arctic terrestrial ecosystem contamination. | limited data have been collected on the presence of contaminants in the arctic terrestrial ecosystem, with the exception of radioactive fallout from atmospheric weapons testing. although southern and temperate biological systems have largely cleansed themselves of radioactive fallout deposited during the 1950s and 1960s, arctic environments have not. lichens accumulate radioactivity more than many other plants because of their large surface area and long life span; the presence and persistence o ... | 1992 | 1355310 |
lead exposure in an "urban" peregrine falcon and its avian prey. | necropsy of a 7-yr-resident peregrine falcon (falco peregrinis) from baltimore showed a pseudomonas infection involving the pharynx as the immediate cause of death. concentrations of lead in liver and kidney measured 0.74 and 1.40 ppm, respectively. a survey of lead exposure was performed on 40 urban rock doves (columbia livia). thirteen additional rock doves were collected from sites removed from lead contamination and served as controls. the mean concentration of lead in the blood of the urban ... | 1986 | 3086577 |
residue levels of polychlorobiphenyls, sigmaddt, and mercury in bird species commonly preyed upon by the peregrine falcon (falco peregrinus tunst.) in sweden. | | 1985 | 3920979 |
falcon herpesvirus, the etiologic agent of inclusion body disease of falcons. | a viral agent has been isolated from five fatal cases of naturally occurring inclusion body disease in three different falcon species, namely, the prairie falcon (falco mexicanus), the red-headed falcon (f. chiquera), and the peregrine falcon (f. peregrinus). the virus has been shown to possess the physical, chemical, and biological properties of a herpesvirus and has been used to reproduce inclusion body disease in the prairie falcon, merlin (f. columbarius), and american kestrel (f. sparverius ... | 1973 | 4352453 |
salmonella infection in a captive peregrine falcon. | | 1981 | 7035422 |
embryonic and neonatal mortality from salmonellosis in captive bred raptors. | in a captive breeding center near rome (italy), cases of embryonic and neonatal death were recorded during the breeding seasons in the european eagle owl (bubo bubo), peregrine falcon (falco peregrinus), buzzard (buteo buteo), and lanner falcon. (falco biarmicus). salmonella havana and s. virchow were isolated. three pulli, clinically infected with s. havana, were successfully treated with enrofloxacin. from two groups of healthy 3- to 4-wk-old eagle owls, salmonella sp. group 61 (61:r:-) and s. ... | 1998 | 9476227 |
salmonellosis in relation to chlamydiosis and pox and salmonella infections in captive falcons in the united arab emirates. | during the spring of 1995, 1996 and 1997 following tests on six peregrine falcons (falco peregrinus) and two gyr falcons (falco rusticolus), salmonella typhimurium was isolated from liver, spleen and small intestines. four of the falcons (two peregrines and two gyrs) had also contracted chlamydia infection, three peregrines a pox infection and one peregrine a herpesvirus infection. it is believed that this dual infection was fatal for these birds. the disease was marked by anorexia, dehydration ... | 1998 | 9916548 |
identification of duck plague virus by polymerase chain reaction. | a polymerase chain reaction (pcr) assay was developed for detecting duck plague virus. a 765-bp ecori fragment cloned from the genome of the duck plague vaccine (dp-vac) virus was sequenced for pcr primer development. the fragment sequence was found by genbank alignment searches to be similar to the 3' ends of an undefined open reading frame and the gene for dna polymerase protein in other herpesviruses. three of four primers sets were found to be specific for the dp-vac virus and 100% (7/7) of ... | 1999 | 10216766 |
review on persistent organic pollutants in the environment of greenland and faroe islands. | the literature concerning persistent organic pollutants (pops) in the environment of greenland and the faroe islands covering the period up to 1995 has been revisited. it is difficult to compare data from earlier studies with those from more recent investigations. thus as the former quantified the content of cbs by comparison to a technical mixture of cbs (e.g. aroclor 1254), the latter analyses typically are quantified on a single congener level. single cb congeners have in some cases been dete ... | 1999 | 10230048 |
genetic relationships in the peregrine falcon (falco peregrinus) analysed by microsatellite dna markers. | microsatellite dna markers were developed from a peregrine falcon (falco peregrinus) and genetic relationships among peregrine falcons in southern norway were analysed using the markers. the genomic dna library was screened for the presence of dinucleotide microsatellite repeats. twelve loci revealed polymorphism through the initial analysis of 24 unrelated peregrine falcons, and mendelian inheritance was confirmed in two peregrine falcon families bred in captivity. the estimated mean probabilit ... | 2000 | 10652075 |
habitat loss and raptor predation: disentangling long- and short-term causes of red grouse declines. | the number of red grouse (lagopus lagopus scoticus) shot in the uk has declined by 50% during the 20th century this decline has coincided with reductions in the area of suitable habitat and recoveries in the populations of some avian predators. here we use long-term records of shooting bags and a large-scale manipulation of raptor density to disentangle the effects of habitat loss and raptor predation on grouse populations. the numbers of grouse harvested on the eskdale half of langholm moor in ... | 2000 | 10821608 |
species variation in osmotic, cryoprotectant, and cooling rate tolerance in poultry, eagle, and peregrine falcon spermatozoa. | potential factors influencing spermatozoa survival to cryopreservation and thawing were analyzed across a range of the following avian species: domestic chicken (gallus domesticus), domestic turkey (meleagris gallopavo), golden eagle (aquila chrysaetos), bonelli's eagle (hieraaetus fasciatus), imperial eagle (aquila adalberti), and peregrine falcon (falco peregrinus). studies focused on spermatozoa tolerance to the following: 1) osmotic stress, 2) different extracellular concentrations of the cr ... | 2000 | 10993841 |
gliding flight: drag and torque of a hawk and a falcon with straight and turned heads, and a lower value for the parasite drag coefficient. | raptors - falcons, hawks and eagles in this study - such as peregrine falcons (falco peregrinus) that attack distant prey from high-speed dives face a paradox. anatomical and behavioral measurements show that raptors of many species must turn their heads approximately 40 degrees to one side to see the prey straight ahead with maximum visual acuity, yet turning the head would presumably slow their diving speed by increasing aerodynamic drag. this paper investigates the aerodynamic drag part of th ... | 2000 | 11076737 |
curved flight paths and sideways vision in peregrine falcons (falco peregrinus). | when diving at prey straight ahead from great distances at high speeds, a peregrine has a conflict between vision and aerodynamics: it must turn its head approximately 40 degrees to one side to see the prey with maximum visual acuity at the deep fovea of one eye, but the head in this position increases aerodynamic drag and slows the falcon down. the falcon could resolve this conflict by holding its head straight and flying along a logarithmic spiral path that keeps the line of sight of the deep ... | 2000 | 11076739 |
diterpenoid alkaloids from delphinium virgatum poiret. | from the aerial parts of delphinium virgatum poiret, which is an endemic plant growing wildly in turkey, a new norditerpenoid alkaloid, n-deethylperegrine alcohol, has been isolated along with the known alkaloids peregrine, peregrine alcohol, davisinol, hetisine, hetisinone and atisine. | 2001 | 11400561 |
[occurrence of parasites in indigenous birds of prey and owls]. | in the present paper a general overview on parasites in birds of prey and owls is given. this part is followed by a study investigating the prevalences and species of parasites in free-ranging birds of prey and owls in berlin and brandenburg state, germany. over a one year period, 84 birds of prey and owls of the following species were examined for the presence of endo- and ectoparasites: common buzzard (buteo buteo) (n = 32), kestrel (falco tinnunculus) (n = 20), sparrowhawk (accipiter nisus) ( ... | 2002 | 11852683 |
platinum group elements in the feathers of raptors and their prey. | platinum (pt), palladium (pd), and rhodium (rh) concentrations were determined in the feathers of three raptor species in sweden, the sparrowhawk ( accipiter nisus), the peregrine falcon ( falco peregrinus), and the gyrfalcon ( falco rusticolus), as well as the main prey of the sparrowhawk (the house sparrow, passer domesticus) and the gyrfalcon (the willow grouse, lagopus lagopus). the analysis of feathers from 1917-1999 revealed a clear temporal trend, with significantly higher rh concentratio ... | 2002 | 11910463 |
cocoon production, morphology, hatching pattern and fecundity in seven tropical earthworm species - a laboratory-based investigation. | data on the reproductive biology of seven indian species of earthworms, viz. perionyx excavatus perrier, lampito mauritii kinberg, polypheretima elongata (perrier), pontoscolex corethrurus (muller), eutyphoeus gammiei (beddard), dichogaster modiglianii (rosa) and drawida nepalensis michaelsen are presented. the peregrine earthworms such as perionyx excavatus, pontoscolex corethrurus, dichogaster modiglianii, and polypheretima elongata are considered to be continuous breeders with high fecundity. ... | 2002 | 12089477 |
a possible relationship between bumblefoot responsive to potassium arsenite and micrococci in the blood of three birds of prey. | pododermatitis (bumblefoot) is a major health problem of falcons world-wide because healing processes in the talons are difficult and lengthy. a peregrine (falco peregrinus), a merlin (falco columbarius) and a saker falcon (falco cherrug) with bumblefoot at different stages ranging from iii to v, were all found to be carriers of micrococcus-like organisms in the blood and two of them were successfully treated with 0.5% potassium arsenite in low dosage given intravenously. a number of considerati ... | 2002 | 12113168 |
organochlorines in egg samples from norwegian birds of prey: congener-, isomer- and enantiomer specific considerations. | the content of chlorinated persistent organic pollutants was determined in a total of 44 egg samples from 8 different raptor species collected throughout norway in the period 1991-1997. the content of 8 chlorinated bornanes, 9 chlorinated pesticides, and 15 polychlorinated biphenyl congeners (pcb) were determined. the highest average concentrations for pcb were found for eggs from white-tailed sea eagle and peregrine falcon (average sum pcb concentration: 8.9 and 9.1 microg/g wet weight (w.w.), ... | 2002 | 12150443 |
producing progeny from endangered birds of prey: treatment of urine-contaminated semen and a novel intramagnal insemination approach. | wild raptors brought into an ex situ environment often have poor semen quality that is further compromised by urine contamination. generally, it is believed that in birds, artificial insemination into the cloaca or caudal vagina of females requires large doses of high-quality spermatozoa to maximize fertility. in an effort to define and overcome some of the challenges associated with reproduction in wild raptors, the objectives of this study were to 1) evaluate the frequency, impact, and remedia ... | 2002 | 12216788 |
two trace analytical methods for determination of hydroxylated pcbs and other halogenated phenolic compounds in eggs from norwegian birds of prey. | two new trace analytical methods are presented for identification and quantification of phenolic compounds in complex biological matrixes such as bird of prey eggs. one method is based on derivatization with methyl chloroformate prior to gc/high-resolution ms (hrms) analysis in electron impact ionization mode. alternatively, the underivatized phenolic analytes were separated and detected by hplc coupled to time-of-flight ms (tof-ms) in the negative ion electrospray ionization mode. for both meth ... | 2004 | 14719895 |
higher brominated diphenyl ethers and hexabromocyclododecane found in eggs of peregrine falcons (falco peregrinus) breeding in sweden. | several brominated flame retardants (bfrs) were analyzed in peregrine falcon eggs collected in 1987-1999, including the constituents of the technical polybrominated diphenyl ether (pbde) products penta (bde-47, -99, -100, -153, -154), octa (bde-183), and deca (bde-209), hexabrominated biphenyl (bb-153), and hexabromocyclododecane (hbcd). the eggs represented females from three different breeding populations, northern sweden, southwestern sweden, and a captive breeding population. all bfrs analyz ... | 2004 | 14740722 |
diclofenac residues as the cause of vulture population decline in pakistan. | the oriental white-backed vulture (owbv; gyps bengalensis) was once one of the most common raptors in the indian subcontinent. a population decline of >95%, starting in the 1990s, was first noted at keoladeo national park, india. since then, catastrophic declines, also involving gyps indicus and gyps tenuirostris, have continued to be reported across the subcontinent. consequently these vultures are now listed as critically endangered by birdlife international. in 2000, the peregrine fund initia ... | 2004 | 14745453 |
avipoxvirus infection in peregrine falcons (falco peregrinus) from a reintroduction programme in germany. | poxvirus infections are common in domestic birds in germany, but they are rare in birds of prey. only species of falconidae imported from arabian or asian countries have so far tested positive for poxvirus, and, among these, only raptors kept for falconry. as part of a reintroduction programme in the northern county of mecklenburg-western pomerania, which is adjacent to the baltic sea, 21 young peregrine falcons were released into the wild; six of them died and one was examined postmortem, its t ... | 2004 | 14765897 |
molecular evolution and mosaicism of leptospiral outer membrane proteins involves horizontal dna transfer. | leptospires belong to a genus of parasitic bacterial spirochetes that have adapted to a broad range of mammalian hosts. mechanisms of leptospiral molecular evolution were explored by sequence analysis of four genes shared by 38 strains belonging to the core group of pathogenic leptospira species: l. interrogans, l. kirschneri, l. noguchii, l. borgpetersenii, l. santarosai, and l. weilii. the 16s rrna and lipl32 genes were highly conserved, and the lipl41 and ompl1 genes were significantly more v ... | 2004 | 15090524 |
comparative tissue distribution of metals in birds in sweden using icp-ms and laser ablation icp-ms. | cadmium, copper, lead, palladium, platinum, rhodium, and zinc profiles were investigated along feather shafts of raptor and other bird species by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (la-icp-ms). the distribution of external versus internal metal contamination of feathers was investigated. the species examined were peregrine falcon (falco peregrinus), sparrowhawk ( accipiter nisus), willow grouse (lagopus lagopus), and house sparrow (passer domesticus) in sweden. for habit ... | 2004 | 15386152 |
salmonella amager, campylobacter jejuni, and urease-positive thermophilic campylobacter found in free-flying peregrine falcons (falco peregrinus) in sweden. | rare species with small population sizes are vulnerable to perturbations such as disease, inbreeding, or random events. the threat arising from microbial pathogens could be large and other species could act as reservoirs for pathogens. we report finding three enteric bacterial species, salmonella amager, campylobacter jejuni, and urease-positive thermophilic campylobacter, in nestling free-flying peregrine falcons (falco peregrinus) in sweden in 2000. campylobacter jejuni isolates exhibited mark ... | 2004 | 15465731 |
platinum group elements in raptor eggs, faeces, blood, liver and kidney. | the increased use of platinum group elements (pges) in automobile catalysts and their emission into the environment has led to a concern over environmental and particularly biological accumulation. specimens of samples from raptors are useful for the investigation of the impact of pges because these birds are found in both urban and rural environments and are invariably at the top of the food chain. platinum (pt), palladium (pd) and rhodium (rh) concentrations were determined by quadrupole induc ... | 2004 | 15504501 |
investigation into the seroprevalence of falcon herpesvirus antibodies in raptors in the uk using virus neutralization tests and different herpesvirus isolates. | increasing numbers of reports of clinical falcon herpesvirus infection (falconid herpesvirus-1; fhv-1) have been seen in the uk since 1996. the aim of this epidemiological study was to investigate the seroprevalence of fhv-1 and owl herpesvirus (strigid herpesvirus-1; sthv-1) infection in the uk, using virus neutralization tests, and to evaluate the prevalence of herpesvirus infection in captive and wild raptor populations. the results, using the english fhv-1 cvl 32/93 isolate, revealed a serop ... | 2004 | 15763729 |
predation: prey plumage adaptation against falcon attack. | several plumage types are found in feral pigeons (columba livia), but one type imparts a clear survival advantage during attacks by the swiftest of all predators--the peregrine falcon (falco peregrinus). here we use quantitative field observations and experiments to demonstrate both the selective nature of the falcon's choice of prey and the effect of plumage coloration on the survival of feral pigeons. this plumage colour is an independently heritable trait that is likely to be an antipredator ... | 2005 | 15846334 |
highly pathogenic h5n1 influenza virus infection in migratory birds. | h5n1 avian influenza virus (aiv) has emerged as a pathogenic entity for a variety of species, including humans, in recent years. here we report an outbreak among migratory birds on lake qinghaihu, china, in may and june 2005, in which more than a thousand birds were affected. pancreatic necrosis and abnormal neurological symptoms were the major clinical features. sequencing of the complete genomes of four h5n1 aiv strains revealed them to be reassortants related to a peregrine falcon isolate fro ... | 2005 | 16000410 |
characterization of a new species of adenovirus in falcons. | in 1996, a disease outbreak occurred at a captive breeding facility in idaho, causing anorexia, dehydration, and diarrhea or sudden death in 72 of 110 northern aplomado falcons (falco femoralis septentrionalis) from 9 to 35 days of age and in 6 of 102 peregrine falcons (falco peregrinus) from 14 to 25 days of age. sixty-two northern aplomado and six peregrine falcons died. epidemiologic analyses indicated a point source epizootic, horizontal transmission, and increased relative risk associated w ... | 2005 | 16000466 |
isolation and epidemiology of falcon adenovirus. | an adenovirus was detected by electron microscopy in tissues from falcons that died during an outbreak of inclusion body hepatitis and enteritis that affected neonatal northern aplomado (falco femoralis septentrionalis) and peregrine (falco peregrinus anatum) falcons. molecular characterization has identified the falcon virus as a new member of the aviadenovirus group (m. schrenzel, j. l. oaks, d. rotstein, g. maalouf, e. snook, c. sandfort, and b. rideout, j. clin. microbiol. 43:3402-3413, 2005 ... | 2005 | 16000467 |
evaluation of beta-absorbed fractions in a mouse model for 90y, 188re, 166ho, 149pm, 64cu, and 177lu radionuclides. | several short-lived, high-energy beta emitters are being proposed as the radionuclide components for molecular- targeted potential cancer therapeutic agents. the laboratory mice used to determine the efficacy of these new agents have organs that are relatively small compared to the ranges of these high-energy particles. the dosimetry model developed by hui et al. was extended to provide realistic beta-dose estimates for organs in mice that received therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals containing (90 ... | 2005 | 16114992 |
evaluation of organochlorine compounds in peregrine falcon (falco peregrinus) and their main prey (columba livia) inhabiting central spain. | the population of peregrine falcon (falco peregrinus sbs. brookei) inhabiting the regional park of southeastern madrid (rpsm), spain, has experienced an increase of unsuccessful pairs (from 15% among a total of 20 pairs in 1995 to 55% among a total of 18 pairs in 2001). traditionally, this area has been known to be contaminated with organochlorine compounds and toxic metals, which are known to be deleterious to the reproductive system of birds. during the breeding seasons of 2000 and 2001, conta ... | 2005 | 16152983 |
brominated flame retardants and other organobromines in norwegian predatory bird eggs. | a set of 62 unhatched eggs was collected from six different predatory bird species throughout norway after incubation period was completed. they were analysed for pbde, pbb, tbbp a and naturally occurring halogenated compounds. bde 47, 99 and 153 were the dominating congeners, with species dependent pbde patterns. bde 153 was observed as the most abundant congener in eggs of peregrine falcon, golden eagle and merlin. the highest pbde level (sum of nine congeners) was found in eggs of white-taile ... | 2005 | 16182862 |
malaria in a captively-produced f1 gyrfalcon and in two f. peregrine falcons. | one falco rusticolus and two of 24 falco peregrinus were positive for plasmodium relictum. sixteen percent of the erythrocytes (rbc) of the gyrfalcon were parasitized. following treatment with chloroquine the parasite burden was dramatically reduced (to less than 0.01%). infection in peregrine falcons was low (0.01-0.4% rbcs were parasitized). this is the second report of plasmodium in the gyrfalcon and the first report in the peregrine falcon. | 1976 | 16502699 |
appraisal of the consequences of the ddt-induced bottleneck on the level and geographic distribution of neutral genetic variation in canadian peregrine falcons, falco peregrinus. | peregrine falcon populations underwent devastating declines in the mid-20th century due to the bioaccumulation of organochlorine contaminants, becoming essentially extirpated east of the great plains and significantly reduced elsewhere in north america. extensive re-introduction programs and restrictions on pesticide use in canada and the united states have returned many populations to predecline sizes. a proper population genetic appraisal of the consequences of this decline requires an appropr ... | 2007 | 17217348 |
vitellogenin and zona radiata proteins as biomarkers of endocrine disruption in peregrine falcon (falco peregrinus). | the aim of this study was to test a specific method for the detection of vitellogenin (vtg) and zona radiata proteins (zrp) in plasma from peregrine falcon (falco peregrinus) as specific biomarkers for the evaluation of the effects of endocrine disruptors. the method was assayed with different peregrine falcon individuals (including mature and immature birds of both sexes) from a spanish population being studied in terms of their contamination with organochlorine compounds with endocrine disrupt ... | 2007 | 17223181 |
morbidity and mortality of bald eagles (haliaeetus leucocephalus) and peregrine falcons (falco peregrinus) admitted to the wildlife center of virginia, 1993-2003. | medical records from 111 threatened bald eagles (86%, haliaeetus leucocephalus) and peregrine falcons (14%, falco peregrinus) admitted to the wildlife center of virginia from 1993 to 2003 were reviewed to identify submitters, causes of morbidity and mortality, and final disposition. half of all patients admitted were submitted by the virginia department of game and inland fisheries personnel. trauma was the most common reason for presentation in bald eagles (70%) and peregrine falcons (81%). add ... | 2007 | 17469277 |
antioxidative and antiproliferative properties of selected barley (hordeum vulgarae l.) cultivars and their potential for inhibition of low-density lipoprotein (ldl) cholesterol oxidation. | aqueous methanolic extracts of whole kernels from six different barley cultivars, namely, falcon, ac metcalfe, tyto, tercel, phoenix, and peregrine, were examined for their total phenolic content (tpc), oxygen radical scavenging capacity (oracfl), hydroxyl radical scavenging capacity (horacfl), potency in prevention of lipid oxidation using the rancimat method, efficacy in inhibition of cu(ii)-induced human ldl cholesterol oxidation, and antiproliferative activities using caco-2 colorectal adeno ... | 2007 | 17542605 |
molecular assays for detection of falcon adenovirus. | falcon adenovirus is a newly recognized member of the family aviadenoviridae and includes 2 closely related strains that are pathogenic to several species of falcons. peregrine falcons appear to be one of the primary reservoirs, but recent outbreaks suggest that other carrier species probably exist. to allow screening of captive birds for virus shedding and investigations of disease outbreaks, conventional and real-time, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (pcr) assays and an in situ hybridiz ... | 2007 | 17823390 |
genomics of natural bird populations: a gene-based set of reference markers evenly spread across the avian genome. | although there is growing interest to take genomics into the complex realms of natural populations, there is a general shortage of genomic resources and tools available for wild species. this applies not at least to birds, for which genomic approaches should be helpful to questions such as adaptation, speciation and population genetics. in this study, we describe a genome-wide reference set of conserved avian gene markers, broadly applicable across birds. by aligning protein-coding sequences fro ... | 2008 | 17927703 |
a possible role for clostridium difficile in the etiology of calf enteritis. | clostridium difficile was investigated as a possible cause of enteritis in calves. the organism and its toxins (tcda and tcdb), respectively, were found in 25.3% and 22.9% of stool samples from diarrheic calves. culture positive samples were more likely than culture negative samples to be toxin positive. however, toxin positive stools were more common among nondiarrheic calves, but diarrheic calves were nearly twice as likely to be culture positive. ribotype 078 was dominant among isolates. salm ... | 2008 | 17964088 |
characterization of chromosome structures of falconinae (falconidae, falconiformes, aves) by chromosome painting and delineation of chromosome rearrangements during their differentiation. | karyotypes of most bird species are characterized by around 2n = 80 chromosomes, comprising 7-10 pairs of large- and medium-sized macrochromosomes including sex chromosomes and numerous morphologically indistinguishable microchromosomes. the falconinae of the falconiformes has a different karyotype from the typical avian karyotype in low chromosome numbers, little size difference between macrochromosomes and a smaller number of microchromosomes. to characterize chromosome structures of falconina ... | 2008 | 18293111 |
enantiomer-specific accumulation of hexabromocyclododecanes in eggs of predatory birds. | the diastereomeric composition of hexabromocyclododecane (hbcd) in eggs of peregrine falcon (falco peregrinus), white-tailed sea eagle (haliaeetus albicilla), guillemot (uria aalge) and common tern (sterna hirundo) as well as the guillemots' main prey, herring (clupea harengus) was determined by reversed-phase chromatography with triple-stage quadrupole mass spectrometric detection (lc-ms-ms). alpha-hbcd was the predominant diastereomer in all bird species, while in herring, gamma-hbcd made a su ... | 2008 | 18440589 |
isolation of mycoplasmas from a buzzard, falcons and vultures. | thirteen mycoplasmas were isolated from a peregrine falcon (falco peregrinus), two saker falcons (falco cherrug), a buzzard (buteo buteo), a black vulture (aegypius monachus), and two griffon vultures (gypsfuhus). six of them could be identified: mycoplasma gallinarum (three isolates), m. columborale (two isolates) and m. anatis (one isolate). the remaining seven isolates did not react with antisera against the known avian mycoplasma species in the indirect immunofluorescence and growth inhibiti ... | 1990 | 18679987 |
polybrominated diphenyl ether congener patterns, hexabromocyclododecane, and brominated biphenyl 153 in eggs of peregrine falcons (falco peregrinus) breeding in sweden. | previous analyses of 52 peregrine falcon (falco peregrinus) eggs collected from two wild and one captive population in sweden 1987 through 1999 were complemented by including additional polybrominated diphenyl ether (pbde) congeners (bde-35, -183, -184, -185, -196, -197, -203, and -207). in addition, 31 eggs not previously analyzed for hexabromocyclododecane (hbcd) and bde-209 were analyzed for these. geometric mean concentrations of bpbdes, hbcd, and the hexabrominated biphenyl (bb-153) were 3, ... | 2009 | 18717624 |
monitoring of raptors and their contamination levels in norway. | this article summarizes results from raptor monitoring and contamination studies in norway of the golden eagle, gyrfalcon, white-tailed sea eagle, osprey, peregrine, and merlin. golden eagle and gyrfalcon populations have been monitored since 1990 as part of the "monitoring programme for terrestrial ecosystems" (tov). no long-term trend in the population size or productivity of golden eagle has been shown in any of the 5 study areas. the reproductive output of gyrfalcon is monitored in 3 areas. ... | 2008 | 18833794 |
long-term ecosystem monitoring and assessment of the detroit river and western lake erie. | over 35 years of us and canadian pollution prevention and control efforts have led to substantial improvements in environmental quality of the detroit river and western lake erie. however, the available information also shows that much remains to be done. improvements in environmental quality have resulted in significant ecological recovery, including increasing populations of bald eagles (haliaeetus leucocephalus), peregrine falcons (falco columbarius), lake sturgeon (acipenser fulvescens), lak ... | 2009 | 18850284 |
prevalence of hematozoa in falcons in the united arab emirates with respect to the origin of falcon hosts. | to determine the prevalence of blood parasites with regard to country of origin in a population of falcons kept in the united arab emirates (uae), 432 falcons of 3 different species and 2 hybrid species originating from asia, europe, and the united states were examined. birds were divided into 2 groups. group 1 comprised 323 birds examined immediately after arrival in the uae. blood parasites were detected in 6.8% of birds. group 2 comprised 109 birds kept longer than 5 months in the uae; of the ... | 2008 | 19014093 |
humoral response of hybrid falcons inoculated with inactivated paramyxovirus-1 vaccine. | paramyxovirus serotype 1 (pmv-1), the etiologic agent of newcastle disease, is an important cause of morbidity in falcons in the middle east. to determine whether a commercial, oil-based, inactivated poultry vaccine produces humoral response in falcons, we vaccinated 38 young, unvaccinated gyr-peregrine hybrid falcons (falco rusticolis x falco peregrinus) and monitored antibody response for a 45-day period after vaccination. to determine whether immunity is vertically transmitted, we additionall ... | 2008 | 19014094 |
polybrominated diphenyl ether flame retardants in chesapeake bay region, u.s.a., peregrine falcon (falco peregrinus) eggs: urban/rural trends. | a total of 23 peregrine falcon (falco peregrinus) eggs were obtained between 1993 and 2002 from 13 nests, encompassing 11 locations in the chesapeake bay region, u.s.a. when multiple eggs were available from the same clutch, average clutch contaminant concentrations were calculated. an overall median total polybrominated diphenyl ether (pbde) level of 201 ng/g wet weight was determined for the eggs/clutches examined. the maximum in an individual egg, from an urban highway bridge site, was 354 ng ... | 2009 | 19102579 |
isolation of a highly pathogenic influenza a virus of subtype h7n3 from a peregrine falcon ( falco peregrinus ). | a peregrine falcon ( falco peregrinus ) was presented to the al safa falcon clinic in dubai, unitedarab emirates unable to stand. four hours after hospitalization, the bird died despite supportive care and calcium disodiumedetate treatment. the falcon had been on a hunting trip to syria with its owner of 2 years, prior to its death. the carcass was submitted to the central veterinary research laboratory in dubai where it was subjected to postmortem examination. investigations resulted in the iso ... | 2000 | 19184861 |
environmentally relevant concentrations of de-71 and hbcd alter eggshell thickness and reproductive success of american kestrels. | polybrominated diphenyl ethers (pbdes) and total alpha-hexabromocyclododecane (hbcd) are flame-retardant additives that are commonly used in household and commercial applications. pbde congeners, which are comprised of technical mixtures such as de-71, are globally persistent and their concentrations are increasing in many species. captive american kestrels (falco sparverius) were exposed by diet to vehicle (safflower oil), or one of two environmentally relevant concentrations of de-71 and unint ... | 2009 | 19368224 |
hematologic values in healthy gyr x peregrine falcons (falco rusticolus x falco peregrinus). | the gyr x peregrine (falco rusticolus x falco peregrinus) hybrid is the most common falcon treated at nad al shiba veterinary hospital in dubai. to improve the health assessment of individual birds in the population treated at this hospital, we established reference ranges of hematologic values for this hybrid falcon. the hematologic parameters of 96 gyr x peregrine falcons were assessed and compared with other published values for the same hybrid falcon. | 2009 | 19673457 |
helminth infestation in birds of prey (accipitriformes and falconiformes) in southern italy. | helminth infestation was identified at post mortem examination in 110/116 (95%) raptors belonging to six species in southern italy. pathological changes associated with helminths were observed in 81/110 (74%) of birds. lesions in the respiratory system were associated with the nematode serratospiculum tendo only in falco peregrinus. lesions in the digestive tract in a range of species of raptors were associated with nematodes (cheilospirura falconis, dispharynx falconis, dispharynx mathewossiana ... | 2010 | 19713134 |
zero prevalence of influenza a virus in two raptor species by standard screening. | disease can have severe impact on animal populations, especially in rare species. baseline data for atypical host species are missing for a range of infectious diseases, although such hosts are potentially more affected than the normal vectors and reservoir species. if highly pathogenic avian influenza strikes rare birds of prey, this may have crucial impact on the predator species itself, but also on the food web in which it interacts. here we present the first large-scale screening of raptors ... | 2010 | 19877810 |
species-specific accumulation of polybrominated diphenyl ether flame retardants in birds of prey from the chesapeake bay region, usa. | compared to organochlorines, little is known about polybrominated diphenyl ether (pbde) contamination of birds of prey breeding in the chesapeake bay, the largest estuary in the u.s. this study examined and compared pbde contamination in eggs of osprey, double-crested cormorant, brown pelican and peregrine falcon from this area. several legacy persistent organic pollutants such as pcbs and dde were also investigated. the level of urbanization of the landscape appeared to influence the level of p ... | 2010 | 19948372 |
historical contaminants, flame retardants, and halogenated phenolic compounds in peregrine falcon (falco peregrinus) nestlings in the canadian great lakes basin. | concentrations and spatial patterns of persistent organic (chlorinated) pollutants (pops), polybrominated diphenyl ether (pbde), hexabromocyclododecane (hbcd), other flame retardants, and hydroxylated (oh) pbde and pcb compounds were determined in nestling peregrine falcons across the canadian great lakes basin. the highest geometric mean plasma pop concentrations (ng/g ww) were sum (sigma)pcbs (35.16), sigmapbdes (15.38), and sigmaoh-pcb (8.77) with the lowest mean levels in nestlings from urba ... | 2010 | 20384324 |
avian mycobacteriosis in free-living raptors in majorca island, spain. | avian mycobacteriosis is a chronic, infectious disease caused by different species of mycobacteria, usually belonging to the mycobacterium avium complex. from 2004 to 2007, 589 raptors brought dead or sick to a wildlife rehabilitation centre in majorca (balearic islands, spain) were necropsied. the birds belonged to 12 different species, chiefly common kestrel (falco tinnunculus) (n=297), scops owl (otus scops) (n=109), barn owl (tyto alba) (n=75), long-eared owl (asio otus) (n=58), peregrine fa ... | 2010 | 20390529 |
temporal trends of perfluorinated surfactants in swedish peregrine falcon eggs (falco peregrinus), 1974-2007. | perfluorinated alkyl substances (pfas) are today known to be globally distributed environmental contaminants. in the present study, concentrations of pfas were analyzed in swedish peregrine falcon eggs (falco peregrinus), collected between 1974 and 2007. analytes included in the study were perfluorinated carboxylates (pfcas; carbon chain lengths c6-c15), perfluorinated sulfonates (pfsas; c4, c6, c8, and c10), and perfluorooctane sulfonamide (pfosa). the predominant pfas was perfluorooctane sulfo ... | 2010 | 20446727 |
diversity of frankia strains nodulating hippophae salicifolia d. don using fame profiling as chemotaxonomic markers. | twelve frankia strains isolated from hippophae salicifolia d. don or alnus glutinosa or comptonia peregrine, showed the significant variation in fatty acid composition viz. palmitic acid (16:0), oleic acid (18:1), linoleic acid (18:2), linolenic acid (18:3), arachidic acid (20:0) and erucic acid (22:1) suggesting the strain specific variability among the frankia strains. presence of erucic acid (22:1), a major component of the oil obtained from the seeds of brassica sp., albeit in lesser amount ... | 2010 | 20473962 |
prey species as possible sources of pbde exposures for peregrine falcons (falco peregrinus) nesting in major california cities. | our earlier findings indicate that (1) peregrine falcons (falco peregrinus anatum bonaparte) nesting in major california cities have among the highest polybrominated diphenyl ether (pbde) levels in the world (max ∑pbdes=100 ppm), and (2) big city peregrines have higher levels and proportions of the higher-brominated congeners (hepta- to deca-bdes) than do their coastal counterparts. in this study we classified the prey species (n =185) from the remains of prey (feathers) at 38 peregrine nest sit ... | 2011 | 20514482 |
polybrominated diphenyl ether (pbde) levels in peregrine falcon (falco peregrinus) eggs from california correlate with diet and human population density. | peregrine falcons are now considered a conservation success story due in part to the phasing out of harmful contaminants that adversely affected reproduction. recent studies have shown that peregrine eggs collected from california cities, however, have high levels of the higher-brominated polybrominated diphenyl ethers (sigmapbde(183-209)), a class of industrial flame retardants, in comparison to published data for other wildlife. sources of these high pbde levels and unusual pbde profiles are u ... | 2010 | 20540532 |
[sequencing of mitochondrial dna cytochrome oxidase subunit i gene in sarcosaphagous flies from 14 provinces in china]. | to detect the 278 bp region of gene of the cytochrome oxidase subunit i (coi) in mitochondral dna (mtdna) of sarcosaphagous flies, identify the species of sarcosaphagous flies, and provide reference for forensic application. | 2010 | 20818074 |
high seroprevalence of antibodies to toxoplasma gondii in wild animals from portugal. | we report an investigation of antibodies to toxoplasma gondii in 52 wild birds and 20 wild mammals from northern and central areas of portugal by using the modified agglutination test. the birds comprised 26 common buzzards (buteo buteo), five tawny owls (strix aluco), four white storks (ceconia ceconia), three eurasian eagle owls (bubo bubo), three northern goshawks (accipiter gentilis), two booted eagles (hieraaetus pennatus), two common barn owls (tyto alba), two eurasian sparrowhawks (accipi ... | 2010 | 21104273 |
permanent genetic resources added to molecular ecology resources database 1 may 2009-31 july 2009. | this article documents the addition of 512 microsatellite marker loci and nine pairs of single nucleotide polymorphism (snp) sequencing primers to the molecular ecology resources database. loci were developed for the following species: alcippe morrisonia morrisonia, bashania fangiana, bashania fargesii, chaetodon vagabundus, colletes floralis, coluber constrictor flaviventris, coptotermes gestroi, crotophaga major, cyprinella lutrensis, danaus plexippus, fagus grandifolia, falco tinnunculus, fle ... | 2009 | 21564933 |
HELMINTH COMMUNITY STRUCTURE IN BIRDS OF PREY (ACCIPITRIFORMES AND FALCONIFORMES) IN SOUTHERN ITALY. | Abstract We compared helminth communities of 6 species of birds of prey from the Calabria region of southern Italy. In total, 31 helminth taxa, including 17 nematodes, 9 digeneans, 3 acanthocephalans, and 2 cestodes were found. All helminth species were found in the gastrointestinal tract, except for 3 spirurid nematodes. Most of the parasite species were detected in at least two hosts, but 13 helminth species were found in only one host. At the infracommunity level, the overall species richne ... | 2011 | 21951214 |
health of an ex situ population of raptors (falconiformes and strigiformes) in mexico: diagnosis of internal parasites. | successful programs for ex situ and in situ conservation and management of raptors require detailed knowledge about their pathogens. the purpose of this study was to identify the internal parasites of some captive raptors in mexico, as well as to verify their impact in the health status of infected birds. birds of prey were confiscated and kept in captivity at the centro de investigación y conservación de vida silvestre (civs) in los reyes la paz, mexico state. for this, fecal and blood samples ... | 2011 | 22017131 |
evaluation of organochlorine compounds (pcdds, pcdfs, pcbs and ddts) in two raptor species inhabiting a mediterranean island in spain (8 pp). | -: doi: | 2007 | 21959542 |
seropositivity and risk factors associated with toxoplasma gondii infection in wild birds from spain. | toxoplasma gondii is a zoonotic intracellular protozoan parasite of worldwide distribution that infects many species of warm-blooded animals, including birds. to date, there is scant information about the seropositivity of t. gondii and the risk factors associated with t. gondii infection in wild bird populations. in the present study, t. gondii infection was evaluated on sera obtained from 1079 wild birds belonging to 56 species (including falconiformes (n = 610), strigiformes (n = 260), ciconi ... | 2011 | 22216311 |
reference intervals for intraocular pressure measured by rebound tonometry in ten raptor species and factors affecting the intraocular pressure. | intraocular pressure (iop) was measured with the tonovet rebound tonometer in 10 raptor species, and possible factors affecting iop were investigated. a complete ophthalmic examination was performed, and iop was assessed in 2 positions, upright and dorsal recumbency, in 237 birds belonging to the families accipitridae, falconidae, strigidae, and tytonidae. mean iop values of healthy eyes were calculated for each species, and differences between families, species, age, sex, left and right eye, as ... | 2011 | 22216716 |
missed, not missing: phylogenomic evidence for the existence of avian foxp3. | the forkhead box transcription factor foxp3 is pivotal to the development and function of regulatory t cells (tregs), which make a major contribution to peripheral tolerance. foxp3 is believed to perform a regulatory role in all the vertebrate species in which it has been detected. the prevailing view is that foxp3 is absent in birds and that avian tregs rely on alternative developmental and suppressive pathways. prompted by the automated annotation of foxp3 in the ground tit (parus humilis) gen ... | 2016 | 26938477 |
discovery of the elusive leptin in birds: identification of several 'missing links' in the evolution of leptin and its receptor. | leptin is a pleiotropic protein best known for regulation of appetite and fat storage in mammals. while many leptin orthologs have been identified among vertebrates, an authentic leptin in birds has remained elusive and controversial. here we identify leptin sequence from the peregrine falcon, falco peregrinus (pfleptin), and identify sequences from two other birds (mallard and zebra finch), and 'missing' vertebrates (elephant shark, alligator, indian python, chinese soft-shelled turtle, and coe ... | 2014 | 24663438 |
quack leptin. | a lep transcript up-regulated in lungs of ducks (anas platyrhynchos) infected by avian influenza a virus was recently described in the nature genetics manuscript that reported the duck genome. in vertebrates, lep gene symbol is reserved for leptin, the key regulator of energy balance in mammals. | 2014 | 24992969 |
chlamydia psittaci in birds of prey, sweden. | chlamydia psittaci is an intracellular bacterium primarily causing respiratory diseases in birds but may also be transmitted to other animals, including humans. the prevalence of the pathogen in wild birds in sweden is largely unknown. | 2012 | 22957128 |
phylogenetic analysis of columbid herpesvirus-1 in rock pigeons, birds of prey and non-raptorial birds in poland. | the identity of herpesviruses isolated in europe from domestic pigeons (columbid herpesvirus-1 - cohv-1) as well as falcons and owls remains unknown. all these herpesviruses are antigenically and genetically related. the falcons and owls are thought to have become infected during the ingestion of pigeon meat thus suggesting the virus's capacity to infect a wide range of hosts. the aim of the conducted study was to detect the occurrence of cohv-1 and estimating the similarities and differences in ... | 2013 | 23517888 |
host-specific exposure and fatal neurologic disease in wild raptors from highly pathogenic avian influenza virus h5n1 during the 2006 outbreak in germany. | raptors may contract highly pathogenic avian influenza virus h5n1 by hunting or scavenging infected prey. however, natural h5n1 infection in raptors is rarely reported. therefore, we tested raptors found dead during an h5n1 outbreak in wild waterbirds in mecklenburg-western pomerania, germany, in 2006 for h5n1-associated disease. we tested 624 raptors of nine species-common buzzard (385), eurasian sparrowhawk (111), common kestrel (38), undetermined species of buzzard (36), white-tailed sea eagl ... | 2015 | 25879698 |
potency of an inactivated influenza vaccine prepared from a non-pathogenic h5n1 virus against a challenge with antigenically drifted highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses in chickens. | antigenic variants of h5n1 highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (hpaiv) have selected and are prevailing in poultry populations in asia. in the present study, the potency of inactivated influenza vaccine prepared from a non-pathogenic h5n1 avian influenza virus, a/duck/hokkaido/vac-3/2007 (h5n1), was assessed by challenging with h5n1 hpaiv variants, a/muscovy duck/vietnam/oie-559/2011 (h5n1), a/whooper swan/hokkaido/4/2011 (h5n1), and a/peregrine falcon/hong kong/810/2009 (h5n1) belonging to ... | 2013 | 23462521 |
genetic characterization of a novel recombinant h5n2 avian influenza virus isolated from chickens in tibet. | in this report, a novel h5n2 avian influenza virus (aiv) was isolated from chickens in tibet in 2010, western china. phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that it was a natural reassortant between h9n2 and h5n1 subtypes. it is of note that this virus has an hp genotype with ha, pb2, m, and ns genes homologous to those of a/peregrine falcon/hong kong/2142/2008(h5n1)-like hpaiv isolated from dead wild birds. publishing this genome information will contribute to the investigation of avian influenza ep ... | 2012 | 23166246 |
spatial assessment of the potential risk of avian influenza a virus infection in three raptor species in japan. | avian influenza a, a highly pathogenic avian influenza, is a lethal infection in certain species of wild birds, including some endangered species. raptors are susceptible to avian influenza, and spatial risk assessment of such species may be valuable for conservation planning. we used the maximum entropy approach to generate potential distribution models of three raptor species from presence-only data for the mountain hawk-eagle nisaetus nipalensis, northern goshawk accipiter gentilis and peregr ... | 2016 | 26972333 |
serologic evidence of exposure of raptors to influenza a virus. | serum or plasma samples from raptors that prey or scavenge upon aquatic birds were tested by a commercially available blocking enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the evidence of antibodies to influenza a virus. samples were taken from birds (n = 616) admitted to two rehabilitation centers in the united states. in addition, samples from 472 migrating peregrine falcons (falco peregrinus) trapped on autumnal and vernal migrations for banding purposes were also tested. only bald eagles were notab ... | 2012 | 22856203 |
a novel salmonella serovar isolated from peregrine falcon (falco peregrinus) nestlings in sweden: salmonella enterica enterica serovar pajala (salmonella pajala). | a novel salmonella serovar was isolated from peregrine falcon (falco peregrinus) nestlings in northern sweden in 2006. three isolates of the same clone was retrieved from three falcon siblings and characterized as salmonella enterica sub-species enterica: o-phase 13, 23:-: e, n, z 15 and the h-phase was not present. we propose the geographical name salmonella enterica, sub-species enterica serovar pajala to this novel salmonella. | 2012 | 22957136 |
vertebral osteomyelitis and septic arthritis associated with staphylococcus hyicus in a juvenile peregrine falcon ( falco peregrinus ). | a 6-week-old, parent-reared peregrine falcon ( falco peregrinus ) was presented with spastic hypertonus of its hind limbs of unknown origin and duration. radiologic examination revealed smooth periosteal reactions ventrally at thoracic vertebrae 5 to 7. contrast-enhanced computed tomography identified the swelling as inflammation; antibiotic, antimycotic, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic treatments were initiated, and vitamins and minerals were supplemented. because the bird's condition did not ... | 2015 | 26378668 |
genetic characterization of oropharyngeal trichomonad isolates from wild birds indicates that genotype is associated with host species, diet and presence of pathognomonic lesions. | oropharyngeal trichomonad isolates of wild birds from spain were studied. a total of 1688 samples (1214 of predator birds and 474 of prey species) from wildlife recovery centres and scientific bird-ringing campaigns were analysed from 2011 to 2013. the overall infection prevalence was 20.3% (11.4% in predator birds and 43.3% in prey species). pathognomonic lesions were present in 26% of the infected birds (57.3% in predator birds and 4.9% in prey species). the most commonly parasitized species w ... | 2014 | 25262786 |
the occurrence and pathogenicity of serratospiculum tendo (nematoda: diplotriaenoidea) in birds of prey from southern italy. | the air sacs of free-ranging birds of prey (n= 652) from southern italy, including 11 species of accipitriformes and six of falconiforms, were examined for infections with serratospiculum tendo (nematoda: diplotriaenoidea). of the 17 species of birds examined, 25 of 31 (80.6%) peregrine falcons (falco peregrinus) from calabria region and a single northern goshawk (accipiter gentilis) from campania region were infected with s. tendo, suggesting a strong host specificity for the peregrine falcon. ... | 2016 | 25772632 |
genetic data from 28 str loci for forensic individual identification and parentage analyses in 6 bird of prey species. | twenty-eight str loci were screened in wild populations of six bird of prey species providing allele frequencies and population genetic parameters necessary for the application of strs in wildlife forensic genetic casework. individual str loci were validated according to forensic recommendations in specimens of golden eagle (aquila chrysaetos), goshawk (accipiter gentilis), merlin (falco columbarius), peregrine falcon (falco peregrinus), gyr falcon (falco rusticolus) and saker falcon (falco cher ... | 2009 | 19215871 |
specialized photoreceptor composition in the raptor fovea. | the retinae of many bird species contain a depression with high photoreceptor density known as the fovea. many species of raptors have two foveae, a deep central fovea and a shallower temporal fovea. birds have six types of photoreceptors: rods, active in dim light, double cones that are thought to mediate achromatic discrimination, and four types of single cones mediating color vision. to maximize visual acuity, the fovea should only contain photoreceptors contributing to high-resolution vision ... | 2017 | 28199005 |
morphological properties of the last primaries, the tail feathers, and the alulae of accipiter nisus, columba livia, falco peregrinus, and falco tinnunculus. | we investigated the mechanical properties (young's modulus, bending stiffness, barb separation forces) of the tenth primary of the wings, of the alulae and of the middle tail feathers of falco peregrinus. for comparison, we also investigated the corresponding feathers in pigeons (columba livia), kestrels (falco tinnunculus), and sparrowhawks (accipiter nisus). in all four species, the young's moduli of the feathers ranged from 5.9 to 8.4 gpa. the feather shafts of f. peregrinus had the largest c ... | 2015 | 25130288 |
management and case outcome of gastric impaction in four raptors: a case series. | four captive raptors, an american kestrel ( falco sparverius ), peregrine falcon ( falco peregrinus ), golden eagle ( aquila chrysaetos ), and barn owl ( tyto alba ), were diagnosed with ventricular and/or proventricular foreign material impactions consisting of artificial turf substrate, paper and plastic substrate, grass, and newspaper. partial or total anorexia was reported in all birds and decreased casting in 2 birds. survey radiographs confirmed presence of gastric enlargement in all 4 bir ... | 2017 | 28358612 |
network topology of stable isotope interactions in a sub-arctic raptor guild. | predation is an ecologically important process, and intra-guild interactions may substantially influence the ecological effects of predator species. despite a rapid expansion in the use of mathematical graph theory to describe trophic relations, network approaches have rarely been used to study interactions within predator assemblages. assemblages of diurnal raptors are subject to substantial intra- and interspecific competition. here we used the novel approach of applying analyzes based on netw ... | 2016 | 27209296 |
an overview of existing raptor contaminant monitoring activities in europe. | biomonitoring using raptors as sentinels can provide early warning of the potential impacts of contaminants on humans and the environment and also a means of tracking the success of associated mitigation measures. examples include detection of heavy metal-induced immune system impairment, pcb-induced altered reproductive impacts, and toxicity associated with lead in shot game. authorisation of such releases and implementation of mitigation is now increasingly delivered through eu-wide directives ... | 2014 | 24632328 |
avian wildlife as sentinels of ecosystem health. | birds have been widely used as sentinels of ecosystem health reflecting changes in habitat quality, increased incidence of disease, and exposure to and effects of chemical contaminants. numerous studies addressing these issues focus on the breeding period, since hormonal, behavioural, reproductive, and developmental aspects of the health can be observed over a relatively short time-span. many body systems within individuals are tightly integrated and interdependent, and can be affected by contam ... | 2013 | 23260372 |
new records of three hippoboscid species on newly captured birds from nature in paraná, brazil. | the aims of this study was to provide new records of hippoboscid flies collected over an one-year period on newly captured birds from nature in the state of paraná, brazil. the birds were received by a wildlife center in tijucas do sul and the hippoboscid flies were collect by hand or by tweezers, generating a prevalence of 0.7% (16/2232) of parasitized birds. new information about distribution of hippoboscid flies on asio clamator, rupornis magnirostris and athene cunicularia was reported in th ... | 2016 | 27737369 |
synonymous codon usage pattern in mitochondrial cyb gene in pisces, aves, and mammals. | cytochrome b (cyb) protein plays an important role in complex iii of the mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation. codon usage is the phenomenon of non-uniform usage of synonymous codons. in the present study, we report the pattern of codon usage in mt-cyb gene using various codon usage parameters. nucleotide composition such as % of c and t was higher than a and g in pisces. in aves, % of a and c was higher than t and g but in mammals, a and t was higher than c and g. heat map shows that at-endi ... | 2017 | 26634951 |
synoptic revision of blabericola (apicomplexa: eugregarinida: blabericolidae) parasitizing blaberid cockroaches (dictyoptera: blaberidae), with comments on delineating gregarine species boundaries. | complete synoptic redescriptions, including complete morphometric data for all life cycle stages, species recognition characters, and differential comparisons are presented for the 4 gregarine species comprising blabericola . blabericola cubensis ( peregrine, 1970 ), blabericola haasi (geus, 1969), blabericola migrator ( clopton, 1995 ), and blabericola princisi ( peregrine, 1970 ) are redescribed from their type hosts, i.e., the discoid cockroach blaberus discoidalis , the lobster cockroach nau ... | 2012 | 22150235 |
new data on avifauna of the ustyurt plateau in the holocene. | bone remains of birds from a location of the middle subboreal period and from three locations of the early subatlantic period were studied on the ustyurt plateau (kazakhstan). three out of 17 avian species that have been identified (phalacrocorax pygmaeus, falco peregrinus, and nyctea scandiaca) proved to be absent in the modern fauna of the region. our data on the bird fauna of the ustyurt plateau in the second half of the middle holocene and at the beginning of the late holocene indicate that, ... | 2016 | 27595824 |
[red-breasted goose colonies on the taimyr peninsula: factors responsible for the proximity of goose nests to nests of peregrine falcons, rough-legged buzzards, and snowy owls]. | red-breasted goose colonies have been studied near medusa bay (73 degrees 21' n, 80 degrees 32' e), on the northwestern taimyr peninsula, and along the agapa river (70 degrees 11' n, 86 degrees 15' e) down to its mouth (70 degrees 26' n, 89 degrees 13' e), in the central taimyr peninsula. red-breasted geese nesting near peregrine falcons are protected by the falcons from arctic foxes; however, they are sometimes attacked by the falcons themselves. in the colonies near peregrine falcon nests, the ... | 2016 | 19894598 |