
the rumen flagellate piromonas communis: its life-history and invasion of plant material in the rumen.the rumen flagellat piromonas communis is the zoospore of a phycomycete fungus inhabiting the rumen. zoosporogenesis was stimulated by a dietary component (the inducer), and inhibited by compounds affecting membrane structure and function, but not by inhibitors of protein synthesis. the zoospores showed taxis towards the tissues surrounding the inflorescence of lolium perenne l. in the rumen, invading principally the stomata and damaged tissues. the zoospores germinated on this substratum and th ...197716983
on the induction of zoosporogenesis in the rumen phycomycetes neocallimastix frontalis, piromonas communis and sphaeromonas communis.the plant components inducing zoosporogenesis in the rumen phycomycetes neocallimastix frontalis, sphaeromonas communis and piromonas communis were widely distributed in the plant kingdom with no apparent taxonomic relationship. in lolium perenne l. (perennial rye-grass) and hordeum distichon (barley), the components were principally present in the leaves and aerial tissues. sufficient inducer was present in the normal diet of the host animal to trigger the differentiation and release of the zoo ...197721939
antagonistic interactions of phylloplane bacteria with drechslera dictyoides (drechslera) shoemaker.strains of listeria denitrificans (e2), pseudomonas fluorescens (c37 and c92), and xanthomonas campestris (d119), isolated from the phylloplane of lolium perenne (s24), were antagonistic to drechslera dictyoides (drechslera) shoemaker. from in vitro and in vivo experiments it was deduced that their mode of activity included an initial inhibition of spore germination, a retardation in the rate of germ-tube elongation, and ultimately lysis of the hyphae. the effects were expressed on the plant in ...1977406025
some factors associated with the difference in nutritive value of artificially dried red clover and perennial ryegrass for sheep. 1979486389
polyploidy and domestication: the origin and survival of polyploids in cytotype mixtures.the origin and survival of a polyploid in a mixture of this polyploid and its parent(s) is reviewed. with several examples a picture is drawn of the interference of cytotypes in a mixture of cytotypes. some natural polyploids, both wild and domesticated, are very successful. they, like bread wheat and banana, largely replaced their parents. the same is true for some artificial polyploids like autotriploid hybride sugar beet in europe and autotetraploid perennial ryegrass. but when grown together ...1979550834
adhesion of bacteroides succinogenes in pure culture and in the presence of ruminococcus flavefaciens to cell walls in leaves of perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne).bacteroides succinogenes and ruminococcus flavefaciens are two of the most important cellulolytic bacteria in the rumen. adhesion of b. succinogenes in pure culture, and in mixed culture with r. flavefaciens, to the various types of cell walls in sections of perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne l. cultivar s24) leaves was examined by transmission and scanning electron microscopy. b. succinogenes adhered to the cut edges of most plant cell walls except those of the meta- and protoxylem. it also adh ...1978567035
the effect of formaldehyde treatment before ensiling on the digestion of wilted grass silage by sheep.1. wilted perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne l. cv. endura) was ensiled without additive or after addition of a mixture of equal volumes of formic acid (850 g/kg) and formalin (380 g formaldehyde/kg) applied at a rate of 35 g formaldehyde/kg herbage crude protein (nitrogen x 6.25). the digestion of the two silages and the effect of supplemental n as urea or urea plus soya-bean meal on the digestion of the treated silage was studied using sheep fitted with a rumen cannula and re-entrant cannulas ...1979574400
the nutritive value of silages. energy metabolism in sheep receiving diets of grass silage or grass silage and barley.1. two calorimetric experiments were conducted to study the utilization of energy in sheep given diets of grass silage or grass silage and barley. three silages were investigated. one was made from first-harvest grass in the spring (s) and the others from regrowth cut either early or late in the autumn (e and l respectively). all were of perennial ryegress (lolium perenne) and preserved with formic acid. each silage was given at two levels of feeding, the lower providing approximately a maintena ...1978698160
numerical taxonomy of some yellow-pigmented bacteria isolated from plants.phenetic data on over 60 heterotrophic, gram-negative, yellow chromogenic bacteria from plant material were collected and analysed using numerical taxonomic methods. marker strains representing 42 taxa were included in the analyses. at similarity levels of 80% or above, eight distinct clusters were obtained, the first four of which included yellow chromogens. custer i contained isolates from green healthy leaves of agrostis tenuis, festuca rubra, holcus lanata, lolium perenne and poa pratensis, ...19761011010
rast, skin and nasal tests and the history in grass pollen allergy.a comparison of the rast (phadebas), skin prick test, nasal test and a history of hay fever was made in 141 subjects, eighty-seven being prick test positive, with three concentrations of extracts of sweet vernal (anthoxanthum odoratum), cocksfoot (dactylis glomerata), meadow fescue (festuca elatior), rye (lolium perenne), timothy (phleum pratense), meadow (poa pratensis). in adequate concentration any of the species extracts would have sufficed for skin tests, with cocksfoot pollen the most pote ...19751053442
studies on the flow of zinc, cobalt, copper and manganese along the digestive tract of sheep given fresh perennial ryegrass, or white or red clover.1. sheep fitted with a rumen fistula and either a re-entrant cannula at the proximal duodenum or a re-entrant cannula at the terminal ileum were given twice daily 480-520 g dry matter as fresh perennial ryegrass, or white or red clover. flows of digesta were corrected to 100% recovery of chronic oxide. 2. the quantities (g/24 h) of zince and cobalt leaving the stomach were significantly greater than those in the food. no significant change was found in the quantities of copper and manganese. sig ...19751148155
protein digestion and intestinal amino acids in dairy cows fed fresh lolium perenne with different nitrogen experiment was carried out to study digestion and intestinal aa in three ruminally and duodenally cannulated, lactating cows fed freshly cut grass (lolium perenne) fertilized with 500 and 275 kg of n/ha per yr, respectively. high n grass was fed in june and october, and low n grass was offered in july and september. composite samples of the grass fed in each period also were tested for in situ degradation of om, cp, and ndf. when low n grass was fed, the digestibilities of om and cp were lowe ...19921401372
il-4 and ifn (alpha and gamma) exert opposite regulatory effects on the development of cytolytic potential by th1 or th2 human t cell clones.the cytolytic potential of a total number of 118 cd4+ human t cell clones specific for purified protein derivative (ppd) from mycobacterium tuberculosis, tetanus toxoid, lolium perenne group i allergen (lol p i), poa pratensis group ix allergen (poa p ix), or toxocara canis excretory/secretory antigen(s) (tes) was assessed by both a lectin (pha)-dependent and a mhc-restricted lytic assay and compared with their profile of cytokine secretion. the majority of clones with th1 or th0 cytokine profil ...19921401925
perennial ryegrass staggers in fallow deer (dama dama). 19921445073
the intake, digestion and protein degradation of grazed herbage by early-weaned lambs.sixty-four intact lambs and twenty-four lambs fitted with a duodenal cannula were weaned at 6 weeks of age and grazed pure species swards of either lucerne (medicago sativa), white clover ((trifolium repens), ryegrass (lolium perenne) or prairie grass (bromus catharticus) for 6 weeks. intake and duodenal digesta flow were estimated when lambs were 8 and 12 weeks of age. lambs grazing the two legume species grew at a similar rate, as did lambs grazing the two grass species. legumes promoted a 38% ...19921445817
recombinant pollen allergens from dactylis glomerata: preliminary evidence that human ige cross-reactivity between dac g ii and lol p i/ii is increased following grass pollen immunotherapy.we previously described the isolation of three identical complementary dna (cdna) clones, constructed from orchard/cocksfoot grass (dactylis glomerata) anther messenger rna (mrna), expressing a 140,000 mw beta-galactosidase fusion protein recognized by ige antibodies in atopic sera. partial nucleotide sequencing and inferred amino acid sequence showed greater than 90% homology with the group ii allergen from lolium perenne (lol ii) indicating they encode the group ii equivalent, dac g ii. wester ...19921526648
olive (olea europea) and privet (ligustrum vulgare) pollen allergens. identification and cross-reactivity with grass pollen proteins.protein blotting studies showed that three olive pollen components with mol. wts approximately 18-19, 20 and 40 kd can be considered to be major allergens. for privet pollen, the highest recognition frequencies were for allergens of mol. wts approximately 20, approximately 19, approximately 40 and approximately 70 kd. when results with the 62 subjects examined were separated into groups corresponding to their geographical locations, viz. italy, france and australia, subjects sensitized to olive, ...19921528191
human t cell responses to purified pollen allergens of the grass, lolium perenne. analysis of relationship between structural homology and t cell recognition.the in vitro proliferative response to purified allergens of the grass, lolium perenne pollens was studied using pbmc from individuals allergic to grass pollens and ag-specific t cell lines and t cell clones derived from them. the pbmc from all 10 subjects studied showed a strong response to lol p i and most of them (8 of 10) also responded to lol p iii. although lol p ii induced a moderate response in 4 of 10 individuals, it did not induce any response in others at all the ag concentrations tes ...19921560197
[threshed english ryegrass (lolium perenne) as a cause of ryegrass 'staggers' in stabled heifers]. 19921604452
group v allergens in grass pollens: iv. similarities in amino acid compositions and nh2-terminal sequences of the group v allergens from lolium perenne, poa pratensis and dactylis glomerata.monoclonal antibodies (ppv4) raised against phleum pratense group v allergen were used for immuno-affinity chromatography of cross-reacting group v allergens from related grass species. fractions enriched in group v allergen were obtained from lolium perenne, poa pratense and dactylis glomerata extracts. the major components in these fractions were found in the mwr range 25-28 kd. ige binding to these components was shown using a pool of grass allergic sera, by sds-page immunoblotting. these fra ...19921611548
studies of method of conserving grass herbage and frequency of feeding in cattle. 1. voluntary feed intake, digestion and rate of passage.the effect of method of conserving grass herbage and the frequency of feeding on digestion in and passage from the rumen was studied in growing cattle. a single sward of perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne cv. endura) was cut on 1 d and conserved as silage or hay. these forages were offered as the only feed to twelve rumen-cannulated friesian steers (average initial live weight (lw) 128 kg) either at a restricted level of intake (20 g dry matter (dm)/kg lw; expt 1) or ad lib. (expt 2). in expt 1 ...19921622974
estimation of ige antibodies to the common allergens by reverse enzyme immunoassay. comparison with the radioallergosorbent test.a reverse enzyme immunoassay (reina) is described, in which polystyrene microtiter wells are sensitized with murine monoclonal anti-human ige, and then sequentially allowed to react with patient's serum, peroxidase-labeled allergens and substrate. the results obtained with the sera of patients allergic to lolium perenne grass pollen, the tree pollens of betula alba and olea europea, the epithelia of cat and dog, the mite dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, or to the foodstuffs cow's milk, chicken eg ...19911669584
increased numbers of th2-like cd4+ t cells in target organs and in the allergen-specific repertoire of allergic patients. possible role of il-4 produced by non-t cells.phytohemagglutinin (pha)-induced human t cell clones (tcc) derived from conjunctival flogistic tissues of 3 patients with vernal conjunctivitis produced unusually high amounts of interleukin-4 (il-4) and no, or limited amounts of, gamma-interferon (ifn-gamma). allergen (dermatophagoides pteronyssinus or lolium perenne group i)-specific tcc derived from peripheral blood of two atopic donors produced significantly higher amounts of il-4 and significantly lower amounts of ifn-gamma than tcc specifi ...19911682270
cdna cloning and immunological characterization of the rye grass allergen lol p i.the complete amino acid sequence of two "isoallergenic" forms of lol p i, the major rye grass (lolium perenne) pollen allergen, was deduced from cdna sequence analysis. cdna clones isolated from a lolium perenne pollen library contained an open reading frame coding for a 240-amino acid protein. comparison of the nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequence of two of these clones revealed four changes at the amino acid level and numerous nucleotide differences. both clones contained one possible as ...19901697854
the characteristics of antigen define the cellular source and kinetics of histamine-releasing factor induced by human peripheral-blood mononuclear cells.peripheral-blood leucocytes from dermatophagoides pteronyssinus- and/or lolium perenne-allergic patients produce in vitro histamine-releasing factor (hrf) in an allergen-specific and concentration-dependent relationship. maximum production of hrf occurred in cultures containing as little as 10-100 pg/ml crude allergen extract, although a second peak occurred at higher concentrations (10-100 micrograms/ml). while hrf was detectable in 1-hour cultures, maximal production required 24 h in culture. ...19911718885
nitrogen transactions along the digestive tract of lambs concurrently infected with trichostrongylus colubriformis and ostertagia circumcincta.twelve lambs, paired on the basis of live weight, were cannulated in the abomasum, in the proximal jejunum approximately 4 m distal to the pylorus and in the terminal ileum. six were infected with 3000 trichostrongylus colubriformis and 3000 ostertagia circumcincta larvae each day for 18 weeks and the remainder were pair-fed to individual infected lambs. all animals were offered ryegrass (lolium perenne)-white clover (trifolium repens) pasture, cut daily. dry matter (dm) intake, live weight, fae ...19911760444
linear dna plasmids of the perennial ryegrass choke pathogen, epichloë typhina (clavicipitaceae).epichloë typhina is a clavicipitaceous ascomycete which systemically infects grasses, causes choke disease of host inflorescences, and is related to a group of mutualistic grass endophytes. three plasmids of 7.5, 2.1 and 2.0 kilobase pairs were found in mitochondrial dna preparations of an e. typhina isolate from perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne). results of nuclease digestion indicated that the plasmids, designated et7.5l, et2.1l, and et2.0l, were linear, double-stranded dnas with protein lin ...19911782678
allergen- and bacterial antigen-specific t-cell clones established from atopic donors show a different profile of cytokine production.we have established a large panel of t-cell clones (tccs) specific for dermatophagoides pteronyssinus and lolium perenne group i grass pollen allergens (total, 61) and for tetanus toxoid and protein purified derivative bacterial antigens (total, 38) from the peripheral blood of two atopic individuals and then analyzed their ability to produce interleukin 4 (il-4), il-5, and interferon gamma (ifn-gamma). upon stimulation with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate plus anti-cd3 antibody, the great major ...19911827920
effect of ciliate protozoa on the activity of polysaccharide-degrading enzymes and fibre breakdown in the rumen ecosystem.the effect of ciliate protozoa on the activity of polysaccharide-degrading enzymes in microbial populations from the digesta solids and liquor fractions of rumen contents was examined after the refaunation of ciliate-free sheep with an a-type rumen protozoal population. although the culturable rumen bacterial population was reduced after refaunation the number of fibrolytic micro-organisms detected was higher; the xylanolytic bacterial population and numbers of fungal zoospores were increased af ...19911850400
group v allergens in grass pollens. ii. investigation of group v allergens in pollens from 10 an earlier study an allergen from phleum pratense (timothy) pollen, phl p v, has been isolated and physicochemically characterized. in this study phl p v and immunochemically similar components from other grass pollens (group v allergens) have been investigated using immunoelectrophoretic techniques. to study the allergenic importance of the group v allergens, the allergenic compositions of 10 grass pollen extracts were investigated in crossed radioimmunoelectrophoresis (crie) using 20 sera f ...19911863893
staggers induced by consumption of perennial ryegrass in cattle and sheep from northern california.staggers was diagnosed in sheep and cattle from the northern california coast. the diagnosis was made on the basis of history of ingestion of perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne) stubble, clinical signs of transient ataxia, which was aggravated by stimulation, and nearly complete recovery after removal of ryegrass as the primary forage. morbidity was high, but death did not occur in any affected animals. the toxic endophyte, acremonium lolii, was in most lower leaf sheaths from the ryegrass. inje ...19911917658
characterization of the major allergen of cynodon dactylon (bermuda grass) pollen, cyn d allergen from cynodon dactylon (bermuda grass) pollen, cyn d i, has been purified by a combination of concanavalin a-sepharose affinity chromatography, and carboxymethyl-sepharose chromatography. the allergen constitutes the major allergenic component of the pollen extract as observed by immunoelectrophoretic techniques, sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, an ige-inhibition experiment, and skin testing. in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, cyn d ...19911955635
development of a model to predict forage intake by grazing cattle.a mathematical model to predict daily dmi and account for effects of energy supplementation on forage intake has been developed in several stages. a previously evaluated dynamic rumen model for sheep was adopted as the fermentation component of the intake model. intake was adjusted to reach a given level of dm fill, which is the sum of the concentrations of each of the dietary fractions within the rumen. differential equations described the rate of change of each nutrient fraction. genetic size ...19912016209
ovine white-liver disease (owld). botanical and chemical composition of pasture grass.the most important grass species on the ovine white-liver disease (owld) pastures (s) were poa spp., agropyron repens and lolium perenne, while the control pastures (h), where lambs grew well, consisted of poa spp., festuca rubra and agrostis tenuis. the soil was more acidic on the h pastures as compared with the s pastures. owld grass (s grass) contained marginal to deficient amounts of cobalt during the first 2 months of grazing. during 2 years out of 3, the average co content was slightly low ...19902080770
ige-binding proteins from pine (pinus radiata d. don) pollen: evidence for cross-reactivity with ryegrass (lolium perenne).a complex mixture of pine (pinus radiata d. don) pollen proteins are rapidly released into aqueous solutions. ige-binding proteins have been identified in these extracts using combined sds-page immunoblotting techniques. these ige-binding proteins were detected using atopic patient and commercial pooled human sera known to be high in ryegrass-specific ige. enzyme-immunoassay inhibition studies revealed that leached p. radiata pollen proteins could partially inhibit serum ige binding to ryegrass ...19902086485
two-dimensional gel electrophoretic analyses of kentucky bluegrass and rye grass pollen allergens. detection with a murine monoclonal anti-poa p i antibody and amino terminal amino acid sequence of poa p i allergen.allergenic extracts of kentucky bluegrass (poa pratensis) and rye grass (lolium perenne) pollen were shown by 2-dimensional (2-d) gel electrophoresis to consist of several hundred protein components. the pollen extracts of the two related grasses had unique 2-d gel patterns. two major grass pollen allergens, poa p i and lol p i, and their isoforms (i.e. isoallergens) were detected and localized on 2-d gels by immunoblotting with anti-poa p i antibody mab 60. poa p i isoallergens were less acidic ...19902101126
the beta-tubulin gene of epichloë typhina from perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne).epichloë typhina is a biotrophic fungal pathogen which causes choke disease of pooid grasses. the anamorphic state, acremonium typhinum, is placed in the section albo-lanosa along with related, mutualistic, seed-disseminated endophytes. as an initial study of gene structure and evolution in epichloë and related endophytes, the beta-tubulin gene, tub2, of the perennial ryegrass choke pathogen (etprg) was cloned and sequenced. the coding sequence and the predicted beta-tubulin amino acid sequence ...19902147581
the effect of differing types of cloth and of contamination by non-feed nitrogen on intestinal digestion estimates using porous synthetic-fibre bags in a cow.the influence of free surface area and pore size of a synthetic-fibre bag, and flow of intestinal substances into the bag, on the intestinal digestion estimates by the nylon-bag method of dry matter (dm), neutral detergent fibre (ndf), nitrogen, ndf-n and feed 15n was studied using a non-lactating cow fed on hay supplemented with barley and oats at maintenance level. the bags containing 15n-labelled ground ryegrass (lolium perenne), barley, barley straw or rapeseed (brassica napus) straw were in ...19902334660
generation of anti-idiotypic and anti-anti-idiotypic monoclonal antibodies in the same fusion. support of jerne's network theory.upon immunization of mice with a mab (290a-167) directed against an epitope of lol p i (the major allergenic determinant of lolium perenne), both anti-idiotypic (aid) mab (ab2) and anti-aid mab (ab3) were produced. the ab2 displayed the following internal image properties of lol p i: it can be affinity-purified on an immobilized id column; its binding to the anti-lol p i mab (290a-167) is inhibited by lol p i; it inhibits in a dose-response fashion the binding of the specific id to ag. it is rec ...19902341720
detection of auto-anti-idiotypic antibodies to lol p i (rye i) ige antibodies in human sera by the use of murine idiotypes: levels in atopic and non-atopic subjects and effects of immunotherapy.anti-idiotypic antibodies (anti-id abs) are involved in the regulation of a number of immune responses including the ige antibody production. in atopic patients, the increased synthesis of ige antibodies could be related to a defective production of regulatory anti-id abs. in the present study, we first developed a sensitive assay for measuring the levels of anti-id abs directed against antibodies specific for lol p i, the major allergenic determinant of lolium perenne (rye grass). in this assay ...19902372990
the effect of fishmeal on the digestion of grass silage by growing cattle.the effect of two levels of fishmeal substitution (50 (fm1) and 150 (fm2) g/kg) of a grass silage control diet (c) on the rumen digestion of organic matter and nitrogen, and the small intestinal disappearance of amino acids was examined in young growing cattle each equipped with simple pvc cannulas in the dorsal sac of the reticulo-rumen, the proximal duodenum and the terminal ileum. the silage was a primary growth of perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne) (+formic acid) with a total n content of 2 ...19902383528
distribution of a major allergen of rye grass (lolium perenne) pollen between other grass species.polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulphate (sds) followed by protein staining has shown that extracts from 11 different grass pollens contained proteins with similar molecular weights to that of the allergen r7 from rye grass (lolium perenne) pollen extract (i.e. 29,000-31,000 daltons). western blotting and detection with polyclonal (rabbit) antibodies raised against the purified r7 (rye i) allergen indicated that these proteins were antigenically related and their allergenic ...19872437060
study of the epitope structure of purified dac g i and lol p i, the major allergens of dactylis glomerata and lolium perenne pollens, using monoclonal antibodies.the use of mab allowed us to further analyze the cross-reactivity between purified dac g i and lol p i, the major allergens of dactylis glomerata (cocksfoot) and lolium perenne (rye grass), respectively. it was first shown, using ief, followed by immunoprinting, that serum ige antibodies from most grass-sensitive patients recognize both dac g i and lol p i. second, three different anti-lol p i mab, 290a-167, 348a-6, and 539a-6, and one anti-dac g i mab, p3b2 were all shown to react with dac g i ...19882460536
mapping of lol p i allergenic epitopes by using murine monoclonal antibodies.murine monoclonal antibodies (mabs) against three non-overlapping epitopes of lol p i allergen were previously produced and subsequently used for purification of the allergen. in the present study, these mabs were further characterized, and the biological activity of the purified allergen assessed. the three mabs were of the igg isotype and carried a kappa light chain. their affinity constants were in the range of 7.4-15.1 x 10(-9) mol/l. purified lol p i kept its biological activity, as shown b ...19892481823
molecular genetics of human immune responsiveness to lolium perenne (rye) allergen, lol p p ii and iii are each about 11-kd protein allergens from the pollen of lolium perenne (rye grass). we have found that human immune responses (ige and igg antibodies) to both proteins are significantly associated with hla-dr3. in addition, the two proteins are cross-reactive with the antibodies in many human sera (about 84% human sera showed the cross-reactivity). we have determined greater than 90% of the amino acid sequences of the two proteins and found that they are at least 54% homologou ...19892496037
complete primary structure of a lolium perenne (perennial rye grass) pollen allergen, lol p iii: comparison with known lol p i and ii sequences.the complete amino acid sequence of a lolium perenne (rye grass) pollen allergen, lol p iii, determined by the automated edman degradation of the protein and its selected fragments, is reported in this paper. cleavage by enzymatic and chemical techniques established unambiguously the sequence for this 97-residue protein (mr = 10,909), which lacks cysteine and shows no evidence of glycosylation. the sequence of lol p iii is very similar to that of another l. perenne allergen, lol p ii, which was ...19892605214
particle breakdown and rumen digestion of fresh ryegrass (lolium perenne l.) and lucerne (medicago sativa l.) fed to cows during a restricted feeding period.1. five rumen-fistulated cows were given freshly cut ryegrass (lolium perenne l.) and lucerne (medicago sativa l.), on separate occasions, to compare rates of particle breakdown and aspects of rumen fermentation. 2. cattle were required to consume their daily allowance (offered ad lib.) in two 2 h feeding periods daily. 3. during the first 2 h feeding period, dry matter (dm) intakes of ryegrass (4.75 kg) and lucerne (4.85 kg) were similar. eating reduced 46% of ryegrass and 61% of lucerne to a s ...19892706235
human immune responsiveness to lolium perenne pollen allergen lol p iii (rye iii) is associated with hla-dr3 and dr5.a well-characterized allergen of lolium perenne (perennial rye grass) pollen, lol p iii, has been used as a model antigen to study the genetic control of the human immune response. associations between hla type and ige or igg antibody (ab) responsiveness to lol p iii were studied in two groups of skin-test-positive caucasoid adults (n = 135 and 67). we found by nonparametric and parametric analyses that immune responsiveness to lol p iii was significantly associated with hla-dr3 and dr5. no asso ...19892715056
theoretical considerations in the estimation of rumen fractional outflow rate from various sampling sites in the digestive tract.the digesta markers 103ruthenium phenanthroline (ru-p) and 51cr-edta were continuously infused into the rumen of young lambs offered clover hay ad lib. indoors or grazing pure species swards of either lucerne (medicago sativa), white clover (trifolium repens), ryegrass (lolium perenne) or prairie grass (bromus catharticus). following the cessation of infusion the fractional outflow rate (for) of markers from the rumen was estimated from the rate of decline of marker concentration in rumen and ab ...19892789986
allergenic fragments of ryegrass (lolium perenne) pollen allergen lol p facilitate studies on establishing the nature of structure/function relationships of allergens, ryegrass pollen allergen, lol p iv, was cleaved into smaller fragments by cyanogen bromide (cnbr) and the resulting peptides were further digested with trypsin. the resulting peptides were then fractionated by high performance liquid chromatography (hplc) on a c-18 reverse phase column. the allergenic activity of the hplc fractions was evaluated in terms of their ability to inhibit the binding of 1 ...19892793222
transfer of radiocesium from different environmental sources to ewes and suckling lambs.indoor experiments are described that compare the transfer of radiocesium to ewe and lamb tissues from different sources. lactating ewes were fed either perennial ryegrass contaminated by chernobyl fallout, or saltmarsh vegetation contaminated by marine discharges from the sellafield reprocessing plant. the transfer to ewe tissues and milk was greater from the chernobyl contaminated herbage than from saltmarsh vegetation. lambs receiving a mixture of vegetation and milk were given radiocesium fr ...19892793473
characterization with monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies of a new major allergen from grass pollen in the group i molecular weight range.we have purified a 24/25 kd allergen from orchard grass pollen (dactylis glomerata) that has an allergenic potency similar to that of the major group i allergen. we provisionally named this allergen grass 4b1 after the monoclonal antibody used for its identification and purification. this monoclonal antibody was obtained by immunizing mice with whole lolium perenne-pollen extract and by screening the antibody producing hybrids for reactivity with dactylis glomerata-pollen extract. grass 4b1 is p ...19892913133
kinetic aspects of calcium metabolism in lactating sheep offered herbages with different ca concentrations and the effect of protein supplementation.1. two experiments are described in which kinetic aspects of calcium metabolism were studied in housed lactating sheep consuming different fresh herbage species. the importance of protein supply was also investigated. 2. in expt. 1, two groups (n 4) were offered, ad lib., a freshly cut ryegrass (lolium perenne l.)-white clover (trifolium repens l.) pasture containing 5.48 g ca/kg dry matter (dm). one group was supplemented daily with 100 g protected casein. a third group (n 4) was offered, ad li ...19892923856
faecal endogenous loss of calcium in young sheep.1. two groups of eight 6-7-month-old wether lambs were offered either a frozen ryegrass (lolium perenne l.)-white clover (trifolium repens l.) pasture or a ryegrass-white clover hay, containing 12.1 and 6.4 g calcium/kg dry matter (dm) respectively. within groups the amounts offered to individual sheep ranged from 0.5 to 2.0 times the estimated maintenance energy requirements. 2. a single intravenous injection of 150 microci 45ca as cacl2.2h2o, and stable balances were used to determine absorpti ...19892923857
an investigation of human immune response to perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne) pollen cytochrome c (lol p x).cytochrome c (lol p x) was purified from the pollen of perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne). it was used in a sensitive double-antibody radioimmunoassay to determine specific igg and ige antibody (ab) levels in the sera of grass-allergic human subjects and the relationship between immune responsiveness and hla type. a total of 139 subjects were studied, including 63 subjects treated by grass immunotherapy and 76 untreated subjects. the sera of only four subjects were found to contain anticytochro ...19873038988
the effect of date of cut and barley substitution on gain and on the efficiency of utilization of grass silage by growing cattle. 1. gains in live weight and its components.1. a primary growth of perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne) was cut early or late to produce silages of high and low digestibility. the crops were wilted for 2-4 h and preserved with formic acid at 2.4 litres/t fresh weight. the resulting silages were well preserved with a ph of 3.9 and 3.8, lactic acid content of 108 and 73 g/kg dry matter (dm) and total nitrogen content of 24.6 and 18.4 g/kg dm for early- and late-cut silage respectively. 2. forty-two british friesian male castrates (steers) in ...19883196672
the effect of date of cut and barley substitution on gain and on the efficiency of utilization of grass silage by growing cattle. 2. nutrient supply and energy partition.1. the effect of harvesting date of perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne) on the nutritive value of the resultant silage and the effect of substitution of late-cut silage with barley was examined in growing cattle. the diets comprised early-cut (h) and late-cut (l) silage offered alone or with 280 (lc1) or 560 (lc2) g rolled barley/kg total dry matter (dm) substituted for late-cut silage. 2. both silages were prepared with the addition of formic acid (850 milligram; 2.4 litres/t fresh weight) to a ...19883196673
protein metabolism in the rumen of silage-fed steers: effect of fishmeal supplementation.1. ryegrass (lolium perenne cv. cropper) silage was given to four friesian steers (initial live weight (lw) 172 kg) alone or with a fishmeal supplement (150 g fresh weight/kg silage dry matter (dm)) in a balanced two-period change-over design. the dietary components were the same as those used in a recent experiment by gill et al. (1987). all diets were offered hourly at 24 g dm/kg lw. 2. fishmeal supplementation increased dietary nitrogen intake (p less than 0.01) and significantly increased th ...19883196674
association of hla-dr3 with human immune response to lol p i and lol p ii allergens in allergic subjects.associations between hla type and ige or igg antibody (ab) responses to two well-characterized, antigenetically non-crossreactive components of lolium perenne (rye grass) pollen extract, lol p i (rye i) and lol p ii (rye ii) were studied in two groups of skin-test positive (st+) caucasoid adults. by both nonparametric and parametric statistical methods, significant associations were found between ab responses to both lol i and lol ii and the possession of hla-dr3. in view of the well-known assoc ...19883261461
in vitro synthesis of ige by human peripheral blood leucocytes: vi. seasonal variations in synthesis of rye pollen (lolium perenne) specific ige.fractionation by percoll density centrifugation of peripheral blood leucocyte cells, from atopic subjects with seasonal hay fever, unmasked ige-b cell populations whose individual capacities to synthesize ige in vitro were obscured in cultures of unfractionated b cells. b cell cultures from all six subjects in the study released rye pollen-specific ige during the 6 days of culture, but actual synthesis was significant only in october, the pollen season. synthesis in october occurred most frequen ...19883263316
standardization of rye-grass pollen (lolium perenne) extract. an immunochemical and physicochemical assessment of six candidate international reference preparations.six candidate extracts of lolium perenne (rye-grass) pollen have been studied in 6 laboratories using a variety of immunochemical and physicochemical techniques. radioallergosorbent test inhibition, crossed immunoelectrophoresis, crossed radio-immunoelectrophoresis, sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis combined with immunoblot, thin-layer isoelectric focusing and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay inhibition were used to evaluate each of the coded extracts. the source materi ...19883372043
large particle breakdown by cattle eating ryegrass and alfalfa.the proportion of large particles (lp) broken down to small, insoluble particles by primary mastication (eating), rumination, digestion and detrition (rubbing) was determined for separated leaf and stem fractions of perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne) and alfalfa (medicago sativa) fed to cattle cannulated at the esophagus. large particles were defined as those particles retained during wet sieving on a screen with an aperture of 1.18 mm. reduction in weight of particles caused by solubilizing or ...19883378956
the digestion of perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne cv. melle) and white clover (trifolium repens cv. blanca) by grazing cattle.1. pure swards of perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne cv. melle) as a primary growth (may), trimmed primary growth (early june) and regrowth (late june), and white clover (trifolium repens cv. blanca) as a mature primary growth (july) and vegetative regrowth (august), were grazed by twelve friesian steers (mean body-weights throughout experiment 152-231 kg) at daily allocation rates of forage which provided dry matter (dm) intakes ranging from 28 to 36 g/kg body-weight). 2. total nitrogen content ...19883408697
activation of human serum complement with allergens. i. generation of c3a, c4a, and c5a and induction of human neutrophil understand the relevance of allergens in generation of c3a, c4a, and c5a in normal human serum, we studied extracts of several allergens (house dust, house dust mite, aspergillus fumigatus, and perennial ryegrass). known complement activators zymosan and endotoxin were used as controls. generation of c3a, c4a, and c5a (determined by radioimmunoassays) occurred with extracts of house dust and aspergillus more than with house dust mite and ryegrass. anaphylatoxins were produced both in dose and ...19873496373
digestibility, intake and mineral utilization of combinations of grasses and legumes by lambs.defined mixtures of two grass (orchardgrass, perennial ryegrass) and two legume (alfalfa, red clover) hays, harvested in two cuttings in 2 yr, were fed in digestibility, intake and mineral balance trials to wether lambs. each mixture was fed in ad libitum amounts to six crossbred wether lambs weighing 35 to 45 kg. the effect of increasing proportion of legume in mixtures on dry matter digestibility (dmd), neutral detergent fiber digestibility (dndf) and digestible dry matter intake (ddmi) differ ...19873597188
metabolism of lactic acid isomers in the rumen of silage-fed sheep.1. four mature sheep were offered perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne, cv. s23) silage (885 g dry matter/d) at hourly intervals. the silage was well fermented with a ph of 4.0, a lactic acid content of 139 g/kg dry matter and an organic matter digestibility of 0.766. 2. continuous intraruminal infusions of 14c-labelled sodium salts of [u-14c]acetic acid, [2-14c]propionic acid, [2-14c]butyric acid and d- and l-[u-14c]lactic acid and an intravenous infusion of [u-14c]glucose were made on separate o ...19863676167
the efficiency of energy utilization in growing cattle consuming fresh perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne cv. melle) or white clover (trifolium repens cv. blanca).1. twenty friesian steers (225 kg live weight) were fed on mid- (m) (june-july) and late- (l) (august-september) season crops of either fresh perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne cv. melle) (g) or white clover (trifolium repens cv. blanca) (c). each of the forage diets was offered at three restricted planes of nutrition above maintenance to compare the effect of forage species on the efficiency of energy utilization. all diets were harvested daily from swards of regrowth forage of intended equival ...19863676184
microbially corrected amino acid composition of rumen-undegraded feed protein and amino acid degradability in the rumen of feeds enclosed in nylon bags.1. in the previous work (varvikko & lindberg, 1985), 15n-labelled rapeseed (brassica napus), barley, ryegrass (lolium perenne) and barley straw were incubated in the rumen in nylon bags for 5, 12 and 24 h and microbial nitrogen in the residues was quantified using the feed 15n-dilution method. in the present study, residual amino acids (aa) of these feeds were analysed, and microbially corrected aa of feed origin (feed aa) were estimated as the difference between total residual aa and respective ...19863676189
effect of forage species and season on nutrient digestion and supply in grazing cattle.1. a total of twenty friesian steers were grazed on pure swards of either perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne cv. melle) or white clover (trifolium repens cv. blanca) from may to late august to examine the effect of forage species and season on nutrient digestion and supply. within each forage species, two daily allowances of forage (i.e. 30 and 60 g dry matter (dm)/kg live weight) were given, and nutrient flow into the small intestine was measured on thirteen separate occasions (viz. seven grass ...19863676197
the effect of forage species and stage of harvest on the processes of digestion occurring in the rumen of cattle.1. pure swards of perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne l. cv. melle) or white clover (trifolium repens l. cv. blanca) were harvested daily as either primary growth (may-june) or mid- (july) and late- (august-september) season 4-week regrowths and offered to friesian steers at two levels of feed allowance (18 and 24 g dry matter (dm)/kg live weight), to examine the effect of forage species and stage of harvest on nutrient digestion and supply. 2. the early- and mid-season grasses had low nitrogen ( ...19863676223
the effect of digestibility and forage species on the removal of digesta from the rumen and the voluntary intake of hay by sheep.1. the characteristics of digestion, passage and rumen fill of three hays: early- and late-cut perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne cv. endura) and white clover hay (trifolium repens cv. blanca and pronitro) were studied using six rumen-cannulated sheep fed at a restricted level of intake (18 g dry matter (dm)/kg live weight (lw) per d), in a two 3 x 3 latin square design. 2. voluntary intake of the same diets was measured using a further six non-cannulated sheep in a similar design. 3. rate of di ...19863676225
the effect of supplementation with maize starch and level of intake of perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne cv. endura) hay on the removal of digesta from the rumen of sheep.1. eight wether sheep were offered a diet of perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne cv. endura) hay once daily at two levels of intake (11 and 16.5 g dry matter (dm)/kg live weight (lw] with or without maize starch (175 g dm/kg hay dm). the experiment consisted of four periods, each lasting 32 d. rates of digestion of the hay were measured by incubation in dacron bags and rates of passage using chromium-mordanted hay. rumen pool sizes of dm, organic matter and fibre were measured by emptying the rum ...19863676226
a study of the human immune response to lolium perenne (rye) pollen and its components, lol p i and lol p ii (rye i and rye ii). ii. longitudinal variation of antibody levels in relation to symptomatology and pollen exposure and correction of seasonally elevated antibody levels to basal values.this study used a standardized, dialyzed, lolium perenne (ryegrass) pollen extract and two of its well-characterized components, lol p i (rye i) and lol p ii (rye ii), to characterize the longitudinal variation of both ige and igg antibody (ab) levels, as well as total serum ige levels, in 20 grass-allergic subjects followed for 13 months. ab levels declined toward a basal level just before, and increased just after, the grass-pollination season, returning to the same basal level just before the ...19873680810
the prevalence of allergic skin test reactivity to eight common aeroallergens in the u.s. population: results from the second national health and nutrition examination survey.immediate hypersensitivity skin tests to eight select allergens were performed on a sample (n = 16,204) of the civilian noninstitutional population of the united states, 6 to 74 years of age, in the second national health and nutrition examination survey (nhanes ii). the eight allergens were house dust, cat, dog, alternaria, mixed giant/short ragweed, oak, perennial ryegrass, and bermuda grass. skin test reactivity was defined as a mean erythema diameter greater than or equal to 10.5 mm at the 2 ...19873680811
immunochemical studies of lolium perenne (rye grass) pollen allergens, lol p i, ii, and was reported earlier that human immune responses to three perennial rye grass (lolium perenne) pollen allergens, lol p i, ii, and iii, are associated with histocompatibility leukocyte antigen (hla)-dr3. rye-allergic people are often concordantly sensitive to all three of these allergens. since earlier studies suggested that these antigens are non-cross-reactive, their immunologic relatedness by double antibody radioimmunoassay (daria) was studied in order to understand further the immunochemi ...19873693899
physicochemical and immunochemical characterization of allergenic proteins from rye-grass (lolium perenne) pollen prepared by a rapid and efficient purification method.three fractions of rye-grass (lolium perenne) pollen extract have been isolated by preparative isoelectric focusing (i.e.f.) and characterized in terms of physicochemical and immunochemical properties. the purified components were designated 'r7' and 'r14' on the basis of their positions in relation to other rye-grass pollen extract components on sds/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis and their apparent molecular masses were assessed as 31 and 11 kda respectively. on i.e.f., r14 split into two c ...19863718469
a study of the human immune response to lolium perenne (rye) pollen and its components, lol p i and lol p ii (rye i and rye ii). i. prevalence of reactivity to the allergens and correlations among skin test, ige antibody, and igg antibody a stratified random sample of 320 white adults, the prevalence of puncture skin test positivity (st +) to lolium perenne (rye grass)-pollen extract (lpe) was 16%. fifteen percent of all subjects (or 84% of subjects classified lpe ige antibody positive [ab +]) was classified ige ab + to highly purified lol p i (rye i), and 4% of all subjects (or 26% of subjects classified lpe ige ab +) was classified ige ab + to highly purified lol p ii (rye ii). these data and similar results obtained in an a ...19863782681
the use of monensin or formaldehyde to control the digestion of the nitrogenous constituents of perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne cv. melle) and white clover (trifolium repens cv. blanca) in the rumen of cattle.pure swards of perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne cv. melle) and white clover (trifolium repens cv. blanca) were harvested daily as primary growth (grass in may, clover in june) or regrowths (clover only in july) and offered, in the long form, to growing cattle at a feeding rate of 22 g dry matter/kg live weight. with each forage, two treatments were compared with the untreated forage (c): monensin (100 g active ingredient/kg, 250 mg/d) addition to the rumen (treatment m) or formaldehyde (30 g/k ...19873801385
the digestion of fresh perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne l. cv. melle) and white clover (trifolium repens l. cv. blanca) by growing cattle fed indoors.1. pure swards of perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne l. cv. melle) or white clover (trifolium repens l. cv. blanca) were harvested daily at three and two stages of growth respectively, and offered to housed cattle. the grass diets comprised primary growth (may) and two later regrowths of contrasting morphology (i.e. leaf: stem values of 1.54 and 2.84 respectively), and were characterized by high contents of water-soluble carbohydrate and neutral-detergent fibre and comparable in vitro dry matter ...19853870696
[immediate hypersensitivity to fruits and vegetables and pollenosis].various works have been published, mainly by scandinavian authors, in which a partial immunological identity has been found to exist between birch pollen and hazelnut and apple. however, our attention has been particularly drawn to the high proportion of people who are allergic to the apple and other fruits, which in some cases has been as much as 50 and 70%, and in whom an oral pruritus alone is considered sufficient a symptom of allergies to certain foodstuffs. however due to the fact that the ...19854036764
stabilizing effect of epsilon-aminocaproic acid on allergenic extracts.the effect of epsilon-aminocaproic acid (eaca) on the degradation of an aqueous lolium perenne extract was studied by intracutaneous tests and by rast inhibition. extracts for skin testing stored at 4 degrees c for 12 months and at 37 degrees c for 6 weeks were significantly protected from degradation by addition of 0.1 mol/l of eaca before storage. extracts were stored for rast inhibition at 4 degrees c for 6 months and at 37 degrees c for 7 days. shelf life was twofold to threefold increased w ...19854056242
endocrine regulation of metabolism in sheep given kale (brassica oleracea) and ryegrass (lolium perenne)-clover (trifolium repens) fresh-forage diets.diets of fresh kale (brassica oleracea) and ryegrass (lolium perenne)-clover (trifolium repens) herbage were fed to growing sheep in three experiments. in expts 1 and 3 the sheep were confined indoors and fed at hourly intervals, and all were given supplementary iodine to counteract kale goitrogens. lambs grazed the two forages for 24 weeks in expt 2, with and without intramuscular injections of iodized oil. the kale and herbage contained respectively 11 and less than 0.1 g s-methyl-l-cysteine s ...19854063301
nitrogen digestion and metabolism in sheep consuming diets containing contrasting forms and levels of n.nitrogen kinetics were studied in six sheep (45-55 kg live weight) consuming either a high-n grass silage or a low-n dried grass made from swards of perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne). the diets were fed hourly at a level of 600 g dry matter/d and supplied 19.5 and 11.0 g n/d respectively. the amounts of organic matter (om) consumed and flowing at the duodenum and ileum and excreted in the faeces were similar (p greater than 0.05) with both diets. each diet supplied 23 g digestible om/d per kg ...19854063302
the role of condensed tannins in the nutritional value of lotus pedunculatus for sheep. rates of body and wool growth.lotus pedunculatus (cv. grasslands maku) grown on acid low-fertility soil and containing high concentrations of condensed tannin (76-90 g/kg dry matter (dm] was grazed by growing sheep for 31-42 d periods in three experiments. in expt 2 an additional group of lambs grazed areas oversown with white clover (trifolium repens) and red clover (trifolium pratense). lambs were transferred from grazing ryegrass (lolium perenne)-white clover straight on to lotus in all experiments (unconditioned sheep). ...19854063306
estimation of microbial nitrogen in nylon-bag residues by feed 15n dilution.rapeseed (brassica napus), barley grain, ryegrass (lolium perenne) and barley straw were labelled with 15n as an internal marker. the dilution of 15n was used to estimate microbial n (rmn15n) in the feed residues in nylon bags incubated in the rumen for 5, 12 and 24 h. for comparative purposes, diaminopimelic acid (dap) content of the residues was also determined and rumen microbial n (rmndap-n) in the feed residues calculated using dap as a bacterial marker. the influence of two bag pore sizes ...19854063332
glucose and protein metabolism during late pregnancy in triplet-bearing ewes given fresh forages ad lib. 1. voluntary intake and birth weight.ewes of the booroola x romney genotype carrying triplet lambs were given fresh forages ad lib. in late pregnancy. in expt 1, groups of three ewes were given kale (brassica oleracea), perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne) or perennial ryegrass (0.75)-barley (0.25). in expt 2, groups of two or three ewes were given fresh perennial ryegrass and infused into the abomasum with iso-energetic quantities of casein and glucose in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement. post-lambing ewe live weights were 40-50 kg. g ...19854063334
application of in vitro and in vivo assay techniques in the isolation of rye grass (lolium perenne) pollen allergens. 19744214790
the nutritive value of dried red clover as a supplement for perennial ryegrass hay. 19744422645
the digestion of fresh, frozen and dried perennial ryegrass. 19744459975
in vivo digestibility of cell-wall polysaccharides of setaria splendida and lolium perenne dv. kangaroo valley. 19734764244
factors influencing agnotobiotic cultures of the rumen ciliate, entodinium simplex.the nutrition of entodinium simplex was studied, with foliage of bluegrass (poa pratense), perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne), and grains of wheat (triticum vulgare) as substrates in agnotobiotic cultures. entodinium grew poorly when the substrates were autoclaved; better growth was obtained when the substrates were sterilized with ethylene oxide vapor. the concentration of ethylene oxide and the amount of moisture influenced the sterility and nutritional adequacy of the treated substrate. auto ...19684969666
the urinary aromatic acids excreted by sheep given s24 perennial ryegrass cut at six stages of maturity. 19705484732
cross-reactions among grass pollen allergens.we studied cross-reactions of pollen extracts from the grasses phleum pratense, lolium perenne, poa pratensis and festuca pratensis. we used immunoelectrophoretic techniques (tandem-cie, absorption in situ) and rast inhibition, which allowed us to detect the high antigenic and allergenic relationships of the single grass pollens. phleum pratense, however, revealed antigenic and allergenic differences as compared to the other 3 grasses.19846084953
comparative digestion, rumen fermentation and kinetics of forage diets by steers and wethers.four rumen fistulated wether and beef steers were used to evaluate differences in dry matter digestibility (dmd) between cattle and sheep. they were fed either perennial ryegrass or switchgrass hay at an ad libitum or restricted level for four experimental periods. significant ruminant species x forage and ruminant species x level of intake (p less than .05) interactions were observed for digestible dry matter. the steers digested the switchgrass 7 percentage units greater than the wethers while ...19846086564
the physical digestion of perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne) and white clover (trifolium repens) in the foregut of sheep.sheep were fed once daily with 300 or 600 g dried perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne) or white clover (trifolium repens). total rumen contents were sampled once daily at various intervals up to 24 h after feeding for 6 d. total weight of fresh rumen contents and dry matter (dm), organic matter and particulate matter concentrations were measured and the particle size distribution of rumen contents was analysed using a wet sieving technique. there was a similar exponential loss of dm from the rume ...19846089866
transmethylation reactions in human basophils induced by anti-ige or specific antigen.the activation of methyl transferases in the membrane of human basophilic leukocytes was measured by incorporation of 3h-methyl groups into phospholipids. basophils of healthy individuals were activated by anti-ige, those of pollen allergic patients by the specific antigen, lolium perenne extract. basophil-rich fraction was obtained from peripheral blood by centrifugation in a gradient of ficoll/metrizamide (g = 1.085). after incubation with anti-ige an increase in the 3h-methyl incorporation wa ...19846199310
[identification of allergens in 5 grasses using crossed radioimmunoelectrophoresis (crie)].using crossed radioimmunoelectrophoresis ( crie ) aqueous extracts from pollen of phleum pratense , lolium perenne, poa pratensis , festuca pratensis and alopecurus pratensis were investigated for allergen composition. we detected between 24 and 32 antigens. employing sera from 11 patients with well established hay fever, ige binding could be demonstrated in 15 out of 28 antigens in phleum pratense , 13 out of 32 in lolium perenne, 14 out of 26 in poa pratensis , 12 out of 24 festuca pratensis a ...19846233859
the nutritive value of silages. digestion of organic matter, gross energy and carbohydrate constituents in the rumen and intestines of sheep receiving diets of grass silage or grass silage and barley.1. two experiments were conducted to study the digestion of organic matter, gross energy and carbohydrate constituents in the rumen, small intestine and caecum and colon of sheep given grass silage diets. three silages made from perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne) with formic acid as an additive were used. one was made from first-harvest grass in the spring and the others from regrowth grass cut from a single sward in either early autumn or late autumn. expt 1 involved a comparison between the s ...19806251860
allergenic cross-reactivity of cytochromes c of kentucky bluegrass and perennial ryegrass pollens.the allergenic cross-reactivity of cytochromes c isolated from kentucky bluegrass (kbg) and ryegrass (rg) pollens was demonstrated by the finding that both cytochromes elicited pca reactions of comparable titers in rats sensitized with murine reaginic antiserum to either kbg or rg cytochrome c. however, allergenic differences were revealed at limiting doses of the cytochromes c; under these conditions rg cytochrome c elicited pca reactions only with the homologous reaginic serum, whereas kbg cyt ...19826298610
copper metabolism in growing sheep given kale (brassica oleracea) and ryegrass (lolium perenne)-clover (trifolium repens) fresh forage diets.kale (brassica oleracea) and ryegrass (lolium perenne)-clover (trifolium repens) pasture grown under similar soil conditions were grazed in the vegetative state by growing lambs of 23.6 kg initial live weight for 24 weeks. forty-eight lambs grazed each forage. the kale and pasture contained respectively 4 and 14 mg copper/kg dry matter (dm), 7.2 and 3.1 g total sulphur/kg dm and 0.4 and 1.1 mg molybdenum/kg dm. subcutaneous injections of cu (12 mg) were given to half the animals grazing each for ...19836311244
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