
nutritive value of green or yellow foxtail, wild oats, wild buckwheat or redroot pigweed seed as determined with the rat.pure green foxtail (setaria viridis beauv.), yellow foxtail (setaria lutescens hubb.), wild oats (avena fatua l.), wild buckwehat (polygonum convolvulus l.) and redroot pigweed (amaranthus retroflexus l.) seeds were fed to growing male rats in two experiments. in the first experiment, green or yellow foxtail and wild oats seeds were found to be first-limiting in the amino acid lysine. green or yellow foxtail seed supplemented with lysine produced satisfactory rat growth. digestible energy (de) v ...19807410266
antioxidant constituents from setaria viridis.the etoac and n-buoh soluble fractions from the aerial part of setaria vindis showed a strong free radical scavenging activity. six major compounds were isolated from these fractions. they were identified by spectral data as tricin (1), p-hydroxycinnamic acid (2), vitexin 2''-o-xyloside (3), orientin 2''-o-xyloside (4), tricin-7-o-beta-d-glucoside (5) and vitexin 2"-o-glucoside (6). among these compounds, 4 and 5 exhibited strong free radical scavenging activities on 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazy ...200212135101
analyzing the light energy distribution in the photosynthetic apparatus of c4 plants using highly purified mesophyll and bundle-sheath thylakoids.the chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics of mesophyll and bundle-sheath thylakoids from plant species with the c4 dicarboxylic acid pathway of photosynthesis were investigated using flow cytometry. ten species with the nadp-malic enzyme (nadp-me) biochemical type of c4 photosynthesis were tested: digitaria sanguinalis (l.) scop., euphorbia maculata l., portulaca grandiflora hooker, saccharum officinarum l., setaria viridis (l.) beauv., zea mays l., and four species of the genus flaveria. thi ...199612226432
structure, chemistry, and biological activity of pseudophomins a and b, new cyclic lipodepsipeptides isolated from the biocontrol bacterium pseudomonas fluorescens.pseudophomins a and b are cyclic lipodepsipeptides isolated from pseudomonas fluorescens strain brg100, a bacterium with potential application for biocontrol of plant pathogens and weeds. their chemical structures were established by a combination of spectroscopic data, x-ray crystallography, and selective chemical degradation. this unique chemical degradation allowed the unambiguous determination of the absolute configuration of the amino acid residue leu-1, due to gamma-lactam formation follow ...200312591264
turfgrass, crop, and weed hosts of blissus occiduus (hemiptera: lygaeidae).blissus occiduus barber is an important pest of buffalograss, buchloë dactyloides (nuttall) engelmann, turf. no-choice studies documented the susceptibility of selected turfgrasses, crops, and weeds to b. occiduus feeding. highly to moderately susceptible grasses included buffalograss; yellow setaria glauca (l.) and green foxtail setaria viridis (l.); kentucky bluegrass, poa pratensis l.; perennial ryegrass, lolium perenne l.; brome, bromus spp. leyss.; zoysiagrass, zoysia japonica steudel; berm ...200414998128
phenological observations on shrubs to predict weed emergence in turf.phenology is the study of periodic biological events. if we can find easily recognizable events in common plants that precede or coincide with weed emergences, these plants could be used as indicators. weed seedlings are usually difficult to detect in turf, so the use of phenological indicators may provide an alternative approach to predict the time when a weed appears and consequently guide management decisions. a study was undertaken to determine whether the phenological phases of some plants ...200515846520
metal bioaccumulation in plant leaves from an industrious area and the botanical garden in beijing.the concentrations of fe, mn, al, zn, pb, ni, cr, and as were measured in soils and leaves from 21 plant species growing on hills near the beijing steel factory (bsf) and 17 plant species in the beijing botanical garden (bbg). the results showed that soils from bsf were zn contaminated according to the threshold of natural background of china. there was a metal contamination of the soils by ni, and cr in bsf comparing with those in bbg. the comparison between concentrations of metals in leaves f ...200516295909
[niche characteristics of dominant populations of sophora davidii community in loess gully region].based on field investigation data and employing levin and niche proportional similarity formulae, this paper calculated the niche breadth, niche proportional similarity, and niche overlap of 13 dominant species of sophora davidii community in loess gully region. the results showed that the niche breadth of the dominant populations of sophora davidii community decreased in order of sophora davidii (0.964), artemisia giraldii (0.775), arteniisia gmelinii (0.664), thenmeda triandra var. japonica (0 ...200516515163
carboxylesterase activities toward pesticide esters in crops and weeds.proteins were extracted from maize, rice, sorghum, soybean, flax and lucerne; the weeds abutilon theophrasti, echinochloa crus-galli, phalaris canariensis, setaria faberii, setaria viridis, sorghum halepense and the model plant arabidopsis thaliana and assayed for carboxylesterase activity toward a range of xenobiotics. these included the pro-herbicidal esters clodinafop-propargyl, fenoxaprop-ethyl, fenthioprop-ethyl, methyl-2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-d-methyl), bromoxynil-octanoate, th ...200617078983
[photosynthetic characteristics and coenological survey of lactuca serriola in its invaded area].lactuca serriola, a national class quarantine object, is a new invasive species in the coastal area of southeast china. the coenological survey showed that because of its big individual, l. serriola could easily form dominant population in its invaded area, and its main accompany species were conyza canadensis, c. bonarinisis, bidentis bipinnata, oenothera laciniata, ipomoea hederacea, setaria viridis, daucus carota, xanthium sibiricum, erigeron annuus, l. indica, humulus scandens, solanum nigru ...200617330472
synthesis and physiological activity of ureas and amides with carvone residues.the synthesis and herbicidal activity of ureas and amides with carvone residues were examined. (s)-(+)-(1) and (r)-(-)-carvone(2) were converted to the respectively, primary amines(3) and (4) by oximation and reduction with lialh(4). primary amine derivatives were further converted into the urea and amide compounds (3a) approximately (3e) and (4a) approximately (4e). the herbicidal activity of products (3a) approximately (3e) and (4a) approximately (4e) towards weeds found in a paddy field and f ...200717898496
phenotypic plasticity of life history characteristics: quantitative analysis of delayed reproduction of green foxtail (setaria viridis) in the songnen plain of foxtail (setaria viridis l.) is a common weed species in temperate regions. research on the effect of delayed reproduction on the phenotypic plasticity and regularity of the vegetative and reproductive growth is of vital significance for understanding population regulation and control of the weed in the growing season. green foxtail seeds were sown every 10 days from 25 june to 24 august of 2004. the growth and production metrics were measured via harvesting tufts and statistical analysis ...200818713403
weed hosts of meloidogyne arenaria and m. incognita common in tobacco fields in south carolina.thirty-two weed species common in south carolina and one cultivar of tobacco were evaluated as hosts of meloidogyne arenaria race 2 and m. incognita race 3 in the greenhouse. egg mass production and galling differed (p < 0.05) among weed species. chenopodium album, euphorbia maculata, and vicia villosa were good hosts of m. arenaria. amaranthus palmeri, rumex crispus, amaranthus hybridus, ambrosia artemisiifolia, lpomoea hederacea var. integriuscula, setaria lutescens, sida spinosa, portulaca ol ...198819290313
agricultural origins and the isotopic identity of domestication in northern china.stable isotope biochemistry (delta(13)c and delta(15)n) and radiocarbon dating of ancient human and animal bone document 2 distinct phases of plant and animal domestication at the dadiwan site in northwest china. the first was brief and nonintensive: at various times between 7900 and 7200 calendar years before present (calbp) people harvested and stored enough broomcorn millet (panicum miliaceum) to provision themselves and their hunting dogs (canis sp.) throughout the year. the second, much mor ...200919307567
host preference of the chinch bug, blissus occiduus.the chinch bug, blissus occiduus barber (hemiptera: blissidae), is an important pest of buffalograss, buchloë dactyloides (nutall) engelmann and potentially other turfgrass, crop, and non-crop hosts. choice studies documented the number of b. occiduus present on selected turfgrasses, crops and weeds, and provided important insights into the host preferences of this chinch bug. grasses with the most chinch bugs present included the warm-season turfgrasses b. dactyloides , zoysiagrass, zoysia japo ...200619537992
[effects of tourism disturbance on plant diversity in qingshan lake scenic area of zhejiang province].from may 2007 to june 2008, an investigation was made on the changes of plant community in qingshan lake scenic area of zhejiang province under the effects of tourism disturbance. with the increase of tourism disturbance, the importance value of the plants was mainly fastened on a few species such as pinus hwangshanensis, apt to decrease for tree and shrub species and to increase for herb species, and the individuals of the plants increased. the values of richness index (d) and diversity index ( ...201121608239
assessment of effects of the rising atmospheric nitrogen deposition on nitrogen uptake and long-term water-use efficiency of plants using nitrogen and carbon stable isotopes.this study assesses the effects of the atmospheric nitrogen (n) deposition on the n uptake and the long-term water-use efficiency of two c(3) plants (agropyron cristatum and leymus chinensis) and two c(4) plants (amaranthus retroflexus and setaria viridis) using n and c stable isotopes. in addition, this study explores the potential correlation between leaf n isotope (δ(15) n) values and leaf c isotope (δ(13) c) values. this experiment shows that the atmospheric n deposition has significant effe ...201121638358
Colonization and bioherbicidal activity on green foxtail by Pseudomonas fluorescens BRG100 in a pesta formulation.Pseudomonas fluorescens BRG100 produces secondary metabolites with herbicidal activity on green foxtail ( Setaria viridis ), an important weed pest in Canadian agriculture. Five gfp transformants of P. fluorescens BRG100 were compared with the wild-type isolate for green foxtail root herbicide activity, i.e., root growth suppression, doubling time, carbon utilization, and colonization of green foxtail root (proximal and distal regions). The most revealing comparison between the wild type and it ...201122188391
Can arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi reduce the growth of agricultural weeds?Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are known for their beneficial effects on plants. However, there is increasing evidence that some ruderal plants, including several agricultural weeds, respond negatively to AMF colonization. Here, we investigated the effect of AMF on the growth of individual weed species and on weed-crop interactions.201122164216
[population structure and understory species diversity of different aged pinus sylvestris var. mongolica plantations in nenjiang sandy land of northeast china].taking the pinus sylvestris var. mongolica sand-fixing plantations at different development stages (24-, 29-, 39-, and 43 years old) in nenjiang sandy land as test objects, this paper studied their population structure, understory species composition, and species diversity. no regenerated seedlings were found in all the four p. sylvestris var. mongolica plantations. the mean individual height and dbh of the populations differed significantly with development stage. with the increasing age of the ...201223285985
high-quality draft genome sequence of pseudomonas sp. brg100, a strain with bioherbicidal properties against setaria viridis (green foxtail) and other pests of agricultural significance.pseudomonas sp. brg100 inhibits the growth of certain agricultural pests and is a potentially useful biopesticide for weeds and plant diseases. we have sequenced the 6.25-mbp genome of this strain and assembled it into 4 scaffolds. genome sequence comparisons revealed that this strain may represent a novel species of pseudomonas.201425278538
spike-dip transformation of setaria viridis.traditional method of agrobacterium-mediated transformation through the generation of tissue culture had limited success for setaria viridis, an emerging c4 monocot model. here we present an efficient in planta method for agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation of s. viridis using spike dip. pre-anthesis developing spikes were dipped into a solution of agrobacterium tumefaciens strain agl1 harboring the β-glucuronidase (gus) reporter gene driven by the cauliflower mosaic virus 35s (camv35s ...201626932666
setaria viridis.interest in plant model systems for genetic, biological, and functional genomics studies stems from advantages they provide in terms of fast generation time, small stature, and simple growth requirements. a model species would be especially advantageous for the studies of c4 photosynthetic grasses, which currently present practical challenges. these include long seed-to-seed generation times, and because of their large size at maturity they require large growing areas. one potential model of int ...201525300831
robust biological nitrogen fixation in a model grass-bacterial association.nitrogen-fixing rhizobacteria can promote plant growth; however, it is controversial whether biological nitrogen fixation (bnf) from associative interaction contributes to growth promotion. the roots of setaria viridis, a model c4 grass, were effectively colonized by bacterial inoculants resulting in a significant enhancement of growth. nitrogen-13 tracer studies provided direct evidence for tracer uptake by the host plant and incorporation into protein. indeed, plants showed robust growth under ...201525645593
comparative analysis of antiviral responses in brachypodium distachyon and setaria viridis reveals conserved and unique outcomes among c3 and c4 plant defenses.viral diseases cause significant losses in global agricultural production, yet little is known about grass antiviral defense mechanisms. we previously reported on host immune responses triggered by panicum mosaic virus (pmv) and its satellite virus (spmv) in the model c3 grass brachypodium distachyon. to aid comparative analyses of c3 and c4 grass antiviral defenses, here, we establish b. distachyon and setaria viridis (a c4 grass) as compatible hosts for seven grass-infecting viruses, including ...201425296115
a foxtail mosaic virus vector for virus-induced gene silencing in maize.plant viruses have been widely used as vectors for foreign gene expression and virus-induced gene silencing (vigs). a limited number of viruses have been developed into viral vectors for the purposes of gene expression or vigs in monocotyledonous plants, and among these, the tripartite viruses brome mosaic virus and cucumber mosaic virus have been shown to induce vigs in maize (zea mays). we describe here a new dna-based vigs system derived from foxtail mosaic virus (fomv), a monopartite virus t ...201627208311
the solute specificity profiles of nucleobase cation symporter 1 (ncs1) from zea mays and setaria viridis illustrate functional flexibility.the solute specificity profiles (transport and binding) for the nucleobase cation symporter 1 (ncs1) proteins, from the closely related c4 grasses zea mays and setaria viridis, differ from that of arabidopsis thaliana and chlamydomonas reinhardtii ncs1. solute specificity profiles for ncs1 from z. mays (zmncs1) and s. viridis (svncs1) were determined through heterologous complementation studies in ncs1-deficient saccharomyces cerevisiae strains. the four viridiplantae ncs1 proteins transport the ...201626022088
synthesis and herbicidal activity of isoindoline-1,3-dione substituted benzoxazinone derivatives containing a carboxylic ester group.a carboxylic ester group was introduced to three series of isoindolinedione substituted benzoxazinone derivatives. some of these analogues exhibited good herbicidal activities, and the injury symptoms against weeds included leaf cupping, crinkling, bronzing, and necrosis, typical of protox inhibitor herbicides. structurally, they were classified as chemical group a (4-carboxylic ester group-6-isoindolinyl-benzoxazinones), b (4-carboxylic ester group-7-isoindolinyl-benzoxazinones), and c (4-carbo ...200919772294
photosynthetic and growth responses of zea mays l and four weed species following post-emergence treatments with mesotrione and atrazinet.we compared photosynthesis and growth of zea mays l (corn) and four weed species, setaria viridis (l) beauv (green foxtail), echinochloa crus-galli (l) beauv (barnyardgrass), abutilon theophrasti medic (velvetleaf), and amaranthus retroflexus l (redroot pigweed), following foliar applications with atrazine, mesotrione, or a combination of atrazine and mesotrione in two greenhouse experiments. plant responses to the three herbicide treatments were compared with responses of untreated plants (cont ...200415532681
phytotoxicity of sorgoleone found in grain sorghum root exudates.root exudates ofsorghum bicolor consist primarily of a dihydroquinone that is quickly oxidized to ap-benzoquinone named sorgoleone. the aim of this investigation was to determine the potential activity of sorgoleone as an inhibitor of weed growth. bioassays showed 125μm sorgoleone reduced radicle elongation oferagrostis tef. in liquid culture, 50-μm sorgoleone treatments stunted the growth oflemna minor. over a 10-day treatment period, 10μm sorgoleone in the nutrient medium reduced the growth of ...199224254628
variation in germination and amino acid leakage of seeds with temperature related to membrane phase change.leakages of amino acids and/or fluorescent material as functions of temperature between 15 and 40 c are reported for imbibed seeds of avena fatua l., lactuca sativa l., barbarea vulgaris r. br., amaranthus albus l., abutilon theophrasti medic., lychnis alba mill., daucus carota l., setaria faberi herrm., setaria viridis (l.) beauv., and datura stramonium l. the leakage indicates prominent increase in permeability of the plasmalemma in the 30 to 35 c range for 8 of the 10 kinds of seeds studied. ...197616659623
phytotoxicity of umbelliferone and its analogs: structure-activity relationships and action mechanisms.two coumarins, umbelliferone and daphnoretin, were isolated from roots of stellera chamaejasme l; the former had been identified as one of the main allelochemicals in our previous studies. both of them have the skeleton of 7-hydroxycoumarin, but showed different phytotoxic effects. umbelliferone and its analogs were then prepared to investigate the structure-activity relationship of hydroxycoumarins and screened for phytotoxicity. the inhibitory effects varied observably in response to the couma ...201526509496
[effect of decimeter polarized electromagnetic radiation on germinating capacity of seeds].the effect of a polarization structure of electromagnetic radiation on the germinating capacity of seeds of such weeds as green foxtail (setaria viridis) and green amaranth (amaranthus retroflexus) has been studied. seeds have been exposed to impulse electromagnetic radiation in a frequency of 896 mhz with linear, elliptical right-handed and elliptical left-handed polarizations at different power flux density levels. it is determined that the effect of the right-handed polarized electromagnetic ...201424455890
[herbicide activity of some micromycetes].screening of phytotoxic properties of 5 micromycete strains were made concerning cultivated plants and weeds. all of the strains show phytotoxic activity of different levels. in particular, the cultural filtrates of penicillium sp. 10-51 and aspergillus niveus 2411 suppressed the growth of seeds of galinsoga parviflora, amaranthus retroflexus and capsella bursa pastoris. the cultural filtrate of ulocladium consortiale 960 suppressed the growth of panicum capillare and setaria viridis. the greate ...201522830196
design and syntheses of novel phthalazin-1(2h)-one derivatives as acetohydroxyacid synthase inhibitors.a series of 2-substituted-8-(4,6-dimethoxypyrimidin-2-yloxy)-4-methylphthalazin-1-one derivatives, 7a-7w, were designed via an ortho-substituent cyclization strategy to discover a new herbicidal lead structure. these compounds were synthesized by a seven-step route using 3-hydroxy-acetophenone as a starting material. determination of the ki values against wild-type a. thaliana acetohydroxyacid synthase (ahas) (ec indicated that some of the compounds displayed good enzyme inhibition act ...200617117801
synthesis and herbicidal activity of [3r,5s,6s]-3-benzyloxy-5- methoxy-1,7-dioxaspiro[5.5]undecane and [3r,5s,6s]-3-methoxy-5-benzyloxy-1,7-dioxaspiro[5.5]undecane.the synthesis of spiroacetals [3r,5s,6s]-3-benzyloxy-5-methoxy-1,7-dioaxaspiro[5.5]undecane 3 and [3r,5s,6s]-3-methoxy-5-benzyloxy-1,7-dioaxaspiro[5.5]undecane4, where the substituents on the spiroacetal assembly are in a 1,3-diaxial orientation, is described. epoxidation of unsaturated spiroacetal 5 using dimethyldioxirane showed greater preference for the alpha-epoxide 11 over the beta-epoxide 12. treatment of the alpha-epoxide 11 with lithium diethylamide in tetrahydrofuran afforded both the ...199811672035
effects of diversity and pattern on relative yields of four michigan first year fallow field plant species.1. a study was designed to investigate the effects of intra and inter-specific competition on the productivity of single and multi-species stands of plants normally dominant in first year old-field communities of mid-michigan. the four species used were amaranthus retroflexus, chenopodium album, panicum capillare and setaria viridis. 2. specifically, we tested (1) the relationship between diversity and productivity, (2) the effect of arrangement (pattern) of individuals within an array of old-fi ...198028309565
insect response to mixture and monoculture patches of michigan old-field annual herbs.1. the response of insects to the presence of discrete arrays of mixture and monoculture plots of weed species normally dominant in first-year michigan old-fields was studied. 2. plant species used were amaranthus retroflexus, chenopodium album, panicum capillare and setaria viridis. 3. two experiments were implemented, one with pure stands of each species and the other with mixture stands of equiproportionate numbers of each plant species (fig. 1). 4. sucking insects had significantly higher we ...197828309738
genome-wide characterization of the sidof gene family in foxtail millet (setaria italica).dof (dna binding with one finger) proteins, which constitute a class of transcription factors found exclusively in plants, are involved in numerous physiological and biochemical reactions affecting growth and development. a genome-wide analysis of sidof genes was performed in this study. thirty five sidof genes were identified and those genes were unevenly distributed across nine chromosomes in the seteria italica genome. protein lengths, molecular weights, and theoretical isoelectric points of ...201727894970
synthesis and herbicidal activity of 5-(4-hydroxybenzyl)-2-thioxoimidazolidin-4-one esters.a series of novel 5-(4-hydroxybenzyl)-2-thioxoimidazolidin-4-one esters were synthesized under mild conditions by the reaction of 5-(4-hydroxybenzyl)-2-thioxoimidazolidin-4-one and carboxylic acids with dcc and dmap as the promoters. their structures were confirmed by ¹h-nmr, ir, esi-ms and elemental analysis. the preliminary bioassy results indicated that some of compounds exhibit good herbicidal activity against zea mays, triticum aestivum and arabidopsis thaliana. the further greenhouse test ...201121455096
the response of foliar gas exchange to exogenously applied ethylene.the responsiveness to ethylene of net photosynthesis and stomatal conductance to water vapor in intact plants was investigated in 13 herbaceous species representing seven plant families. exposures were conducted in an open, whole-plant exposure system providing controlled levels of irradiance, air temperature, co(2), relative humidity, and ethylene concentration. net photosynthesis and stomatal conductance to water vapor in units of moles per square meter per second were measured on recently exp ...198616665086
[interspecific association of companion species in artemisia annua community in southwest of china].the interspecific association of companion species in artemisia annua community in 48 region of southwest china was analyzed by variance analysis, chi2-test and association indices. the total related variance ratio among species in a. annua community was 2.05. among 45 species pairs of 10 main species in the community, only 4 pairs showed significant negative correlations. chi2 test, pc, oi, di and ac values indicated pairs 1-8 (a. annua- a. lactiflora), 1-9 (a. annua- setaria viridis) and 1-10 ...201323724672
[allelopathy of different plants on wheat, cucumber and radish seedlings].by means of bioassay in laboratory and field, this paper studied the allelopathy of 18 kinds of plants in gansu province on the seedlings of wheat, cucumber and radish. the results showed that the aqueous extract of the stems and leaves of artemisia annua, solanum nigrum and datura stramonium had the strongest allelopathy on test receptor plants, and their synthetic inhibitory effect (se) was 47.66%, 32.89% and 26.63%, respectively. the se of xanthium sibiricum, portulaca oleraca, cephalanoplos ...200516011179
[characteristics of seed rain on abandoned slopes in the hilly-gullied loess plateau, northwest china].the objective of this study was to analyze the dynamic characteristics of seed rain on abandoned slopes in the hilly-gullied loess plateau region and identify the relationship between seed rain and standing vegetation. three abandoned slopes were chosen as sampling sites in zhifanggou watershed. thirty traps were installed at each site to collect seed rain from october 2010 to april 2013. standing vegetation was surveyed to identify dominant species in august 2011 and 2012, respectively. thirty- ...201526094452
variations of leaf cuticular waxes among c3 and c4 gramineae herbs.modern c4 plants are commonly distributed in hot and dry environments whereas c3 plants predominate in cool and shade areas. at the outmost of plant surface, the deposition and chemical composition of cuticular waxes vary under different environmental conditions. however, whether such variation of cuticular wax is related to the distribution of c3 and c4 under different environmental conditions is still not clear. in this study, leaves of six c3 gramineae herbs distributed in spring, roegneria k ...201627563829
an aspartate to glycine change in the carboxyl transferase domain of acetyl coa carboxylase and non-target-site mechanism(s) confer resistance to accase inhibitor herbicides in a lolium multiflorum population.the increasing use of accase-inhibiting herbicides has resulted in evolved resistance in key grass weeds infesting cereal cropping systems worldwide. here, a thorough and systematic approach is proposed to elucidate the basis of resistance to three accase herbicides in a lolium multiflorum lam. (italian rye grass) population from the united kingdom (uk24).201020648527
real-time quantitative pcr assays for quantification of l1781 accase inhibitor resistance allele in leaf and seed pools of lolium populations.the i1781l amino acid substitution in the target accase enzyme causes broad resistance to accase inhibitor herbicides in several monocotyledenous weeds of agronomic importance. this mutation results from a substitution of an adenine (a) residue by either a thymine (t) or cytosine (c) at position 5341 in alopecurus myosuroides huds and at an equivalent position in lolium species, avena fatua l. and setaria viridis (l.) beauv. two different procedures, the pcr-based allele-specific assay (asa) and ...200616953497
characterisation of target-site resistance to accase-inhibiting herbicides in the weed alopecurus myosuroides (black-grass).resistance to aryloxyphenoxypropionate (aopp), cyclohexanedione (chd) and phenylurea herbicides was determined in uk populations of alopecurus myosuroides huds. two populations (oxford aa1, notts. a1) were highly resistant (resistance indices 13-->1000) to the aopp and chd herbicides fenoxaprop, diclofop, fluazifop-p and sethoxydim, but only marginally resistant to the phenylurea, chlorotoluron. analyses of acetyl coenzyme a carboxylase (accase) activity showed that an insensitive accase conferr ...200312587873
synthesis and herbicidal activity of phenyl-substituted benzoylpyrazoles.a novel series of substituted 3-phenyl benzoylpyrazoles were prepared and tested as potential grass herbicides. the targeted materials were prepared by three newly developed synthetic routes, which allowed a comprehensive study of the sar (structure-activity relationships) of this series. the best combination of grass weed activity (avena fatua l, setaria viridis (l) beauv and alopecurus myosuroides huds) and wheat selectivity was obtained with an alkoxy group in the 4-position of the phenyl rin ...200212476990
phytoextraction of heavy metals by potential native plants and their microscopic observation of root growing on stabilised distillery sludge as a prospective tool for in situ phytoremediation of industrial waste.the safe disposal of post-methanated distillery sludge (pmds) in the environment is challenging due to high concentrations of heavy metals along with other complex organic pollutants. the study has revealed that pmds contained high amounts of fe (2403), zn (210), mn (126), cu (73.62), cr (21.825), pb (16.33) and ni (13.425 mg kg(-1)) along with melanoidins and other co-pollutants. the phytoextraction pattern in 15 potential native plants growing on sludge showed that the blumea lacera, partheniu ...201727826829
agropyrenol and agropyrenal, phytotoxins from ascochyta agropyrina var. nana, a fungal pathogen of elitrigia repens.a strain of ascochyta agropyrina var. nana, a fungal pathogen of the perennial weed elytrigia repens, produced several toxins in a liquid medium, and its primary toxin, named agropyrenol, was characterized as a substituted salicylaldehyde on the basis of its chemical and spectroscopic properties. its absolute stereochemistry was determined by mosher's method. two other minor metabolites were isolated from the same culture and named agropyrenal and agropyrenone, respectively. they were characteri ...201222525222
surfactant-induced deposit structures in relation to the biological efficacy of glyphosate on easy- and difficult-to-wet weed species.typical active ingredient (ai) residue patterns are formed during droplet drying on plant surfaces owing to the interaction of spray solution characteristics and leaf micromorphology. currently, comparatively little is known about the influence of ai deposit patterns within a spray droplet residue area on the penetration and biological efficacy of glyphosate. a scanning electron microscope with energy dispersive x-ray microanalysis has been used to characterise residue patterns and to quantify t ...200919360704
nine eriophyoid mite species from iran (acari, eriophyidae).nine eriophyoid mites, including two new species and five new records, from iran are described and illustrated. they are aceria acroptiloni shevchenko & kacalev, 1974, rec. n. on rhaponticum repens (l.) hidalgo (asteraceae); aceria anthocoptes (nalepa, 1892), rec. n. on cirsium arvense (l.) scop. (asteraceae); aceria lactucae (canestrini, 1893), rec. n. on lactuca virosa l. (asteraceae); aceria pulicarissp. n. on pulicaria gnaphalodes (vent.) boiss. (asteraceae); aceria tosichella keifer, 1969 o ...201122144865
plant community characteristics and their responses to environmental factors in the water level fluctuation zone of the three gorges reservoir in china.the annual water level regulating of the three gorges reservoir prolonged the submerged duration (from 2 to 8 months) and resulted in the reversal of natural flood rhythms (winter submerged). these changes might alter plant community characteristics in the water level fluctuation zone (wlfz). the aim of this study was to determine the plant community characteristics in the wlfz and their responses to the environmental factors (i.e., annual hydrological regulation, topographic characteristics, so ...201323589274
infectious transcripts of an asymptomatic panicovirus identified from a metagenomic survey.a new panicovirus was identified from a metagenomic survey of plant viruses in the tallgrass prairie preserve (tpp), osage county, oklahoma, usa. thin paspalum asymptomatic virus (tpav) was isolated from paspalum setaceum var. muehlenbergii. the complete 4195 nucleotide sequence encodes six proteins of 44, 109, 8, 6.8, 26, and 15kda, whose genes are similar in size and location to those of panicum mosaic virus (pmv) and cocksfoot mild mosaic virus (cmmv). infectious transcripts made from cdnas o ...201323774065
quantitative structure-activity relationships for 2-[(phenylmethyl)sulfonyl]pyridine 1-oxide herbicides.phenyl-substituted analogues of 2-[(phenylmethyl)sulfonyl]pyridine 1-oxide preemergent herbicides were examined in order to determine quantitative relationships between structure and activity against the following three weed species: switch grass (panicum virgatum l.), barnyard grass (echinochloa crusgalli l. beauv.), and green foxtail (setaria viridis l. beauv.). analogues were chosen to provide maximum parameter orthogonality. regression analysis yielded structure-activity relationships wherei ...19836834380
the oil-contaminated soil diazotroph azoarcus olearius dqs-4(t) is genetically and phenotypically similar to the model grass endophyte azoarcus sp. bh72.the genome of azoarcus olearius dqs-4(t) , a n2 -fixing betaproteobacterium isolated from oil-contaminated soil in taiwan, was sequenced and compared with other azoarcus strains. the genome sequence showed high synteny with azoarcus sp. bh72, a model endophytic diazotroph, but low synteny with five non-plant-associated strains (azoarcus cib, azoarcus ebn1, azoarcus kh32c, a. toluclasticus mf63(t) and azoarcus pa01). average nucleotide identity (ani) revealed that dqs-4(t) shares 98.98% identity ...201627893193
selection of reliable reference genes for rt-qpcr analysis during developmental stages and abiotic stress in setaria viridis.real-time pcr (rt-qpcr) expression analysis is a powerful analytical technique, but reliable results depend on the use of stable reference genes for proper normalization. this study proposed to test the expression stability of 13 candidate reference genes in setaria viridis, a monocot species recently proposed as a new c4 model plant. gene expression stability of these genes was assayed across different tissues and developmental stages of setaria and under drought or aluminum stress. in general, ...201627321675
setaria viridis and setaria italica, model genetic systems for the panicoid grasses.setaria italica and its wild ancestor setaria viridis are diploid c(4) grasses with small genomes of ∼515 mb. both species have attributes that make them attractive as model systems. setaria italica is a grain crop widely grown in northern china and india that is closely related to the major food and feed crops maize and sorghum. a large collection of s. italica accessions are available and thus opportunities exist for association mapping and allele mining for novel variants that will have direc ...201121459768
exploiting the engine of c(4) photosynthesis.ever since the discovery of c(4) photosynthesis in the mid-1960s, plant biologists have envisaged the introduction of the c(4) photosynthetic pathway into c(3) crops such as rice and soybeans. recent advances in genomics capabilities, and new evolutionary and developmental studies indicate that c(4) engineering will be feasible in the next few decades. furthermore, better understanding of the function of c(4) photosynthesis provides new ways to improve existing c(4) crops and bioenergy species, ...201121652533
online co2 and h2 o oxygen isotope fractionation allows estimation of mesophyll conductance in c4 plants, and reveals that mesophyll conductance decreases as leaves age in both c4 and c3 plants.mesophyll conductance significantly, and variably, limits photosynthesis but we currently have no reliable method of measurement for c4 plants. an online oxygen isotope technique was developed to allow quantification of mesophyll conductance in c4 plants and to provide an alternative estimate in c3 plants. the technique is compared to an established carbon isotope method in three c3 species. mesophyll conductance of c4 species was similar to that in the c3 species measured, and declined in both ...201626778088
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