious laryngotracheitis virus by their restriction endonuclease fragment restriction endonucleases (res) were used to cleave the dna from seven vaccine strains of infectious laryngotracheitis (ilt) virus and from six georgia field isolates of ilt virus. after electrophoresis of the resulting re fragments, the patterns were compared in order to differentiate strains of ilt virus. the six chicken-embryo-origin (ceo) vaccines were identical with each re, but the tissue-culture-origin (tco) vaccine strain differed from the ceo vaccines using five of the res. four o ...19902173534
antigens of infectious laryngotracheitis herpesvirus defined by monoclonal antibodies.monoclonal antibodies to glycoprotein and protein antigens of infectious laryngotracheitis virus (iltv) were divided into five groups on the basis of their reactivity in immunofluorescence and western blotting. group i antibodies recognised a single band of 60 k and group ii antibodies recognised bands of 205, 160, 115, 90 and 85 k in western blotting. in immunofluorescence both these groups of antibodies reacted with antigens located in the cytoplasm of fixed virus-infected cells and they also ...19902175588
humoral and cell-mediated immune responses to the glycoproteins of infectious laryngotracheitis herpesvirus.the viral glycoproteins of infectious laryngotracheitis virus, an alphaherpesvirus, were the dominant antigens recognised by immune chickens. glycoproteins with molecular weights of 205, 160, 115, 90, 67, 60, and 52k reacted strongly in western blotting studies with a majority of chicken antisera. viral glycoproteins immunoprecipitated using monoclonal antibodies were also able to elicit a delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction in chickens previously vaccinated with a live vaccine. the 60 k glyc ...19902175591
a method for the rapid purification of serum igm for the diagnosis of recent viral infections of chickens.the rapid purification of chicken igm from serum was achieved by affinity chromatography. igm immunoadsorbent gels were prepared using monoclonal antibodies specific to chicken igm. five different eluting agents were compared for the dissociation of the adsorbed igm; the most convenient for routine purposes was 2 m nacl, tris-hcl, edta (nte), as this enabled direct assay of eluents by elisa without requiring the intermediate step of dialysis, which the other eluting agents did. eluents prepared ...19902176659
pasteurella haemolytica as a co-pathogen in pullets and laying hens.pasteurella haemolytica was isolated from internal organs of laying hens and pullets of four flocks in which five incidents of increased mortality had occurred. there was inflammation of the trachea in all cases, and infectious laryngotracheitis virus was identified in three of the incidents. rapid response to antimicrobial therapy was seen in two out of three outbreaks in the pullets. p. haemolytica was regarded as a significant secondary invader in these cases.19902177972
survey of vaccines and spf flocks for contamination with chick anaemia agent. 19892538021
laryngotracheitis in chickens: the length of the preinfectious and infectious periods.transmission studies to measure the length of the infectious period and the interval between virus inoculation and infectiousness were conducted using the standard national veterinary services laboratory laryngotracheitis (lt) challenge virus (log 10(6.7) eid50 per ml). previously unexposed sentinel chickens were placed in contact with chickens inoculated intratracheally with lt virus. transmission of virus to the sentinel birds was assessed by studying clinical signs and results of virus isolat ...19892539072
laryngotracheitis in chickens: infection studies and the efficacy of a tissue-culture vaccine in chicks less than four weeks old.challenge studies using the standard national veterinary services laboratory laryngotracheitis (lt) challenge virus (log 10(6.7) eid50 per ml) were conducted to assess the presence of maternal protection in chicks of various ages (1, 7, 14, 21, and 28 days). chicks from vaccinated and unvaccinated breeders were challenged by intratracheal inoculation. chicks of all these ages irrespective of origin were susceptible to infection. similarly derived chicks were vaccinated by eyedrop with a commerci ...19892539073
effects of certain stress factors on the re-excretion of infectious laryngotracheitis virus from latently infected carrier birds.experiments were set up to assess the effects of 'natural' and 'artificial' stresses on the re-excretion of infectious laryngotracheitis (ilt) virus in latently infected chickens recovered from the acute phase of the disease. the stresses were rehousing with the addition of ilt-free contact birds, corticosteroid treatment and the onset of lay. the contact birds were also monitored for transmission of the virus from the carrier birds. rehousing with unfamiliar birds induced ilt virus shedding in ...19892539638
studies of infectious laryngotracheitis vaccines: immunity in broilers.broiler chickens were vaccinated at 18 days of age against infectious laryngotracheitis (ilt) using chicken-embryo-origin (ceo) and tissue-culture-origin (tco) vaccines, each vaccine given either by drinking water, spray, or eyedrop. controls were not vaccinated. the broilers were challenged 3 weeks later with virulent ilt virus (usda challenge strain). serum samples taken before challenge were analyzed by a virus neutralization (vn) test to determine titers due to vaccination. both vaccines, re ...19892549939
studies of infectious laryngotracheitis vaccines: immunity in layers.ten-week-old layer chickens obtained from a commercial source were eye-drop vaccinated with chicken-embryo-origin (ceo) or tissue-culture-origin (tco) vaccines for infectious laryngotracheitis (ilt). controls were not vaccinated. approximately one-third of the layers were challenged with virulent ilt virus at 21, 40, or 60 weeks of age. serum samples taken from the layers before challenge were used in a virus neutralization (vn) test to determine vaccination titers at those three ages. both vacc ...19892549940
identification of 21 genes of infectious laryngotracheitis virus using random sequencing of genomic dna.dna from infectious laryngotracheitis virus (iltv) was randomly sheared and cloned into the m13 bacteriophage. clones containing iltv dna were sequenced and the predicted amino acid sequences were compared to the known sequences of other herpesviruses using computer analysis. twenty-one iltv genes were identified, 20 by comparison to varicella-zoster virus and 19 by comparison to herpes simplex virus type 1; only 12 genes, giving consistently lower homology scores, were found by comparison with ...19892555439
virulence of five live vaccines against avian infectious laryngotracheitis and their immunogenicity and spread after eyedrop or spray application.five live virus vaccines against avian infectious laryngotracheitis were studied with regard to safety, immunogenicity and route of administration. significant differences in virulence between the vaccine strains were found. reduced virulence was accompanied by a reduction of immunogenicity and capacity to spread. after eyedrop application, a low virulent vaccine induced 90-100% flock immunity for the first 10 weeks after vaccination (pv), followed by a slow decline to 50% at 31 weeks pv, wherea ...19872823450
immunogenic glycoproteins of infectious laryngotracheitis herpesvirus.the viral glycoproteins produced in cells infected with either vaccine strain or virulent isolates of infectious laryngotracheitis virus, an avian herpesvirus, were identified by in vitro labeling using [14c]glucosamine and [14c]mannose. chicken antisera to the vaccine strain and to a virulent isolate, and rabbit antisera to the vaccine strain, immunoprecipitated four major viral glycoproteins of 205, 115, 90, and 60k mol wt. additional glycoprotein bands were recognized by immune chicken and ra ...19872825407
[a microtitration and neutralization test for infectious laryngotracheitis virus. their reproducibility and the effect of various tests conditions].the reproducibility of micro-assays for iltv was assessed. the standard deviation of the virus assay in three successive determinations was 0.4, 0.4 and 0.3 log tcid50. the micro-neutralisation test produced standard deviations of 0.6, 0.8, 0.5, 1.2 and 1.1 log2 in various experiments. preincubation for 24 hours at 39 degrees c, rather than for sixty minutes at 22 degrees c, which was suggested by bitsch to enhance sensitivity, resulted in antibody titres which were approximately 1 log2 higher, ...19882829385
[detection of antibodies against infectious viral laryngotracheitis and parainfluenza 2 in dogs bred in czechoslovakia].a total of 398 blood serums of dogs of various breeds and age categories, coming from 72 places in bohemia and slovakia, were examined for the content of haemagglutination-inhibiting (hi) antibodies to the infectious laryngotracheitis virus (cadv-2) and parainfluenza 2 virus (cpiv-2). out of this total number, 203 serums (51.1%) reacted against cadv-2 in titres from 1:16 to 1:2048 and 115 serums (28.9%) against cpiv-2 in titres from 1:2 to 1:256. the results indicate that the dog population is c ...19872830696
labeled avidin-biotin enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detecting antibody to infectious laryngotracheitis virus in chickens.a labeled avidin-biotin enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (lab-elisa) for detecting antibody to infectious laryngotracheitis (ilt) virus in chicken sera was developed and compared with ordinary elisa. purified ilt virus, biotin-labeled anti-chicken igg rabbit igg conjugate, and horseradish-peroxidase-labeled avidin were used in the lab-elisa. when sera from farm chickens were tested by serum neutralization (sn) and two kinds of elisa, the correlation rate between sn and lab-elisa was 50/50 (100% ...19882838015
experimental studies on infectious laryngotracheitis in chicken. 19882851295
de novo initiation of specific cell-mediated immune responsiveness in chickens by transfer factor (specific immunity inducer) obtained from bovine colostrum and milk.transfer factors (tf) were prepared from colostrum and milk of bovines previously immunized with antigens obtained from coccidioides immitis, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus, or from the viral agents responsible for avian newcastle disease, laryngotracheitis disease or infectious bursal disease. the ability of bovine tf to transfer specific cell-mediated immune responsiveness to a markedly xenogenic species was studied using specific pathogen free (spf) and standard commercial (sc) chick ...19882897772
[susceptibility of birds other than chickens to infectious laryngotracheitis].susceptibility to infectious laryngotracheitis virus was studied in peafowl (pavo cristatus), various species of pheasant (phasianus colchicus, lophura swinhoeii, lophophorus impejanus), guinea-fowl (numida meleagris), canaries (serinus canaria), budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus) and japanese quail (coturnix coturnic japonica). apart from clinical observations, experiments were evaluated in terms of histopathology, immunofluorescence, serology and recovery of virus. only peafowl and pheasant ...19852990066
[comparative serological studies of methods for demonstrating antibodies in infectious laryngotracheitis of chickens]. 19852996483
survey of antibodies to infectious laryngotracheitis virus in northern ireland poultry flocks. 19852997975
production of poultry viral vaccines in embryonated eggs.the review was written in attempt to summarize some aspects of current poultry viral vaccine production. problems associated with the production of safe and effective viral vaccines were described. embryonated eggs or cef are used in veterinary medical research and in the production of viral vaccines owing to their advantages as a suitable substrate for a wide range of viruses.19853002406
herpesviruses provide helper functions for avian adeno-associated parvovirus.the avian herpesviruses infectious laryngotracheitis virus (iltv) and herpesvirus of turkeys (hvt), as well as the mammalian herpesvirus pseudorabies virus (prv) were able to provide complete helper activity for the production of infectious avian adeno-associated virus (aaav) in chicken cells. the presence of aaav in the infected chicken cell reduced the multiplication of hvt. iltv or prv, however, were not affected if used as helper viruses. infectious aaav was determined by an indirect immunof ...19863003233
[intracellular changes induced by the canine infectious laryngotracheitis virus (cav-2)].canine infectious laryngotracheitis virus, an adenovirus designated cav-2, induces numerous changes in the nucleus and cytoplasm of canine kidney cells (mdck). the following features could be observed on ultrathin sections examined in the electron microscope: a shift of the nucleolus towards the nuclear membrane and a compression of the latter by the virus particles; the release of virions into the cytoplasm following the tearing or evagination of the nuclear membrane; the attachment of virus pa ...19853004018
pathological changes of tracheal mucosa in chickens infected with infectious laryngotracheitis virus.six-week-old chickens were inoculated via the posterior thoracic air sac with infectious laryngotracheitis virus. chickens were sacrificed on various days through day 16 postinoculation (pi), and the trachea was examined by scanning electron microscopy (sem) and light microscopy (lm). the pathological changes observed on day 1 pi were hypertrophy and hyperplasia of goblet cells. from day 3 pi, the epithelial cells protruded collectively and fused to form syncytia, which contained many intranucle ...19853008702
[detection of attenuated virus latency in infectious laryngotracheitis in the trigeminal ganglion of the chicken]. 19863009128
differentiation between virulent and avirulent strains of infectious laryngotracheitis virus by dna:dna hybridization using a cloned dna marker.the dnas of virulent and avirulent strains of infectious laryngotracheitis virus (iltv) showed greater than 96% homology by reciprocal dna:dna hybridization. nevertheless, by use of selected restricted dna fragments, it was possible to differentiate strains according to pathotype more readily than by the more laborious restriction enzyme analysis. restricted dna fragments were successfully cloned into escherichia coli hb101 cells and could be used not only for pathotyping iltv strains but also f ...19863014712
gallid-1 herpesvirus infection in the chicken. 3. reinvestigation of the pathogenesis of infectious laryngotracheitis in acute and early post-acute respiratory disease.specific-pathogen-free chickens were infected via the trachea when 4 weeks old with 2000 plaque-forming units (pfu) of the virulent australian infectious laryngotracheitis (ilt) virus strain csw-1. titers of ilt virus in the trachea were greatest (10(7.0) pfu/ml in washings, 10(6.0) pfu/g of tissue) 2-4 days postinfection (pi). infectivity then declined rapidly, to become undetectable by 7 days pi, although highly localized areas of ilt antigen in the tracheal epithelium were occasionally observ ...19863015102
in vitro infection studies with infectious laryngotracheitis virus.infectious laryngotracheitis (ilt) virus strains were studied for their ability to infect chicken macrophages, lymphocytes, and kidney cells in vitro. although macrophages were as susceptible as chicken kidney cells to infection, replication of most virus strains in macrophages was markedly restricted. only a few isolates induced progressive infections in macrophages, and even with these the donor of the macrophages influenced replication. thus, it appears that both cell genotype and virus genot ...19863015117
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