
olfactory thresholds of pigeons (columba livia), quail (colinus virginianus) and chickens (gallus gallus). 1975236143
evaluation of secondary enrichment for detecting salmonellae in bobwhite quail.secondary enrichment of cultures in tetrathionate-brilliant-green broth substantially increased salmonella recovery over that achieved with primary tetrathionate-brilliant-green broth or primary selenite-cystine broth.1978348190
failure of heterakis bonasae to transmit histomonas meleagridis.studies were conducted to determine whether heterakis bonasae eggs from bobwhite quail infected with histomonas meleagridis would transmit histomoniasis to turkeys. fifteen helminth-free bobwhites were inoculated per os with embryonated h. bonasae eggs. each bobwhite was then infected with h. meleagridis via rectal inoculation. bobwhites that developed cecal lesions rarely retained mature h. bonasae. h. bonasae eggs recovered from bobwhites exposed to or known to have concurrent h. meleagridis i ...1978571273
adult and embryo responses to organophosphate pesticides: azodrin.azodrin was applied to adult embryo chickens, chukar partridge, and bobwhite quail. chronic exposure of adult birds to azodrin mixed in their feed indicated that no a priori predictions could be made about one species based on the results of another; each had a different no effect (mact) level. the chickens were between 25 and 100 ppm, the chukar partridge 5 and 25 ppm, and the bobwhite quail less than 1.25 ppm. the chicken adults were most resistant, and the quail were least resistant to chroni ...1979572969
mirex residues in bobwhite quail after aerial application of bait for fire ant control, south carolina--1975-76.mirex, the organochlorine compound used for control of the imported fire ant (solenopsis invicta buren), was applied aerially under supervision of the south carolina plant pest regulatory service in october 1975 to a game management area in hampton county, s.c. influenced by recent reports indicating that low levels of mirex were toxic to certain nontarget organisms in laboratory studies, authors initiated a program for monitoring mirex residues in bobwhite quail (colinus virginianus). pretreatm ...1977600676
species-specific auditory discrimination in bobtail quail neonates.incubator-hatched bobwhite quail neonates were tested individually in a variety of single call and simultaneous auditory choice tests involving 6 adult quail vocalizations and a chicken exodus call. the quail showed a high degree of responsiveness (100%) to 3 adult quail vocalizations and significantly less responsiveness (40-50%) to 3 other quail calls and to the chicken exodus call in single call tests. in simultaneous choice tests, the quail were selectively responsive to a call of their own ...1978631431
frequency and duration of paratyphoid organism shedding by experimentally infected bobwhite quail (colinus virginianus).four-week old bobwhite quail (colinus virginianus) were experimentally infected with salmonella urbana, s. infantis, s. newport, s. gaminara, s. braenderup, and s. litchfield. rates of mortality varied from 0 to 50%. the rate of shedding of paratyphoid organisms varied from 14 to 100% for 18 or more days after infection. the maximum duration of shedding was 53 days by 12% of the quail infected with s. braenderup and the minimum duration was 18 days by 14% of the quail infected with s. litchfield ...1978650785
the life cycle of eimeria dispersa tyzzer 1929 from the turkey in gallinaceous birds.the life cycle of a turkey strain of eimeria dispersa was studied in chickens, chukar partridge, ring-necked pheasant, and bobwhite quail. endogenous development in partridge and quail differed from development in chickens and pheasant. in partridge and quail, mature 1st-, 2nd-, and 3rd-generation schizonts, macrogamets, and oocysts were found in tissue sections at an earlier time interval, mature 1st-generation schizonts were larger, and mature 1st-, 2nd-, and 3rd-generation schizonts contained ...1978722458
temporal, morphological, and genetic responses of avian embryos to azodrin, an organophosphate insecticide.the effect of azodrin on avian development was studied using a bobwhite quail line and two chicken lines--a single comb white leghorn (scwl) and an australorp line. the bobwhite quail embryos did not respond to injections of azodrin until stages 22 to 23 (6 days of incubation); the scwl embryos, not until stage 18 (3 days of incubation) with increasing susceptibility through stage 20. the threshold concentration, at stage 19, for the scwl was 0.4 mg/kg, for the australorp, less. within one hour ...1977841484
eimeria tenella: host specificity in gallinaceous birds.eight species representing 8 genera of gallinaceous birds were used: alectoris graeca; colinus virginianus; coturnix coturnix; gallus gallus; meleagris gallopavo; numidia meleagris; pavo cristatus; phasianus colchicus. three week-old birds were dosed with sporulated oocysts of eimeria tenella beltsville strain. at 4, 24, 48, 72, 96, 120 and 144, and 168 hr after inoculation, 1-3 infected birds and uninoculated controls of each species were killed by cardiac exsanguination. pieces of intestines w ...19761271306
effect of anaerobic cecal microflora and dietary lactose on salmonella colonization in bobwhite quail (colinus virginianus).the effect of oral inoculation with anaerobic cultures of cecal microflora from adult broiler chickens and dietary lactose on salmonella typhimurium cecal colonization was evaluated in bobwhite quail chicks. one-day-old chicks were divided into four groups and provided 1) no anaerobic cultures, no lactose (control); 2) anaerobic cultures; 3) 2.5% lactose (wt/vol) in drinking water; or 4) anaerobic cultures and lactose. all groups were challenged orally with 10(4) s. typhimurium at 2 days of age. ...19921470587
pathogenicity of salmonella pullorum in northern bobwhite quail and mallard ducks.ten-day-old northern bobwhite quail and mallard ducks were inoculated orally and intravenously with salmonella pullorum at selected concentrations (10(3) to 10(10) colony-forming units). mortality in bobwhites ranged from 65% to 100%, whereas no mallards died or exhibited any signs of morbidity. significantly (p less than 0.05) increased values for serum calcium, uric acid, and lactate dehydrogenase were observed in mallards inoculated with live s. pullorum, and antibody titers were detected as ...19921627103
comparison of glutathione s-transferase activity in the rat and birds: tissue distribution and rhythmicity in chicken (gallus domesticus) liver.1. mature, male chickens, bobwhite quail, and rats differed with respect to glutathione s-transferase (gst) activity in the kidney, duodenum and testis, but species differences were not observed in the liver. 2. gst activity was present in the heart, spleen, liver, duodenum, kidney, testis, cerebral cortex, cerebellum, optic tecta, and medulla oblongata of chickens with differences in tissues and breeds. 3. renal gst activity was higher in female chickens, whereas enzyme activity in the brain wa ...19911814676
cryptosporidiosis in zoo and pet birds.cryptosporidiosis is recognized as a primary disease in commercially raised chickens, turkeys, and bobwhite quail. little is known about cryptosporidial infections in zoo and pet birds, although, infections of the small intestines, proventriculus, respiratory tract, and kidneys have been reported. in the present study, we reviewed cases of cryptosporidial infections in zoo and pet birds submitted to the state veterinary diagnostic laboratory, auburn, alabama for necropsy or histopathologic exami ...19911818158
pasteurellosis in bobwhite quail.a flock of 5000 six-week-old bobwhite quails (colinus virginianus) experienced high mortality (52%) over a 2-day period. mortality was 99% within a 6-day period. clinical signs were depression followed shortly by death. gross lesions observed in dead quails were congested lungs and, in a few cases, mottled livers. histopathologic examination revealed severe, diffuse, heterophilic interstitial pneumonia and multifocal areas of hepatic and splenic necrosis with numerous intracellular and extracell ...19911953585
research note: feeding various levels of ground sesbania macrocarpa muhl. seed to bobwhite quail.two 28-day experiments were conducted to determine the effects of various levels of ground sesbania macrocarpa muhl. seed on mature bobwhite quail. in experiment 1, s. macrocarpa muhl. seed levels of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5% were added to a basal diet at the expense of filler and fed to five replicate groups of six 58-wk-old paired quail (one male and one female). average daily feed consumption, hen-day egg production, average bw change, mortality, fertility, and hatchability were monitored. four g ...19912047355
ecology of helminth parasitism in bobwhites from northern florida.examination of 700 northern bobwhites (colinus virginianus), 50 each february from 1971 through 1984, from tall timbers research station, leon county, florida, disclosed 15 species of helminth parasites. nine species (raillietina cesticillus, r. colinia, aproctella stoddardi, cheilospirura spinosa, cyrnea colini, dispharynx nasuta, heterakis isolonche, tetrameres pattersoni, and trichostrongylus tenuis) generally were found on an annual basis and were considered characteristic components of the ...19912067041
pathology of experimentally induced quail bronchitis.bobwhite quails (colinus virginianus) were inoculated with 10(6) mean tissue-culture infective dose of quail bronchitis virus at 1, 3, 6, or 9 weeks of age by intratracheal, intraperitoneal, or subcutaneous routes. quails developed necrotizing tracheitis, proliferative and necrotizing bronchitis and pneumonia; multifocal necrotizing hepatitis; necrotizing splenitis, with or without hyperplasia of splenic mononuclear phagocytes; bursal lymphoid necrosis; and bursal atrophy. lesions were more exte ...19902157396
further characterization of an avian adenovirus associated with inclusion body hepatitis in bobwhite adenovirus (isolate 1452) associated with inclusion body hepatitis of bobwhite quails (colinus virginianus) was characterized as a group i, serotype 1 avian adenovirus and was indistinguishable from quail bronchitis virus. bobwhite quails were inoculated via the intratracheal or intraperitoneal route with 10(6) mean tissue-culture infective dose of isolate 1452 at 1, 3, 6, or 9 weeks of age. lesions produced by either route of inoculation were similar to those of quail bronchitis and included ...19902173532
pathogenicity and immunogenicity of mynah pox virus in chickens and bobwhite avian pox virus was isolated from cutaneous proliferative lesions removed from greater hill mynahs (gracula religiosa) imported from malaysia. cutaneous inoculation of specific pathogen-free chickens and bobwhite quail with the mynah pox virus resulted in severe proliferative cutaneous lesions similar to those seen in the naturally infected mynah birds. microscopically, the reaction in the chickens and quail at sites of virus inoculation was characterized by marked epithelial hyperplasia with ...19892547209
observations of experimentally induced quail bronchitis.quail bronchitis was experimentally reproduced in captive-reared bobwhite quails (colinus virginianus). quails were inoculated with 10(6) mean tissue culture infective doses of quail bronchitis virus at 1,3,6, or 9 weeks of age by the intratracheal, intraperitoneal, or subcutaneous route. clinical signs were minimal, but occasionally birds were ruffled, exhibited open-mouthed breathing, and developed "snicks." mortality rates of quails inoculated at 1 or 3 weeks ranged from 7% to 87%. quails ino ...19892549936
crane hepatitis herpesviruses.comparative studies were performed on crane herpesviruses obtained from two different enzootics in austria and france. the examined viruses appear to be identical in their physico-chemical properties, morphology and biological reactions in ovo. the crane viruses are tentatively classified as beta-herpesviruses. crane herpesvirus antisera produced in rabbits reacted in cross neutralization tests with each other and with a herpesvirus obtained from a bobwhite quail. no reactivity was observed with ...19892552707
presence of female-specific bent-repetitive dna sequences in the genomes of turkey and pheasant and their interactions with w-protein of chicken.two female-specific repetitive dna units, the 0.4 kb psti and 0.5 kb taqi sequences, were detected in the genomic dna of turkey and pheasant, respectively, by southern blot hybridization under non-stringent conditions with the w chromosome-specific 0.7 kb xhoi repetitive unit of chicken as a probe. cloning and sequencing of these two repetitive units revealed that they shared features with the xhoi family repetitive unit of chicken although the overall similarities of the nucleotide sequences we ...19892612285
intersensory functioning in bobwhite quail chicks: early sensory dominance.two sensory systems known to be important for the control of early filial behavior in precocial avian neonates are the auditory and visual modalities. this study examined the interaction between naturally occurring auditory and visual stimulation in the control of filial behavior in bobwhite quail (colinus virginianus) during the first four days of postnatal development. results revealed a hierarchy in the functional priority of the auditory and visual systems in the days immediately following h ...19892806727
effects of the organophosphate insecticides diazinon and parathion on bobwhite quail embryos: skeletal defects and acetylcholinesterase activity.bobwhite quail eggs were injected at 48 or 72 hr of incubation with various doses of the organophosphate (op) insecticides diazinon or parathion and the embryos were examined after an additional 48 hr of incubation by both histological and cartilage-staining methods. bobwhite embryos did not display the notochordal folding or vascular enlargement reported for op-injected chicken embryos. cartilage staining of embryos injected with insecticide at 72 hr of incubation and recovered at day 12 of inc ...19892809535
inclusion body hepatitis in bobwhite quail (colinus virginianus).farm-reared bobwhite quails less than 3 weeks of age experienced high mortality (250 of 400). at necropsy, these birds had multiple 1-to-2-mm pale foci throughout their livers. histologically, these foci varied from acute hepatocellular necrosis without an inflammatory response to necrosis with infiltrates of mononuclear inflammatory cells and some heterophils. hepatocytes adjacent to affected areas had large basophilic intranuclear inclusions. a group i avian adenovirus was isolated from affect ...19872823780
experimental reproduction of enteritis in bobwhite quail (colinus virginianus) with cryptosporidium and reovirus.five-day-old bobwhite quails were inoculated with reovirus and cryptosporidium previously isolated from the intestinal contents of young, commercially raised bobwhite quails experiencing severe enteritis. quails inoculated with reovirus alone did not develop clinically apparent disease, infection was localized principally in the intestinal tract, and no lesions were detected. quails inoculated with cryptosporidium, alone or with reovirus, developed severe enteritis with high mortality and marked ...19872831866
intestinal cryptosporidiosis and reovirus isolation from bobwhite quail (colinus virginianus) with acute enteric disease of young pen-raised bobwhite quails was studied. affected quails had white, watery diarrhea accompanied by dehydration and subsequent death. mortality from hatch to 17 days of age ranged from 30 to 45% in the three flocks examined. small intestines were thin-walled and distended with fluid and gas. microscopic lesions in the intestinal tract consisted of villus atrophy, villus fusion, and sloughing of cells at the tip of the villi in duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. cryptos ...19863021104
hematozoan parasites of rio grande wild turkeys from southern hundred twenty-three of 300 blood samples (41%) taken from rio grande wild turkeys (meleagris gallopavo intermedia) from three locations in southern texas (welder wildlife refuge, chaparrosa ranch, and campo alegre ranch) and subinoculated into domestic broad-breasted white turkey poults were positive for a plasmodium (novyella) sp. analysis of blood films from 350 turkeys revealed haemoproteus meleagridis in 76% of the birds. a significantly greater mean parasite intensity was observed in b ...19883127605
prevalence and identity of coccidia in pen-raised wild hundred nineteen pen-raised wild turkeys (meleagris gallopavo) from 12 locations in nine states in the united states were examined for coccidia by sugar flotation of intestinal contents and mucosa or by subinoculating the contents into uninfected domestic turkeys. seventy-eight (66%) of the turkeys were positive for coccidia. there were no differences in the frequency of coccidia among adult, sub-adult or juvenile turkeys. more females (75%) were infected than males (48%). the species of coc ...19883193572
gastrointestinal helminths of the northern bobwhite in florida: 1968 and 1983.we collected 153 northern bobwhites (colinus virginianus) over a 10-mo period from tall timbers research station near tallahassee, florida, usa. five species of gastrointestinal helminths were encountered commonly (greater than 30% prevalence): cyrnea colini, raillietina cesticillus, r. colinia, heterakis isolonche, and trichostrongylus tenuis. other helminths included brachylaima sp., rhabdometra odiosa, mediorhynchus papillosis, cheilospirura spinosa, dispharynx nasuta, gongylonema ingluvicola ...19863503136
host specificity of cryptosporidium sp. isolated from chickens.the host specificity of cryptosporidium sp. infecting chickens was evaluated by oral inoculation of oocysts into 6 different species of neonatal rodents, adult nude mice (athymic), neonatal conventional and gnotobiotic pigs, turkeys, muscovy ducks and bobwhite quail. examinations of tissue sections, ileal mucosal smears, fecal flotations and stained feces failed to reveal any infections in the mammalian species examined. oocysts were observed in the feces, and developmental stages were observed ...19863537258
seasonal comparison of endoparasites of northern bobwhites from two types of habitat in southern texas.two nematode species, one acanthocephalan species, and unidentified cestodes were recovered from a total of 481 northern bobwhites (colinus virginianus) collected from january 1982 to december 1983 in southern texas. the nematodes aulonocephalus lindquisti and trichostrongylus tenuis varied in prevalence with month and locality. mediorhynchus papillosis was recovered from only two birds. monthly and yearly rainfall patterns were not correlated with endoparasite intensity and prevalence, which in ...19873586203
natural infection of plasmodium hermani in the northern bobwhite, colinus virginianus, in florida. 19873625441
prevention of coccidiosis in bobwhites by medication.the efficacy of amprolium, monensin, and salinomycin in preventing coccidiosis in bobwhite quail was studied using a mixed inoculum of equal numbers of eimeria dispersa and e. lettyae. a total dosage per quail of 10(6) sporulated oocysts was chosen because this dosage gave a good (77%) depression of weight gain from day 18 to day 24. levels of .008% monensin or .0055% salinomycin were the most effective for prevention of coccidiosis as evaluated by body weight gains. these levels significantly r ...19873684868
the effect of methyl parathion on susceptibility of bobwhite quail (colinus virginianus) to domestic cat predation.bobwhite quail (colinus virginianus) that received either 0, 2, 4, or 8 mg/kg methyl parathion (o,o-dimethyl o-p-nitrophenyl phosphorothioate) treatment were investigated as to their susceptibility to predation by a cat (felis domesticus) predator. four hours after receiving methyl parathion (mp), physical activity levels were monitored in quail and included the number of seconds spent still, walking, running, or flying before and after a cat was introduced into an experimental arena. the cholin ...19853994623
experimental studies of st. louis encephalitis virus in vertebrates.serologically negative birds and mammals of species, known from other studies to be exposed naturally to st. louis encephalitis (sle) virus in memphis, tennessee, and other selected species were inoculated experimentally with strains of sle virus to determine their potential as natural hosts. mosquitoes (culex sp.) were allowed to feed on some of the inoculated vertebrate species, held for 14 days, and tested for sle infection. the cardinals (richmondena cardinalis), robins (turdus migratorius), ...19853999258
life cycle and biology of eimeria lettyae sp. n. (protozoa: eimeriidae) from the northern bobwhite, colinus virginianus (l.).a new species of coccidium, eimeria lettyae sp. n. (protozoa: eimeriidae) was recovered from feces of the northern bobwhite, colinus virginianus (l.), from pennsylvania and florida. oocysts measured 21.1 microns (16.4 to 25.8) by 17.2 microns (14.1 to 21.2); index (l/w ratio) = 1.22. oocysts lacked a micropyle, residuum, and polar granules. sporozoites penetrated the upper 1/2 of the villi, then moved to the lamina propria at the base of the villi. there were five asexual generations, all of whi ...19854078970
amino acid sequence studies on bobwhite quail egg white lysozyme. 19724112539
experimental infection of bobwhite quail (colinus virginianus) with western equine encephalitis (wee) virus. 19725007901
bobwhites (colinus virginianus) failure as vectors of fowl cholera in turkeys. 19715138981
bobwhite, colinus virginianus, as host for heterakis and histomonas. 19715167771
the effect of whole body gamma irradiation on survivors' egg production in the white leghorn, coturnix coturnix japonica, and bobwhite quail. 19695373753
illness-induced aversions in rat and quail: relative salience of visual and gustatory cues.bobwhite quail, like the rat, learn in one trial to avoid flavored water when illness is induced by a drug (1/2) 12 hour after drinking. in contrast to the rat, quail also learn to avoid water that is merely darkened by vegetable dye. the visual cue is even more salient than the taste cue in quail.19715541167
case report: isolation of mycoplasma gallisepticum from bobwhite quail. (colinus virginianus). 19676069465
mapping the antigenic epitope for a monoclonal antibody against lysozyme.a monoclonal antibody (hyhel-5), prepared to chicken lysozyme c by the method of köhler and milstein, identified an antigenic site (epitope) that was shared by the lysozymes of seven different species of galliform birds. the lysozymes of two galliform species, bobwhite quail and chachalaca, shared only partial antigenic identity with the epitope defined by this antibody. duck lysozyme did not react with the antibody at all. amino acids that determined the epitope structure were tentatively ident ...19826172484
enhancement and inhibition of celo virus pathogenicity in quail by avian adenovirus-associated virus.dual infection of 12 day-old quail (colinus virginianus) with 10(6) plaque forming units of celo virus and low doses of avian adeno-associated virus (a-av), resulted in significant enhancement of celo virus-induced mortality, whereas dual infections with high doses of a-av resulted in a delay in mortality. a-av induced enhancement and inhibition of celo virus pathogenicity could be blocked by the addition of a-av antiserum prior to infection.19806253685
adenovirus isolation and serology from wild bobwhite quail (colinus virginianus). 19816274295
vertebrate host specificity and experimental vectors of plasmodium (novyella) kempi sp. n. from the eastern wild turkey in iowa.vertebrate host specificity, experimental laboratory vectors, and a description of plasmodium (novyella) kempi sp. n. from eastern wild turkeys (meleagris gallopavo silvestris vieillot) in iowa are presented. plasmodium kempi is infective for domestic turkeys, bobwhites (colinus virginianus), chukars (alectoris graeca), guinea fowl (numida meleagris), peacocks (pavo cristatus), and canaries (serinus canaria), produces a transient infection in mallards (anas platyrhynchos) and domestic geese (ans ...19836644918
thyroid hormone changes in the bobwhite (colinus virginianus) after concentrations of thyroxine (t4) and triiodothyronine (t3) in plasma, and their biological half-lives were measured in adult and immature bobwhite. concentrations of t4 and t3 decreased approximately 75% from days 1 to 10 after hatching. after day 10, the concentration of t4 did not significantly change as a function of age; however, the concentration of t3 doubled from day 21 (275 ng/dl) to day 29 (550 ng/dl) after hatching and remained significantly elevated above adult level (300 ng/dl) ...19846698393
pathogenicity of coccidia in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica).coccidia were recovered from a field outbreak in commercially raised japanese quail from south carolina. after propagation in unmedicated quail, the culture was identified as a mixture of approximately 65% eimeria uzura, 33% e. tsunodai, and 2% e. taldykurganica. several pure cultures of e. uzura were obtained by single oocyst isolation. a micropyle was not present in all oocysts; thus, it is not a reliable taxonomic characteristic for identification of e. uzura. neither the mixed culture nor th ...19846701143
increased susceptibility of bobwhites (colinus virginianus) to histomonas meleagridis after exposure.bobwhites given heterakid eggs but no sevin became infected with cecal histomonads, but there was no pathological histomoniasis. quail given 50 microgram of sevin (10 microgram/day) behaved normally, but at necropsy they had slightly discolored livers. quail given various doses of heterakid eggs and sevin (sevin increasing from 2.5 to 50 microgram) and those given various doses of heterakid eggs and 10 microgram/day of sevin developed pathological histomoniasis and mortality rates of 36 and 63%, ...19816802121
parasite-host relationships during the development of eimeria dispersa tyzzer 1929, in the turkey (meleagris gallopavo gallopavo) with a description of intestinal intra-epithelial electron microscopical study was made on the development of eimeria dispersa in the small intestine of the domestic turkey. turkey poults, 10-14 days of age, were inoculated with oocysts and pieces of intestinal tissue were fixed at intervals between 3.5 and 114 h after inoculation. sporozoites were occasionally seen in enterocytes but more often in 'pale' cells closely resembling lymphocytes. these cells were insinuated between enterocytes and in this study are referred to as intestinal intr ...19827063250
outbreaks of fowl cholera in quail.acute fowl cholera causing high mortality was diagnosed in three flocks of quail, one involving pharaoh quail (coturnix coturnix) and two involving bobwhite quail (colinus virginianus). the causative organism, pasteurella multocida, was identified as type 3.19827092741
experimental transmission by mosquitoes of plasmodium hermani between domestic turkeys and pen-reared bobwhites.plasmodium hermani was experimentally transmitted from domestic turkey poults (meleagris gallopavo) to pen-reared bobwhites (colinus virginianus) and then from these bobwhites back to domestic turkey poults. transmission was achieved by culex nigripalpus both by bites of the mosquito and by intraperitoneal injection of sporozoites. all of the 23 bobwhites and the 13 turkeys exposed to sporozoites became infected. these results indicate that the bobwhite might be a reservoir host for this malaria ...19827131193
pharmacokinetics and tissue concentrations of tylosin in selected avian species.tissue and plasma concentrations and the biological half-life of tylosin in avian species of a variety of body sizes and metabolic rates were studied. the species chosen were eastern bobwhite quail (colinus virginianus virginianus), pigeons (columba livia), greater sandhill cranes (grus canadensis tabida), and emus (dromaius novaehollandiae). in the 1st phase of this study, tylosin was administered im to quail, pigeons, and emus at a dosage rate of 25 mg/kg of body weight and to cranes at a dosa ...19827149381
atypical histomoniasis in bobwhite outbreak of histomonad infection of an apparent atypical nature was diagnosed in a flock of about 850 bobwhite quail. mortality was 95% over a 3-week period. the most prominent gross pathologic lesions were in the livers: disseminated white foci of necrosis, 1 to 2 mm in diameter, and subcapsular multifocal splenic necrosis was seen occasionally; lower intestinal lesions were infrequent. histologic examination of liver and spleen sections revealed focal necrosis associated with variable numbe ...19807192089
pharmacokinetics of cephalothin and cephalexin in selected avian species.plasma concentrations and the biological half-lives of cephalothin and cephalexin in avian species of a variety of body sizes and metabolic rates were studied. the species chosen were eastern bobwhite quail (colinus v virginianus), pigeons (columba livia), hybrid rosybill ducks (netta sp), greater sandhill cranes (grus canadensis tabida), and emus (dromiceius novaehollandiae). in the 1st phase of the study, cephalothin sodium was given im in a dose of 100 mg/kg of body weight. plasma concentrati ...19817283231
the performance of bobwhite quail fed diets containing lactobacilli.two experiments were conducted each consisting of two trials. day-old bobwhite quail were fed a starter diet containing a microbial preparation of lactobacilli. in both experiments the experimental diets were fed for 5 weeks. no significant differences in growth, feed efficiency, or mortality were found between the control and lactobacilli supplemented diets. mortality was higher than normal within all treatments but unaffected by treatment.19817301751
the coccidia of quail in the united states.intestinal contents from 12 scaled quail (callipepla squamata), 10 bobwhite quail (colinus virginianus), 20 harlequin quail (cyrtonyx montezumae), 35 california quail (lophortyx californicus), 15 gambel's quail (lophortyx gambelii), and 29 mountain quail (oreortyx pictus) were examined for coccidian oocysts. only 18 (14.9%) of 121 birds had coccidian oocysts in their feces at the time of collection; these included 9 l. californicus and 9 o. pictus. four eimerians and an isosporan were found in t ...19817310946
gentamicin tissue concentration in various avian species following recommended dosage therapy.plasma and tissue drug concentrations were compared in eastern bobwhite quail (colinus virginianus virginianus) and pigeons (columba livia) given gentamicin by im administration at the dosage of 10 mg/kg, and in greater sandhill cranes (grus canadensis tabida) and hybrid rosybill ducks (netta sp) given the same antibiotic at a dosage of 5 mg/kg. quail and cranes had significantly higher liver concentrations of gentamicin at 6 hours after injection than did pigeons and ducks. cranes had significa ...19817340581
seasonal trends of helminth parasites of bobwhite quail.helminthologic examination of 120 adult and 65 juvenile bobwhites (colinus virginianus) from leon county, florida, during a one-year period revealed seven common (> 30% prevalence) species including raillietina cesticillus, r. colinia, cheilospirura spinosa, cyrnea colini, heterakis bonasae, tetrameres pattersoni, and trichostrongylus tenuis. less frequently found helminths included hymenolepis sp., rhabdometra odiosa, mediorhynchus papillosis, aproctella stoddardi, dispharynx nasuta, gongylonem ...19807411743
isolation and serological differentiation of a herpesvirus from bobwhite quail (colinus virginianus, l. 1758).an infectious agent was isolated from the liver of bobwhite quails (colinus virginianus, l. 1758). the agent was sensitive to chloroform and its multiplication was inhibited by 5-iodine-2-deoxy-uridine. it passed filters with a pore diameter of 220 nm and more but not 100 nm filters. electron microscopic examination revealed numerous nucleocapsids with hollow capsomeres and few enveloped particles in the supernatant fluids of infected cultures. the nucleocapsids were calculated to have 162 capso ...19807447711
ectoparasites collected from bobwhite quail in the southeastern united states.twenty-one species of ectoparasites representing 19 genera were collected from 481 bobwhite quail (colinus virginianus) from nine areas in four southeastern states. sixteen species, amblyomma americanum, haemaphysalis chordeilis, haemaphysalis leporispalustris, eutrombicula alfreddugesi alfreddugesi, neoschoengastia americana, boydaia colini, pterolichus sp., colinophilus wilsoni, megninia sp., apionacarus wilsoni, colinoptes cubanensis, menacanthus pricei, colinicola numidiana, gonoides ortygis ...19807463603
proliferative responses of splenocytes from wild and domestic northern bobwhites (colinus virginianus) to t- and b-cell mitogens.baseline information on the functional responses expected for assays used to assess immunocompetence in the northern bobwhite (colinus virginianus) are largely unavailable. our primary objective was to develop an in vitro lymphoproliferative response assay for assessing cell-mediated immunocompetence in the northern bobwhite. culture conditions were optimised for domestic northern bobwhites and field tested on splenocytes from wild-caught quail. results indicated that increasing cell concentrati ...19957747412
experimental infection of northern bobwhite quail with borrelia burgdorferi.four-week-old northern bobwhite quail (colinus virginianus) were inoculated subcutaneously with 10(6) organisms from a low passage culture of borrelia burgdorferi. blood was collected weekly for culture, antibody detection, and immunoblot analysis. three weeks postinoculation, viable spirochetes were isolated from the blood of one bird, but not from kidney, spleen, liver, or heart; all infected birds from which preinfection antibody titer had been established, had antibodies by the enzyme-linked ...19947760479
the pathogenesis of quail determine the fate of virus and characterize the development of lesions, 1-week-old bobwhite quails (colinus virginianus) were inoculated intratracheally with 10(6) mean tissue-culture-infective doses of quail bronchitis virus. quails were killed and necropsied sequentially at 2, 4, 8, 16, and 24 hours postinoculation (pi) and on days 2-10 pi. virus was first isolated from the lung as early as 2 hours pi, from cecal tonsils and bursa of fabricius 4 hours pi, and from spleen and liver 8 hours ...19947832708
toxic interactions between fungicides that inhibit ergosterol biosynthesis and phosphorothioate insecticides in the male rat and bobwhite quail (colinus virginianus).the potential for toxic interactions between ergosterol biosynthesis-inhibiting fungicides (ebifs), used in u.s. agriculture or clinically, and phosphorothioate insecticides was assessed in adult male rats and adult male bobwhite quail (colinus virginianus) by measuring inhibition of plasma butyryl cholinesterase (bche) following fungicide and insecticide treatment. male sprague-dawley rats (300 g) were administered corn oil or the following ebifs: propiconazole (400 mg/kg/day), vinclozolin (400 ...19957871535
experimental infection of bobwhite quail with indiana c adenovirus.bobwhite quails (colinus virginianus) were inoculated intratracheally, intraperitoneally, or subcutaneously with indiana c adenovirus at 1, 3, 6, or 9 weeks of age. mortality rates were 33-100% in quails inoculated at 1 or 3 weeks of age and 0-10% in quails inoculated at 6 or 9 weeks of age. gross and histologic lesions included necrotizing tracheitis and bronchitis with pneumonia, necrotizing hepatitis and splenitis, and lymphoid depletion of the bursa of fabricius; these were consistent with q ...19947980283
induction, suppression and inhibition of multiple hepatic cytochrome p450 isozymes in the male rat and bobwhite quail (colinus virginianus) by ergosterol biosynthesis inhibiting fungicides (ebifs).ergosterol biosynthesis inhibiting fungicides (ebifs) have complex effects on the hepatic microsomal monooxygenase systems of vertebrate species, having been described as mixed inducers and inhibitors of cytochrome p450. in the current study, we examined the effects of two ebifs in clinical use, clotrimazole and ketoconazole, and two agricultural ebifs, propiconazole and vinclozolin, on hepatic monooxygenase activities and p450 apoprotein expression in the male sprague-dawley rat and the male bo ...19947986207
host specificity studies and oocyst description of a cryptosporidium sp. isolated from ostriches.oocysts of a cryptosporidium sp. were found in the feces of 14 of 165 (8.5%) ostriches imported into canada. the genus identity of the oocysts was confirmed by morphology. the mean (+/- sd) size of 40 oocysts was 4.6 (0.53) x 4.0 (0.42) microns (range 3.9-6.1 x 3.3-5.0 microns) with a shape index (length/width ratio) of 1.15 (range 1.00-1.38). in cross-transmission experiments, this cryptosporidium sp. failed to infect suckling mice, chickens, turkeys, or quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). a co ...19948073019
reovirus associated with excessive mortality in young bobwhite quail.multiple submissions of bobwhite quail (colinus virginianus) were received for diagnosis from a commercial-size quail operation. the history and clinical signs included respiratory distress, lethargy, and substantial mortality. reovirus was recovered from quail in the first submission, and both reovirus and adenovirus were isolated from later submissions. to determine the pathogenicity of the isolated reovirus, the initial isolate was inoculated into young quail from a different source. those in ...19938141744
specific postnatal auditory stimulation interferes with species-typical visual responsiveness in bobwhite quail chicks.the effects that a manipulation of sensory experience may have on perceptual development are likely to depend on a number of factors, including the amount and the type of stimulation provided. to examine the relative influence of these stimulation factors on early perceptual organization, this study exposed bobwhite quail hatchlings to augmented amounts of bobwhite chick distress calls, bobwhite chick contentment calls, domestic chicken distress calls, or no additional auditory stimulation durin ...19948200489
experimental toxoplasmosis in bobwhite quail (colinus virginianus).twenty-four 3-5-mo-old battery-hatched bobwhite quail were inoculated orally with 10(5) (me 49 strain, group a, 6 birds), 10(4) (me 49 strain, group b, 6 birds), 10(5) (gt-1 strain, group c, 6 birds), and 10(4) (gt-1 strain, group d, 6 birds) toxoplasma gondii oocysts. one quail in group b died 18 days after inoculation (dai) due to undetermined etiology. two quail from group c and 1 quail from group d given gt-1 oocysts died of acute toxoplasmosis 6, 7, and 8 dai, respectively; numerous t. gond ...19938277387
host specificity of trichostrongylus tenuis from red grouse and northern bobwhites in experimental infections of northern bobwhites.the red grouse (lagopus lagopus scoticus) and northern bobwhite (colinus virginianus) are parasitized by the cecal nematode, trichostrongylus tenuis. our objective was to determine if t. tenuis from red grouse is infective in bobwhites. we inoculated bobwhites with infective-stage t. tenuis larvae that originated from red grouse in northern england and bobwhites in florida. we also inoculated domestic chickens with larvae from the same sources. none of the 6 bobwhites inoculated with larvae from ...19938331474
environmental effects of the usage of avermectins in livestock.abamectin (avermectin b1) and ivermectin (22,23-dihydroavermectin b1) are high molecular weight hydrophobic compounds, active against a variety of animal parasites and insects. numerous environmental fate and effects studies have been carried out in the development of these two compounds as antiparasitic agents and for abamectin as a crop protection chemical. they were found to be immobile in soil (koc > or = 4000), rapidly photodegraded in water (degradation half-life (t1/2) in the summer 0.5 d ...19938346626
adenovirus inclusion body ventriculitis in chickens and captive bobwhite quail (colinus virginianus).gizzard erosions and ulcers are associated with dietary deficiencies and toxins. a retrospective study of histopathology reports over an 8-year period (1985-92) found six cases of adenovirus inclusion body ventriculitis in broiler and leghorn chickens and captive bobwhite quail (colinus viriginianus) in south georgia. the relationship between intralesional virus and the pathogenesis of ventricular lesions in chicks and quail in the present study is not known.19938395808
recombination nodules and axial equalization in the zw pairs of the peking duck and the guinea fowl.the meiotic z and w chromosomes of the guinea fowl (numida meleagris) and the peking duck (anas platyrhynchos) show features similar to those described previously for 3 species of phasianidae: chicken, japanese quail and bobwhite quail. axial equalization in the gonosomes of the peking duck involves lengthening of the w axis along with shortening of the z axis. a single recombination nodule is constantly found in the synaptic, terminal region of the zw pairs stained with phosphotungstic acid. th ...19938404053
northern bobwhite egg hatchability and chick immunocompetence following a field application of diazinon. 19968645918
a pathogenic challenge model for adult northern bobwhite (colinus virginianus) using a vaccine strain of pasteurella multocida type 3.a pathogenic challenge model causing approximately 50% mortality was developed in adult northern bobwhite (colinus virginianus) using avichol, a live vaccine containing the clemson university (cu) strain of pasteurella multocida type 3. a dose of 2300 or 3000 colony-forming units (cfu) of avichol injected intramuscularly resulted in 30 to 75% mortality, whereas a dose of 230 cfu or less resulted in no mortality, and 58,720 cfu or more resulted in death in all birds challenged. primary and second ...19968713054
examination of the dietary methionine requirements of breeding northern bobwhite, colinus northern bobwhite were used to test the hypothesis that dietary methionine levels recommended by the nrc for breeding quail are excessive for wild bobwhite. we tested the hypothesis by comparing immunocompetence, reproductive performance, and chick viability of northern bobwhite hens fed diets containing low (0.31%), moderate (0.39%), or high (0.47%) concentrations of methionine. chick viability was determined by assessing immunocompetence, including evaluating the ability of hens to passi ...19968829231
refined structures of bobwhite quail lysozyme uncomplexed and complexed with the hyhel-5 fab fragment.the hyhel-5 antibody has more than a thousandfold lower affinity for bobwhite quail lysozyme (bwql) than for hen egg-white lysozyme (hel). four sequence differences exist between bwql and hel, of which only one is involved in the interface with the fab. the structure of bobwhite quail lysozyme has been determined in the uncomplexed state in two different crystal forms and in the complexed state with hyhel-5, an antihen egg-white lysozyme fab. similar backbone conformations are observed in the th ...19968880929
baylisascaris sp. found in a wild northern bobwhite (colinus virginianus).during a telemetry study conducted between 1993 and 1995 in east-central kansas (usa) on northern bobwhite (colinus virginianus) populations, a wild adult male quail was found with signs of disorientation and torticollis in august 1994 in lyon county, kansas. based on histological and parasitological examination, it was determined that the bird was infected with larval nematodes of the genus baylisascaris spp. this is the first known recorded case of baylisascaris sp. in a wild game bird species ...19979027706
involvement of water molecules in the association of monoclonal antibody hyhel-5 with bobwhite quail lysozyme.fluorescence polarization spectroscopy and isothermal titration calorimetry were used to study the influence of osmolytes on the association of the anti-hen egg lysozyme (hel) monoclonal antibody hyhel-5 with bobwhite quail lysozyme (bwql). bwql is an avian species variant with an arg-->lys mutation in the hyhel-5 epitope, as well as three other mutations outside the hyhel-5 structural epitope. this mutation decreases the equilibrium association constant of hyhel-5 for bwql by over 1000-fold as ...19979336207
northern bobwhites as disease indicators for the endangered attwater's prairie chicken.because of limited access to the endangered attwater's prairie chicken (tympanuchus cupido attwateri), we used a related species, the northern bobwhite (colinus virginianus), as a surrogate for disease evaluation. free-living northern bobwhites (n = 62) on the attwater prairie chicken national wildlife refuge (near eagle lake, texas, usa) were examined during spring and fall 1993 for helminthic endoparasites and specific antibodies against the infectious agents responsible for nine infectious di ...19989577783
population dynamics of immature amblyomma maculatum (acari: ixodidae) and other ectoparasites on meadowlarks and northern bobwhite quail resident to the coastal prairie of texas.a survey of ectoparasites from 219 meadowlarks conducted during 2 consecutive fall-winter periods in a coastal prairie found immature amblyomma maculatum koch to be the most abundant parasite. peak larval infestations occurred in december with 80-100% of collected birds infested and with a monthly mean of up to 34 larvae per bird. peak nymphal infestations occurred in february or march with 95-100% of birds infested and with a monthly mean of up to 11 nymphs per bird. seasonal dynamics of these ...19989701932
subchronic dietary toxicity of strychnine: bobwhite quail are less sensitive than mallard ducks.separate, 28-day, subchronic studies of strychnine dietary toxicity were conducted using northern bobwhite quail (colinus virginianus) and mallard ducks (anas platyrhynchos). five groups (five males five females/group) of 29-week-old quail were fed purina(r) game bird breeder layena(r) diets containing mean (+/-sd) 484.2 (+/-17.0), 972. 6 (+/-54.0), 1,870.8 (+/-176.1), 3,516.7 (+/-68.0), and 6,083.3 (+/-269.6) microgram/g strychnine; whereas five groups of 27-week-old mallards (five males five f ...19989732483
experimental cochlosoma anatis infections in poultry.cochlosoma anatis [kotlán, a., 1923. zentralbl. bakteriol. parasitenkd. infektienskr. hyg. 90, pp. 24-28] is a flagellated protozoan parasite of birds. we have encountered c. anatis in turkeys with enteritis. experimental oral inoculations of turkeys with 1 x 10(6) to 10 x 10(6) trophozoites consistently reproduced infections in recipients. trophozoites were most numerous in the jejunum and ileum but could be observed in the duodenum, ceca, colon, and feces. when 12 naive turkeys were placed on ...19999950325
cytochrome p450 enzymes in the kidney of the bobwhite quail (colinus virginianus): induction and inhibition by ergosterol biosynthesis inhibiting fungicides.metabolism of testosterone and the alkoxyresorufins was examined in kidney microsomes from male bobwhite quail (colinus virginianus) and was compared with that in kidney microsomes prepared from the male rat. in addition, cross-reactivity studies were conducted with a number of antibodies prepared against cytochrome p450 (cyp) enzymes purified from rat and trout liver. the effects of treatment with the fungicides: propiconazole, vinclozolin, clotrimazole and ketoconazole were examined. while kid ...19989972464
cloning, expression, and characterization of the fab fragment of the anti-lysozyme antibody hyhel-5.hybridoma cdnas encoding the individual chains of the fab fragment of the well characterized murine monoclonal antibody hyhel-5 were cloned and sequenced. the recombinant fab fragment was produced by expressing each chain in a separate escherichia coli pet vector, denaturing inclusion bodies and co-refolding. characterization of the purified fab by maldi-tof mass spectrometry and n-terminal amino acid sequencing demonstrated proper processing of the individual chains. the association of the reco ...199910082947
salt links dominate affinity of antibody hyhel-5 for lysozyme through enthalpic contributions.the binding of murine monoclonal antibody hyhel-5 to lysozyme has been the subject of extensive crystallographic, computational, and experimental investigations. the complex of hyhel-5 with hen egg lysozyme (hel) features salt bridges between fab heavy chain residue glu(50), and arg(45) and arg(68) of hel. this interaction has been predicted to play a dominant role in the association on the basis of molecular electrostatics calculations. the association of aspartic acid and glutamine mutants at ...199910480891
multiple drug-resistant salmonella typhimurium dt104 and dt104b isolated in bobwhite quail (colinus virginianus).multiple drug-resistant salmonella typhimurium, definitive type (dt) 104 and dt104b, were isolated in three separate hunting preserve bobwhite quail (colinus virginianus) outbreaks. the cases involved 4-day-old and 3-wk-old quail with increased mortality of 5%-8.6%, respectively. postmortem lesions included emaciation, distended abdomens, and dark colon contents, which were gaseous and fluid in consistency. salmonella typhimurium isolated from the intestines and/or livers was resistant to ampici ...199910611997
chlamydiosis in pen-raised bobwhite quail (colinus virginianus) and chukar partridge (alectoris chukar) with high a flock of 12,000 bobwhite quail (colinus virginianus) and 7200 chukar partridge (alectoris chukar), the owner had 100% morbidity and 40%-50% mortality in birds between the ages of 2 and 4 wk. affected birds were stunted and anorexic and had yellow/green diarrhea. two- and 4-wk-old birds submitted for necropsy all had slight nasal discharge. histopathologic examination revealed mild (bobwhite) to severe (chukar) rhinitis. immunohistochemistry was positive for chlamydia psittaci in all birds. ...199910611999
strychnine alkaloid and avian reproduction: effects occur at lower dietary concentrations with mallard ducks than with bobwhite quail.separate subchronic reproductive toxicity studies were conducted using mallard ducks (anas platyrhynchos) and northern bobwhite quail (colinus virginianus). three groups (32/group; 16 male-female pairs) of 17-week-old ducks (f0 generation) were fed purina game bird breeder layena diets containing mean (+/-sd) 33.2 (+/-2.7), 68.9 (+/-1.8), and 140.9 (+/-5.1) microg/g strychnine for 20 weeks, with some pairs in each group fed control diet during a subsequent 3-week recovery period. three groups (3 ...200010787105
effects of body size on take-off flight performance in the phasianidae (aves).to evaluate the mechanisms responsible for relationships between body mass and maximum take-off performance in birds, we studied four species in the phasianidae: northern bobwhite (colinus virginianus), chukar (alectoris chukar), ring-necked pheasant (phasianus colchicus) and wild turkey (meleagris gallopavo). these species vary in body mass from 0.2 to 5.3 kg, and they use flight almost solely to escape predators. during take-off, all the species used a similar wingbeat style that appeared to b ...200011023852
attractiveness of chickens and bobwhite quail for culex experiment to determine if wild culex nigripalpus preferentially enter lard-can traps baited with chickens or bobwhite quail was conducted. a strong preference for the chicken-baited trap was observed. further development of transmission models for st. louis encephalitis virus in southern florida should consider increased biting rates on sentinel chickens and the consequences for the interpretation of sentinel seroconversion data.200011081661
host association and seasonal activity of amblyomma americanum (acari: ixodidae) in missouri.from june 1993 through june 1996, 2,260 adult, 4,426 nymphal, and 2,178 larval lone star ticks amblyomma americanum (l.) were collected in missouri from vertebrate hosts and by dragging a cloth over vegetation. prevalence, mean intensity, and relative abundance of each stage varied among hosts. the relative abundance of adult lone star ticks was highest on white-tailed deer, but this stage was also collected from raccoons, opossum, red fox, coyotes, and wild turkey. nymphs were collected from gr ...200011128501
health status of northern bobwhite quail (colinus virginianus) in eastern kansas.the health status of wild northern bobwhite quail (colinus virginianus) from lyon county, kansas, was evaluated by conducting comprehensive health assessments on 25 birds. gross lesions indicative of avian pox, ulcerative enteritis, and quail bronchitis were not present. serologic tests for antibodies to salmonella pullorum, salmonella gallinarum, pasteurella multocida, mycoplasma gallisepticum, mycoplasma synoviae, and avian adenoviruses were all negative. intestinal coccidia (eimeria spp.) wer ...200011195653
pathobiology of a/chicken/hong kong/220/97 (h5n1) avian influenza virus in seven gallinaceous bird-to-human transmission, with the production of severe respiratory disease and human mortality, is unique to the hong kong-origin h5n1 highly pathogenic avian influenza (hpai) virus, which was originally isolated from a disease outbreak in chickens. the pathobiology of the a/chicken/hong kong/220/97 (h5n1) (hk/220) hpai virus was investigated in chickens, turkeys, japanese and bobwhite quail, guinea fowl, pheasants, and partridges, where it produced 75-100% mortality within 10 days. de ...200111280371
detection of aflatoxin-contaminated grain by three granivorous bird species.supplemental feeding of game species and the use of backyard feeders to attract avian wildlife are common practices throughout the united states. however, these activities may expose wildlife to aflatoxins. we tested the hypothesis that wild birds would avoid consuming aflatoxin-contaminated feed. individual northern bobwhites (colinus virginianus), white-winged doves (zenaida asiatica), and green jays (cyanocorax yncas) were presented with feeders that had four compartments, which contained mil ...200111310888
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