
the influence of water-logging stage upon the paddy soil mycoflora in the ukraine.the soil fungal flora of paddy soils from the southern districts of the ukraine was investigated. from 287 soil samples 170 species were isolated. they belonged to the following genera: oomycetes 1.2%, zygomycetes 8.8%, ascomycetes 5.8%, deuteromycetes 84.2%. certain fungi were found to be dominant forms, among them mortierella alpina peyron., penicillium funiculosum thom, p. rugulosum thom, p. chrysogenum thom, acremonium strictum w. gams, acr. breve w. gams, alternaria alternata (fr.) riessler ...1978726714
occurrence of zoosporic and terrestrial fungi in some ponds of kharga oases, egypt.thirty-nine species belonging to 13 genera of zoosporic fungi were collected from 33 water samples on sesame and hemp seeds as baits at 22 degrees c. five genera were isolated in high occurrence: allomyces (2 species), achlya (9 species), dictyuchus (4 species), pythium (5 species) and saprolegnia (5 species). aphanomyces (4 species) and isoachlya (2 species) were of moderate frequencies. the remaining six genera were less frequent: anisolpidium, brevilegnia, calyptralegnia, leptolegnia, pythiop ...19902384873
mycoflora of air-conditioners dust from riyadh, saudi arabia.using the hair baiting technique, 6 genera and 14 species were collected on sabouraud's dextrose agar from 37 dust samples from air-conditioners. the most common fungi were chrysosporium tropicum, c. indicum, c. keratinophilum, aspergillus flavus followed by acremonium strictum and scopulariopsis brevicaulis. using the dilution-plate method, 26 genera and 52 species were collected from 37 dust samples on glucose-(23 genera and 45 species) and cellulose-(18 genera and 34 species) czapek's agar at ...19883236219
[acremonium strictum meningitis in prolonged steroid therapy]. 19873320854
mycoflora and trichothecene toxins of paddy grains from egypt.120 species and 38 genera were collected from 64 samples of paddy grains on glucose- and cellulose-czapek's agar at 28 degrees c. the total count of glycophilic and cellulose-decomposing fungi fluctuated between 216-29760; and 124-11320 colonies/g paddy grains on the two media, respectively. on glucose agar, the most common species were aspergillus niger, a. flavus, a. sydowi, a. terreus, a. fumigatus, a. ochraceus, penicillium chrysogenum, p. corylophilum, fusarium oxysporum, alternaria alterna ...19873696188
effect of glyphosate on fungal population, respiration and the decay of some organic matters in egyptian soil.glyphosate (roundup), when applied to the soil usually did not exert any significant effect on the total count of soil fungi after all periods of the experiment except after 6 and 10 weeks where the count was inhibited by the two doses used (1.84, 9.2 mg active ingredient/kg dry soil). when the herbicide was incorporated into the agar medium the count of total fungi, acremonium strictum and aspergillus fumigatus was significantly increased by the two doses used and of penicillium glabrum by the ...19948087475
fungal pathogens in etiology of septic shock in neutropenic patients with cancer (short communication).during the 3 years from 1989 to 1991, we evaluated the etiology of septic shock cases and infection-associated mortality. a total number of 38 patients was included in the study, according to the criteria for septic shock (ss), (intensive care medicine society, 1989). in 1989, p. aeruginosa and enterobacteriaceae among the pathogens prevailed. in 1990 and 1991, s. aureus, enterococci and fungi were most frequent. from 8 patients with ss in 1990, the shock was due to candida albicans in 1 and to ...19938353326
fatal, disseminated acremonium strictum infection in a neutropenic host.disseminated acremonium strictum infection in a neutropenic patient is reported. positive fecal cultures preceded positive cutaneous and blood cultures by 18 and 21 days, respectively, which suggests gastrointestinal colonization and invasion as initiating events. microscopic examination of cutaneous biopsy and pulmonary specimens revealed hyphae, phialides, and phialoconidia in vivo. these adventitious forms also can occur in infections due to other phialidic fungi such as fusarium and paecilom ...19968727935
morphologic criteria for the preliminary identification of fusarium, paecilomyces, and acremonium species by histopathology.nontraditional human pathogenic fungi, including fusarium, paecilomyces, and acremonium species, have been increasingly documented as agents of infection in immunocompromised patients and, occasionally, in normal hosts. although definitive identification of these fungi requires culture, they often can be identified provisionally in tissue sections by a combination of histologic features, including hyaline septate hyphae and characteristic reproductive structures known as phialides and phialoconi ...19989426517
peritonitis due to acremonium strictum in a patient on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. 19989678444
comparison of in vitro activities of the new triazole sch56592 and the echinocandins mk-0991 (l-743,872) and ly303366 against opportunistic filamentous and dimorphic fungi and yeasts.the in vitro antifungal activities of sch56592, mk-0991, and ly303366 against 83 isolates of acremonium strictum, aspergillus flavus, aspergillus fumigatus, aspergillus terreus, bipolaris spp., blastomyces dermatitidis, cladophialophora bantiana, fusarium oxysporum, fusarium solani, histoplasma capsulatum, phialophora spp., pseudallescheria boydii, rhizopus arrhizus, scedosporium prolificans, and sporothrix schenckii were compared. the in vitro activities of these agents against 104 isolates of ...19989738049
acremonium strictum fungaemia in a paediatric patient with acute leukaemia.a 7-y-old boy with relapsed acute lymphatic leukaemia developed fungaemia due to acremonium strictum, a fungus belonging to the group of the hyaline hyphomycetes. initially, the fungus was misdiagnosed as candida sp. due to the presence of abundant adventitious forms. at the time of diagnosis the patient was neutropenic and had a central venous catheter (cvc) in situ. the formation of an occlusive thrombotic mass in the v. subclavia dextra complicated the infection. treatment consisted of amphot ...200010959664
acremonium strictum pulmonary infection in a leukemic patient successfully treated with posaconazole after failure of amphotericin b.a severely neutropenic patient with chronic lymphocytic leukemia developed a diffuse bilateral pulmonary infection while receiving a therapeutic daily dosage of intravenous amphotericin b for candida glabrata esophagitis. computed tomography of the chest showed numerous lung nodules, ground glass areas and a pleural effusion. biopsy of one nodule demonstrated hyaline septate hyphae. multiple sputum cultures grew acremonium strictum. increasing the dose of amphotericin b and the addition of itrac ...200212461592
ecology of dermatophytes and other keratinophilic fungi in swimming pools and polluted and unpolluted streams.the biodiversity and richness of keratinophilic fungal communities including dermatophytes were assessed in three stream sites and three swimming pools in the nablus district in palestine, using hair baiting (hbt) and surface dilution plate (sdp) techniques, over 8- and 6-month periods, respectively. the effect of wastewater effluent and selected ecological factors on these fungi in relation to species diversity and population densities were also considered. fifty keratinophilic fungal species w ...200212749584
microbial hydroxylation of progesterone with acremonium strictum.microbial hydroxylation of progesterone occurred in the culture of acremonium strictum ptcc 5282 to produce two hydroxylated pregnene-like steroids. the metabolites were purified and characterized using spectroscopic methods and identified as 15alpha-hydroxyprogesterone and 15alpha-hydroxydeoxycorticosterone.200312770705
genetic diversity among clinical isolates of acremonium strictum determined during an investigation of a fatal mycosis.primarily saprophytic in nature, fungi of the genus acremonium are a well-documented cause of mycetoma and other focal diseases. more recently, a number of acremonium spp. have been implicated in invasive infections in the setting of severe immunosuppression. during the course of routine microbiological studies involving a case of fatal mycosis in a nonmyeloablative hematopoietic stem cell transplant patient, we identified a greater-than-expected variation among strains previously identified as ...200312791889
fatal disseminated acremonium strictum infection in a preterm newborn: a very rare cause of neonatal septicaemia.species of the genus acremonium (cephalosporium) are opportunistic micro-organisms that are environmentally widespread saprophytes in soil and can, very rarely, be pathogenic in humans. disseminated infection has been described in patients with immunodeficiency, but has previously been reported in only one neonate. a preterm infant with acremonium strictum fungaemia is reported here. the patient was born at 27 weeks gestation and weighed 870 g at birth. she needed intensive respiratory managemen ...200312909663
production of novel oligosaccharide oxidase by wheat bran solid-state fermentation.a search for oxidases that catalyze the oxidation of oligosaccharides has resulted in the isolation of several soil-derived fungus strains which produced novel oligosaccharide oxidases with different substrate specificity on wheat bran solid culture. one of these oxidases produced by acremonium strictum t1 strain has been characterized. this enzyme showed high reactivity toward maltose, lactose, cellobiose and maltooligosaccharides composed of up to seven glucose units, and was named as glucooli ...199314545666
white superficial onychomycosis: epidemiological, clinical, and pathological study of 79 analyze the epidemiology, responsible agents, clinical features, and outcome of white superficial onychomycosis (wso).200415210460
acremonium strictum pulmonary infection in a horse.a 10-year-old thoroughbred gelding was admitted to the veterinary medical teaching hospital of the university of california-davis with a 2-week history of intermittent fever and acute onset of lethargy, anorexia, and ataxia. although the clinical signs were nonspecific, the results of initial hematologic and biochemical analysis were consistent with a chronic inflammatory process. thoracic radiographs revealed an increased fine reticulonodular interstitial opacity throughout the dorsal caudal lu ...200516270271
sources of variability in the measurement of fungal spore yields.variability in the production of fungal spores and in the measurement of spore yields was investigated in four species of fungi: colletotrichum gloeosporioides, colletotrichum coccodes, colletotrichum phomoides, and acremonium strictum. when the fungi were grown on solid medium in microplates and spore yields were measured by counting the subsamples with a hemacytometer, the variability among hemacytometer squares was always the largest source of variation, accounting for 51 to 91% of the total ...198816347653
lethal double infection with acremonium strictum and aspergillus fumigatus during induction chemotherapy in a child with all.fungal infections are a major cause of morbidity and mortality in patients during chemotherapeutic treatments and malignant hematologic disease. we present a case of a double fungal infection with disseminated acremonium strictum (a. strictum) and pulmonary aspergillus fumigatus (a. fumigatus) and its rapid clinical course. a 17-year-old boy with prolonged neutropenia developed a disseminated fungal infection during induction chemotherapy of his acute lymphoblastic leukemia. the infection was ra ...200716429409
variability of non-mutualistic filamentous fungi associated with atta sexdens rubropilosa nests.a survey of the filamentous fungi other than the symbiotic one found in association with atta sexdens rubropilosa colonies was carried out. different fungal species (27 taxa) were isolated a few days after treating the workers with toxic baits (sulfluramid; mirex-s), from 40 laboratory and 20 field nests. syncephalastrum racemosum (54%) and escovopsis weberi (21%), trichoderma harzianum (38%) and fusarium oxysporum (23%) were the prevalent species in laboratory and field nests, respectively. acr ...200516475502
invasive acremonium strictum infection in a bone marrow transplant recipient.we describe an invasive acremonium strictum infection in a 9-year-old debilitated bone marrow transplant recipient. outcome was successful, despite resistance to the amphotericin b that was initially administered. a. strictum was isolated from bone and urine cultures. we summarize data on 15 opportunistic invasive infections caused by acremonium in pediatric hosts reported thus far in the english language literature.200616511397
characterization of the flavin association in hexose oxidase from chondrus crispus.hexose oxidase (ec from hansenula polymorpha was found to exhibit a dual covalent association of fad with his79 via an 8 alpha-histidyl linkage as well as a covalent association between cys138 and c-6 of the isoalloxazine moiety of fad. spectral properties of the wild-type enzyme exhibited maxima at 364 nm and 437 nm as well as a distinct shoulder at 445 nm. an h79k mutant enzyme exhibited only one maximum at 437 nm. the difference absorption spectrum between an oxidized and a substrate ...200616817897
[the enzymatic activity of fungi strains isolated from the skin and skin appendages of humans returning from the tropics].the aim of the work was to assess the enzymatic activity of 11 fungi strains isolated from the skin of 10 lódź residents who had visited the tropics over 1998-1999. the strains were cultured by jeske and lupa of the voivodeship outpatient clinic of infectious, parasitic and tropical diseases and fungal infections in lódź. they were as follows: trichophyton rubrum and acremonium kiliense from zambia, myriodontium keratinophilum, beauveria bassiana, cladosporium herbarum, candida famata and tricho ...200116886418
characterisation of 3-methylorcinaldehyde synthase (mos) in acremonium strictum: first observation of a reductive release mechanism during polyketide biosynthesis.isolation and sequencing of a pks gene isolated from xenovulene-producing cultures of acremonium strictum indicated the presence of nt-, ks-, at-, pt-, c-met- and r-domains; heterologous expression in aspergillus oryzae resulted in the production of 3-methylorcinaldehyde, demonstrating the role of the terminal reductase domain in product release.200717912413
microbial transformation of ginsenoside rb(1) by acremonium strictum.preparative-scale fermentation of ginsenoside rb(1) (1) with acremonium strictum as 3.2058 gave three new compounds, 12beta-hydroxydammar-3-one-20 (s)-o-beta-d -glucopyranoside (7), 12beta, 25-dihydroxydammar-(e)-20(22)-ene-3-o-beta-d -glucopyranosyl-(1-->2)-beta-d -glucopyranoside (8), and 12beta, 20 (r), 25-trihydroxydammar-3-o-beta-d -glucopyranosyl-(1-->2)-beta-d -glucopyranoside (9), along with five known compounds, ginsenoside rd (2), gypenoside xvii (3), ginsenoside rg(3) (4), ginsenoside ...200818040682
mycoparasitism of acremonium strictum bcp on botrytis cinerea, the gray mold pathogen.a fungal strain bcp, which parasitizes botrytis cinerea gray mold pathogen, was isolated and identified as acremonium strictum. bcp strain overgrew the colonies of b. cinerea and caused severe lysis of the host hyphae. frequent penetration and hyphal growth of a. strictum bcp inside the mycelia of b. cinerea were observed under light microscopy. in addition, some morphological abnormalities such as granulation and vacuolation of the cytoplasm were observed in mycelia and spores of b. cinerea. in ...200818239435
prevalence of allergic sensitization to indoor fungi in west virginia.exposure to indoor fungi is of growing concern in residential and occupational environments in the united states. the purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of sensitization to common indoor fungal species in an atopic population. we evaluated 102 patients (73 female and 29 male patients) for immunoglobulin e (ige) reactivity to a panel of skin-prick test (spt) reagents used for routine allergy testing. patients also were tested for six additional fungi that are common indoor cont ...200818302835
management of root knot nematode on tomato through application of fungal antagonists, acremonium strictum and trichoderma of root knot nematode disease infecting tomato, by the use of fungal bioagents acremonium strictum and trichoderma harzianum isolated from egg masses of m. incognita infecting tomato has been carried out. the rhizosphere and rhizoplane of root knot nematode infested tomato revealed consistent association of acremonium strictum. in the present study a. strictum and other fungal bioagents viz. aspergillus niger, paecilomyces lilacinus, rhizoctonia solani and trichoderma harzianum isolat ...200818368544
pleuritis caused by acremonium strictum in a patient with colon adenocarcinoma.although acremonium strictum is environmentally widespread as opportunistic mold, it may cause infection in patients who have immunodeficiency problems. in this study, staphylococcus aureus and a. strictum were isolated from the pleural fluid of a patient with colon adenocarcinoma. the patient did not receive antifungal therapy because the patient died after the isolation of mold. the minimal inhibitory concentrations of amphotericin b, fluconazole, ketoconazole, itraconazole, voriconazole for t ...200818422911
quantitative pcr analysis of fungi and bacteria in building materials and comparison to culture-based analysis.prolonged moisture on building materials can lead to microbial growth on them. microbes can emit spores, metabolites and structural parts into the indoor air and thus, cause adverse health effects of people living and working in these buildings. so far, culture methods have been used for assessment of microbial contamination of building materials. in this work, we used quantitative pcr (qpcr) for the detection of selected fungal and bacterial groups in 184 building materials of different types a ...200818449403
a case of acremonium strictum peritonitis.during the past two decades opportunistic fungal infections have emerged as important causes of morbidity and mortality in patients with severe underlying illnesses. a few cases of acremonium spp. infections have been described in immunocompromised patients, but they have on occasion been reported as the cause invasive disease in immunocompetent individuals. peritonitis is a common clinical problem that occurs in patients with end-stage renal disease treated by continuous ambulatory peritoneal d ...200818608934
isolation of acremonium strictum from pleural fluid of a patient with colon adenocarcinoma.although acremonium strictum is environmentally widespread as opportunistic fungus, it may cause infection in patients who have immunodeficiency. in this study, a. strictum were isolated from the pleural fluid of a patient with colon adenocarcinoma. the patient did not receive antifungal therapy because the patient died on the same day after the isolation of the mould from the pleural fluid. major risk factors for the fungal infection are surgery because of cancer, administration of parenteral h ...200918627474
comparison of techniques to examine the diversity of fungi in adult patients with cystic fibrosis.this study compares conventional and molecular techniques for the detection of fungi in 77 adult cystic fibrosis (cf) patients. three different methods were investigated, i.e., (1) conventional microbiological culture (including yeasts and filamentous fungi), (2) mycological culture with cf-derived fungal specific culture media, and (3) non-culture and direct dna extraction from patient sputa. fungi isolated from environmental air samples of the cf unit were compared to fungi in sputa from cf pa ...201019672783
fungal diversity in composting process of pig manure and mushroom cultural waste based on partial sequence of large subunit rrna.fungal diversity during composting was investigated by culture-independent rdna sequence analysis. composting was carried out with pig manure and mushroom cultural waste using a field-scale composter (hazaka system), and samples were collected at various stages. based on partial sequence analysis of large subunit (lsu) ribosomal rna (rrna) and sequence identity values, a total of 12 different fungal species were found at six sampling sites; geotrichum sp., debaryomyces hansenii, monographella ni ...200919734710
acremonium strictum fungaemia in a paediatric immunocompromised patient: diagnosis and treatment difficulties.during the past two decades, an increasing number of unusual moulds has been reported as responsible for septicaemia and systemic or disseminated infections in immunocompromised patients. investigation of fever in a 10-year-old boy with acute myeloblastic leukaemia, including blood cultures on selective media, allowed the diagnosis of a fungaemia due to the slow-growing fungus acremonium strictum. the patient recovered with liposomal amphotericin b (amb) and voriconazole, followed by voriconazol ...201020340045
interactions between various microbes and ginseng botanicals.three kinds of interactions occur between ginseng botanicals and microorganisms: a) spoilage of the botanical by various fungi (e.g., aspergillus, penicillium, alternaria, and eurotium species) and bacteria; b) transformation of ginsenosides into more bioactive forms by bacteria such as intrasporangium sp. gs603, microbacterium sp. gs514, caulobacter leidyia, bifidobacterium sp. int57, bifidobacterium sp. sj32, fusobacterium sp. and bacteroides sp., and moulds (e.g., aspergillus niger, fusarium ...201121254831
altered substrate specificity of the gluco-oligosaccharide oxidase from acremonium strictum.a gluco-oligosaccharide oxidase (goox) from acremonium strictum type strain cbs 346.70 was cloned and expressed in pichia pastoris. the recombinant protein, goox-vn, contained fifteen amino acid substitutions compared with the previously reported a. strictum goox. these two enzymes share 97% sequence identity; however, only goox-vn oxidized xylose, galactose, and n-acetylglucosamine. besides monosaccharides, goox-vn oxidized xylo-oligosaccharides, including xylobiose and xylotriose with similar ...201121455933
role of oregano (origanum vulgare) essential oil as a surface fungus inhibitor on fermented sausages: evaluation of its effect on microbial and physicochemical characteristics.oregano essential oil (oeo) was evaluated to determine its effect on the growth of natural contaminating molds on the surface of spanish fermented sausage, the development of the internal microbial population of the sausage, and the physicochemical properties of the sausage. results indicated a dramatic reduction in the contaminant molds. at the end of ripening, the main endogenous fungal species in control samples were mucor racemosus (55%), aspergillus fumigatus (20.6%), cladosporium sphaeros ...201222221361
purification and characterization of ases protein: a subtilisin secreted by acremonium strictum is a novel plant defense this work, the purification and characterization of an extracellular elicitor protein, designated ases, produced by an avirulent isolate of the strawberry pathogen acremonium strictum, are reported. the defense eliciting activity present in culture filtrates was recovered and purified by ultrafiltration (cutoff, 30 kda), anionic exchange (q-sepharose, ph 7.5), and hydrophobic interaction (phenyl-sepharose) chromatographies. two-dimensional sds-page of the purified active fraction revealed a s ...201323530047
quaternary ammonium biocides as antimicrobial agents protecting historical wood and brick.quaternary ammonium compounds (qacs) are widely used in disinfection of water, surfaces and instruments as well as in textile, leather and food industries because of their relatively low toxicity, broad antimicrobial spectrum, non-volatility and chemical stability. due to these advantages, qacs are also used in restoration and can be applied on historical material. the aim of this study was to determine the usefulness of biocides based on quaternary ammonium salts and containing various excipien ...201626629794
α-glucosylated 6-gingerol: chemoenzymatic synthesis using α-glucosidase from halomonas sp. h11, and its physical properties.6-gingerol [(s)-5-hydroxy-1-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)decan-3-one] is a biologically active compound and is abundant in the rhizomes of ginger (zingiber officinale). it has some beneficial functions in healthcare, but its use is limited because of its insolubility in water and its heat-instability. to improve these physical properties, the glucosylation of 6-gingerol was investigated using α-glucosidases (ec. from aspergillus niger, aspergillus nidulans abpu1, acremonium strictum, hal ...201222537860
the novel elicitor ases triggers a defense response against botrytis cinerea in arabidopsis thaliana.ases (acremonium strictum elicitor and subtilisin) is a novel extracellular elicitor protein produced by the avirulent isolate ss71 of the opportunist strawberry fungal pathogen a. strictum. here we describe the activity of ases in the plant-pathogen system arabidopsis thaliana-botrytis cinerea. we show that ases renders a. thaliana plants resistant to the necrotrophic pathogen b. cinerea, both locally and systemically and the defense response observed is dose-dependent. systemic, but not local ...201526706064
inhibitory effects of na-hypochlorite and heating on the mycobiota associated with fruits or juice of passion (passiflora edulis sims) in uganda.a total of 34 species belonging to 21 genera of fungi were recorded on passion fruits of both pure and hybrid origin in uganda, however, the pure type exhibited wider spectrum (28 species and 16 genera) than the hybrid type (21 & 15). also, yeasts (unidentified and rhodotorula mucilaginosa) were also encountered in high numbers. moreover, the mean count of all mycobiota obtained from the pure type was higher than that of hybrid, despite the bigger size of the later. members of yeasts and cladosp ...200624039477
production of fusaric acid by fusarium spp. in pure culture and in solid medium co-cultures.the ability of fungi isolated from nails of patients suffering from onychomycosis to induce de novo production of bioactive compounds in co-culture was examined. comparison between the metabolite profiles produced by sarocladium strictum, by fusarium oxysporum, and by these two species in co-culture revealed de novo induction of fusaric acid based on hrms. structure confirmation of this toxin, using sensitive microflow nmr, required only three 9-cm petri dishes of fungal culture. a targeted meta ...201626999098
influence of nonhosts, crucifers, and fungal parasites on field populations of heterodera schachtii.heterodera schaehtii egg number decline under nonhosts was surveyed for 3-4 years at soil depths of 0-30 cm and 30-60 cm in three fields in the imperial valley, california. in the two fields continously cropped to alfalfa, annual decline rates were 49 and 63%, respectively, and did not differ (p = 0.05) between depths. in the third field, cropped to annual nonhosts and fallowed, decline rates of 56 and 80% at 0-30-cm and 30-60-cm depths, respectively, were significantly different (p = 0.05). egg ...198119300739
Acremostrictin, a Highly Oxygenated Metabolite from the Marine Fungus Acremonium strictum.The novel natural product acremostrictin (1) was isolated from the culture broth of Acremonium strictum, a marine fungus collected from a Choristida sponge off the coast of Korea. Structurally, acremostrictin is a tricyclic lactone of an unprecedented skeletal class based on combined spectroscopic and X-ray crystallographic analyses. The new compound exhibited weak antibacterial and moderate antioxidant activities.201122136576
acremonium phylogenetic overview and revision of gliomastix, sarocladium, and trichothecium.over 200 new sequences are generated for members of the genus acremonium and related taxa including ribosomal small subunit sequences (ssu) for phylogenetic analysis and large subunit (lsu) sequences for phylogeny and dna-based identification. phylogenetic analysis reveals that within the hypocreales, there are two major clusters containing multiple acremonium species. one clade contains acremonium sclerotigenum, the genus emericellopsis, and the genus geosmithia as prominent elements. the secon ...201121523192
a case of colonization of a prosthetic mitral valve by acremonium strictum.a case of colonization of a prosthetic mitral valve in a 73-year-old spanish male by the fungus acremonium strictum w. gams is described. the valve was replaced due to paravalvular leak and severe insufficiency and the patient died of multiorgan failure. the identity of the fungus was determined by morphological studies and it was confirmed by the analysis of the its region sequence analysis. molecular studies seem to demonstrate that a. strictum is a species complex. the case emphasizes the pot ...200919631164
species of root-knot nematodes and fungal egg parasites recovered from vegetables in almería and barcelona, spain.intensive vegetable production areas were surveyed in the provinces of almería (35 sites) and barcelona (22 sites), spain, to determine the incidence and identity of meloidogyne spp. and of fungal parasites of nematode eggs. two species of meloidogyne were found in almería-m. javanica (63% of the samples) and m. incognita (31%). three species were found in barcelona, including m. incognita (50%), m. javanica (36%), and m. arenaria (14%). solanaceous crops supported larger (p < 0.05) nematode num ...200219265964
mycoparasitism of helminthosporium solani by acremonium strictum.abstract isolates of helminthosporium solani, the causal agent of silver scurf of potato, collected from multiple locations consistently show white sectoring and rings, differential coloration, and reduced sporulation in culture. it has been accepted that this growth pattern is normal for h. solani cultures. scanning electron microscopy confirmed the presence of a contaminating fungus in close association with cultures of h. solani. repeated hyphal tip isolation techniques were used to separate ...200718943692
importance of seed-borne fungi of sorghum and pearl millet in burkina faso and their control using plant extracts.seed-borne fungi of sorghum and pearl millet in burkina faso were surveyed. a total of 188 seed samples from various locations, collected in 1989 (42) and 2002 (146), were tested, using the blotter, dry inspection and washing methods. infection experiments were carried out with the major fungi recorded on each crop by the blotter test. six essential oils of plants were investigated for their inhibitory activity against eight pathogenic fungi. thirty four and 27 fungal species were found in seed ...200818817152
enhanced polysaccharide binding and activity on linear β-glucans through addition of carbohydrate-binding modules to either terminus of a glucooligosaccharide oxidase.the gluco-oligosaccharide oxidase from sarocladium strictum cbs 346.70 (goox) is a single domain flavoenzyme that favourably oxidizes gluco- and xylo- oligosaccharides. in the present study, goox was shown to also oxidize plant polysaccharides, including cellulose, glucomannan, β-(1→3,1→4)-glucan, and xyloglucan, albeit to a lesser extent than oligomeric substrates. to improve goox activity on polymeric substrates, three carbohydrate binding modules (cbms) from clostridium thermocellum, namely c ...201525932926
structure-activity relationship studies on acremomannolipin a, the potent calcium signal modulator with a novel glycolipid structure 3: role of the length of alditol side chain.five homologs of a novel glycolipid acremomannolipin a (1a), the potential ca(2+) signal modulator isolated from acremonium strictum, bearing alditols of different length (1g-1k) were synthesized by a stereoselective β-mannosylation of appropriately protected mannosyl sulfoxide (2) with five alditols (1g: c2, 1h: c3, 1i: c4, 1j: c5 and 1k: c7 units), and their potential in modulating ca(2+) signaling were evaluated. homologs with alditols of more than 4 carbons (1i, 1j and 1k) were equally or mo ...201525910586
diversity of endophytic fungi associated with the foliar tissue of a hemi-parasitic plant macrosolen cochinchinensis.foliar fungal endophytes are an important plant-associated fungal group. however, little is known about these fungi in hemi-parasitic plants, a unique plant group which derive nutrients from living plants of its hosts by haustoria while are photosynthetic to some degree. in this paper, the endophytic fungi in the leaves of a species of hemi-parasitic plant, macrosolen cochinchinensis, were studied by both culture-dependent and culture-independent methods. by culture-dependent method, a total of ...201525154477
drought degree constrains the beneficial effects of a fungal endophyte on atractylodes lancea.plants, fungal endophytes (fes) and the changing environment interact with each other forming an interlaced network. this study evaluates nonadditive and interactive effects of the fe acremonium strictum and drought treatment on atractylodes lancea plantlets.201425080260
functional roles of the 6-s-cysteinyl, 8alpha-n1-histidyl fad in glucooligosaccharide oxidase from acremonium strictum.the crystal structure of glucooligosaccharide oxidase from acremonium strictum was demonstrated to contain a bicovalent flavinylation, with the 6- and 8alpha-positions of the flavin isoalloxazine ring cross-linked to cys(130) and his(70), respectively. the h70a and c130a single mutants still retain the covalent fad, indicating that flavinylation at these two residues is independent. both mutants exhibit a decreased midpoint potential of approximately +69 and +61 mv, respectively, compared with + ...200818768475
comparative analysis on microbial and rat metabolism of ginsenoside rb1 by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry.ginsenoside rb1 is an active protopanaxadiol saponin from panax species. in order to compare the similarities and differences of microbial and mammalian metabolisms of ginsenoside rb1, the microbial transformation by acremonium strictum and metabolism in rats were comparatively studied. microbial transformation of ginsenoside rb1 by acremonium strictum as 3.2058 resulted in the formation of eight metabolites. ten metabolites (m1-m10) were detected from the in vivo study in rats and eight of them ...200818384066
microbial transformation of nandrolone decanoate by acremonium strictum.estr-4-en-3,17-dione ii, 17beta-hydroxyestr-4-en-3-one iii, 15alpha-hydroxyestr-4-en-3,17-dione iv, and 15alpha,17beta-dihydroxyestr-4-en-3-one v were produced by microbial transformation of nandrolone decanoate i in the culture of acremonium strictum ptcc 5282. bioconversion characteristics observed were ester hydrolysis, oxidation, and hydroxylation. each microbial product was purified chromatographically and characterized on the basis of spectral data obtained from (1)h-nmr,( 13)c-nmr, ft-ir, ...200616832817
consequences of antagonistic interactions between endophytic fungus and bacterium on plant growth and defense responses in atractylodes lancea.many studies have examined pair-wise interactions between plants and endophytes, while overlooking the interplays among multiple endosymbionts and their combined impacts on hosts. in this study, atractylodes lancea plantlets were inoculated with endophytic fungus acremonium strictum al16, or endophytic bacterium acinetobacter sp., or both, to investigate the impacts of the three-way symbiosis on the host. our results showed that defense-related responses of the co-inoculated plantlets were delay ...201524293321
acremonium strictum: report of a rare emerging agent of cutaneous hyalohyphomycosis with review of literatures.we present a case of cutaneous hyalohyphomycosis due to acremonium strictum in an immunocompetent individual along with an overview of fungal infections caused by a. strictum. the diagnosis was confirmed by the presence of hyphae in microscopic examination of cutaneous biopsy and discharge, positive culture for a. strictum and sequencing of the isolate at reference centre. the infection resolved with itraconazole and terbinafine. cutaneous or subcutaneous infections of a. strictum have rarely be ...201324121988
xylo- and cello-oligosaccharide oxidation by gluco-oligosaccharide oxidase from sarocladium strictum and variants with reduced substrate inhibition.the oxidation of carbohydrates from lignocellulose can facilitate the synthesis of new biopolymers and biochemicals, and also reduce sugar metabolism by lignocellulolytic microorganisms, reserving aldonates for fermentation to biofuels. although oxidoreductases that oxidize cellulosic hydrolysates have been well characterized, none have been reported to oxidize substituted or branched xylo-oligosaccharides. moreover, this is the first report that identifies amino acid substitutions leading to go ...201324119501
studies on the microbial transformation of androst-1,4-dien-3,17-dione with acremonium strictum.the strain of acremonium strictum ptcc 5282 was applied to investigate the biotransformation of androst-1,4-dien-3,17-dione (i; add). microbial products obtained were purified by preparative tlc and the pure metabolites were characterized on the basis of their spectroscopic features (13c nmr, 1h nmr, ftir, ms) and physical constants (melting points and optical rotations). the 15 alpha-hydroxyandrost-1,4-dien-3,17-dione (ii), 17 beta-hydroxyandrost-1,4-dien-3-one (iii), androst-4-en-3,17-dione (i ...200616736172
delayed-onset endophthalmitis following cataract surgery caused by acremonium strictum.this case represents the first report of acremonium strictum endophthalmitis. endophthalmitis caused by a. strictum may share clinical features typical of endophthalmitis due to propionibacterium acnes (such as delayed onset of the infection and white plaque-like material in the capsular bag).200516355956
structural characterization of glucooligosaccharide oxidase from acremonium strictum.glucooligosaccharide oxidase from acremonium strictum was screened for potential applications in oligosaccharide acid production and carbohydrate detection. this protein is a unique covalent flavoenzyme which catalyzes the oxidation of a variety of carbohydrates with high selectivity for cello- and maltooligosaccharides. kinetic measurements suggested that this enzyme possesses an open carbohydrate-binding groove, which is mainly composed of two glucosyl-binding subsites. the encoding gene was s ...200516332885
crystal structure of glucooligosaccharide oxidase from acremonium strictum: a novel flavinylation of 6-s-cysteinyl, 8alpha-n1-histidyl fad.glucooligosaccharide oxidase from acremonium strictum has been screened for potential applications in oligosaccharide acid production and alternative carbohydrate detection, because it catalyzes the oxidation of glucose, maltose, lactose, cellobiose and cello- and maltooligosaccharides. we report the crystal structures of the enzyme and of its complex with an inhibitor, 5-amino-5-deoxy- cellobiono-1,5-lactam at 1.55- and 1.98-a resolution, respectively. unexpectedly, the protein structure demons ...200516154992
successful treatment of antifungal- and cryotherapy-resistant subcutaneous hyalohyphomycosis in an immunocompetent case with topical 5% imiquimod cream.hyalohyphomycosis is an unusual opportunistic mycotic infection where the tissue morphology of the causative organism is mycelial. etiological agents, which are not responsible for the otherwise-named infections like aspergillosis, are the species of non-dematiaceous hyaline hyphomycetes including penicillium, paecilomyces, acremonium (formerly known cephalosporium), beauveria, fusarium, and scopulariopsis. several cases of acremonium infection have been described in immunocompromised patients; ...200515983738
mycoflora and potential for mycotoxin production of freshly harvested black bean from the argentinean main production area.a mycological survey was carried out, for the first time, on black bean samples from the northwestern argentinean province of salta in the 1999 harvest season. ten varieties of black beans were evaluated at three locations. species of the genus alternaria were the most prevalent component of the black bean mycoflora. species of fusarium, sclerotinia, rhizoctonia and acremonium were also recorded. the predominant species of the genera isolated were alternaria alternata, sclerotinia sclerotiorum, ...200415487328
microbial transformation of hydrocortisone by acremonium strictum ptcc 5282.the ability of a genus of cephalosporium-like fungus isolated from soil, acremonium strictum ptcc 5282, for hydrocortisone biotransformation has been investigated. this potential had not been previously examined. the fermentation yielded 11beta,17beta-dihydroxyandrost-4-en-3-one, 11beta,17alpha,20beta,21-tetrahydroxypregn-4-en-3-one and 21-acetoxy-11beta,17alpha,20-trihydroxypregn-4-en-3-one. each microbial metabolite was purified and characterized using spectroscopic methods.200212231122
indolent acremonium strictum infection in an immunocompetent patient. 200111679001
characterization of kinetics and thermostability of acremonium strictum glucooligosaccharide oxidase.the kinetic and thermostability properties of a glucooligosaccharide oxidase from acremonium strictum were determined. this enzyme produces only maltobionic acid from maltose. it is most active at ph 9 to 10.5, and is most stable at ph 6.5. values of both k(m) and v(max) on maltose are highest at ph 10. the highest values of k(m) and v(max) occur with glucose, maltopentaose, and maltoheptaose, whereas the lowest values of k(m) are with maltotriose and of v(max) are with maltohexaose. values of k ...200010712739
regulation of neuronal and recombinant gaba(a) receptor ion channels by xenovulene a, a natural product isolated from acremonium strictum.xenovulene a (xr368) is a natural product exhibiting little structural resemblance with classical benzodiazepines yet is able to displace high-affinity ligand binding to the benzodiazepine site of the gamma-aminobutyric acid (gaba)a receptor. we have characterized this compound and an associated congener (xr7009) by use of radioligand binding and electrophysiological methodologies with native neurons and the xenopus oocyte expression system. xenovulene a, and the more potent xr7009, inhibited [3 ...19979262310
xenovulene a, a novel gaba-benzodiazepine receptor binding compound produced by acremonium strictum.xenovulene a, a novel inhibitor of benzodiazepine binding to the gaba-benzodiazepine receptor is produced by submerged fermentation of acremonium strictum. it was isolated from the mycelium by solvent extraction and purified by chromatography on sephadex lh-20 and octadecyl silica. the structure of xenovulene a was determined to be a novel oxygenated sesquiterpene containing a humulene moiety by interpretation of various spectroscopic data, especially from 2d nmr experiments. xenovulene a inhibi ...19957649852
acremonium strictum-related pulmonary infection in a patient with chronic granulomatous disease. 19846539355
purification and characterization of a novel glucooligosaccharide oxidase from acremonium strictum t1.a novel glucooligosaccharide oxidase was purified 495-fold from wheat bran culture of a soil-isolated acremonium strictum strain t1 with an overall yield of 21%. this enzyme was composed of a single polypeptide chain with a molecular mass of 61 kda as determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and size-exclusion high-performance liquid chromatography. its isoelectric point was ph 4.3-4.5. this enzyme contained 1 mol of fad per mol of enzyme and showed absorption maxi ...19911764476
direct comparison of gluco-oligosaccharide oxidase variants and glucose oxidase: substrate range and h2o2 stability.glucose oxidase (go) activity is generally restricted to glucose and is susceptible to inactivation by h2o2. by comparison, the y300a variant of gluco-oligosaccharide oxidase (goox) from sarocladium strictum showed broader substrate range and higher h2o2 stability. specifically, y300a exhibited up to 40 times higher activity on all tested sugars except glucose, compared to go. moreover, fusion of the y300a variant to a family 22 carbohydrate binding module from clostridium thermocellum (ctcbm22a ...201627869125
carbon utilization profile of the filamentous fungal species fusarium fujikuroi, penicillium decumbens and sarocladium strictum isolated from marine coastal environments.facultative marine filamentous fungi have recently emerged as a functional component in coastal marine systems. however, little is known about their ecological role and functions in biogeochemical cycles. penicillium decumbens, s. strictum, and f. fujikuroi were isolated from the coastal upwelling zone off south-central chile. their carbon profiles were characterized using biolog ff microplates. these species used a wide range of carbon sources, mainly carbohydrates, but also amino acids, sugges ...201627760851
expanding the substrate scope of chitooligosaccharide oxidase from fusarium graminearum by structure-inspired mutagenesis.chitooligosaccharide oxidase from fusarium graminearum (chito) oxidizes n-acetyl-d-glucosamine (glcnac) and its oligomers with high efficiency at the c1-hydroxyl moiety while it shows poor or no activity with other carbohydrates. by sequence and structural comparison with other known carbohydrate oxidases (glucooligosaccharide oxidase from acremonium strictum and lactose oxidase from microdochium nivale) eleven mutants were designed to redirect the catalytic scope of chito for improved oxidation ...201525565162
structure-activity relationship studies on acremomannolipin a, the potent calcium signal modulator with a novel glycolipid structure 4: role of acyl side chains on part of an ongoing study on the structure-activity relationship of acremomannolipin a (1)-the novel glycolipid isolated from acremonium strictum possessing potent calcium signal-modulating activity-the role of acyl substituents on the d-mannose moiety was examined. three partially deacylated homologs (2a-2c) and 20 homologs (2d-2w) bearing different acyloxy side chains were synthesized via the stereoselective β-mannosylation of appropriately protected mannosyl sulfoxides (3) with d-mannitol d ...201627243802
is the root-colonizing endophyte acremonium strictum an ericoid mycorrhizal fungus?in previous investigations, we found that acremonium strictum (strain dsm 100709) developed intracellular structures with similarity to mycelia of ericoid mycorrhizal fungi in the rhizodermal cells of flax plants and in hair roots of rhododendron plantlets. a. strictum had also been isolated from roots of ericaceous salal plants and was described as an unusual ericoid mycorrhizal fungus (ermf). as its mycorrhizal traits were doubted, we revised the hypothesis of a mycorrhizal nature of a. strict ...201626846148
the defence elicitor ases causes a rapid and transient membrane depolarization, a triphasic oxidative burst and the accumulation of nitric oxide.the newly characterized elicitor ases obtained from acremonium strictum induces a strong defence response in strawberry plants and confers plants resistance against the fungal pathogen colletotricum acutatum the casual agent of anthracnose disease. previous studies showed that ases causes the accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ros) that peaked 4 h post treatment (hpt), but due to the experimental approach used it was not clear whether the accumulation of ros observed was intracellular or e ...201526562675
skin infection on both legs caused by acremonium strictum (case report).acremonium species are saprophytic molds widely distributed in nature, existing in soil and decaying vegetation. penetrating wounds, intravascular catheters and immunosuppression are risk factors for invasive infections of acremonium. the fungus can also cause cutaneous infections and mycetoma in the immunocompetent; such infections occur in extremities open to trauma. in this paper, a female patient with skin infection due to acremonium strictum in both legs is described.201526506977
pleuritis caused by acremonium strictum in a patient with metastatic testicular teratocarcinoma. 201526042869
fusion of a xylan-binding module to gluco-oligosaccharide oxidase increases activity and promotes stable immobilization.the xylan-binding module clostridium thermocellum cbm22a was successfully fused to a gluco-oligosaccharide oxidase, goox-vn, from sarocladium strictum via a short tp linker, allowing the fused protein to effectively bind different xylans. the presence of the ctcbm22a at the n-terminal of goox-vn increased catalytic activity on mono- and oligo-saccharides by 2-3 fold while not affecting binding affinity to these substrates. notably, both goox-vn and its cbm fusion also showed oxidation of xylo-ol ...201424736604
fungal mn oxides supporting mn(ii) oxidase activity as effective mn(ii) sequestering materials.we examined the mn(ii)-oxidizing ability of the biogenic mn oxide (bmo) formed in cultures ofa mn(ii)-oxidizing fungus, acremonium strictum strain kr21-2. the newly formed bmo effectively sequestered dissolved mn(ii) mainly by oxidizing mn(ii) to insoluble mn under air-equilibrated conditions, and this ability lasted for at least 8 days. deaerating the bmos, poisoning them with nan3, or heating them all readily weakened their mn(ii) oxidation ability, indicating the involvement of enzymatic mn(i ...201624527642
structure-activity relationship studies on acremomannolipin a, the potent calcium signal modulator with a novel glycolipid structure 2: role of the alditol side chain stereochemistry.five alditol analogs 1b-1f of a novel glycolipid acremomannolipin a (1a), the potential ca(2+) signal modulator isolated from acremonium strictum, were synthesized by employing a stereoselective β-mannosylation of appropriately protected mannose with five hexitols with different stereochemistry, and their potential on modulating ca(2+) signaling were evaluated. all these analogs were more potent compared to the original compound 1a, and proved that mannitol stereochemistry of 1a was not critical ...201424417959
fungal communities of young and mature hypersaline microbial mats.microbial mats are a laminated organic-sedimentary ecosystem, found in a wide range of habitats. fluctuating diel and seasonal physicochemical gradients characterize these ecosystems, resulting in both strata and microenvironments that harbor specific microbial communities. this study was undertaken to compare two types of microbial mats across seasons to further understand the structure of fungal communities in hypersaline microbial mats and their seasonal dynamics. the structure and diversity ...201323709488
acremolin from acremonium strictum is n(2),3-etheno-2'-isopropyl-1-methylguanine, not a 1h-azirine. synthesis and structural revision.the first synthesis of the heterocyclic marine natural product, acremolin, is reported along with the revision of the structure from a 1h-azirine to a substituted n(2),3-ethenoguanine (5-methyl-7-isopropyl-4,5-dihydroimidazo[2,1-b]purine). additional properties of acremolin are also described including its (1)h-(15)n-hmbc and fluorescence spectra.201323635003
cellulase production from a new strain acremonium strictum isolated from the brazilian biome using different substrates.the objective of the present study was to evaluate the production of cellulolytic enzymes by acremonium strictum isolated from brazilian biome using different substrates. fermentations were initially carried out using commercial substrates, including microcrystalline cellulose (avicel® and servacel®) and carboxymethylcellulose (cmc). this was followed by fermentations performed using lignocellulosic biomass: sugarcane bagasse pretreated at different intensities. the fermentations were carried ou ...201323186655
acremomannolipin a, the potential calcium signal modulator with a characteristic glycolipid structure from the filamentous fungus acremonium the newly developed assay method, the glycolipid acremomannolipin a (1) was isolated from a filamentous fungus acremonium strictum as a potential calcium signal modulator. the structure of 1 elucidated on the basis of intensive spectroscopic analyses as well as its degradation studies is quite unique: the d-mannopyranose is connected to d-mannitol through a β-glycoside linkage; all the hydroxyls in the mannose are highly masked as peresters with aliphatic acids, and this moiety is made hydrop ...201223013934
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