
characterization of "pasteurella" piscicida isolated from white perch and cultivated yellowtail.the morphological, physiological, and biochemical characteristics of twelve "pasteurella" piscicida strains isolated from white perch and yellowtail are described and the present uncertain taxonomic status of the organisms is discussed. the organisms isolated were gram-negative rods showing bipolar staining and pleomorphism. no spores or flagella were observed. they were non motile and viscid colonies were formed. growth was observed in a temperature range of 20 to 30 c and the salinity range of ...1975172679
serological and genetic examination of some nontypical streptococcus mutans strains.thirty-four strains of streptococcus mutans whose antigenic or genetic positions were unclear or unknown with respect to the serological scheme of bratthall (1970) and perch et al. (1974), or the genetic (deoxyribonucleic acid base sequence homology) scheme of coykendall were analyzed to clarify their relationship to previously well-characterized strains. strain omz175 of the "new" serotype f was genetically homologous with strains of s. mutans subsp. mutans. strains of the "new" serotype g were ...1976965091
[distribution and biology of apatemon annuligerum (v. nordmann, 1832) odening, 1970 (trematoda, strigeidida)].in lake itkul situated north-westwards of the town of abakan there were found encysted metacercariae of apatemon annuligerum in the eyes of the perch. adult fishes are 100% infected, the infection intensity amounting to 28 to 455 cysts (125 on the average). maximum infection of the perch takes place at the age of 4 to 5 years. in elder fishes proceeds a decrease of infection intensity on account of a considerable mortality of cysts. there was undertaken an infection of incubative ducklings and o ...1976958729
growth dynamics and seasonal prevalence of crepidostomum isostomum and phyllodistomum pearsei in aphredoderus sayanus.a trematode survey of pirate perch, aphredoderus sayanus, in louisiana demonstrated a seasonal periodicity of crepidostomum isostomum with regard to prevalence, worm burden, and maturation. the prevalence of phyllodistomum pearsei showed no discernable periodicity and only the worn development followed a seasonal pattern.1976933311
[changes in the argyrophil stroma of the liver of fishes infested with the pleurocercoids, triaenophorus nodulosus and diphyllobothrium dendriticum (cestoidea, pseudophyllidae)].the argentaffine stroma of the liver of some fishes (perca fluviatilis, exos lucius, paracottus kessleri, coregonus autumnalis migratorius, thymallus arcticus) is described. the nature and depth of pathological changes in the argentaffine stroma of the liver at its infection with pleurocercoids of pseudophyllids depend on the infection intensity, host's specificity and on the biocoenotic relationships of hydrobionts in a waterbody.1977896280
[human alpha 2-macroglobulin and its analogs in animals].biochemical and immunochemical properties of human alpha 2-macroglobulin and its analogues from cattle, horse, rabbit, guinea pig, rat, mouse, hen and perch have been investigated. it was found that all analogues have the identical molecular mass and structure, being different in their isoelectric point and carbohydrate composition. it was shown that some antigenic properties of macroglobulins remained constant during evolution, whereas other ones were strictly differentiated at the level of fam ...19901694379
evolutionary trends of neurofilament proteins in fish.1. neurofilament complement was studied in an early chordate (ciona intestinalis) and six fish species by immunoblot with antisera specific for each of the three mammalian nf subunits. 2. the anti-nf-h and anti-nf-m antisera were characterized as strictly specific for phosphorylated epitopes located in the carboxyterminal domain. 3. the nf-l subunit is absent in primitive chordates and appears first in fish; it can be identified on the basis of its apparent mol. wt, its reactivity with the anti- ...19911723670
responses and receptive-field organization of cones in perch retinas.1. cones in the retinas of two closely related species of perch, the walleye and sauger (s, vitreum vitreum and s. canadense), are remarkably large. this paper reports a first series of intracellular recordings obtained from 77 of these cones. 2. a small spot of light evokes a sustained hyperpolarizing response from perch cones which may exceed 10 mv in amplitude, is graded with stimulus intensity, and is markedly reduced when the spot is decentered. most cones seem to be orange sensitive with p ...1977833628
hemagglutinins in female fish gonads: comparative investigations on perch (perca fluviatilis) gonads of different stages of development.female gonads of the perch (perca fluviatilis) in various stages of development are tested for hemagglutinin activity against human erythrocytes. based on the different agglutination patterns obtained, and on inhibition tests with l-fucose and a mature gonad of a male perch, the appearance two different agglutinins in the course of the development of the female gonad is assumed.1978645176
population biology and behavior of larval eustrongylides tubifex (nematoda: dioctophymatida) in poikilothermous hosts.a total of 178 channel catfish (ictalurus punctatus), 162 freshwater drum (aplodinotus grunniens), 60 smallmouth bass (micropterus dolomieui) and 2,488 yellow perch (perca flavescens) were examined for larval eustrongylides tubifex (nitzsch 1819) jägerskiold 1909 during 1973 and 1974. older, large fish exhibited higher prevalence, larger mean numbers of larvae in infected fish, larger mean numbers of larvae in all fish examined, and wider range of intensity of infection. infections were most ext ...1978627946
organochlorine pesticide residues in animals of tasmania, australia-1975-77.animals taken in tasmania including duck (anas superciliosa), eel (anguilla australis), english perch (perca fluviatilis), white-faced heron (ardea pacifica), brown trout (salmo trutta), european starling (strunus vulgaris), cat (felis cattus), cormorant (phalacrocorax sp.), mutton bird (puffinus tenuirostris), tasmanian devil (sarcophilus harrisii), rainbow trout (salmo gairdnerii), tasmanian raven (corvus mellori), tench (tinca tinca), and quail (coturnix sp.) were sampled for p,p'-dde, pp,p'- ...1979537866
fish cell culture characteristics of a cell line from the silver perch bairdiella chrysura.a cell designated sp-1 was established from tissue of the silver perch, bairdiella chrysura. cells were fibroblast-like and grew best at 26 degrees c in leibovitz medium (l-15) containing 15% fetal bovine serum and 0.150 m sodium chloride. passage 1 to passage 9 sp-1 cells contained a chromosome number of 48; at passages 27 and 50 the modal numbers were 51 and 54, respectively. confirmation of the origin of sp-1 cells was made by the cytotoxic antibody dye-exclusion test. this cell line supporte ...1977407147
relation between myelin sheath thickness and axon size in spinal cord white matter of some vertebrate species.the relation between number of myelin lamellae and axon size in the cns was examined by electron microscopy of spinal cord white matter fibres in different vertebrate species (cat, rabbit, guinea pig, rat, mouse, frog and perch). the results show that the number of myelin lamellae increases with increasing axon size in a non-linear fashion. below an axon size of 4--5 micron the relation follows a fairly straight line but above this size rectilinearity is lost. the mouse and the frog differ from ...1978310448
acute toxicity of hydrogen cyanide to freshwater fishes.acute toxicity of hydrogen cyanide was determined at various temperatures from 4 degrees to 30 degrees c and oxygen concentrations of 3.36 to 9.26 mg/l on different life history stages of five species of fish: fathead minnow, pimephales promelas refinesque; bluegill, lepomis macrochirus rafinesque; yellow perch, perca flavescens (mitchill); brook trout, salvelinus fontinalis (mitchill); and rainbow trout, salmo gairdneri richardson. median lethal threshold concentrations and 96-hr lc50's were es ...1978215091
[study of various aspects of variability in infestation of the young of perch with plerocercoids of diphyllobothrium latum]. 1978148566
antigen-capture elisa for viral haemorrhagic septicaemia virus serotype antigen-capture elisa for viral haemorrhagic septicaemia virus serotype i (vhsv i) was developed. the assay employs two monoclonal antibodies (mab) directed against distinct epitopes of the viral envelope glycoprotein (gp). the antigen bound by the capture mab (a17) was detected by addition of a second mab (l7) conjugated to horseradish peroxidase, followed by addition of the enzyme substrate. the technique is highly sensitive, enabling detection of the virus at a protein concentration as low ...19902266147
[cytochemical characteristics of the labrocyte-like cells in the capsule of the plerocercoids of triaenophorus nodulosus (pallas, 1781) and diphyllobothrium dendriticum (nitzsch, 1824) cestodes].out of six fish species examined (esox lucius, paracottus kessleri, perca fluviatilis, leuciscus leuciscus baicalensis, coregonus autumnalis migratorius, thymallus arcticus baicalensis) labrocyte-like cells were detected in esox lucius, leuciscus leuciscus baicalensis, coregonus autumnalis migratotius. the cells contain large metachromatic granules. histochemical methods revealed in them sulfated and carboxylic acid mucopolysacharides. the amount of labrocyte-like cells in the capsules around pl ...1977143258
a radioimmunoassay for perch (perca fluviatilis) metallothionein.a sensitive radioimmunoassay (ria) for the measurement of metallothionein (mt) from perch (perca fluviatilis) has been developed. the method is a double-antibody ria with rabbit anti-perch mt serum as first antibody, goat anti-rabbit immunoglobulin g as second antibody, and perch mt conjugated to 125i-labeled bolton-hunter reagent as tracer. the rabbit antiserum raised against perch mt recognizes rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) mt, but shows little cross-reactivity with horse mt. at a diluti ...19902315933
[morphological characteristics and certain biological problems of the representatives of the genus apiosoma (infusoria, peritricha) from the young of predatory fishes].13 species of apiosoma were recorded from the young of esox lucius, lota lota and perca fluviatilis. 7 species were reported from lota lota, 9 species-from esox lucius and 6 species--from perca fluviatilis. apiosomes were found mainly on the body surface and fins of fishes and move seldom on their gills. under changing conditions the transition of parasites from one organ to another is possible. great morphological variability of apiosoma is reflected in variability of shape and size of the body ...1976138836
in vitro metabolism of carbaryl by liver explants of bluegill, catfish, perch, goldfish, and kissing gourami. 1979120882
[new species of parasitic infusoria of the family urceolariidae].three new species of ciliata of the family urceolariidae were found as follows: paratrichodina voikarensis sp. n. on the gills of coregonus nasus and c. peled; p. uralensis sp. n. on the gills of the sterlet and trichodina percae sp. n. in the nasal cavities of the perch. figures and descriptions of the new species are given.1979108655
toxicity of natural pyrethrins and five pyrethroids to fish.the toxicity of natural pyrethrins and five pyrethroids was determined with coho salmon (oncorhynchus kisutch), steelhead trout (salmo gairdneri), fathead minnow (pimephales promelas), channel catfish (icatlurus punctatus), bluegill (lepomis macrochirus), and yellow perch (perca flavescens). the 96-hour lc50's in static tests at 12 degrees c ranged from 24.6 to 114 mug/l of natural pyrethrins and from 0.110 to 1,140 mug/l of pyrethroids. two pyrethroids, ru-11679 and sbp-1382 (r), were over 10 t ...19765059
on some cestodes parasitizing freshwater fish in italy.the paper presents a systematic survey of some cestodes parasitizing freshwater fish in italy. the following eight species were recorded: monobothrium wageneri, cyathocephalus truncatus, triaenophorus nodulosus (plerocercoids and adults), bothriocephalus acheilognathi, b. claviceps, ligula intestinalis (plerocercoids), schistocephalus sp. (plerocercoids) and proteocephalus percae from perca fluviatilis which is reported from freshwater fish in italy for the first time. all the tapeworms recovere ...19921339972
evaluation of the preference to and behavioral effects of an enriched environment on male rhesus monkeys.two environments were provided to laboratory rhesus monkeys to determine if the animals spent more time (for the purposes of this study, defined as the cage side preference) in an enriched cage side than an unenriched cage side. the side (right or left) of a double-wide cage in which the animal spent the most time (as determined by chi square analysis) was initially determined during baseline observations. the "nonpreferred" side was then enriched during the experimental phase of the study. the ...19921316507
[the morphological variability of a population of proteocephalus percae (cestoda: proteocephalidea) in lake rindozero].the morphology of the cestode proteocephalus percae, a typical parasite of perca fluviatilis, from lake rindozero has been studied. the variability of 8 age groupings has been revealed and the connection of their morphological parameters with the specificity of host-parasite relationships at different developmental stages of the population has been shown.19921297967
increase in bone strength of spent laying hens housed in modified cages with perches.the strength of the tibia was compared in 72-week-old isa brown hens housed as groups of four for 52 weeks either in conventional cages or in cages with a 450 mm long perch, positioned either at the front or the back of the cage. the breaking strength of the bone was measured by subjecting it to a gradually increasing force on a three-point rig until it broke. the median strength of the tibia was greater in birds from cages with either front (160 newtons [n]) or rear perches (152 n) than from co ...19892750029
pilum pilum gen. et sp. n. (acanthocephala: echinorhynchidae) from freshwater fishes of the southeastern united states.pilum pilum gen. et sp. n. is described from the warmouth, lepomis gulosus (cuvier); brown bullhead, ictalurus nebulosus (lesueur); yellow bullhead, i. natalis (lesueur); redbreast sunfish, l. auritus (linnaeus); bluegill, l. macrochirus rafinesque; spotted sunfish, l. punctatus (valenciennes); and redfin pickerel, esox americanus (gmelin), from the alabama river drainage, brown bullhead from the mobile bay drainage in alabama, and pirate perch, aphredoderus sayanus gilliams, from an atlantic co ...19761255353
mercury in various tissues of fish caught downstream of a wood pulp factory in the kammerfoss river, south norway.the mercury content of perch (perca fluviatilis) and brown trout (salmo trutta) from a river in south norway, previously shown to be contaminated with mercury from a wood pulp factory, was studied during a 5-years period after the use of mercury in the factory had been discontinued in 1970. in addition to muscular tissue, samples of liver, kidney, brain, heart, and gonads were also analyzed in some cases. the mercury level in the musculature remained nearly constant at about 1 mug/g during the y ...1976995587
[concentration of mercuro-organic compounds (methyl- and ethyl derivatives) in several species of fish and sea products].by using gas-liquid chromatography the content of organic mercury compounds (methyl- and ethyl derivatives) in some widely consumed in alimentation fish species and marine products was determined. methyl mercury was found in 96.2 per cent of a total of 104 samples. the average level of its content in the fish species under study was dissimilar, viz. in cod fish--0.045 + .0053 mg/kg. in sea perch--0.021 +/- 0.0029 mg/kg; in sprat--0.0050 +/- 0.0013 mg/kg. in marine products (crustacea, sea crayfi ...1976969372
few intra-lake variations of physiological parameters in perch, perca fluviatilis.intra-lake variations in physiological parameters, representing haematology, plasma ion composition and carbohydrate metabolism, were investigated in perch (perca fluviatilis), inhabiting a comparatively unpolluted lake. provided the perch were subjected to a standardized procedure for capture, handling, recovery after capture, and sampling, only few and minor differences were observed in 21 parameters investigated when 3 groups were compared to a control group of perch. it is concluded that the ...19872882904
effects of spatial allowance, group size and perches on the behavior of hens in cages with nests.the behaviour of laying hens housed in 'welfare-improved' cages fitted with one nest per hen was investigated with manipulations of group size (two or four birds), spatial allowance excluding the nests (600 cm2 or 1200 cm2 per bird) and perch provision (presence or absence). more time was spent in the nests by birds housed at 600 cm2 than at 1200 cm2, and by birds housed in pairs than in four. perch provision had no significant effect on time spent in the nest but resulted in reduced nest soilin ...19921467921
individual perching behavior of laying hens and its effects in cages.1. isa brown hens were housed, from 18 to 71 weeks of age, as groups of 4 in cages with 675 cm2/bird. there were 7 treatments: control cages and 6 treatments with perches fitted across the rear of the cage. five treatments had 450 mm wide cages, with perches made from hardwood, textured metal, smooth plastic, softwood and padded vinyl, and one treatment had a 600 mm wide cage, with a softwood perch. there were 4 cages in each of the first 6 treatments and 6 in the last. 2. overall, birds spent a ...19921623413
use of confidence ellipses to detect effects of parasites on the growth of yellow perch, perca flavescens.determining the causes of mortality in populations of fish is inherently difficult. to simplify the determination of whether parasite-induced mortality occurs, parasitologists have relied on 3 types of subjective analyses of graphs. peaked host age-parasite intensity curves concomitant with a decrease in the degree of dispersion (measured by variance-to-mean ratio) of parasites in older age-classes of fishes, a slope of less than 2.0 for a log-log graph of variance versus mean intensity of infec ...19921738070
the importance of metallothionein for the accumulation of copper, zinc and cadmium in environmentally exposed perch, perca fluviatilis.a field study of the role of metallothionein (mt) in the binding of heavy metals in perch (perca fluviatilis), exposed to moderate levels of copper, zinc and cadmium, was performed. perch were sampled at four sites in sweden in september during two consecutive years. two sites were located in the vicinity of a brassworks and two outside the emission range. the first year, fish from the two brassworks sites and from one of the uncontaminated sites were collected. the second year, fish from the mo ...19911891445
[synchronization of electromyographic and cinematographic recordings. applications to vertebrate biomechanics].synchronizing each frame of the cinema of a moving animal with the corresponding emg of some muscles permits a precise interpretation of the variations of the electric potentials in that muscle with each phase of the movement. e.g. in the rabbit, three bundles of the masseter muscle function independently during the mastication; in the pigeon, electric potentials appear in both ilio-tibialis and biceps femoris muscles some frames before the actual raising of the leg, when the animal on its perch ...1975807384
experimental and natural infections of eustrongylides sp. (nematoda: dioctophymatidae) in waterfowl and shore birds.the occurrence of eustrongylides sp. is reported for five species of fish-eating birds collected in the western-basin region of lake erie. mature specimens of e. tubifex were recovered from 5 of 74 laboratory-reared mallards (anas platyrhynchos) infected experimentally with larval worms taken from yellow perch, perca flavescens.1978749896
the helminths in the gut of perch (perca fluviatilis l.) in a small oligotrophic lake in southern norway.a total of 311 perch were examined for gut parasites during the period from april 1972 to december 1973. four different metazoan parasites were found; proteocephalus percae (müller, 1780), bunodera luciopercae (müller, 1776), acanthocephalus lucii müller, 1776 and camallanus lacustris zoega, 1776. b. luciopercae and p. percae exhibited similar seasonal cycles in appearance and abundance. they were both absent from the fish population during june/july. a. lucii and c. lacustris on the other hand ...1978706549
performance evaluation of heat-stressed commercial broilers provided water-cooled floor perches.a study was conducted to determine whether water-cooled floor perches would be utilized by commercial broilers exposed to a constant hot ambient environment; and subsequently, whether utilization of these perches would improve performance beyond those provided uncooled floor perches. a total of 330 day-old commercial broiler chicks were randomly allocated to six pens (2.44 m2) in an environmentally controlled facility and maintained in a thermoneutral brooding environment for 16 days. following ...19911924088
diphyllobothriasis: fish tapeworm disease in the circumpolar north.although fish tapeworm infections in arctic and subarctic residents are often attributed to the cestode diphyllobothrium latum, other diphyllobothrium species are frequently responsible. d. dendriticum, for example, occurs throughout the circumpolar area at high latitudes beyond the range of d. latum. several additional species are also implicated in human infections in northern communities bordering the pacific: d. ursi from northern canada and alaska, d. dalliae from alaska and siberia, and d. ...19912021393
lithium lengthens circadian period in a diurnal primate, saimiri sciureus.lithium lengthens the period of free-running circadian rhythms in a variety of species, but this effect has not been demonstrated unequivocally in primates. because of the possible link between lithium's action on the circadian clock and its therapeutic action in human mood disorders, we tested the ability of lithium to lengthen circadian period in a diurnal primate with circadian properties similar to those of humans. lithium carbonate was administered in food pellets to 8 adult male squirrel m ...19902116188
intestinal trematodes of humans in korea: metagonimus, heterophyids and echinostomes.ten species of the trematode family heterophyidae (metagonimus yokogawai, m. takahashii, heterophyes nocens, h. heterophyes, h. dispar, heterophyopsis continua, pygidiopsis summa, stellantchasmus falcatus, centrocestus armatus and stictodora fuscatum), and 3 species of the family echinostomatidae (echinostoma hortense, e. cinetorchis and echinochasmus japonicus) have been found to infect humans in korea. biological and epidemiological studies on the above species have shown that metagonimus, het ...19902133416
[the presence of enterovirus in species of shellfish and fish].enteroviruses were isolated from 12% of the digestive tract samples collected from anodonta cygnea (9.4%) and dreysena polymorpha (13.2%) shell species and from 8.4% of the branchiae sample from fish species rutilus rutilus, perca fluviatilis and silurus glanis. the isolated belonged to the following antigenic types: echo 2 and 7, coxsackie b 2, 4 and 6, and poliovirus 1 and 2.19902171625
allergy to different fish species in cod-allergic children: in vivo and in vitro studies.the presence of a positive clinical history and skin test (st) results for 17 fish species (anchovy, bass, carp, dogfish, eel, gilthead, mackerel, mullet, perch, red mullet, salmon, sardine, sole, tench, toothed gilthead, trout, and tuna) were investigated in 20 children with cod-positive clinical history, st, and rast, and in 40 children positive to one or more foods different from cod (cow's milk, chicken egg white, peanut, and tomato). in cod-positive children, positive clinical history (60%) ...19902262645
a correlative study of the physiology and morphology of the retinotectal pathway of the perch.the anatomy and physiology of the retinotectal pathway of the perch was investigated using physiological and histological techniques. massed responses of the optic nerve to single shocks exhibited five distinct peaks. single-unit responses to shocks indicate two groups of fast fibers correlating well with peaks i and ii of the massed response. the flash-evoked response in nerve and tectum has three major phases (pspi-iii), with a marked low-threshold fast component. patterns of flash-evoked resp ...19902271449
immunological distinction between piscine and mammalian metallothioneins.1. separate antisera to metallothioneins (mt) from rainbow trout and horse were produced in mice and their reactivity with the respective immunogen was confirmed using an elisa. 2. the elisa, used in a competitive mode, revealed that the anti-horse mt serum did not cross-react with trout mt. reciprocally, the anti-trout mt serum did not show any reactivity with horse mt. 3. the anti-rainbow trout mt serum was shown to cross-react totally with mts from plaice, flounder, turbot, perch, salmon and ...19902331881
the epidemiology of the metacercariae of diplostomum baeri and d. spathaceum in perch (perca fluviatilis) from the warm water effluent of a nuclear power station.thermal effects on the dynamics of infection with metacercariae of diplostomum baeri and d. spathaceum were monitored between may and september, in a year-class of perch perca fluviatilis, in an artificial lake receiving warm water discharges from a nuclear power station and in an unheated reference site, for a two year period. in the heated area the prevalence of infection of the retinal form, d. baeri, was always 100%, whereas in the unheated site there was an increase from 93% in may to 100% ...19902387975
raphidascaris acus (bloch, 1779) in northern pike, esox lucius l., walleye, stizostedion vitreum vitreum (mitchill), and yellow perch, perca flavescens (mitchill), from central canada. 19863735597
the bacteriology of fresh and spoiling lake victorian nile perch (lates niloticus).a total of 177 bacterial cultures isolated from lake victorian nile perch (lates niloticus) were investigated. the flora on newly caught nile perch consisted of organisms belonging to the genera moraxella, alcaligenes, acinetobacter, pseudomonas, aeromonas, micrococcus and other gram-positive organisms. 39% were identified as gram-positive species and 61% were negative in the gram-reaction. three cultures out of 53 investigated caused weak rotten off-odours in sterile fish broth and one culture, ...19902397157
mercury levels in fish in a river habitat after cessation of mercury contamination.the rate of decrease shown by mercury levels in brown trout (salmo trutta) and perch (perca fluviatilis) collected downstream to a wood pulp factory after a ban on the use of phenyl mercury in the pulp and paper industries was made effective in 1970 has been slow. even though a river habitat was involved, it seemed to take about 15 years for levels of mercury in downstream fish to fall to those recorded in fish upstream to the wood pulp factory.19863797236
a double-stranded rna-inducible fish gene homologous to the murine influenza virus resistance gene mx.we cloned and sequenced a 2.35-kilobase ecori fragment of genomic dna from a local freshwater fish (perca fluviatilis) that strongly hybridized to probes derived from the murine influenza virus resistance gene mx. the cloned fish dna contained blocks of sequences related to mx gene exons 3 to 8, which appeared to represent exons of a bona fide fish gene because they were separated by intron sequences flanked by consensus splice acceptor and donor sites. injection of double-stranded rna into the ...19892476661
worldwide distribution of two new serotypes of group b streptococci: type iv and provisional type v.the candidates for new types proposed by the laboratories of h. w. wilkinson, j. jelínková, b. perch, and s. rabinowitz were antigenically compared and found to be distinct from the established types. on the other hand, identity between some of the candidates was found: three belonged to the new type iv and two shared the nt1 antigen. strains with nt1 antigen were given the working label "provisional type v." a distribution study identified 102 type iv strains and 53 provisional type v strains a ...19853884653
footedness in parrots: three centuries of research, theory, and mere contemporary debates about laterality in animals, the parrot (psittaciformes) is often cited as an exemplar--possibly unique--of laterality in limb function at the population level comparable in kind and strength to handedness in man. this conclusion rests on just two reports (friedman & davis, 1938; rogers, 1980) that most species of parrots are left-footed, that is, that they preferentially perch on the right foot and hold food with the left. in fact, speculation about and scientific study ...19892519739
chronic inflammatory cells with epithelial cell characteristics in teleost fishes.certain cells that participate in the chronic inflammatory response of teleost fishes have many features typical of epithelioid cells of mammals. such features include high metabolic activity, frequent phagolysosomes, and cytoplasmic interdigitations between adjacent cells; however, the epithelioid granulomas formed in response to certain diseases in teleost fishes also have several features associated with epithelial cells. cases of ulcerative mycosis or acid-fast bacterial infection in atlanti ...19892686148
sexual, seasonal and tissue variation in the encystment of cotylurus variegatus metacercariae in perch, perca fluviatilis.all of the 267 perch sampled from lough neagh between 1981 and 1983 were infected with the metacercarial cysts of cotylurus variegatus. sites of infection were the swim-bladder, pericardium, septum transversum and, to a lesser extent, the visceral cavity. the swim-bladder, particularly the anterior portion, was the site of heaviest infection. visceral cysts were found chiefly in female fish and this may be related to reduced immunological defence and/or thinner body wall during the breeding seas ...19892759769
parasite recruitment by stocked walleye, stizostedion vitreum vitreum (mitchill), fry in a small boreal lake in central canada.six species of parasites were recovered 4 mo after walleye fry were stocked in heming lake, manitoba. the species of parasites acquired most rapidly were those that were non-host-specific and common to the indigenous populations of both walleye and yellow perch (perca flavescens). parasite species overlap (jaccard's indices) was greatest within age groups of walleye and yellow perch, but was also high between older walleye and yellow perch. the higher numbers of parasites recruited by stocked wa ...19854078971
a light and electron microscopic study of epitheliocystis disease in the gills of connecticut striped bass (morone saxatilis) and white perch (morone americanus). 19704099449
occurrence of proteocephalus percae and p. cernuae in the perch and ruff in northern finland.the occurrence of two palearctic proteocephalus species, p. percae and p. cernuae, in the perch and ruff, respectively, was studied in two areas of northern finland in 1977-1983. in the bothnian bay, 243 perch (perca fluviatilis) and 406 ruff (gymnocephalus cernuus) were studied, of which 60% and 40%, respectively, were infected, while in lake yli-kitka the prevalences were 10% in 213 perch and 24% in 307 ruff. higher mean intensities of infection were found in the bothnian bay fish than in thos ...19892767548
distribution of pcb and p,p'-dde residues in atlantic herring (clupea harengus harengus) and yellow perch (perca flavescens) in eastern canada--1972. 19744216875
[immune biology of poikilothermic vertebrates. ix. studies on the cellular basis of humoral immune reactions in teleosts such as perch (perca fluviatilis l.)]. 19724674112
[an attempt to devise a hypothesis of the seasonal maturation of helminths in the definitive host--the fish].the seasonal maturation of four species of helminths, acanthocephalus clavula, a. lucii, camallanus lacustris and bunodera luciopercae, from the perch perca fluviatilis is briefly described. it is noted that a. clavula, a. lucii and c. lacustris are found as mature worms in the intestine of the fish host throughout the year, whereas in bunodera luciopercae there is a limited season of maturation. as a result of experimental studies it is suggested that b. luciopercae uses host gonadotrophin to i ...19892812856
fish: serologic evidence of infection with human pathogens.specific antibodies to several bacteria pathogenic to humans were detected in the serums of white perch from surface waters adjacent to heavily populated areas on chesapeake bay. white perch from surface waters adjacent to sparsely populated areas were free of such antibodies. we suggest that fish may become actively infected with human pathogens by exposure to contaminated water and may constitute a hazard to public health.19684965526
mycobacteriosis in yellow perch (perca flavescens) from two lakes in alberta.granulomatous skin lesions were identified in a population of yellow perch (perca flavescens) from sandy lake (alberta, canada) in 1985. severe granulomatous peritonitis and hepatitis was identified subsequently in a separate population of yellow perch from wolf lake (alberta, canada). mycobacterium chelonae was isolated from affected fish in both epizootics. the source and route of infection were not determined in either case. the nature of the inflammatory reaction in both cases suggested a de ...19892915401
[role of the daily food ration of perch fry (perca fluvialis) in infestation with bunodera luciopercae (trematoda, allocreadiidae)].the list of intermediate hosts of bunodera luciopercae is given. in lake syamozero they are represented by crustaceans heterocope, ophryoxus. data on their role in the ration of juvenile perch are given. diurnal dynamics of the ratio between infected and noninfected plankton in feeding and the process of the formation of fish infection have been studied.19872956562
[changes of lipids and fatty acid composition in kidney tissue under the influence of red-perch oil and coconut fat]. 19715161172
[influence of red-perch oil and coconut fat on tissue lipids and their fatty acid composition in the testis of the rat]. 19715161173
[distribution and mechanism of the regulation of the pleurocercoid population count of triaenophorus nodulosus (cestoda, triaenophoridae)].the character of the distribution of pleurocercoids of triaenophorus nodulosus depending on the host age is shown. their distribution in perch at the age of 0+-4+ is over dispersed in its character and is described by negative binomial. at the age of 5+ to 8+ the distribution of parasites is of regular character that is apparently due to changes in the mechanism of regulation of the parasites number. the regulation mechanism of the number of pleurocercoids of t. nodulosus is discussed.19872963255
hyperplastic and neoplastic alterations in the livers of white perch (morone americana) from the chesapeake bay.white perch (morone americana) sampled from 15 estuaries of the chesapeake bay contained a variety of hyperplastic and neoplastic alterations in their livers. the lesions were derived from bile ductular epithelium and/or hepatocytes. the biliary lesions consisted of hyperplasias and adenomas. the hepatocellular lesions consisted of focal populations of altered cells and neoplasms, of clear-cell and basophilic morphologic appearance. the hepatocellular lesions were conspicuous in the absence of t ...19873037146
biomonitoring of oil spill in a boreal archipelago by xenobiotic biotransformation in perch (perca fluviatilis).the effect of the accidental oil spill (250 tons) in a boreal archipelago (gulf of bothnia, vaasa, finland) on xenobiotic metabolism of local perch (perca fluviatilis) was monitored for 1.5 years. the monooxygenase (benzo[a]pyrene, 7-ethoxycoumarin o-deethylase, 7-ethoxyresorufin o-deethylase) and conjugation (udpglucuronosyltransferase, glutathione s-transferase) activities of perch liver were determined from control areas and those areas where oil had spilled. only a slight induction in monoox ...19883132361
boreal freshwater fish diet modifies the plasma lipids and prostanoids and membrane fatty acids in man.the effect of fish diet on 43 healthy male students was studied. they ate a fish-containing meal for 15 weeks on an average of 3.7 times per week. twenty-one of them voluntarily restricted their lipid intake while the rest ate normally. controls continued their usual eating habits (19 students). the meals consisted of finnish freshwater fish (87%) (vendace, pike, perch and rainbow trout) and brackish water fish (13%) (baltic herring) that provided about 1 g of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids ...19883200117
modulation of cone horizontal cell activity in the teleost fish retina. iii. effects of prolonged darkness and dopamine on electrical coupling between horizontal cells.the effects of prolonged darkness and dopamine on the coupling between horizontal cells in the isolated, superfused white perch retina were studied. two assays of coupling were employed; area versus amplitude relationships (area-response curves) and the diffusion of the fluorescent dye lucifer yellow from intracellularly injected cells to neighboring cells. in prolonged dark-adapted retinas, area-response curves were difficult to determine because of the small light responses; however, light-evo ...19883249225
calbindin (cabp 28 kda) localization in the peripheral vestibular system of various vertebrates.previous reports on calbindin, a 28 kda vitamin d-induced calcium-binding protein, located in the mammalian peripheral vestibular system indicated that it is specifically distributed and postulated that it could play a role in the electrophysiological functioning of the sensory cells. this immunocytochemical investigation of the distribution of calbindin in the vestibular system of various vertebrates: fishes (goldfish and sea-perch), amphibia (frog), birds (chicken) and mammals (mouse, cat and ...19883290175
species differences in 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin toxicity and biotransformation in fish.rainbow trout, yellow perch, carp, bluegill, largemouth bass, and bullhead were treated with graded doses of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (tcdd; 1, 5, 25, or 125 micrograms/kg) or vehicle, ip. the lethal potency of tcdd tended to be greater in yellow perch, carp, and bullhead than in the other three species (ld50 80 days post-treatment, 3-5 versus 10-16 micrograms/kg, respectively). all species treated with the highest dose of tcdd (125 micrograms/kg) displayed a latency period of 1-4 wee ...19883356307
life history and population biology of adult acanthocephalus lucii (acanthocephala: echinorhynchidae).the life history and population biology of adult a. lucii in perch, perca fluviatilis l., from the forth and clyde canal, scotland, was investigated during may 1979-september 1981. there was an annual cycle in the size of the parasite population; prevalence and abundance (+/- se) were highest during late spring and summer (70-90% and 14 +/- 4.3 to 16 +/- 5.6 worms/fish, respectively) but declined during late autumn and reached a minimum during winter (50-60% and 2.1 +/- 0.9 to 3.2 +/- 0.6 worms/ ...19883357106
fine structure and permeability of the metacercarial cyst wall of clinostomum marginatum (digenea).encysted metacercariae of clinostomum marginatum (digenea) were obtained from tissues of yellow perch, perca flavescens. the outermost wall (host response) as seen under electron microscopy consisted of a single, fibrous tissue layer, 10-25 micron thick. the tissue contained flattened fibrocytes, small fat deposits, and vacuoles embedded between layers of collagen fibers. the cyst cavity was filled with small vesicles, crystals, and debris. no layer corresponding to the primary (parasite-produce ...19883387408
[the occurrence of parasites in the bream (abramis brama l.), roach (rutilus rutilus l.) and perch (stizostedion lucioperca l.) in the włocławek dam reservoir on the vistula river]. 19883388868
cage design and configuration for an arboreal species of primate.the squirrel monkey (genus saimiri) is an arboreal primate from equatorial south america. this species forms large social groups that consist of multiple females and males of varying ages, from infant to adult. as the use of squirrel monkeys in research continues to grow, an understanding of optimal cage design and environment is essential. the university of south alabama primate research laboratory houses a breeding colony of 350 squirrel monkeys. each group cage, measuring 4.5 x 2.5 x 1.5 mete ...19883411915
abnormal hepatic copper storage in a teleost fish (morone americana).excessive copper storage in livers of feral white perch (morone americana) from the chesapeake bay is described. age-related, progressive accumulation of hepatic copper in levels often exceeding 1,000 micrograms/g wet weight was associated with peribiliary fibrosis and inflammation, bile duct hyperplasia, prominent, enlarged melanomacrophage centers, and disruption of hepatic architecture in older fish. levels of zinc were mildly elevated compared to striped bass (morone saxitilis) and adult rat ...19873455079
formation of behaviorally active estrogen in the dove brain: induction of preoptic aromatase by intracranial testosterone.the preoptic area (poa) of the male ring dove is a target for specific behavioral effects of estrogen that are separable from those of androgen. activity of the aromatase system in the poa, which converts testosterone to 17 beta-estradiol (e2), is increased by systemic androgen. using crystalline steroid implants positioned stereotaxically in the brain, we examined whether aromatase induction is a result of direct steroid action on the poa, which can occur independently of the behavioral effects ...19863526169
transition metal-binding proteins from three chesapeake bay fish species.three species of chesapeake bay fish were collected, and endogenous levels of metal binding protein (mbp) were determined. in addition, the induction of metal-binding proteins by cadmium was studied. livers from freshly caught fish were extracted and chromatographed on sephadex g-75 to resolve mbp in the 5 to 20 kdalton range. all species studied exhibit measurable but varied levels of endogenous mbps in the molecular weight range investigated, mostly as a copper protein complex. upon induction ...19863709435
[ecological and micromorphological aspects of interrelations in myxosporidian--fish parasitic systems].a comparative analysis of the character of interactions in five parasitic systems myxosporidians--fishes (myxobolus mülleri-perca fluviatilis, myxobolus ellipsoides-phoxinus percnurus, henneguya zschokkei-coregonus autumnalis migratoris, henneguya cerebralis-thymalus articus nigrescens, sphaerospora pectinacea-perca fluviatilis) is given.19863737234
impairment of the chick's grip and balance by streptomycin. a preliminary study.chicks were injected daily with streptomycin (400 or 1,200 mg/kg). damage to the vestibular apparatus was accompanied by steadily impaired abilities of chicks to tighten their grips as evidenced by reduced torque and by slippage of their feet on the perch. as compensation, intoxicated chicks adjusted their footing with cautious, deliberate movements. they always stood erectly and stiffly on the perch; they were unable to roost. they also experienced difficulties in balancing. while symptoms were ...19853876536
vestibular ototoxicity in the chick: effects of streptomycin on equilibrium and on ampullary dark cells.starting a week after they were hatched, chicks received daily subcutaneous injections of streptomycin sulfate for 15 or 30 days at one of three dosages: 400, 800, or 1,200 mg/kg body weight. during the period of administration, the chicks were weighed, examined for signs of systemic intoxication, and tested for impairment of equilibrium. at intervals some birds from each group were sacrificed and the end-organs of the semicircular canals were examined for damage. after the fifteenth injection, ...19826979948
masking of circadian activity rhythms in canaries by light and dark.canaries (serinus canaria) were kept singly in cages placed in an artificially illuminated, soundproof cabinet. perch-hopping activity was recorded by means of a computer system. in three series of experiments, the activity rhythms of the birds were entrained to 24 hr by light-dark (ld) cycles with 4, 12, or 20 hr of light (l), respectively. the intensity of illumination was 10 lux in l and 0.25 lux in darkness (d). under ld 4:20 and 12:12, the intensity of d was increased daily at the same zeit ...19892519578
[comparative characteristics of the vitreous body proteins in vertebrates].using disc-electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel and immunochemical methods, studies have been made on proteins from the vitreous body of mammals (albino mouse, rat, guinea pig, pig, dog, cat), birds (hen), amphibians (the frog rana ridibunda) and fish (the perch perca fluviatilis). it was found that vitreous body proteins in man and animals include both the specific proteins and those of the blood serum. during evolution, specific antigens of the vitreous body attained strict species specificit ...19853993277
[metal concentrations in fishes of the rednitz river].we investigated 39 fish species (eel, brown trout, chub, carp bream, roach, perch, pike etc.) from the river rednitz (north bavaria) for content of the metals mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic, selenium and zinc. the residue tolerance level for mercury (1 mg/kg) and the standard value of the federal public health office for lead (0.5 mg/kg) and cadmium (0.05 mg/kg) have not been exceeded in any case. because a small selenium concentration gives protection against the toxicity of mercury, we also h ...19854024745
[immune biology of poikilothermic vertebrates. 8. a high molecular immune globulin of the perch (perca fluviatilis l.)]. 19724118132
a bacterial disease of perch (perca fluviatilis l.) in an alpine lake: isolation and preliminary study of the causative epizootic among perch (perca fluviatilis l.) occurred during the summer and fall of 1979 in an alpine lake (lake annecy, haute-savoie) in france. hemorrhagic and ulcerative clinical signs were associated with the height of the mortality. a gram-negative, non-motile, slow-growing bacterium was isolated from skin lesions is diseased fish. aeromonas hydrophila often was present. since the nonmotile bacterium was suspected to be the etiological agent, its characteristics and pathogenicity were de ...19817338972
[occurrence of aeromonas hydrophila in the perch, perca flavescens mitchill]. 19714938113
[effect of red-perch oil and coconut fat on lipids and fatty acid composition in liver and spleen of rats]. 19715161170
[changes of lipids and fatty acid composition in myocardial tissue of rats under the influence of red-perch oil and coconut fat in a long-term feeding experiment]. 19715161171
glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase variants in phyletically diverse organisms.electrophoretically distinct forms of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (tdh) have been detected in turtle, perch, trout, spinach, and yeast. multiple forms were not detected in rat, rabbit, chicken, frog, honey bee, euglena, or escherichia coli. the combination of two different subunits into tetramers is a probable explanation for the five-membered sets usually detected in extracts exhibiting tdh multiplicity.19675341534
proteolytic activity of microorganisms isolated from freshwater fish.a raw fish-juice was prepared and sterilized through the use of (60)co gamma-irradiation. it was evaluated for suitability in an agar medium for testing the proteolytic activity of bacteria isolated from fish. microorganism proteolytic activity was also detected by conventional methods with skim milk-agar. we tested 1,145 isolates from fresh and spoiling irradiated (0.0, 0.3, and 0.6 mrad) yellow perch fillets for proteolytic activity, by the use of both media. most isolates that showed proteoly ...19685636454
effect of gamma irradiation on the microflora of freshwater fish. 3. spoilage patterns and extension of refrigerated storage life of yellow perch fillets irradiated to 0.1 and 0.2 megarad.maximal shelf life was determined and microbial flora were compared for irradiated (0.1 and 0.2 mrad) and nonirradiated yellow perch fillets stored at 1 c. shelf life was estimated by organoleptic determinations. microbiological studies included determination of the effects of irradiation on the total aerobic microbial population, lag phase, and rate of growth. genera of organisms isolated from fillets through the course of microbial spoilage were identified, and the proteolytic activity of the ...19685645411
the distribution and host range of species of the blood fluke sanguinicola in british freshwater fish.the distribution of host range of sanguinicola armata, s. inermis and s. volgensis in british freshwater fish are described. s. inermis has been recorded in carp cyprinus carpio, crucian carp carassius carassius and tench tinca tinca in southern, central and eastern england and in koi carp imported from japan. s. armata has been detected in pike esox lucius and tench and s. volgensis has been found in chub leuciscus cephalus, dace leuciscus leuciscus, perch perca fluviatilis, roach rutilus rutil ...19947706678
morphology, physiology, and serology of a pasteurella species pathogenic for white perch. (roccus americanus).the pasteurella species implicated as the etiologic agent of a massive white perch mortality in the chesapeake bay and first described by s. f. snieszko et al. has been characterized further in our laboratory. the general morphology and physiology of this organism is similar to that of the pasteurellae and several known fish pathogens. there are enough dissimilarities, however, to rule out its identification with any established species. the organism is obligately halophilic and grows in a tempe ...19685726301
a trap perch for the control of the poultry red mite (dermanyssus gallinae). 19655890944
[on the development of inflammatory diseases of the skin of hands following stings by the dorsal fin of the sea-water perch]. 19655896162
relationships between the parasites of some wild and cultured fishes in two lakes and a fish farm in central finland.a total of 526 atlantic salmon and 500 brown trout from a fish farm were studied for parasites, as were 272 roach, 251 perch and 150 whitefish from the lake which formed the water source, and 196 roach and 136 perch from the effluent recipient lake. the cultured fish harboured 14 parasite species, of which most were protozoan generalist parasites. nine species were found on salmon and 12 on brown trout. epizootically the most important species were ichthyobodo necator, chilodonella cyprini and i ...19948021098
comparative study of lead accumulation in different organs of perch (perca fluviatilis) and its intestinal parasite acanthocephalus lucii. 19948123988
comparative effects of chlortetracycline, freezing, and gamma radiation on microbial population of ocean perch.the microbial populations in chlortetracycline (ctc)-treated (50, 100, 200, and 500 ppm), frozen (-15 c), and irradiated (0.1 mrad) ocean perch (sebastodes alutus) were compared. the control sample spoiled at 7 c, primarily because of the growth of pseudomonas. irradiation changed this to achromobacter-dominated spoilage. freezing or ctc treatment altered the spoilage pattern very little. ctc was particularly effective against ultraviolet fluorescent pseudomonas species at the higher concentrati ...19676029834
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