
[the supply of wild ruminants with major and trace elements. 1. the cadmium content of winter grazing and the cadmium status of red deer, fallow deer, roes and moulons].the cd-determination of 10 different winter grazings for wild ruminants in seven different biotopes showed significant differences of the habitats resulting from the previous cd-emission of metallurgy smelting non-ferrous metals. the winter grazing of the tharandt forest and the harz mountains contained significantly more cd than that of the lower flaming hills, the western erzgebirge and the northern agrarian areas. the bark and the tips of conifer twigs, twigs of oak and mountain ash, bilberry ...1979547984
[the supply of wild ruminants with major and trace elements. 2. the manganese content of winter grazing and the manganese status of red deer, fallow deer, roes and mouflons].the winter grazing of wild ruminants on mantles of slate waste in the harz mountains and in gera county were richest in mn whereas those on mantles of granite waste in the erzgebirge were poorest. the flora of the shell-limestone, keuper and loess areas contains much less mn than that of those acid habitats. the mn-requirement of the wild ruminants grazing in the forests is met however, since bilberry plants (2,080 mg/kg), spruce twigs (984 mg/kg), spruce bark (827 mg/kg), oak twigs (791 mg/kg) ...1979547985
[arbovirus antibodies in wild game caught in moravia].the hit method was used to examine blood serums of the game in moravia (roebuck, red deer, fallow deer, mouflon, wild boar, brown hare) for the presence of antibodies to arboviruses of these groups: alphavirus (sindbis-sin), flavivirus (west nile-wn), tick-borne encephalitis (tbe) and bunyamwera (tahyna-tah, calovo-cvo). antibodies to all viruses were detected, and namely in these frequencies: sin 0.9%, wn 16.9%, tah 41.5%, cvo 23.1% and tbe 8.5%.19921292172
ultrastructure of the cyst and life cycle of sarcocystis sp. from wild sheep (ovis musimon).sarcocystis sp. (eimeriina: sarcocystidae) is described as a heteroxenous coccidian with domestic dogs as an experimental definitive host and wild sheep (ovis musimon) as natural intermediate hosts. mature sarcocysts of this sarcocystis sp. were examined by transmission electron microscopy. sarcocysts in various muscle tissues were microscopic, had a thin primary cyst wall and septa and measured 81.0 x 30.5 microns. the cysts were located within muscle cells and were limited by a primary cyst wa ...19911906112
[seroepidemiologic studies of the distribution of respiratory syncytial virus in wild ruminants].sera from wild ruminants (302 roe, 39 red deer, 17 fallow deer, 1 mouflon) were tested for antibodies against respiratory syncytial virus (rsv). 22 sera (6.1%) were positive: 20 roe, 1 red deer, 1 mouflon. the findings are discussed from the epizootiological point of view.19902078187
the pineal gland of the red deer male. histology and ultrastructure with notes on the fallow deer and mouflon pineals.the most conspicuous morphological feature of the investigated red deer pineal gland was very deep pineal recess, covered with continuous layer of the ependymal cells. its branches (2-3) reached the distal part of the gland. the slight differences in pineal structure of sexually active and sexually inactive red deer were observed. relatively large pineal glands both of mouflon and fallow deer showed many common as well as different structural features.19902136651
genetic polymorphism of serum vitamin d-binding protein (gc) in sheep and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (1d page) followed by immunoblotting revealed genetic polymorphism of gc protein in sheep (variants f, s, v) and mouflon (variants f and s, apparently identical to f and s of sheep). the frequency of gcs allele ranged from 0.84 to 1.0 in the 12 breeds of sheep studied. gcv allele was observed only in tsigai breed with a frequency of 0.017.19902268076
[legal regulations and practical application of studies of slaughtered game animals and their meat].meat regulations also involve game inspection. the previous publications on the one hand dealt with the regulations and their practice concerning game intended for slaughter, especially the control of fences and the gaining of meat. on the other hand regulations concerning game hunted for food (deer: red deer, sika deer, fallow deer, roe deer; horned ungulates: european mouflon, chamois; wild boar; european hare; european rabbit; game such as badger and raccoon) and regulations to be observed by ...19892617520
visna-like disease in a minnesota sheep.visna-like disease was diagnosed in a 4-year-old mouflon ram from a minnesota flock. the diagnosis was based on the unique distribution pattern of histologic lesions in the brain. although visna is rarely diagnosed in the united states, this case illustrates that it should not be overlooked in differential diagnosis of neurologic disorders in sheep.19852987168
[oxygen affinity of mouflon blood].hemoglobin phenotypes of european mouflon and sheep were analyzed by isoelectric focusing; the results show that the sheep hba migrated faster than that of other animals, while the mouflon hba was more anodic than the sheep hbb. the oxygen dissociation curve of blood from mouflon is similar to that of sheep with hba. the authors suggest that the mouflon should not be considered a direct ancestor of the sardinian breed of sheep.19902397108
correlation with changes in horns and pelage, but not reproduction, of seasonal cycles in the secretion of prolactin in rams of wild, feral and domesticated breeds of sheep.seasonal cycles were monitored in groups of wild (mouflon), feral (soay) and domesticated breeds of sheep (shetland, blackface, herdwick, norfolk, wiltshire, portland, merino, soay x portland and soay x merino) living outdoors near edinburgh (56 degrees n). changes in the blood plasma concentrations of prolactin and fsh, and growth of the horns and pelage were measured every half calendar month from 1 to 3 years of age. in all breeds there was a clearly defined seasonal cycle in the plasma conce ...19902121973
perinatal mortality and season of birth in captive wild ungulates.the magnitude of perinatal mortality in 50 species of captive wild ungulates born at the zoological society of london's collections at regent's park and whipsnade between 1975 and 1985 is reviewed. thirty-five per cent of 2471 ungulates born during this 11 year period died before six months old and most deaths occurred in the first week after birth. similar findings have been reported at other zoos and in the wild. the seasonal distribution of births is described in 43 species. significantly hig ...19873590601
spectroscopic properties of the nitric oxide derivative of ferrous man, horse, and ruminant hemoglobins: a comparative study.the spectroscopic (epr and absorbance) properties of the nitric oxide derivative of ferrous man, horse, buffalo, deer, mouflon, musk ox, ox, and reindeer hemoglobin (hbno) have been investigated in the absence of any allosteric effector at ph 6.5 (in 0.1 m 2-[n-morpholino]ethanesulphonic acid/naoh chloride-free buffer system), as well as at 100 k and/or 20 degrees c. man and horse hbno show spectroscopic properties that are generally taken as typical of the high affinity state of ferrous tetrame ...19921316949
a cytoarchitectonic volumetric comparison of the area gigantopyramidalis in wild and domestic sheep.the area gigantopyramidalis has been circumscribed on frontal serial sections of brains of mouflons (ovis ammon musimon) and domestic sheep (ovis ammon f. aries). a brief description of the topography and lamination of the area 4 is given. by means of intraspecific-allometric methods this area has shown a decrease in volume by 29.9% in domestic sheep compared with wild sheep. in view of the close relationship between size and function of a structure the reduction rates of the area gigantopyramid ...19751180392
[the karyotype and character of chromosome bands in mountain sheep in czechoslovakia].thirty-one moufflon (ovis musimon) coming from eight localities in bohemia and moravia were examined. all animals had a diploid number of chromosomes without any numerical or structural aberrations from the standard set. on the basis of g-banding, all chromosomes were arranged into homologous pairs. c-banding was used to prove the localization of constitutive heterochromatin in the centromeric regions of the majority of chromosomes. nucleolus organizers, demonstrated by means of a-staining, were ...19853934835
a comparative study of the hyoid bone (os hyoides) of 6 ruminant species (ruminantia scopoli, 1777).the shape, position and measurements of the hyoid bone of 6 small and medium-sized european ruminant species of different feeding types as classified by hofmann (1976), (rose deer, mouflon, sheep, red deer, fallow deer and goat) were fully described. a comparison with other domestic species was carried out, the most characteristic species differences were shown and the results were expressed in 9 figs. and 1 table. the basic structural plan of the hyoid bone is found to be similar in all species ...19853993965
quantitative investigations of visual brain structures in wild and domestic sheep.a cytoarchitectonic subdivision into visual structures and neocortical grey and white matter has been made from frontal serial sections of brains of mouflons (ovis ammon musimon) and domestic sheep (ovis ammon f. aries). the reduction rates determined for the volumes of the brain areas are calculated by means of intraspecific allometric methods. the overall decrease of visual brain structures in domestic sheep compared with wild sheep amounts to 25.9%, the greatest reduction is found in the stri ...19751147289
the structure of, and growth cycles in, the coat of wild mouflon sheep (ovis musimon) and their crosses. 19734803573
frequency of color genes in faeroe islands sheep.a color classification was made of 679 sheep, comprising 355 ewes and 324 lambs in two faeroese flocks. the colors observed were: white without tan (124); white with tan (121); black mouflon (2); gray (134); gray-brown (5); black (251); and brown (42). among the 434 nonwhite sheep, 210 had white markings. the color alleles found at three loci were as follows. the a locus: awh(0.20), producing white or tan; ag(0.14), producing gray; and a (0.66), resulting in self color when homozygous. the b loc ...1978731014
nature and rate of neoplasia found in captive wild mammals, birds, and reptiles at necropsy.the nature and rate of neoplasia found at necropsy of captive wild animals of the zoological society of san diego collection were studied. neoplasia was present at necropsy in 2.75% of 3,127 mammals, 1.89% of 5,957 birds, and 2.19% of 1,233 reptiles. neoplasms were not detected during 198 necropsies of amphibians. gross and histologic examinations were performed on the 92 mammalian, 111 avian, and 28 reptilian neoplasms. the lesions were diagnosed. the findings findings included a high frequency ...1977577508
[light-microscopical researches on the olfactory mucosa of the sheep (ovis aries l.) (author's transl)].the functional olfactory epithelium of the sheep measures 183.62 cm2 with 302.41 . 10(6) olfactory cells. their thickness varies between 4 and 9/1,000 micron 2 on an average and achieves in the ethmoturbinale a unique maximum of 67/1,000 micron 2. in thinly crowded parts of the turbinalia the olfactory cells are mostly differentiated in pericaryon, dendrit, neck and capitulum, whereas in the densely crowded ethmoturbinale there are 4 zones of pericaryons one above the other, there is no neck, th ...1979546274
intra- and interspecific embryo transfer.the procedures that are collectively referred to as embryo transfer (et) have many uses. they were first used as research tools to study fetal-maternal physiology. since the first successful mammalian embryo transfer in 1890, et has been utilized for enhancement of genetic selection; diagnosis and treatment of infertility; control of infectious disease transmission; screening for genetic defects; propagation of rare and endangered species; and the study of developmental biology. most of the embr ...19836363609
comparison of biochemical polymorphisms in mouflon and sheep: isoelectric differences in haemoglobins and quantitative variation of mouflon haemopexin.1. of ten protein systems studied in mouflon (ovis musimon), five were polymorphic (tf, hpx, esa, x-protein, cat). electrophoretic mobilities of mouflon proteins did not differ from those of sheep. 2. mouflon haemoglobin b and sheep haemoglobin b differed in isoelectric focusing. 3. haemopexin levels in mouflon were determined by rocket immunoelectrophoresis. a trimodal distribution was apparent, with no haemopexin, low and high levels of the protein. the results are indicative of genetic contro ...19883396322
[study on the possible origin of the sardinio-corsican mouflon using hemoglobin phenotype analysis]. 19883248166
use of a quadrivalent modified-live bluetongue virus vaccine in wildlife species.three hundred and twenty-seven animals comprised of deer, mouflon sheep and bighorn sheep were vaccinated with an experimental quadrivalent, modified-live, bluetongue virus (btv) vaccine. no untoward effects due to the vaccine were noted nor were abortions observed in vaccinated pregnant mouflon sheep. precipitating antibodies to btv and epizootic hemorrhagic disease (ehd) virus were identified in the serum of several animals prior to vaccination. virus neutralizing antibodies to 3 of the 5 sero ...19852989912
[on the genus nematodirus ransom 1907 (nematoda: trichostrongyloidea)].n. roscidus railliet, 1911, from dama dama (italy); n. abnormalis may, 1920, from ovis aries, capra hircus and rupicapra rupicapra (france, italy, australia); n. lanceolatus ault, 1944, from ovis aries (iran); n. europaeus jansen, 1972, from capreolus caperolus and ovis musimon (first record) (france); n. davtiani alpinus biocca, balbo & costantini, 1974, from rupicapra rupicapra (italy); n. rupicaprae biocca, balbo & costantini, 1983, from rupicapra rupicapra (france); n. ibicis biocca, balbo & ...19836673643
[fascioliasis in moufflons].subacute fascioliasis was diagnosed by pathomorphological and parasitological investigations on 13 dead moufflons (ovis ammon musimon) from a herd of 21 animals (mortality 62%) which had succumbed between january and april 1988. the flock had been kept on meadow in the so-called leipziger auenwald. the main findings like severe hepatitis traumatica fasciolosa, fibrinous and fibrous perihepatitis, chronic interstitial hepatitis (pseudocirrhosis), cholangitis fasciolosa (x 13), wasting (x 8), hear ...19892782670
comparative anatomical and topographic studies of the salivary glands of red deer (cervus elaphus), fallow deer (cervus dama), and mouflon (ovis ammon musimon)--ruminantia: cervidae, bovidae.the salivary glands of red deer, fallow deer, and mouflon were investigated macroscopically as to their topographic situation and relationship, as to their specific structure including their ducts and to their relative weight. these findings were compared with those from domestic ruminants and were related to the morphophysiological specialisation of other portions of the ruminant digestive system and to their function. the relative size of all salivary glands decreases from red deer via fallow ...19846724282
a study of antibody levels in wild ruminants vaccinated against rabies.the authors have vaccinated 22 fallow deer (dama dama) and 10 mouflons (ovis ammon musimon) against rabies with an inactivated vaccine: 4 fallow deer with 1 ml, 14 fallow deer and 10 mouflons with 2 ml, 4 animals were kept as controls (fallow deer). the antibody responses were checked by fluorescent foci inhibition carried out on blood samples collected during a two-year period. all the animals developed antibody titres and were still protected after 24 months.19836868344
seroepizootology of q fever in bulgaria during the last five years.the work presents results of investigations on q fever seroepizootology in bulgaria during the last five years. these data are compared with the preceding period from 1950 to 1983. the basic method for investigation is complement fixation test. also used are immunofluorescence, agglutination reaction, cultivation and direct electron microscopy. in general 15,814 samples were tested. q fever positivity was foundin 10.08% of cattle, 20.44% of sheep, 10.17% of goats, 59.25% of dogs, 26.66% of magpi ...19892606169
isolation of acholeplasma laidlawii from a giraffe (giraffa camelopardalis rothschildi) and a mouflon (ovis musimon). 19827064318
percentage of glycosylated hemoglobin and serum concentration of glucose in the blood of japanese macaques and in three exotic ruminant species.serum glucose concentrations and percentages of glycosylated hemoglobin (ghb) were determined in 16 japanese macaques and in 19 exotic ruminants (4 markhor, 5 mouflon, 10 aoudad). mean (+/- sd) serum glucose concentration and ghb percentage in the japanese macaques were 73 +/- 21.8 mg/dl and 4.7 +/- 0.82%, respectively. serum glucose concentration was considered within the normal range for this species. the mean ghb percentage was within the normal range for man, indicating that ghb may be a val ...19863752690
a summary of antibody titration experiments in some animal species treated with era vaccine and an inactivated rabies vaccine.the results of antibody titrations in different animal species vaccinated against rabies are reported. the following points are considered: (1) antibody titration may be used to detect an immunity status in dogs, (2) equines should be vaccinated in infected areas, (3) experiments in progress are comparing era vaccine and an inactivated vaccine in bovines, and (4) the vaccination of fallow deer (dama dama) and moufflons (ovis ammon musimon) produced results suggesting an extension of the experime ...19827128062
seasonal cycles in the blood plasma concentration of fsh, inhibin and testosterone, and testicular size in rams of wild, feral and domesticated breeds of sheep.seasonal cycles in testicular activity in rams were monitored in groups of wild (mouflon), feral (soay) and domesticated breeds of sheep (shetland, blackface, herdwick, norfolk, wiltshire, portland and merino) living outdoors near edinburgh (56 degrees n). the changes in the blood plasma concentrations of fsh, inhibin and testosterone, and the diameter of the testis were measured every half calendar month from 1 to 3 years of age. there were significant differences between breeds in the magnitud ...19902109070
comparative aspects of biochemical polymorphism in the blood of caprinae species and their hybrids.biochemical variation at 14 blood loci was reviewed, and specific features compared experimentally in sheep ovis aries, mouflon ovis musimon, goat capra hircus, aoudad ammotragus iervia and in 2 stillborn aoudad x goat hybrids. variation at 3 loci was also studied in dall sheep ovis dalli, bighorn sheep ovis canadensis and rocky mountain goat oreamnos americanus. haemoglobin c production in an anaemic hb ab mouflon and in mouflon x sheep hybrids was examined. mouflon differ from domestic sheep i ...19807458003
haemoglobin phenotypes of the wild european mouflon sheep living on the island of sardinia.haemoglobin (hb) phenotypes have been studied in 100 wild european mouflons living on the island of sardinia by means of isoelectric focusing (ph 6.7-7.7 range) of the native tetramers, acid-urea-triton gel-electrophoresis, and reversed-phase hplc of globin chains. the result indicates the presence of two beta-globin alleles one of which, corresponding to the beta b, being the most common (f = 0.94). none were carriers of the earlier described hb a. the new hb was provisionally named hb m. sever ...19912024783
identification and analysis of an alcelaphine herpesvirus 1 (ahv-1) cdna clone expressing a fusion protein recognized by ahv-1-neutralizing antisera.rabbit antiserum to psoralen-inactivated alcelaphine herpesvirus 1 (ahv-1) virions was shown to react specifically with ahv-1-infected cells by indirect immunofluorescence. western blot analysis using this antiserum identified a 15-kd virion protein that was also detected in infected-cell proteins between 12 and 144 h p.i., and a 37-kd protein present in infected cells between 24 and 120 h p.i. a cdna library was constructed using mrna obtained from ahv-1-infected fetal mouflon sheep kidney (fms ...19957733826
allozyme divergence and phylogenetic relationships among capra, ovis and rupicapra (artyodactyla, bovidae).genetic divergence and phylogenetic relationships between the chamois (rupicaprini, rupicapra rupicapra rupicapra) and three species of the caprini (capra aegagrus hircus, capra ibex ibex and ovis ammon musimon) have been studied by multilocus protein electrophoresis. dendrograms have been constructed both with distance and parsimony methods. goat, sheep and chamois pair-wise genetic distances had very similar values. all the topologies showed that capra, ovis and rupicapra originate from the sa ...19911774188
kinetics of the ontogenic and reversible hemoglobin switching in the mouflon (ovis musimon) and sheep x mouflon hybrid.1. hemoglobin (hb) switching in the perinatal life of wild mouflon (ovis musimon) was characterized by the replacement of hb f by 60% levels of hb c, and subsequently of hb c by hb b. 2. the recently discovered hb m variant was not replaced by hb c; thus, hb bm heterozygote newborns synthesized 30% hb c at the expense of hb b. 3. hybrid b mouflon x b sheep synthesized only 5% hb c at birth but were able to produce 30% hb c in adult life following induced anemia. 4. adult bb and bm mouflons, afte ...19911723669
a serologic survey for some bacterial and viral zoonoses in game animals in the czech republic.between 1986 and 1991, sera were collected from 33 roe deer (capreolus capreolus), 24 red deer (cervus elaphus), four fallow deer (dama dama), two mouflon (ovis musimon), 34 wild boars (sus scrofa), and 48 hares (lepus europaeus) shot in two areas of the czech republic. collectively, the sera contained antibodies to coxiella burnetii (prevalence of 12%), francisella tularensis (4%), brucella spp. (2%), central european tick-borne encephalitis virus (8%), tahyna (california serogroup) virus (36%) ...19938258864
[occurrence of leptospira antibodies in the blood of game animals].the blood serum of game was examined for the presence of antibodies to leptospiras in 1987-1989. a total of 792 blood sera from animals belonging to 14 zoo-species were examined (tab. i). the blood serum of red deer (cervus elephus) was examined the most often within the group of animals, in 398 cases, i.e. 50.2%, followed by 165 blood sera of wild boar (sus scrofa), representing 20.8%, and by 136 blood sera of roedeer (capreolus capreolus), representing 18.6%. small numbers of blood sera of the ...19938488630
cyst wall ultrastructure of two sarcocystis spp. from european mouflon (ovis ammon musimon) in germany compared with domestic sheep.muscle samples from six wild and two captive european mouflons (ovis ammon musimon) in germany as well as one domestic sheep from a german zoo were infected with sarcocysts (sarcocystis: sarcocystidae, apicomplexa). sarcocystis tenella and s. arieticanis were identified by light and electron microscopy. both species are determined for the first time from wild sheep, and this is the first description of s. arieticanis from wild sheep.19958592390
coccidial infection in mouflon, ovis musimon, in central spain.from february to september 1993, ten adult female mouflons (ovis musimon) and their five offspring from central spain were examined weekly for coccidial infection. all adult mouflons had eimeria spp. infections with mean (+/- sd) intensity of 1,869 (+/- 1,264) oocysts per gram of feces the day of capture, increasing progressively during the first two months in captivity and later returning to the initial values (1,869 +/- 1,547). the mean (+/- sd) oocyst shedding in young animals was 16,800 (+/- ...19968627924
[bacterial studies on the occurrence of mycobacterium paratuberculosis in fecal samples of zoo ruminants].mycobacterium (m.) paratuberculosis was isolated from fecal samples of 3 (21.4%) from 14 mouflons, of 10 (20.4%) from 49 dwarf goats, of 5 (14.3%) from 35 cameroon sheep and of 1 (9.1%) from 11 alpine ibex. m. paratuberculosis could not found by cultural method in fecal samples of 22 pinzgauer goats, of 15 bantengs, of 9 wild goats, of 9 skuddens, of 6 four-horned sheep, of 3 red-head sheep, and of 1 chamois. from all 19 animals with cultural positive fecal samples complement binding antibodies ...19921622380
a comparative study of the temperature dependence of the oxygen-binding properties of mammalian hemoglobins.the effect of temperature on the oxygen-binding properties of hemoglobin (hb) from ruminants, such as ox, reindeer, musk ox, mouflon and egyptian water buffalo is compared to that of human adult hb (hba). a striking difference emerges where in the presence of chloride ions and in the absence of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate [gri(2,3)p2] a strongly reduced exothermic oxygenation process is observed for all ruminant hb investigated with respect to hba. next, in the presence of physiological concentration ...19921551393
serologic survey for selected arboviruses and other potential pathogens in wildlife from mexico.during 1988 and 1989, a serologic survey of wildlife was conducted in northeastern mexico to determine the presence, prevalence, and distribution of arboviruses and other selected disease agents. eighty mammal specimens were tested. antibodies to vesicular stomatitis-indiana, venezuelan equine encephalitis-mena ii, rio grande virus, and vesicular stomatitis-new jersey were detected predominantly in small mammals. deer and mouflon (ovis musimon) had antibodies to bluetongue and epizootic hemorrha ...19921512876
adrenal cortical carcinoma in a free-ranging mouflon (ovis musimon). 19968883349
ovine mitochondrial dna: restriction enzyme analysis, mapping and sequencing data.restriction endonuclease fragment patterns of mitochondrial dna (mtdna) in sheep were analysed with 11 enzymes. four breeds (merinolandschaf, rhoenschaf, schwarzkoepfiges fleischschaf and skudde) of domestic sheep and european mouflon were examined. a restriction map with 28 cleavage sites of seven enzymes was established. kpni and psti do not cut ovine mtdna. two ecori fragments of merinolandschaf, rhoenschaf and mouflon each were cloned and partially sequenced. intraspecific nucleotide sequenc ...19921332554
[effect of flubendazole on muellerius capillaris in mouflon].muellerius capillaris is the most important pneumonematode of the mouflon kept in the czech republic. particularly high values of prevalence and intensity of infection are recorded in the mouflon stocks kept in preserves. numerous anthelmintics can be used for pharmacotherapy. adulticide effect of the drug in verminous lung foci should be the aim of administrations. the aim of this study was to test anthelmintic efficacy of flubendazole (fbz) against m. capiollaris in mouflon. the study was cond ...19969036620
sheep haemopexin: immunological cross-reactivity with other vertebrate sera and evidence for the absence of haemopexin in some mouflon.a monospecific antiserum to sheep haemopexin was produced in rabbits. by using this antiserum, as well as absorbed antisera to sheep and mouflon serum proteins, it was proved that some mouflon sera lack haemopexin. in immunodiffusion, when using the monospecific antiserum, immunoprecipitates were present only in species' belonging to suborder ruminantia. none of the other mammalian, nor any of the avian, reptilian, amphibian and fish species tested, showed reaction.19873829623
lymphocyte blastogenesis, complement fixation, and fecal culture as diagnostic tests for paratuberculosis in north american wild ruminants and domestic sheep.the efficacy of the lymphocyte blastogenesis and complement-fixation tests and fecal culture for detection of mycobacterium paratuberculosis infection was assessed in bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis), elk (cervus elaphus nelsoni), mule deer (odocoileus hemionus), white-tailed deer (o virginianus), bighorn x mouflon (o musimon) hybrid sheep, and domestic sheep. spontaneously infected bighorns were tested at the time of capture; experimentally infected animals were tested monthly for 12 months or p ...19854073642
experimental transmission of protostrongylus stilesi to bighorn--mouflon sheep hybrids. 19725012523
rosette formation with sheep erythrocytes--a possible t-cell marker in the pig.a proportion of pig lymphocytes form rosettes with sheep erythrocytes. factors affecting their demonstration have been investigated, and a standard technique defined. rosette-forming lymphocytes lacked surface immunoglobulin detected by immunofluorescence and formation of rosettes was not inhibited by anti-immunoglobulin or anti-pla sera, but was by anti-thymus serum. of 18 species' erythrocytes tested only sheep, barbary sheep and mouflon erythrocytes formed rosettes in similar percentages. fet ...19751090543
g-band patterns of the siberian snow sheep (ovis nivicola) and their relationship to chromosomal evolution in sheep.g-band patterns of the siberian snow sheep, ovis nivicola alleni, 2n=52, were compared with the patterns reported in 2n=54 wild asiatic mouflon and 2n=54 north american sheep and those in domestic sheep with 2n=54, 53, and 52. the three largest pairs of biarmed autosomes displayed indistinguishable, presumably homologous, g-banding patterns in all types of sheep. the banding and morphology of the fourth pair of biarmed autosomes in o.nivicola differed from those of the three translocation varian ...1977908200
studies on tail length of rambouillet and mouflon are presented on tail length of various breeds or crosses of sheep and various combinations of mouflon x rambouillet breeding. mouflons sheep had 11 coccygeal vertebrae, and rambouillet had 18-24. others were intermediate between these types. finewool sheep (merino or rambouillet) had longer tails than medium wool (dorset, suffolk or hampshire), crossed, or rambouillet breeds. heritability estimates for tail length of rambouillet were 0.387 (intra-sire regression), 0.344 (half-sib method), ...1977874307
genetic variation in the purine nucleoside phosphorylase activity of sheep red cells.the purine nucleoside phosphorylase (np) activity of sheep red cells was determined by starch gel electrophoresis and by a spectrophotometric assay technique. some sheep had high activity (np-high type) and some had low or zero activity (np-low type). the enzyme deficiency is apparently confined to the red cell since other tissues from np-low type animals had activities similar to those from np-high type individuals. family data indicated that np activity is controlled by a pair of autosomal all ...1976826195
[redescription of dermacentor raskemensis pomerantzev, 1946 (ixodidae)--a representative of the mountain fauna of the southern regions of the ussr and adjacent territories].a redescription of female and male of the little-known species dermacentor raskemensis pomerantzev has been made on the holotype (male, west china, sinkiang) and on collection material of zoological institute of the academy of sciences of the ussr and institute of zoology of armenian ssr: three females and males from armenia and western pakistan. despite a considerable remoteness of their distribution areas all studied specimens show stability of their specific characters and differ distinctly f ...19836622058
experimental infection of some north american wild ruminants and domestic sheep with mycobacterium paratuberculosis: clinical and bacteriological findings.mycobacterium paratuberculosis originally isolated from bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis) with spontaneous paratuberculosis was used to orally inoculate rocky mountain elk (cervus elaphus nelsoni) calves, mule deer (odocoileus hemionus) fawns, white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus) fawns, bighorn x mouflon (ovis musimon) hybrid lambs, and domestic lambs. all experimentally exposed animals became infected. during the first year of infection, hybrid and domestic sheep were able to control the in ...19836644916
haematological values in mouflon (ovis musimon): influence of age, sex, season and vitamin e status.full blood counts, fibrinogen estimations and red cell osmotic fragility tests were carried out on a number of clinically normal captive mouflon (ovis musimon) from various locations. age related differences in red and white cell counts and sex related differences in red cell counts were demonstrated. there was also evidence for seasonal changes in red cell values in adult females. during this study, some mouflon were found to be deficient in vitamin e and were transferred to a vitamin e supplem ...19846709975
dicrocoelium dendriticum infestation of mouflons (ovis musimon) in catalonia. 19989802199
pathology of spontaneous and experimental infection of north american wild ruminants with mycobacterium paratuberculosis.spontaneous paratuberculosis was studied in free-ranging and captive bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis), and rocky mountain goats (oreamnos americanus). lesions of paratuberculosis in these species resembled the disease in domestic sheep and goats. mycobacterium paratuberculosis cultured from bighorn sheep was used to orally infect bighorn x mouflon (ovis musimon) hybrid sheep, elk (cervus elaphus nelsoni), mule deer (odocoileus hemionus), and white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus). clinical pa ...19836879954
oestrid myiasis in european mouflon from spain.from february 1992 to march 1997, 245 european mouflon (ovis orientalis musimon) from sierras de cazorla, segura y las villas natural park (southern spain) were surveyed for oestrid larvae in order to estimate prevalence and mean intensity of parasitism by oestrus ovis. over 46 percent of the animals surveyed were infected, with a mean intensity of 9.6 larvae/host parasitized. no significant differences in prevalence rates between host sexes were observed, but older mouflons were infected with m ...199910073350
blood group comparisons between european mouflon sheep and north american desert bighorn sheep.blood group systems in true sheep (ovis) provide an additional method by which phylogenetic relationships can be measured. of the eight genetic systems of blood groups identified in domestic sheep, all appeared to have their homologue in european mouflons and at least six might have their equivalent in north american desert bighorns. the red cells of the european mouflon, which is believed to be ancestral to domestic sheep, cross-reacted with domestic sheep blood-group typing reagents much more ...19827096977
sheep-associated malignant catarrhal fever in a petting a privately owned petting zoo in arizona, 17 deer from five different species, white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus), reeve's muntjac (muntiacus reevesi), mule deer (odocoileus hemionus), reindeer (rangifer tarandus), and axis deer (axis axis), died of suspected malignant catarrhal fever (mcf) over a period from late 1992 to early 1995. a pcr assay specific for ovine herpesvirus 2, the putative causative agent of sheep-associated mcf, and a competitive-inhibition enzyme-linked immunosorb ...199910572865
the complete amino-acid sequence of dimeric beta-lactoglobulin from mouflon (ovis ammon musimon) milk.beta-lactoglobulin from mouflon (ovis ammon musimon) milk has been isolated and its complete primary structure determined. this protein has been isolated in dimeric form and has a molecular mass of 37 kda. the amino-acid sequence has been determined by microsequencing of the native protein and the peptides were obtained after tryptic cleavage. the tryptic peptides were isolated by reversed phase high-performance liquid chromatography. the primary structure of mouflon beta-lactoglobulin shows clo ...19873426802
basic hematological values in some wild ruminants in captivity.analyses of hematological parameters were carried out on eight axis deer (cervus axis), 12 fallow deer (cervus dama), 16 red deer (cervus elaphus hippelaphus), three sambar (cervus unicolor), nine père david deer (elaphurus davidianus), 20 european bison (bison bonasus), seven nilgai (boselaphus tragocamelus), eight mouflon (ovis musimon), four white-bearded gnu (connochaetes taurinus) and six barbary sheep (ammotragus lervia). the following parameters were determined: packed cell volume, hemogl ...199910629960
seroepidemiology of chlamydial infections of wild ruminants in spain.chlamydial infections were determined serologically among wild ruminants in the nature park of the sierras de cazorla, segura y las villas (cnp; spain). sampling was done during the period from 1990-95. there were 1,244 blood samples collected, consisting of 490 from fallow deer (dama dama), 343 from mouflon (ovis mussimon), 283 from red deer (cervus elaphus) and 128 from spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica). specific complement-fixing antibodies of chlamydia spp. were detected by means of microtechni ...200010682742
experimental infection of mouflon-domestic sheep hybrids with caprine arthritis-encephalitis determine whether monocyte-derived macrophages from mouflon-domestic sheep hybrids (ovis musimon x ovis spp) were susceptible to productive infection with caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus (caev) in vitro and whether experimental inoculation of mouflon-domestic sheep hybrids with a molecularly cloned caev would result in persistent infection.200010772114
medullary carcinoma of the thyroid in a mouflon (ovis musimon). 19817345113
[new findings on the ecology and epidemiology of murine herpes virus isolated in slovakia].rodents are important reservoir animals of many human microbial pathogens. of small rodents, trapped on slovakia territory, were several strains of murine herpes virus (mhv) isolated. our purpose was to complete the existing knowledge about circulation of mhv in rodents and to find out, whether also other animal species including man are mhv sensitive or not. the presence of antibodies against mhv in serum of the tested animals and men was followed by virus neutralization test (vnt) and elisa. p ...200010870260
[study of polymorphism and divergence of genomic dna at the species and population levels (using dna of domestic sheep and wild rams as an example)].genetic divergence in repetitive sequences of nuclear dna of wild and domestic sheep was studied by general restriction endonuclease mapping (i.e., the taxonoprint method). the pcr rapd method with one and two arbitrary primers was also used to analyze the nuclear dna polymorphism in some other regions. the taxonoprint method, performed using six endonucleases, showed specificity and virtually complete similarity in the patterns of repetitive dna sequences of two wild forms, argali and mouflon, ...19957590218
[parasites of mouflons, stags and roe-deer from the lower silesia region].the study concerning internal and external parasites in deer was conducted in selected lower silesia forest inspections from may 1988 till june 1992. coproscopic method and section were applied. only in roe-deer the highly extensive invasion of gastrointestinal nematodes was observed (from 50% to 81%, depending on inspections). most frequent were the ostertagia (60%) and nematodirus (30%) types. another problem, mainly in mouflons, were lung nematodes of protostrongylidae family, of which the mu ...19947801642
immunoglobulin g class identification from wild ungulates by cross-reactivity with antisera to domestic species of spanish ungulates were tested for the presence of homologous immunoglobulin g (igg) with a gel-diffusion test using bovine, ovine, caprine and porcine igg antisera. homologous ovine and caprine igg were detected in sera from chamois (rupicapra pyrenaica), spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica hispanica), mouflon (ovis orientalis musimon), red deer (cervus elaphus), fallow deer (dama dama) and roe deer (capreolus capreolus). homologous porcine igg was detected in wild boar (sus scrofa) s ...200011014063
epidemiology of paratuberculosis in wild ruminants studied by restriction fragment length polymorphism in the czech republic during the period two studies carried out during the period 1995-1998, paratuberculosis was diagnosed in domestic and wild ruminants in the czech republic. the isolated mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis strains were analysed by standardised restriction fragment length polymorphism (rflp) [pavlik, i., horvathova, a., dvorska, l., bartl, j., svastova, p., du maine, r., rychlik, i., 1999. j. microbiol. methods 38, 155-167]. in december 1992, 19 late pregnant charolais heifers were imported to the cz ...200011118709
pronounced differences in the frequency of taqi beta a-inhibin alleles between sheep breeds with different reproductive performance.a total of 419 individuals of four breeds with differing fecundity (rhoenschaf, merinolandschaf, east friesian milksheep, romanov) and several wild sheep of the ovis musimon, o. orientalis, o. vignei and o. ammon groups were screened for genetic variation at the beta a-inhibin (inhba) locus with up to 11 enzymes. the four breeds differed significantly (p < 0.001) in taqi allele frequencies. the frequency of the taqi a allele coincided with the average litter size in each breed.19948161020
natural infection by gastrointestinal and bronchopulmonary nematodes in mouflons (ovis musimon) and their response to netobimin treatment.gastrointestinal and bronchopulmonary nematode infections and the efficacy of netobimin (hapasil) were analyzed by way of fecal examination in 10 female mouflons (ovis musimon), in central spain, february 1993. before treatment all 10 mouflons had trichostrongylus axei, teladorsagia circumcincta and marshallagia spp.; sic had nematodirus spp., two had trichuris sp., one had capillaria sp., seven had bronchopulmonary dictyocaulus filaria and 10 mouflons had protostrongylid lungworms (muellerius c ...19968627934
prevalence of antibody to malignant catarrhal fever virus in wild and domestic ruminants by competitive-inhibition elisa.a competitive-inhibition elisa (ci-elisa), based on a monoclonal antibody to an epitope conserved among malignant catarrhal fever virus (mcfv) strains of both wildebeest and sheep origin, was used to determine the prevalence of antibody to mcfv in selected domestic and wild ruminants, both free-ranging and captive, from the usa. we evaluated 2528 sera from 14 species between 1990 and 1995, including 80 pronghorn antelope (antilocapra americana), 339 bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis), 103 biston (b ...19968827669
the horizontal cells of artiodactyl retinae: a comparison with cajal's descriptions.the morphology of horizontal cells in ox, sheep, and pig retinae as observed after lucifer yellow injections are described and compared with the descriptions of golgi-stained cells by ramón y cajal (1893). horizontal cells in the retinae of less domesticated species, wild pig, fallow and sika deer, mouflon, and aurochs were also examined. all these retinae have two types of horizontal cell; their morphologies are in common, although with some familial differences. their basic appearance is as ca ...19968870229
[the european mouflon, ovis musimon].until a couple of decades ago, the european mouflon found on the islands of corsica, sardinia, and cyprus was considered an independent wild species and last representative of the european wild sheep. however, recent research has shown that there have not been wild sheep in europe since the late pleistocene. archeological investigation in corsica has shown that the mouflon is not a wild sheep but a primitive domestic sheep brought to the islands by farmers from the near east and which then becam ...19968928183
a comparative ultrastructural study of the parotid gland acinar cells of nine wild ruminant species (mammalia, artiodactyla).the ultrastructural similarities and differences of the parotid gland acinar cells of nine wild ruminants (roe deer, nyala, tahr, eld's deer, red deer, pere david's deer, european mouflon, african buffalo, sable antelope) representing three feeding types i.e. concentrate selectors (cs), grass and roughage eaters (gr) and intermediate feeders (im) were compared. the parotid acinar cells of the cs contained more granular endoplasmic reticulum, golgi-complexes and secretory granules than those of t ...19969090994
spermatogenesis in the ixodid tick haemaphysalis (herpetobia) sulcata (acarina:ixodidae).haemaphysalis sulcata (acarina, ixodidae) is a common ectoparasite of wild artiodactyls (mouflon and wild goat) in sierra nevada (granada, southern spain). a study of the spermatogonial meiosis of 15 h. sulcata males was carried out. the diploid complement is 2n = 21 and its sex determination is xx:xo. the behavior of the chromosomes in the different stages of meiosis was also investigated, and the possible presence of a secondary nucleolar organizer region in h. sulcata is discussed.19979105298
morphological variability of forestomach mucosal membrane in red deer, fallow deer, roe deer and mouflon.the number and size of ruminal papillae, reticular cells and omasal laminae in free-living game deer (red deer, fallow deer, roe deer and mouflon) were examined. mucosal membrane (mm) specimens were collected from the forestomachs of hunted deer. these parameters were assessed as related to the grazing environment, sex and age of animals. the number and size of ruminal papillae corresponded the best to the feeding specialization of the respective deer species and affecting factors. in two areas ...200111445418
effect of ivermectin on activities of cytochrome p450 isoenzymes in mouflon (ovis musimon) and fallow deer (dama dama).ivermectin is an antiparasitic drug widely used in veterinary and human medicine. we have found earlier that repeated treatments of rats with high doses of this drug led to significant increase of cytochrome p450-dependent 7-methoxyresorufin o-demethylase (mrod) and 7-ethoxyresorufin o-deethylase (erod) activities in hepatic microsomes. in the present study, the effects of ivermectin on cytochrome p450 (cyp) activities were investigated in mouflon (ovis musimon) and fallow deer (dama dama). this ...200111551531
a comparative study on the functional properties of the wild european mouflon and domestic sheep hemoglobins.the functional properties of hb b of the wild european mouflon (ovis gmelini musimon), hb b of domestic sheep (ovis aries), and hb c isolated from anemic mouflon were investigated. mouflon and sheep hbs appear to be very similar in their response to organic anions and protons, whereas sheep hb b displays an oxygen affinity lower than that of mouflon hb b and sheep hb a. mouflon hb b and hb c, like sheep hb a and hb c, have similar efficiencies in transporting oxygen to the tissues. as in other r ...19979253179
microsatellite variation in an introduced mouflon previous studies of genetic polymorphism in the mouflon (ovis gmelini) have not provided any valuable markers for population studies, we tested the capacity of microsatellites to index the genetic diversity of a recently introduced mouflon population. six pairs of bovine primer amplified microsatellites in mouflon, and all six were polymorphic. furthermore, despite the low number of founders, five loci had a high gene diversity in this introduced population. unlike other genetic markers, micr ...19979419892
opposing offspring sex ratio variations with increasing age and weight in mouflon mothers (ovis musimon).there are two main theories explaining offspring sex biases in polygynous mammals. trivers and willard (1973) argue that mothers with greater reproductive resources should invest in the sex with the greater variance in reproductive success, usually sons. in contrast, because daughters in many polygynous mammals stay with their mother and compete with her for food, local resource competition theory (e.g. clark, 1978; silk, 1983) predicts that the mothers with the greatest reproductive resources s ...200111708289
[parenteral administration of ivermectin: effectiveness against nematodes in wild sheep (ovis musimon)].during the direct handling with mouflon the ivermectin (ivm) is usually parenterally administered. the used dose is equal to dose recommended to domestic sheep (0.20 mg/kg of body weight). the qualitative and quantitative parasithological differences between domestic and wild sheep (mouflon) exist (vyslouzil, 1985; lochman et al., 1979; boch and supperer, 1992). the verification of real anthelmintic efficacy in ivm treatment of mouflon was not realized up to now. the aim of this study was to des ...19979481928
tickborne encephalitis in a mouflon (ovis ammon musimon). 200211878442
analysis of mitochondrial dna indicates that domestic sheep are derived from two different ancestral maternal sources: no evidence for contributions from urial and argali investigate the origins and phylogenetic relationships of domestic sheep, mitochondrial dna (mtdna) from 243 sheep of five european, one african, and four asian breeds and several mouflon (ovis musimon), urial (o. vignei bochariensis), and argali (o. ammon nigrimontana, o. a. collium) were assayed for restriction fragment length polymorphisms (rflp). twenty haplotypes were identified which occurred in three major phlogenetic groups: urial/argali, mouflon/domestic, and domestic sheep. from the ...19989542158
the transferrins and hemoglobins of bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis), dall sheep (ovis dalli) and mouflon (ovis musimon). 19715120310
production of hemoglobin c in the moufflon (ovis musimon pallas, 1811) and the barbary sheep (ammotragus lervia pallas, 1777) during experimental anemia: amino acid composition of tryptic peptides from the beta b and bet c chains. 19705496230
haemopexin in sheep, mouflon and goat: genetic polymorphism, heterogeneity and partial characterization.benzidine staining of starch gels after electrophoresis of sera to which haematin was added revealed polymorphism of haemopexin in sheep, mouflon and goat. in sheep three phenotypes were observed, hpx a, hpx ab and hpx b. pedigree data support the hypothesis of codominant inheritance from a single locus by two alleles, hpxa and hpxb. neuraminidase treatment of haemopexin preparations showed that hpx b covered two variants, b1 and b2, thus indicating genetic control by three alleles (hpxa, hpxb1 ...19846524711
seroprevalence of babesia ovis in mouflon sheep in spain.a serological survey detected antibodies against babesia ovis in mouflon sheep (ovis musimon) from two different reserves located in catalonia in northeastern spain. an indirect fluorescent antibody test (ifat) was developed using a b. ovis isolate of ovine origin as the antigen. of 50 sera tested, six (12%) showed titres between 1:160 and 1:640 and were considered positive. these results indicate that exposure of mouflon to babesia ovis is common in this region.19989706577
membrane integrity and fertilizing potential of cryopreserved spermatozoa in european mouflon.there is a pressing need to develop and use assisted reproductive techniques in wildlife species living in small and captive groups. we evaluated the effect of freezing on membrane integrity and fertilizing capacity of european mouflon (ovis gmelini musimon) spermatozoa collected during the breeding season. after thawing, the percentage of live spermatozoa, stained with fluorescein isothiocynate labeled pisum sativum agglutinin and propidium iodide, was 47% of which 19% showed intact acrosomal m ...19989776483
reproductive seasonality and maturation throughout the complete life-cycle in the mouflon ram (ovis musimon).to document the process of physical and reproductive maturation in a long-lived mammal, the long-term changes in endocrine (follicle stimulating hormone-fsh, prolactin and testosterone) and morphological parameters (body weight, testis diameter, neck girth, sex skin colour, horn growth, wool growth, moult and pelage characteristics) were measured throughout the full life-span in a group of captive mouflon rams, ovis musimon (n=4, 12-year study). live body weight increased to a maximum at 7 years ...19989835369
epizootiologic background of dissimilar distribution of human cases of lyme borreliosis and tick-borne encephalitis in a joint endemic area.lyme borreliosis (lb) and tick-borne encephalitis (tbe) are co-endemic in some parts of europe, however, their distribution differs despite a common tick vector and comparable animal hosts. a serosurvey of game and small mammals was made in a highly endemic area and compared with historical data in human cases; the epidemiologic risk and the population density of game were modelled using a geographic information system. while lb-risk corresponded with an overall population density of game (red d ...199910465328
aonchotheca musimon n. sp. (nematoda : capillariinae) from the mouflon ovis musimon in the sub-antarctic kerguelen archipelago, with comments on the relationships with a. bilobata (bhalerao, 1933) moravec, 1982 and other species of the intestinal capillariid nematode, aonchotheca musimon n. sp., is described from ovis musimon imported into the kerguelen archipelago (terres australes et antarctiques françaises). the comparison of this new material with other aonchotheca spp. is based on the usual characters, i.e. spicule, caudal bursa, number of papillae, stichosome, bacillary bands, shape of the cirrus, and on the length of the ejaculatory duct which appears to be of some phylogenetic value. a. musimon, of which the spicule ...199910613527
host specificity of abomasal nematodes in free ranging alpine ruminants.abomasums from 641 alpine wild ruminants representing five different species (cervus elaphus, capreolus capreolus, rupicapra rupicapra, capra ibex, ovis musimon) and from 19 domestic sheep (ovis aries) from alpine areas were examined in order to investigate the host-specificity of abomasal helminths. nine out of 20 helminth species were found in at least five different host species. a discriminant analysis was able to significantly discriminate the hosts on the basis of their helminth community ...200010842002
plant genetic diversity in the canary islands: a conservation perspective.the canary islands are an atlantic volcanic archipelago with a rich flora of approximately 570 endemic species. the endemics represent approximately 40% of the native flora of the islands, and approximately 20% of the endemics are in the e (endangered) category of the international union for conservation of nature. a review of allozyme variation in 69 endemic species belonging to 18 genera and eight families is presented. the average species-level genetic diversity (h(t)) at allozyme loci is 0.1 ...200010898768
[on the relation between the mother animal and the young in sheep (ovis aries musimon, pall.)]. 196213922777
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