
induction of fescue foot syndrome in cattle by fractionated extracts of toxic fescue hay.tall fescue (festuca arundinacea shreb) hay from a source known to cause "fescue foot" in grazing cattle was extracted with 80% ethanol. the ethanolic extract was further refined and fractionated into cation,nion, and neutral f fractions by ion-exchange chromatography. the cation fraction was partitioned with alkaline-chloroform to give chloroform-extractable cation and residual cation fractions. all fractions plus the crude ethanolic extract were assayed for toxic activity by intraperitoneal in ...19751163875
forage systems for beef production from conception to slaughter: ii. stocker systems.fall weaned angus calves grazed stockpiled 1) tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.), 2) tall fescue-red clover (trifolium pratense l.), or 3) tall fescue-alfalfa (medicago sativa l.) or were barn-fed, 4) tall fescue hay, 5) orchardgrass (dactylis glomerata l.)-alfalfa hay, or 6) tall fescue silage from late october to early april during each of 5 yr. infection of the fescue with acremonium coenophialum ranged from 0 to 55%. there were two replications each of steers and heifers for each fora ...19921312526
voluntary intake and ingestive behavior of steers grazing johnstone or endophyte-infected kentucky-31 tall fescue.effects of grazing low-endophyte (acremonium coenophialum morgan-jones and gams, less than 1% infection) johnstone (j) or high-endophyte (60% infection) kentucky-31 (k) tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) on grazing behavior and voluntary intake were studied. six angus steers (average initial bw = 326 kg) grazed 1.21-ha plots of each forage cultivar (three steers per cultivar) in four 28-d periods beginning may 27. daytime observations (0630 until 2130) revealed that j steers spent more (p ...19921316348
molecular biology and evolution of the grass endophytes.acremonium coenophialum morgan-jones et w. gams is a maternally transmitted fungal symbiont (endophyte) of the important forage grass festuca arundinacea schreb. (tall fescue), and provides biological protection and enhanced fitness to its host, but its anti-mammalian ergot alkaloids detract from the usefulness of tall fescue as forage for livestock. molecular genetic techniques and materials are being developed in order to specifically eliminate the gene(s) encoding the first enzyme in ergot al ...19921344918
transformation of acremonium coenophialum, a protective fungal symbiont of the grass festuca arundinacea.acremonium coenophialum is a mutualistic mycosymbiont and natural agent of biological protection of the widely distributed grass festuca arundinacea (tall fescue). an electroporative transformation system was developed for a. coenophialum. segments of dna 5' to the beta-tubulin gene (tub2) of the closely related ascomycete epichloë typhina, fused to the escherichia coli hph gene encoding hygromycin b phosphotransferase, conferred hygromycin resistance when introduced into a. coenophialum by elec ...19921423727
implant and copper oxide needles for steers grazing acremonium coenophialum-infected tall fescue pastures: effects on grazing and subsequent feedlot performance and serum constituents.two experiments were conducted to compare the effects of a progesterone-estradiol implant (pei) with no implant (ni) and 20 g of copper oxide needles (cuon) with no cuon on grazing, subsequent feedlot performance, and selected serum constituents of steers. in exp. 1, 114 limousin crossbred yearling steers (317 kg average initial bw) were stocked continuously on acremonium coenophialum-infected tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.)-ladino clover (trifolium repens l.) pastures (c) or were rota ...19921429296
effects of feeding diets containing endophyte-infected fescue seed on luteinizing hormone secretion in postpartum beef cows and in cyclic heifers and cows.two experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of feeding endophyte (acremonium coenophialum)-infected fescue (festuca arundinacea shreb.) seed on lh secretion in postpartum beef cows and in cycling heifers and cows. in exp. 1, spring-calving primiparous angus cows (n = 16) were pair-fed for 75 d diets that contained endophyte-free or endophyte-infected (95%) fescue seed that contained 1.3 micrograms/g of ergovaline and 5.2 mg/g of saturated pyrrolizidines. serial blood samples for bas ...19921459910
metabolic fates of u-14c-labelled monosaccharides and an enzyme-treated cell-wall substrate in the fowl.a major benefit of supplementing non-ruminant feedstuffs with exogenous enzymes is presumed to be the degradation of plant cell-wall polysaccharides to metabolizable monosaccharide residues. in the present study, metabolic fates of (u-14c-labelled, 10 mm) glucose, galactose, mannose, xylose and arabinose were compared in the fowl, by measuring recoveries of 14c radioactivity in exhaled carbon dioxide excreta and body tissues after administration either by wing vein (iv) or into the crop (ic). a ...19921547197
forage systems for beef production from conception to slaughter: i. cow-calf production.six year-round, all-forage, three-paddock systems for beef cow-calf production were used to produce five calf crops during a 6-yr period. forages grazed by cows during spring, summer, and early fall consisted of one paddock of 1) tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.)-ladino clover (trifolium repens l.) or 2) kentucky blue-grass (poa pratensis l.)-white clover (trifolium repens l.). each of these forage mixtures was combined in a factorial arrangement with two paddocks of either 1) fescue-red ...19921548221
effects of grass species on grazing steers: i. diet composition and ingestive traditional grazing trials, per animal and per hectare productivity are determined, but pasture and animal measurements are generally inadequate to address reasons for different treatment responses. this 2-yr study examined the diet and diet characteristics of steers grazing tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.), switchgrass (panicum virgatum l.), flaccidgrass (pennisetum flaccidum griseb.), and bermudagrass (cynodon dactylon [l.] pers.) pastures. a randomized complete block design was us ...19911648065
energy and protected protein supplements to lambs on endophyte-infected tall fescue pasture.the effect of supplements on intake, digestibility, n retention, adg and blood and body composition of growing lambs fed cut herbage or grazing ky 31 tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) pastures at two levels of n fertilization (92 and 318 kg/ha) was determined. supplements were corn (c), corn with soybean meal (u-sbm) and corn with heat-treated sbm (h-sbm). metabolism trials were run at three growth stages in the 1st yr with 24 lambs. although all supplements increased total dmi and dm di ...19912005030
technical note: sampling technique and drying method effects on chemical composition of tall fescue or fescue-ladino clover pasture samples.although esophageal extrusa is the most readily accepted representation of forage consumed by grazing ruminants, esophageal sampling is demanding from the standpoint of animal care and maintenance and extrusa processing. this experiment was conducted with a split-plot design to evaluate the effects of pasture type, pasture sampling technique and drying method on estimation of grazed forage composition. ten esophageally fistulated steers grazed pastures of either tall fescue (festuca arundinacea ...19912005036
induction of tall fescue toxicosis in heat-stressed cattle and its alleviation with thiamin.livestock grazing endophyte (acremonium coenophialum)-infected tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb. cv. kentucky 31) at high ambient temperatures may suffer from fescue toxicosis. adult angus cows (bos taurus) were fed 0 to 1 kg/d of 70% infected tall fescue seed containing about 4.4 g of loline alkaloids in factorial combination with thiamin at 0 or 1 g/d. cows assigned to the zero level of tall fescue seed received a supplement of equivalent energy and protein. ingestive behavior was measu ...19912061231
effects of grass species on grazing steers: ii. dry matter intake and digesta kinetics.animal responses to treatments in grazing experiments frequently remain unexplained because of inadequate pasture and(or) animal measurements. this 2-yr study examined dmi, gastrointestinal tract fill of undigested dm (fill), rate of digesta passage (rop), and digesta mean retention time (mrt) for steers grazing tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.), switchgrass (panicum virgatum l.), flaccidgrass (pennisetum flaccidum griseb.), and bermudagrass (cynodon dactylon [l.] pers.). a randomized co ...19912061249
high-performance liquid chromatographic determination of 4-methylimidazole in sheep plasma and in ammoniated tall fescue hay.a method for 4-methylimidazole (4mi) extraction and quantitation in body fluids and forage samples was developed. the procedures involve ion-pair extraction of the compound with the quantitation done by ion-pair liquid chromatography. the results indicate that this high-performance liquid chromatographic method is sensitive, reproducible and more rapid than others that have been previously used. the mean recovery of 4mi from plasma and tall fescue (festuca arundinacea) hay samples were above 95 ...19902079523
forage composition and intake by steers grazing vegetative regrowth in low endophyte tall fescue pasture.a grazing trial was conducted with six half-sib yearling angus steers (average initial weight 281 kg) to quantitate nutrient composition and voluntary intake of vegetative regrowth forage in low-endophyte (acremonium coenophialum morgan-jones and gams) kentucky-31 tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) pasture. a new .6-ha section in each of two 3.0-ha pastures (three steers/pasture) was clipped to a 5-cm height on five consecutive days to establish a series of plots that could be grazed cont ...19902211414
neuroendocrine measurements in steers grazed on endophyte-infected fescue.dopamine (da), serotonin (5ht) and selected precursors and metabolites were measured in the anterior pituitary gland, hypothalamus and pineal gland, along with serum prolactin (prl) and average daily gains (adg), in steers (n = 6/group) grazing endophyte (acremonium coenophialum)-infected and noninfected fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb). paddocks (two/treatment) were designated 100f and 0f (100 and 0% infection, respectively). after 6 wk, three animals from one of the 100f paddocks were excha ...19902254203
growth and reproductive performance of ewe lambs fed corn or soybean meal while grazing a 2-yr study a total of 120 suffolk and suffolk-cross ewe lambs, approximately 3 mo of age, were assigned within weight strata to one of three treatments: 1) control, pasture only (c), 2) .09 kg soybean meal/(hd.d) (sbm) plus pasture or 3) .45 kg whole shelled corn/(hd.) plus pasture to compare growth and reproductive performance and to determine lamb selectivity of forage quality and type. each year, supplements were offered from june through the 3rd wk in november. ewe lambs were managed as ...19902303397
thiamin supplementation and the ingestive behavior of beef cattle grazing endophyte-infected tall fescue.livestock grazing endophyte (acremonium coenophialum morgan-jones and gams)-infected tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) perform poorly due to tall fescue toxicosis, especially when animals are under heat stress. in order to determine whether thiamin promotes recovery from tall fescue toxicosis, 1 or 0 g of thiamin per day, as mononitrate, was fed orally to adult angus (bos taurus) cows (380 +/- 8 kg) grazing either tall fescue pasture with and without endophyte or alfalfa (medicago sativa ...19902365641
the effect of feeding endophyte infected tall fescue seed on reproductive performance in female rats.female sprague-dawley rats (rattus norvegicus) were randomly assigned to diets containing mixtures of rat chow and tall fescue (festuca arundinacea) seed with 0, 5, 10, 20 and 40% infection levels of acremonium coenophialum to assess the effect of the diets on the reproductive potential of rats. rats fed 40% infected seed had decreased body weight, decreased mean percent body weight of uteri, failed to maintain normal estrous cycles and were unable to become pregnant. animals fed a diet of 20% i ...19872885129
the effect of feeding tall fescue seed infected by acremonium coenophialum on pregnancy and parturition in female rats.1. female sprague-dawley rats (rattus norvegicus) were randomly assigned to various dietary treatments containing: (1) 100% purina rodent chow, ad libitum; (2) same as 1, but restricted to daily intake of 7; (3) 50% rodent chow (w/w) and 50% endophyte-free tall fescue (festuca arundinacea) seed; (4) same as 3, but restricted to intake of 5; (5) 50% rodent chow, 25% endophyte-free tall fescue seed and 25% endophyte-infected (acremonium coenophialum) tall fescue seed; (6) 50% rodent chow, 12.5% en ...19882899007
effects of endophyte-infected fescue on concentrations of prolactin in blood sera and the anterior pituitary and concentrations of dopamine and dopamine metabolites in brains of experiment was conducted to determine if the decrease in circulating concentrations of prolactin in cattle consuming endophyte (acremonium coenophialum) -infected tall fescue (festuca arundinacea) was associated with changes in prolactin concentrations in the anterior pituitary and concentrations of dopamine (da) and its metabolites 3,4-dihydroxyphenyl-acetic acid (dopac) and homovanillic acid (hva) in the stalk median eminence (sme), preoptic area (poa) and hypothalamus (hp). six crossbred s ...19883378927
[survival of azospirillum in the rhizosphere of festuca arundinacea].in two experiments festuca seeds (4 or 20 seeds/pot in first or second experiment respectively) were inoculated with azospirillum strains (sp 7, mutant streptomycin resistant and g strain) in controlled laboratory conditions. two illumination regimes were employed (197 and 274 microe. m-2.s-1, respectively). sp 7 cell number was determined during both experiments. the total number of diazotrophic bacteria was also determined on different dates. in both experiments the control pots received the s ...19853870740
influence of copper supplementation on blood and liver copper in cattle fed tall fescue or quackgrass.copper concentrations were measured in naturally cu-deficient and cu-supplemented yearling hereford heifers fed tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) or quackgrass (agropyron repens [l] beauv.) forage. the data were used to establish a relationship between dietary cu supplementation and accumulation of liver cu, and to test the influence of diet and cu supplementation on blood plasma cu and ceruloplasmin oxidase activity. dietary cu supplementation was positively correlated with accumulation ...19863957807
effects of extracts of toxic fescue given orally to rats.fresh fescue (festuca arundinacea) was obtained from farms where toxicity was encountered in cattle grazing the fescue. the fescue was dried in a forced draft oven at 60 degrees c and then ground. the dry ground fescue was extracted with ether and then re-extracted with either 1% sodium bicarbonate (nahco3), sodium hydroxide or hydrochloric acid. the residual ether was evaporated and the residue resuspended in ethyl alcohol diluted with water 1% (control) and 1 ml of the above extracts of fescue ...19816266622
toxic factors in tall fescue.tall fescue ( festuca arundinacea schreb .), a well adapted perennial grass grown in the transition zone of the u.s., frequently produces toxic symptoms and(or) reduced animal performance. specific syndromes associated with tall fescue include fescue foot, summer syndrome and fat necrosis. summer syndrome is related to high environmental temperatures rather than an increase of toxic compound(s) during the summer months. recent studies have related the summer syndrome to the presence of an endoph ...19846373703
influence of aluminum as sulfate, chloride and citrate on magnesium and calcium metabolism in sheep.three metabolism trials were conducted to determine the effects of al as sulfate (so4), chloride (cl) and citrate on metabolism of al, mg, ca and serum concentrations of mg and ca. twelve wether lambs, equipped with rumen cannulas and blocked by breeding and weight, were allotted randomly to the following six treatments during each of three trials: 0, 1,000 and 2,000 pm al as so4 or cl; or 2,000 ppm al as citrate. treatments were administered in 200 ml of deionized water twice daily in divided d ...19846490555
effects of ruminant digestion and metabolism on phenolic monomers of forages.immature and mature lucerne (medicago sativa) and tall fescue (festuca arundinacea) hays were analysed for their lignin and phenolic monomer (hydroxybenzoic and hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives) contents. these hays were given to four sheep with rumen, duodenal and ileal cannulas, and to a steer with rumen and abomasal cannulas, to investigate the extent and sites of digestion of lignin and phenolic monomers. the hays and digesta samples were analysed for alkali and nitrobenzene-extractable phen ...19836639924
alkaloids in ergot found on different gramineae in the netherlands.the alkaloid content and the composition of the alkaloid complex of thirteen samples of ergot sclerotia from different gramineous host species collected in the netherlands were investigated. two samples collected in france were also examined. ergot of glyceria fluitans (l.) did not contain alkaloids. the total alkaloid content of ergot found on the other wild grasses was more than 0.2%. the ratio between the contents of water soluble and water insoluble alkaloids of the investigated ergot ...19836646990
summer fescue toxicity in dairy steers fed tall fescue seed.seeds of the tall fescue ( festuca arundinacea schreb .) cultivars kentucky 31 and an experimental ryegrass x tall fescue hybrid derivative strain (g1-307), and orchard grass (og) seed were fed in a carrier diet to calves in controlled environmental rooms (31 to 32 c). both tall fescue varieties produced symptoms of summer toxicosis in dairy steers. total feed intake (p less than .01) and water intake (p less than .01) of calves were reduced by the tall fescue seed diets when compared with orcha ...19846735937
association of an endophytic fungus with fescue toxicity in steers fed kentucky 31 tall fescue seed or hay.previous research has implicated an endophytic fungus as being associated with fescue toxicity (summer syndrome) in cattle grazing kentucky 31 tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) pastures. hay and seed were harvested from kentucky 31 pastures known to be either fungus-free or heavily infested with an endophytic fungus identified as acremonium coenophialum morgan-jones and gams. four diets containing either 60% fungus-free seed, 60% fungus-infested seed, 85% fungus-free hay or 85% fungus-in ...19827161201
interaction of environmental temperature and anti-quality factors on the severity of summer fescue toxicosis.two experimental strains of tall fescue grass (festuca arundinacea schreb) that had previously been shown to produce differences in animal performance during the summer period were fed to holstein calves in temperature controlled rooms. in the first year, gi-306 (less toxic) and gi-307 (more toxic) tall fescues were fed during july in rooms maintained at 10 to 13, 21 to 23 and 34 to 35 c. in the second year, the same tall fescues and orchardgrass were fed at a high temperature during may (32 to ...19817263534
acremonium in fescue and ryegrass: boon or bane? a review.acremonium coenophialum morgan-jones and gams, an endophytic fungus commonly found in tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.), has been identified as the cause of poor performance of beef cattle and horses on tall fescue. ryegrass staggers, a neurological disorder of sheep, has been linked to the presence of a similar fungus, a. lolii latch, christensen and samuels, in perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne l.). renovation of endophyte-infected (e+) pastures with endophyte-free (e-) cultivars of t ...19957608023
growth and subsequent feedlot performance of estradiol-implanted vs nonimplanted steers grazing fall-accumulated endophyte-infested or low-endophyte tall fescue.a growing-finishing study using angus steer calves was conducted in three phases: 1) grazing stockpiled 'kentucky-31' tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) with high (65%; he ky-31) and low (0%; le ky-31) infestation rates of acremonium coenophialum morgan-jones and gams and 'kenhy' and 'johnstone' tall fescue with low (< 1%) infestation rate of acremonium coenophialum from october 24 to december 19; 2) drylot feeding of johnstone and he ky-31 haylage (december 19 to april 10); and 3) feedlo ...19957673051
a clearing technique for detecting the fungal endophyte acremonium sp. in grasses.leaf tissue of tall fescue festuca arundinacea schreb., hard fescue festuca ovina l., red fescue festuca rubra l. and perennial ryegrass lolium perenne l. was stained with rose bengal or aniline blue to detect the presence of the fungal endophyte acremonium sp.. specimens were cleared using methyl salicylate, an optical clearing agent, and viewed using bright field microscopy. tissue was preserved as dried tissue or stored in 70% aqueous ethyl alcohol before staining and clearing. tissue was obs ...19937684264
oviposition and development of face flies in dung from cattle on herbage and supplemented herbage diets.dung was collected from angus cattle (bos taurus l.) fed (ad libitum) hays of endophyte-free (ef) and endophyte (acremonium coenophialum morgan-jones and gams) infected (ei) tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.), smooth bromegrass (bromus inermis leyss.), red clover (trifolium pratense l.), alfalfa (medicago sativa l.), and alfalfa-smooth bromegrass (1:1 w/w) and green-chopped kentucky bluegrass (poa pratensis l.). samples of dung were subsequently collected from the same animals offered the ...19947886909
evaluation of brassicas in grazing systems for sheep: i. quality of forage and animal performance.four years of grazing trials were conducted with brassica forages to evaluate their chemical composition and effect on adg of fattening lambs and breeding ewes in late fall. brassicas tested included kales (brassica oleracea l. var. acephala dc), turnips (b. rapa l.), and a chinese cabbage hybrid (b. rapa l. x b. pekinensis [lour.] rupr.). daily gains of lambs varied widely among years (19 to 330 g/d); adg on brassicas were, however, generally higher than on stockpiled kentucky 31 tall fescue (f ...19947928762
fescue toxicosis and its impact on animal agriculture.studies of fescue toxicosis have identified several classes of plant/fungal alkaloids that may be responsible for the toxicosis problem of endophyte (acremonium coenophialum) infected tall fescue (festuca arundinacea). this review explores the interaction of these alkaloids with the animal's system and attempts to explain the various anomalies of fescue toxicosis through discussion of both in vitro and in vivo experiments.19938249272
determination of the ruminal escape value and duodenal amino acid flow of rapeseed meal.a 4 x 4 latin square metabolism trial was conducted to evaluate protein escape potential, duodenal amino acid (aa) flows, and ruminal digestion effects of rapeseed meal (rsm) when fed with non-endophyte-infected tall fescue (festuca arundinacea) hay. four holstein steers (average bw = 400 +/- 6.5 kg), each equipped with ruminal and duodenal cannulas, were fed twice daily at 0700 and 1900. protein supplements compared with rsm, soybean meal (sbm), blood meal (bm), and a negative control based on ...19938270533
managing replacement stock within the environment of the south--plant, soil, and animal interactions: a review.the south extends from the atlantic coast and the gulf of mexico north through virginia and kentucky and west to the 100th meridian, which extends through texas and oklahoma. the soils, environment, and range of adapted forage species offer many and varied opportunities for designing forage-livestock systems for rearing replacement stock. anti-quality factors of concern when using forages for replacement stock include the presence of acremonium coenophialum (morgan-jones and gams) in tall fescue ...19938270541
combined analysis of tall fescue steer grazing studies in the eastern united states.the mixed-models procedure (mmp) was used to analyze pooled data sets from 12 independent studies conducted during the last 13 yr at nine locations in seven states to provide combined estimates of daily gains by beef steers (bos taurus) grazing tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) pastures free of (e-) or infested (e+) at different levels with the endophytic fungus acremonium coenophialum. treatments included low-infestation (< or = 5% e+), moderate-infestation (> or = 20 to < or = 35% e+), ...19938349522
steers grazing endophyte-free tall fescue: seasonal changes in nutrient quality, forage intake, digesta kinetics, ruminal fermentation, and serum hormones and metabolites.six ruminally cannulated holstein steers (average bw 514 kg) grazed a 33-ha, unirrigated, endophyte-free, tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) pasture from april 10 through december 7, 1989. samples were collected in may, june, september, and november 1989. total masticate n was relatively constant (p > .10) throughout the year. masticate in vitro om disappearance was less (p < .05) in september (48.4%) and november (50%) than in may (60.6%) and june (56%). ruminal nh3n concentrations (mill ...19938392047
neural dopamine d2 receptors in rats fed endophyte-infected fescue study the effect of endophyte (acremonium coenophialum) on hypothalamic and striatal dopamine d2 receptors, male rats (n = 14/group) were pair-fed diets containing 50% rat chow and 50% either endophyte-infected (e+) or noninfected (e-) fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) seed for 21 days. concentrations of ergovaline and saturated pyrrolizidines were 1.91 micrograms/g and 2.84 mg/g, respectively in e+, and undetectable in e- fescue seed. to monitor endophyte effects, rats were weighed weekly ...19938404549
relationships among non-acremonium sp. fungal endophytes in five grass species.many cool-season grasses (subfamily pooideae) possess maternally transmitted fungal symbionts which cause no known pathology and often enhance the ecological fitness and biochemical capabilities of the grass hosts. the most commonly described endophytes are the acremonium section albo-lanosa spp. (acremonium endophytes), which are conidial anamorphs (strictly asexual forms) of epichloë typhina. other endophytes which have been noted are a gliocladium-like fungus in perennial ryegrass (lolium per ...19938517749
supplemental protein and energy for beef cows consuming endophyte-infected tall fescue.effects of energy and protein supplementation of endophyte (acremonium coenophialum)-infected (e+) and noninfected (e-) tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) on forage intake, digestibility, n flow to the small intestine, and cow-calf productivity was evaluated in two experiments. in exp. 1, 10 ruminally and duodenally cannulated steers were fed either e- or e+ hay with four supplements or e- or e+ hay unsupplemented. four supplements formulated with either cracked corn or soybean hulls with ...19958586603
forage systems for beef production from conception to slaughter: iii. finishing systems.fall-weaned angus calves grazed or were fed different forages during winter followed by 1) n-fertilized tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) grazed alone, 2) bluegrass (poa pratensis l.)-white clover (trifolium repens l.) sequence grazed with tall fescue-red clover (trifolium pratense l.), or 3) bluegrass-white clover sequence grazed with alfalfa (medicago sativa l.)-orchardgrass (dactylis glomerata l.). heifers were supplemented with grain at 1% of bw from april until slaughter in july. on ...19968707721
effects of environmental heat and intake of tall fescue seed infested with acremonium coenophialum on the acid-base status of young bulls.effects of high environmental temperature and dietary intake of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea) seed containing the endophyte acremonium coenophialum on bovine acid-base status were studied using 3 groups of bull calves (2 simmental, 1 angus). experimental animals were housed in controlled-climate chambers and subjected to gradual increases in environmental temperature, first while being fed an endophyte-free diet and then while being fed a diet containing 17% endophyte-infested fescue seed. m ...19968744746
assessment of the mitogenic potential of the alkaloids produced by endophyte (acremonium coenophialum)-infected tall fescue (festuca arundinacea) on bovine vascular smooth muscle in vitro.the objective of these experiments was to test the hypothesis that the major alkaloid classes found in endophyte-infected tall fescue could act as growth promoters for vascular smooth muscle. bovine vascular smooth muscle cells (vsmc) from the dorsal metatarsal artery were grown in vitro and exposed to five concentrations (10(-6), 10(-8), 10(-9), 10(-11) and 0 m) of ergonovine, alpha-ergocryptine, ergovaline, and n-acetyl loline for 48 h. the mitogenic potential of the alkaloids was tested on bo ...19968818813
ammoniation to reduce the toxicity of endophyte-infected tall fescue seed fed to assess the efficacy of ammoniation in the detoxification of endophyte-infected tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.), 40 male harlan sprague-dawley rats were randomly assigned to the following four treatments for 28 d: endophyte-free (e-), endophyte-infected (e+), ammoniated (2% dry matter basis, 7 d) endophyte-free (ae-), and ammoniated endophyte-infected (ae+) tall fescue seed. total pyrrolizidine alkaloid (n-acetyl and n-formyl loline) and ergovaline contents of endophyte-infected fesc ...19989530532
oral and parenteral vaccination of mice with protein-ergotamine conjugates and evaluation of protection against fescue toxicosis.acremonium coenophialum produces ergopeptide alkaloids in tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.). these ergot alkaloids decrease serum alkaline phosphatase (alp) activity, serum cholesterol and prolactin concentrations, as well as average daily gains (adg) in cattle. the objective of this study was to evaluate the protection of anti-ergotamine antibodies induced by either oral or parenteral vaccination with protein-ergotamine conjugates or passive vaccination with anti-ergovaline, monoclonal ...19989613443
performance and digestion by steers grazing tall fescue and supplemented with energy and protein.we studied the effects of different levels of protein and energy supplementation on bw gains and sites of nutrient digestion in steers grazing the primary growth of endophyte-infected tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb cv. kentucky 31). angus steers (n = 168; mean bw = 246.8 +/- 15.0 kg) grazed tall fescue without supplementation (c) or were supplemented with 1.4 kg/d of cracked corn (cc1), 1.4 kg/d of corn gluten feed (cgf1), 2.8 kg/d of cc (cc2), 2.8 kg/d of cgf (cgf2), or .7 kg/d of corn ...19989655590
ammoniation to reduce the toxicity of endophyte-infected tall fescue seed fed to assess the efficacy of ammoniation in the detoxification of endophyte-infected tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb), 40 male harlan sprague-dawley rats were randomly assigned to the following four treatments for 28 d: endophyte-free (e-), endophyte-infected (e+), ammoniated (2% dry matter basis, 7 d) endophyte-free (ae-), and ammoniated endophyte-infected (ae+) tall fescue seed. total pyrrolizidine alkaloid (n-acetyl and n-formyl loline) and ergovaline contents of endophyte-infected fescu ...19989706467
mortality of horn fly (diptera: muscidae) larvae in bovine dung supplemented with loline alkaloids from tall fescue.larvae of arthropod ectoparasites of livestock, such as the horn fly, haematobia irritans (l.), may be exposed to acyl-loline alkaloids in dung of ruminant livestock ingesting herbage of the tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.)-endophyte association [neotyphodium coenophialum (morgan-jones & w. gams) glenn, bacon & hanlin comb. nov.]. biological activity of alkaloid-supplemented bovine dung was assayed by growth, development, and survival of 1st instars of horn fly. an extract from tall fes ...19989775611
influence of neotyphodium coenophialum on copper concentration in tall fescue.poor performance of livestock that graze tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) has been associated with the endophyte fungus neotyphodium coenophialum [morgan-jones and gams] glenn, bacon, and hanlin). recent evidence suggests lowered cu status and a depression of cu-related immune function in steers that graze endophyte-infected (e+) tall fescue. greenhouse and field studies investigated relationships between the endophyte and cu concentrations in tall fescue. seventeen infected 'kenhy' clo ...19989814910
monocyte immune cell response and copper status in beef steers that grazed endophyte-infected tall fescue.a 3-yr study was conducted to evaluate immune response and cu status of yearling beef steers as a consequence of grazing tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) infected (e+) with the endophyte fungus neotyphodium coenophialum ([morgan-jones and gams] glenn, bacon, and hanlin). during a preliminary study in 1994, 24 weanling angus and angus x hereford steers were blocked by breed and weight (initial bw 271 kg; sd 25) and were randomized to e+ and low endophyte (e-) fescue in pastures at glade ...19989814911
endophytic fungal toxin effect on adrenergic receptors in lateral saphenous veins (cranial branch) of cattle grazing tall fescue.the objective of this research was to characterize the adrenergic receptor response in veins of cattle that grazed tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.), with (e+) and without (e-) fungal endophyte (neotyphodium coenophialum) infection. measurement of contractile response of lateral saphenous veins to selective adrenergic receptor agonists (alphal, phenylephrine; alpha2, bht-920) revealed enhanced reactivity (greater contractile response) only for the alpha2 adrenergic receptor in e+ pasture ...19989856395
mortality of horn fly larvae (diptera: muscidae) in bovine dung supplemented with ergotamine and n-formyl loline.dung-dwelling larvae of ectoparasites of livestock such as the horn fly, hematobia irritans (l.), may be exposed to > or = 1 different alkaloid species in dung from animals ingesting herbage of the tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.)--endophyte association (neotyphodium coenophialum (morgan-jones & w. gams) glenn, bacon & hanlin comb. nov.). first-instar horn flies were exposed to bovine dung supplemented with up to 50 microm each of n-formyl loline and ergotamine tartrate in factorial com ...199910071496
variation in ruminants' preference for tall fescue hays cut either at sundown or at sunup.plants vary diurnally in concentrations of nonstructural carbohydrates. if ruminants prefer forages with higher total nonstructural carbohydrates (tnc), then the preference for hays harvested within the same 24-h period may vary. an established field of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) was harvested six times in the vegetative stage. harvests were paired such that each cutting at sundown (pm) was followed by a cutting the next morning at sunup (am). we harvested in this manner three tim ...199910229375
interactions in sheep between tall fescue ergot alkaloids and hepatotoxic carbon tetrachloride and senecio pyrrolizidine alkaloids.the interaction between ergot alkaloids in endophyte-infected (e+) tall fescue (festuca arundinacea) seed and pyrrolizidine alkaloids (pa) in tansy ragwort (tr; senecio jacobaea) when simultaneously fed to sheep was investigated. because of the hepatogenic effects of prolactin (prl), it was hypothesized that low serum prl induced by ergot alkaloids would increase the susceptibility of sheep to hepatotoxicity induced by pa. sheep are normally resistant to pa-induced hepatotoxicity. twenty-four we ...199910349699
alterations in bovine serum biochemistry profiles associated with prolonged consumption of endophyte-infected tall fescue.tall fescue (festuca arundinacea) is a forage grass that is widely used in pastures in the eastern us for cattle, sheep and horses. the endophytic fungus neotyphodium coenophialum is endemic in tall fescue pastures in the us. the turfgrass industry intentionally infects fescue cultivars with strains of the fungus to impart desirable growth and disease tolerance qualities to the plants. in contrast, ergot and pyrrolizidine alkaloid toxins produced by fungus-infected plants have been incriminated ...199910349700
behavior of steers grazing monocultures and binary mixtures of alfalfa and tall fescue.spectral analysis was used to relate dietary quality and herbage species to the behavior of grazing steers. four .3-ha paddocks were established with either 'au-triumph' tall fescue (f; festuca arundinacea schreb.), 'apollo' alfalfa (a; medicago sativa l.), 1/3 fescue and 2/3 alfalfa (2/3a), or 2/3 fescue and 1/3 alfalfa (1/3a). each paddock was stocked with 10 to 16 steers and defoliated in 5 d. three steers on each paddock carried vibracorders to monitor grazing time. daily forage samples were ...199910375218
increased responsiveness to intravenous lipopolysaccharide challenge in steers grazing endophyte-infected tall fescue compared with steers grazing endophyte-free tall fescue.fescue toxicosis in cattle occurs as a result of consumption of ergot alkaloids in endophyte-infected (e+, neotyphodium coenophialum) tall fescue (festuca arundinacea). the condition is characterized by pyrexia, decreased weight gains, rough hair coats, and decreased calving rates. the objective of this experiment was to investigate whether steers grazing e+ fescue have altered host response to lipopolysaccharide (endotoxin, lps) challenge compared with steers grazing endophyte-free (e-) fescue. ...199910556770
forage systems for production of stocker steers in the upper south.the southern states produce large numbers of beef calves that are generally weaned and sold in autumn. keeping calves in this region beyond weaning to graze high-quality forages through a stocker cattle phase could improve profitability. autumn-weaned angus crossbred steers were allocated by breeding and weight to four forage systems that began in mid-november and continued through mid-october as follows: system 1, tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) and kentucky bluegrass (poa pratensis l ...200010907841
cloning and functional analysis of sucrose:sucrose 1-fructosyltransferase from tall fescue.enzymes of grasses involved in fructan synthesis are of interest since they play a major role in assimilate partitioning and allocation, for instance in the leaf growth zone. several fructosyltransferases from tall fescue (festuca arundinacea) have previously been purified (lüscher and nelson, 1995). it is surprising that all of these enzyme preparations appeared to act both as sucrose (suc):suc 1-fructosyl transferases (1-sst) and as fructan:fructan 6(g)-fructosyl transferases. here we report t ...200011080298
preference by sheep and goats among hay of eight tall fescue cultivars.grazing ruminants use both visual cues and taste in selecting their diet. preference during grazing may not be the same when forage is dried for hay and cut into lengths prior to feeding in confinement. eight cultivars of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.), previously evaluated for preference while grazed, were harvested three times over a period of 2 yr. the hays were air-dried, baled, and passed through a hydraulic bale processor prior to feeding. five experiments were conducted. all th ...200111204703
involvement of antioxidants and lipid peroxidation in the adaptation of two cool-season grasses to localized drought natural environments, drought often occurs in surface soil while water is available for plant uptake deeper in the soil profile. the objective of the study was to examine the involvement of antioxidant metabolism and lipid peroxidation in the responses of two cool-season grasses to surface soil drying. kentucky bluegrass (poa pratensis l) and tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) were grown in split tubes, consisting of two sections (each 10 cm in diameter and 20 cm long). grasses were su ...200111275219
effects of calcium on antioxidant activities and water relations associated with heat tolerance in two cool-season grasses.calcium (ca2+) may be involved in plant tolerance to heat stress by regulating antioxidant metabolism or/and water relations. this study was designed to examine whether external ca2+ treatment would improve heat tolerance in two c(3), cool-season grass species, tall fescue (festuca arundinacea l.) and kentucky bluegrass (poa pratensis l.), and to determine the physiological mechanisms of ca2+ effects on grass tolerance to heat stress. grasses were treated with cacl(2) (10 mm) or h(2)o by foliar ...200111283179
tasco-forage: i. influence of a seaweed extract on antioxidant activity in tall fescue and in ruminants.seaweed (ascophyllum nodosum) is a known source of plant growth regulators, and application to turfgrasses has increased activity of the antioxidant superoxide dismutase (sod) and specific vitamin precursors. increased antioxidant activity in both plants and animals diminishes oxidative stress. two pasture experiments investigated effects of tasco-forage (a proprietary seaweed-based product) applied to tall fescue (festuca arundinacea) on antioxidant activity in plants and in ruminants that graz ...200111325175
tasco-forage: ii. monocyte immune cell response and performance of beef steers grazing tall fescue treated with a seaweed extract.effects of applying tasco-forage, an ascophyllum nodosum seaweed-based product prepared by a proprietary process, to endophyte (neotyphodium coenophialum [morgan-jones and gams] glenn, bacon, and hanlin)-infected and endophyte-free tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) were studied in each of 3 yr (1995, 1996, and 1997) in virginia and in 1996 and 1997 in mississippi. there were 48 steers at each location in each year (n = 240) in a 2 x 2 x 2 factorial arrangement with two replications at ea ...200111325176
tasco-forage: iii. influence of a seaweed extract on performance, monocyte immune cell response, and carcass characteristics in feedlot-finished steers.tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) infected with the endophyte neotyphodium coenophialum ([morgan-jones and gams] glenn, bacon, and hanlin) causes fescue toxicosis in cattle grazing the forage, but effects of the endophyte were considered to be abated soon after removal of the animals from pastures. tasco-forage, a proprietary extract from the brown seaweed ascophyllum nodosum, is a known source of cytokinins and has increased antioxidant activity in both plants and the animals that graze ...200111325177
tasco-forage: iv. influence of a seaweed extract applied to tall fescue pastures on sensory characteristics, shelf-life, and vitamin e status in feedlot-finished steers.tasco-forage is an ascophyllum nodosum seaweed-based product that has increased antioxidant activity in both plants and animals. endophyte (neotyphodium coenophialum ([morgan-jones and gams] glenn, bacon, and hanlin)-infected and uninfected tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) pastures in virginia and mississippi during 1997 were treated or not with 3.4 kg tasco/ha in april and july. there were two replications of each treatment at each location. forty-eight steers (6/replication) grazed pa ...200111325193
effects of endophyte status of tall fescue tissues on the earthworm (eisenia fetida).a cryptic fungal endophyte, neotyphodium coenophialum, infects most tall fescue (festuca arundinacea) pastures in the united states. cattle, sheep, and horses that consume the endophyte-infected grass can suffer fescue toxicosis caused by toxic alkaloids in the infected plants. the effects of the endophyte on mammalian herbivores have been well documented, but less is known regarding the quality of the grass (infected vs noninfected) as a food material for soil invertebrates. we conducted 21-d t ...200111392146
effects of alum and aluminum chloride on phosphorus runoff from swine manure.phosphorus (p) runoff from fields fertilized with swine (sus scrofa domesticus) manure may contribute to eutrophication. the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of aluminum sulfate (alum) and aluminum chloride applications to swine manure on p runoff from small plots cropped to tall fescue (festuca arundinacea shreb.). there were six treatments in this study: (i) unfertilized control plots, (ii) untreated manure, (iii) manure with alum at 215 mg al l(-1), (iv) manure with aluminum ...200111401290
monoclonal antibodies incorporated into neotyphodium coenophialum fungal cultures: inhibition of fungal growth and stability of antibodies.three monoclonal antibodies (mabs) produced against proteins from the tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) fungal endophyte neotyphodium coenophialum hybridize exclusively to a fungal protein under denaturing conditions. the protein is approximately 88 kda in size. these mabs were individually incorporated into liquid medium to determine their effects on fungal growth in culture. neotyphodium-specific mabs inhibited fungal growth for the duration of the study. fungal cultures grown in the p ...200111456463
phosphorus and ammonium concentrations in surface runoff from grasslands fertilized with broiler litter.application of broiler (gallus gallus domesticus) litter to grasslands can increase ammonium (nh4-n) and dissolved reactive phosphorus (drp) concentrations in surface runoff, but it is not known for how long after a broiler litter application that these concentrations remain elevated. this long-term study was conducted to measure nh4-n and drp in surface runoff from grasslands fertilized with broiler litter. six 0.75-ha, fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.-)bermudagrass [cynodon dactylon (l.) pe ...200111577887
phosphorus losses from grasslands fertilized with broiler litter: epic simulations.broiler litter, a mixture of poultry excreta and bedding material, is commonly used to fertilize grasslands in the southeastern usa. previous work has shown that under certain situations, application of broiler (gallus gallus domesticus) litter to grasslands may lead to elevated levels of phosphorus (p) in surface runoff. the epic simulation model may be a useful tool to identify those situations. this work was conducted to evaluate epic's ability to simulate event and annual runoff volume and l ...200111577888
a simple thin-layer chromatographic method for the detection of ergovaline in leaf sheaths of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea) infected with neotyphodium coenophialum.a relatively simple and inexpensive thin-layer chromatographic (tlc) method is described for the detection and semiquantitative measurement of ergovaline in leaf sheaths of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea). samples were finely ground and extracted with methanol. the extracts were filtered and the methanol was evaporated. the aqueous residue was extracted with hexane, followed by chloroform at ph 9. the chloroform extract was concentrated and further purified on a preparative silica gel tlc plat ...200111580073
vehicle-mounted optical sensing: an objective means for evaluating turf quality.visual evaluation of turfgrass quality is a subjective process that requires experienced personnel. optical sensing of plant reflectance provides objective, quantitative turf quality evaluation and requires no turf experience. this study was conducted to assess the accuracy of optical sensing for evaluating turf quality, to compare the rating consistency among human evaluators and optical sensing, and to develop a model that describes a relationship between optically sensed measurements and visu ...200211756274
variation in ruminant preference for alfalfa hays cut at sunup and sundown.diurnal variation in the concentration of total nonstructural carbohydrates (tnc) occurs in plants as a result of photosynthesis. ruminants have been shown to prefer tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreber) hays cut in the afternoon but the effect of morning vs. evening cutting had not been tested in legumes. to test for diurnal variation in preference for alfalfa (medicago sativa l.), we harvested six times in the midbud stage. harvests were paired so that each time a cutting of alfalfa was m ...200211756279
spatial and time distribution of dairy cattle excreta in an intensive pasture system.this study determined distribution of feces and urine from 36 lactating dairy cattle (bos taurus) managed in a rotationally grazed 0.74-ha endophyte-free tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.)-white clover (trifolium repens l.) pasture. cows were observed for 24 h five times from july 1997 to april 1998, and for 13.5 h in september 1997. during each 24-h observation period, the first grazing period (12 h) used 54% of the paddock and the second grazing period (8 h) used the entire paddock. tim ...200111790030
intake, digestion, and digestive characteristics of neotyphodium coenophialum-infected and uninfected fescue by heifers offered hay diets supplemented with aspergillus oryzae fermentation extract or laidlomycin propionate.tarentaise heifers fitted with a rumen cannula (539 +/- 7.5 and 487 +/- 15.7 kg avg initial bw in exp. 1 and 2, respectively) were used in two latin square metabolism experiments having 2 x 2 factorial treatment arrangements to determine the effects of supplementation with aspergillus oryzae fermentation extract (ao) or laidlomycin propionate (lp) on intake, digestion, and digestive characteristics of neotyphodium coenophialum-infected (if) or uninfected (ff) tall fescue (festuca arundinacea) ha ...200211831521
nitrogen metabolism of beef steers fed endophyte-free tall fescue hay: effects of ruminally protected methionine supplementation.level of nitrogen (n) intake and ruminally protected methionine supplementation were evaluated in eight angus growing steers (initial bw 253+/-21 kg, final bw 296+/-21 kg) in a replicated 4+/-4 latin square design. the steers were fed two endophyte-free tall fescue (festuca arundinacea) hays that contained 2.2 (lo) or 2.8% (hi) of dm as n and were either supplemented or not with ruminally protected methionine (10 g metabolizable methionine/d). diets were fed to provide adequate energy for 0.5 kg ...200212019624
endocrine and respiratory responses to ergotamine in brahman and hereford steers.ergot alkaloids are considered causative agents of fescue toxicosis, a syndrome experienced by cattle consuming tall fescue (festuca arundinacea) infected with the fungal endophyte neotyphodium coenophialum. one sign of fescue toxicosis in cattle is severe hyperthermia. this study assessed hormonal responses to ergotamine in heat-sensitive and heat-tolerant cattle. seven hereford (heat-sensitive, bos taurus) and 7 brahman (heat-tolerant, bos indicus) steers on a fescue-free diet received ergotam ...200212046966
performance of steers grazing rhizomatous and nonrhizomatous birdsfoot trefoil in pure stands and in tall fescue mixtures.this study investigated the performance of steers grazing rhizomatous birdsfoot trefoil (lotus corniculatus l.) (rbft) compared to nonrhizomatous birdsfoot trefoil (bft) in pure stands or when interseeded with endophyte-free tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.; tf). five forage treatments of rbft, bft, tf, rbft+tf, and bft+tf (four replicate paddocks per treatment) were continuously stocked in spring and fall of 1998 and spring of 1999. grazing for individual treatments was terminated when ...200212162667
a novel fungal protease expressed in endophytic infection of poa species.the fungus acremonium typhinum produces a novel endoprotease during symbiotic endophytic infection of the grass, poa ampla. this protease is unusual because it is highly active in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. the enzyme is a thiol-containing serine protease and is localized to a crude membrane fraction. similar protease activity has been detected in endophyte-infected poa autumnalis and poa sylvestris plants. expression of this protease may be important in endophytic infection of poa ...199312231854
response of fructan to water deficit in growing leaves of tall fescue.changes in dry matter and water-soluble carbohydrate components, especially fructan, were examined in the basal 25 mm of expanding leaf blades of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) to assess their roles in plant response to water deficit. water was withheld from vegetative plants grown in soil in controlled-environment chambers. as stress progressed, leaf elongation rate decreased sooner in the light period than it did in the dark period. the decrease in growth rate in the dark period was ...199412232332
endophytic fungal beta-1,6-glucanase expression in the infected host grass.mutualistic fungal endophytes infect many grass species and often confer benefits to the hosts such as reduced herbivory by insects and animals. the physiological interactions between the endophytes and their hosts have not been well characterized. fungal-secreted proteins are likely to be important components of the interaction. in the interaction between poa ampla and the endophyte neotyphodium sp., a fungal beta-1,6-glucanase is secreted into the apoplast, and activity of the enzyme is detect ...200212427996
impact of consuming tall fescue seeds infected with the endophytic fungus, neotyphodium coenophialum, on reproduction of chickens.most of the 14 million hectares of pastures of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea) planted in the united states are infected with the endophytic fungus, neotyphodium coenophialum. i examined whether the consumption of fescue seed infected with this fungus had an adverse impact on reproduction in birds. chickens were used as the model; they were maintained on a diet of chick starter mixed in equal amounts with either infected fescue seed (fungus-fed chickens) or uninfected fescue seed (control chic ...200312527078
use of nonergot alkaloid-producing endophytes for alleviating tall fescue toxicosis in sheep.nonergot alkaloid-producing endophytes from new zealand were inserted into tall fescue (festuca arundinacea) cultivars in an attempt to address the problem of fescue toxicosis in grazing sheep. a 3-yr grazing study was conducted to determine lamb performance and to evaluate toxicosis in lambs grazing nonergot alkaloid-producing endophyte-infected (ar542 or ar502), endophyte-free (e-), or wild-type toxic endophyte-infected (e+) jesup tall fescue or nonergot alkaloid-producing endophyte-infected ( ...200312772860
agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation of festuca arundinacea (schreb.) and lolium multiflorum (lam.).agrobacterium tumefaciens strain lba4404 carrying plasmid ptok233 encoding the hygromycin resistance (hph) and beta-glucuronidase (uida) genes has been used to transform two agronomic grass species: tall fescue (festuca arundinacea) and italian ryegrass (lolium multiflorum). embryogenic cell suspension colonies or young embryogenic calli were co-cultured with agrobacterium in the presence of acetosyringone. colonies were grown under hygromycin selection with cefotaxime and surviving colonies pla ...200312789446
root growth and metal uptake in four grasses grown on zinc-contaminated soils.depth and area of rooting are important to long-term survival of plants on metal-contaminated, steep-slope soils. we evaluated shoot and root growth and metal uptake of four cool-season grasses grown on a high-zn soil in a greenhouse. a mixture of biosolids, fly ash, and burnt lime was placed either directly over a zn-contaminated soil or over a clean, fine-grained topsoil and then the zn-contaminated soil; the control was the clean topsoil. the grasses were 'reliant' hard fescue (festuca brevip ...200312809284
does mowing height influence alkaloid production in endophytic tall fescue and perennial ryegrass?the mutualistic symbiosis following infection of tall fescue, festuca arundinacea, and perennial ryegrass, lolium perenne, by fungal endophyte (neotyphodium spp.) results in the production of alkaloids that are feeding deterrents or toxic to insects and livestock. if the levels of the alkaloids can be manipulated by cultural practices in the grasses that are used for home lawns and golf courses, this could alleviate the need for pesticide applications in urban environments. we evaluated the infl ...200312918918
comparison of tall fescue (cyperales: gramineae) to other cool-season turfgrasses for tolerance to european chafer (coleoptera: scarabaeidae).three cultivars of tall fescue, festuca arundinacea schreb., were compared with three cultivars each of fine fescue (festuca spp.), kentucky bluegrass (poa pratensis l.), and perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne l.) to evaluate tolerance to root-feeding by european chafer grubs, rhizotrogus majalis (razoumowsky). potted turfgrasses were infested with initial densities equivalent to 33 or 66 grubs per 0.1 m2 on 19 august 2000. more grubs were added in late september and october, bringing the total ...200314977131
turfgrass, crop, and weed hosts of blissus occiduus (hemiptera: lygaeidae).blissus occiduus barber is an important pest of buffalograss, buchloë dactyloides (nuttall) engelmann, turf. no-choice studies documented the susceptibility of selected turfgrasses, crops, and weeds to b. occiduus feeding. highly to moderately susceptible grasses included buffalograss; yellow setaria glauca (l.) and green foxtail setaria viridis (l.); kentucky bluegrass, poa pratensis l.; perennial ryegrass, lolium perenne l.; brome, bromus spp. leyss.; zoysiagrass, zoysia japonica steudel; berm ...200414998128
growth rate and physiology of steers grazing tall fescue inoculated with novel endophytes.cattle grazing tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) often develop fescue toxicosis. this condition is thought to be caused by ergot alkaloids produced by the endophyte neotyphodium coenophialum. endophytes from wild tall fescue plants, which do not produce ergot alkaloids, were transferred into the endophyte-free tall fescue germplasm, himag. the novel associations also lacked the ability to produce ergot alkaloids. our objective was to determine whether cattle grazing these novel endophyte ...200415032446
in situ soil treatments to reduce the phyto- and bioavailability of lead, zinc, and cadmium.a study was established near a former zn and pb smelter to test the ability of soil amendments to reduce the availability of pb, zn, and cd in situ. soil collected from the field was amended in the lab with p added as 1% p-h3po4, biosolids compost added at 10% (referred to hereafter as "compost"), and a high-fe by-product (referred to hereafter as "fe") + p-triple superphosphate (tsp) (2.5% fe + 1% p-tsp) and incubated under laboratory conditions at a constant soil ph. changes in pb bioavailabil ...200415074803
the influence of high-nitrogen forages on the voluntary feed intake of sheep.the objective of this research was to examine the effect of high concentrations of nonprotein nitrogen (npn) on the voluntary food intake of sheep fed high-quality grasses. wether lambs (n = 6 per treatment) were fed dried switchgrass (panicum virgatum l.; exp. 1) or dried tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.; exp. 2). in both experiments, urea was added to the dried forage at 0 (control), 12, or 24 g of n/kg of dm to increase the npn concentration. acid detergent fiber concentrations were 3 ...200415144097
reducing phosphorus runoff from swine manure with dietary phytase and aluminum chloride.phosphorus (p) runoff from fields fertilized with swine (sus scrofa) manure has been implicated in eutrophication. dietary modification and manure amendments have been identified as best management practices to reduce p runoff from manure. this study was conducted to compare the effects of dietary modification and aluminum chloride (alcl3) manure amendments on reducing p in swine manure and runoff. twenty-four pens of nursery swine were fed either a normal diet or a phytase-amended diet. each pe ...200415224943
surface runoff losses of phosphorus from virginia soils amended with turkey manure using phytase and high available phosphorus corn diets.many states have passed legislation that regulates agricultural p applications based on soil p levels and crop p uptake in an attempt to protect surface waters from nonpoint p inputs. phytase enzyme and high available phosphorus (hap) corn supplements to poultry feed are considered potential remedies to this problem because they can reduce total p concentrations in manure. however, less is known about their water solubility of p and potential nonpoint-source p losses when land-applied. this stud ...200415254126
lactation performance of holstein cows fed fescue, orchardgrass, or alfalfa silage.perennial grasses are increasingly being used as an integral part of nutrient management plans, but fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) is often overlooked because of perceived intake problems. a 30-d study was conducted to evaluate the lactation performance of cows fed a fescue silage-based total mixed ration (tmr) compared with orchardgrass (dactylis glomerata l.) and alfalfa (medicago sativa l.) silage-based tmr, when forages are harvested at recommended neutral detergent fiber (ndf) levels. ...200415328241
Displaying items 1 - 100 of 493