
radiographic examination of mandibular lesions in barren-ground anomalies were observed in 43 of 1,226 barren-ground caribou (rangifer tarandus groenlandicus) taken between 1966 and 1968. in five of these 43 animals, the mandibles had deformities which radiography showed to be the result of dental abscesses in four cases and probably of a trauma in the other. the absence of actinomycotic lesions of the jaw bones of these 1,226 animals, and of more than 500 examined previously, indicates that "lumpy jaw" is rare in barren-ground caribou. the authors su ...1975519
the reproductive season of newfoundland caribou. 19751146
a protostrongylid nematode (strongylida: protostrongylidae) in woodland caribou (rangifer tarandus caribou). 19767349
effect of digestible energy intake on glucose synthesis in reindeer and caribou. 19767350
rumen function in red deer, hill sheep and reindeer in the scottish deer, sheep and reindeer grazing on their normal hill ranges were examined at intervals over a period of four years. samples from the digestive tract were taken at different seasons and processed in the field. the red deer and reindeer were killed before samples were taken; rumen samples from the sheep were taken by stomach tube, but a number of animals were also killed at different seasons to correlate stomach tube and whole rumen samples. the animals sampled were representative of the gene ...197610575
amino acid composition of casein isolated from the milks of different species. 197713923
an investigation of arterial disease in alaskan reindeer and significant lesions of atherosclerosis or other vascular diseases were found in the aorta and coronary arteries of 34 reindeer and 15 caribou (rangifer tarandus). serum lipid, phospholipid, cholesterol and triglyceride levels were similar in caribou and reindeer and did not differ greatly from those reported in other ruminants.197941108
abnormal testes in reindeer, rangifer a sample of reindeer from south georgia, 4 males were abnormal in that 1 had bilateral cryptorchid testis, 2 each had 1 cryptorchid testis and 1 had a vestigial testis. the antlers of the cryptorchid males were small, but the antler cycle itself was hardly affected.197941942
osteomyelitis and arthritis in a caribou. 197942636
preservation of differential staining of spermatozoa by formol citrate.semen from boar, bull, ram, rabbit, reindeer and stallion was diluted in formol citrate or formol saline and stained with eosinnigrosin. the proportion of eosinophilic spermatozoa did not differ from that in fresh semen after storage for 48 hr in the formol diluent at temperatures ranging from 4 degrees c to 40 degrees c. some samples were kept for periods up to 3 weeks with very little increase in the proportion of eosinophilic spermatozoa.197553286
[the oxygen affinity of hemoglobin in the reindeer rangifer tarandus before and after labor].it has been demonstrated that the affinity of hemoglobin to oxygen in the reindeer rangifer tarandus decreases with ageing. the value of p50 for hemoglobin of 2-3 month foetuses is equal to 22.0 +/- 0.8 mm hg, newborn animals--to 24.5 +/- 0.5 and adult ones--to 28.0 +/- 0.5 mm hg. after dialysis, these values are equal correspondingly to 12.2 +/- 0.5, 19.3 +/- 0.4 and 23.6 +/- 0.6 mm hg. therefore foetal hemoglobin exhibits significantly higher oxygen affinity as compared to the adult type.197995887
[protecting reindeer against blood-sucking flies]. 1976138247
the occurrence of human wart-virus antibodies in dogs, pigs and cattle.using the immunodiffusion method, antibodies against human wart-virus were detected in dog, pig and cattle sera but not in horse and reindeer sera. antibodies were found in 25 percent (28/114) of the dog sera, the prevalence of antibodies being fairly similar to that in children of the same age. by electron microscopy the antibodies in dog sera were shown to attach to and precipitate the human wart-virus particles, and in immunodiffusion the precipitation lines of human and dog sera were shown t ...1978210743
parapoxvirus infections of reindeer and musk ox associated with unusual human infections.this report concerns five cases of human infection resulting in lesions morphologically similar to human orf. parapoxvirus infection in reindeer was the probable source of infection in four cases. the fifth case involved musk ox. two of the cases involving reindeer are particularly interesting as transmission of infection occurred indirectly. viral particles were not seen by electron microscopy of human tissues, due probably to the late stage of the illness at the time of examination. however, e ...1978216383
clinical and epizootiological studies on keratitis in reindeer. 1977271461
[new aspects of the study of the respiratory function of the blood during adaptation to hypoxis]. 1977331717
[neuropathology of ruminants. v. wild and zoo animals]. 1978358394
[natural focal infections in the north of the far east. i. the detection of natural foci of infections in chukot].results of a 3-year complex (zoo-parasitological, viral, bacteriological, and serological) studies of mammals and birds in chukotka demonstrated the presence of natural foci of pseudo-tuberculosis, intestinal yersinosis, salmonellosis (heidelberg), and of tick-borne encephalitis. the existence of natural foci of tularemia and endemic rickettsioses is supposed on the basis of serological data.1978371268
studies on keratitis in reindeer. 1. an apparatus and procedure for simulating solar ultraviolet irradiation of animals. 1978417526
studies on keratitis in reindeer. 3. experimentally induced keratitis in reindeer. 1978417529
studies on keratitis in reindeer. 2. experimentally induced keratitis in mice. 1978417534
the selenium content of skeletal (gluteal) muscle of finnish reindeer and cattle. 1979473975
[isolation of influenza virus from reindeer]. 1979506027
[age-related changes of the mineral component content in the hemolymph of 2d- and 3d-stage larvae of the reindeer warble fly (hypodermatidae)].a mineral components concentration in the haemolymph of the iind- and iiird-stage larvae of oedemagena tarandi depends on the physiological state of parasites. metabolism of mineral components is most intensive in a young actively growing organism and during moulting. the moulting is characterized by the decrease in the concentration of inorganic phosphorus and potassium and by the increase of calcium, magnesium and natrium.1979514627
[ricifon for the control of botflies in deer]. 1979516418
[regional epizootiology of echinococcosis and alveolar hydatid disease in yakutia]. 1979516420
[genetic structure of an isolated group of the indigenous population of northern siberia, the nganasans (tavginians) of taĭmir].demographic data of genetic interest were studied in presently living population in comparison with preseding generations of nganasans. decrease of sex ratio in the whole population has been revealed along with the reduction of reproductive and, possibly, effective size. the number and variance of livebirths per female were 7.29 and 9.86 respectively. crow' index of the opportunity for selection (i) and its components (im and if) were estimated. i was found to be 1.17, whereas im and if--1.56 an ...1979520838
observations on circulatory adjustment in newborn reindeer and elk.haemodynamics of two reindeer (18 h and 4 days old) and one elk (1 week old) calves were studied by catheterization and angiography. early closure of foetal shunts, high cardiac output and large ejection fractions were observed in all three animals. pulmonary arterial blood pressure decreased to the full-grown level during the first days of life in the reindeer. electrocardiography showed cranial-orientated qrs vector in both species. the cardiovascular system of the cervidae is well developed a ...1979522523
[principles of epidemiologic and epizootologic research in foci of brucellosis].principles of epidemiological and epizootological investigations in a brucellosis focus are presented in this work. a founded determination of a focus and methodological approaches to its study and systematization of the data concerning all the foci of a definite administrative territory is given. also approaches to the realization of out-patient observation over the population in the brucellosis foci are characterized. the author believes that only such scientifically founded and all-round appr ...1977561499
age-related changes in the testicular and antler cycles of reindeer, rangifer tarandus.a total of 111 male reindeer of various ages was shot in all months of the year to study the relationship between the seasonal changes in testicular activity and the antler cycle. from the changes in testis weight, seminiferous tubular tissue area and plasma testosterone values and the occurrence of spermatogenesis, it is concluded that calves attain physiological puberty in their first year, during which they also complete an antler cycle. the amplitude of the cyclical change in testis weight a ...1979512994
investigations on parasitic visceral granulomas in reindeer. 1979482096
contagious ecthyma (orf) in reindeer (rangifer t tarandus). 1979576046
selenium content of whole blood and serum in adults and children of different ages from different parts of finland.a low level of selenium (se) in the blood and serum of finns was demonstrated. inhabitants in the central, eastern and southeastern districts of the country had particularly low levels selenium. however, the se level of lapps and the people of the aland archipelago seemed to be significantly higher than the level of other finns. in general, the se levels in th serum were lower than the values for whole blood. furthermore, the levels were lower in children than in adults. the significance of thes ...1977577106
the spitzbergen reindeer--a winter-dormant ungulate?seasonal changes in serum levels of growth hormone, cortisol and thyroxine in calves and adult spitzbergen reindeer (rangifer tarandus platyrynchus) were measured and compared to those previously found in norwegian reindeer (r.t. tarandus). cortisol did not differ significantly between summer and winter, or between the subspecies. growth hormone and thyroxine exhibited highly significant seasonal changes and subspecific differences: winter levels of growth hormone were much higher than summer le ...1979443058
radiochemical studies of 241pu in swedish reindeer lichens. 1977591325
[the psyche of men of the reindeer age]. 1977604930
[genetic structure of an isolated native population group of northern sibiria, the nganasani (tavgi) of the taimyr. ii. an analysis of intrapopulation variability].chi-square contingency table analysis of phenotypic (genotypic) and gene frequencies of erythrocyte and blood serum groups and enzymes in a group of reindeer hunter and fishermen revealed heterogeneity within the population studied. four out of twelve loci which have been compared were found to be involved in the process of differentiation into two local subgroups (subpopulations). no statistical differences have been observed between samples arbitrarily representing three generations. the data ...1977612489
brucellosis in reindeer, rangifer tarandus l., inoculated experimentally with brucella suis, type investigation of brucellosis caused by brucella suis, type 4, in reindeer, rangifer tarandus l., and other ungulates inoculated experimentally with virulent isolates was undertaken to observe the course of infection, follow titres of serum agglutins, and determine the extent to which intraspecific and interspecific transmission might occur among confined animals. titres rose to maximum levels within 1 to 2 months following inoculation, decreased during the next 4 months, and persisted at low ...1978647470
[dynamics of nitrogen-containing compounds in the hemolymph of 2d- and 3d-stage larvae of the reindeer warblefly (hypodermatidae)].the content of the total protein, residual and amine nitrogen, urea and ammoniac depends on the physiological state of the warble fly larvae of the reindeer. metabolism of nitrogen-containing compounds carries out most intensively in the growing organism and during the moulting period. the moulting period is characterized by the fall in the total protein, residual and amine nitrogen and increase of the ammonias and urea.1979440775
survey for toxoplasmosis in wild and domestic animals from norway and sweden.fifty-nine of 1250 (4.7%) wild and domestic animals from norway and sweden had positive dye-test titers (greater than or equal to 1:8) for antibody against toxoplasma gondii. a dye-test titer of 1:8 (30-40 i.u.) or higher was detected in 3 of 732 small rodents (0.4%), 21 of 87 domestic cats (24%), 9 of 29 red foxes (vulpes vulpes) (31%), 2 of 2 domesticated arctic foxes (alopex lagopus), 12 of 99 red deer (cervus elaphus) (12%), 5 of 8 roe deer (capreolus capreolus) (63%) and in 7 of 34 wild rab ...1978650778
a case of multiple cutaneous malignant lymphoma in reindeer, probably of immunologic-parasitic origin. 1978655022
[pathogenicity of the shigella isolated from wild and game animals of the far north of the ussr].experiments were conducted on guinea pigs. a study was made of the pathogenicity of brucellae culture isolated from various wild and game animals of the extreme north of the ussr (wolf, polar fox, ermine, glutton). the majority of the cultures under study proved to be highly pathogenic. observations carried out led to the conclusion that brucella cultures circulating between the wild and domestic reindeers and migrating to other species of animals presented definite danger to the health of man.1978665050
[classification of vertebrate skin regenerates]. 1979435095
left ventricular volumes and functioning of the reindeer heart.left ventricular volumes were measured by cineangiocardiography in 56 sessions on 25 reindeer, together with determinations of arterial pressure and blood oxygen saturation. the heart rate with the animal kept lying on the sternum at rest was 50 b/min, the aortic blood oxygen saturation 94 to 98% and the aortic blood pressure 153/130/115 mm hg. the left ventricular end-diastolic volume was 3.4 ml/kg of b.w., stroke volume 2.6 ml/kg, cardiac output 133 ml/kg . min, and ejection fraction 76%. if t ...1978697708
[genetic structure of an isolated group of the indigenous population of northern siberia--nganasans (tavgiitsi) of taymyr. i. history, erythrocyte and serum blood systems, isoenzymes].nganasans is a small samodyen-speaking ethnic group originated from several clans of reindeer hunters. pedigree studies revealed no consanguineous matings of uncle-niece, aunt-nephew, first cousins type among 120 families studied. rather rarely mating between second cousins could be observed. the reviewed traditional kindship system based on bilateral exogamy is an explanation. data on 12 blood systems and 6 red cell enzymes distribution in two main localities almost totally studied have been pr ...1977340342
[insecticide toxicity for reindeer]. 1978734916
[first results of an investigation on trichinosis in wildlife in france (1976--1977) (author's transl)].201 red foxes, 18 brown rats, 1 muskrat, 1 red squirrel, 1 wood mouse, 8 hares, 3 rabbits, 2 wild boars, 4 roe deers, 1 chamois, 3 reindeers (for farming) were examined by peptic digestion to detect trichinosis. eight foxes captured in the east and south-east of france were found infested by this parasite.1978742806
biophysical aspects of am-241 and pu-241 in the environment.most of plutonium released by nuclear explosions is pu-241 which decays to am-241. we have studied the deposition of pu-241 and am-241 in lichens collected since 1958 in the central part of sweden (62.3 degrees n, 12. 4 degrees e). comparative studies with pu-isotopes, pu-239 + 240 and pu-238 were also performed. in 1972 the total accumulated deposition of pu-241 was 8 mci/km2 of pu-239 + 240 1 mci/km2 and of am-241 0.2 mci/km2. about 80% of the am-241 activity has been formed in situ from decay ...1978746120
isolation of kappa-casein-like proteins from milks of various species.kappa-casein-like proteins were isolated from the milks of cow, goat, reindeer, horse, rat, and rabbit. when treated with rennin, all of the isolated kappa-casein components yielded para-kappa-casein-like bands on gel electrophoresis. the rate of cleavage of these components with rennin was determined by measuring material soluble in trichloroacetic acid (macropeptide). the curves were characteristic of a limited, specific attack by rennin on these proteins. the goat and reindeer kappa-caseins w ...1976773973
a telemetric aid in establishing the cause of death in semidomesticated or wild animals. 1975241222
immunologic comparison of pancreatic ribonucleases. 1976823097
correlation between the character of excitation wave distribution in the heart ventricles, of body shape, and surface cardiac electric fields. 1977835410
keratitis in reindeer. relation to bacterial infections. 1977848405
keratitis in reindeer. investigations of mycoplasma, rickettsia, rickettsia-like organisms and virus. 1977848406
keratitis in reindeer. relation to the presence of 1st instar larvae of the nostril fly (cephenomyia trompe l) in the conjunctival sac and to natural ultraviolet radiation. 1977848407
vitamin e status of alaskan eskimos.a survey was conducted during 1971-1973 on the vitamin e status of alaskan eskomos. the subjects were 315 residents of the northern coastal villages of wainwright and point hope and the southwestern inland villages of kasigluk and nunapitchuk. plasma vitamin e levels for the 6- to 17-year-old subjects at wainwright, point hope, and nunapitchuk were 0.81 plus or minus 0.26, 0.90 plus or minus 0.20, and 0.84 plus or minus 0.25 mg/100 ml (mean and standard deviation), respectively. the values for a ...1975238383
[comparative study of the myoglobin of the reindeer rangifer tarandus, the elk alces alces and the deer cervus elaphus xanthopygus].myoglobin preparations from muscles of a. alces, r. tarandus and c. elaphus xanthopygus were isolated by sephadex gel filtration (g-75). their fe content was found to be equal to 0.303--0.308%, which corresponds to the molecular weight of 18, 000. it was shown that splitting of heme from the globin results in an increase of the area occupied by the molecule on the phase boarderline from 36-10(2) to 47-10(2) a2. by the peptide charts method of tryptic hydrolysates combined with the detection of s ...1977868393
structure of the cornea in some cervidae. 1977878962
[protection of reindeer from blood-sucking flies]. 1977888331
[blood parasite diseases in reindeer]. 1977888334
blood flow, calcium deposition and heat loss in reindeer antlers.antler blood flow was studied in a 2 year old male reindeer during the last half of the antler growth period using an electromagnetic flow probe chronically implanted around the superficial temporal artery. arteriovenous (a-v) differences of calcium were measured on antler blood. the blood flow increased from 60--90 ml/min when the antler was half-grown to 100--120 ml/min when fully developed. subsequently a reduction was observed towards shedding. positive a-v plasma calcium differences (on ave ...1978151481
[fatty acid and phospholipid content of the meat of domesticated reindeer].data on the composition of fatty acids in the visceral, subcutaneous and intra-muscular fat and also of phospholipids in the muscular tissue of freshly frozen reindeer meat (venison) are presented. it is noted that the intra-muscular lipids in the meat of the young stock are richer as concerns the qualitative composition of phospholipids and contain more of the linoleic acid, whereas a reduced nourishing of adult reindeers brings with it a fall in the amount of decitins and an increase in the co ...1977898827
[comparative study of the virulence and pathogenicity of cultures of brucella isolated from northern reindeer in the ussr and alaska]. 1977899447
antiparasitic effect of tetramisolum (inn) on reindeer (rangifer tarandus tarandus l.) in enclosure conditions with special reference to oedemagena tarandi. 1978148826
[differences in the chemical makeup of the secretions from the skin glands in reindeer (rangifer tarandus)]. 1977145939
[baytex against warble fly larvae in reindeer]. 1977919323
[natural foci of brucellosis in the far north]. 1977919936
dictyocaulus viviparus infestation in reindeer in northern norway. a contribution to its epidemiology. 1977139821
organochlorine compounds (ddt, hexachlorocyclohexane, hexachlorobenzene) in icelandic animal body fat and butter fat: local and global sources of contamination. 197983779
rumen micro-organisms in red deer, hill sheep and reindeer in the scottish highlands.the micro-organisms in rumen samples from red deer, hill sheep and reindeer grazing their natural pastures in the scottish highlands were examined at different seasons over a number of years. the total counts of bacteria and protozoa varied with the seasons, and were lowest in winter when fermentative activity was also at its lowest. as is usual in roughage-fed ruminants, viable counts were only a very small proportion of the total counts. the reindeer rumens had the highest concentrations of ba ...1976981241
echinococcosis in slaughtered reindeer (rangifer tarandus) in the northern part of troms and western part of finnmark counties, during the winter 1975/76. 1976983895
occurrence of antibodies to group specific chlamydia antigen in cattle and reindeer sera in finnish lapland. 1976983896
[cardiac component of emotional stress in the elk, alces alces, and the reindeer, rangifer tarandus].using radiotelemetric technique, extraordinary changes have been found in cardiac activity of the elk and reindeer during spontaneous emotional stress under natural conditions. cardiac reaction is characterized by rapid 2--3-fold increase in the heart rate and by 3--4-fold increase in the amplitude of t-wave. it was suggested that these changes are associated with abnormalities of metabolic processes in the heart.1976988696
blood magnesium and the renal magnesium threshold in lichen-fed and fasted the blood plasma of lichen-fed reindeer the magnesium level was rather low (1.44 +/- 0.17 mg/100 ml) while the levels of calcium, phosphorus and glucose were normal. fasting for 2--3 days provided no evidence of magnesium deficiency, leading to increments in blood and urinary magnesium. simultaneous increments in urinary calcium indicated mobilization of bone minerals. the renal magnesium threshold appeared to be at about 1.8 mg of mg/100 ml of plasma as in other species.1976995584
[warbex and baytex against bot fly in reindeer]. 1976997233
[piroplasmosis and anaplasmosis in reindeer]. 1976997234
elaphostrongylus cervi cameron 1931 (nematoda: metastrongyloidea) in caribou (rangifer tarandus caribou) of newfoundland. 197943773
serological evidence of ibr and bvd infection in caribou (rangifer tarandus) 197942188
the question of diseases caused by echinococcus granulosus and alveococcus multilocularis on the taimyr peninsula. 19761014668
pasteurellosis in reindeer in northern norway. a contribution of its epidemiology. 19761015481
mandibular lesions in the western arctic caribou herd of alaska.lesions were noted in 7.0 and 4.4% of mandible pairs collected from the western arctic caribou herd of northwestern alaska in 1959-61 and 1975-77, respectively. the prevalence of mandibular lesions in the 1959-61 collection is believed to be the highest reported in wild caribou herds of north america. the frequency of occurrence of mandibular lesions was highest in caribou 7 years of age and older, and there was a higher prevalence in adult males than in adult females. trauma, dental abscesses, ...197939180
solar heating of mammals: observations of hair transmittance. 197838210
phenoxy herbicide residues in swedish fish and wildlife. 19751063637
prospects for reindeer husbandry based on grass and silage feeding. 19761065207
environmental radioactivity in greenland in 1974.measurements of fall-out radioactivity in greenland in 1974 are reported. strontium-90 (and caesium-137 in most cases) was determined in samples of precipitation, sea water, vegetation, animals, and drinking water. estimates are given of the mean contents of 90sr and 137cs in the human diet in greenland in 1974. three greenlanders were measured by wholebody counting.19751083058
some diseases of free-living wildlife. 19751108621
further observations on rangiferine brucellosis in alaskan carnivores.antibodies against rangiferine brucellosis, brucella suis type 4, are commonly found in the serum of various domestic and wild alaskian carnivores which feed on caribou, rangifer tarandus granti, arctic alaska. sled dogs from five native villages on the range of the artic caribou herd, but not from two villages on the the range of the porcupine caribou herd, are commonly infected. wolves (canis lupus) and red foxes (vulpes fulva) are less commonly infected. about 90% of the grizzly bears (ursus ...19751113440
morphology of the barren-ground caribou ovary. 197830531
metabolic clearance and production rates of testosterone at different times of the year in male caribou and reindeer. 197721740
giant cell reaction against the laminated membrane of echinococcus cysts in reindeer lungs. 19751136903
evolution of mammalian pancreatic ribonucleases. 19751137724
fauna and ecology of bloodsucking mosquitoes of evenkia.this paper presents data on the specific composition, number, hatching sites, seasonal and daily activity of mosquitoes attacking man and reindeer and the influence of weather factors on the attacking activity of mosquitoes in central siberia. 23 species of 3 genera are reported from central siberia as follows: anopheles maculipennis, culiseta alaskaensis, aedes beklemishevi, a. cantans, a. caspius dorsalis, a. cataphylla, a. communis, a. cyprius, a. diantaeus, a. excrucians, a. fitchii, a. flav ...197615232
nutritional effects on serum enzymes and other blood constituents in reindeer calves (rangifer tarandus tarandus). 19767420
radiocesium in native residents of anaktuvuk pass, alaska, 1970-1974. 19761360
the amino acid sequences of reindeer, moose and fallow deer pancreatic ribonucleases. 19751157925
a comparative study of the intestinal anatomy of deer.the intestinal anatomy of fallow deer (dama dama), white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus), reindeer (rangifer tarandus), and elk (alces alces) was studied. special attention was given to the spiral loop of the ascending colon and the proportional length of the small and large intestines. the spiral loop of the ascending colon is wound 3-3 1/2 turns in the fallow deer, 2-3 turns in the white-tailed deer, 5 1/2-7 turns in the reindeer and 3-4 turns in the elk. the distal half of the last centr ...19751163814
the presence of gastric parasites in winter-slaughtered reindeer.the presence of gastric parasites in winter-slaughtered calves and adult animals, was investigated. the number of parasites found was low in case of the calves indicating that gastric worms are of low significance concerning the winter losses. in case of adult animals was found a higher infestation indicating that gastric nematodes maybe of importance concerning the winter losses of 1,5 years old animals, ostertagia leptospicularis was the only found species except for one animal in which was al ...1978566431
experimental elaphostrongylus rangiferi infection in calves and two lambs and two calves infected experimentally with infective larvae of elaphostrongylus rangiferi, lymphohistiocytic and eosinophilic cell infiltrations in the leptomeninges and lymphohistiocytic granulomas in the perineurium of the cauda equina of the cns were demonstrated. these histopathological changes are similar to the lesions usually demonstrated in reindeer with elaphostrongylosis. no parasites were found, however, in the cns or other organs.19751170553
species specificity in thermostable and ethanol insoluble tissue antigens. i. immunization of rabbits and goats with bovine antigen. 19751180187
a technique for the description of projections of internal organs onto the exposed surface of animals. 19751180189
Displaying items 1 - 100 of 2145