on the diversity of sperm histones in the vertebrates: ii. a cytochemical study of the basic protein transitions during spermiogenesis in the cartilaginous fish hydrolagus colliei. | spermiogenesis in the ratfish (hydrolagus colliei) is characterized by unusual changes in the basic proteins of the nucleus. cytochemical analysis indicates that early spermatids in this cartilaginous fish contain the somatic type of histones. however, late spermatids contain the salmon type of sperm histone whereas spermatozoa display the mouse/grasshopper type designated by bloch ('69). such an unusual cytochemical shift from protamine in the spermatid to "stable protamine" in the sperm has no ... | 1976 | 978157 |
ammonia formation and amino acid excretion by gyrocotyle fimbriata (cestoidea). | gyrocotyle fimbriata isolated from the spiral valve of hydrolagus colliei were washed, then held in a filtered seawater-penicillin-tris buffer medium. ammonia and urea release to the medium declined together and ammonia production was minimal when the urea concentration was below detectable limits. alanine and smaller amounts of glycine were released to the medium at a more constant rate. after 12 hr the alanine-glycine excretion was more than 20 times the ammonia excretion. l-arginine, l-serine ... | 1975 | 1117378 |
primary structure of gonadotropin-releasing hormone from the brain of a holocephalan (ratfish: hydrolagus colliei). | gonadotropin-releasing hormone (gnrh) in the ratfish brain has been isolated and purified using reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography. amino acid composition and sequence analysis indicate that the primary structure is pglu-his-trp-ser-his-gly-trp-tyr-pro-gly-nh2. the presence of the amino terminal pyroglutamic acid has been confirmed by degradation studies with pyroglutamyl aminopeptidase. the amidated carboxy terminus and molecular weight were confirmed using mass spectrometry. ... | 1991 | 1678723 |
biological activity of a bombesin-like peptide extracted from the intestine of the ratfish, hydrolagus colliei. | 1. ratfish (hydrolagus colliei) intestines were boiled in water to inactivate proteases and then treated with cold 4% trifluoroacetic acid to extract bombesin-like peptides. 2. the extract was fractionated in several steps using reverse-phase and ion exchange hplc, and bombesin-like immunoreactive peptides were detected by radioimmunoassay using an antiserum specific for the bioactive c-terminal region of bombesin. 3. a highly purified bombesin-like peptide-containing fraction stimulated amylase ... | 1990 | 1704298 |
immunohistochemical localization of serotoninergic, enkephalinergic, and catecholaminergic cells in the brainstem and diencephalon of a cartilaginous fish, hydrolagus colliei. | we localized serotonin (5-ht), leu-enkephalin (lenk), and tyrosine hydroxylase (th) immunoreactive cells in the brain of a holocephalian, hydrolagus colliei, by use of antibodies made in rabbit and the peroxidase-antiperoxidase technique. only three locations contained th+ cells, the caudal myelencephalon, the locus coeruleus, and the diencephalon. of these locations, the diencephalon contained the most cells and the locus coeruleus the least cells. the caudal th+ myelencephalic cells formed a s ... | 1991 | 1918446 |
multiple molecular forms of insulin and glucagon-like peptide from the pacific ratfish (hydrolagus colliei). | the primary structure of an insulin isolated from the pancreas of the holocephalan fish, hydrolagus colliei (pacific ratfish), has been established as a-chain: giveqcchntcslanlegycn b-chain: vptqrlcgshlvdalyfvcgergffyspkpirelepll. three further molecular forms of insulin were also isolated and shown to have the same a-chain but truncated b-chains of 31-, 36-, and 37-amino acid residues. it is proposed that all four insulins arise from a single proinsulin by proteolytic cleavages at different sit ... | 1989 | 2646172 |
gonadotropin-releasing hormone in ratfish (hydrolagus colliei): distribution between the sexes and possible relationship with chicken ii and salmon ii forms. | 1. brain extract from the spotted ratfish, hydrolagus colliei, contains gonadotropin-releasing hormone (gnrh)-like peptides in both sexes. 2. the dominant form occurs with a concentration of 0.5-1.7 ng/g frozen brain tissue in males, and 1.3-2.5 ng/g in females. 3. a similar pattern of gnrh immunoreactivity and chromatographic behaviour are found in both sexes. 4. a semipurified extract of this peptide could not be distinguished chromatographically from either chicken ii or salmon ii forms of th ... | 1989 | 2650985 |
somatostatin-related and glucagon-related peptides with unusual structural features from the european eel (anguilla anguilla). | peptides derived from prosomatostatins i and ii and from two distinct proglucagons have been isolated from the pancreas of a teleost fish, the european eel (anguilla anguilla). the product of prosomatostatin i processing, somatostatin-14, is identical to mammalian somatostatin-14. a 25-amino-acid-residue peptide (ser-val-asp-asn-gln5-gln-gly-arg-glu-arg10-lys-ala-gly-cys- lys15-asn-phe-tyr- trp-lys20-gly-pro-thr-ser-cys25) is derived from prosomatostatin ii. compared with the corresponding pepti ... | 1988 | 2904391 |
isolation and structural characterization of insulin from the holocephalan fish, chimaera monstrosa (rabbit fish). | insulin has been isolated from the pancreas of the holocephalan fish, chimaera monstrosa (rabbit fish), and characterized by automated edman degradation and fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry. the primary structure of rabbit fish insulin was identical to that of insulin from the holocephalan fish, hydrolagus colliei (pacific ratfish), and contained 21 residues in the a-chain and 38 residues in the b-chain. the amino acid compositions of both rabbit fish and ratfish insulins demonstrated a v ... | 1988 | 3053327 |
saturated and unsaturated 1-0-alkyl-2-0-acetoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholines and 2-lyso derivatives from ratfish liver oil. effect on adenosine 3':5'-cyclic monophosphate concentration in hepatocyte suspensions. | 1-0-alkyl-2-0-acetoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholines, containing saturated or unsaturated alkyl moieties and their 2-lyso derivatives, prepared from ratfish liver oil (hydrolagus colliei), were studied for their in vitro effect on cellular adenosine 3':5'-cyclic monophosphate (camp) concentration in freshly isolated hepatocytes from adult rats. we report here for the first time that semisynthetic platelet-activating factor (paf), the saturated and unsaturated compound, from 10(-6) m to 10(-12) m, ... | 1983 | 6310713 |
gonadotrophic activity in the buccal lobe (rachendachhypophyse) of the pituitary gland of the rabbit fish hydrolagus colliei (chondrichthyes: holocephali). | | 1982 | 7141204 |
saturated and unsaturated 1-o-alkyl-2-o-acetoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholines derived from ratfish liver oil: effect on human leukocyte migration. | a mixture of 1-o-alkyl-2-o-acetoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholines containing saturated alkyl moieties and a mixture of such compounds with saturated and unsaturated alkyl moieties, prepared from ratfish (hydrolagus colliei) liver oil, were studied for their in vitro effect on human neutrophil migration. the mixture containing unsaturated compounds (ii) was more active compared to the saturated (i) ones at a range from 10(-6) m to 10(-10) m concentrations. at 10(-4) m, ii was cytotoxic. both i and ... | 1981 | 7318048 |
analysis of the post-translational processing of alpha-msh in the pituitaries of the chondrostean fishes, acipenser transmontanus and polyodon spathula. | multiple forms of alpha-msh were isolated from the pituitaries of the white sturgeon, acipenser transmontanus, and the paddlefish, polyodon spathula, following fractionation of the pituitary extracts by reversed-phase hplc. in both species, immunoreactive forms which eluted with the same retention times as synthetic mammalian acth(1-13)nh2, monoacetylated alpha-msh, and diacetylated alpha-msh were detected. in the pituitary of the sturgeon, n-acetylated forms of alpha-msh represented 91% of the ... | 1994 | 7926625 |
immunoglobulin light chain class multiplicity and alternative organizational forms in early vertebrate phylogeny. | the prototypic chondrichthyan immunoglobulin (ig) light chain type (type i) isolated from heterodontus francisci (horned shark) has a clustered organization in which variable (v), joining (j), and constant (c) elements are in relatively close linkage (v-j-c). using a polymerase chain reaction-based approach on a light chain peptide sequence from the holocephalan, hydrolagus colliei (spotted ratfish), it was possible to isolate members of a second light chain gene family. a probe to this light ch ... | 1994 | 8026868 |
identification of gonadotropin-releasing hormone and associated binding substances in the blood serum of a holocephalan (hydrolagus colliei). | the identity of the gonadotropin-releasing hormone (gnrh) form and the presence of gnrh-binding substances in the blood serum of the holocephalan, spotted ratfish (hydrolagus colliei), were investigated. the gnrh-like peptides in the serum were identified on the basis of relative hydrophobicity using reverse-phase hplc. [his5,trp7,tyr8]gnrh (chicken gnrh-ii) was the only gnrh form detected in the serum. it has been previously shown to be the only gnrh form in the brain of this species. the prese ... | 1993 | 8134306 |
the primary structure of a chondrichthyan protamine: a new apparent contradiction in protamine evolution. | we have determined the primary structure of protamine r3 from ratfish (hydrolagus colliei), a species belonging to the order chimaeriformes (an old phylogenetic line among the chondrichthyes). protamine r3 contains 48 residues organized as follows: arrrh smkkk rksvr rrktr knqrk rknsl grsfk (q/a)hgfl kqppr frp. comparison of this sequence with both protamine z3 from scyliorhinus canicula (a chondrichthyan) and typical protamines from bony fish generates an apparent contradiction: two relatively c ... | 1996 | 8875866 |
hypophysial and extrahypophysial projections of the neurosecretory system of cartilaginous fishes: an immunocytochemical study using a polyclonal antibody against dogfish neurophysin. | immunocytochemistry using antibodies against the neurohypophysial nonapeptides has given equivocal results regarding relevant aspects of the classical neurosecretory system of elasmobranchs. the lack of antibodies reacting with the elasmobranch neurophysins (nps) has prevented the study of this neurosecretory system by nps immunocytochemistry. this led us to purify nps from scyliorhinus canicula, and to use them to raise a polyclonal antibody. this antibody reacted strongly with the elasmobranch ... | 1996 | 8889935 |
body fluid osmolytes and urea and ammonia flux in the colon of two chondrichthyan fishes, the ratfish, hydrolagus colliei, and spiny dogfish, squalus acanthias. | the present study has examined the role of the colon in regulating ammonia and urea nitrogen balance in two species of chondrichthyans, the ratfish, hydrolagus colliei (a holocephalan) and the spiny dogfish, squalus acanthias (an elasmobranch). stripped colonic tissue from both the dogfish and ratfish was mounted in an ussing chamber and in both species bi-directional urea flux was found to be negligible. urea uptake by the mucosa and serosa of the isolated colonic epithelium through accumulatio ... | 2012 | 21911071 |
the origin of the mammalian form of gnrh in primitive fishes. | the presence of neuroendocrine hormones in extant agnathan fishes suggests that a method of control involving these hormones was operating 500-600 million years ago in emerging vertebrates. data on a limited number of species show that several members of the gnrh family of peptides may have arisen in non-teleost fishes. lamprey (petromyzon marinus) gnrh has a unique composition and has not been detected in other vertebrates. it is not yet clear whether the chicken ii gnrh-like molecule arose in ... | 1989 | 24221758 |
sperm storage in male elasmobranchs: a description and survey. | two basic types of spermatozoan aggregates, spermatophores and spermatozeugmata, found in 14 different species of sharks, one species of skate, and one species of chimaera (holocephalan), were investigated using light and scanning electron microscopy. spermatophores, aggregates (usually 1,000-6,000 microns in diameter and larger) of randomly clumped sperm embedded in and surrounded by an eosinophilic matrix, were found in alopias superciliosus, odontaspis taurus, carcharodon carcharias, isurus o ... | 1994 | 8169955 |
an investigation of carbonic anhydrase activity in the gills and blood plasma of brown bullhead (ameiurus nebulosus), longnose skate (raja rhina), and spotted raffish (hydrolagus colliei). | separated plasma and whole blood non-bicarbonate buffering capacities, together with plasma and gill carbonic anhydrase activities and endogenous plasma carbonic anhydrase inhibitor activity were investigated in three species of fish: the brown bullhead (ameirus nebulosus), a teleost; the longnose skate (raja rhina), an elasmobranch; and the spotted ratfish (hydrolagus colliei), a chimaeran. the objective was to test the hypothesis that species possessing gill membrane-bound carbonic anhydrase a ... | 2002 | 11824406 |
ratfish retina--intracellular recordings and hrp injections in an isolated, superfused all-rod retina. | hyperpolarizing responses to light were studied by intracellular recording in the isolated, superfused retina of the ratfish (hydrolagus colliei). two of these hyperpolarizing units were identified as horizontal cells by iontophoretic injection of horseradish peroxidase (hrp). these cells had rather large cell bodies (15 x 30 micrometer), elliptical dendritic arborizations measuring 150 x 300 micrometers and no axons. since their physiological receptive fields were found to be at least 2.15 mm i ... | 1982 | 7123872 |
28s and 18s rdna sequences support the monophyly of lampreys and hagfishes. | resolving the interrelationships of three major extant lineages of vertebrates (hagfishes, lampreys, and gnathostomes) is a particularly important issue in evolution, because the basal resolution critically influences our understanding of primitive vertebrate characters. a consensus has emerged over the last 20 years that lampreys are the sister group to the gnathostomes and the hagfishes represent an ancient, basal lineage. this hypothesis has essentially displaced the classical hypothesis of m ... | 1998 | 9866205 |
bone lipids of marine fishes. | assessment of candidates for investigation of bone lipid metabolism yielded the following findings. (1) a tropical marine butterflyfish, chaetodon ornatissimus, had oil-filled bones (66-80% lipid, percent dry weight) hence may be a suitable condidate. (2) the tropical marine fishes exallias brevis, pomacentrus jenkensi, and chromus agilis, and a canadian fish sebastes ruberrimus, had intermediate quantities of oil in their bones (12-49% lipid). (3) in all the foregoing species the major bone lip ... | 1976 | 1029017 |
functional nasal morphology of chimaerid fishes. | holocephalans (chimaeras) are a group of marine fishes comprising three families: the callorhinchidae (callorhinchid fishes), the rhinochimaeridae (rhinochimaerid fishes) and the chimaeridae (chimaerid fishes). we have used x-ray microcomputed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging to characterise in detail the nasal anatomy of three species of chimaerid fishes: chimaera monstrosa, c. phantasma and hydrolagus colliei. we have shown that the nasal chamber of these three species is linked to th ... | 2013 | 23630172 |
mortality related to spotted ratfish (hydrolagus colliei) in pacific harbor seals (phoca vitulina) in washington state. | tissue perforation and penetration by dorsal fin spines of spotted ratfish (hydrolagus colliei) were responsible for the death of seven harbor seals (phoca vitulina) in washington state (usa) between 2006 and 2011. in six animals, necropsy revealed spines or spine parts that had perforated the esophagus or stomach and migrated into vital tissues, resulting in hemothorax, pneumothorax, pleuritis, and peritonitis. in a seventh case, a ratfish spine was recovered from the mouth of a harbor seal eut ... | 2012 | 23060509 |
records of chimaeroid fishes (holocephali: chimaeriformes) from the pacific coast of costa rica, with the description of a new species of chimera (chimaeridae) from the eastern pacific ocean. | a new species of chimaera linnaeus 1758 is described from three specimens collected from off the pacific coasts of costa rica and peru. chimaera orientalis n. sp., the first species of the genus described from the eastern pacific ocean, is distinguished from its other congeners by a combination of coloration and morphology. additionally, new records of occurrence for another four species of chimaeroid fishes (harriotta raleighana (goode & bean 1895), rhinochimaera africana compagno, stehmann & e ... | 2014 | 25283429 |
otodistomum hydrolagi sp. n. (trematoda: azygiidae) from the coelom of the ratfish, hydrolagus colliei (lay and bennett, 1839). | | 1972 | 5078595 |