multifocal candidiasis in a capuchin monkey (cebus apella). | candidiasis involving nasal, pharyngeal, and intestinal mucosal surfaces and a pharyngeal lymph node was demonstrated microscopically in a young adult female capuchin monkey (cebus apella) experimentally infected with schistosoma haematobium (iran strain). persistent nasal exudation and weight loss characterized the clinical disease preceding the animal's death. | 1977 | 21298 |
a monitoring test for the liability of neuroleptic drugs to induce tardive dyskinesia. | two cebus apella monkeys with haloperidol-induced tardive dyskinesia have been studied. substitution of chlorpromazine, thioridazine, clozapine, melperone, or fluphenazine for the daily haloperidol administration temporarily reduced the signs of tardive dyskinesia. in a monkey with low-grade symptoms, persisting for more than 100 days after withdrawal of haloperidol, neuroleptic drugs induced a typical sequence of events: first the dyskinetic movements were abolished, but 1--3 days after adminis ... | 1979 | 39307 |
cytogenetics and taxonomy of some south bolivian monkeys. | illustrations are given by the authors of chromosome banding patterns of three species of monkeys: douroucouli, black-capped capuchin and squirrel monkey. the precise locality of the animals in southern bolivia is known. this enables a taxonomic discussion on the value of some names of these animals. | 1978 | 97192 |
natural history of papillary lesions of the urinary bladder in schistosomiasis. | variable epithelial hyperplasia was observed in urinary bladder of nine capuchin monkeys (cebus apella) when examined at cystotomy 94 to 164 weeks after infection with schistosoma haematobium. these hosts were followed for 24 to 136 weeks postcystotomy to determine the status of bladder lesions in relation to duration of infection and to ascertain whether lesion samples removed at cystotomy reestablished themselves in autologous and heterologous transfers. there was involution of urothelial hype ... | 1978 | 100209 |
ultrastructural and morphometric aspects of the juxtaglomerular apparatus in the monkey kidney. | the authors describe the ultrastructure of the juxtaglomerular apparatus in five adult male cebus apella monkeys and communicate morphometric data of the macula densa. in comparison with several species of rodents examined before, the macula cells of the monkey contain many more mitochondria and possess a particularly thick basal membrane. the relative volume of the nuclei is slightly smaller than in rodents. the goormaghtigh cells of the monkey resemble those of the other animals investigated. ... | 1978 | 100224 |
about the existence and endings of nerve fibres in the cebus apella monkey's upper lip. | in the present research, fibres and nerve endings of upper lip of the cebus apella monkey have been studied. upper lip of 8 cebus apella were analysed. the pieces were prepared according to the technic of castro's silver impregnation and submitted to serial sections 8 micra thick. our results permit to conclude that the cebus apella monkey's upper lip has a great number of free nerve endings, between connective and epithelial layers in the mucosa and in the skin. the aspects of nerve fibres and ... | 1978 | 103143 |
development of acute dystonia and tardive dyskinesia in cebus monkeys. | in 4 out of 11 cebus apella monkeys given haloperidol (0.05 - 1.0 mg/kg/d) orally for up to 35 months signs of tardive dyskinesia (td) hav developed: 1) one monkey developed barely noticeable td after 4 months, but showed marked and increasing symtpoms of both generalized choreic and buccolingual td after 8 months. this animal died 3 months after discontinuation of haloperidol. at that time the signs of td were still prominent. 2) in one monkey bucco-lingual td appeared after 3 months and was st ... | 1979 | 115074 |
pharmacological modification of experimental tardive dyskinesia. | cebus apella monkeys subjected to chronic haloperidol administration develop neurologic disturbances very similar to neuroleptic-induced acute dystonia human beings. after varying lengths of time, certain monkeys develop a prolonged dyskinetic syndrome resembling tardive dyskinesia (td), as seen clinically. two monkeys with signs of td were given single intramuscular injections of various compounds with known effects on the catecholaminergic, cholinergic, serotoninergic and gaba-ergic neurotrans ... | 1979 | 115227 |
distribution of egg deposits and gross lesions in nonhuman primates infected with schistosoma haematobium (iran). | widespread tissue egg deposits and gross lesions were recorded in 15 species of primates subsequent to schistosoma haematobium (iran) infections of variable intensity and duration. considerable extra-intestinal involvement as well as pathology in different parts of the urogenital system were observed. transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder was recorded for cebus apella. | 1979 | 116002 |
the plasma pattern of ovarian steroids during the menstrual cycle in capuchin monkeys (cebus apella). | | 1979 | 118775 |
[distribution of the spinal nerve roots in cebus apella monkey]. | | 1978 | 119985 |
[anatomical data on the facial artery of human (fetus and adults) and tufted-monkey (cebus apella)]. | | 1978 | 119986 |
tetrapetalonema (t.) panamensis (mccoy, 1936) comb. n. (filarioidea: onchocercidae) in colombian primates, with a description of the adults. | microfilaria panamensis mccoy, 1936 was identified in the blood of cebus apella, c. capucinus, c. albifrous, and saguinus oedipus from various regions in colombia. adult worms, recovered from the subcutaneous connective tissues of c. apella and s. oedipus, were identified with this microfilaria and are described as tetrapetalonema (t.) panamensis (mccoy, 1936) comb. n. this nematode is smaller configuration of the female tail and in the appearance of the spicules, and t. barbascalensis which dif ... | 1979 | 120436 |
the chemotactic, phagocytic, and microbial killing abilities of primate polymorphonuclear leukocytes (pml). | functions of polymorphonuclear leukocytes including chemotaxis, phagocytosis, and microbial killing were investigated in baboons (papio cynocephalus), cebus monkeys (cebus apella), and marmosets (saguinus oedipus). cells from a group of normal adult human volunteers were also studied for comparison. polymorphonuclear leukocytes from the three nonhuman primate species were comparable to each other and to humans in chemotactic activity using endotoxin activated serum. in addition, the ability of b ... | 1979 | 121031 |
type c oncornaviruses in a capuchin monkey (cebus apella) previously infected with schistosoma haematobium. | | 1977 | 191693 |
amino acid incorporation in medulla, pons, midbrain and cortex following spinal cord hemisection in the cebus monkey (cebus apella). | the effects of spinal cord hemisection on protein labeling in the medulla, pons, midbrain, and cortex in the cebus monkey were studied by measuring the uptake of [3h]lysine into the trichloroacetic acid (tca) precipitable and non-precipitable fractions of brain. animals were sacrificed 3, 6 or 13 days after hemisection. two normal animals and a 3-day sham operate were utilized as controls. differences included individual animals, operated vs. unoperated animals, brain areas, and variation of bra ... | 1977 | 402980 |
leishmaniasis in brazil: xii. observations on cross-immunity in monkeys and man infected with leishmania mexicana mexicana, l. m. amazonensis, l. braziliensis braziliensis, l. b. guyanensis and l. b. panamensis. | cross-immunity trials in monkeys (cebus apella apella) and observations on experimental and natural infections in man confirm the separate identity of l. mexicana mexicana, l. m. amazonensis, l. b. braziliensis, l. b. guyanensis and l. b. panamensis. neither l. m. mexicana nor l. m. amazonensis infections gave protection against subsequent challenge with parasites of the l. braziliensis complex; but recovery from infection with subspecies of l. braziliensis in most cases gave firm resistance to ... | 1977 | 405504 |
neurohistological observations on the tongue of the tufted capuchin, cebus apella linnaeus, 1758. | neurohistological observations of the tongues of the adult monkeys cebus apella are described. it was noted that the cebus tongue presents few vallate papilae situated mainly in the posterior and lateral parts; fungi and filiforms are spread all over the dorsal surface. histologically there was evidence that numerous nerve fibres of variable size come from the deep layers of the tongue to the surface structure. in many regions they constitute plexuses, other cross the muscular and glandular laye ... | 1977 | 406648 |
ultrasound as a new method of male contraception. | twenty male cats were treated once or twice with 1 watt/sq cm of ultrasound for 10 minutes. each of 24 male dogs received one to three treatments with 1 watt/sq cm for 10 minutes. another six dogs were treated with 2 watts/sq cm for 15 minutes. four cebus apella monkeys were treated with the same dosage as that used for the cats and dogs. a dosage of 1 watt/sq cm for 10 minutes was also applied to four human patients without the use of anesthetics, and no pain or side effects were noted. in all ... | 1977 | 407106 |
split-line patterns of the mandible following masseterectomy in adult and growing monkeys. | architectural changes of the mandibular ramus following masseterectomy were analyzed by means of the split-line technique in both adult and growing monkeys. the right masseter muscle was resected in ten tufted capuchin monkeys (cebus apella) and they were sacrificed following a 12-month period. along with modifications in the shape of the mandible, the masseterectomy induced structural changes as revealed by alterations in the split-line patterns. these changes were much more evident in the adul ... | 1977 | 407803 |
movement disorders induced in monkeys by chronic haloperidol treatment. | after several months of treatment, cebus apella, cebus albifrons, and saimiri sciurea monkeys maintained on haloperidol, in doses of 0.5 or 1.0 mg/kg orally 5 days per week, began to display severe movement disorders, typically 1-6 h post-drug. cebus monkeys exhibited violent, uncontrolled movements that flung the animals about the cage. such episodes usually lasted only a few minutes, recurring several times during the period following drug ingestion. writhing and bizarre postures dominated the ... | 1977 | 408858 |
innervation of the palatine mucous membrane in the cebus apella monkey. | a histological study was conducted on the innervation of the cebus apella palatine mucosa. ten monkeys were used for the present study. after perfusion with 10% formalin, the whole hard palate mucosa was removed in one piece and made into histological sections according to de castro's method for silver impregnation. we concluded that the nerve fibers form free endings and organized corpuscles, like meissner corpuscles. free nerve endings are numerous in the hard palate mucosa and they show a gre ... | 1977 | 414375 |
prevention of the mutagenic activation of an antischistosomal isothiocyanate in primates by an antibiotic. | administration of 4 nitro-4' isothiocyano-diphenylamine (cgp 4540, amoscanate) to two nonhuman primates, macaca mulatta and cebus apella, resulted in the appearance of mutagenic material in the urines of these animals. mutagenic metabolites of this drug could also be detected in the urines when the drug was administered to primates infected with schistosoma mansoni and schistosoma japonicum. as observed previously in mice, the mutagenic activation of amoscanate can be prevented in primates by co ... | 1979 | 553807 |
long-term efficacy of tubercidin against schistosomiasis japonica and mansoni in primates. | schistosomiasis japonica in capuchin msnkeys (cebus apella) and schistosomiasis mansoni in baboons (papio cyanocephalus and p. hamadryas) were completely arrested for 6 months in every infected primate receiving a single treatment with tubercidin (tu), administered after prior absorption into 20% of their red cells. it is very likely that a single treatment with tu sequestered in only 15% of the hosts' red cells would also be 100% effective for prolonged periods of time, but that with lower dose ... | 1975 | 804270 |
distribution and characterization of uterine pigment in capuchin monkeys (cebus apella). | histochemical studies performed on the uteri of non-pregnant cebus apella revealed the hemosiderin nature of an uterine pigment. this contrasts markedly with the lipofuscin nature of a uterine pigment found in saimri sciureus. | 1975 | 810592 |
semen evaluation in capuchin monkeys (cebus apella). | semen from 3 adult male capuchin monkeys (cebus appella) was collected and evaluated, utilizing an electroejaculator and different collection media. in the first 24 samples collected, no liquid fraction was found. procedures were then directed toward liquefying the entire coagulum by enzymes for semen evaluation. the enzyme system first utilized consisted of varying percentages of trypsin in 2.5% dextrose in half-strength lactated ringer's solution. because of high spermatozoan abnormalities usi ... | 1975 | 810618 |
immunofluorescence study of lrf neurons in primates. | lrf producing neurons were characterized in the squirrel-monkey (saimiri sciurus) and cebus apella monkey, by means of a rabbit antiserum against unconjugated synthetic lrf, previously adsorbed on polyvinylpyrrolidone. these neurons, which vary in number according to the species and physiological or experimental conditions, are mainly concentrated in the mediobasal hypothalamic area (infundibular and premammillary nuclei in particular) and the vascular organ of the lamina terminalis. the neurons ... | 1975 | 811359 |
anatomical data on the intracranial venous drainage of the tufted capuchin, cebus apella linnaeus, 1758. | the venous channels responsible for the intracranial drainage were dissected in a series of 25 male and female adult tufted or brown capuchin monkeys (cebus apella). it was found that cebus have a venous arrangement fundamentally the same as in man, differing only in that: 1. the monkey has no inferior sagittal sinus, spenoparietal sinus, and emissary parietal and condylar veins; 2. the occipital sinus is not in connection with other sinuses; 3. there are a spenopetrosal sinus, a petrosquamous s ... | 1975 | 812381 |
experimental biharzial bladder cancer: tryptophan metabolism in nonhuman primates experimentally infected with schistosoma haematobium. | a nonhuman primate species infected with schistosoma haematobium provided a model system for controlled studies on biharzial bladder cancer. urinary excretion of tryptophan metabolites by capuchin monkeys (cebus apella) was similar to that of humans when expressed per g creatinine. liver tryptophan oxygenase activity of the capuchin monkeys was comparable to that of humans. excretion of 3-hydroxykynurenine and 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid was elevated above control levels in capuchin monkeys infect ... | 1976 | 815556 |
early changes in protein synthesis following spinal cord hemisection in the cebus monkey (cebus apella). | the short term effects of spinal cord hemisection on protein synthesis in the cebus monkey were studied by measuring the uptake of [3h]lysine into the trichloroacetic acid (tca) precipitable and non-precipitable fractions of spinal cord. animals were sacrificed 3, 6, or 13 days after hemisection. two normal animals and a 3 day sham operate were utilized as controls. all data were pooled and subjected to analysis of variance. significant group differences were resolved by a standad t-test over po ... | 1976 | 821580 |
isolation and characterization of two new herpes-like viruses from capuchin monkeys. | two herpes-like viruses were isolated from capuchin monkey (cebus apella) brain and (cebus albifrons) spleen cell cultures, respectively. both isolates induced similar cytopathic effects consisting of rounded and ballooned cells in the original monkey cell cultures and in a wide range of permissive cell types. neutralizing antibody to each virus was present in serum from the capuchin monkey from which it was isolated, but the two viruses did not cross-react by neutralization. fluorescein isothio ... | 1976 | 823119 |
the catecholamine pontine cellular groups locus coeruleus, a4, subcoeruleus in the primate cebus apella. | the distrubution of ca neurons of areas a6 and a4 was delineated in cebus apella monkey using the fluorescent histochemical technique of falck and hillarp. cytospectroscopy was utilized for ca differentiation. the noradrenergic cellular regions a6, a4, and subcoeruleus have extensively increased in size in the cebus as compared to the rat and appear to be separate nuclear regions. area a4 is made up of two cellular subgroups: a more abundant lateral magnocellular area with cells as large as 45 m ... | 1976 | 824016 |
naturally occurring tuberculosis in a squirrel monkey and a cebus monkey. | tuberculosis was detected in a brazilian squirrel monkey (saimiri sciureus) and in a cebus monkey (cebus apella). both of these animals were housed in the same room with a rhesus monkey (macaca mulatta) subsequently found to be tuberculous. all 3 of the monkeys died within a 4-month period. | 1976 | 824261 |
neurohistologic observations of the cebus apella monkeys soft palate mucosa. | a neurohistological observation was done in the solf palate mucosa of the cebus apella monkey. six mucosa were employed and were removed after perfusion of each animal, with 10% formalin solution, through the external carotid artery of the right side. the mucosa was removed together with the muscular layer and salivary glands. the histologic analysis was performed and therefore the pieces were prepared by the "de castro" technic of silver impregnation. the material was embedded in the vertical s ... | 1976 | 824693 |
the transport of vitamin d in the serum of primates. | "transcalciferin" (the serum transport protein for cholecalciferol and related substances) of two new world monkeys, cebus apella and cebus albifrons, was found to be immunologically identical with the transcalciferin of other monkeys and partially with that of man. in contrast with the alpha-globulin mobility of the transcalciferin of other primates, the transcalciferin of cebus monkey has the electrophoretic mobility of albumin. most of the serum 25-hydroxycholecalciferol was precipitable with ... | 1976 | 827286 |
[facial skeletal changes following unilateral resection of the masseter muscle and zygomatic arch in juvenile and adult monkeys (cebus apella)]. | | 1976 | 1077594 |
oral squamous cell carcinoma in capuchin monkeys (cebus apella). report of two cases. | two neoplasms were observed in two feral male cebus apella monkeys of approximately 12 and 14 years of age. histologically, the tumors were well-differentiated squamous cell carcinomas, one affecting the soft and hard palates reaching the nasal cavity and the other involving the oral cavity floor and the inferior maxillar. | 1992 | 1307759 |
[the experimental infection of cebus apella sp. monkeys with trypanosoma cruzi. its clinical, electrocardiographic and anatomicopathological assessment]. | thirty-two monkeys were captured and adapted to laboratory conditions captives isolated. they were submitted to multiple xenodiagnosis which were negative. twelve were infected intraperitoneally with different strains of t. cruzi (1.10(5) to 5.10(6)). twenty were the control group. between on to six years both the control group and the infected monkeys, were submitted to xenodiagnosis, serological testing clinical examination and electrocardiography. the clinical examination and the electrocardi ... | 1992 | 1308068 |
gastric acid secretion response in the cebus apella. a monkey model of chronic chagas' disease. | the objective was to study the secretory pattern, both basal and stimulated either by histamine (0.1 mg/kg) or pentagastrin (64 micrograms/kg) in eighteen cebus apella monkeys chronically infected with different t. cruzi strains (ca1, n = 10; colombian, n = 4 and tulahuen, n = 4) and to describe the morphological findings in the gastrointestinal tract in twelve infected (6 sacrificed and 6 spontaneously dead) and four healthy monkeys. all infected monkeys and 35 healthy ones were evaluated by co ... | 1992 | 1342116 |
efficacy of niclosamide as a potential topical antipenetrant (tap) against cercariae of schistosoma mansoni in monkeys. | a 1% (w/v) formulation of niclosamide (2', 5-dichloro-4-nitrosalicylanilide) (tap) was tested on cebus apella monkeys as a topical prophylactic against schistosomiasis mansoni. two experiments were conducted using the same formulation. in the first experiment, the tap provided complete protection against schistosomiasis for 3 days. of the 4 monkeys treated with tap 7 days before exposure to schistosoma mansoni cercariae, 2 were completely protected. the remaining 2 monkeys of the 7 day treatment ... | 1992 | 1343909 |
effect of d1 and d2 agonists in primates withdrawn from long-term treatment with haloperidol: the potential role of dopamine d1 receptors in dyskinesia. | the effects of dopamine (da) d1 and d2 receptor agonists were evaluated in eight cebus apella monkeys. the monkeys had previously received haloperidol for 2 years, and five of the monkeys had developed mild oral dyskinesia. skf 81297 (a full d1 agonist) induced marked oral hyperkinesia, consisting of tongue protrusions and licking or chewing movements, most pronounced in the monkeys with pre-existing oral dyskinesia. skf 38393 and skf 75670 (partial d1 agonists) also induced some oral dyskinesia ... | 1992 | 1362136 |
photoreceptor differentiation in retinal xenografts of fetal monkey retina. | although the potential of retinal grafts to provide the host eye with rod cells is presently well established, the possibility of grafting cone photoreceptors has not been documented. in this study, the neural retinas of two cebus apella monkey fetuses were xenografted into immunosuppressed fischer 344 adult rats. histological analysis showed intimate apposition between the grafted donor cells and the neighboring host rat retina. the transplanted cells survived well and often overgrew the bounda ... | 1992 | 1638386 |
a quantitative analysis of cytochrome oxidase-rich patches in the primary visual cortex of cebus monkeys: topographic distribution and effects of late monocular enucleation. | we have studied the tangential distribution of cytochrome oxidase (cytox)-rich patches in striate cortex of normal and monocularly enucleated cebus apella monkeys. patch spatial density and patch cross-sectional area were analysed in cytox-reacted tangential sections of flat-mounted preparations of v1. in the upper cortical layers of v1, and specially in the middle of layer iii, the cebus has well-delimited cytox-rich patches. rows of patches are less conspicuous in cebus than in old world monke ... | 1991 | 1649767 |
nerve growth factor receptor immunoreactivity in the new world monkey (cebus apella) and human cerebellum. | the present study used the ngfr-5 monoclonal antibody raised against human nerve growth factor receptor (ngfr) to determine the extent of ngfr immunoreactivity within the embryonic and young adult cebus apella cerebellum as well as the human cerebellum. immunohistochemically processed tissue revealed ngfr expressing purkinje cell somata, axons, and dendrites, the latter being observed within the molecular layer of both adult species. within all regions of the cerebellum we observed both darkly a ... | 1991 | 1650799 |
[microfilariae in vaginal exudates from argentinian apes]. | the finding of dipetalonema gracile larves in vaginal content of capuchin monkeys (cebus apella) was reported. the sizes of microfilarias, which did not present capsule, were 110-160 microns long and 4-5 microns wide. microfilarias did not find in peripheral blood. assuming that the cycle of this worm is not yet elucidated, the authors postulate that the presence of larves in the female genital tract could relate with venereal transmission. | 1991 | 1670474 |
hand preference in the use and manufacture of tools by tufted capuchin (cebus apella) and lion-tailed macaque (macaca silenus) monkeys. | the purpose of this study was to examine hand preference in the use and manufacture of probing tools by tufted capuchin and lion-tailed macaque monkeys (cebus apella and macaca silenus). hand preference for the tool-using sequence was noted in 4 of 5 capuchins (a left-hand preference was noted in 3 ss) and 3 of 4 macaques (a left-hand preference was noted in 2 ss). the monkeys frequently used bimanual action in the initial and final segments of the 3-component task and typically modified tools t ... | 1991 | 1688332 |
galanin-like immunoreactivity within the primate basal forebrain: differential staining patterns between humans and monkeys. | galanin-like immunoreactivity (gal-ir) was examined within the basal forebrain and adjacent regions of eight young adult new world monkeys (cebus apella), one aged old world monkey (macaca mulatta), and eight humans without clinical or pathological evidence of neurological disease. all monkeys demonstrated similar patterns of immunoreactive profiles characterized by a continuum of gal-ir magnocellular neurons located within the medial septum, diagonal band nuclei, and nucleus basalis. colocaliza ... | 1990 | 1692044 |
in vitro hiv infection of primate lymphocytes. | peripheral blood mononuclear cells (pbmc) obtained from four different primate species were tested for their respective ability to support the "in vitro" replication of the human immunodeficiency viruses, hiv-1, and hiv-2. pbmc of cebus apella, patas (erythrocebus patas), green (cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus) and rhesus monkeys (macaca mulatta) were infected "in vitro" with either hiv-1 or hiv-2. cultures were assayed weekly for particle-associated reverse transcriptase activity. both viruses w ... | 1990 | 1706529 |
rna-mediated transfer of cellular immunity to a synthetic env antigen of the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv-1). | a sheep was immunized with a synthetic peptide corresponding to amino acid residues 586-606 of the precursor envelope protein gp-160 of the hiv-1 including a conserved epitope region of the gp-41 transmembrane protein in the mature viral particles, referred to as sm 284 hiv-1 [1]. it is demonstrated that immune rna extracted from the lymphoid organs of the immunized animal (sm 284 hiv-1 i-rna) was able to transfer immune cellular reactivity to sm 284 hiv-1 in vitro to human and rabbit lymphocyte ... | 1991 | 1722867 |
neuropeptide changes in a primate model (cebus apella) for tardive dyskinesia. | tardive dyskinesia has been connected with regional reductions of gaba functions in the basal ganglia. in view of the possibility that peptides are involved in neuroleptic-induced dyskinesias substance p and dynorphin a levels were measured in the basal ganglia of the cebus apella model for tardive dyskinesia. in addition, regional glutamate decarboxylase activities, dopamine, homovanillic acid and dihydroxyphenylacetic acid levels were monitored. a significant dyskinesia-related decrease in glu ... | 1990 | 1723515 |
effect of extended depot fluphenazine treatment and withdrawal on social and other behaviors of cebus apella monkeys. | to examine whether or not prolonged exposure to a depot neuroleptic has either residual or "tardive pathological" effects on normal behavior, 38 cebus apella monkeys were observed daily for 108 weeks. the issue of stress influencing such effects was also addressed. during weeks 25-48 half of the monkeys received 0.22 mg/kg fluphenazine decanoate, im, every 3 weeks, with the dose increased to 0.33 mg/kg during weeks 49-72. behavioral measures were combined to form composite behavioral variables w ... | 1991 | 1771217 |
generative aspects of manipulation in tufted capuchin monkeys (cebus apella). | evaluating the cognitive and ontogenetic bases of tool use in primates requires comparative data on the generative nature of manipulation, including the frequency and variety of combinations of actions and objects. thirty-one tufted capuchins (cebus apella) of 3 age groups devoted significant proportions of time to interaction with objects and substrates. activity that combined an object with a substrate occurred often; activities that combined 2 portable objects were less frequent. predictions ... | 1991 | 1778072 |
behavioral development and maternal care in tufted capuchins (cebus apella) and squirrel monkeys (saimiri sciureus) from birth through seven months. | fourteen infant capuchins and eight squirrel monkeys reared by their mothers in captive species-typical social groups were observed from birth through 7 months. motoric altriciality of the neonatal capuchin relative to the squirrel monkey is a key feature of behavioral differences between the species in the first few months after birth. infants of the two species differed substantially in age at onset of independent locomotion, the developmental profile of independent activities, and the overall ... | 1991 | 1783220 |
cutaneous leishmaniasis of man due to leishmania (viannia) shawi lainson, de souza, póvoa, ishikawa & silveira, in pará state, brazil. | leishmania (viannia) shawi lainson, braga, de souza, póvoa, ishikawa & silveira, 1989, was originally recorded from monkeys (cebus apella and chiropotes satanas), sloths (choloepus didactylus and bradypus tridactylus) and coatis (nasua nasua) and the sandfly, lutzomyia whitmani. with a panel of leishmania specific monoclonal antibodies, it was found that 30.5% of the leishmania strains from patients, who had contracted cutaneous leishmaniasis in pará state, were similar, but not identical to l. ... | 1991 | 1822654 |
electrocardiographic changes in chronic trypanosoma cruzi infected cebus apella monkeys. | to evaluate electrocardiographic data of cebus apella monkeys with chagas' disease. | 1991 | 1909524 |
scanning electron microscopic analysis of dental wear on the heavily worn second molars of the wild japanese monkey (macaca fuscata). | microscopic features on scanning electron micrographs of epoxy-replicas of the second molars of nine wild-caught adult female japanese monkeys, macaca fuscata, from oita takasakiyama, kyushu, were measured using a digitizer. these monkeys had been fed a monkey-diet during three or four days of captivity before replicas were made. six of these specimens showed such heavily worn second molars that narrow peripheral enamel bands surrounded large dentin exposures and the cusps of the others had been ... | 1991 | 1947932 |
the effects of dopamine d1 and d2 receptor agonists and antagonists in monkeys withdrawn from long-term neuroleptic treatment. | the effects of dopamine d1 and d2 receptor agonists and antagonists were studied in eight cebus apella monkeys previously treated with haloperidol for two years. skf 81297 (specific d1 receptor agonist) induced oral hyperkinesia of variable intensity (p less than 0.01): some of the monkeys developed extreme lip smacking, tonque protrusions and licking movements while others developed only slight lip movements. a combined treatment of skf 81297 with ly 171555 (full d2 receptor agonist) or sch 233 ... | 1990 | 1980891 |
heterogeneity of haem oxygenase 1 and 2 isoenzymes. rat and primate transcripts for isoenzyme 2 differ in number and size. | in cebus apella monkey, as with other mammalian species tested to date, two different forms of haem oxygenase, ho-1 and ho-2, are detected. with the use of cdna fragment corresponding to ho-1 nucleotides +71 to +833, blot hybridization of rna revealed the presence of only one ho-1 mrna of approx. 1.8 kb in both rat and monkey liver, kidney and brain. with the use of a full-length ho-2 dna probe, blot hybridization of rna isolated from the same rat organs revealed the presence of two ho-2 homolog ... | 1991 | 2018471 |
[experimental skin leishmaniasis: ii--course of the infection in the cebus apella primate (cebidae) caused by leishmania (v.) braziliensis and l. (l.) amazonensis]. | as a means of assessing the usefulness of the monkey cebus apella as an experimental model for the study of cutaneous leishmaniasis, 5 of these animals were inoculated intradermally at 8 sites along the tail with 3 x 10(6) promastigotes of l. (v.) braziliensis, while a further 5 monkeys received similar inoculations with 3 x 10(6) promastigotes of l. (l.) amazonensis. following the inoculations, weekly examinations and monthly biopsies showed evolution of resulting skin lesions to be as follows: ... | 1990 | 2089483 |
[a comparative physiological study of the generalization function in primates]. | fundamental rules of the generalization function formation and development were formulated on the basis of comparative analysis of visual discrimination, summarizing and abstraction in the representatives of various primate subfamilies. it was established that monkeys and apes (macaca mulatta, cebus apella, pan troglodytes) learning to define such abstract characteristic as relative size of visual pictures of natural and geometrical objects were able to use previously remembered rules elaborated ... | 1990 | 2092563 |
on the fine structure of the parotid gland of tufted capuchin monkey, cebus apella. | the parotid gland of the tufted capuchin monkey (cebus apella) was examined by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. in general the ultrastructural morphology of this gland appears similar to that described in spider and squirrel monkeys. this study has established that the gland is serous. acinar cells, which contain a well developed granular endoplasmic reticulum and a prominent golgi complex, produce a single secretory material. myoepithelial cells are present around acini and around ... | 1990 | 2099311 |
chronic myocardial damage in experimental t. cruzi infection of a new world primate, cebus sp. monkey. | eighteen cebus apella monkeys, (juvenile and adult of both sexes) were inoculated five years ago, with three trypanosoma cruzi strains (ca1, n = 10; colombian, n = 4 and tulahuen, n = 4), either by conjunctival or intraperitoneal route, once or repeatedly. parasitological, hematological, serological, enzymatic, radiographic, electro and echocardiographic findings have been previously published and they are similar to those observed in human pathology. the most frequent electrocardiographic alter ... | 1990 | 2135367 |
[experimental cutaneous leishmaniasis. iii. histopathological aspects of the developmental behavior of the cutaneous lesion induced in cebus apella (primates: cebidae) by leishmania (viannia) lainsoni, l. (v.) braziliensis and l. (leishmania) amazonensis]. | we have studied the histopathological aspects related to the evolution of cutaneous lesions experimentally produced in the monkey cebus apella (primates: cebidae) by leishmania (v.) lainsoni, l. (v.) braziliensis and l. (l.) amazonensis. microscopical examination of a series of biopsies obtained from these animals showed the kinetics of the cutaneous lesions regarding three species of leishmania inoculated, as follows: 1) an initial non-specific chronic inflammatory infiltrate; 2) macrophagic no ... | 1990 | 2135483 |
response of the monkey cholinergic septohippocampal system to fornix transection: a histochemical and cytochemical analysis. | transection of the fimbria-fornix pathway is a paradigm that has been richly exploited in rats to assess the structural and functional correlates of cognitive behavior, neural grafting, and growth factor administration. principally, the degeneration of cholinergic neurons within the septal/diagonal band region has received detailed attention following this manipulation. in contrast, no studies have examined the response of the cholinergic septal/diagonal neurons following axotomy in nonhuman pri ... | 1990 | 2172323 |
hand preference and performance on unimanual and bimanual tasks in capuchin monkeys (cebus apella). | patterns of manual preference and the extent to which preference provided a benefit in performance (movement time) were evaluated in 7 young adult capuchin monkeys (cebus apella). directions of preference were inconsistent within individual animals across home-cage activities, unimanual, and bimanual experimental tasks. preferences were more strongly expressed in the experimental tasks than in the home cage. a left bias in the population for prehension, predicted by recent theories, was not evid ... | 1990 | 2225766 |
[comparative anatomic studies of the tongue of pan troglodytes (blumenbach, 1799) and other primates. i. the chimpanzee tongue]. | this study was carried out on a comprehensive collection of tongues of pan troglodytes. material of tongues of tupaia glis, microcebus murinus, chirogaleus major, lemur catta, galago crassicaudatus, cebus apella, and macaca mulatta were used for comparison of the different stages of the development of the papilla foliata. the tongue of pan exhibits longitudinal growth correlated with the growth of length of the jaws and individual age. a typical foramen caecum as it occurs in man was gross anato ... | 1990 | 2242823 |
connections of the caudal cerebellar interpositus complex in a new world monkey (cebus apella). | the afferent and efferent connections of the cerebellar interpositus complex were studied in a capuchin monkey (cebus apella) that had received a transcannular horseradish peroxidase implant into the caudal portion of the anterior interpositus nucleus and posterior interpositus nucleus. while the heaviest anterogradely labeled ascending projections were observed to the contralateral ventral posterolateral nucleus of the thalamus, pars oralis (vplo), efferent projections were also observed to the ... | 1990 | 2289174 |
social relations in groups of the black-capped capuchin (cebus apella) in captivity. interactions of group-born infants during their second half-year of life. | during the second half-year of life, capuchin monkey infants maintain close contacts to kin-related animals. apart from these contacts, they frequently interact with other infants and juveniles 1 year older. during this period of life the 'peer phase' begins in the life of the infants. furthermore, gender differences, especially in respect to social play, become obvious. | 1990 | 2323687 |
scanning electron microscope study of the esophagogastric junction in the tufted capuchin monkey, cebus apella. | a scanning electron microscopic study of the esophagogastric junction in the cebus apella monkey showed the following characteristics: numerous irregular folds with epithelial cells polyhedral in shape and in longitudinal extension; the luminal surface of the glandular epithelium presents a dome-shaped mucous cells with a cobblestone-like topography. | 1990 | 2358175 |
afferents of the caudal fastigial nucleus in a new world monkey (cebus apella). | the afferents of the fastigial nucleus (fn) were studied in two capuchin monkeys (cebus apella) one of which had received a unilateral injection of horseradish peroxidase in the caudal fn, and a second monkey which received a control injection that involved the lateral caudal fn but extended into the cerebellar white matter between the fn and posterior interposed nucleus (pin). all of the sources of fn afferents were found to be labeled bilaterally. in addition to the restricted distribution of ... | 1990 | 2387357 |
use of objects as hammers to open nuts by capuchin monkeys (cebus apella). | the use of stones as hammers to break open nuts was studied in a captive group of 7 cebus apella. only the single adult female and an infant showed no tool use. tool use significantly reduced the time required to break open the nuts and obtain the kernel and led to fewer nuts being abandoned. individual differences and social processes surrounding tool use are described. the development of tool use in a juvenile female is documented, along with the same female's novel use of a previously neglect ... | 1990 | 2391044 |
dietary variability in cebus apella in extreme habitats: evidence for adaptability. | the dietary composition of cebus apella in two subtropical forest environments of argentina reflects the seasonal availability of potential food resources. in the marginal areas of the geographical distribution of this species, different resources are used during periods of scarcity. a greater tendency to use leaves in the diet is observed in the northwest (el rey national park), where there is greater seasonal variation of fruit availability. in el rey, where there are few potential resources, ... | 1990 | 2391048 |
cytogenetic variability within and across populations of cebus apella in argentina. | two geographically separated populations of cebus apella are found in argentina. we have found important differences in the phenotypic characteristics of these populations, despite marked karyotypic similarity. two well-distinguished phenotypes were established. individuals from the northwest of argentina are phenotypically similar to the paraguayan populations and are recognized as c. apella paraguayanus. this subspecies is also found in the northeast of argentina. other specimens from the nort ... | 1990 | 2391050 |
a comparative study of neonatal skeletal development in cebus and other primates. | comparisons of hand/wrist radiographs of neonatal cebus albifrons (n = 14) and cebus apella (n = 4) with those of saimiri sciureus boliviensis (n = 9) and macaca mulatta (n = 63) reveal that the cebid monkeys show much less skeletal ossification at birth than macaques. differences in gestation time alone cannot account for the differences in skeletal maturity at birth in the two groups of monkeys. the skeletal precocity of the newborn macaques indicates that their ossification either begins earl ... | 1990 | 2391051 |
comparison of muscle weight and force ratios in new and old world monkeys. | thin mandibles and small incisors found in new world monkeys as compared with old world monkeys suggest that there may be differences in craniofacial loading patterns between these two groups, particularly in levels of mandibular corpus twisting (hylander, 1975, 1979a; eaglen, 1984; bouvier, 1986a,b). this study examined the hypothesis that changes in the relative force contributions of the masticatory muscles were responsible for lowering torsion on the mandibular corpus in new world monkeys. m ... | 1990 | 2399960 |
the immune response to a schistosomacide, amoscanate. i. serum antibody responses. | a potent antischistosomal drug, amoscanate, was found to be immunogenic to mice and cebus apella monkeys. the drug was readily haptenated to proteins under relatively mild conditions. the amoscanate-protein conjugates were observed to be immunogenic when injected into the footpads of several strains of mice. however, such protein conjugates were not found to raise ige antibody to the drug in high-responder strains using several procedures. when the formulated drug (dissolved in oil) was fed to c ... | 1985 | 2414366 |
antigenic properties of human and animal bloodstains studied by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) using various antisera against specific plasma proteins. | antigenic properties of bloodstains of human and non-human primates as well as other animal bloodstains were investigated by the inhibition elisa using commercially available anti-human albumin (alb), alpha 2-macroglobulin (alpha 2-m), fibrinogen, transferrin, and immunoglobulin g. in general, chimpanzee bloodstains showed strong cross-reactions with these antisera, and the extent of the cross-reactions of other animal bloodstains decreased largely with the phylogenic order, i.e., agile gibbon ( ... | 1987 | 2448970 |
telencephalic cholinergic system of the new world monkey (cebus apella): morphological and cytoarchitectonic assessment and analysis of the projection to the amygdala. | while the cholinergic projection from the nucleus basalis to the cortical mantle has received considerable attention, a similar projection to the magnocellular basal nucleus of the amygdala has not been studied in such detail. the present study analyzed the cholinergic basal forebrain projection to the amygdala in the cebus apella monkey by using combined tract-tracing and immunocytochemical techniques. as a foundation for this assessment, the morphological and cytoarchitectonic organization of ... | 1989 | 2465322 |
[experimental cutaneous leishmaniasis: i--on the susceptibility of the primate cebus apella (cebidae) to the infection caused by leishmania (viannia) lainsoni silveira, shaw and ishikawa, 1987]. | the susceptibility of the monkey cebus apella (cebidae) to experimental infection by leishmania (viannia) lainsoni has been investigated. for this purpose, five young monkeys, 2 males and 3 females, were intradermally, inoculated, in eight different places along the dorsal surface of the tail with 3 x 10(6) promastigotes of the parasite (mhom/br/81/m6426, benevides, pará), from stationary phase culture in difco b45 medium. after inoculations, infection in the monkeys was indicated by the presenc ... | 1989 | 2486523 |
[sensory nerve endings of the medium and posterior parts of cebus apella monkey's tongue mucosa]. | sensory nerve endings of tongue mucosa of cebus apella monkey were studied using the silver impregnation technique (winkelmann & schimitt). subepithelial sensory nerve endings of different forms are present in the medium and posterior parts of tongue mucosa. the nerve fibers have their origin in the deep layers of the tongue and form single and complex sensory nerve endings. the fungiform papillae contain numerous ramified nerve fibers, which constitute a subepithelia network, but the filiform p ... | 1989 | 2490836 |
leishmania (viannia) shawi sp. n., a parasite of monkeys, sloths and procyonids in amazonian brazil. | leishmania (viannia) shawi sp. n., is described from the monkeys cebus apella and chiropotes satanus, the sloths choloepus didactylus and bradypus tridactylus, the procyonid nasua nasua, and the phlebotomine sandfly lutzomyia whitmani, all from primary forest in the state of pará, north brazil. l. (v.) shawi is variably distinguished from all other known species within the subgenus viannia by a combination of biological, biochemical and serological characters, as revealed by studies on morpholog ... | 1989 | 2504099 |
neuromuscular recovery using calcium protease inhibition after median nerve repair in primates. | inhibition of calcium-activated neutral protease, in muscle and nerve, by the tripeptide leupeptin after median nerve transection and epineural repair in monkeys (cebus apella) was studied. results indicate that inhibition of the protease after nerve repair facilitates morphologic recovery in denervated thenar muscles and in distal thenar nerve branches. in addition, functional recovery was facilitated in leupeptin-treated animals after nerve repair as measured by sensory and motor conduction ve ... | 1989 | 2548194 |
chronic neuroleptic effects on spatial reversal learning in monkeys. | cebus apella monkeys were chronically administered the antipsychotic drug fluphenazine decanoate for periods ranging from 3.5 to 5.5 years. in the present study, four of these monkeys and two controls were tested for cognitive abilities on a spatial learning task, which consisted of an original discrimination and four reversals of that discrimination. no effect of fluphenazine administration was seen in the rate of learning the original discrimination, but the carryover of learning across discri ... | 1989 | 2567030 |
acute extrapyramidal syndrome in cebus monkeys: development mediated by dopamine d2 but not d1 receptors. | the present study assessed the role of dopamine d1 and d2 receptors in the production of an extrapyramidal syndrome (eps) in cebus apella monkeys. previous studies have shown the development of eps in both old and new world monkeys with haloperidol administration. we now report that repeated weekly administration of a selective d1 antagonist, sch 23390, does not produce this syndrome in cebus monkeys. cebus monkeys were treated with either vehicle (n = 6), the specific d2 antagonist haloperidol ... | 1989 | 2567351 |
on the limits of the matching concept in monkeys (cebus apella). | two cebus monkeys, with many years of experience matching a variety of static visual stimuli (forms and colors) within a standard matching-to-sample paradigm, were trained to press a left lever when a pair of displayed static stimuli were the same and to press a right lever when they were different. after learning the same/different task, the monkeys were tested for transfer to dynamic visual stimuli (flashing versus steady green disks), with which they had no previous experience. both failed to ... | 1989 | 2584914 |
cardiomyopathy in cebus apella monkeys experimentally infected with trypanosoma cruzi. | twenty four cebus apella monkeys were studied as a biological model for the cardiac chronic form of chagas' disease. twelve were inoculated with trypanosoma cruzi trypomastigotes, seven with the brazilian y strain and five with the argentinian ra strain. twelve monkeys were uninfected controls. the following parameters were studied: body weight, body temperature, direct parasitemia, xenodiagnosis, specific antibodies by ifa, clinical chemistry, hematology, ecg and chest x-ray. three monkeys infe ... | 1989 | 2662352 |
interovarian relationship in the secretion of progesterone during the luteal phase of the capuchin monkey (cebus apella). | in basal conditions, progesterone concentrations were similar in the ovarian veins of the ovary +cl (3211 +/- 526 ng/ml) and the ovary -cl (3165 +/- 554 ng/ml), but after blocking the blood flow between the ovary +cl and the uterus, the progesterone values in the vein draining the ovary -cl decreased to 1218 +/- 394 ng/ml (p less than 0.01). when [3h]progesterone was injected in the ovary +cl, the radioactivity appeared earlier and more concentrated in the vein draining the ovary -cl (30 sec, 0. ... | 1989 | 2703983 |
social influences on the acquisition of tool-using behaviors in tufted capuchin monkeys (cebus apella). | to identify behaviors related to acquisition of tool-use in tufted capuchins (cebus apella), we presented two tool-using tasks to two groups, extending findings by westergaard and fragaszy (1987) and visalberghi (in press). five ss learned to use the tools in each task. the primary predictor of success was level of interest in the task. observation of others at the apparatus did not facilitate exploratory behaviors or contact with the tools in the observers. most animals performed exploratory be ... | 1989 | 2736909 |
serial learning with wild card items by monkeys (cebus apella): implications for knowledge of ordinal position. | we investigated monkeys' knowledge of the ordinal positions of stimuli that formed a 5-item serial list, abcde, by means of wild card items (w) that could substitute for items in the original series. in experiment 1, training with wild cards was given on 3-, 4-, and 5-item series. in the last of these series, the wild card substitutions created five wild card sequences, wbcde through abcdw. during the final 10 sessions of training with each of two different wild cards (items x and y), the 3 subj ... | 1989 | 2776421 |
seroepidemiologic survey for antibodies to human retroviruses in human and non-human primates in brazil. | the prevalence of antibodies to htlv-i and hiv-i in brazil was determined by testing sera from: (a) 119 members of an isolated amazonian community of african origin; (b) 100 voluntary blood donors in rio de janeiro; (c) 215 patients treated at the hematology service, national cancer institute, rio de janeiro, and (d) 44 cebus apella new world monkeys, wild-caught in amazonia. anti-htlv-i was detected in 1 (0.84%) of 119 amazonians, in 8 (3.72%) of the 215 patients and in none of the blood donors ... | 1989 | 2777403 |
visual area mt in the cebus monkey: location, visuotopic organization, and variability. | the representation of the visual field in the dorsal portion of the superior temporal sulcus (st) was studied by multiunit recordings in eight cebus apella, anesthetized with n2o and immobilized with pancuronium bromide, in repeated recording sessions. on the basis of visuotopic organization, myeloarchitecture, and receptive field size, area mt was distinguished from its neighboring areas. mt is an oval area of about 70 mm2 located mainly in the posterior bank of the superior temporal sulcus. it ... | 1989 | 2794126 |
localization and inhibition of calcium-activated neutral protease (canp) in primate skeletal muscle and peripheral nerve. | localization of calcium-activated neutral protease in normal monkey (cebus apella) skeletal muscle and peripheral nerve was studied by application of the indirect immunofluorescent and peroxidase-antiperoxidase techniques for light and electron microscopy. in muscle, the protease was demonstrated in association with endomysial collagen fibrils, basal lamina, sarcolemma, and z-bands and also at neuromuscular junctions. in nerve, the enzyme was demonstrated in association with endoneurial collagen ... | 1987 | 2822459 |
anatomical demonstration of ocular segregation in the retinogeniculocortical pathway of the new world capuchin monkey (cebus apella). | we describe the architecture of the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus and primary visual cortex (striate cortex; area 17) of the new world capuchin monkey (cebus apella) on the basis of the distribution of cell bodies and cytochrome oxidase histochemistry. changes in staining for cytochrome oxidase following unilateral enucleation served to indicate the organization of the representation of the two eyes in the retinogeniculocortical pathway. the number and disposition of eye-specific layers with ... | 1987 | 2824572 |
nerve growth factor receptor immunoreactivity in the nonhuman primate (cebus apella): distribution, morphology, and colocalization with cholinergic enzymes. | a monoclonal antibody raised against the receptor for nerve growth factor (ngf) was used to examine the distribution and morphology of ngf receptor-containing neurons within the central nervous system of cebus apella monkeys. most somata demonstrating positive immunoreactivity were localized within the ch1-4 regions of the basal forebrain. neurons in the ch1 region displayed morphological features typical of cholinergic medial septal neurons. these perikarya were primarily vertically oriented (4 ... | 1988 | 2850304 |
experimental tardive dyskinesia. | in ongoing studies of chronic administration of neuroleptics to monkeys (cebus apella) and rats, the regional distribution of glutamic acid decarboxylase (gad) and brain levels of homovanillic acid were examined. reduction of gad activity, a gaba-synthesizing enzyme, in three specific brain areas (substantia nigra, medial globus pallidus, and nucleus subthalamicus) was related to the development of neuroleptic induced dyskinesias; these reductions were not seen in treated animals who did not dev ... | 1985 | 2858481 |
induction of tardive dyskinesia in cebus apella and macaca speciosa monkeys: a review. | two different studies were performed in subhuman primates in an attempt to induce symptoms of tardive dyskinesia. the first study lasted for over 5 years. this involved elderly macaca speciosa. the animals were given first 25 mg of fluphenazine decanoate and later the enanthate im (3.2 mg/kg) every 2 weeks and on 5 days a week, haloperidol, first im and later po. haloperidol was given first in doses of 1.0 mg/kg and ultimately after years of therapy, in doses of 6.4 mg/kg per day. those animals ... | 1985 | 2860660 |
effect of neuroleptics and of potential new antipsychotic agents (mj 13859-1 and mj 13980-1) on a monkey model of tardive dyskinesia. | two adult female cebus apella monkeys with persistent tardive dyskinesia (td) were given acute i.m. injections of reference neuroleptics (chlorpromazine, haloperidol, thioridazine, and clozapine) or of potential new antipsychotic agents (mj 13859-1 and mj 13980-1). the drugs were assessed for their ability to modify td symptoms or to produce acute neurologic reactions. effects of three doses of mj 13859-1 administered orally were also examined. at the doses used, thioridazine and clozapine had l ... | 1986 | 2870130 |
gaba agonists in cebus monkeys with neuroleptic-induced persistent dyskinesias. | tetrahydroisoxazolopyridinol (thip), a gaba receptor agonist, gamma-acetylenic-gaba(gag) and gamma-vinyl-gaba(gvg), two gaba transaminase inhibitors were given in single parenteral doses to three cebus apella monkeys with persistent dyskinetic movements induced by earlier long-term administration of haloperidol. high doses of thip temporarily abolished dyskinesias but also caused bradykinesia, ataxia, dystonia and myoclonic jerks. gag and gvg reduced dyskinesias to a lesser extent and with fewer ... | 1988 | 2895937 |
adrenal medullary autografts into the basal ganglia of cebus monkeys: injury-induced regeneration. | questions arising from recent clinical neural transplantation trials in parkinson's disease have under-scored the necessity for a thorough experimental evaluation of the structural and functional consequences of this procedure. the present study investigated the neuroanatomical host reaction to intrastriatal implants in normal and 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,5,6-tetrahydropyridine (mptp)-treated nonhuman primates. nine monkeys (cebus apella) received intrastriatal implants using either a stereotactic ... | 1988 | 2903068 |
activity states and motor activity in an infant capuchin monkey (cebus apella) from birth through eleven weeks. | behavioral states and motor activity of an infant capuchin monkey reared by its mother in a social group were studied for 11 weeks after birth. manipulative activity was infrequent through the first four weeks after birth; what little occurred was mediated by other animals interacting with the infant. the rate of manipulation increased the most between weeks 8 and 9. at the same time, the most frequent targets of manipulation shifted from the infant's own body and the bodies of others to surface ... | 1989 | 2925002 |