
[natural drugs are waiting to be standardized, for instance ginseng]. 1978101811
effects of panax ginseng extracts on the growth of mycobacterium tuberculosis h37rv. 1979113372
effects of the second (ethanol) extract of ginseng on the cardiovascular dynamics of dogs during halothane electromagnetic flowmeter probe was chronically implanted around the ascending aorta in a group of dogs. subsequently, ten dogs were lightly anesthetized with halothane (0.75%), and a second (ethanol) extract of ginseng (40 mg/kg) was administered intravenously. five dogs were anesthetized without the administration of ginseng. eleven cardiovascular variables including cardiac output, stroke volume, heart rate, mean arterial pressure, pulse pressure, central venous pressure, total peripheral ...1979157841
effects of the third (aqueous) extract of ginseng on the cardiovascular dynamics of dogs during halothane electromagnetic flowmeter probe was chronically implanted around the ascending aorta in a group of dogs. subsequently, ten dogs were lightly anesthetized with halothane (0.75%) and the third (aqueous) extract of ginseng (40 mg/kg) was administered intravenously. five dogs were anesthetized without the administration of ginseng. eleven cardiovascular variables including cardiac output, stroke volume, heart rate, mean arterial pressure, pulse pressure, central venous pressure, total peripheral ...1979157842
effect of ginseng on the brain biogenic monoamines and 3',5'-amp system. experiments on rats. 1978207289
stimulatory effect of ginsenosides on dna, protein and lipid synthesis in rat bone marrow and participation of cyclic nucleotides.effects of several kinds of ginsenosides, saponins from panax ginseng on dna, rna, protein and lipid synthesis in bone marrow were investigated. single i.p. injection of 0.5--1 mg/100 g body weight of ginsenosides rb2, rc, re and rg1 4 h prior to the sacrifice increased dna synthesis in bone marrow cells. rna, protein and lipid synthesis were also increased. the direct addition of ginsenosides rb1, rb2 and rc mixture (gns) enhanced dna synthesis. cyclic amp levels in bone marrow cells were decre ...1978227418
effect of ginseng saponin on rat adrenal cyclic amp. 1979228335
ginseng: the plant that hides from man. 1978252017
effects of herbs and drugs during pregnancy and lactation.prior to considering the effects of herbs and drugs during pregnancy and lactation, attention is directed to the relevance of herbal medicines to human patients. when a drug is taken orally, its absorption, biotransformation, and excretion will affect its blood level. it then makes its way to the capillaries surrounding the alveoli of the breast, and the drug must cross the endothelium of the capillaries into the alveolar cells of the breast and then be excreted into the lumen with the milk. ...1979262485
[pharmacological actions of radix panaci noto-ginseng. (i) hemostatic and analgetic actions (author's transl)]. 1978292485
[pharmacological actions of radix panaci noto-ginseng. (ii) anti-inflammatory activity (author's transl)]. 1979297476
history of ginseng. 1979376893
ginseng abuse syndrome. problems with the panacea. 1979430716
effect of ginseng principle on pyruvate kinase activity in rat liver. 1979445678
[hplc separation and quantitative determination of ginsenosides from panax ginseng, panax quinquefolium and from ginseng drug preparations (author's transl)]. 1979461552
effect of panax ginseng extract on tissue glycogen and adrenal cholesterol depletion during prolonged exercise. 1979461553
[analysis of ginseng. i. the extraction and colorimetric determination of ginseng sapogenins (author's transl)]. 1979506732
ultrastructural studies of morris hepatoma cells reversely transformed by ginsenosides.ginsenosides, which were extracted from panax ginseng c.a. meyer, induced well the development of subcellular organelles in cultured morris hepatoma cells (mh1c1).1979520487
effects of panax ginseng root on acquisition of sound discrimination behaviour in rats.pole-climbing and shuttle-avoidance tests were employed to study the acquisition of conditioned avoidance response (car) and discrimination behaviour (db) in male wistar rats which had been given extracts from panax ginseng root intraperitoneally or orally. neither a lipid soluble fraction (gno. 5) nor a ginsenoside rg fraction (grg) produced significant changes in the acquisition of car. grg given intraperitoneally produced a significant acceleration in the acquisition of db between a 500 hz si ...1979537257
ultrastructural studies on the effects of korean panax ginseng on the theca interna of rat investigation was conducted to delineate the fine structure of steroid-producing ovarian theca interna cells following administration of korean panax ginseng to rats for 60 days. the cytoplasmic changes were observed in the ginseng-treated theca interna cells, increased number, size and density of the mitochondria, and increased size of the smooth surfaced endoplasmic reticulum, the rough surfaced endoplasmic reticulum and the golgi apparatus. the nucleus and nucleolus were slightly enlarged ...1979543488
the effect of ginseng on lifespan and stress responses in has been suggested that ginseng can increase long-term resistance to stress and disease and therefore affect the lifespan. we set out to investigate this idea by testing whether the continuous administration of ginseng could affect the lifespan of mice and/or their behavioural responses to stress. 270 mice of strain laca were divided into three groups: one group which was given ginseng from 8 weeks of age, a second group which was given ginseng from 52 weeks of age and an untreated control gr ...1979571386
stimulatory effect of panax ginseng principles on dna, rna, protein and lipid synthesis in rat bone marrow.effects of extract fraction 3 and 4 from the root of panax ginseng on bone marrow cells of the rat were investigated. oral administration of fraction 3 and addition of fraction 4 in vitro stimulated dna, protein and lipid synthesis in bone marrow cells. the stimulatory effect was reduced by pretreatment of cycloheximide. single i.p. injection of fraction 4 also increased dna and rna synthesis. numbers of mitosis were increased by oral administration of fraction 3. extent of the increase was almo ...1977578435
stimulatory effect of panax ginseng principles on dna and protein synthesis in rat testes.the effect of fraction 4 of the extract from the roots of panax ginseng, oura, on dna and protein syntheses was investigated. addition of fraction 4 in vitro stimulated dna and protein syntheses in testes. the stimulating effect was reduced by pretreatment with cycloheximide. this might give some evidence about the stimulatory effect of ginseng on spermatogenesis.1977578462
[test of panax ginseng c. a. meyer]. 1977613971
ginseng and mastalgia. 1978656841
evaluation of commercial ginseng products.the variation in panaxoside content of roots and commercial products of panax ginseng and p. quinquefolium was evaluated by a new spectrodensitometric tlc method. the method is rapid and applicable to all commercial products, and it has a relative standard deviation of 6.4%. panaxoside patterns of slurry-filled capsules and root extracts most closely resembled those of whole roots. tablets did not contain detectable panaxosides while teas and granules for infusion yielded only low concentrations ...1978702314
[quantitative analysis of ginseng saponins (author's transl)]. 1978712567
a decrease in ammonia content in portal blood of rabbits administered with ginseng powder. 1978723106
effect of panax ginseng alcohol extract on cardiovascular system. 1978753038
[efficiency control of a ginseng containing geriatric drug by means of the kraepelin method]. 1977836534
accelerated ethanol elimination under the effect of ginseng (experiments on rats). 1977899805
the growth of cultured human fibroblasts treated with hydrocortisone and extracts of the medicinal plant pan ax ginseng. 1977902695
the evaluation of ginseng and its congeners by droplet counter-current chromatography (dcc). 1977905422
effect of ginseng extract on ribonucleic acid and protein synthesis in rat kidney. 1977908093
influence of ginseng on mating behavior of male rats.experiment on the mating behavior of male albino rats paired with receptive females established that in comparison with control animals, males under the influence of ginseng (a) began ejaculation earlier and repeated the action more often in a 45-minute observation period and (b) deposited more copulation plugs in 10 days. the data suggest that ginseng facilitates the mating behavior of male rats.1976937239
restoration of radiation injury by intraperitoneal injection of ginseng extract in mice. 1976957278
effect of ginseng saponins on nuclear ribonucleic acid (rna) metabolism. i. rna synthesis in rats treated with ginsenosides. 19761017085
syntheses of betulafolienetriol and the ginseng sapogenin, 20(s)-protopanaxadiol. 19761021246
effect of ginseng extract on lipid and sugar metabolism ii. nutritional states in rats. 19761021276
effect of ginseng saponins on cholesterol metabolism. ii. effect of ginsenosides on cholesterol synthesis by liver slice. 19761022343
effect of ginseng saponin on liver glycogen content. 19761022357
ginseng: its history, dispersion, and folk tradition.this article presents a historical comparison of the traditions surrounding and uses of ginseng in asia and in north america, with a focus on the triangle formed by the chinese, the north american indians, and the white american residents. the medicinal and folkloric applications of ginseng by the chinese were remarkably similar to those independently developed by various north american indian tribes. white americans, however, largely disregarded the herbal root medicinal qualities in favor of t ...19751103611
studies on the biochemical action of ginseng saponin. i. purification from ginseng extract of the active component stimulating serum protein biosynthesis.systematic isolation and purification of the biologically active component of ginseng extract were followed by observing the incorporation of labeled leucine into serum protein at 6 hr after a single intraperitoneal injection in a mouse. ginseng saponin mixture (fraction 5) exhibited high activity for such incorporation. seven saponins were isolated from fraction 5 by means of preparative tlc, and assayed. administration of all these saponins (ginsenoside-rb2, rc, rc2, rd, re, and rg1)except for ...19751158854
[effect of liquid extracts of ginseng and eleutherococcus roots on cell carbohydrate-phosphorus metabolism in the rat liver]. 19751165330
[enzymatic hydrolysis of ginseng saponins and their related glycosides (author's transl)]. 19751170313
effect of ginseng extract on endoplasmic reticulum and ribosome. 19751178790
effect of ginseng saponins on cholesterol metabolism. i. the level and the synthesis of serum and liver cholesterol in rats treated with ginsenosides. 19751181066
a colorimetric estimation of ginseng saponins. 19751208686
effect of ginseng extract on lipid and sugar metabolism. i. metabolic correlation between liver and adipose tissue. 19751218449
studies on the constituents of himalayan ginseng, panax pseudoginseng. ii. the structures of the saponins (2). 19751218457
[quantitative analysis of dammarane type saponins of ginseng and its application to the evaluation of the commercial ginseng tea and ginseng extract (author's transl)]. 19751240953
[letter: ginseng]. 19761250456
protective effect of ren-shen-yang-rong-tang (ninjin-youei-to) in mice with drug-induced leukopenia against pseudomonas aeruginosa infection.when 200 mg/kg of cyclophosphamide (cy) or 5-fluorouracil (5-fu) were given subcutaneously to mice, severe reduction of leukocyte numbers in the peripheral blood was observed on day 4 and from day 4 to day 8 after the treatment, respectively. daily administration of ren-shen-yang-rong-tang (japanese name: ninjin-youei-to, nyt), (1 g/kg/day) and recombinant human granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (rhug-csf, 2 micrograms/mouse/day) either from day 0 to day 4 after treatment with cy or from day ...19921280629
influences of ginsenosides rb1, rb2, and rb3 on electric and contractile activities of normal and damaged cultured radical damage to the cultured myocardiocytes of wistar rat was induced by adding xanthine 0.42 mmol.l-1 and xanthine oxidase 5.3 nmol.l-1 to the culture medium. 30 of rb1, rb2 or rb3 extracted from the leaf and stem of panax ginseng c a meyer restored the action potentials (ap) of free radical damaged cells to normal, indicating their antioxidative action. on normal myocardial cells, rb1, rb2, rb3 20 inhibited the ap and spontaneous contractility, (suggestin ...19921300040
[relation between emphysema and diaphragmatic fatigue].emphysematous rats induced by elastase were divided into 5 groups: n (control), p1 (elastase for 3 mo.), p2 (elastase for 4.5 mo.; ns intraperitoneally for 1 mo. after 3.5 mo. elastase); a and c, aminophylline and ginseng preparation were respectively given in the same fashion as p2. the results were: 1. tension and endurance of diaphragm muscle decreased under low frequency stimulation in p2, while those no change in p1. dna, rna and atpase increased, cross-sectional areas and glycogen decrease ...19921319806
biotransformation of digitoxigenin by ginseng hairy root cultures.five new compounds (three esters and two glycosides) and seven previously reported compounds were isolated as biotransformation products of digitoxigenin by ginseng hairy root cultures. the new esters and glycosides were elucidated as digitoxigenin stearate, digitoxigenin palmitate, digitoxigenin myristate, 3-epidigitoxigenin beta-d-gentiobioside and digitoxigenin beta-d-sophoroside using 1h and 13cnmr and fab mass spectral data. biotransformations involving esterification (of stearic acid, palm ...19901366480
a bidesmosidic oleanolic acid saponin from panax pseudo-ginseng.a novel triterpenoid saponin, pseudo-ginsenoside-ri3, isolated from the rhizomes of panax pseudo-ginseng subsp. himalaicus var. angustifolius has been characterized as 3-o-beta-d-glucopyranosyl(1----2)-beta-d-glucuronopyranosyl (1----6)-beta-d-glucopyranosyl 28-o-beta-d-xylopyranosyl-olean-12-en-28-oic acid ester by physicochemical methods.19921368034
[experimental research on improving the blood flow of ischemic myocardial tissue in rabbits by using panax ginseng]. 19921392497
[effect of radix astragali and radix ginseng in enhancing the metabolism of human myocardial cells in vitro].our experiment indicated that in radix astragali and radix ginseng treated human myocardial cell cultures the level of ldh and sdh elevated in varying degrees and in radix ginseng treated cells the camp showed higher levels but in radix ginseng treated ones the same was not observed. this suggests that the metabolism of myocardial cells is enhanced by radix astragali or radix ginseng.19921418541
[thin layer chromatographic studies on radix ginseng, fructus schisandrae and radix salviae miltiorrhizae in yixinfumai granules].the main constituents of radix ginseng, fructus schisandrae and radix salviae miltiorrhizae in yixinfumai granules were studied by tlc. it was found that ginsenoside got hydrolyzed while the drugs were being boiled together. the main constituents of fructus schisandrae were schizandrol a and b; and those of radix salviae miltiorrhizae were tanshinone and protocatechuic aldehyde.19921418549
anti-stress effect of ginseng on the inhibition of the development of morphine tolerance in stressed mice.we examined how the ginseng extract (ge) acts on the antinociceptive effect induced by footshock (fs)-, psychological (psy)- and forced swimming (sw)-stress (stress-induced analgesia, sia), and also on the suppression by fs- and psy-stress of the development of tolerance to morphine in mice. neither an acute treatment nor 5 daily pretreatments with ge at 100 mg/kg, p.o. affected each sia. pretreatment with ge at 100 mg/kg, p.o. for 5 days followed by the treatment in combination with the exposur ...19921434134
blockade by ginseng extract of the development of reverse tolerance to the ambulation-accelerating effect of methamphetamine in mice.daily repeated administration of methamphetamine (map) developed reverse tolerance to its ambulation-accelerating effect. after pretreatment of mice daily with ginseng extract (ge) for 5 days, concomitant injections of map and ge suppressed the development of reverse tolerance to the effect of map, although ge itself did not affect the spontaneous motor activity of the naive mice. these results provide evidence that ge may be useful for prevention and therapy of the adverse action of map.19921434137
activation of pc12 cells by lipophilic components of panax ginseng.the lipid soluble fraction of panax ginseng c. a. meyer has been found to possess a stimulatory effect on a para-neuronal culture cell line, namely pc12 cells. addition of the diethyl ether extract (0.025-0.1 mg/ml) of ginseng radix to a culture medium promoted the outgrowth of neurites from cells dose-dependently as well as their ready differentiation to respond to carbachol and high kcl-evoked membrane depolarization to induce free ca2+ accumulation in the cells within a week of culture. effec ...19921438592
studies on absorption, distribution, excretion and metabolism of ginseng saponins. viii. isotope labeling of ginsenoside clarify the pharmacokinetics of absorption, distribution and excretion of ginsenoside rb2 (rb2), one of the major saponins of the root of panax ginseng, following oral administration to rats, a tritium (3h) labeling of rb2 was examined. the c-12 position of rb2 was labeled with 3h-sodium borohydride (3h-nabh4) and 12-3h rb2 and 12-3h-epi rb2 was synthesized. this method of specific position labeling of rb2 may be applicable to other ginsenosides. in the near future, the pharmacokinetics of rb ...19921446368
influence of the 70% methanolic extract from red ginseng on the lysosome of tumor cells and on the cytocidal effect of mitomycin c.the influence of the 70% methanolic extract (rme) from red ginseng on the lysosome of tumor cells and on the cytocidal effect of mitomycin c (mmc) was investigated. rme treatment showed an inhibitory effect on the solid form of ehrlich ascites carcinoma but had no effect on the ascites form. mmc combined with rme showed stronger antitumor effects, at the same time, the activity of lysosomal enzymes in tumor cells was also increased in comparison with that treated with mmc alone. furthermore, rme ...19921470665
[effects of ginseng volatile oil on cytochemical components of sgc-823 gastric carcinoma in cell culture].after 24, 48 and 72 hours' treatment of cells of sgc-823 gastric carcinoma in cell cultures with ginseng volatile oil, glycogen, succinate dehydrogenase and dna in single cells were measured quantitatively with mpv2 microscope photometer. the results show that the inhibition of cancer cell growth by ginseng volatile oil may be due to the action of metabolism of dna, carbohydrates and energy.19921418525
[effect of total saponins of panax ginseng on hematopoietic progenitor cells in normal human and aplastic anemia patients].ginseng was said to be benefit for anemia in tcm. proliferation effects of total saponins of panax ginseng (tspg) on hematopoietic progenitor cell in normal individuals and 29 patients with aplastic anemia (aa) were observed by bone marrow culture of bfu-e, cfu-e, cfu-gm in vitro compared with methyltestosterone (mt). the results showed that tspg might prompt proliferation of normal progenitor cells at the concentration of 20 micrograms/ml. the number of bfu-e, cfu-e and cfu-gm had increased by ...19921392481
the decline of atrial natriuretic peptide (anp) gene expression in older rats and the effects of ginsenoside on anp gene expression.1. the levels of atrial natriuretic peptide(anp) gene expression in rat atria at 2-3 and 14-18 months of age and the effects of ginsenosides on r-anp gene expression by determining the concentration of anp-mrna were investigated. the male and female rats were abdominally (i.p.) injected with aqueous solution of ginsenosides prepared from ginseng stems and leaves (g-psl) and ginseng roots (g-pr), 50 mg/kg body wt, once a day for 7 days. atria total rna was extracted by the cold phenol method. the ...19921386796
[farm irrigation index for culturing panax ginseng c.a. meyer].the growth and yield of annual and perennial panax ginseng were observed by applying methods of mini-irrigation and irrigation under different negative pressures of soil humidometer. after four experiments optimum values of negative pressure were found to assist timely irrigation, thus providing scientific criteria of rational irrigation and automated mini-irrigation for culturing panax ginseng.19921482530
[thin layer chromatography and extractive technology of panax japonicum c.a. mey. var. major (burk.) c. y. wu et k. m. feng growing in qingba mountain area].chemical components of the root, stem and leaves of panax japonicum var. major were compared with those of radix ginseng and radix notoginseng by tlc. the results showed that the total saponin of the root panax japonicum var. major was closer to that of radix ginseng and the total saponin of its stem and leaves was similar to radix notoginseng. a better extractive technology was obtained after isolating and purifying the whole herb of panax japonicum var. major by ethyl alcohol at different conc ...19921482533
[pharmacological study on panax ginseng c. a. meyer. xiv. effect of 70% methanolic extract from red ginseng on the cytocidal effect of mitomycin c against rat ascites hepatoma ah 130].the influence of the 70% methanolic extract (rme) from red ginseng (a steamed and dried root of panax ginseng c. a. meyer) on the antitumor activity of mitomycin c (mmc) against rat ascites hepatoma ah 130 was investigated. in the case of a solid tumor, rme at oral doses of 200, 500 mg/kg showed an inhibitory effect, but rme was ineffective in the case of an ascites tumor. mmc combined with rme showed a stronger antitumor effect than mmc alone. moreover, rme inhibited the pulmonary metastases of ...19921484350
problems of optimisation of plant cell culture processes.the adoption of plant cell cultures as an industrial process depends greatly on the economics of such a process. the multicycle or draw-fill culture technique is one method for improving the productivity and, hence, cost of a process. mathematical models have been devised for the functional relationships between the nominal costs of biomass and secondary metabolites and the plant cell growth characteristics in a multicycle growth system. the models were used to evaluate the data obtained with cu ...19921368973
recent advances on ginseng research in china.ginseng, panax ginseng c.a. meyer, is a well-known chinese traditional medicine. there have been more than 300 original papers in chinese and in english during the last 10 years in china. this review paper summarizes some achievements from some of these published papers. twenty-eight ginsenosides and some minor constituents were extracted and isolated from the root, root-stock, stems, leaves, flowers and flower-buds of ginseng. the chemical analysis demonstrated that the content of ginsenosides ...19921501490
effect of ginsenoside rgl on the release of enzymes by cultured endothelial cells.the effects of ginsenoside rgl, isolated from ginseng radix, on the secretion of plasminogen activator and angiotensin-converting enzyme from cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells were investigated in vitro. ginsenoside rgl significantly increased the secretion of plasminogen activator from the cells both with and without stimulation of the cells by thrombin. ginsenoside rgl also remarkably induced the secretion of angiotensin-converting enzyme from the cells. furthermore, ginsenoside ...19921318638
behavioral effects of stem-leaves extract from panax ginseng c.a. meyer.the behavioral effects of extracts from ginseng stem and leaves (gl), standardized with respect to the total saponines, and from ginseng roots (g115), standardized with respect to the content of ginsenosides were examined in experiments on rats with undisturbed memory and in rats with experimentally-impaired memory (electroconvulsive shock) using the methods for active avoidance (shuttle-box) and passive avoidance (step-down, step-through), the water-maze method and the method for studying explo ...19921306029
[clinical and experimental study on shen-qi injection with chemotherapy in the treatment of malignant tumor of digestive tract].shen-qi (ginseng-astragalus) injection was used with chemotherapy in the treatment of 176 cases of malignant tumor of the digestive tract. results showed that shen-qi injection could reduce the toxic effects produced by chemical agents and increase the patient's body weight, as compared with that treated by chemotherapy alone (p < 0.001). it could protect the body's hematopoietic function. in shen-qi injection with chemotherapy group; the wbc count changed insignificantly but in chemotherapy gro ...19921302539
[quality assessment of ginseng by chemical fuzzy pattern recognition].water and liquor extracts of ginseng simulating its habitual preparations used in the practice of traditional chinese medical science were prepared from 25 samples, and data reflecting its chemical constituents as a whole were obtained by ultraviolet and visible spectrophotometry (uv-vis), high performance liquid chromatography (hplc), and emission spectroscopy with inductively coupled plasma source (icp). antifatigue, antidiuretic, and macrophage phagocytosis experiments were carried out to det ...19921529713
lack of androgenicity of siberian ginseng. 19921564770
augmentation of host resistance to listeria monocytogenes infection by a traditional chinese medicine, ren-shen-yang-rong-tang (japanese name: ninjin-youei-to).ren-shen-yang-rong-tang (japanese name: ninjin-youei-to, nin), a traditional chinese medicine, is a drug made of spray-dried powder of hot water extract obtained from twelve species of medical plants. an intraperitoneal (ip) injection with nin 2 days before intravenous (iv) infection with listeria monocytogenes (l. monocytogenes) accelerated elimination of viable bacteria in the spleen in the early stage of infection (from day 1) and protected mice from the lethal infection. it was suggested tha ...19921597654
shi-quan-da-bu-tang (ten significant tonic decoction), sqt. a potent chinese biological response modifier in cancer immunotherapy, potentiation and detoxification of anticancer drugs.shi-quan-da-bu-tang (ten significant tonic decoction), or sqt (juzentaihoto, tj-48) was formulated by taiping hui-min ju (public welfare pharmacy bureau) in chinese song dynasty in ad 1200. it is prepared by extracting a mixture of ten medical herbs (rehmannia glutinosa, paeonia lactiflora, liqusticum wallichii, angelica sinesis, glycyrrhiza uralensis, poria cocos, atractylodes macrocephala, panax ginseng. astragalus membranaceus and cinnamomum cassia) that tone the blood and vital energy, and s ...19921294861
renshen zaizao wan (restorative bolus of ginseng). 19921291828
chemico-pharmacological studies on saponins of panax ginseng c. a. meyer. i. chemical part.for the purpose of clarification of pharmacological actions of ginseng saponins we tried the isolation of ginseng saponins on a larger scale and succeeded in the isolation of eight saponins in a pure state and in sufficient amounts for the pharmacological assay. these eight saponins agreed all completely with the authentic samples of shibata-shoji and co-workers in molecular formula of saponins and sapogenins, sugars and tlc. the physical properties of saponins were shown. as other components of ...19751174030
[effects of aging and ginsenoside on atrial natriuretic peptide gene expression].we investigated the levels of atrial natriuretic peptide (r-anp) gene expression in the atria of rats aged 2-3 months and 14-18 months. in the meantime, we studied the effects of ginsenosides on r-anp gene expression by determining the content of anp messenger ribonucleic acid (r-anp-mrna). male and female rats were abdominally injected aqueous solution of ginsenoside (prepared from ginseng stems and leaves (g-sl) and ginseng roots (g-r) 50 mg/kg body weight, once a day, for 7 days. atrial total ...19911648425
effects of panax ginseng root on conditioned avoidance response in rats.pole climbing and shuttle box tests were employed to study conditioned avoidance response (car) and discrimination behaviour in wistar male rats given extracts from panax ginseng root intraperitonealy. neutral saponins (gns), a water soluble fraction (gf4) which does not contain saponins, and a lipid soluble fraction (gno. 5) inhibited car and discrimination ability between 500 hz sound with electric shock (sd) and 1000 hz sound without shock (sdelta). small doses of gno. 5 and ginsenoside rg fr ...1977926456
effects of the first (ether) extract of ginseng on the cardiovascular dynamics of dogs during halothane electromagnetic flowmeter probe was chronically implanted around the ascending aorta in ten dogs. subsequently, these animals were maintained under halothane (0.75%) anesthesia during the intravenous administration of an ether extract (40 mg/kg) of ginseng. five other dogs were anesthetized without injecting ginseng. eleven cardiovascular variables including cardiac output, stroke volume, heart rate, mean arterial pressure, pulse pressure, central venous pressure, total peripheral resistance, ...1978750170
anxiolytic activity of panax ginseng roots: an experimental study.the putative anxiolytic activity of the white and red varieties of ginseng, the root of panax ginseng, was investigated in rats and mice using a number of experimental paradigms of anxiety and compared with that of diazepam. pilot studies indicated that single-dose administration of ginseng had little to no acute behavioural effects, hence the two varieties of ginseng were administered orally at two dose levels twice daily for 5 days, while diazepam (1 mg/kg, i.p.) was administered acutely. whit ...19911684404
[korean ginseng]. 1978716579
a traditional chinese herbal medicine, ren-shen-yang-rong-tang (japanese name: ninjin-yoei-to) augments the production of granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor from human peripheral blood mononuclear cells in (japanese name: ninjin-yoei-to, nyt) is a traditional chinese herbal medicine. leukocytosis and elevated levels of colony-stimulating factor (csf) in peripheral blood were found previously after the administration of this compound to mice. in this study, human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (pbmc) were cultured in the presence of nyt in vitro, and the levels of granulocyte-macrophage csf (gm-csf) and granulocyte csf (g-csf) in the supernatant of cultured pbmc were mea ...19911723718
[application of high-speed liquid chromatography and dual wave-length thin-layer chromatograph-densitometry to analysis of crude drugs: nucleosides and free bases of nucleic acids in ginseng roots (author's transl)]. 1978712578
effect of ginseng saponins on cholesterol metabolism. iii. effect of ginsenoside-rb on cholesterol synthesis in rats fed on high-fat diet. 1978699217
prolonged infusion of panax ginseng saponins into the rat does not alter the chemical and kinetic profile of hormones from the posterior pituitary.the effect of prolonged administration (i.v.) of commercially available panax ginseng extract (pge) on the kinetic profile of the hormones from the posterior pituitary (pp) was studied in male wistar rats. the rats were infused with 7.36 mg kg-1 h-1 of pge for 8 days while the hormones from the pp were pulse-labeled at their place of translation in the hypothalamus. the concentration of labeled hormones was analyzed after increasing chase time intervals and compared to controls which were infuse ...19911795531
the chemical constituents of ginseng plants.the dried roots and rhizomes of ginseng (p. ginseng c. a. meyer) contain many physiologically important constituents. these include ginseng saponins, ginseng oils and phytosterol, carbohydrates and sugars, organic acids, nitrogenous substances, amino acids and peptides, vitamins and minerals, and certain enzymes that have been isolated and characterized. among these, ginseng saponins are proven to be the principal and most active constituents. chemical research, therefore, has been focused on th ...1977608333
[isolation and identification of 20(r)-ginsenoside-rh2 (an anti-cancer constituent) from the fruits of panax ginseng. c.a. meyer]. 19911804174
[preliminary study on soilless cultivation techniques of panax quinquefolium l].our experiment has shown 1. vermiculite with sand (volume 1:1) is a good substrate of soil for american ginseng. the yield and contents of ginsenoside of american ginseng in this soilless substrate are a little higher than those in ordinary soil. 2. this kind of substrate can be used continuously with fewer occurrences of insect pest and plant diseases and contributes significantly to the reduction of production cost.19911804197
[preliminary studies on tissue culture of panax ginseng (author's transl)]. 1979532657
[purification and identification of red ginseng polypeptides].two new polypeptides named rgpi and rgpii were isolated from the chinese drug red ginseng for the first time. they were identified as propadecopeptide and pentadecopeptidex on the basis of analysis of amino acid composition and determination of molecular weight. further-more, the effects of rgps on the content of polysaccharides and the activity of succinodehydrogenase in the 2bs cells of the lung of human embryo were studied.19911805507
effect of ginseng saponin on serine dehydratase activity in rat liver. 1979527136
effect of ginseng saponins on nuclear ribonucleic acid (rna) metabolism. ii. rna polymerase activities in rats treated with ginsenoside. 1979519810
[effects of ginseng on hepatocellular carcinoma in rats induced by diethylnitrosamine--a further study].the curative effects of panax ginseng on hepatocellular carcinoma (hcc) in rats induced by diethylnitrosamine (den) were further studied. the size of cancerous nodes was quantitatively measured by image analysis instrument. the hepatocellular hyperplastic foci were quantitatively analysed with gamma-gt stain under microspectrophotometer. pathological changes of hepatocytes were observed under light and electron microscope. the results of the investigation indicated that ginseng had significant i ...19911816418
features of ginseng saponin-induced corticosterone secretion.ginseng saponin administered intraperitoneally to rats induced a significant rise in plasma corticosterone, while it tended to increase plasma glucose and to decrease plasma immunoreactive insulin. oral or intraperitoneal administration of ginseng saponin increased plasma corticosterone in unanesthetized, pentobarbital-anesthetized or alloxan-diabetes rats. the histamine-induced rise in plasma corticosterone was suppressed by pretreatment with diphenhydramine, whereas the ginseng-induced rise wa ...1979396151
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