
in situ x-ray energy dispersive microanalysis of polyphosphate bodies in aureobasidium pullulans. 197990734
the fungal flora of loganberries in relation to storage and spoilage.botrytis cinerea, cladosporium spp., penicillium spp., aureobasidium pullulans, mucor mucedo, phoma state of didymella applanata, cryptococcus laurentii var. laurentii, c. albidus var. albidus, candida sake and sporobolomyces roseus were consistently present on freshly harvested loganberries. botrytis cinerea was the main spoilage organism with mucor mucedo of minor importance. the importance of benomyl-resistant strains of b. cinerea is discussed.1977557301
fungal antigens as a source of sensitization and respiratory disease in scottish maltworkers.mycological and serological studies were carried out as part of a survey of respiratory disease in scottish maltworkers. 70% of stained sputum smears from 574 workers showed the presence of higher plant cells and/or myclelia, and the spores of common environmental fungi. penicillium spp. (90%), rhizopus stolonifer (48%) and yeasts (53%) were the dominant fungi in 699 sputum cultures, and showed a similar proportional distribution in 327 samples of grain, malt, culms and dusts from fifty-six malt ...1977589785
ethanol production during the growth cycle of aureobasidium pullulans. 19761035551
pharmacological profile of hs-142-1, a novel nonpeptide atrial natriuretic peptide antagonist of microbial origin. i. selective inhibition of the actions of natriuretic peptides in anesthetized rats.hs-142-1, a novel polysaccharide, isolated from the culture broth of aureobasidium pullulans var. melanigenum, has been found to inhibit selectively the binding of [125i]atrial natriuretic peptide (anp) to the guanylyl cyclase-linked anp receptor (anp-b receptor) and production of cyclic gmp by anp. the effect of this compound on renal and vascular actions evoked by exogenously administered natriuretic peptides was examined in anesthetized rats. the increase in urine flow and in the urinary excr ...19921346647
enhancement and stabilization of the production of glucoamylase by immobilized cells of aureobasidium pullulans in a fluidized-bed reactor.glucoamylase production by aureobasidium pullulans a-124 was compared in free-living cells, cells immobilized in calcium alginate gel beads aerated on a rotary shaker (agitation rate 150 rpm), and immobilized cells aerated in an air bubble column reactor. fermentation conditions in the bioreactor were established for bead concentration, substrate (starch) concentration, calcium chloride addition to the fermentation medium, and rate of aeration. production of glucoamylase was optimized at approxi ...19901366744
effect of surface sterilization, fumigation and gamma irradiation on the microflora and germination of barley seeds.sodium hypochlorite (naocl) and mercuric chloride (hgcl2) surface sterilization, methyl bromide and propylene oxide fumigation and gamma irradiation treatments were compared for their effectiveness in killing microorganisms on or within barley seeds. surface sterilization with 12.5, 25 or 50% (v/v) naocl for 5, 15 or 30 min, decreased fusarium spp., epicoccum purpurascens, and bacillus spp. but did not kill alternaria alternata. however, surface sterilization with 0.1 or 0.2% (w/v) hgcl2 for 3 m ...19911863528
[house dust mold in istanbul. i. detection of mold flora in bed dust].in our study, mycological analyses were carried out on 110 randomly chosen houses for bed dusts. 748 mould strains belonging to 117 genus and species were isolated and identified. air-borne pathogenic fungi, fungi that are causative agents of pulmonary allergy such as cladosporium spp., aspergillus glaucus group, alternaria, ulocladium, aureobasidium pullulans, aspergillus niger group were isolated.19883273596
characterization of a monoclonal antibody (p40) against the 68 kd major allergen of penicillium notatum.a monoclonal antibody (moab p40) against the 68 kd major allergen of penicillium notatum (p. notatum) was obtained by immunizing the mouse with a crude extract of p. notatum. analysed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and immunoblotting, p40 reacted with two different isoforms of the 68 kd component of p. notatum with pis of 5.4 and 5.5. in addition to p. notatum, p40 showed positive elisa activity to aspergillus fumigatus (a. fumigatus) but not to components of six other fungi including al ...19921377093
genetic transformation of aureobasidium pullulans.aureobasidium pullulans strain y117 was transformed to hygromycin resistance using plasmid pdh33, which contains the bacterial hygromycin b phosphotransferase gene (hph) fused to promoter elements of the aspergillus niger glucoamylase gene (glaa). southern hybridizations of transformants revealed multiple, integrated copies of the vector. the glaa promoter was not induced by starch in a. pullulans as it is in a. niger; however, the transcriptional start points were the same in both species.19911369347
flow injection analysis with immobilized enzymes for process control of pullulan production by fermentation.a flow injection system is described for the parallel determination of pullulan and glucose during a fermentation of the fungus aureobasidium pullulans. the polysaccharide was hydrolyzed by pullulanase and amyloglucosidase, immobilized to controlled-pore glass (cpg). the glucose produced was oxidized by glucose dehydrogenase and the nadh formed determined photometrically. the pullulan concentration was calculated from the difference to the response obtained for free glucose. the calibration curv ...19921368197
cutaneous infection of a porcupine (erethizon dorsatum) by aureobasidium pullulans.aureobasidium pullulans was repeatedly isolated from a cutaneous infection of a porcupine (erethizon dorsatum). tissue sections revealed fungal filaments similar to those of a. pullulans. this is the first reported association of a. pullulans with a natural infection of either wild or domesticated animals.19761265573
molds on vegetables at the time of harvest.the mean numbers of colony-forming units of molds present on vegetables at the time of harvest were in the range of 4.2 x 10(3) to 6.7 x 10(3)/g for all vegetables except cucurbits and asparagus. the numbers were not influenced by cultivars within species, duration of the growing season, distant separation of the growing fields, or elevation above ground. numbers increased with rainfall during either of 3 days before harvest and decreased when the mean daily temperature exceeded 24 degrees c. th ...1978646353
occupational hypersensitivity lung disease.a case of occupational hypersensitivity pneumonitis caused by an air conditioning unit is presented. aspergillus fumigatus and aureobasidium pullulans were cultured from this unit and antibodies to these organisms were found the patient's blood. the case shows that this disease may present in a very subtle form and may be diagnosed by a culture from the patient's environment and an easily performed blood precipitin test. the importance of searching for this type of lung disease and the need for ...1978569690
opportunistic infection of the spleen caused by aureobasidium pullulans.the mold aureobasidium pullulans was isolated on several nutrient media from a splenic abscess in a patient with disseminated lymphoma. examination of stained smears and paraffin sections revealed fungal structures characteristic of this organism. this is the first reported association of a. pullulans with an opportunistic visceral infection.19863711270
aureobasidium pullulans metabolism of prostaglandins of the a-type.aureobasidium pullulans, originally introduced as an inadvertent contaminant in solutions used for evaluating the stability of prostaglandins, proved to lead to the rapid disappearance of the cyclopentenone unit of pga2 (as monitored by circular dichroic spectroscopy). the cyclopentenone unit is converted, in various metabolites, to a 9-keto, 9 alpha or 9 beta-hydroxy group lacking the ring unsaturation. the major etoac-soluble 9-hydroxy metabolite (compound-i) was shown to be 9 alpha, 15 alpha- ...1979375316
synergistic color variants of aureobasidium pullulans. 1975235088
growth of aureobasidium pullulans on waste water hemicelluloses.strain aureobasidium pullulans capable of utilizing hemicelluloses and xylan was cultivated on processed waste dialysis liquor from the production of viscose fibres, containing about 1.5% hemocelluloses. basic conditions of biomass production were tested on a laboratory scale. the dialysis waste liquor adjusted with mineral acids to ph 4--5 and supplemented with 0.05% yeast autolyzate and 0.2% ammonium sulphate affords protein yields of about 0.8 g/l, corresponding to 4.0--4.5 g dry biomass. bio ...197943276
growth of aureobasidium pullulans on straw hydrolysate.growth characteristics and cell properties of aureobasidium (pullularia) pullulans were studied. the organism grew well on an acid hydrolysate of ryegrass straw over a wide range of ph and temperature. the optimum temperature and ph for the growth of the organism were 32 degrees c and 5.5, respectively. a cell yield of 1.5 g/liter of straw hydrolysate was obtained. the dried cell mass contained 42.6% crude protein, 0.4% crude fat, and 6.4% nucleic acids. the essential amino acid profile of the m ...197612721
outbreak of hypersensitivity pneumonitis in an industrial setting.symptoms consistent with hypersensitivity pneumonitis developed in several workers in two multistory buildings in an industrial complex. a health questionnaire survey was conducted to determine the extent of the problem. eighty-seven percent of the population of 1050 employees completed the health questionnaire. serological testing identified 152 positive precipitin reactors to the fungus aureobasidium pullulans; 115 reactors were symptomatic. the clinical and laboratory features at the time of ...19883346977
medical significance of the so-called black yeasts.infections caused by the black yeasts (leveduras pretas) are reviewed with respect to their clinical manifestations, classification under the umbrella term, phaeohyphomycosis, and differentiation from chromoblastomycosis. data on the prevalence of black yeasts submitted to a national reference diagnostic center are provided. cases of phaeohyphomycosis caused by aureobasidium pullulans, exophiala jeanselmei, e. moniliae, e. spinifera, phaeoannelomyces werneckii, phaeosclera dematioides, sarcinomy ...19873301395
structure and chemical composition of yeast chlamydospores of aureobasidium pullulans. 19734735305
[biodegradation and humification. iv. microorganisms participating in the decomposition of aureobasidium pullulans (de bary) arnaud cells]. 19744822049
[extracellar glycan produced by aureobasidium pullulans]. 19725063436
[keloid blastomycosis caused by aureobasidium pullulans (de bary) arnaud in brittany]. 19715101951
[induction of cellulases and xylanases in aureobasidium pullulans].the specificity or induction of wood-degrading enzymes using series of mono, di or polysaccharides as carbon source for the yeasts geotrichum candidum and trychosporon penicillatum and the yeast-like organism aureobadidium pullulans were studied. the strain a. pullulans was the only one that when xylan or "steam exploded wood" were used as carbon source all the enzymes tested were found. this strain was unable to grow on carboxymethyl or avicel cellulose. d-xylose was the nutritional inducer of ...19883268297
[evolution of several enzyme activities of aureobasidium pullulans during the transition from yeast to mycelium induced by ethanol].some key enzyme activities from the energy metabolism of a. pullulans have been studied during the ethanol-induced yeast-to-mycelium transition. both the mycelial and yeast-like forms showed greater glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity than phosphofructokinase. during the morphological transition, the most outstanding variations occurred in large cells (3 days), especially for citrate synthase, malate dehydrogenase and isocitrate lyase activities. however, similar variations were detected ...19873268291
element localisation and distribution in the fungi aureobasidium pullulans and aspergillus niger, measured using the oxford scanning proton microprobe.the distribution and relative concentrations of essential elements were determined in germ tubes of aureobasidium pullulans and hyphae of aspergillus niger using the oxford scanning proton microprobe. in both fungi, k, p and s were the major constituents, with ca, na and trace metals like cu, mn, fe and zn present at lower levels. in a. pullulans, elements were not distributed uniformly throughout the cells and, in general, the highest elemental concentrations occurred at the tip and in the olde ...19883251683
humidifier lung and humidifier fever.the aim of our study was to evaluate clinical diagnoses in symptomatic persons exposed to aerosols from humidifiers or air conditioners. in addition, we tried to identify the causative antigens. results of clinical investigations, including inhalation challenge tests, demonstrated a typical hypersensitivity pneumonitis (humidifier lung) in 9 persons and isolated systemic symptoms without significant changes in lung function and chest x-rays (humidifier fever) in 3 persons. microbiological studie ...19883130530
extracellular proteinases of yeasts and yeastlike fungi.approximately 800 yeasts and other fungi, representing over 70 species, were tested for extracellular caseinolysis. isolates of a variety of genera, including aureobasidium, cephalosporium, endomycopsis, kluyveromyces, and numerous sporobolomycetes, demonstrated significant proteolytic activity. caseinolysis was not necessarily correlated with gelatin liquefaction or with albuminolysis. numerous fungi showed significant proteolysis at 5 c. the most active organisms were isolates of candida lipol ...19685692110
[solid phase radioimmunoassay for the quantitative determination of antigen-specific igg-antibodies in the serum of patients with farmer's lung].in this study we have investigated a number of technical aspects of a sensitive solid-phase radioimmunoassay (microtitre-plate ria) for the quantitative determination of antigen-specific igg antibodies in the sera of patients suffering from farmer's lung. microtitre-plates were coated with antigens of aspergillus fumigatus, micropolyspora faeni, aureobasidium pullulans, alternaria tenuis, thermoactinomyces vulgaris and hay. optimal antigen concentration and serum dilution were determined, the te ...19873121779
the use of solid medium to study effects of cadmium, copper and zinc on yeasts and yeast-like fungi: applicability and limitations.a defined solid medium has been used to examine the responses of aureobasidium pullulans, saccharomyces cerevisiae and sporobolomyces roseus to cadmium, copper and zinc. experiments where aliquot volumes of metal salt solutions were added to wells in the centre of agar plates revealed marked differences between these organisms. the yeast-like fungus a. pullulans was the least sensitive but s. cerevisiae was more sensitive to cadmium than zinc: the reverse was true for s. roseus. quantitative dat ...19836343331
[role of fungi in house dust allergy in patients with bronchial asthma].the aim of the study was to evaluate the contribution of skin hyperreactivity to fungi in patients with bronchial asthma and demonstrating skin sensitivity to house dust. in 50 patients skin tests with 24 allergen solutions of fungi found most often in house dust. positive skin tests were found in 92% of the evaluated patients. reactions to fungi allergens were seen more often than to dermatophagoides pteronyssimus. most often skin reactivity toward the following fungal allergens were seen: cand ...19892631051
the induction of mycelial development in aureobasidium pullulans (imi 45533) by yeast extract.germ tube and subsequent mycelial development from yeast-like and swollen cells of aureobasidium pullulans (imi 45533) was induced by yeast extract in defined liquid medium. this morphogenetic transition was dependent on inoculum size; ph effects were not involved and once mycelial development was induced in the cells it continued even in the absence of yeast extract. the progeny of mycelium and future generations were unaffected by yeast extract. cessation of germination was not due to any obvi ...19846541457
saprophytic fungi isolated from the hair of domestic and laboratory animals with suspected samples from domestic and laboratory animals with suspected dermatophytosis were examined for the presence of saprophytic fungi. a nutritionally poor base medium, developed by the author, was used in the isolation and identification of the saprophytes. three hundred and ninety-four specimens were examined of which 246 were from dogs, 75 from cats, 30 from horses, 19 from cows, 12 from guinea pigs, 5 from rats, 2 from parakeets, 2 from chinchillas and one each from a goat, a mink and a lesse ...19836669166
[various sensitivities of yeasts to lycorine].lycorine, an amaryllidaceae alkaloid, is a powerful inhibitor of growth in higher plants and algae. thirty-one strains of yeasts, belonging to different genera and species, were screened to study the effect of lycorine on their growth. the strains were incubated at 25 degrees c in a 2% glucose medium with different concentrations of lycorine (10, 50 and 100 microm), and their growth after 72 hours was evaluated. most of the strains showed no sensitivity to lycorine. however, in schizosaccharomyc ...19892611011
[allergic alveolitis as a result of mold on the bedroom wall].a 23-year-old woman patient became seriously ill with the typical signs and symptoms of allergic alveolitis and with deep hypoxemia during exercise. a broad spectrum of positive precipitating antibodies was found in the serum, mainly against penicillium casei and aureobasidium pullulans. although she was intensively questioned on hobbies and on possible antigens at home and at work, it was only possible to trace an antigen source after a controlled antigen free period away from home in another e ...19816791276
cross-reactivity among antigens of different air-borne fungi detected by elisa using five monoclonal antibodies against penicillium notatum.cross-reactivity among antigens of 12 genera of air-borne fungi, 13 species of penicillium, and 5 species of aspergillus was studied by elisa using five monoclonal antibodies (moabs) against penicillium notatum. epitopes recognized by all the five moabs were susceptible to treatment of mild periodate oxidation and may therefore be associated with carbohydrates. furthermore, our results showed that there is cross-reactivity among antigens of penicillium, aspergillus, and eurotium species. by usin ...19902178052
the characteristics of aureobasidium pullulans fermentation process.the fermentation kinetics, rheological property and oxygen mass transfer coefficient were studied for the fermentation process of aureobasidium pullulans. a mathematical kinetic model based on the logistic equation and luedeking-piret model has been established with the experimental results. the rheology of the fermentation broth behaves as pseudoplastic non-newtonian fluid. the oxygen mass transfer coefficient decreases during the fermentation process, an exponential equation has been postulate ...19902132130
structure of aureobasidin a.aureobasidin a, a new antifungal antibiotic, was isolated from the culture medium of aureobasidium pullulans r106. aureobasidin a was a cyclic depsipeptide consisting of eight alpha-amino acid units and one hydroxy acid unit. the structures of the units were found by acid hydrolysis of the antibiotic to be 2(r)-hydroxy-3(r)-methylpentanoic acid, beta-hydroxy-n-methyl-l-valine, n-methyl-l-valine, l-proline, allo-l-isoleucine, n-methyl-l-phenylalanine, l-leucine, and l-phenyl-alanine. the sequence ...19911938614
aureobasidins, new antifungal antibiotics. taxonomy, fermentation, isolation, and properties.aureobasidins a to r were isolated from the fermentation broth of aureobasidium pullulans r106. aureobasidins are cyclic depsipeptide antibiotics with mw's ranging from 1.070 to 1,148. aureobasidins showed high in vitro antifungal activity against candida albicans.19911938613
silver tolerance and accumulation in yeasts.debaryomyces hansenii (ncyc 459 and strain 75-21), candida albicans (3153a), saccharomyces cerevisiae (x2180-1b), rhodotorula rubra (ncyc 797) and aureobasidium pullulans (imi 45533 and atcc 42371) were grown on solid medium supplemented with varying concentrations of agno3. although ag+ is highly toxic towards yeasts, growth on solid media was still possible at ag concentrations of 1-2 mm. further subculture on higher ag concentrations (up to 5 mm) resulted in elevated tolerance. the extent of ...19911878280
increased prevalence of igg-induced sensitization and hypersensitivity pneumonitis (humidifier lung) in nonsmokers exposed to aerosols of a contaminated air conditioner.specific igg antibodies against antigens of a contaminated air conditioner were estimated in serum of 134 workers of a printing company. altogether 64% of the workers investigated revealed significantly elevated levels (> 3 u/ml) of igg antibodies specific to these antigens as compared to a nonexposed control group. the occurrence of igg antibodies for microbial extracts were 25% for fusarium, 23% for penicillium notatum, 13% for alternaria tenuis, 12% for aureobasidium pullulans, 9% for sphaero ...19921485005
growth and macromolecular content of the dimorphic fungus aureobasidium pullulans and the effect of hydroxyurea and other inhibitors.the growth kinetics and the macromolecular content of the yeast and ethanol-induced hyphal forms of aureobasidium pullulans were studied. during the morphological transition from yeasts to hyphae, both the protein and rna content decreased significantly, the mycelial form containing only 76% of the amount of protein in the yeasts, and 38% of the rna. the dna was the only component tested whose level increased during the transition. among several compounds inhibiting macromolecular synthesis, onl ...19883389772
biochemical similarities among strains of aureobasidium pullulans (de bary) arnaud.seventy-seven properties of aureobasidium pullulans including utilization of various carbon sources, decomposition of the lignin-cellulose complex and the respective enzymes were checked in the present communication. according to these properties the group of 43 strains was separated in three parts, out of which two groups were found to belong to varieties a. pullulans var. pullulans and a. pullulans var. melanigenum. the third group formed a marginal part. the two varieties differed in numerous ...19807353808
[mould allergy (author's transl)].290 asthmatic patients with positive skin tests for mould allergens were analyzed retrospectively. the relationship between skin test and inhalative provocation test was investigated with regard to single allergens and polyvalent mould sensitivity. with 4 commercially available moulds the relationship between skin test, provocation test and rast was investigated too. alternaria alternata occupies a special position. tests with alternaria alternata, aureobasidium pullulans, penicillium notatum, f ...19807395259
black fungi: a survey of dematiaceous hyphomycetes from clinical specimens identified over a five year period in a reference laboratory.five hundred and fifty six dematiaceous hyphomycetes, the great majority referred from other laboratories, were identified by us over a five year period. of these, thirty five were regarded as being of probable pathogenetic significance. these included seven isolates associated with chromoblastomycosis, and seven isolates thought to be causing phaeohyphomycosis. there were six strains of phaeoannellomyces werneckii and five strains of sporothrix schenckii. seven isolates, all strains of aureobas ...19873431915
systemic infection with aureobasidium pullulans in a leukaemic patient.aureobasidium pullulans, a conidial fungus widely distributed in the environment, was repeatedly isolated from the blood of a 28-year-old man with acute myeloid leukaemia. amphotericin b failed to eliminate the organism.19863466961
[morphogenesis and enzymes of a wild strain and a mutant of aureobasidium pullulans].a. pullulans was able to produce several morphological growth forms, including yeast forms (blastospores, swollen cells and chlamydospores) and filamentous forms (true hyphae and pseudomycelium). morphological types were dependent on the chemical composition of the media. in nutrient broth medium, culture contained 71% blastospores and 29% pseudomycelium; in yeast extract (ye) medium, 59% blastospores and 41% true mycelium were observed, but not pseudomycelium. mutagenic treatment by nitrosoguan ...19873606877
[effect of the conditions for culturing aureobasidium pullulans d-by arnaud (1910) on the physicochemical characteristics of aubazidan].physicochemical characteristics of several aubazidan lots were studied. it was shown that the polysaccharide drug consisted of three fractions. this means that aubazidan is a polydisperse polymer. the polysaccharide structure and properties such as solubility, velocity and optical parameters markedly depended on the cultivation conditions of the organism producing aubazidan. this could be due to different activity of the enzyme responsible for synthesis of the aubazidan molecule.19873674834
ascorbic acid specific utilization by some hundred and eighty strains of yeasts belonging to 17 genus and 53 species were screened for their ability to grow on ascorbic acid and iso-ascorbic acid as the sole carbon source. most of the tested strains (157) were unable to grow on either compound. strains of seven species of the genus cryptococcus, of two candida species, of filobasidiella neoformans, trichosporon cutaneum, lipomyces starkeyi, hansenula capsulata, and one strain of aureobasidium pullulans were able to grow on ascorbic a ...19863779527
association of anurans with pathogenic a study of 450 amazonian anurans, we isolated yeasts and yeast-like fungi from 54 animals (bufo granulosus, b. marinus, dendrophrynyscus sp., hyla geographica, h. lanciformes, ololygon rubra, adenomera hylaedactyla, eleutherodactylus fenestratus, leptodactylus fuscus, l. ocellatus, l. pentadactylus). the internal organs of these animals did not show any macroscopic anomaly nor histopathology. we recovered 105 fungal isolates from the anuran liver, lung, kidney, spleen, heart and gonad. the is ...19854069190
frame fungi on insulated windows.insulated windows (fixed triple glass window elements), became common in finland during and after the energy crisis. moisture tends to condense along the edges causing mold growth on the frames. nine houses with insulated glass windows and eight with other types of window were studied. fungus samples were taken from the window edges and from the inside air and cultivated on malt extract agar. in five of the houses with insulated windows there was visible mold growth on the window edges. the pred ...19854091232
lesions experimentally produced by fungi implicated in extrinsic allergic alveolitis.the ability of aureobasidium pullulans, cladosporium herbarum and cryptostroma corticale to produce local lesions in the rabbit was examined. both c. corticale and a. pullulans can survive in vivo and produce the inflammatory response typical of mycetoma. c. herbarum failed to grow or survive in vivo.19744531447
aureobasidium pullulans as a source of sucrase. 19715102518
the biological activity of polysaccharides isolated from rhodotorula glutinis and aureobasidium pullulans. 19695312374
ethanol produced by aureobasidium pullulans and its effect on the growth of armillaria mellea. 19675625599
the stimulatory effect of aureobasidium pullulans on rhizomorph development of armillaria mellea in autoclaved soil. 19685689251
characteristics of yeasts isolated from pacific crab meat.a total of 202 cultures of yeasts were isolated and characterized from king crab and dungeness crab meat. a yeastlike organism, resembling aureobasidium pullulans, and 15 different species distributed among the genera rhodotorula, cryptococcus, torulopsis, candida, and trichosporon were represented. nine of the species grew at 5 c or lower. although two of the species grew at 37 c, none of the isolates had the characteristics of pathogenic species. members of the cryptococcus and candida failed ...19655866045
mycoflora of the human dermal surfaces.the mycotic flora of the scalp and interdigital areas of the hand and foot of 1296 apparently healthy human inhabitants of three amazonian communities were surveyed by means of microscopic examination of epidermal scrapings and cultural isolation on mycosel agar. no macroscopic or microscopic evidence of fungal infection was detected in any of our study subjects. from 133 (10%) individuals, 143 fungi representing 13 genera and 39 species were recovered. yeasts constituted 85% of the fungi. seven ...19846509388
[comparative study of the pullulans synthesized by pollularia (aureobasidium) pullulans strains of different ploidies].pullularia pullulans strains of different ploidy synthesize pullulans similar in their characteristics to those described in literature. these are glucans whose glucose residues are linked with alpha(1 leads to 4) and alpha(1 leads to 6) bonds in the proportion of 2.2:1. the pullulans differ from one another in their water solubility, molecular mass and in the ability to be cleaved by alpha-amylase and dextranase. the minor structural modifications of pullulan molecules in the polyploid strains ...19836686646
[dimorphism of fungi - review of the literature].a recherche of 260 publications about dimorphism of fungi was elaborated. beginning with the term dimorphism of fungi a description was represented of the distribution in the classes of the fungi, the ontogenesis of both types of the growth, the habits of dimorphic species of fungi, the conditions of the cultivation for the induction and maintenance of the dimorphic growth, mutants of dimorphic species of fungi, the physiology and biochemistry of cellular and filamentous forms of growth of speci ...19816815922
[occupation-related lung diseases in hard metal production and manufacturing. an allergic process?].the clinical heterogeneity of hard metal disease lung with its two basic forms, i.e. hart metal pneumonitis and hard metal asthma, supports the view of different pathogenetic mechanisms. cobalt, which is generally considered the noxious agent in hard metal diseases, is cytotoxic on the one hand and allergenic on the other. four typical, extensively investigated cases are presented, i.e. hard metal pneumoconiosis, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, toxic-irritative hard metal asthma and allergic cobal ...19827134942
purification and characterization of a new xylanase (apx-ii) from the fungus aureobasidium pullulans y-2311-1.aureobasidium pullulans y-2311-1 produced four major xylanases (ec with pi values of 4.0, 7.3, 7.9, and 9.4 as revealed by isoelectric focusing and zymogram analysis when grown for 4 days on 1.0% oat spelt xylan. the enzyme with a pi of 9.4 was purified by ammonium sulfate precipitation, chromatography on a deae-sephadex a-50 column, and gel filtration with a sephadex g-75 column. the enzyme had a mass of about 25 kda as determined by both sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel elect ...19938250548
[variability of aureobasidium pullulans (de bary) arnaud induced by n-nitrosomethylurea].the effect of nitrosomethylurea (nmu) at concentrations of 0.2 to 1.0 on aureobasidium pullulans, strain 8, producing the polysaccharide glucan was studied. the doses of mutagen with the survival of the cells from 0.02 to 8.9% caused high morphological variability of the microorganism and favoured the production of the polysaccharide. the moderate action of the mutagen (0.5% of nmu for three hours) with the survival of the cells about 1.0% was found to be most optimal for the induction of varian ...19807190213
influence of carbon and nitrogen sources on the transition from yeast-like cells to chlamydospores in aureobasidium pullulans.the transition from yeast-like cells to chlamydospores of aureobasidium pullulans can be induced by growing the microorganism on a glucose medium with a limiting nitrogen source and a low buffer capacity. when glucose is used as the carbon source, a concentration higher than 3% (w/v) is required to induce the transition. on the other hand, growth limiting concentrations of the n source (ammonium sulphate) are not required, and higher concentrations actually stimulate the appearance of chlamydosp ...19817196201
aureobasidium pullulans septicemia. 19938443324
effect of sugars on the morphogenesis of aureobasidium pullulans. 19817196866
influence of ph on the transition from yeast-like cells to chlamydospores in aureobasidium pullulans.when a. pullulans is grown on a glucose medium with a limiting nitrogen source and low buffer capacity, the yeast-like cells that are originally present undergo a transition to chlamydospores. the initial ph must be around 6 for the transition to take place under optimal conditions. on the above-mentioned medium ph decreases to values below 2 in the first two days; if this decrease is prevented, either by buffering the medium or by repeatedly adjusting the ph to its original value no chlamydospo ...19817198891
expression of aureobasidium pullulans xyna in, and secretion of the xylanase from, saccharomyces cerevisiae.a previous report dealt with the cloning in escherichia coli and sequencing of both the cdna and genomic dna encoding a highly active xylanase (xyna) of aureobasidium pullulans (x.-l. li and l. g. ljungdahl, appl. environ. microbiol. 60:3160-3166, 1994). now we show that the gene was expressed in saccharomyces cerevisiae under the gal1 promoter in pyes2 and that its product was secreted into the culture medium. s. cerevisiae clone pce4 with the whole open reading frame of xyna, including the par ...19968572698
morphological changes during the life cycle of aureobasidium pullulans (de bary) arnaud.aureobasidium pullulans (de bary) arnaud was isolated from different natural materials plant blossoms in particular. elements of vegetative multiplication, structure of colonies and cultures in liquid media were analyzed in detail, leading to construction of the life cycle of this organism. morphological polymorphism was found to be combined with the production of melanin and the polysaccharide pullulan. morphological analysis served for a directed selection for studies of physiological properti ...19807353807
peritoneal catheter colonization and peritonitis with aureobasidium pullulans. 19968616189
cloning and characterization of the gene encoding translation elongation factor 1 alpha from aureobasidium pullulans.the gene (tef1) encoding translation elongation factor 1 alpha from the dimorphic fungus aureobasidium pullulans (ap) strain r106 has been cloned using candida albicans tef1 as a heterologous hybridization probe. electrophoretic molecular karyotype/hybridization analysis of ap revealed eight chromosomal bands and suggested that tef1 resides on chromosome vi. comparison of the genomic dna sequence with the cdna sequence of tef1 verified the presence of three introns, the first one occurring five ...19957557396
continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis complicated by aureobasidium pullulans peritonitis.we describe a case of peritonitis caused by aureobasidium pullulans in a patient on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (capd). this dematiaceous fungus rarely causes infection in humans and to date has not been reported as an etiology of capd-associated peritonitis. the patient was managed successfully with peritoneal catheter removal and a prolonged course of intravenous amphotericin b, allowing resumption of capd. in vitro susceptibility testing confirmed sensitivity of this organism to ...19957573197
killer activity of yeasts isolated from the water environment.the killer activity of 46 strains belonging to 12 yeast and yeast-like species isolated from water or sediment samples was studied. only two strains of the genus cryptococcus did not show killer activity. killer activity of yeast-like species aureobasidium pullulans, hyphopichia burtonii and geotrichum candidum, and yeast species candida krusei and candida lambica was low. sporobolomyces salmonicolor, cryptococcus laurentii and cryptococcus albidus had better activity against basidiomycetous tha ...19957585352
improvement of performance for cross-flow membrane filtration of pullulan improve the performance of cross-flow membrane filtration of pullulan broth from aureobasidium pullulans, the effect of the cultivation conditions was examined. in particular, the sucrose concentration in the medium was changed over a wide range. by decreasing the sucrose concentration the distribution of morphology of the microbial cells in the broth changed; the yeast-like form became predominant and, as a result, the specific resistance of the microbial cake was lowered. when the broth was ...19937763547
characteristics of cross-flow filtration of pullulan broth.cross-flow filtration of culture broth from aureobasidium pullulans, which elaborates pullulan, was done with a thin channel-type module and microfiltration membranes made of different materials and with different pore sizes. various factors affecting the results of the filtration were studied. the specific resistance of the microbial cake was found to be higher than that of bakers' yeast, the cells of which are about the same size as an a. pullulans cell, and resistance increased with cultivati ...19937763548
[a boy highly suspected of hypersensitivity pneumonitis characterized by generalized mucosal lesions].the case is a boy who developed progressive dyspnea and had since been followed over a long period time as a case of unknown fever without respiratory symptoms. he showed mucosal symptoms such as intraoral aphtha, eosinophilic pyuria and diarrhea and was clinically diagnosed as hypersensitivity pneumonitis. the affected child showed high levels of circulating immune complex, a decline in dlco on the respiratory function test and a decrease in cd 4/8 in bronchoalveolar lavage lymphocytes; further ...19968952322
flocculant and chemical properties of a polysaccharide from pullularia extracellular polysaccharide, pp-floc, was synthesized from glucose by pullularia pullulans (or aureobasidium pullulans) in a pilot plant batch fermentor containing 175 liters of culture medium. at 58 h of fermentation, the concentration of pp-floc was 1.03 g/100 ml, giving a 25.8% conversion of initial glucose to polysaccharide. the flocculant activity of the culture medium increased during the fermentation process and reached its maximum at 50 h of culture age. less pp-floc (0.33 lb/ton of ...19734349250
[the effect of several inorganic salts in the synthetic nutrient medium on the structure and properties of glucan formed by aureobasidium pullulans]. 19744476075
cloning, sequencing, and regulation of a xylanase gene from the fungus aureobasidium pullulans y-2311-1. 19947811105
prevalence of fungal corneal ulcers in northern india.fungal corneal ulcer is common in india due to the tropical climate and a large agrarian population that is at risk. various factors such as trauma, the injudicious use of topical antibiotics and corticosteroids are involved. many of the age and sex-related risk factors also play a minor role. this 6-year study from northern india revealed that fungi were detected in 61 (8.4%) out of 730 patients investigated. direct microscopy was positive in 51 (7%) and culture in 53 (7.3%) patients. aspergill ...19947927819
chromoblastomycosis produced by aureobasidium pullulans in an immunosuppressed patient. 19979158428
cloning, sequencing, and regulation of a xylanase gene from the fungus aureobasidium pullulans y-2311-1.aureobasidium pullulans y-2311-1 growing on xylan secretes four major xylanases with different masses and isoelectric points. two of these enzymes, named apx-i and apx-ii, have been purified previously. their n-terminal amino acid sequences are identical except that apx-i has asp and apx-ii has asn at position 7. an 83-bp dna region was amplified by pcr and used as a probe for the xylanase gene cloning. the longest cdna (xyna) obtained by cdna cloning and pcr amplification consisted of 895 bp. a ...19947944361
conidiogenesis, nutritional physiology and taxonomy of aureobasidium and hormonema.diagnostic criteria for the distinction of the slightly osmophilic species, aureobasidium pullulans, and the opportunistic pathogen on conifers, hormonema dematiodies, are provided. reliable identification requires a combination of characters of conidiogenesis, expansion growth and assimilative abilities. relationships with species of kabatiella, and with the teleomorph genera pringsheimia, dothidea and dothiora, all having dothiora, all having hormonemia-like cultural states, are discussed. an ...19948060123
yeast communities of the cactus pilosocereus arrabidae and associated insects in the sandy coastal plains of southeastern brazil.the yeast communities from necrotic tissues, decaying flowers and fruits, and from larval feeding sites of the moth sigelgaita sp. in the cactus pilosocereus arrabidae were surveyed in three restinga ecosystems in southeastern brazil. insects associated with these substrates were sampled to verify the vectoring of yeasts. the cactus pilosocereus arrabidae was shown to have four different yeast communities associated with it. necrotic stems had a diverse yeast community with the prevalent species ...19948060124
influence of zn2+ on yeast-mycelium dimorphism and exopolysaccharide production by the fungus aureobasidium pullulans grown in a defined medium in continuous culture.the yeast-mycelium dimorphism of aureobasidium pullulans was studied in continuous culture in a defined medium. at a constant dilution rate (0.08 h-1) the morphological status of the culture could be controlled by the input concentration of zn2+. as the input concentration of zn2+ was increased (in intervals from 0 to 7.6 microm) the culture shifted from a zinc-limited to a carbon-limited state. in this interval the culture gradually passed through three growth regimes based on morphology and co ...19938126433
survey of bovine mycotic mastitis in dairy herds in the state of são paulo, brazil.the purpose of this study was to isolate fungi from the quarter milk of cow udders from several dairy herds and to identify the different genera and species involved in mastitis. a total of 2078 milk samples from normal, clinical and subclinical mastitis quarters from 22 dairy herds of 16 districts in the state of são paulo, brazil was utilized in this survey. two hundred and fifty one (12.07%) fungi were isolated from the samples. two hundred and eight of these (82.86%) were yeasts and 30 (11.9 ...19938159214
production of antibacterial compounds by phylloplane-inhabiting yeasts and yeastlike fungi.the production of antibacterial compounds by yeasts and yeastlike fungi isolated from the phylloplane is reported. aureobasidium pullulans, citeromyces matritensis, cryptococcus laurentii, rhodotorula glutinis, and sporobolomyces roseus produced antibacterial compounds inhibitory to both pseudomonas fluorescens and staphylococcus aureus in an overlay bioassay. in contrast, isolates of candida albicans, filobasidium uniguttulatum, saccharomyces cerevisiae, torulaspora delbruckii, tremella foliace ...19948161185
isolation, structures, and antifungal activities of new aureobasidins.aureobasidins are a group of cyclic depsipeptides with antifungal activity and are produced by aureobasidium pullulans. aureobasidins are composed of eight amino acids and one hydroxy acid such as 2-hydroxy-3-methylpentanoic acid (hmp), and highly lipophilic. five new aureobasidins, s1, s2a, s2b, s3 and s4, which have higher hydrophilicity in reversed phase hplc than the known aureobasidins a-r, were discovered in a fermentation broth of a. pullulans r106 by means of on-line liquid chromatograph ...19938226313
yeasts and coliform bacteria of water accumulated in bromeliads of mangrove and sand dune ecosystems of southeast brazil.yeasts and coliform bacteria were isolated from water that accumulated in the central cups and adjacent leaf axilae of two bromeliads, neoregelia cruenta of a coastal sand dune and quesnelia quesneliana of a mangrove ecosystem near the city of rio de janeiro, brazil. the mean total coliform counts were above 10,000 per 100 ml for waters of both plants, but the mean fecal coliform counts were only 74 per 100 ml for q. quesneliana and mostly undetected in water from n. cruenta. of 90 fecal colifor ...19938261333
the existence of a dispensable fibrillar layer on the wall surface of mycelial but not yeast cells of aureobasidium pullulans.wall surface ultrastructure of aureobasidium pullulans was studied by freeze-etching. yeast cells had a smooth wall surface as in typical yeast species. mycelial cells and chlamydospores had an extra layer on the wall surface made mostly of fibrils. the fibrils were 20 nm in diameter, and thicker than typical major fungal wall skeletal fibrils of beta-glucan and chitin. this layer was apparently easily detached from the wall proper, presumably as a result of enzymic activity or by physical means ...19938405925
phylogenetic analysis of ten black yeast species using nuclear small subunit rrna gene sequences.the nuclear small subunit rrna genes of authentic strains of the black yeasts exophiala dermatitidis, wangiella dermatitidis, sarcinomyces phaemuriformis, capronia mansonii, nadsoniella nigra var. hesuelica, phaeoannellomyces elegans, phaeococcomyces exophialae, exophiala jeanselmei var. jeanselmei and e. castellanii were amplified by pcr and directly sequenced. a putative secondary structure of the nuclear small subunit rrna of exophiala dermatitidis was predicted from the sequence data. alignm ...19958526477
intraspecific variability and exopolysaccharide production in aureobasidium pullulans.forty seven strains of the black yeasts, aureobasidium pullulans and hormonema dematioides, and the type strain of hormonema macrosporum were examined using pcr-ribotyping and universally primed pcr with subsequent hybridization. four groups (populations) were distinguished within a. pullulans with pcr-ribotyping, which largely coincided with up-pcr/hybridization groups. the up-pcr technique revealed a greater degree of heterogeneity between the groups studied. five strains identified as hormone ...19958526482
integrative and replicative genetic transformation of aureobasidium pullulans.a hybrid selectable marker for transformation was constructed by placing the promoter (tef1p) from the gene encoding the aureobasidium pullulans translation elongation factor 1-alpha (tef1) adjacent to the 5' end of the escherichia coli hygromycin b phosphotransferase gene (hpt). plasmids containing this hybrid gene (tef1p/hpt) transformed a. pullulans strain r106 to a hygromycin b-resistant (hmbr) phenotype. a pcr-generated dna fragment consisting of the tef1p/hpt resistance marker flanked by 4 ...19958595660
fungitoxicity of chemical analogs with heartwood toxins.trans-stilbene and tropolone as chemical analogs with naturally occurring fungitoxic heartwood compounds were studied with respect to their fungitoxic potency. while stilbene showed no fungitoxic activity towards the fungi aureobasidium pullulans var. melanogenum, penicillium glabrum, and trichoderma harzianum in the concentrations tested, the minimal inhibiting concentration of tropolone was 10(-3) m for penicillium glabrum and trichoderma harzianum, and 10(-5) m for aureobasidium pullulans var ...19989625794
fatal hormonema dematioides peritonitis in a patient on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis: criteria for organism identification and review of other known fungal etiologic agents.we report a fatal case a fungal peritonitis caused by the yeast-like dematiaceous mould hormonema dematioides in a 45-year-old woman. the woman had a 13-year history of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and had been on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis for chronic renal failure. h. dematioides was repeatedly isolated from the dialysate culture specimens collected on days 3, 9, 16, and 20 of her hospital stay. preliminary culture reports on day 7 of the growth of a yeast-like fungus, a ...19989650991
development of an oligonucleotide probe for aureobasidium pullulans based on the small-subunit rrna gene.aureobasidium pullulans, a cosmopolitan yeast-like fungus, colonizes leaf surfaces and has potential as a biocontrol agent of pathogens. to assess the feasibility of rrna as a target for a. pullulans-specific oligonucleotide probes, we compared the nucleotide sequences of the small-subunit rrna (18s) genes of 12 geographically diverse a. pullulans strains. extreme sequence conservation was observed. the consensus a. pullulans sequence was compared with other fungal sequences to identify potentia ...19968633850
aur1, a novel gene conferring aureobasidin resistance on saccharomyces cerevisiae: a study of defective morphologies in aur1p-depleted cells.aureobasidin a (aba), a cyclic depsipeptide produced by aureobasidium pullulans r106, is highly toxic to fungi including saccharomyces cerevisiae. we isolated several dominant mutants of s. cerevisiae which are resistant to more than 25 micrograms/ml of aba. from a genomic library of one such aur1 mutant, the aur1r (for aureobasidin resistant) mutant gene was isolated as a gene that confers resistance to aba on wild-type cells. its nucleotide sequence showed that the predicted polypeptide is a h ...19968668135
effect of carbon source on production of alpha-l-arabinofuranosidase by aureobasidium pullulansa color-variant strain of aureobasidium pullulans (nrrl y-12974) produced alpha-l-arabinofuranosidase (alpha-l-afase) when grown in liquid culture on sugar beet arabinan, wheat arabinoxylan, l-arabinose, l-arabitol, xylose, xylitol, oat spelt xylan, corn fiber, or arabinogalactan. l-arabinose was most effective for production of both whole-broth and extracellular alpha-l-afase activity, followed by l-arabitol. oat spelt xylan, sugar beet arabinan, xylose, xylitol, and wheat arabinoxylan were int ...19989767714
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