
the parasitic coelenterate, polypodium hydriforme ussov, from the eggs of the american acipenseriform polyodon significant differences in macro- and micromorphology were found between the parasitic stolon and free-living polyps of polypodium sp. obtained from infected eggs of the north american acipenseriform fish polyodon spathula and corresponding developmental stages of polypodium hydriforme ussov, parasitic in the volga sterlet (acipenser ruthenus). therefore, both the american and the european forms of polypodium belong to the species p. hydriforme ussov.197941895
isolation and characterization of the immune macroglobulin from the paddlefish, polyodon spathula. 19715001610
tetrameric immune macroglobulins in three orders of bony fishes.the immune igm-like macroglobulins were isolated from three species of bony fishes (ictalurus punctatus, lepisosteus osseus, and polyodon spathula) representing the three orders of the subclass actinopterygii. these macroglobulins were found to have sedimentation coefficients of 14 s and molecular weights of 600,000-630,000. the carbohydrate compositions were determined and found to be different from that of human macroglobulins. after reduction and alkylation, the heavy and light chains could b ...19715276279
analysis of the post-translational processing of alpha-msh in the pituitaries of the chondrostean fishes, acipenser transmontanus and polyodon spathula.multiple forms of alpha-msh were isolated from the pituitaries of the white sturgeon, acipenser transmontanus, and the paddlefish, polyodon spathula, following fractionation of the pituitary extracts by reversed-phase hplc. in both species, immunoreactive forms which eluted with the same retention times as synthetic mammalian acth(1-13)nh2, monoacetylated alpha-msh, and diacetylated alpha-msh were detected. in the pituitary of the sturgeon, n-acetylated forms of alpha-msh represented 91% of the ...19947926625
isolation of aeromonas salmonicida from paddlefish, polyodon spathula.aeromonas salmonicida was isolated from paddlefish (polyodon spathula) mortalities collected during an epizootic of furunculosis at the spring river state hatchery, arkansas (usa), in 1992. isolates of the bacterium were obtained from culture of gill and kidney tissue. this is the first epizootic of bacterial etiology to be reported in paddlefish.19947933294
characterization of insulins and proglucagon-derived peptides from a phylogenetically ancient fish, the paddlefish (polyodon spathula).the north american paddlefish, polyodon spathula (order acipenseriformes) is an extant representative of a group of primitive actinopterygian (ray-finned) fish that probably shared a common ancestor with present-day teleosts. two molecular forms of insulin which differ by a single amino acid substitution, his or asp at position 15 of the a chain, were isolated from the pancreas of the paddlefish. paddlefish insulins show greatest structural similarity to insulin from the garfish (order lepisoste ...19948002937
dna content in eurasian sturgeon species determined by flow cytometry.the nuclear dna content in 10 species of chondrostean fishes was measured by flow cytometry. the sterlet acipenser ruthenus blood cells were used as an internal standard. the sterlet dna content was calculated on the basis of comparison with the xenopus laevis blood cells, 2c = 6.30 pg. in the tetraploid a. ruthenus and a. stellatus the dna content comprises 3.74 pg/nucleus and is practically invariant; in huso dauricus it is almost the same, 3.74-3.81 pg; and in a. nudiventris it is a little hi ...19938513694
humoral immunoglobulins of the white sturgeon, acipenser transmontanus: partial characterization of and recognition with monoclonal antibodies.white sturgeon (acipenser transmontanus) immunoglobulin (ig) was purified from serum by two methods, ion-exchange chromatography and gel filtration and precipitation of the euglobulin fraction. the purity of these immunoglobulin preparations was confirmed by gel electrophoresis. sequence analysis of the n-terminal amino acids confirmed that the purified protein was immunoglobulin. the major portion of the immunoglobulin preparation consisted of two proteins with estimated molecular weights (m.w. ...19968915630
tachykinins (substance p and neuropeptide gamma) from the brains of the pallid sturgeon, scaphirhynchus albus and the paddlefish, polyodon spathula (acipenseriformes).a peptide with substance p-like immunoreactivity was isolated from extracts of the brains of the pallid sturgeon, scaphirhynchus albus and the north american paddlefish, polyodon spathula. the primary structure of the peptide (lys-pro-lys-pro-his-gln-phe-phe-gly-leu-met.nh(2)) is the same in both species and contains 2 amino acid substitutions (arg(1) --> lys and gln(5) --> his) compared with human substance p and 1 substitution (arg(3) --> lys) compared with substance p from the trout (teleoste ...199910525358
use of behavioural stochastic resonance by paddle fish for feeding.stochastic resonance is the phenomenon whereby the addition of an optimal level of noise to a weak information-carrying input to certain nonlinear systems can enhance the information content at their outputs. computer analysis of spike trains has been needed to reveal stochastic resonance in the responses of sensory receptors except for one study on human psychophysics. but is an animal aware of, and can it make use of, the enhanced sensory information from stochastic resonance? here, we show th ...199910580499
characteristics of sperm acrosin-like activity of paddlefish (polyodon spathula walbaum).spermatozoa of paddlefish and sturgeon fishes (acipenseriformes), unlike teleost fish, have an acrosome. the objectives of this study were to characterize acrosin-like activity of cryopreserved sperm of paddlefish (polyodon spathula) and to test and compare stability of paddlefish acrosin-like activity with that of lake sturgeon and bull spermatozoa. mean acrosin-like activity of cryopreserved paddlefish sperm was 0.372 +/- 0.067 microu/10(6) spermatozoa. this activity was 79% higher in the whol ...200010817906
gastroenteropancreatic hormones (insulin, glucagon, somatostatin, and multiple forms of pyy) from the pallid sturgeon, scaphirhynchus albus (acipenseriformes).insulin, glucagon, somatostatin-14, and three structurally related molecular forms of peptide tyrosine-tyrosine (pyy) were isolated from an extract of the combined pancreas and gastrointestinal tract of the pallid sturgeon, scaphirhynchus albus. pallid sturgeon insulin was identical to insulin from the russian sturgeon, acipenser guldenstaedti, and to insulin-2 from the paddlefish, polyodon spathula, and was approximately twofold less potent than human insulin in inhibiting the binding of [3-[(1 ...200011121300
pectoral fin and girdle development in the basal actinopterygians polyodon spathula and acipenser transmontanus.the pectoral fins of acipenseriformes possess endoskeletons with elements homologous to both the fin radials of teleosts and the limb bones of tetrapods. here we present a study of pectoral fin development in the north american paddlefish, polyodon spathula, and the white sturgeon, acipenser transmontanus, which reveals that aspects of both teleost and tetrapod endoskeletal patterning mechanisms are present in acipenseriformes. those elements considered homologous to teleost radials, the propter ...200415376275
new genus and species of aporocotylidae (digenea) from a basal actinopterygian, the american paddlefish, polyodon spathula, (acipenseriformes: polyodontidae) from the mississippi delta.acipensericola petersoni n. gen., n. sp. (digenea: aporocotylidae) infects the heart of the american paddlefish polyodon spathula (walbaum, 1792) in the mississippi delta. it has robust, spike-like body spines arranged in ventrolateral transverse rows; a bowl-shaped anterior sucker centered on the mouth and having minute spines on the inner anteroventral surface only; a pharynx; an inverse u-shaped ceca extending to near the posterior body end; intercecal testes comprising a pre-ovarian testicul ...200818564750
the transition in hemoglobin proton-binding characteristics within the basal actinopterygian fishes.carbon dioxide (co(2)) transport in the blood of fishes is aided by the proton-binding properties of hemoglobin (hb) through either a high-intrinsic buffer value and small oxylabile proton binding (haldane effect), or a low buffer value and large haldane effect. primitive species, such as elasmobranchs and sarcopterygians have been shown to rely on the former, while derived species, such as teleosts rely on the latter. both strategies are effective in the transport of co(2) in the blood. however ...201020044754
the evolution of root effect hemoglobins in the absence of intracellular ph protection of the red blood cell: insights from primitive fishes.the root effect, a reduction in blood oxygen (o(2)) carrying capacity at low ph, is used by many fish species to maximize o(2) delivery to the eye and swimbladder. it is believed to have evolved in the basal actinopterygian lineage of fishes, species that lack the intracellular ph (ph(i)) protection mechanism of more derived species' red blood cells (i.e., adrenergically activated na(+)/h(+) exchangers; betanhe). these basal actinopterygians may consequently experience a reduction in blood o(2) ...201020213180
evolution of mhc class i genes in two ancient fish, paddlefish (polyodon spathula) and chinese sturgeon (acipenser sinensis).here we present the first isolation of major histocompatibility complex (mhc) class i genes from two ancient fish, paddlefish (polyodon spathula) and chinese sturgeon (acipenser sinensis). seventeen sequences obtained showed high polymorphism and positive natural selection with dn/ds>1. evolutionary relationships revealed that sequences from paddlefish and chinese sturgeon distinguished from other vertebrate class i and had an intermingling of alleles, which indicates that acipenseriformes have ...201020542035
mitochondrial genome of the siberian sturgeon acipenser baerii.the complete mitochondrial genome of siberian sturgeon acipenser baerii had been determined. the total length of the mitogenome was 16,763 bp and had 13 protein-coding, 22 trna, and 2 rrna genes. except for the eight trna and nd6 genes, all other mitochondrial genes are encoded on the heavy strand. the overall base composition of the heavy strand is 30.3% a, 24.3% t, 29.1% c, 16.3% g, with an at content of 54.6%. the dna sequence of a. baerii shared 97.8, 97.6, 93.5, 91.6, 93.6, and 87.1% sequen ...201222409751
comparative protein profiles: potential molecular markers from spermatozoa of acipenseriformes (chondrostei, pisces).sturgeon and paddlefish (acipenseriformes), the source of roe consumed as caviar, are a unique and commercially valuable group of ancient fishes. in this study, comparative proteomics was used to analyze protein profiles of spermatozoa from five sturgeon species and one paddlefish: siberian sturgeon (acipenser baerii), sterlet (a. ruthenus), russian sturgeon (a. gueldenstaedtii), starry sturgeon (a. stellatus), beluga (huso huso), and mississippi paddlefish (polyodon spathula). protein profiles ...201020869341
chloride inhibition of nitrite uptake for non-teleost actinopterygiian that transport environmental chloride with a gill uptake mechanism (gill epithelial cl(-)/hco(3)(-)cotransport exchange system), also transport nitrite into plasma through the same mechanism. because of the relationship between nitrite uptake and the gill chloride uptake mechanism, nitrite uptake can provide insight regarding the method of chloride uptake for fish. this study was designed to determine if non-teleost fishes concentrate nitrite in their plasma, and to determine if chloride in ...200717344081
unusual intraindividual variation of the nuclear 18s rrna gene is widespread within the acipenseridae.significant intraindividual variation in the sequence of the 18s rrna gene is unusual in animal genomes. in a previous study, multiple 18s rrna gene sequences were observed within individuals of eight species of sturgeon from north america but not in the north american paddlefish, polyodon spathula, in two species of polypterus (polypterus delhezi and polypterus senegalus), in other primitive fishes (erpetoichthys calabaricus, lepisosteus osseus, amia calva) or in a lungfish (protopterus sp.). t ...200816714428
exploring the evolutionary history of melanin-concentrating and melanin-stimulating hormone receptors on melanophores: neopterygian (holostean) and chondrostean fishes.the occurrence of melanin-concentrating hormone (mch) receptors on integumental melanophores was found to extend back in the evolutionary line of ray-finned bony fishes (actinopterygii) to the group ancestral to modern teleosts, the holostei. the two species of holosteans studied, amia calva and lepisosteus platyrhincus, exhibited changes of melanophore index (melanosome aggregation), indicating responses to mch and to melatonin but no response to norepinephrine (ne). polyodon spathula, a specie ...19883237601
immunohistochemical localization of urotensin i/corticotropin-releasing factor, urotensin ii, and serotonin immunoreactivities in the caudal spinal cord of nonteleost fishes.neurosecretory cells in the caudal spinal cord of fishes were first discovered in elasmobranches. however, most of the subsequent work on the caudal neurosecretory system has emphasized its morphology and function in teleosts. two major peptides, urotensins i and ii (ui and uii), have been isolated from this system in teleosts and their amino acid sequences have been determined. we have used immunohistochemical techniques to confirm and expand previous morphological and pharmacological findings ...19863525617
segregation of electroreceptive and mechanoreceptive lateral line afferents in the hindbrain of chondrostean fishes.the anterior lateral line nerve (alln) in the chondrostean fishes (sturgeon and paddlefishes) consists of both fibers innervating ampullary electroreceptors and fibers innervating the mechanoreceptive neuromasts of the cephalic lateral line system. the fibers of the posterior lateral line nerve (plln) innervate only mechanoreceptive neuromasts on the body trunk. the alln enters the medulla via dorsal and ventral roots; the dorsal root projects to the dorsal octavolateralis nucleus (don), whereas ...19854005579
paddlefish strike at artificial dipoles simulating the weak electric fields of planktonic prey.the freshwater paddlefish polyodon spathula (polyodontidae) feeds primarily on the water flea (daphnia sp.), and previous studies suggest that these fish detect their planktonic prey using their rostral electrosensory system. zooplankton produce direct-current and oscillating alternating-current electric fields containing multiple frequencies and amplitudes. we asked whether an inanimate electric field is sufficient to elicit paddlefish strikes equivalent to their feeding behavior. juvenile padd ...200111273801
effects of body mass and water temperature on routine metabolism of american paddlefish polyodon spathula.this study quantified the effects of temperature and fish mass on routine metabolism of the american paddlefish polyodon spathula. thermal sensitivity, as measured by q(10) value, was low in p. spathula. mean q(10) was 1·78 while poikilotherms are generally expected to have q(10) values in the 2·00-2·50 range. mass-specific metabolism did not decrease with increased fish size to the extent that this phenomenon is observed in teleosts, as evidenced by a mass exponent (β) value of 0·92 for p. spat ...201323557305
urotensin ii from the river lamprey (lampetra fluviatilis), the sea lamprey (petromyzon marinus), and the paddlefish (polyodon spathula).urotensin ii was isolated from extracts of the whole brain of the river lamprey (lampetra fluviatilis) and the sea lamprey (petromyzon marinus). the primary structure of the peptide from both species is the same (asn-asn-phe-ser-asp-cys-phe-trp-lys-tyr-cys-val) and this amino acid sequence is identical to that of urotensin ii from the dogfish and skate. consistent with previous morphological studies indicating that the agnatha lack a caudal neurosecretory system, urotensin ii was not detected in ...19958536944
description of two new nematode species, parasites of the mississippi paddlefish polyodon spathula (acipenseriformes: polyodontidae).two new nematode species are described from the paddlefish polyodon spathula (walbaum) (polyodontidae, acipenseriformes) from the mississippi river drainage, united states, based on specimens previously deposited in the u.s. national parasite collection. those specimens were camallanus polyodontis n. sp. (camallanidae) from the host (site of infection not given) collected in the yellowstone river, montana in 1974 and syngnathinema chitwoodi n. sp. (daniconematidae) from the body cavity of fish c ...201323496761
polypodium sp. (coelenterata) infection of paddlefish (polyodon spathula) eggs. 1975240925
studies on helminths of north dakota. 8. nematodes from the paddlefish, polyodon spathula (walbaum), including thynnascaris dollfusi sp. nov. (nematoda: stomachidae). 19744817545
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