
a study of parasites in domestic pests in households of patients with tropical pulmonary eosinophilia. 19752551
vector control of filariasis in the solomon solomon islands, filariasis is caused by the nocturnally perodic form of wuchereria bancrofti and is transmitted by the same vectors of malaria. this study explores the control of this disease as an additional effect of the malaria eradication programme.19753855
theoretical considerations in the vector control of order to assist in assessing progress of vector control of filariasis a theoretical model is constructed, using retrospective data on infected persons removed to a vector-free situation. this shows that the decrease of microfilaraemia is not regular, but is gradual for the first 3 years and then more rapid, reaching zero at about 10 years. an estimate is made of the level to which the vector must be reduced before transmission of filariasis ceases, showing that the degree of efficiency requir ...19755783
distribution of acid phosphatase activity in the larval stages of wuchereria bancrofti, brugia malayi, b. pahangi and dirofilaria immitis in the mosquito.the histochemical distribution of acid phosphatase in microfilariae and in the larval stages of four mosquito-borne filariae: wuchereria bancrofti, brugia malayi, b. pahangi and dirofilaria immitis was studied using naphthol as-tr-hexazonium technique and light microscopy. accurate differentiation between microfilariae of the four species could be made on the basis of their patterns of acid phosphatase activity. in contrast to microfilariae in the blood, the larval stages in the mosquito exhibit ...197716368
bancroftian filariasis in kenya. iv. disease distribution and transmission dynamics. 197723080
experimental brugia timori and wuchereria bancrofti infections in certain species of mosquitoes.laboratory reared aedes aegypti (black eye and jakarta strains), aedes togoi, (taiwan), aedes albopictus, (jakarta), wild caught anopheles barbirostris, (java) and mansonia uniformis, (jakarta) were fed on a carrier with mixed infection of brugia timori and wuchereria bancrofti. b. timori and w. bancrofti were able to develop in a. aegypti (black eye) and a. togoi, with development proceeding more rapidly for of b. timori than w. bancrofti. both species of parasites were readily distinguishable ...197724275
filariasis in west kalimantan (borneo), indonesia.a survey was carried out among persons residing in 8 villages in the province of west kalimantan, indonesia to determine the prevalence of filariasis. finger tip blood smears were obtained at night from over 3,000 people and microfilariae of brugia malayi were found in 108 (3.5%) and wuchereria bancrofti in 10 (0.3%). most b. malayi (96 carriers) was found in kakap, a village near the coast, 20 km from the provincial capital of pontianak. nine of 10 cases of w. bancrofti were located in pahauman ...197726980
the lethal effects of the cibarial and pharyngeal armatures of mosquitoes on microfilariae.microfilariae of wuchereria bancrofti and brugia pahangi were killed by the chewing action of the cibarial and pharyngeal armatures and other papillae and spines in the fore-gut of mosquitoes. the proportion of ingested microfilariae that were killed was largely dependent on the presence and shape of the cibarial armature. anopheles farauti no. 1 and anopheles gambiae species a and b have well developed cibarial armatures and killed 36 to 96% of the ingested microfilariae. culex pipiens fatigans ...197830190
[on the ecology of filariases (author's transl)]. 197832682
distribution and density of mosquitoes in two endemic areas for bancroftian filariasis in sorsogon, philippines.mosquito density in rangas where abaca is in abundance is much higher, almost twice, than that of putiao where abaca is absent. the adult density of aedes poecilus over aedes ananae in the two areas combined is 3 to 4 times whereas the larval density of the former is much lower than aedes ananae. the banana axils is a favorite breeding place for aedes poecilus but may also utilize the abaca axils. this finding is very favorable in the transmission of bancroftian filariasis because this species o ...197834889
bancroftian filariasis in a philippine village: entomological findings.bancroftian filariasis in an isolated philippine village has been intensively investigated; this paper reports the entomological findings. surveys were carried out six months apart in the driest and wettest months. significant transmission was demonstrated only during the wet season. aedes poicillius was the major vector of wuchereria bancrofti. ae. poicilius accounted for 58% of larvae found in the axils of banana plants and 31% of those in abaca axils; negligible numbers of larvae of this spec ...197939349
tanzania filariasis project. survey methodology and clinical manifestations of bancroftian a bancroftian filariasis survey on the coast of tanzania microfilaria rates rose with age reaching 53% in the 60-69 year group followed by a slight fall above this age. the most important clinical manifestations were hydrocoele, funiculitis and elephantiasis, with hydrocoele presenting the most serious public health problem. hydrocoele rates increased with age reaching 90% above the age of 70. the highest proportion of large hydrocoeles were also in the older age groups. a satisfactory method ...197944101
letter: a new species of microfilaria? 197546435
studies on the diagnosis and treatment of human filariasis in rhodesia.experiences in rhodesia with various recovery techniques available for the laboratory diagnosis of infections with dipetalonema perstans and wuchereria bancrofti are discussed. a diagnostic laboratory regimen for routine filarial investigations is suggested. included are preliminary observations on the use of mebendazole (vermox) for the treatment of d. perstans infections.197660784
cholinesterase activity in the microfilaria of wuchereria bancrofti cobbold.the distribution of cholinesterase activity in the microfilaria of the nocturnally periodic wuchereria bancrofti has been described. using histochemical methods, cholinesterase activity has been demonstrated in the amphids (mundgebilde), phasmids (schwanzgebilde), nerve-ring, excretory and anal vesicles of the microfilaria. it has been found that the enzyme activity disappeared completely after treatment with the specific cholinesterase inhibitor eserine. evidence is presented that the greater a ...197774889
specific allergic sensitsation to filarial antigens in tropical eosinophilia syndrome.reaginic antibodies to antigens from the human filarial parasites wuchereria bancrofti and brugia malayi and the animal parasite dirofilaria immitis were studied by histamine release from basophils in 7 patients with tropical eosinophilia (t.e.) and 18 patients with other manifestations of filarial infection (lymphatic changes or symptomless microfilaraemia). all the patients had antibodies to all three filariae but t.e. patients were more highly sensitised. t.e. patients responded more to antig ...197986883
studies on filariasis transmission in kwale, a tanzanian coastal village, and the results of mosquito control measures.the main vectors of bancroftian filariasis in kwale, tanzania, were anopheles gambiae complex and culex p. quinquefasciatus. after vector control by the insecticides dursban (chlorpyrifos) or abate (temephos), the number of all man-biting mosquitoes was reduced by 94.8%, and that of house-resting mosquitoes by 95.3%. anopheles gambiae complex were highly exophilic, possibly due to a high proportion of anopheles merus in this village. the infection rate of a. gambiae complex rose significantly in ...197991349
filarial nodule of the female breast. clinicopathologic study of 57 cases. 197898307
filariasis bancrofti and chronic illness behavior. 1978104198
experimental infection of the long-tailed macaque, macaca fasicularis with wuchereria bancrofti (rural strain). 1978107598
experimental transmission of wuchereria bancrofti to monkeys.infective larvae of wuchereria bancrofti from laboratory-raised culex pipiens fatigans and aedes togoi mosquitoes fed on human volunteers in jakarta, indonesia (j strain) and kinmen island, china (k strain) were introduced into taiwan monkeys (macaca cyclopis) by subcutaneous inoculation, by foot puncture, or by permitting infected mosquitoes to feed weekly on the monkeys. some animals were splenectomized and others were treated with varying regimens of immunosuppressants. necropsy was done on m ...1979107818
[study of the possibility of infection of mosquitoes with larvae of wuchereria bancrofti in northern caucasus]. 1978148572
[control of bancroftian filariasis by common salt medicated with diethylcarbamazine on little kinmen (quemoy) island. 1. epidemiological study]. 1975238801
attempts to infect jirds (meriones unguiculatus) with wuchereria bancrofti, onchocerca volvulus, loa loa loa and mansonella ozzardi. 1977267662
chyluria: a case report and brief literature review.a case of chyluria presumably caused by filaria bancrofti is presented. the radiographic and urologic presentation as well as a brief review of the natural history, diagnosis and treatment is included.1977320350
sensitivity and specificity of skin reactivity to brugia malayi and dirofilaria immitis antigens in bancroftian and malayan filariasis in the philippines.saline antigen extracts of microfilariae, adult worms and third-stage larvae of subperiodic brugia malayi maintained in gerbils were prepared for use as skin test reagents. patients were studied on three different islands in the philippines, one endemic for bancroftian filariasis (sorsogon, luzon), another endemic for malayan filariasis (palawan) and the third without endemic filariasis (cebu). a dose-response curve was established initially in patients with bancroftian filariasis: thereafter 1. ...1977322516
on the inheritance of susceptibility for infection with wuchereria bancrofti in culex pipiens fatigans.from a colony of c.p.fatigans from monrovia showing 21.6% susceptibility of w. bancrofti a refractory strain could be selected but not a highly susceptible one. experiments to select a refractory strain out of the highly susceptible colony from delhi failed. from these results and those of the crossing experiments between the selected refractory strain from monrovia and the delhi colony it appears that in the mosquito population from monrovia susceptibility for w. bancrofti is not dominating ref ...1977324054
epidemiological investigations of bancroftian filariasis in the coastal zone liberia.a survey in 5 study areas along the liberian coast was conducted to gain information on the prevalence and importance of bancroftian filariasis. the examination of 2675 persons revealed prevalence rates between 2% and 37%. the median microfilarial densities (mfd50) ranged from 5 to 24 microfilariae in 20 mm3 capillary blood taken between 20.30 hours and midnight. catalytic curves fitted to age-specific infection rates were used to estimate incidence (1% to 3%) and recovery rates. it was extrapo ...1977324055
a modified statistical method for analysis of periodicity of microfilaria. 1977324907
filariasis in the united states. 1977325071
the survival in nature of wuchereia-infected anopheles funestus giles in north-eastern tanzania.hungry anopheles funestus females were caught in cdc light traps positioned overnight in village houses in which the occupants were protected by bed nets. the sampling was performed in six huts near muheza, in north-eastern tanzania, september to november 1972. parous, unfed mosquitoes were carefully examined, usually under phase-contrast optics, for the presence of developing wuchereria bancrofti larvae. because a. funestus seek blood meals at three-day intervals, most filariae were three, six, ...1977327630
the effect of diethylcarbamazine treatment on the development of bancroftian microfilariae in culex p. fatigans.bancroftian microfilarie survived after one to three courses of diethylcarbamazine treatment in carriers and the larvae able to reach the infective stage in culex p. fatigans. the infection rate and the development of infective larvae per infected mosquito from dec-treated carriers was much lower than from the untreated carrier. the fact that surving mf can develop to infective stage in their vector indicates that such filarial carriers may be important sources for transmission of filariasis in ...1977329427
specific cellular immune unresponsiveness in human filariasis. 1977332621
medical research in kenya. ii. parasitology. 1977333669
parasitological and clinical survey of bancroftian filariasis in kepu district, central jakarta, indonesia.a blood and clinical survey for bancroftian filariasis was made in the kepu district of central jakarta in june 1976. about 90% of 614 inhabitants in the survey area was examined. the microfilarial rate was 4.5%; 5.8% in males and 3.3% in females. most of the carriers were asymptomatic. the microfilarial density was low. there were 15 persons (2.7%) with signs and symptoms of filariasis; 11 males and 4 females. the total filariasis infection rate was 6.7%. the percentage of infected persons incr ...1977335531
bancroftian filariasis in kenya i. prevalence survey among adult males in the coast province. 1977335990
bancroftian filariasis in kenya ii. clinical and parasitological investigations in mambrui, a small coastal town, and jaribuni, a rural area more inland (coast province). 1977335991
bancroftian filariasis in kenya iii. entomological investigations in mambrui, a small coastal town, and jaribuni, a rural area more inland (coast province). 1977335992
some aspects of transmission of wuchereria bancrofti and ecology of the vector culex pipiens fatigans in pondicherry. 1977336534
laboratory infection of anopheles pharoensis with wuchereria bancrofti.a. pharoensis was infected from a donor with a high count of w. bancrofti microfilariae. of the freshly dissected mosquitos, 81.6% were found to have ingested microfilariae, with an average of 12 +/- 2.2 microfilariae per mosquito. an infectivity rate of 41.9% was observed in mosquitos dissected between the eleventh and fifteenth days after feeding. a mean of 7.6 +/- 1.2 third-stage larvae was found in infective mosquitos. although a. pharoensis has not yet been found naturally infected with thi ...1977340077
solitary filarial breast lump. 1977344804
failure of diethylcarbamazine as a provocative test in subperiodic wuchereria bancrofti filariasis.the effect of diethylcarbamazine (dec) on levels of microfilaraemia in 70 patients with subperiodic, pacific-variant wuchereria bancrofti infection was studied one hour after oral administration of 5 mg/kg of drug. in contrast to the immediate dec-induced increase in microfilaraemia which had been previously described in patients with nocturnally periodic filariasis, diethylcarbamazine failed to elicit such a response in patients with subperiodic bancrofti infection. indeed, one hour after oral ...1978345536
a standardization of microfilarial densities for epidemiological comparisons in periodic bancroftian filariasis.microfilarial density in the peripheral blood changes with time. the average concentration in a population can only be calculated if the influence of circadian periodicity is eliminated from individual measurements. a transformation of the harmonic wave formula, describing the time dependent changes in density allows to calculate the number of microfilariae at the peak of the curve from the number observed at the time of examination. the equation was tested for strains of wuchereria bancrofti fr ...1978347652
intraocular filariasis. 1978350776
[simplified method for collecting larval forms of wuchereria bancrofti cobbold (var. pacifica) and their preparation for immunofluorescence]. 1978352568
comparative susceptibility to wuchereria bancrofti of culex pipiens fatigans delhi strain and of strains cytoplasmically incompatible with it. 1977355132
indirect immunofluorescence test against dipetalonema viteae in detection of filariasis in dhanbad coalmines area. 1978355136
clearance of microfilaraemia among bancrofti carriers after diethylcarbamazine. 1978355137
[filariasis bancrofti. a review illustrated by a case]. 1978356379
filarial infection of the breast.the breast is a common site of filarial infection in females in sri lanka. we report our experience with 13 cases of filarial breast nodules, 12 containing adult worms and the other only microfilariae. in five of these cases the species was identified as wuchereria bancrofti.1978356636
brugia malayi infective larval whole worm antigen in the diagnosis of filariasis by skin test. 1978359469
immune reactions in human filariasis.sera from cases of elephantiasis due to wuchereria bancrofti infection promoted an intense adhesion of peripheral blood leukocytes to w. bancrofti microfilariae in vitro. a similar adhesion was also seen using sera from some normal persons living for several years in areas where filariasis is endemic. no such adhesion was evident with sera from microfilaria carriers or from normal subjects from nonendemic areas. the adhesion was complement independent and was associated with the immunoglobulin g ...1978359589
human filariae in indonesia.the distribution of human filariae in indonesia has not changed significantly since initial reports of the disease were made in 1928. wuchereria bancrofti and brugia malayi are widely distributed but the newly described brugia timori appears to be restricted to the lesser sunda islands. w. bancrofti and b. timori in indonesia are nocturnally periodic and b. malayi has nocturnally periodic and b. malayi has nocturnally periodic and nocturnally subperiodic strains.1978360410
the failure of diethylcarbamazine in the treatment of mansonella ozzardi infections. 1978360502
immunization studies in rabbits with human-filarial parasite wuchereria bancrofti. 1978363608
ultrastructure of the anterior alimentary tract of infective-stage wuchereria bancrofti (nematoda: filarioidea).the anterior alimentary tract of infective-stage wuchereria bancrofti is divided into the following segments: stoma or buccal capsule, muscular esophagus, glandular esophagus, esophageal-intestinal valve, and intestine. invaginated external cuticle lines only the anterior stoma. external cuticle and esophageal lining are not continuous and are ultrastructurally distinct; the latter is compared morphologically to the amorphous component of elastin. the glandular esophagus is a composite structure ...1978363997
[diagnosis of filariasis in persons with a low density of microfilaria in the blood]. 1978364287
the association of clinical filariasis and wuchereria bancrofti infections in a study carried out in jakarta, indonesia between 1969--1977, patients with clinical manifestations of filariasis were examined for microfilaremia. finger blood (3 x 20 microliter) were examined by conventional methods, venous blood by membrane filtration, urine and hydrocele fluid by concentration methods. a total of 1,422 patients were examined and 182 (12.8%) were positive by blood smear; however, examination by membrane filtration and concentration of urine and hydrocele fluid did not app ...1978364673
abortive development of wuchereria bancrofti in a west african strain of culex pipiens fatigans.the detailed morphology of the larvae of wuchereria bancrofti developing in a refractory strain of culex pipiens fatigans from liberia, west africa, has been described. the abortive development of the parasite in the thoracic muscles of the mosquito was characterized mainly by: (i) retardation or complete failure of initial division of the g-cell, (ii) partial or complete encapsulation of developing larvae, especially at the anal and excretory vesicle areas of late first-stage, (iii) breakdown o ...1978364800
dynamics and intensity of wuchereria bancrofti transmission in the savannah and forest regions of four villages in the savannah and in the rain forest of liberia, regular assessment of the biting activity and infection rates of anthropophilic mosquitoes have been carried out through full annual cycles. the microfilaremia rates in the localities in the savannah were 18.3% and 20.0% and in those of the forest 10.3% and 12.5%. the all-night catches were performed inside ordinary inhibited houses at monthly or fortnightly intervals. presence of infective larvae of wuchereria bancrofti proved ...1978364801
some pulmonary manifestations of allergy. 1978366356
a multidisciplinary study on bancroftian filariasis in jakarta.a study on bancroftian filariasis in jakarta has indicated that one person in one year could be exposed to 223,000 bites of culex pipens fatigans and to 1,941 infective-stage larvae of wuchereria bancrofti. blood surveys with 20 mm3 samples revealed a microfilaria rate of 6%. although some cases of hydrocele (4% of 272 males examined) were found, there was little evidence of severe filarial disease in either males or females. amongst wild-caught mosquitoes only 0.3% contained infective larvae, b ...1978366813
filariasis in a 12-year-old girl. 1979367150
loss of filarial larvae in a natural mosquito population.analysis of log normal parasite densities of wuchereria bancrofti in the mosquito culex pipiens fatigans collected in the suburbs of colombo, sri lanka, has shown a decreasing parasite load with age of infection. the median density of microfilarial intake in the natural population was 10.3, but this had decreased to 2.6 by the infective stage. of the total microfilariae ingested, 51.9% were found in the thorax 12--17 hours after infection of the mosquitoes in the laboratory. further decrease in ...1978367299
[subcutaneous nodule produced by wuchereria bancrofti (author's transl)]. 1978367385
bancroftian filariasis in a philippine village: clinical, parasitological, immunological, and social aspects.the distribution and effects of bancroftian filariasis in 535 inhabitants of a philippine village were investigated. clinical, parasitiological, immunological, and socioeconomic assessments were made. a history of acute lymphatic inflammation and the presence of inguinal lymphadenopathy were common. lymphatic obstructive disease, defined as leg edema, hydrocele, or an epididymal cyst, was more common in men than women and increased progressively with age. the prevalence and intensity of micr ...1978367626
[progress in the use of diethylcarbamazine in the drug therapy of lymphatic filariasis caused by wuchereria bancrofti var. pacifica: administration in widely spaced doses]. 1978367627
surgical manifestations of filariasis. 1978370376
[culex pipiens fatigans wiedemann in tropical africa: its importance and its control (author's transl)].improvement in communications, unchecked urbanization and use of inadequate insecticides have promoted widespreading and proliferation of c.p. fatigans in tropical africa. this mosquito is a pest for man but also a main vector of bancroftian filariasis. various sanitation measures and insecticidal control are now available to destroy it; these control methods are indicated.1978370500
serum immunoglobulin levels in indonesians with bancroftian filariasis.serum immunoglobulin (ig) levels (iga, igm, igg, ige) were determined on 185 indonesians mostly males with and without microfilaremia and with and without clinical disease (hydrocele and elphantiasis). no significant differences were found in iga and ige levels in any of the groups but significantly higher igg levels were found in microfilariae positive persons than those without microfilaremia. persons with microfilariae alone and symptoms alone, but not both, had higher levels of igm. there we ...1978372553
a new collection record of anoheles whartoni from the west coast of peninsula malaysia. 1978373133
longevity of wuchereria bancrofti var. pacifica and mosquito infection acquired from a patient with low level parasitemia.two cases are reported which illustrate important epidemiological aspects of lymphatic filariasis--prolonged longevity of the adult parasite and the possibility of transmission by individuals with ultra-low level microfilaremia. these cases demonstrate that people can remain carriers of microfilariae in the peripheral blood for many years without reinfection, and even those with a low level microfilaremia can constitute a significant reservoir of mosquito infection. such cases represent one of t ...1979373472
distribution and prevalence of cases of microfilaraemia in indonesia.blood smear surveys were conducted in principal villages on the major islands of indonesia to determine the microfilarial rates presently existing in the populations. a total of 163,454 persons were examined and 10.8 percent found positive for microfilariae of wuchereria bancrofti, brugia malayi or brugia timori. the highest prevalence rates were found in nusatenggara-maluku-irian jaya (15.5%) followed by sulawesi (13.7%) kalimantan (10.8%) sumatera (8.9%) and jawa and bali (1.7%). many areas en ...1978375405
levamisole and mebendazole in the treatment of bancroftian infection.levamisole and mebendazole, broad spectrum anthelminthic compounds were tested against microfilaria of wuchereria bancrofti, and the results were compared with similarly treated diethylcarbamazine and untreated group. levamisole at a dosage of 3 mg/kg daily for 8 days showed marked reduction in both microfilaria rate and microfilaria density and immediately thereafter mf-rate steadily increased almost up to pre-treatment level, the mf-density however showed only marginal increase. mebendazole at ...1978375408
immunosuppression in bancroftian filariasis.immunological function in filipino patients with bancroftian filariasis, manifested as either asymptomatic microfilaraemia or chronic obstructive disease, was compared with that found in healthy control subjects living in the same area. as a group, patients with filariasis had raised serum igg levels, impairment of antibody responses to tetanus and typhoid vaccines, and suppression of delayed hypersensitivity skin reactions to heterologous antigens. this immunosuppression in filariasis may resul ...1979375486
notes on nematode larvae others than microfilariae found on filter membranes in blood surveys for bancroftian filariasis.among 741 people examined in a rural area in liberia for microfilariae of wuchereria bancrofti 39 (5,3%) were found to be infected with nematode larvae others than microfilariae. these larvae had more developed inner structures than microfilariae and could be classified into two different types, differing in length and shape. the larvae have not been identified yet, but it is believed that they have to be associated to parasitic nematodes of the intestine.1979375513
studies on bancroftian filariasis in liberia, west africa. i. distribution and prevalence in the north-western savanna area.a nightblood survey was carried out in 17 villages in the savanna area in upper lofa in liberia. a total of 1968 people was examined for the prevalence of microfilariae of wuchereia bancrofti and for clinical symptoms of filariasis. 279 (14,2%) persons proved to be microfilaria carriers. men were almost twice (19,0%) as much infected than women (10,4%). only two cases of leg elephantiasis and one breast elephantiasis were found. enlargements of scrotum were seen in 60 men (6,9%). the scrotal enl ...1979375515
ultrastructure of the rectum of infective-stage wuchereria bancrofti (nematoda: filarioidea).the authors have examined the ultrastructure of the rectum of infective-stage wuchereria bancrofti by transmission electron microscopy. our observations show that the rectum is divided into anterior and posterior segments. the cells of the anterior rectum appear to be derived from the microfilarial r (rectal) cells described by other authors. in both stages, these cells show voluminous nuclei, abundant mitochondria, and small cytoplasmic processes which contain fibrillar components. amorphous ma ...1979376820
the prevalence and distribution of mansonella ozzardi in coastal north trinidad, w.i.a day blood smear survey for mansonella ozzardi in the north coast communities of trinidad recorded a prevalence of 4.8% in 4,488 persons examined. prevalence rates were highest in the four western-most communities, where the vector, culicoides phlebotomus, is a severe nuisance problem. prevalence rates increased with age and were higher in males than in females. mean microfilaria densities were low in both sexes up to 50 years of age but in older males the density increased with age. wuchereria ...1979382471
comparative studies on the transmission rates for wuchereria and brugia. 1979382472
a mass dissection technique for determining infectivity rate of filariasis vectors.a mass dissection method is described using an apparatus with a 55 mesh cotton sieve (244 micron pore size), which proved efficient in detecting the infectivity rate of bancroftian filariasis in culex p. fatigans. a recovery rate of more than 98% was obtained after one hour's settling when a known number of infective larvae was released through the sieve. in the comparative tests of individual- and mass-dissection of mosquitos from the same origin, the number of infective larvae recovered in the ...1979384057
studies on bancroftian filariasis in liberia, west africa. ii. changes in microfilaraemia in a rural population some years after first examination.the population of eleven villages in the savanna area in upper lofa in the hinterland of liberia was investigated in 1973 and 1976/77 for infections with microfilariae of wucheria bancrofti. from a total of 1255 persons examined in 1973 16,3% were microfilaria carriers and in 1976/77 17,9% out of 1356 inhabitants were microfilaria positive. to obtain informations on the change of microfilaraemia in individuals, emphasis was laid in 1976/77 on the identification of those persons, who had been exa ...1979384627
[filarian elephantiasis in french polynesia (wuchereria bancrofti var. pacifica). health study on 274 subjects. i epidemiological and clinical aspects].twenty-five years after the fight started against wuchereria bancrofti var. pacifica in french polynesia and which was based upon mass chimiotherapy by diethylcarbamazine (banocide), a survey realized in 1975 and 1976 among 274 patients with elephantiasis allows us to give precise details of the local clinical and epidemiological aspects. since 1950 the number of clinical cases varies along with the parasitological incidence, but with a certain delay which is explained by the late and irreversib ...1978385163
[filarian elephantiasis in french polynesia (wuchereria bancrofti var. pacifica). ii. biological aspects].realized in french polynesia among 274 patients with elephantiasis, this survey studied the microfilaremia, the eosinophily, the immunoglobulin titers and the antifilarian antibodies (done by passive hemagglutination) for wuchereria bancrofti var. pacifica. patients with elephantiasis seldom have circulating microfilariae in their blood. hypereosinophily is frequent but rarely high. it is similar to the one patients with microfilaremia. there is a trend towards neutropenia during lymphangitic cr ...1978385164
indirect fluorescent antibody technique using sonicated wuchereria bancrofti microfilaria for immunodiagnosis of bancroftian filariasis. 1979385488
the distribution of human filariasis throughout the world part iv. america. 1979386593
studies of the susceptibility of culex pipiens fatigans from non-endemic filarial areas to urban wuchereria bancrofti. 1979386965
wuchereria bancrofti microfilarial antigen in the diagnosis of human filariasis by skin test. 1979387950
bancroftian filariasis in egypt. 1979390796
bancroftian filariasis: a comparison of microfilariae counting techniques using counting chamber, standard slide and membrane (nuclepore) filtration.three techniques were compared for counting microfilariae of wuchereria bancrofti in blood specimens--a standard slide method, the counting chamber technique (cct) and a membrane filtration technique (mfct). the cct was much more sensitive than the slide method, the difference in sensitivity between these two methods probably being due mainly to the loss of microfilariae during the dehaemoglobinizing process prior to staining in the standard slide method. there was good correlation between the t ...1979393190
preliminary screening of antifilarial activity of levamisole and amodiaquine on wuchereria bancrofti.a single dose of levamisole of 3 mg/kg had a marked microfilaricidal effect in some persons harbouring wuchereria bancrofti, but there was considerable variation in the response. in some cases blood examinations for microfilariae remained negative or at a low level for several months. persons with high pretreatment microfilaraemias responded less to therapy than did those with low counts. the main side-reaction to levamisole was fever, which began six to eight hours after treatment. combined dec ...1979393191
antigenic activity in adult dipetalonema viteae in the indirect immunofluorescent test against sera from filariasis patients--the immunofluorescent histological search for "pure" antigen.using ifat, it has been shown that isolated egg-shells and uterine fluid of dipetalonema viteae are the most potent antigens in heterologous systems using human sera from patients infected with wuchereria bancrofti, onchocerca volvulus and loa loa, as well as in homologous systems using sera from animals infected with d. viteae. it is suggested that these antigens are unlikely to be highly species-specific, and that anatomical isolation of antigens is a necessary prerequisite to immunochemical a ...1979394410
microfilaraemia survey in vientiane, laos.during the period june 1977-january 1978 a microfilariaemia survey was conducted for the first time in 27 villages (population: 9,300) of vientiane province of laos. a total of 2,339 persons, 1,372 males, 967 females, mostly adults, were blood tested between 2000--2400 hours; one thick smear, approximately 20, was collected from each one and stained with 10% giemsa for 30 minutes; only one positive was detected with microfilaria of w. bancrofti in a 22-year-old male; unusually the sheath wa ...1979395663
studies on human filariasis in malaysia: immunodiagnosis using indirect immunofluorescence.the indirect immunofluorescence test using sonicated microfilariae of brugia malayi has been evaluated on 173 sera from patients and persons exposed to wuchereria bancrofti and b. malayi in endemic areas of peninsular malaysia. in the microfilaria-negative group, without signs and symptoms of filariasis 55/62 sera (89%) had titers of 1:16 and less. in the microfilaremic groups and in the amicrofilaremic cases with clinical filariasis, all the sera tested were positive, with the antibody titers r ...1979395664
eradication of wuchereria bancrofti infection through vector control. 1979395730
attempts to infect meriones unguiculatus and mastomys natalensis with wuchereria bancrofti from west africa.44 male and female meriones unguiculatus and 13 male mastomys natalensis were inoculated with infective stage larvae of wuchereria bancrofti from west africa and dissected between 16 and 360 days after inoculation. fourth stage larvae of w. bancrofti were recovered in meriones until the 90th day p.i. and in mastomys until the 175th day p.i. the longest larva obtained from meriones measured 9.5 mm and from mastomys 6.5 mm.1979395744
bancroftian filariasis and other parasitic infections in the middle fly river region of western papua new guinea i. clinical, parasitooogical and serological studies. 1979395913
tanzania filariasis project: a provocative day test with diethylcarbamazine for the detection of microfilariae of nocturnally periodic wuchereria bancrofti in the coastal tanzania, an area where the microfilariae (mf) of wuchereria bancrofti exhibit nocturnal periodicity, the administration of 2 mg diethylcarbamazine (dec) per kg body weight in the daytime provoked mf to enter the peripheral blood. in persons on normal daily activities the daytime dec provocative method proved to be as sensitive in detecting microfilaraemia as was the examination of night blood. its use in routine surveys is therefore justified. although mf densities by day and night w ...1979396052
detection of circulating filarial antigen in bancroftian filariasis. 1979397922
acute eosinophilic glomerulonephritis with bancroftian filariasis.a case is reported of bancroftian filariasis and acute immune complex glomerulonephritis in a 44-year-old man. renal biopsy showed microfilariae and large numbers of eosinophils in the glomeruli (eosinophilic glomerulonephritis). the absence of other aetiological factors suggests that the glomerulonephritis may have been of filarial origin.1979398487
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