
cytogenetics of the south american akodont rodents (cricetidae). ix. chiasmatic sex bivalent in male meiosis of akodon mollis.akodon mollis (rodentia, cricetidae) has a large subterminal y chromosome measuring 5.24 percent of the haploid set. the long arm of the y has a pattern of homology with the short arm of the x, as indicated by the similar distribution of g bands and by the formation of a chiasma in diakinesis and metaphase i of teste cells. conversely, the short arm of the y and the long arm of the x are nonhomologous and do not pair at meiosis.20057047636
a new genus and species of lungworm (nemata: metastrongyloidea) from akodon mollis thomas, 1894 (rodentia: cricetidae) in peru.akodonema luzsarmientae n.g., n.sp. (nemata: metastrongyloidea) is described from the pulmonary arteries and heart from several individuals of "soft grass mouse," akodon mollis (rodentia: cricetidae), collected in the region of ancash, peru. the new genus and species is distinguished by a reduction of the dorsal ray to 2 small widely separated papillae.201222746394
localized versus generalist phenotypes in a broadly distributed tropical mammal: how is intraspecific variation distributed across disparate environments?the extent of phenotypic differentiation in response to local environmental conditions is a key component of species adaptation and persistence. understanding the structuring of phenotypic diversity in response to local environmental pressures can provide important insights into species evolutionary dynamics and responses to environmental change. this work examines the influence of steep environmental gradients on intraspecific phenotypic variation and tests two hypotheses about how the tropical ...201323899319
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