
selective vital staining of companion cells of potato tuber and parsnip root with neutral red.when staining the internal phloem region of a potato tuber with the vital stain neutral red, it was observed that files of elongated cells of narrow diameter were heavily stained and were easily distinguishable from the more isodiametric parenchyma cells, many of which did not stain with neutral red. the elongated cells were identified as companion cells by locating the adjacent sieve-tube members through counterstaining with aniline blue and reviewing under violet light. of a number of other pl ...197991243
the boar-pheromone steroid identified in vegetables.the steroid 5 a-androst-16-en-3-one, known as a boar pheromone, was identified in parsnip (pastinaca sativa) and celery (apium graveolens). concentrations are in the range of 8 ng/g plant.1979520500
[case of contact dermatitis caused by sosnovskiĭ's cow parsnip]. 1978695915
[on the essential oils from the apiaceae (umbelliferae) ii. the essential oils from the above ground parts of pastinaca sativa (author's transl)]. 1977854546
immediate reactions to fruits and vegetables.common fruits and vegetables were tested as such with the "scratch-chamber" method in 388 patients with various atopic disorders. of the patients with hypersensitivity to birch pollen, 36% showed immediate positive responses to these natural, fresh materials. apple, carrot, parsnip and potato elicited reactions more often than, e.g. swede, tomato, onion and parsley. on the basis of clinical data, the relevancy of the results of the skin tests was 80-90%. both "false positive" and "false negative ...1977872578
[genetic and physiological compatibility of different forms of the stem eelworms. v. the crossing of the red clover race with other eelworms].reciprocal hybrids between the stem eelworm of the red clover and those of onion, straw berry, parsnip, parsley and narcissus were obtained. observations were conducted on the state of hybrid and control populations within 10 generations. a partial genetic and physiologica incompatibility of crossed forms of stem eelworms which manifests itself to a different extent in various combinations of parental pairs, was revealed. the red clover eelworm is a biological race of the collective species dity ...1976940684
phytophotodermatitis from heracleum mantegazzianum.five individuals developed striate bullous dermatitis two days after exposure on a clear day to heracleum mantegazzianum, umbelliferae (parsnip) family. photopatch testing confirmed phototoxicity from the plant. this and 28 other heracleum species yield linear furanocoumarins.19761017181
[report on 3 cases of toxic phytophotodermatitis due to heracleum mantegazzianum (giant cow parsnip)]. 19761017520
[genetic-physiological compatibility and karyotypes of stem nematode].the paper presents literary and the authors own data. the potato stem eelworm ditylenchus destructor has a set of chromosomes 2n=44-48 and does not cross with the close species d. dipsaci from onion, garlic, parsley and parsnip. most stem eelworms of the collective species d. dipsaci have n=12 and cross with each other producing fertile progeny. some forms of stem eelworms, e.g. those of broad beans, plantain, dandelion and falcaria are polyploid. intraspecies and intrapopulation polymorphism ac ...19761026912
[on the essential oils from the apiaceae (umbelliferae). i. the oil of roots from pastinaca sativa (author's transl)]. 19751161888
the nucleotide sequence of parsnip yellow fleck virus: a plant picorna-like virus.the complete sequence of 9871 nucleotides (nts) of parsnip yellow fleck virus (pyfv; isolate p-121) was determined from cdna clones and by direct sequencing of viral rna. the rna contains a large open reading frame between nts 279 and 9362 which encodes a polyprotein of 3027 amino acids with a calculated m(r) of 336212 (336k). a pyfv polyclonal antiserum reacted with the proteins expressed from phage carrying cdna clones from the 5' half of the pyfv genome. comparison of the polyprotein sequence ...19921469358
occupational dermatitis from organically grown parsnip (pastinaca sativa l.). 19921534739
[the production of furocumarin in apium graveolens l. and pastinaca sativa l. after infection with sclerotinia slcerotiorum].roots of celery (apium graveolens) and parsnip (pastinaca sativa) were inoculated with sclerotinia sclerotiorum. at the beginning of the infection it is recognized that the level of furocoumarins rises but decreasing in the further time. trimethylpsoralene was detected neither dc nor hplc. sclerotinia grows poorly in parsnip. in this the high level of furocoumarins prevents the growth of the fungus because the furocoumarins are fungistatic. obvious sclerotinia is able to stimulate the origin of ...19911798717
[dermatitis bullosa in children caused by cow-parsnip]. 19911945667
[plants as the cause of contact allergy diagnosed at the dermatological clinic, medical academy, in białystok].in patients with allergic changes hospitalized in the years 1984-1988 in the department a careful history was obtained for detection of correlations between the appearance of skin lesions and contact with plants. in patients with a positive history patch tests were done with a panel of routine allergens and leaves and/or flowers of certain plants. positive tests with various plants were obtained in 14 cases. in 6 patients reporting contact with primrose positive tests were obtained with flowers ...19902148400
a proton nuclear magnetic resonance and molecular modeling study of cardiac troponin c. calcium dependence and aromatic spectral assignments.proton (1h) nmr at 360 mhz has been used to characterize calcium-induced spectral changes in bovine cardiac troponin c in more detail than hitherto reported (hincke, m. t., sykes, b. d., and kay, c. m. (1981) biochemistry 20, 3286-3294). the observed changes are consistent with two equivalents of calcium occupying high affinity sites, with subsequent binding of a single equivalent to a lower affinity site. two-dimensional j-correlated and nuclear overhauser effect noe-correlated and conventional ...19902351671
a proton nuclear magnetic resonance and nuclear overhauser effect (noe) study of human plasma prealbumin, including the development and application to spectral assignment of a combined ring current shift and noe prediction program.human prealbumin, a homotetrameric protein with an mr of approximately 55,000 has been characterised by proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy. the ph dependences of the chemical shifts of the 4 histidine residues/subunit are unremarkable; variable temperature studies show that the protein tertiary and quaternary structure is stable to at least 80 degrees c. assignment of a number of residues was aided by the development of a computer program, parsnip (programme to analyse ring current shifts an ...19892536697
microscopic detection and identification of various substitute vegetable tissues in ground horseradish.turnip root, parsnip root, potato tuber, and corn kernels have been used as adulterants in the preparation of horseradish sauce and horseradish powder. the diagnostic histological features of horseradish root and its known adulterants are described and illustrated as viewed through a polarizing microscope with cross polars and a first order red plate. a procedure which can be used to detect any of the known adulterants in horseradish is described. the adaptation of a previously reported semiquan ...19892759993
microscopic detection of potato adulteration of prepared horseradish.the present method to detect parsnip or turnip adulteration in prepared horseradish uses light microscopy and a starch stain containing iodine in potassium iodide. this method does not work well for potato adulteration because potato and horseradish starch stain similarly. a method has been developed to differentiate potato from horseradish tissue by using a polarizing microscope with crossed polars and a first order red plate. potato starch grains show interference patterns. this method has bee ...19873610963
hemlock water dropwort poisoning.severe plant poisoning is relatively uncommon in adults. we report two adults who ingested hemlock water dropwort roots, having mistaken them for wild parsnip. one developed prolonged convulsions, severe metabolic acidosis and respiratory distress requiring mechanical ventilation. the toxin--oenanthotoxin--was detected in the gastric aspirate and measured by high performance liquid chromatography.19873671269
contact dermatitis to pastinaca sativa. 19863780212
[acute bullous dermatitis developing after contact with cow parsnip (heracleum)]. 19853911629
seizures and death on a white river float trip. report of water hemlock poisoning.white river rafting is becoming a major summer recreational activity throughout the united states. many people who are ill prepared physically or emotionally to survive will find themselves isolated and in extremely dangerous situations without access to medical help. in addition to the physical dangers of drowning, there are dangers that exist in the concept of "living off the land" and foraging for food. cicuta douglasii is found in all of our western states, is extremely toxic and can easily ...19854013278
[furocoumarin of pastinaca sativa l. a study on the question of xanthotoxin content of a plant of the temperate zone]. 19664175582
phytophotodermatitis (solar dermatitis from plants). gas plant and the wild parsnip. 19674226067
[bullous occupational dermatitis caused by the cow parsnip]. 19684244579
the amino acid sequences of cytochrome c from four plant sources.proposed amino acid sequences of cytochrome c from nasturtium (tropaeolum majus l.), box-elder (acer negundo l.), elder (sambucus nigra l.) and parsnip (pastinaca sativa l.) are presented. because of the very limited amounts of cytochrome available from some plant sources, peptides derived from the cytochromes c have been sequenced by the semi-quantitative dansyl-edman technique (gray & hartley, 1963) without supporting quantitative amino acid analyses. because of the qualitative nature of the w ...19744362498
[physiological compatibility of different forms of stem eelworms. 3. crossing of parsley, parsnip, onion and strawberry eelworms]. 19734777807
[morphological-anatomical characteristic of the fruits from pastinaca sativa l. and the localization of furocoumarins in them]. 19705510374
[formation place of furocoumarias from pastinaca sativa l. (on the furocoumarins. 10)]. 19675618641
[on dermatitis caused by the sweet parsnip plant]. 19655869102
[variations in the furocoumarin content of pastinaca sativa l. subspecies eusativa briq., during the vegetation period]. 19676044304
[active electrogenic transport h+ in plasma membrane vesicles of cow parsnip phloem cells].generation of electric (delta psi) and chemical (delta ph) components of electrochemical proton gradient delta muh+, in plasma membrane vesicles of heracleum sosnovskyi phloem cells was investigated. atp-dependent generation of delta psi at ph 6.0 in the presence of mg2+ and k+ was established with the help of fluorescent probes au+ and ans-. protonophore cccp and proton atpase inhibitor dccd suppressed generation, whereas oligomycin, the inhibitor of mitochondrial atpases did not affect it. mea ...19826461361
clustering of foodstuffs in food hypersensitivity. an inquiry study in pollen allergic patients.600 pollen allergic patients were questioned about hypersensitivity symptoms from various foodstuffs. the answers regarding one foodstuff were compared with those of other foodstuffs making 780 tables, from which the spearmen 's correlation coefficients were calculated. most of the combinations of foodstuffs showed statistically significant correlations. the highest value of the correlation coefficient was found for certain combinations: various nuts reciprocally as well as nuts combined with ap ...19846731203
natural toxicants in human foods: psoralens in raw and cooked parsnip root.parsnip root contains three photoactive, mutagenic, and photocarcinogenic psoralens in a total concentration of about 40 parts per million. these chemicals are not destroyed by normal cooking procedures (boiling or microwave); thus humans are exposed to appreciable levels of psoralens through the consumption of parsnip and possibly other psoralen-containing foodstuffs. the toxicologic consequences to man of such exposure may be speculated on the basis of medicinal and laboratory studies, but epi ...19817256284
variation of myristicin content in cultivated parsnip roots (pastinaca sativa ssp. sativa var. hortensis). 19817276395
metal dispersion and transportational activities using food crops as biomonitors.the multielement (al, ca, cd, ce, cr, cu, fe, mg, mn, ni, pb, si, and zn) levels of various common vegetables (bean, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, lettuce, marrow, onion, parsnip, spinach, sprouts, sweet corn, and tomato); fruits (grape and strawberry); herbs (garlic, lemon balm, marjoram, mint, rosemary and tarragon); local pasture species and surface soils collected from a commercial garden centre located within a distance of 30 m of the london orbital motorway (m25) is presented. comparativ ...19947517069
[contact allergic dermatitis caused by plants].in order to contribute to the setting of an accurate diagnosis and prophylaxis of phytodermatitis (pd) and to better understand eczematogenic characteristics of some plants, we present results of an allergologic analysis and review the plants which most commonly cause fd in our material. a total of 15 patients presenting with fd was examined. in all the cases we used a standard technique, patch test (pt); in cases supsective of contact urticaria syndrome (cus) we used open pt, while photo pt was ...19937997217
effect of addition of dried healthy or diseased parsnip root tissue to a modified ain-76a diet on cell proliferation and histopathology in the liver, oesophagus and forestomach of male swiss webster mice.umbelliferous crop plants, including the parsnip (pastinaca sativa l.), elaborate enhanced levels of furocoumarins, including psoralens, when subjected to biotic or abiotic stress. these furocoumarins are recognized to lead to phototoxicity. in this study, the effect of these agents, which are present in diseased parsnip root tissue, on the liver and two tissues on the route of entry to the body (the oesophagus and forestomach) were investigated. young male swiss webster mice were fed for approx ...19948157221
[plasma levels of psoralens after celery ingestion].psoralens are photosensitizing substances present in many vegetables, some of which are routinely consumed. these vegetables are responsible for contact phytophotodermatitis, but it was agreed that they did not produce photodermatitis when taken orally. ljunggren has recently questioned this concept by reporting a case of phototoxic accident which occurred after ingestion of 450 grams of celery roots (apium graveolens). in a study in healthy volunteers we looked for psoralens in blood and analyz ...19938161113
parsnip yellow fleck and rice tungro spherical viruses resemble picornaviruses and represent two genera in a proposed new plant picornavirus family (sequiviridae).parsnip yellow fleck and rice tungro spherical viruses, with monopartite ss rna genomes, resemble picornaviruses in the polymerase and ntp-binding domains of their encoded polyproteins. though in separate genera, they may comprise a new family.19938347082
phytophotodermatitis: a visit to margaritaville.phytophotodermatitis is a phototoxic eruption following contact with photosensitizing compounds and long-wave ultraviolet light. the most common phototoxic compounds are the furocoumarins contained in a wide variety of plants, especially of the umbelliferae, rutaceae, and moracea families. commonly occurring photosensitizing plants include citrus fruits such as limes and oranges and many vegetables, notably celery, parsnip, parsley, carrots, and dill.19938419109
sequence analysis of the parsnip yellow fleck virus polyprotein: evidence of affinities with picornaviruses.the 9.9 kb monopartite ssrna genome of parsnip yellow fleck virus (pyfv) encodes a polyprotein from which the functional proteins are assumed to arise by proteolytic cleavage. the 22.5k, 26k and 31k particle proteins were mapped in the polyprotein by determining their n-terminal amino acid sequences, and were found to begin at amino acid positions 395, 589 and 811, respectively. there could be polypeptide(s) of up to 43k on the n-terminal side of the particle protein sequences. a region within t ...19938468549
phototoxic reaction to parsnip and uv-a sunbed. 19989746201
chemical phenotype matching between a plant and its insect herbivore.two potential outcomes of a coevolutionary interaction are an escalating arms race and stable cycling. the general expectation has been that arms races predominate in cases of polygenic inheritance of resistance traits and permanent cycling predominates in cases in which resistance is controlled by major genes. in the interaction between depressaria pastinacella, the parsnip webworm, and pastinaca sativa, the wild parsnip, traits for plant resistance to insect herbivory (production of defensive ...19989811871
phytophotodermatitis associated with parsnip picking.phytophotodermatitis to certain plant groups is a well recognised entity. the combination of sunlight exposure and contact with plants of the umbelliferae family leads to the development of painful, erythematous, and bullous lesions and later to cutaneous hyperpigmentation. agricultural workers and many clinicians often fail to make this link when patients present with these lesions. an incident involving 11 patients is presented to high-light this problem.199910572825
heritability estimates for octyl acetate and octyl butyrate in the mature fruit of the wild parsnip.the aliphatic esters octyl acetate and octyl butyrate occur as major components of essential oils in the vittae, or oil tubes, of the wild parsnip (pastinaca sativa). we determined phenotypic variation and narrow-sense heritabilities of these octyl esters in wild parsnip fruits from 30 maternal families. the mean octyl acetate content was 1.56 microg/mg dry fruit (0.08-5.51 microg/mg dry fruit) and the mean octyl butyrate content was 4.28 microg/mg dry fruit (1.28-14.22 microg/ mg dry fruit). na ...200010739131
molecular and microscopical detection of aster yellows phytoplasma associated with infected parsnip.typical phytoplasma yellows symptoms were observed in parsnip (pastinaca sativa l.) plants grown around edmonton, alberta, canada. examination of ultrathin sections of leaf midribs by electron microscopy revealed numerous phytoplasma bodies localized in the phloem cells. dna extracted from the infected leaves was amplified with a 16s rdna universal primer pair p1/p6 giving the expected pcr product of 1.5 kb. the phytoplasma was confirmed as a member of the aster yellows (ay) group by amplificati ...200010830901
furanocoumarins in pastinaca sativa l. in vitro culture.callus cultures of pastinaca sativa l. (parsnip), apiaceae, were cultivated on variants of linsmaier-skoog's medium, containing varying quantities (0.1-10.0 mg/l) of phytohormones: naa-bap and iba-bap which allowed to obtain 1.5-3-fold fresh biomass growth during 6-week subcultures. hplc analyses showed that tissues cultured in vitro produced psoralen, bergapten, xanthotoxin, isopimpinellin and umbelliferone which are well known metabolites in plants growing under natural conditions. total conte ...200010989843
furanocoumarins in celery and parsnips: method and multiyear canadian survey.the natural occurrence of biologically active furanocoumarins in common vegetables is an area of increasing interest with respect to human health. in this study, an efficient, rugged, and sensitive liquid chromatographic method with ultraviolet photodiode array detection was developed for the estimation of 5 biologically active furanocoumarins (psoralen, bergapten, xanthotoxin, trioxsalen, and angelicin) in celery and parsnips. when authentic samples were spiked with a mixture of furanocoumarins ...200111501915
a study of common interferences with the forensic luminol test for blood.a wide range of domestic and industrial substances that might be mistaken for haemoglobin in the forensic luminol test for blood were examined. the substances studied were in the categories of vegetable or fruit pulps and juices; domestic and commercial oils; cleaning agents; an insecticide; and various glues, paints and varnishes. a significant number of substances in each category gave luminescence intensities that were comparable with the intensities of undiluted haemoglobin, when sprayed wit ...200111512147
impact of folivory on photosynthesis is greater than the sum of its holes.the effects of herbivores on plant production and fitness may not relate directly to the quantity of biomass removed because folivory may alter photosynthetic rates at a considerable distance from the damaged tissue [welter, s. c. (1989) in insect-plant interactions, ed. bernays, e. a. (crc, boca raton), pp. 135-151.]. an impediment to understanding the effects of leaf damage on photosynthesis has been an inability to map photosynthetic function within a single leaf. we developed an instrument f ...200211792866
effects of storage conditions on furocoumarin levels in intact, chopped, or homogenized parsnips.furocoumarins represent a family of natural food constituents with phototoxic and photomutagenic properties. they are found mainly in plants belonging to the rutaceae and umbilliferae such as celery, carrots, and parsnips. parsnips (pastinaca sativa l.) have become more and more popular as a vegetable, e.g., as a constituent of or ingredient in baby food. previous work has shown that microbial infection of parsnip roots can result in a dramatic increase in furocoumarin levels. in this study, fre ...200211958623
dietary and developmental influences on induced detoxification in an oligophage.many plant secondary compounds induce detoxification activity in herbivorous insects. although inducibility may be advantageous as a means of reducing costs associated with maintenance of metabolism, another benefit of inducibility is that it may allow insects to tailor their detoxification profiles to multiple substrate toxins in their diets. the parsnip webworm, depressaria pastinacella, must contend with many types of furanocoumarins, toxins present in abundance in all of its host plants. pre ...200212199500
effects of furanocoumarins on feeding behavior of parsnip webworms depressaria pastinacella.the parsnip webworm, depressaria pastinacella, exhibits limited physiological resistance to furanocoumarin toxins in its principal host, the wild parsnip, pastinaca sativa. these insects are typically found attacking individual plants low in furanocoumarins, relative to others within populations. they also feed preferentially on parthenocarpic fruits, which are lower in furanocoumarin content than are normal fruits. however, in a previous study with artificial diets, they did not appear to discr ...200212199501
behavioral responses of the parsnip webworm to host plant volatiles.sixth instars of the parsnip webworm, depressaria pastinacella, orient by olfaction to bud, male flowers, and female flowers of their primary host plant, pastinaca sativa. because octyl acetate and octyl butyrate are characteristic of tissues consumed by the sixth instar, we investigated the influence of these esters on webworm feeding behavior and chemo-orientation. although octyl acetate and octyl butyrate are feeding deterrents, and octyl butyrate is an olfactory repellent, octyl acetate serv ...200212523562
characterization of furanocoumarin metabolites in parsnip webworm, depressaria pastinacella.although metabolites of furanocoumarins have been characterized in a wide range of organisms, to date they have been identified in only a single insect species, papilio polyxenes. depressaria pastinacella, the parsnip webworm, like p. polyxenes a specialist on apiaceae, routinely consumes plant tissues higher in furanocoumarin content than does p. polyxenes and is capable of faster cytochrome p-450-mediated detoxification of these compounds. in this study, we characterized metabolites of xanthot ...200312757327
phenotype matching in wild parsnip and parsnip webworms: causes and consequences.according to the geographic mosaic theory of coevolution, selection intensity in interactions varies across a landscape, forming a selection mosaic; interaction traits match at coevolutionary hotspots where selection is reciprocal and mismatch at coldspots where reciprocity is not a factor. chemical traits play an important role in the interaction between wild parsnip (pastinaca sativa) and the parsnip webworm (depressaria pastinacella). furanocoumarins, produced as plant defenses, are detoxifie ...200312778550
parsnip dematitis in the tropics under active service conditions. 195213018055
parsnip canker. 195313054632
a note on the isolation of bergapten and imperatorin from the fruits of pastinaca sativa l. 195613319154
a pharmacognostical study of the fruit of pastinaca sativa l. cultivated in egypt. 195613368066
[study and report of a case of phytodermatosis caused by pastinaca sativa]. 195713425874
[on the clinical aspects and prevention of dermatitis caused by cow parsnip]. 196213929727
[isolation of sphondin from the roots of the cow parsnip heracleum dissectum ldb. ii]. 196214034501
[vesicular dermatitis caused by cow parsnip]. 196014409810
[coumarins and taxonomy of cow parsnip]. 196114458118
[furocoumarins in some types of pastinaca sativa]. 196214468755
influence of the extraction mode on the yield of some furanocoumarins from pastinaca sativa fruits.analysis of plant material is an important task in chemotaxonomical investigations, in search of plants with pharmacological activity or in standardisation of plant drugs. the choice of optimal conditions for the analysis of plant material and effect of extraction method on the yield of furanocoumarins from pastinaca sativa fruits were examined. the following extraction methods were used in experiments: exhaustive extraction in soxhlet apparatus, ultrasonification (usae) at 25 and 60 degrees c, ...200414698253
the furanocoumarins in the roots of heracleum sibiricum l.from roots of heracleum sibiricum l (cow parsnip) collected natural state, a raw crystalline furanocoumarin precipitate was obtained containing four compounds: bergapten, isopimpinellin, pimpinellin, sphondin. the isolated compounds were identified with h1nmr.200315005423
microwave-facilitated extraction of furanocoumarins onto paper substrates: an imaging technique to analyse spatial distribution and abundance in impediment to studying the implications of fine-scale variation in the distribution of secondary compounds within plants has been an inability to map their distribution. conventional approaches require fine-scale dissections, followed by extraction and analysis, a strategy which is often limited by the large number of extractions required and by the difficulty in quantifying compounds in very small samples. a method has been developed which allows the microwave-facilitated transfer of furanoc ...200415311847
characterization and evolution of furanocoumarin-inducible cytochrome p450s in the parsnip webworm, depressaria pastinacella.depressaria pastinacella, the parsnip webworm, a specialist on two genera in the apiaceae, routinely consumes plant tissues high in furanocoumarin content and is capable of rapid cytochrome p450-mediated detoxification of these compounds. in this study, four cdnas were cloned from the larval midgut of this insect: two full-length cyp6ab3 and cyp6ae1 cdnas are closely related to members of the furanocoumarin-metabolizing cyp6b subfamily and two partial cyp9a6 and cyp9a7 cdnas are related to membe ...200415606809
genetic variation in primary metabolites of pastinaca sativa; can herbivores act as selective agents?although insect herbivory has been shown to act as a selective agent on plant secondary metabolism, whether primary metabolites contribute to resistance and can respond to selection by herbivores remains untested. in the wild parsnip (pastinaca sativa), its principal herbivore, depressaria pastinacella, acts as a selective agent on furanocoumarin resistance factors. in this study, we determined whether webworms can, by causing differential reductions in fitness, act as selective agents on parsni ...200415609832
polyacetylenes from the apiaceae vegetables carrot, celery, fennel, parsley, and parsnip and their cytotoxic activities.a dichloromethane extract of root celery yielded falcarinol, falcarindiol, panaxydiol, and the new polyacetylene 8-o-methylfalcarindiol. the structure of the new compound was established by one- and two-dimensional (1d and 2d) nmr, mass spectrometry, and optical rotation data. nonpolar extracts of roots and bulbs of carrots, celery, fennel, parsley, and parsnip were investigated for their content of polyacetylenes by high-performance liquid chromatography with diode array detection (hplc-dad). a ...200515796588
a vesiculo-bullous disease in pigs resembling foot and mouth disease. i. field cases.eleven incidents of bullae and vesicles on the snouts and less frequently the feet of white-skinned pigs on seven farms are described. bullous and vesicular lesions up to 5 cm in diameter and containing clotted gelatinous fluid were located on the dorsal aspect of the snout, behind the flange. lesions ruptured, became ulcerated, developed scabs and healed within three weeks. there was no transmission to other pigs or ruminants. the condition was associated with contact with green vegetable mater ...198716031362
a vesiculo-bullous disease in pigs resembling foot and mouth disease. ii. experimental reproduction of the lesion.vesiculo-bullous dermatitis of pigs characterised by presence of vesicles and bullae on the snout and feet of white skinned pigs was reproduced experimentally. leaves of parsnips (pastinaca sativa), or celery (apium graveolens) infected with the fungus sclerotinia sclerotiorum were fed or rubbed on the snouts and feet of white skinned pigs. pigs were then exposed to sunlight or to uv light of intensity approximately 212 m w/m2 at a wavelength 340-360 nm for eight hours per day until vesicles dev ...198716031363
increase in toxicity of an invasive weed after reassociation with its coevolved herbivore.the ability of weeds to proliferate into nonindigenous habitats has been attributed to escape from their native natural enemies, allowing reallocation of resources from chemical defense into growth and reproduction. many invasive weeds, however, eventually encounter their native, coevolved enemies in areas of introduction. examination of herbarium specimens of an invasive phototoxic european weed, pastinaca sativa, through 152 years reveals phytochemical shifts coincident in time with the accide ...200516230607
lutein sequestration and furanocoumarin metabolism in parsnip webworms under different ultraviolet light regimes in the montane west.both biotic and abiotic selection pressures can contribute to geographic variation in allelochemical production in plants. we examined furanocoumarin production in western north american populations of heracleum lanatum and pastinaca sativa that, at different latitudes and altitudes, experience different ultraviolet (uv) light regimes. total furanocoumarins and linear furanocoumarins of fruits were negatively correlated with uv irradiance, whereas amounts of angular furanocoumarins, which are ge ...200616555136
remarkable substrate-specificity of cyp6ab3 in depressaria pastinacella, a highly specialized caterpillar.the parsnip webworm, depressaria pastinacella, a specialist on two genera in apiaceae, feeds exclusively on the furanocoumarin-containing reproductive structures of its host plants. this caterpillar relies principally on cytochrome p450-mediated detoxification for coping with the high concentrations of furanocoumarins in its diet. a cdna encoding the furanocoumarin-inducible p450 cyp6ab3 from this species was coexpressed with house-fly nadph p450 reductase in baculovirus-infected sf9 cells and t ...200616640727
effects of petroleum oils on the carbon dioxide output in respiration of parsnip and mustard. 195616654835
effects of petroleum oils on the oxygen uptake in respiration of parsnip and mustard. 195916655198
increased disease resistance and enzyme activity induced by ethylene and ethylene production of black rot infected sweet potato tissue.exposure of root tissue from a susceptible variety of sweet potato to low concentrations of ethylene induced a resistance to infection by ceratocystis fimbriata and an increase in the activity of peroxidase and polyphenoloxidase in the tissue. susceptible tissue that was inoculated with a pathogenic strain of c. fimbriata or a nonpathogenic strain that can induce resistance liberated more ethylene into closed chambers than tissue inoculated with strains that did not induce resistance. it is sugg ...196616656431
in vitro phytochrome dark reversion process.thermal reversion of the far-red absorbing form of phytochrome to the red absorbing form in darkness has been investigated in crude and partially purified isolates from a number of etiolated and light grown higher plants. the influence of temperature, aging and urea on the rate of reversion was also determined.phytochrome isolated from all higher plants underwent reversion. the reversion proceeded in at least 2 distinct stages; a short rapid initial phase being followed a slow phase which contin ...196816656838
determination of structure and composition of suberin from the roots of carrot, parsnip, rutabaga, turnip, red beet, and sweet potato by combined gas-liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry.suberin from the roots of carrots (daucus carota), parsnip (pastinaca sativa), rutabaga (brassica napobrassica), turnip (brassica rapa), red beet (beta vulgaris), and sweet potato (ipomoea batatas) was isolated by a combination of chemical and enzymatic techniques. finely powdered suberin was depolymerized with 14% bf(3) in methanol, and soluble monomers (20-50% of suberin) were fractionated into phenolic (<10%) and aliphatic (13-35%) fractions. the aliphatic fractions consisted mainly of omega- ...197516659124
potentiating effect of pure oxygen on the enhancement of respiration by ethylene in plant storage organs: a comparative study.a number of fruits and bulky storage organs were studied with respect to the effect of pure o(2) on the extent and time-course of the respiratory rise induced by ethylene. in one group, of which potato (solanum tuberosum var. russet) and carrot (daucus carota) are examples, the response to ethylene in o(2) is much greater than in air. in a second group, of which avocado (persea americana mill. var. hass) and banana (musa cavendishii lambert var. valery) are examples, air and o(2) are equally eff ...198216662339
can dietary furanocoumarin ingestion enhance the erythemal response during high-dose uva1 therapy?as phototoxic skin reactions caused by psoralen are induced by wavelengths within the uva1 spectrum, we assessed the potential of the small amount of psoralen in a normal diet to provoke phototoxicity in volunteers with skin types i and ii. threshold erythema was unaffected by ingestion of a 200-g portion of parsnip.200717097373
allelic variation in the depressaria pastinacella cyp6ab3 protein enhances metabolism of plant allelochemicals by altering a proximal surface residue and potential interactions with cytochrome p450 reductase.cyp6ab3v1, a cytochrome p450 monooxygenase in depressaria pastinacella (parsnip webworm), is highly specialized for metabolizing imperatorin, a toxic furanocoumarin in the apiaceous host plants of this insect. cloning and heterologous expression of cyp6ab3v2, an allelic variant identified in d. pastinacella, reveals that it metabolizes imperatorin at a rate (v(max) of 10.02 pmol/min/pmol of cytochrome p450 monooxygenase (p450)) significantly higher than cyp6ab3v1 (v(max) of 2.41 pmol/min/pmol) w ...200717244619
parsnip webworms and host plants at home and abroad: trophic complexity in a geographic mosaic.due to differences in the structure of communities in which interactions are embedded, the intensity of interactions between species may vary with location; thus, what results from differences in outcomes and in degree of specialization is a geographic mosaic, which provides the raw material for divergent coevolutionary trajectories. where selection intensity is great, reciprocal responses are likely in so-called "hotspots"; in contrast, where selection pressures are relaxed, reciprocal response ...200617249232
a mystery. cow parsnip phytophotodermatitis. 200717590061
heracleum mantegazzianum and toxicodendron succedaneum: plants of human health significance in new zealand and the national pest plant zealand's national pest plant accord (nppa) is a voluntary and cooperative agreement between industry, regional councils, and central government departments with biosecurity responsibilities (primarily the ministry of agriculture and forestry and the department of conservation). plant species included in the nppa are declared unwanted organisms under the biosecurity act 1993, which prevents their sale, propagation, or distribution across the country. although maf biosecurity new zealand (the ...200717721567
defensive secretion of a caterpillar (papilio).the eversible cervical gland (osmeterium) of the caterpillar of the swallowtail butterfly, papilio machaon, produces a secretion containing isobutyric and 2-methylbutyric acid. the gland is effective in defense against ants. even when caterpillars were fed on one of three unbelliferous plants (fennel, carrot, parsnip) the secretion contained the same two acids.196517768875
improvement in frost resistance of parsnip tops sprayed with chemical growth substances. 195317793913
chemical and principal-component analyses of the essential oils of apioideae taxa (apiaceae) from central balkan.the volatile constituents of the essential oils of 23 taxa belonging to the apioideae subfamily were studied in detail. the investigated taxa were pimpinella serbica (vis.) bentham & hooker, libanotis montana cr., cnidium silaifolium (jacq.) simk. ssp. orientale (boiss.) tutin, bupleurum praealtum l., b. sibthorpianum s. s. var. diversifolium (roch.) hay, aegopodium podagraria l., torilis anthriscus (l.) gmel., orlaya grandiflora (l.) hoffm., laserpitium siler l., laser trilobum (l.) brokh., cha ...200818205131
selection for chemical trait remixing in an invasive weed after reassociation with a coevolved specialist.the interaction between depressaria pastinacella (parsnip webworm) and wild parsnip (pastinaca sativa), in its native europe and in its longstanding nonindigenous range in the midwestern united states, is characterized by chemical phenotype matching, ostensibly mediated by reciprocal selective responses. the first appearance of d. pastinacella on p. sativa in new zealand in 2004 provided an opportunity to quantify selective impacts of a coevolved herbivore and calibrate rates of phytochemical re ...200818238901
metabolism of myristicin by depressaria pastinacella cyp6ab3v2 and inhibition by its metabolite.although methylenedioxyphenyl (mdp) compounds, such as myristicin, are useful in the management of insecticide-resistant insects, the molecular mechanisms for their action in mammals and insects have not been elucidated. in this study, gc-ms analyses of methanol extracts of foliage of wild parsnip (pastinaca sativa) have identified myristicin as a substrate for cyp6ab3v2, an imperatorin-metabolizing cytochrome p450 monooxygenase from depressaria pastinacella (parsnip webworm). in contrast with i ...200818510976
tritrophic effects of xanthotoxin on the polyembryonic parasitoid copidosoma sosares (hymenoptera: encyrtidae).plant chemistry can have deleterious effects on insect parasitoids, which include the reduction in body size, increased development time, and increased mortality. we examined the effects of xanthotoxin, a linear furanocoumarin, on the polyembryonic encyrtid wasp copidosoma sosares, a specialist parasitoid that attacks the parsnip webworm, depressaria pastinacella, itself a specialist on furanocoumarin-producing plants. furanocoumarins, allelochemicals abundant in the apiaceae and rutaceae, are t ...200818523826
apoptotic activities of ethanol extracts from some apiaceae on human leukaemia cell lines.apiaceae are a family of medicinal plants widely used in traditional medicine. the apoptotic activities of seven ethanol extracts from fruits of seven species of apiaceae, eryngium planum, archangelica officinalis, pastinaca sativa, heracleum sibiricum, carum carvi, foeniculum vulgare, levisticum officinale against ml-1--human acute myeloblastic leukaemia, j-45.01--human acute t cell leukaemia, eol--human eosinophilic leukaemia, hl-60--human caucasian promyelocytic leukaemia, 1301--human t cell ...200818672039
cost of chemically defending seeds: furanocoumarins and pastinaca sativa. 199718811288
complete nucleotide sequence of an isolate of the anthriscus strain of parsnip yellow fleck virus. 200818982244
isolation and functional characterization of cyp71aj4 encoding for the first p450 monooxygenase of angular furanocoumarin biosynthesis.the biosynthesis of linear and angular furanocoumarins is still poorly understood at the molecular level, with only psoralen synthase (cyp71aj1) identified from ammi majus. using cdna probes inferred from cyp71aj1, three orthologs were isolated from apium graveolens (cyp71aj2) and pastinaca sativa (cyp71aj3 and -4) and functionally expressed in yeast cells. cyp71aj2 and cyp71aj3 displayed psoralen synthase activity, whereas cyp71aj4 only catalyzed the conversion of (+)-columbianetin to angelicin ...200919098286
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