
a recent chicken repeat 1 retrotransposition confirms the coscoroba-cape barren goose clade.chicken repeat 1 (cr1) is a member of the non-long terminal repeat class of retrotransposons. we have isolated a truncated cr1 element within the third intron of the lactate dehydrogenase b gene of the coscoroba and the cape barren goose (anseriformes; coscoroba coscoroba, cereopsis novaehollandiae). because the element was absent in orthologous loci within mallard (anas platyrhynchos), snow goose (anser caerulescens), and tundra swan (cygnus columbianus), it provides strong support to the recen ...200516182151
sex determination in 58 bird species and evaluation of chd gene as a universal molecular marker in bird sexing.the aim of this research was to test the chd gene (chromo helicase dna-binding gene) as a universal molecular marker for sexing birds of relatively distant species. the chd gene corresponds to the aim because of its high degree of conservation and different lengths in z and w chromosomes due to different intron sizes. dna was isolated from feathers and the amplification of the chd gene was performed with the following sets of polymerase chain reaction (pcr) primers: 2550f/2718r and p2/p8. sex de ...201522553188
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