
adenoviral hepatitis in a merlin (falco columbarius). 19892557700
a possible relationship between bumblefoot responsive to potassium arsenite and micrococci in the blood of three birds of prey.pododermatitis (bumblefoot) is a major health problem of falcons world-wide because healing processes in the talons are difficult and lengthy. a peregrine (falco peregrinus), a merlin (falco columbarius) and a saker falcon (falco cherrug) with bumblefoot at different stages ranging from iii to v, were all found to be carriers of micrococcus-like organisms in the blood and two of them were successfully treated with 0.5% potassium arsenite in low dosage given intravenously. a number of considerati ...200212113168
characterization of a new species of adenovirus in 1996, a disease outbreak occurred at a captive breeding facility in idaho, causing anorexia, dehydration, and diarrhea or sudden death in 72 of 110 northern aplomado falcons (falco femoralis septentrionalis) from 9 to 35 days of age and in 6 of 102 peregrine falcons (falco peregrinus) from 14 to 25 days of age. sixty-two northern aplomado and six peregrine falcons died. epidemiologic analyses indicated a point source epizootic, horizontal transmission, and increased relative risk associated w ...200516000466
long-term ecosystem monitoring and assessment of the detroit river and western lake erie.over 35 years of us and canadian pollution prevention and control efforts have led to substantial improvements in environmental quality of the detroit river and western lake erie. however, the available information also shows that much remains to be done. improvements in environmental quality have resulted in significant ecological recovery, including increasing populations of bald eagles (haliaeetus leucocephalus), peregrine falcons (falco columbarius), lake sturgeon (acipenser fulvescens), lak ...200918850284
characterization and assessment of an avian repetitive dna sequence as an icterid phylogenetic marker.the first tandemly repeated sequence examined in a passerine bird, a 431-bp psti fragment named pmat1, has been cloned from the genome of the brown-headed cowbird (molothrus ater). the sequence represents about 5-10% of the genome (about 4 x 10(5) copies) and yields prominent ethidium bromide stained bands when genomic dna cut with a variety of restriction enzymes is electrophoresed in agarose gels. a particularly striking ladder of fragments is apparent when the dna is cut with hinfi, indicativ ...19921572527
characterization of chromosome structures of falconinae (falconidae, falconiformes, aves) by chromosome painting and delineation of chromosome rearrangements during their differentiation.karyotypes of most bird species are characterized by around 2n = 80 chromosomes, comprising 7-10 pairs of large- and medium-sized macrochromosomes including sex chromosomes and numerous morphologically indistinguishable microchromosomes. the falconinae of the falconiformes has a different karyotype from the typical avian karyotype in low chromosome numbers, little size difference between macrochromosomes and a smaller number of microchromosomes. to characterize chromosome structures of falconina ...200818293111
haemoproteus spp. and leucocytozoon californicus coinfection in a merlin (falco colombarius).the leucocytozoon genus comprises numerous widely distributed parasites which have been less investigated than other avian hemoprotozoa. their occurrence is common, with very variable prevalence values and pathogenicity degrees. leucocytozoon species are characterized by a great taxonomic diversity, and infections are usually restricted to birds of the same family. in the present paper, a mixed hemosporidia infection by leucocytozoon californicus and haemoproteus sp. in an adult male merlin (fal ...202032260378
isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in merlins (falco columbarius) and cross-species amplification in gyrfalcons (f. rusticolus) and peregrine falcons (f. peregrinus).merlins, falco columbarius, breed throughout temperate and high latitude habitats in asia, europe, and north america. like peregrine falcons, f. peregrinus, merlins underwent population declines during the mid-to-late twentieth century, due to organochlorine-based contamination, and have subsequently recovered, at least in north american populations. to better understand levels of genetic diversity and population structuring in contemporary populations and to assess the impact of the twentieth c ...202033099758
feather mercury concentrations in north american raptors sampled at migration monitoring stations.we assessed total mercury (thg) concentrations in breast feathers of diurnal north american raptors collected at migration monitoring stations. for 9 species in the pacific flyway, we found species and age influenced feather thg concentrations whereas sex did not. feather thg concentrations µg/g dry weight (dw) averaged (least squares mean ± standard error) higher for raptors that generally consume > 75% avian prey (sharp-shinned hawk accipiter striatus: n = 113; 4.35 ± 0.45 µg/g dw, peregrine f ...201930761431
developmental abnormalities in two british falcons (falco spp).developmental abnormalities are described in a peregrine falcon (falco peregrinus) and a merlin (falco columbarius). the former had duplication of a hind toe and extra vestigial digits on a carpus, while the latter showed syndactyly.198418766875
studies on morbidity and mortality in the merlin (falco columbarius).thirty-five merlins (falco columbarius) were examined post mortem and 13 clinically. eleven of the latter were captive birds. in eight of the cases examined post mortem no diagnosis could be made but another eight died of a fatty liver-kidney syndrome. other causes of death included enteritis/proventriculitis (three birds), coccidiosis (three) and septicaemia (two). a variety of incidental findings was noted, for example, parasites and non-fatal lesions. of the 13 clinical cases, five had bumble ...19863705412
isolation and molecular characterization of a highly polymorphic centromeric tandem repeat in the family abundant tandem repeat has been cloned from genomic dna of the merlin (falco columbarius). the cloned sequence is 174 bp in length, and maps by in situ hybridization to the centromeric regions of several of the large chromosomes within the merlin karyotype. complementary sequences have been identified within a variety of falcon species; these sequences are either absent or in very low copy number in the family accipitridae. the cloned merlin repeat reveals highly polymorphic restriction patte ...19883384438
sequence conservation of an avian centromeric repeated dna component.the approximately 190-bp centromeric repeat monomers of the spur-winged lapwing (vanellus spinosus, charadriidae), the chilean flamingo (phoenicopterus chilensis, phoenicopteridae), the sarus crane (grus antigone, gruidae), parrots (psittacidae), waterfowl (anatidae), and the merlin (falco columbarius, falconidae) contain elements that are interspecifically highly variable, as well as elements (trinucleotides and higher order oligonucleotides) that are highly conserved in sequence and relative l ...19948034177
prey processing in central place foragers.the importance of prey processing as an integral part of foraging behaviour has long been acknowledged, but little theoretical consideration has been given to the optimization of the processing behaviour itself. processing renders food down to ingestible, palatable portions, and also removes non-essential mass thus reducing transport costs. here, several models of processing are developed for a central place forager. when the forager has to make a simple choice between processing the prey and no ...200010640435
split-second escape decisions in blue tits (parus caeruleus).bird mortality is heavily affected by birds of prey. under attack, take-off is crucial for survival and even minor mistakes in initial escape response can have devastating consequences. birds may respond differently depending on the character of the predator's attack and these split-second decisions were studied using a model merlin (falco columbarius) that attacked feeding blue tits (parus caeruleus) from two different attack angles in two different speeds. when attacked from a low attack angle ...200212435096
malignant melanoma in a merlin (falco columbarius). 200415200078
anatomical structure of the brachial plexus in the merlin (falco columbarius).this study aimed to document the detailed features of the morphological structure and the innervation areas of the brachial plexus in merlin (falco columbarius). the skin and muscles of five adult male merlins were dissected under the stereo microscope. the merlin had two plexus trunks. the accessory brachial plexus consisted of ventral rami c10 and c11. c11 was divided into two branches: the cranial and caudal. the brachial plexus was composed of a rather complex network involving the ventral r ...201423464686
complete mitochondrial genome of the merlin (falco columbarius).in this study, the complete mitochondrial genome of the merlin (falco columbarius) was sequenced and reported for the first time using muscle tissue. the total length is 17,516 bp and sequence analysis showed its structure is similar to the other raptors, which contains 2 rrna genes, 22 trna genes, 13 protein-coding genes, 1 control region and 1 extra pseudo-control region. an extra nucleotide (c) is determined at position 174 relative to the nd3 sequence of the merlin, which is similar to other ...201625186520
genetic data from 28 str loci for forensic individual identification and parentage analyses in 6 bird of prey species.twenty-eight str loci were screened in wild populations of six bird of prey species providing allele frequencies and population genetic parameters necessary for the application of strs in wildlife forensic genetic casework. individual str loci were validated according to forensic recommendations in specimens of golden eagle (aquila chrysaetos), goshawk (accipiter gentilis), merlin (falco columbarius), peregrine falcon (falco peregrinus), gyr falcon (falco rusticolus) and saker falcon (falco cher ...200919215871
permanent genetic resources added to molecular ecology resources database 1 may 2009-31 july 2009.this article documents the addition of 512 microsatellite marker loci and nine pairs of single nucleotide polymorphism (snp) sequencing primers to the molecular ecology resources database. loci were developed for the following species: alcippe morrisonia morrisonia, bashania fangiana, bashania fargesii, chaetodon vagabundus, colletes floralis, coluber constrictor flaviventris, coptotermes gestroi, crotophaga major, cyprinella lutrensis, danaus plexippus, fagus grandifolia, falco tinnunculus, fle ...200921564933
an experimental study of feeding, vigilance and predator avoidance in a single an aviary experiment with captive goldfinches (carduelis carduelis l.) vigilance and foraging behaviour were recorded before and after the appearance of a predator. when foraging, individual goldfinches had a low head jerk rate during the first minute, but each scan was of relatively expanded duration; the scanning rate increased with a shorter duration of each scan up to the time the predator, a merlin (falco columbarius), appeared. thereafter the birds showed a low head jerk rate, which ret ...198728312255
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