
microbial impact of canada geese (branta canadensis) and whistling swans (cygnus columbianus columbianus) on aquatic ecosystems.quantitative and qualitative analyses of the intestinal bacterial flora of canada geese and whistling swans were carried out with the finding that wild birds harbor significantly more fecal coliforms than fecal streptococci. the reverse was typical of captive and fasting birds. neither salmonella spp. nor shigella spp. were isolated from 44 migratory waterfowl that were wintering in the chesapeake bay region. enteropathogenic escherichia coli were detected in seven birds. geese eliminated 10(7) ...1979104659
duck plague: a carrier state in waterfowl.healthy waterfowl were found to be carriers of duck plague (dp) virus. black ducks (anas rubripes) and canada geese (branta canadensis) surviving a natural outbreak of dp at coloma, wisconsin, in 1973 yielded dp virus in cloacal swabs taken four years postinfection. experimental infection of previously unexposed mallard ducks (anas platyrhynochos) with the coloma strain of dp virus co-wi (73) also produced cloacal virus shedding for up to four years after infection. a second dp virus strain, la- ...1979232659
leucocytozoonosis in canada geese in upper michigan,. 1. strain differences among geese from different localities.geographic variation in pathogenicity of leucocytozoon simondi in canada geese (branta canadensis maxima) was investigated by exposing goslings to natural infection at three locations in the upper peninsula of michigan. examination of blood smears and tissue sections revealed two patterns of development. hepatic schizogony and secondary megaloschizogony occurred in cells of the reticuloendothelial system, with round and elongate gametocytes, or only hepatic schizonts and round gametocytes. the e ...1978416231
isolation of type a influenza and newcastle disease viruses from migratory waterfowl in the mississippi flyway.twenty-seven chicken red blood cell agglutinating agents were isolated from 187 tracheal swabbings of apparently healthy migratory mallard ducks (anas platyrhynchos) in the mississippi flyway. twenty-four of the isolants were type a influenza virus; 3 lentogenic newcastle disease viruses were isolated. isolations were not made from either 65 giant canada geese (branta canadensis) or 60 franklins' gulls (larus pipixcan).1977924873
a hematologic survey of captive waterfowl.hematologic parameters were studied in giant canada geese (branta canadensis maxima), mallard ducks (anas platyrhynchos platyrhynchos) and various species of diving ducks at seasinal intervals throughout the year. highest values for packed cell volume, hemoglobin content and erythrocyte counts were found in the winter and pre-nesting periods. mean corpuscular volume and mean corpuscular hemoglobin varied inversely with these values.1976933309
acute copper toxicosis in the canada goose.acute copper toxicosis resulted in canada geese, branta canadensis, following ingestion of copper sulfate at about 600mg/kg from a small man-made pond on a game farm. the lesions were those associated with copper toxicosis in other avian species. the primary pathologic change was necrosis and sloughing of the proventriculus and gizzard. a greenish discoloration of the lungs also occurred.19751156262
epizootiology of newcastle disease in waterfowl.antibodies to newcastle disease virus (ndv) as measured by hemagglutination-inhibition and virus-neutralization tests were detected in 40/236 canada geese captured while in their southward migration or in their wintering grounds. antibodies were also found in 37/267 wild ducks and in 20/31 domestic geese. adult geese were readily infected by several routes. inapparent disease usually resulted, and only 1/13 cases were fatal. goose embryos responded differently to inoculation with selected ndv st ...19751164322
the effects of lead poisoning on various plasma constituents in the canada goose.plasma glucose, free fatty acid and uric acid levels were measured in lead-poisoned canada geese (branta canadensis). although plasma glucose levels were only slightly elevated, uric acid was significantly higher and free fatty acids were significantly lower. altered plasma levels were attributed to increased protein catabolism and perhaps renal disfunction. plasma level of growth hormone and prolactin was assessed by radioimmunoassay. growth hormone remained unchanged while prolactin was unusua ...19761255908
coordination of wingbeat and respiration in birds. ii. "fictive" determine whether an interaction between central respiratory and locomotor networks may be involved in the observed coordination of wingbeat and respiratory rhythms during free flight in birds, we examined the relationship between wingbeat and respiratory activity in decerebrate canada geese and pekin ducks before and after paralysis. locomotor activity was induced through electrical stimulation of brain stem locomotor regions. respiratory frequency (fv) was monitored via pneumotachography an ...19921400013
isolation of candida albicans and halophilic vibrio spp. from aquatic birds in connecticut and florida.halophilic vibrios were recovered from feces of six types of aquatic birds (gulls, pelicans, canada geese, swans, egrets, cormorants) from connecticut and/or florida shorelines. candida albicans was isolated from gulls and canada geese in connecticut and from gulls and cormorants in florida.19902180374
interspecific variation in sugar and amino acid transport by the avian cecum.previous studies of cecal sugar and amino acid transport in the domestic chicken led to a widely held generalization that the avian cecum is unimportant as a site of nutrient transport. in fact, we found that the uptake capacity of the cecum for hexose sugars and amino acids is substantial in some species of birds. cecal transport of glucose was measurable in all five study species (canada goose, sage grouse, domestic chicken, red-necked phalarope, and rock dove), approached or exceeded intestin ...19892575122
experimental infections of waterfowl with sphaeridiotrema globulus (digenea).sphaeridiotrema globulus in experimentally infected mute swans (cygnus olor), mallard ducks (anas platyrhynchos) and canada geese (branta canadensis) induced ulcerative hemorrhagic enteritis. sites of infection include the jejunum and ileum. the digeneans ulcerated the intestine. the inflammatory response was primarily lymphocytic with some eosinophils. severe hemorrhage from damaged submucosal capillaries provided a blood meal for the parasite and caused anemia in the host. extra-medullary hema ...19892783741
migratory birds of central washington as reservoirs of campylobacter jejuni.migratory ducks, canada geese, and sandhill crane from the pacific north american flyway have been screened for campylobacter spp. samples (298) from these birds were examined and the incidence of campylobacter spp. in the samples were as follows: sandhill crane (grus canadensis tabida), 81%; ducks (aythya collaris, anas carolinensis, aythya americana, and anas platyrhynchos), 73%; and canada geese (branta canadensis), 5%. all isolates were identified as campylobacter jejuni. to our knowledge th ...19883378202
experimental duck plague in blue-winged teal and canada geese.ten adult blue-winged teal (anas discors) and six canada goose (branta canadensis) goslings were inoculated with liver tissue from a natural case of duck plague in a wild mallard (anas platyrhynchos). four additional teal were placed in contact with the inoculated ducks. inoculated teal died 63.5-68 hr after inoculation; two of the contact teal died 161-162 hr after exposure. three of the goslings died 119-133 hr after inoculation, the others were killed when moribund 90-133 hr postinfection. th ...19873625892
epizootic necrotic enteritis in wild geese.outbreaks of a disease characterized by severe necrotic enteritis occurred among canada geese (branta canadensis), lesser snow geese (anser caerulescens), ross' geese (a. rossi), and white-fronted geese (a. albifrons) on lakes in saskatchewan and manitoba during the autumn of 1983, 1984 and 1985. ducks using the lakes were apparently not affected. lesions in the geese closely resembled those described in enteritides in other species associated with the proliferation of clostridium perfringens in ...19873625893
lead poisoning in canada geese on plum island, massachusetts.during december 1983 and early january 1984, about 200 canada geese (branta canadensis) died of lead poisoning at parker river national wildlife refuge on plum island, massachusetts. in an effort to determine the source of lead, 100 bottom samples were taken from a refuge impoundment where much of the mortality/morbidity occurred. an average of 157,150 pellets/ha was found with a range of 64,582 to 322,910 pellets/ha. water levels in this impoundment were low when canada geese arrived, making sh ...19873625903
isolation of actinobacillus suis from a canada goose (branta canadensis).blindness from conjunctivitis caused by actinobacillus suis was found in a canada goose (branta canadensis) from a wildlife refuge in kentucky. lesions were not observed elsewhere and other body organs were grossly normal. actinobacillus spp. in birds is rare and this is apparently the first report of conjunctivitis resulting from this infection in waterfowl.19873625911
characterization of newcastle disease viruses isolated from migratory waterfowl in the atlantic flyway.four isolants of newcastle disease virus (ndv) obtained from free-flying canada geese in the atlantic flyway were characterized and compared with the b1, lasota, roakin, and texas-gb strains of ndv. the 4 isolants were identified as lentogenic strains on the basis of embryo mean death times of greater than 100 hours and relative lack of pathogenicity for 1-day-old and 3-week-old chickens. the hemagglutinin of 2 of the isolants was stable at 56 c for 15 minutes, 1 for 30 minutes, and the other fo ...19751120030
description of the goose coccidium eimeria stigmosa (klimes, 1963), with evidence of intranuclear development.oocysts of eimeria stigmosa isolated from a wild juvenile lesser snow goose (anser caerulescens caerulescens) were used in experimental infections of laboratory-reared geese. the structure of oocysts is described; a peculiar bumpy surface and a calyx-like thickening around the micropyle are illustrated by scanning electron microscopy. experimentally infected geese had reduced feed intake and passed blood in their feces. six days post-inoculation (p.i.) oocysts were passed for about 24 hr. oocyst ...19863783353
mortality of waterfowl on a hypersaline wetland as a result of salt encrustation.approximately 300 geese, primarily lesser canada geese (branta canadensis parvipes) were found unable to fly or dead on a small hypersaline lake (conductivity 77,000-90,000 mumhos/cm) in western saskatchewan in september 1985. the birds were heavily encrusted with sodium sulfate crystals. dead birds that were necropsied had aspirated lake water and had evidence of acute muscle degeneration. the live geese (155) were captured and moved to nearby freshwater wetlands where most apparently survived. ...19873820414
influenza viruses and paramyxoviruses in ducks in the atlantic flyway, 1977-1983, including an h5n2 isolate related to the virulent chicken virus.from 1977 to 1983, waterfowl migrating along the atlantic flyway were annually monitored for orthomyxoviruses and paramyxoviruses in an area in central new york state. a total of 168 influenza isolates were obtained from 1,430 waterfowl. twenty-four combinations of hemagglutinin and neuraminidase subtypes were detected, with as many as 12 found in a single year. one combination, an h5n2 isolate in 1982, was closely related to the virulent chicken virus that appeared in pennsylvania in 1983. the ...19853833237
chigger infestation in a canada goose. 19704248449
on the ontogeny of orienting movements in the triumph ceremony in two species of geese (anser anser l. and branta canadensis l.). 19744420751
influenza in canada geese.the role of wild avian species in the natural history of influenza is unknown. a serological study was carried out to ascertain the prevalence, distribution, and types of influenza antibody in several wild canada goose populations. geese were trapped and blood samples were obtained in each of 4 consecutive years, 1966-69. antibody to influenzavirus was found in 66 (4.7%) of the 1 401 canada geese tested by the haemagglutination inhibition (hi) test. antiribonucleoprotein antibody was found in 8 ...19724541003
treatment of captive giant canada geese affected by avian the spring of 1975, an epornitic of avian cholera in nebraska affected wild waterfowl, common crows (corvus brachyrhynchos), and a captive flock of guant canada geese (branta canadensis maxima). measures taken to control the disease in the captive geese included flushing the water of their pen with fresh well water, parenteral (50mg oxytetracycline intramuscularly) and feed (tetracycline 500 g/ton) antibiotic treatment, and removing dead waterfowl and crows from the pen, and keeping wild wate ...1977916145
response to pekin and mallard ducks and canada geese to experimental infection with duck plague virus. 19694980231
seasonal histological changes in the gonads, thyroid and adrenal of the canada goose (branta canadensis interior). 1978665136
serologic study of some infectious diseases of canada geese. 19695817781
high-altitude respiration of birds. the primary structures of the alpha d-chains of the bar-headed goose (anser indicus), the greylag goose(anser anser) and the canada goose (branta canadensis).the primary structures of the alpha d-chains of the minor component hb d of anser indicus, anser anser and branta canadensis are presented. following chain separation by rp-hplc, the amino-acid sequences were established by automatic edman degradation of the globin chains and the tryptic peptides. the three chains show a high degree of homology. for the high altitude respiration the alpha 1 beta 1 interface at position alpha 119 is important. for the bar-headed goose a mechanism for high altitud ...19863755960
avian pox infection in a canada goose (branta canadensis).lesions suggestive of avian pox were found on a debilitated canada goose (branta canadensis). these were demonstrated histologically to be characteristic poxvirus lesions and poxvirus particles were seen using electron microscopy. the virus was successfully transmitted to domestic geese but not to leghorn chickens or to domestic ducks.19806257937
starvation in a group of canada geese. 19744814554
outbreak of avian cholera on the wintering grounds of the mississippi valley canada goose flock.avian cholera is reported for the first time in canada geese, branta canadensis, of the mississippi valley population. the disease was detected in weekly surveillance transects and was responsible for the loss of about 850 geese during the winter of 1978-1979 at localized areas in southern illinois. necropsies performed on 480 geese that died at union county conservation area and on 133 birds at horseshoe lake conservation area during january and february 1979 revealed that the majority of losse ...19836887448
[hemoglobins, xlvii. hemoglobins of the bar-headed goose (anser indicus): primary structure and physiology of respiration, systematic and evolution].the primary structures of the alpha- and beta-chains of the main component of bar-headed goose (anser indicus) are given. by homologous comparison with the hemoglobin of the grey-lag goose (anser anser) 3 differences were found in the alpha-chains, 1 difference in the beta-chains. in position alpha 119 h2ala and beta 125 h3asp alpha 1 beta 2-contact points are changed. the mutation alpha 63 e12val brings a drastic change in tertiary structure of the alpha-chains of bar-headed goose: the helices ...19827106705
altered yolk structure and reduced hatchability of eggs from birds fed single doses of petroleum oils.yolk deposited by japanese quail was abnormal for 24 hours after the oral administration of a single capsule containing 200 milligrams of bunker c oil. both the structure and the staining properties of the yolk were affected. fewer eggs were laid during the 4 days after dosing, compared to controls, and hatchability was drastically reduced. hatchability returned to normal in 4 days. three other reference oils also affected yolk structure. canada geese given 2 grams and chickens given 500 milligr ...1977836586
leucocytozoonosis in canada geese at the seney national wildlife refuge.a history is given of the seney national wildlife refuge and the losses of goslings of canada geese (branta canadensis) recorded since inception of the refuge in 1935. since 1960, when more reliable data became available, losses have been estensive every 4 years. goslings deaths are attributed to the infection with leucocytozoon simondi. the blackfly (simulium innocens) is considered to be the prime vector in the transmission of this blood parasite to goslings.1975807752
morphometrics of rapidly frozen goose understand the structural basis of avian gas exchange better, we made a morphometric study of domestic and canada goose lungs. the volume of glutaraldehyde-fixed domestic goose lungs (30 cm3/kg body weight) was similar to that determined from silicone casts of canada goose lungs by duncker (33 cm3/kg). to examine finer structures, we rapidly froze goose lungs under physiologic conditions, fixed tissue samples by a freeze substitution procedure and analyzed samples with stereological methods. ...19836844763
aerobic and facultatively anaerobic bacteria associated with the gut of canada geese (branta canadensis) and whistling swans (cygnus columbianus columbianus).aerobic and facultatively anaerobic bacteria from the intestinal tracts of swans and geese were isolated and characterized as part of a larger study of the microbiological effects of migratory waterfowl on water quality. a total of 356 isolates were identified by using rapid identification methods and classified by using numerical taxonomy. a diverse population of bacteria was recovered from the waterfowl, and representative strains could be classified into 21 phena. the majority of the aerobic, ...1979518085
the amino acid sequence of canada goose (branta canadensis) and mute swan (cygnus olor) hemoglobins. two different species with identical beta-chains.the amino acid sequences of the alpha- and beta-chains from the major hemoglobin component (hba) of canada goose (branta canadensis) and mute swan (cygnus olor) are given. the alpha-chains are of the alpha a-type, since alpha d-type was expressed but only found in low concentrations. by homologous comparison, greylag goose hemoglobin (anser anser) and canada goose hemoglobin alpha-chains differ by two exchanges, and beta-chains by three exchanges. a valine substitution for threonine was found at ...19827118073
investigation of the life cycle and adult morphology of the avian blood fluke austrobilharzia variglandis (trematoda: schistosomatidae) from connecticut.this study was undertaken to expand the current knowledge of the life cycle and adult morphology of the avian schistosome austrobilharzia variglandis, which causes a marine cercarial dermatitis in new england. the specific objectives were to: (1) investigate the seasonality of the infection in the molluscan intermediate host, ilyanassa obsoleta; (2) determine which bird species are acting as natural definitive hosts for the parasite; and (3) characterize the morphology of the parasite using scan ...19957623201
response of canada geese to a turf application of diazinon ag500.we investigated the effects of a turf application of the insecticide diazinon ag500 on canada geese (branta canadensis) on a golf course in coastal washington (usa). on both 19 and 26 march 1987, 1 ha of turf on a golf course located in birch bay, washington was treated with diazinon ag500 at a target application rate of 2.2 kg active ingredient per hectare (ai/ha). treated areas were then irrigated with 6 mm water. grass and water samples were collected from three different sites one day before ...19938355349
gizzard nematodes of canada geese wintering in southern illinois.gizzards from 64 hunter-shot canada geese (branta canadensis) were collected in southern illinois (usa) in december 1991 and january 1992 to determine the prevalence and intensity of gizzard nematodes. three species of gizzard nematodes were recovered: amidostomum anseris, amidostomum spatulatum, and epomidiostomum crami. the prevalence of infection was 98%. mean intensity was 17.8 nematodes per host and was significantly greater for immature geese (40.3 nematodes/host) than for adult geese (10. ...19958592349
newcastle disease viruses in birds in the atlantic flyway: isolations, haemagglutination-inhibition and elution-inhibition antibody profiles.the study involved 15 avian species with 5,012 attempts to isolate newcastle disease viruses (ndv) from their faeces over a three-year period (1977-1979). ndv were isolated from asymptomatic adult canada geese, nestling royal terms, a juvenile european mute swan, and adult tundra swans on the eastern flyway. ring-billed gulls were negative for haemagglutination-inhibition (hi), elution-inhibition (ei) (anti-neuraminidase) antibodies, and ndv despite 3,403 isolation attempts. the ei antibody assa ...19968767883
virulence of six strains of duck plague virus in eight waterfowl species.susceptibility of new world waterfowl to the lake andes strain of duck plague virus (dpv) was assessed by intramuscular inoculation of adult muscovies (cairina moschata), mallards (anas platyrhynchos), canada geese (branta canadensis), wood ducks (aix sponsa), redheads (aythya americana), gadwalls (anas strepera), blue-winged teal (anas discors), and pintails (anas acuta). the relative virulence of dpv strains isolated from five united states and one canadian location was established in muscovie ...19968827671
involvement of phospholipid molecular species in controlling structural order of vertebrate brain synaptic membranes during thermal evolution.fluorescence anisotropy parameter of [p-(6-phenyl)-1,3,5-hexatrienyl]phenyl-propionic acid (dph-pa) and 1-(4-trimethylammoniumphenyl)-6-phenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene (tma-dph) embedded in synaptic plasma membranes prepared from brains of cold (5 degrees c) and warm (22 degrees c) adapted fish (cyprinus carpio l.), rat (rattus norvegicus) and bird (branta canadensis), was studied. fatty acid composition of total lipids as well as molecular species composition of diacyl phosphatidylcholines and phosphat ...19968898303
infectivity of cryptosporidium parvum oocysts is retained upon intestinal passage through a migratory water-fowl species (canada goose, branta canadensis).five cryptosporidium-free canada geese (branta canadensis) were individually orally dosed with 3.5 x 10(6) cryptosporidium parvum oocysts infectious to neonatal balb/c mice. after intestinal passage, inoculum-derived oocysts extracted from goose faeces established severe infection in 14 neonatal balb/c mice (inoculum dose 2.5 x 10(5)/mouse). the inoculum-derived oocysts were detected in goose faeces up to 9 days post-inoculation (pi); the number of intact oocysts and oocyst shells shed during th ...19979171842
helminths of wintering geese in texas.ten canada geese (branta canadensis), 24 snow geese (chen caerulescens) and 22 white-fronted geese (anser albifrons) from coastal texas (usa) were examined for helminths. three cestode, seven nematode, and three trematode species were collected. gizzard nematodes (amidostomum anseris, a. spatulatum and epomidiostomum crami) infected 53 of 54 birds. gross lesions were not attributed to helminth infections and the host population does not appear to be impaired by them.19979249720
giardia sp. cysts and infectious cryptosporidium parvum oocysts in the feces of migratory canada geese (branta canadensis).fecal droppings of migratory canada geese, branta canadensis, collected from nine sites near the chesapeake bay (maryland), were examined for the presence of cryptosporidium parvum and giardia spp. cryptosporidium sp. oocysts were found in feces at seven of nine sites, and giardia cysts were found at all nine sites. the oocysts from three sites were infectious for mice and molecularly identified as the zoonotic genotype of cryptosporidium parvum. waterfowl can disseminate infectious c. parvum oo ...19989647860
use of yellow-pigmented enterococci as a specific indicator of human and nonhuman sources of faecal pollution.antibiotic susceptibility tests and restriction enzyme analysis (rea) of genomic dna were performed to characterize the relationship between sources of isolates of yellow-pigmented enterococci. antibiotic susceptibility tests were conducted with 10 therapeutic antibiotics and 54 isolates grouped by source (wild and other) depending on their origin. in three antibiotics, cephalothin, erythromycin, and vancomycin, there was a significant (p < or = 0.05) association between susceptibility and sourc ...199810030000
organochlorine pesticide and polychlorinated biphenyl residues in canada geese (branta canadensis) from chicago, illinois.breast muscle samples, with or without overlying adipose tissue and skin, were obtained from canada geese collected in northeastern illinois while undergoing feather molt. specimens were evaluated for contaminant concentrations to determine if they would be acceptable as human food provided through government-subsidized programs. samples were baked, allowing fat to drip free, and assayed for persistent organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls. residues of heptachlor epoxide, dield ...199910192133
canada goose (branta canadensis) droppings as a potential source of pathogenic bacteria.canada goose droppings, collected in parks to which the public had access, were screened for a range of bacteria that could be pathogenic in man. droppings of canada geese, and other waterfowl, did contain such bacteria, including some that are well-known causes of illness in man. these bacteria, plus a species of salmonella that was experimentally inoculated into droppings, were shown to survive and multiply in the droppings for up to one month after their deposition by geese. canada geese rang ...199910518352
field evaluation of lead effects on canada geese and mallards in the coeur d'alene river basin, idaho.hatch year (hy) mallards (anas platyrhynchos) in the coeur d'alene (cda) river basin had higher concentrations of lead in their blood than hy western canada geese (branta canadensis moffitti) (geometric means 0.98 versus 0.28 microg/g, wet weight). the pattern for adults of both species was similar, although geometric means (1.77 versus 0. 41 microg/g) were higher than in hy birds. hy mallards captured in the cda river basin in 1987 contained significantly lower lead concentrations in their bloo ...200010790508
fecal shedding and antimicrobial susceptibility of selected bacterial pathogens and a survey of intestinal parasites in free-living waterfowl residing in metropolitan parks in central ohio were surveyed for the fecal shedding and antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of campylobacter jejuni, escherichia coli, salmonella spp., and pasteurella multocida. in addition, a survey for intestinal parasites was also conducted in these same waterfowl to determine parasite burdens in free-living waterfowl. prevalences of 67%, 50%, and 0.2% of e. coli, c. jejuni, and salmonella spp., respectively, were observed for all water ...200111332473
tannins in puccinellia arctica: possible deterrents to herbivory by canada geese.urban populations of canada geese, branta canadensis, pose a nuisance problem throughout most of the eastern united states and in other parts of the united states and canada. puccinellia arctica is a species of arctic grass that is unpalatable to canada geese on the north slope of alaska and may prove to be an effective long-term and nonlethal means of controlling the growing populations of urban canada geese. a comparative study of the secondary metabolites of both p. arctica and puccinellia la ...200111446296
serologic evidence for west nile virus infection in birds in the new york city vicinity during an outbreak in part of an investigation of an encephalitis outbreak in new york city, we sampled 430 birds, representing 18 species in four orders, during september 13-23, 1999, in queens and surrounding counties. overall, 33% were positive for west nile (wn) virus-neutralizing antibodies, and 0.5% were positive for st. louis encephalitis virus-neutralizing antibodies. by county, queens had the most seropositive birds for wn virus (50%); species with the greatest seropositivity for wn virus (sample sizes we ...200111585522
differences in oxidative stress between young canada geese and mallards exposed to lead-contaminated sediment.lead (pb) exposure results in an increase in tissue lipid peroxides and variation in glutathione (gsh) concentrations, which can be related to peroxidative damage of cell membranes in pb-poisoned animals. species and individual variation in sensitivity to pb poisoning among animals may be due to differential resistance to oxidative stress. the effects of oxidative stress caused by pb exposure (1.7, 414, and 828 microg/g of diet) were compared for the first 6 wk in growing young of two species of ...200111760152
mtdna from fossils reveals a radiation of hawaiian geese recently derived from the canada goose (brantacanadensis).phylogenetic analysis of 1.35 kb of mtdna sequence from fossils revealed a previously unknown radiation of hawaiian geese, of which only one representative remains alive (the endangered hawaiian goose or nene, branta sandvicensis). this radiation is nested phylogenetically within a living species, the canada goose (branta canadensis) and is related most closely to the large-bodied lineage within that species. the barnacle goose (branta leucopsis) is also nested within the canada goose species an ...200211818543
prevalence of bordetella avium infection in selected wild and domesticated birds in the eastern usa.bordetella avium is the etiologic agent of bordetellosis, a highly contagious upper respiratory disease of young poultry. its prevalence among domesticated turkeys is well-known, but information on prevalence of this bacterium in other birds is limited. a survey of the prevalence of b. avium in wild and domesticated birds was conducted from june 1998 to january 2000, using tracheal cultures and serology. of 237 blood samples from 61 species, 100 individuals from 41 species had antibodies against ...200211838227
quantification of plasma and egg 4,4'-dinitrocarbanilide (dnc) residues for the efficient development of a nicarbazin-based contraceptive for pest waterfowl.urbanization and associated landscaping has increased the abundance of year-round habitat for waterfowl, resulting in vegetation damage, loss of recreational activities, air transportation mishaps and health hazards. as part of a research program to develop socially acceptable techniques for management of pest bird populations, we are evaluating nicarbazin as a contraceptive in pest and surrogate avian species. as reproductive studies with canada geese (branta canadensis) are tedious due to the ...200211852646
the environmental consequences of alien species in the swedish lakes mälaren, hjälmaren, vänern and vättern.twenty alien species have become established in the lakes mälaren, vänern, vättern and hjälmaren. intentional introductions include fish and the signal crayfish from north america, ornamental plants, and the canada goose. unintentional introductions include the crayfish plague introduced with infected crayfish, the zebra mussel, and chinese mitten crab introduced with ballast water. the introduction of pathogens and parasites, in particular the crayfish plague, to the lakes has had the greatest ...200111878025
bovine enteroviruses as indicators of fecal contamination.surface waters frequently have been contaminated with human enteric viruses, and it is likely that animal enteric viruses have contaminated surface waters also. bovine enteroviruses (bev), found in cattle worldwide, usually cause asymptomatic infections and are excreted in the feces of infected animals in large numbers. in this study, the prevalence and genotype of bev in a closed herd of cattle were evaluated and compared with bev found in animals in the immediate environment and in environment ...200212089028
potential of enterococcus faecalis as a human fecal indicator for microbial source tracking.regulatory agencies are interested in a fecal indicator bacterium with a host range limited to humans because human fecal contamination represents the greatest hazard to humans, yet is a relatively easy nonpoint source to remedy. watersheds with human fecal contamination could be given first priority for cleanup. a fecal indicator bacterium with a host range limited to humans and a few other warm-blooded animal species would also simplify microbial source tracking because only a few animal speci ...200212175048
prevalence of escherichia coli serogroups and human virulence factors in faeces of urban canada geese (branta canadensis).this was the first study to exhaustively characterize the prevalence of escherichia coli sero-groups in any wildlife species. faecal samples from canada geese (branta canadensis) were collected over a single year in fort collins, colorado, usa. the overall prevalence for e. coli ranged from 2% during the coldest time of the year to 94% during the warmest months of the year. during the time of year when nonmigratory geese dominated the local goose population (march-july) the prevalence of enterot ...200212396532
detection of avian pneumovirus in wild canada (branta canadensis) and blue-winged teal (anas discors) geese.choanal cleft swab samples from 770 wild canada geese (branta canadensis) and 358 blue-winged teal (anas discors), captured for relocation or banding, were examined for the presence of avian pneumovirus (apv) rna by reverse transcription (rt)-polymerase chain reaction (pcr) and for virus isolation. the swab samples were pooled into groups of 5 or 10. sixty eight of 102 (66.7%) pooled goose samples were rt-pcr positive for apv rna. thirteen of 52 (25.0%) pooled blue-winged teal samples were rt-pc ...200212495069
serologic evidence of newcastle disease virus in canada geese. 19705456433
characterization of avian metapneumoviruses isolated in the usa.avian pneumovirus (apv; officially known as turkey rhinotracheitis virus) is an emergent pathogen of birds in the usa that results in upper respiratory tract disease in turkeys. six years after the first outbreak in the usa, the disease continues to ravage turkey flocks, primarily in the state of minnesota. from 1997 to 2000, the industry recorded losses estimated at 15 million us dollars per annum. researchers have developed sensitive diagnostic techniques, including the enzyme-linked immunosor ...200212665110
establishment of the fatty acid profile of the brain of the king penguin (aptenodytes patagonicus) at hatch: effects of a yolk that is naturally rich in n-3 polyunsaturates.because the yolk lipids of the king penguin (aptenodytes patagonicus) contain the highest concentrations of long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids yet reported for an avian species, the consequences for the establishment of the brain's fatty acid profile in the embryo were investigated. to place the results in context, the fatty acid compositions of yolk lipid and brain phospholipid of the king penguin were compared with those from three other species of free-living birds. the proportions of ...200312794672
survey of campylobacter species, vtec o157 and salmonella species in swedish wildlife.samples collected from 791 wild animals (canada geese, roe deer, hares, moose, wild boar and gulls) shot during hunting were examined for verocytotoxin-producing escherichia coli (vtec) o157, and thermophilic campylobacter and salmonella species. with the exception of one positive isolate from a wild boar, vtec o157 was not isolated from any of the animals. salmonella species were isolated only from the gulls, of which 4 per cent were estimated to be positive. thermophilic campylobacter species ...200312892266
avian reservoirs and zoonotic potential of the emerging human pathogen helicobacter canadensis.a polyphasic identification approach was used to investigate the taxonomic position of campylobacter-like isolates recovered from barnacle geese (branta leucopsis) and canada geese (branta candensis). seven strains were selected from a collection of 21 isolates and analyzed by extensive phenotypic testing; four strains were characterized by 16s rrna gene sequence analysis. the results clearly identified the bird isolates as helicobacter canadensis, recently described as an emerging human pathoge ...200314660407
pancreatitis in wild zinc-poisoned waterfowl.four waterfowl were collected in the tri-state mining district (oklahoma, kansas and missouri, usa), an area known to be contaminated with lead, cadmium and zinc (zn). they were part of a larger group of 20 waterfowl collected to determine the exposure of birds to metal contamination at the site. the four waterfowl (three branta canadensis, one anas platyrhynchos) had mild to severe degenerative abnormalities of the exocrine pancreas, as well as tissue (pancreas, liver) concentrations of zn that ...200314676018
phylogenetic analysis of the hypervariable region of the 18s rrna gene of cryptosporidium oocysts in feces of canada geese (branta canadensis): evidence for five novel assess genetic diversity in cryptosporidium oocysts from canada geese, 161 fecal samples from canada geese in the united states were analyzed. eleven (6.8%) were positive for cryptosporidium spp. following nested pcr amplification of the hypervariable region of the 18s rrna gene. nine pcr products from geese were cloned and sequenced, and all nine diverged from previously reported cryptosporidium 18s rrna gene sequences. five sequences were very similar or identical to each other but genetica ...200414711674
transfer of a plasmodium from canada geese to domesticated geese and turkeys. 19665936512
cryptosporidiosis: a brief literature review and update regarding cryptosporidium in feces of canada geese (branta canadensis).canada geese are increasingly abundant in ohio, with large nesting populations throughout the state, and goose feces contaminate grassy areas and pavements in many public, commercial, and residential sites. in 1999 the authors found a high prevalence of giardia, campylobacter, and especially cryptosporidium in collected feces of canada geese. the purpose of this follow-up study was to survey known canada geese sites in three counties in ohio (lucas, ottawa, and wood) and to determine the prevale ...200415032111
accumulation in and effects of lead and cadmium on waterfowl and passerines in northern idaho.waterfowl and passerines in northern idaho in 1987 had high levels of lead in their blood and tissues that originated primarily from mining and smelting activities. four canada geese (branta canadensis) and one common goldeneye (bucephala clangula) found dead contained 8 to 38 microg/g (wet mass) of lead in their livers. these levels exceed the lower lethal limit of 5 microg/g in experimental birds. two of the canada geese (one each from the contaminated and reference areas) died with ingested l ...199515091521
host-adapted cryptosporidium spp. in canada geese (branta canadensis).the prevalence and distribution of cryptosporidium spp. in the fecal droppings of the free-living waterfowl canada geese were examined at 13 sites in ohio and illinois. on the basis of the analysis of the small-subunit rrna gene by pcr, followed by restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis and dna sequencing, 49 (23.4%) of 209 fecal specimens collected from 10 sites (76.9%) were positive for cryptosporidium spp. the following five cryptosporidium species and genotypes were identified: cr ...200415240303
determining the background levels of bismuth in tissues of wild game birds: a first step in addressing the environmental consequences of using bismuth shotshells.bismuth shotshells have been approved as a "nontoxic" alternative to lead in north america. approval was based on a limited number of studies; even background levels of bismuth in wildfowl were unknown. we report on the concentration of bismuth (and lead) in muscle and liver tissues of wildfowl (anas platyrhynchos, anas acuta, anas crecca, branta canadensis, chen caerulescens) harvested with lead shotshell. average liver-bismuth levels detected in the present study (e.g., teal, 0.05 microg/g dw; ...200415276269
biologic and molecular characteristics of toxoplasma gondii isolates from striped skunk (mephitis mephitis), canada goose (branta canadensis), black-winged lory (eos cyanogenia), and cats (felis catus).toxoplasma gondii isolates can be grouped into 3 genetic lineages. type i isolates are considered virulent to outbred mice, whereas type ii and iii isolates are not. in the present report, viable t. gondii was isolated for the first time from striped skunk (mephitis mephitis), canada goose (branta canadensis), and black-winged lory (eos cyanogenia). for the isolation of t. gondii, tissues were bioassayed in mice, and genotyping was based on the sag2 locus. toxoplasma gondii was isolated from 3 o ...200415562622
free-living canada geese and antimicrobial resistance.we describe antimicrobial resistance among escherichia coli isolated from free-living canada geese in georgia and north carolina (usa). resistance patterns are compared to those reported by the national antimicrobial resistance monitoring system. canada geese may be vectors of antimicrobial resistance and resistance genes in agricultural environments.200515963291
enumeration and antibiotic resistance patterns of fecal indicator organisms isolated from migratory canada geese (branta canadensis).thermotolerant fecal indicator organisms carried by migratory waterfowl may serve as reservoirs of antibiotic resistance. to determine the extent to which such antibiotic resistance markers were present in migratory canada geese (branta canadensis) on the maryland eastern shore, we isolated enterococcus spp. and escherichia coli from fresh feces and examined the antibiotic resistance profiles of these bacteria. samples were obtained in october 2002, january 2003, and march 2003. thermotolerant e ...200516107668
comparison of nicarbazin absorption in chickens, mallards, and canada geese.nicarbazin (ncz), a coccidiostat commonly used in the poultry industry, causes reduced hatchability and egg quality in layer hens at a concentration of 125 ppm (8.4 mg/kg) in the feed. although this effect is undesirable in the poultry industry, ncz could provide a useful wildlife contraception tool for waterfowl, particularly urban geese. we tested the absorption of ncz in chickens (gallus gallus), mallards (anas platyrhynchos), and canada geese (branta canadensis) gavaged with 8.4 mg of ncz/kg ...200516206573
a wild goose metapneumovirus containing a large attachment glycoprotein is avirulent but immunoprotective in domestic turkeys.the genomic structure and composition of an avian metapneumovirus (ampv) recently isolated from wild canada geese (goose 15a/01) in the united states, together with its replication, virulence, and immunogenicity in domestic turkeys, were investigated. the sizes of seven of the eight genes, sequence identity, and genome organization of goose ampv were similar to those of turkey ampv subtype c (ampv/c) strains, indicating that it belonged to the subtype. however, the goose virus contained the larg ...200516282483
storage and incubation of echinostoma revolutum eggs recovered from wild branta canadensis, and their infectivity to lymnaea tomentosa snails.echinostoma revolutum eggs recovered from naturally infected wild canada geese (branta canadensis) were cold stored (4-6 degrees c) for up to 72 weeks. successful hatching followed incubation for from 6 to 8 days at an optimum temperature of between 25 and 30 degrees c. a partial life cycle from adult worm to metacercarial encystment in lymnaea tomentosa snails was completed in the laboratory. snails were infected both by free miracidia and by ingestment of unhatched embryonated eggs. infection ...200516336715
toxicity and hazard of vanadium to mallard ducks (anas platyrhynchos) and canada geese (branta canadensis).a recent canada goose (branta canadensis) die-off at a petroleum refinery fly ash pond in delaware was attributed to vanadium (v) toxicity. because of the paucity of v toxicity data for wild birds, a series of studies was undertaken using the forms of v believed to have resulted in this incident. in 7-d single oral dose trials with mallard drakes (anas platyrhynchos), the estimated median lethal dose (ld50) for vanadium pentoxide was 113 mg/kg body weight, while the ld50 for sodium metavanadate ...200616407091
a survey of waterfowl for echinostomes and schistosomes from lake wanaka and the waitaki river watershed, new zealand.waterfowl from lake wanaka and the waitaki lakes watershed of new zealand's south island were surveyed to find natural hosts with adult echinostomes and schistosomes to provide sufficient numbers of eggs for laboratory studies. the canada goose (branta canadensis) was found to host an echinostome determined to be a new zealand strain of echinostoma revolutum. the new zealand scaup (aythya novaeseelandia) concurrently hosts three species of echinostomes (e. revolutum, echinoparyphium cinctum and ...200616469170
helicobacter anseris sp. nov. and helicobacter brantae sp. nov., isolated from feces of resident canada geese in the greater boston area.numbers of nonmigratory canada geese have increased substantially in the past decade, and they have become a nuisance in some urban areas. because of their close contact with humans in parks and areas adjacent to surface waterways, contact with their feces poses a zoonotic risk. a total of 97 geese from 10 separate geographic locales in the greater boston area had their feces sampled for detection of helicobacter spp. identification of helicobacter spp. based on 16s rrna genus-specific helicobac ...200616820454
evaluation of nicarbazin as a potential waterfowl contraceptive using mallards as a model.contraception may provide a useful nonlethal management tool to reduce wild bird populations. we tested the efficacy of nicarbazin (ncz) as a contraceptive for waterfowl and assessed health effects of ncz, using domestic mallards (anas platyrhynchos) as a model for canada geese (branta canadensis). mallards were given gelatin capsules containing 0, 8.5, 17.0, or 33.75 mg of ncz/kg of bw perorally once daily for 14 d. fecal 4,4'-dinitrocarbanilide (dnc) and fluorescein were evaluated as potential ...200616830869
field evaluation of an avian risk assessment model.we conducted two laboratory subacute dietary toxicity tests and one outdoor subacute dietary toxicity test to determine the effectiveness of the u.s. environmental protection agency's deterministic risk assessment model for evaluating the potential of adverse effects to birds in the field. we tested technical-grade diazinon and its d.z.n 50w (50% diazinon active ingredient wettable powder) formulation on canada goose (branta canadensis) goslings. brain acetylcholinesterase activity was measured, ...200616833136
effect of method of delivering nicarbazin to mallards on plasma 4,4'-dinitrocarbanilide levels and reproduction.nicarbazin (ncz), a coccidiostat used in the poultry industry, has been developed as a contraceptive for resident canada geese. we tested the efficacy of ncz as a contraceptive using mallards (anas platyrhynchos) as a model for canada geese. nicarbazin-treated corn was fed ad libitum for 14 d at 0, 750, 1,000, or 1,500 ppm. plasma and egg levels of 4,4'-dinitrocarbanilide (dnc), the active anticoccidial component of ncz, differed among treatment groups in a dose-response relationship, but plasma ...200616903476
blood lead concentrations in waterfowl utilizing lake coeur d'alene, idaho.the coeur d'alene river basin, lake coeur d'alene, and the spokane river contain elevated heavy metal concentrations in sediment and water from historical mining and ore processing operations in the coeur d'alene basin. lead poisoning has been identified as the cause of death in hundreds of waterfowl utilizing wetlands in the floodplain of the coeur d'alene river, but little was known about hazards to waterfowl from heavy metal contamination in shallow bays and wetlands of lake coeur d'alene. we ...200717082999
isolation of cryptococcus laurentii from canada goose guano in rural upstate new york.cryptococcus neoformans and cryptococcus gattii are etiologic agents of cryptococcal pneumonia and meningitis, potentially lethal syndromes associated with aids. a related species, cryptococcus laurentii, has recently been implicated in several cases of human disease. guano from canada goose (branta canadensis), an organism that lives closely beside man and inhabits recreational space in rural and suburban areas, might be a significant environmental reservoir of cryptococcus organisms in non-urb ...200617123035
mitochondrial multiplex real-time pcr as a source tracking method in fecal-contaminated effluents.multiplex real-time pcr amplifying fecal mitochondrial dna (mtdna) combined with rapid, crude dna preparations are promising additions to surface water source tracking methods. amplification of eukaryotic mitochondrial dna identifies the fecal source directly and can be used in conjunction with other intestinal microbial methods to characterize effluents. species-specific primers and dual-labeled probes for human, swine, and bovine nadh dehydrogenase subunit 5 (nd5) genes were created for multip ...200717539537
differentiation of fecal escherichia coli from poultry and free-living birds by (gtg)5-pcr genomic fingerprinting.determination of the non-point sources of fecal pollution is essential for the assessment of potential public health risk and development of appropriate management practices for prevention of further contamination. repetitive extragenic palindromic-pcr coupled with (gtg)(5) primer [(gtg)(5)-pcr] was performed on 573 escherichia coli isolates obtained from the feces of poultry (chicken, duck and turkey) and free-living (canada goose, hawk, magpie, seagull and songbird) birds to evaluate the effic ...200817572150
epidemiologic investigation of an outbreak of goose parvovirus infection in outbreak of goose parvovirus (gpv) infection on a swedish goose farm in the spring of 2004 increased the mortality rates from 2% in the early unaffected hatches to 90% and 99% respectively in the two hatches following virus introduction and 40% in goslings hatched later in the same breeding season. in this paper we describe the clinical observations, diagnostic procedures, and epidemiologic investigation carried out to elucidate the source of the infection. the diagnosis was confirmed by sero ...200717626494
a pcr marker for detection in surface waters of faecal pollution derived from ducks.detection of the faecal pollution contribution from wildfowl is an important adjunct in determining the sources of faecal pollution in waterways. this is particularly true, where human waste and other animal faecal sources have been eliminated as the pollution source. a polymerase chain reaction (pcr) marker was developed as a duck-specific marker of faecal pollution. the semi-nested primer system targeted an unknown bacterium (e2) isolated from mallard ducks. e2 had the closest 16s rrna sequenc ...200717631940
spring-harvested game birds from the western james bay region of northern ontario, canada: organochlorine concentrations in breast muscle.although studies have assessed organochlorine concentration in breast tissue (pectoral muscle) of fall-harvested game birds in canada, data for spring-harvested game birds are limited, especially for remote sub-arctic areas. taking into account that most traditional aboriginal diets include a large number of spring-harvested game birds, there is a need to assess organochlorine concentration in spring-harvested water birds with respect to suitability for human consumption. we examined organochlor ...200717675140
synanthropic flies as vectors of cryptosporidium and giardia among livestock and wildlife in a multispecies agricultural complex.the capacity of synanthropic flies belonging to the families calliphoridae, sarcophagidae, and muscidae to serve as mechanical vectors of cryptosporidium and giardia among livestock and wildlife in a multispecies agricultural complex in northwest georgia (usa) was studied using fluorescent in situ hybridization (fish) and immunofluorescent antibody (ifa) techniques. flies from all three families were carrying viable cryptosporidium oocysts and giardia cysts internally and externally, and deposit ...200717979535
comparison of five rep-pcr genomic fingerprinting methods for differentiation of fecal escherichia coli from humans, poultry and wild birds.the development of a methodology to identify the origin of fecal pollution is important both for assessing the degree of risk posed to public health and for developing strategies to mitigate the environmental loading of pathogens associated with waterborne disease transmission. five rep-pcr genomic fingerprinting methods, such as rep-pcr, enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus (eric)-pcr, eric2-pcr, box-pcr and (gtg)(5)-pcr, were assessed for their potential in differentiation of 232 fe ...200717986090
source tracking of escherichia coli by 16s-23s intergenic spacer region denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (dgge) of the rrnb ribosomal operon.this research validates a novel approach for source tracking based on denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (dgge) analysis of dna extracted from escherichia coli isolates. escherichia coli from different animal sources and from river samples upstream from, at, and downstream of a combined sewer overflow were subjected to dgge to determine sequence variations within the 16s-23s intergenic spacer region (isr) of the rrnb ribosomal operon. the isr was analyzed to determine if e. coli isolates fr ...200718026210
spring-harvested game birds in the western james bay region of northern ontario, canada: the amount of organochlorines in matched samples of breast muscle, skin, and abdominal fat.we examined matched-tissue samples (the right pectoral muscle plus the associated skin and fat was considered a breast portion) of 81 spring-harvested waterfowl and 19 summer-harvested godwits (limosa spp.) to assess the potential of these water birds contributing to the body burden of pcbs and ddt noted in first nation people of the western james bay region, northern ontario, canada. in general, the dabbling ducks (mallard duck, anas platyrhynchos; and northern pintail, a. acuta) had significan ...200818058032
enhanced c-type lysozyme content of wood duck (aix sponsa) egg white: an adaptation to cavity nesting?abstract wild waterfowl species often nest in conditions where high humidity and microbial contamination may influence egg survival and quality. albumen is traditionally regarded as the major impediment to microbial contamination of eggs, and its composition and activity may be selected by environmental pressures. egg white protein from the eggs of wood duck (aix sponsa), hooded merganser (lophodytes cucullatus), canada goose (branta canadensis), and mute swan (cygnus olor) was evaluated in orde ...200818190286
susceptibility of canada geese (branta canadensis) to highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (h5n1).migratory birds have been implicated in the long-range spread of highly pathogenic avian influenza (hpai) a virus (h5n1) from asia to europe and africa. although sampling of healthy wild birds representing a large number of species has not identified possible carriers of influenza virus (h5n1) into europe, surveillance of dead and sick birds has demonstrated mute (cygnus olor) and whooper (c. cygnus) swans as potential sentinels. because of concerns that migratory birds could spread h5n1 subtype ...200718258030
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