
helminths of california quail (callipepla californica) and mountain quail (oreortyx pictus) in western oregon.eighty california quail (callipepla californica), collected from the e. e. wilson wildlife area near monmouth, oregon (usa) during a 22 mo period, were examined for gastrointestinal helminths. eight birds were infected with three species of nematodes, heterakis isolonche, dispharynx nasuta, and capillaria sp., and two species of cestodes, rhabdometra odiosa and davainea sp. except for d. nasuta, prevalence did not exceed 5% despite mesic conditions in the collection area. two mountain quail (ore ...19892761017
the coccidia of quail in the united states.intestinal contents from 12 scaled quail (callipepla squamata), 10 bobwhite quail (colinus virginianus), 20 harlequin quail (cyrtonyx montezumae), 35 california quail (lophortyx californicus), 15 gambel's quail (lophortyx gambelii), and 29 mountain quail (oreortyx pictus) were examined for coccidian oocysts. only 18 (14.9%) of 121 birds had coccidian oocysts in their feces at the time of collection; these included 9 l. californicus and 9 o. pictus. four eimerians and an isosporan were found in t ...19817310946
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