
the energy costs of sexual dimorphism in mole-rats are morphological not behavioural.different reproductive strategies of males and females may lead to the evolution of differences in their energetic costs of reproduction, overall energetic requirements and physiological performances. sexual dimorphism is often associated with costly behaviours (e.g. large males might have a competitive advantage in fighting, which is energetically expensive). however, few studies of mammals have directly compared the energy costs of reproductive activities between sexes. we compared the daily e ...200616519235
surveys and literature review of parasites among african mole-rats: proposing hypotheses for the roles of geography, ecology, and host phylogenetic relatedness in parasite sharing.hosts that overlap geographically, are less phylogenetically divergent, and/or share similar ecological conditions (e.g., climate, habitat type) are also likely to share parasites. here we assessed the ectoparasite communities sustained by 3 solitary species of bathyergidae (georychus capensis, bathyergus suillus, and bathyergus janetta) as well as the endoparasites exploiting g. capensis and compared them with those reported in the literature for other sympatric and parapatric african mole-rat ...202031977284
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