
effects of radiation from 14co2 absorbed by pinus strobus l. seedlings during photosynthesis on their subsequent growth and metabolism. 19685672870
electrophoretic analysis of coniferyl alcohol oxidase and related laccases.gradient gel electrophoretic methods enabled a distinction to be made between coniferyl alcohol oxidase (cao) of lignifying cell walls and a pi approximately 9 pine "laccase" recently implicated in lignification (science 1993 260, 672). following treatment of a partially purified protein mixture from developing xylem of pinus strobus with 2-[n-morpholine]ethanesulfonic acid (mes) buffer, isoelectric focusing and sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis indicated that cao had be ...19947859710
phytoalexins from pinus strobus bark infected with pinewood nematode, bursaphelenchus xylophilus.from the bark of pinus strobus infected with pinewood nematode, bursaphelenchus xylophilus, a stilbenoid 3-o-methyldihydropinosylvin and a flavanone (2s)-pinocembrin were isolated as active principles of inducibly produced antifungal compounds. the structures of the compounds were determined on the basis of spectroscopic analyses. close investigations of spectroscopic analyses led to the complete assignment of 13c nmr and 1h nmr chemical shifts for the former compound and to the determination of ...200111382237
effect of an aqueous extract of black walnut (juglans nigra) on isolated equine digital aqueous extract was made from black walnut (juglans nigra) heartwood obtained in the fall of the year. ten hours after nasogastric administration of 5 l of the extract, a 550-kg, 13-yr-old quarter horse gelding experienced obel grade-3 laminitis. the effect of aqueous extract of black walnut on vascular contractility was then tested, using isolated equine digital arteries and veins. the vessels were maintained in krebs bicarbonate buffer with 95% oxygen at 37 c. the extract did not induce a d ...19902301825
dose and enantiospecific responses of white pine cone beetles, conophthorus coniperda, to alpha-pinene in an eastern white pine seed orchard.the white pine cone beetle, conophthorus coniperda, exhibited dose and enantiospecific responses to alpha-pinene in stands of mature eastern white pine, pinus strobus, in a seed orchard near murphy, north carolina, usa. (-)-alpha-pinene significantly increased catches of cone beetles to traps baited with (+/-)-trans-pityol. (+)-alpha-pinene did not increase catches of beetles to pityol-baited traps and interrupted the response of beetles to traps baited with (+/-)-trans-pityol and (-)-alpha-pine ...200312737268
a hemagglutinating substance in chitin.chitin from crustacean shells has often been used to isolate and purify plant lectins that have an affinity for poly-n-acetylglucosamine (poly-glcnac). when we used washed chitin from crab shells as an affinity medium to isolate a lectin from pinus strobus l. (eastern white pine) ovules, we found that a substance having a strong capacity to agglutinate red blood cells was eluted from the chitin during a weak acid desorption step. the chitin agglutinin is a complex structure containing protein an ...19921616710
the structure of cryptostrobin and strobopinin; the flavanones from the heartwood of pinus strobus. 195713465274
nadph: protochlorophyllide oxidoreductases in white pine (pinus strobus) and loblolly pine (p. taeda). evidence for light and developmental regulation of expression and conservation in gene organization and protein structure between angiosperms and gymnosperms.nadph: protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase (pchlide reductase, ec catalyzes the light-dependent reduction of protochlorophyllide in higher plants. cloned cdnas encoding two distinct pchlide reductases were isolated from a lambda gt11 library constructed from poly(a)+ rna prepared from the cotyledons of dark-grown white pine (pinus strobus) seedlings and a nuclear gene (lpcr) analogous to one of these cdnas has been characterized from loblolly pine (p. taeda). the pine gene encodes an ap ...19921494355
fine root respiration in mature eastern white pine (pinus strobus) in situ: the importance of co(2) in controlled environments.we measured seasonal fine root respiration rate in situ while controlling chamber temperature and [co(2)]. atmospheric [co(2)] ([co(2)](a)) and measured soil [co(2)] ([co(2)](s)) were alternately delivered to a cuvette containing intact fine roots of eastern white pine (pinus strobus l.). respiration rates were consistently higher in [co(2)](a) than in [co(2)](s) and were almost three times higher during midsummer. respiration rates were immediately reversed after returning to the alternate [co( ...199912651554
green fluorescent protein as a tool for monitoring transgene expression in forest tree species.the gene coding for green fluorescent protein (gfp) from the jellyfish aequorea victoria was successfully used as a vital marker for the transformation of three woody plant species, black spruce (picea mariana (mill.) bsp), white pine (pinus strobus l.) and poplar (populus spp.). the gfp gene and the gene conferring resistance to kanamycin (nptii) were introduced by microprojectile bombardment or agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated technology. screening by fluorescence microscopy of the transform ...199912651545
european larch and eastern white pine respond similarly during three years of partial test whether trees with different leaf life spans respond differently to defoliation, eastern white pine (pinus strobus l.) and european larch (larix decidua mill.) trees (9 years old in 1991) were partially defoliated by hand between july 1 and 10 in 1989, 1990 and 1991. at the end of 1991, trees of both species had received either 0, 1, 2 or 3 years of defoliation. trees that received only 1 year of defoliation were defoliated in 1989. variables measured included photosynthesis, twig water ...200012651466
does canopy position affect wood specific gravity in temperate forest trees?the radial increases in wood specific gravity known in many tree species have been interpreted as providing mechanical support in response to the stresses associated with wind loading. this interpretation leads to the hypothesis that individuals reaching the canopy should (1) be more likely to have radial increases in specific gravity and (2) exhibit greater increases than individuals in the subcanopy. wood specific gravity was determined for three species of forest trees (acer rubrum, fagus gra ...200312646497
somatic stability of microsatellite loci in eastern white pine, pinus strobus l.variation at nuclear- and chloroplast-encoded microsatellite loci was studied among and within clonally propagated individuals of eastern white pine. total dna was extracted and assayed from gamete-bearing tissue (megagametophytes) located on six different branch positions on each of 12 individual genets. no within-individual variation was observed among 12 loci studied. estimates of numbers of mitotic cell divisions required to produce the tissue used as the source of genomic dna were obtained ...200312634808
uptake of 207pb and 111cd through bark of mature sugar maple, white ash and white pine: a field experiment.a field study was undertaken to determine whether 207pb and 111cd, applied to the exterior bark of sugar maple (acer saccharum marsh.), white ash (fraxinus americana l.) and white pine (pinus strobus l.), could enter xylem tissue. stable isotope tracers (3 microg pb ml(-1); 2 microg cd ml(-1)) were applied separately to bark in simulated rainfall, acidified to ph 4.5, in multiple doses over a 4 month (july-october) period. tree cores were extracted from the region of application in the following ...200312475059
winter water relations of new england conifers and factors influencing their upper elevational limits. ii. modeling.we used the water relations model, winwat, to model winter water relations of three conifer species-eastern hemlock (tsuga canadensis (l.) carr.), eastern white pine (pinus strobus l.) and red pine (p. resinosa ait.)-growing at their upper elevational limits on mt. ascutney, vermont, usa, in the winters of 1997 and 1999. modeled relative water contents remained above 60% in the two youngest foliar age classes of all three species during both winters, indicating that desiccation stress in winter ...200212184984
winter water relations of new england conifers and factors influencing their upper elevational limits. i. measurements.the upper elevational limits of tree species are thought to be controlled by abiotic factors such as temperature and the soil and atmospheric conditions affecting plant water status. we measured relative water contents (rwc), water potentials (psi) and cuticular conductances (g(c)) of shoots of four conifer species-eastern hemlock (tsuga canadensis (l.) carr.), eastern white pine (pinus strobus l.), red pine (p. resinosa ait.) and red spruce (picea rubens sarg.)-during two winters on mt. ascutne ...200212184983
x-ray microanalytical studies of mineral localization in the needles of white pine (pinus strobus l.).eastern white pine (pinus strobus l.) shoots from mature trees were collected from two sites of contrasting soil ph: the glendon campus of york university in toronto, ontario (ph 6.7 at 40 cm); and muskoka near huntsville, ontario (ph 4.2 at 40 cm). needles of ages 1-3 years were removed from the shoots, and the percentage of ash and silica was determined for all ages. other needles were frozen in liquid nitrogen and kept in a cryo-biological storage system before x-ray microanalysis. percentage ...200212096796
identification and characterization of rapd markers inferring genetic relationships among pine genomic dnas were extracted from several populations of pine species and amplified using oligonucleotides of random sequences. polymorphism in random amplified polymorphic dna (rapd) markers was high and sufficient in distinguishing each of the species. genetic relationships among eight pine species (pinus sylvestris, pinus strobus, pinus rigida, pinus resinosa, pinus nigra, pinus contorta, pinus monticola, and pinus banksiana) from different provenances were analyzed. the degree of band s ...200211908668
spatial and population genetic structure of microsatellites in white pine.we evaluated the population genetic structure of seven microsatellite loci for old growth and second growth populations of eastern white pine (pinus strobus). from each population, located within hartwick pines state park, grayling, michigan, usa, 120-122 contiguous trees were sampled for genetic analysis. within each population, genetic diversity was high and inbreeding low. when comparing these populations, there is a significant, but small (less than 1%), genetic divergence between population ...200415487991
inducible expression of the heterologous pal2 promoter from bean in white pine (pinus strobus) transgenic elucidate heterologous promoter function in gymnosperms, we introduced the bean phenylalanine ammonia-lyase-beta-glucuronidase (pal2-gus) gene fusion into white pine (pinus strobus l.). over 15 lines were produced and integration of agrobacterium t-dna was confirmed by southern analysis. induction of the reporter gene was detected in all of the lines tested following uv illumination. in contrast, a weak but constant induction was seen in only a few lines following treatment with salicylic aci ...200111446995
coniferyl alcohol metabolism in conifers -- ii. coniferyl alcohol and dihydroconiferyl alcohol biosynthesis.coniferaldehyde and nadph when incubated with microsomes isolated from developing xylem of pinus strobus yielded coniferyl alcohol and dihydroconiferyl alcohol in vitro. d-(+)-pinitol was also found to be a microsomal constituent. endogenous e-coniferyl alcohol content, quantified in dormant buds, cambium, bark and needles of pinus resinosa and p. strobus by isotope-dilution combined gas chromatography mass spectrometry (gc/ms) using ring-(13)c(6)-coniferyl alcohol, was at a level similar to tha ...200111430982
coniferyl alcohol metabolism in conifers -- i. glucosidic turnover of cinnamyl aldehydes by udpg: coniferyl alcohol glucosyltransferase from pine cambium.udpg: coniferyl alcohol glucosyltransferase (cagt; ec isolated from cambial tissues of pinus strobus was able to convert cinnamyl aldehydes as well as dihydroconiferyl alcohol into their corresponding 4-o-beta-d-glucosides in vitro. cinnamyl aldehydes were glucosylated with comparable efficiency to coniferyl alcohol, the physiological substrate for cagt. seasonal patterns of cagt activity for aldehydes were similar to those of coniferyl alcohol. formation of cinnamyl aldehyde and addi ...200111430981
spatial genetic structure of allozyme polymorphisms within populations of pinus strobus (pinaceae).the population structure of genetic variation for four allozyme loci was investigated for two populations (one old growth, og, and the other logged, ss) of eastern white pine (pinus strobus). both seedlings and reproductive adults were studied for both study populations. spatial autocorrelation statistics were used to examine the distribution of allozyme polymorphisms. the spatial genetic structure in adults of population og indicated that individual genotypes were distributed in a structured, i ...200111410463
ammonium and nitrate acquisition by plants in response to elevated co2 concentration: the roles of root physiology and architecture.we examined changes in root system architecture and physiology and whole-plant patterns of nitrate reductase (nr) activity in response to atmospheric co2 enrichment and n source to determine how changes in the form of n supplied to plants interact with rising co2 concentration ([co2]). seedlings of betula alleghaniensis britt. and pinus strobus l., which differ in growth rate, root architecture, and the partitioning of nr activity between leaves (betula) and roots (pinus), were grown in ambient ...200111303644
supercritical fluid extraction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from white pine (pinus strobus) needles and its implications.a supercritical fluid extraction (sfe) method was developed for the extraction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (pahs) from fresh and fallen pine needles. toluene-modified co2 was used as the extracting fluid, and the extracted pahs were analyzed by gc-ms. using a two-stage extraction procedure, a static extraction at 180 degrees c and a dynamic extraction at 60 degrees c, and an in-cell silica gel plug plus a post-oven silica gel column, the extraction and fractionation of pahs can be accomp ...200011296754
retroelements contribute to the excess low-copy-number dna in pine.excess dna in the single-copy component is rarely recognized as a contributor to the c-value paradox yet the single-copy component of the pine genome is reported to comprise over 3000 mb of dna, in large excess over the estimated 100 mb required for gene expression. two hypotheses regarding the factors that might contribute to the excess low-copy-number dna were tested. the first hypothesis proposes that the excess low-copy kinetic component is actually overestimated by reassociation data analys ...200011016832
microsatellite dna analysis of genetic effects of harvesting in old-growth eastern white pine (pinus strobus) in ontario, canada.microsatellite dna markers from 13 simple sequence repeat (ssr) loci were used to compare genetic diversity between preharvest pristine and postharvest residual gene pools of two adjacent virgin, old-growth ( approximately 250 years) stands of eastern white pine (pinus strobus l.) in ontario. there was concurrence in genetic diversity changes in the postharvest gene pools of the two stands. the total and mean numbers of alleles detected in each stand were reduced by approximately 26% after tree ...200010736031
rapid expansion of microsatellite sequences in pines.microsatellite persistence time and evolutionary change was studied among five species of pines, which included a pair of closely related species (pinus sylvestris and pinus resinosa) in the subgenus pinus, their relative pinus radiata, and another closely related species pair (pinus strobus and pinus lambertiana) in the subgenus strobus. the effective population sizes of these species are known to have ranged from the very small bottlenecks of p. resinosa to vast populations of p. sylvestris. t ...200010677848
gametophytic plasticity among four species of ferns with contrasting ecological distributions.the goals of this study were to test the hypothesis that plasticity of life history traits is greater among species with broad ecological distributions than among species with narrow ecological distributions and to determine whether homosporous filicalean fern gametophytes exhibit adaptively meaningful responses to soil substrates. sporophyte populations of asplenium platyneuron and polystichum acrostichoides have broader ecological distributions and were therefore expected to exhibit a greater ...199910506469
survey of microsatellite dna in pine.a large insert genomic library from eastern white pine (pinus strobus) was probed for the microsatellite motifs (ac)n and (ag)n, all 10 trinucleotide motifs, and 22 of the 33 possible tetranucleotide motifs. for comparison with a species from a different subgenus, a loblolly pine (pinus taeda) genomic library was also probed with the same set of di- and tri-nucleotide repeats and 11 of the tetranucleotide repeats. the four most abundant microsatellite motifs in both species were (ac)n, (ag)n, (a ...19979061909
molecular and enzymatic characterization of two stilbene synthases from eastern white pine (pinus strobus). a single arg/his difference determines the activity and the ph dependence of the enzymes.pinus strobus (eastern white pine) contains stilbenes biosynthetically derived from cinnamoyl-coa (pinosylvin) or dihydrocinnamoyl-coa (dihydropinosylvin). we screened a p. strobus cdna library with a stilbene synthase (sts) probe from pinus sylvestris. the eight isolated cdnas represented two closely related sts genes with five amino acid differences in the proteins. the enzyme properties were investigated after heterologous expression in escherichia coli. both proteins preferred cinnamoyl-coa ...19957698342
genetic transformation of conifers and its application in forest biotechnology.genetic modification of conifers through gene transfer technology is now an important field in forest biotechnology. two basic methodologies, particle bombardment and agrobacterium-mediated transformation, have been used on conifers. the use of particle bombardment has produced stable transgenic plants in picea abies, p. glauca, p. mariana, and pinus radiata. transgenic plants have been produced from larix decidua, picea abies, p. glauca, p. mariana, pinus strobus, p. taeda, and p. radiata via a ...200312827443
mechanics of the compression wood response: ii. on the location, action, and distribution of compression wood formation.a new method for simulation of cross-sectional growth provided detailed information on the location of normal wood and compression wood increments in two tilted white pine (pinus strobus l.) leaders. these data were combined with data on stiffness, slope, and curvature changes over a 16-week period to make the mechanical analysis. the location of compression wood changed from the under side to a flank side and then to the upper side of the leader as the geotropic stimulus decreased, owing to com ...197316658408
a simple, battery-operated, temperature-controlled cuvette for respiration measurements.we designed a simple, portable, battery-operated, temperature-controlled cuvette to measure respiration of small samples of plant tissue in the field. the cuvette is built around a peltier cell and is controlled with a data logger. the cuvette maintained sample temperature within 0.5 degrees c over a temperature range of 5 to 45 degrees c and operated for 6-8 h from a 12 v 105 ampere-hour "deep-cycle" battery. based on measurements with this cuvette, we found that, at 15 degrees c, co(2) efflux ...199514965973
glycerolipid and fatty acid changes in eastern white pine chloroplast lamellae during the onset of winter.chloroplast lamellae of eastern white pine (pinus strobus l.) were analyzed to determine changes in total glycerolipids, component glycerolipids, and glycerolipid fatty acids during the onset of winter hardiness. samples were collected in september, november, and december when the average daily temperature varied between 23 and -10 c. before november 2, phospholipids decreased 40 to 85%, glycolipids only 30%. analysis of individual glycerolipids showed that glycerolipids containing 18:3 fatty ac ...197916661107
apical control of branch movements in white pine: biological aspects.two-year-old branches on control trees (pinus strobus l.) were compared through a season with branches on trees stem-girdled just above, or below, the branch whorl. all branches first sagged down for 20 days and then moved up for 40 days. then, control branches reversed and moved back down while branches in both girdle treatments continued to move up. movement reversal correlated with cessation of both elongation and diameter growth in control branches. diameter growth continued in branches of g ...198116662093
crown architecture of understory and open-grown white pine (pinus strobus l.) architecture and growth allocation were studied in saplings of eastern white pine (pinus strobus l.), a species classified as intermediate in shade tolerance. a comparison was made of 15 understory saplings and 15 open-grown saplings that were selected to have comparable heights (mean of 211 cm, range of 180-250 cm). mean ages of understory and open-grown trees were 25 and 8 years, respectively. understory trees had a lower degree of apical control, shorter crown length, and more horizonta ...199414967636
purification, characterization, and immunological properties for two isoforms of glutathione reductase from eastern white pine needles.glutathione reductase (ec was purified from eastern white pine (pinus strobus l.) needles. the purification steps included affinity chromatography using 2', 5'-adp-sepharose, fplc-anion-exchange, fplc-hydrophobic interaction, and fplc-gel filtration. separation of proteins by fplc-anion-exchange resulted in the recovery of two distinct isoforms of glutathione reductase (gr(a) and gr(b)). purified gr(a) had a specific activity of 1.81 microkatals per milligram of protein and gr(b) had a ...199016667845
seasonal variation in the antioxidant system of eastern white pine needles : evidence for thermal dependence.antioxidant metabolites in eastern white pine (pinus strobus l.) needles increased two- to fourfold from the summer to the winter season. antioxidant enzymes in needle tissue increased between 2- and 122-fold during this same period. these seasonal changes were determined by monitoring ascorbate and glutathione concentrations and the activity of ascorbate peroxidase, glutathione reductase (gr), and superoxide dismutase. levels of antioxidant metabolites and enzymes were observed always to be low ...199216668668
photosynthesis, water relations, and growth of planted pinus strobus l. on burned sites in the southern appalachians.we measured net photosynthesis, leaf conductance, xylem water potential, and growth of pinus strobus l. seedlings two years after planting on two clear-cut and burned sites in the southern appalachians. multiple regression analysis was used to relate seedling net photosynthesis to vapor pressure deficit, seedling crown temperature, photosynthetically active radiation (par), needle n, xylem water potential, and soil water, and to relate seedling size and growth to physiological measurements (aver ...199414967681
adventitious root production and plastic resource allocation to biomass determine burial tolerance in woody plants from central canadian coastal dunes.burial is a recurrent stress imposed upon plants of coastal dunes. woody plants are buried on open coastal dunes and in forested areas behind active blowouts; however, little is known about the burial responses and adaptive traits of these species. the objectives of this study were: (a) to determine the growth and morphological responses to burial in sand of seven woody plant species native to central canadian coastal dunes; and (b) to identify traits that determine burial tolerance in these spe ...200617018567
genetic transformation and gene silencing mediated by multiple copies of a transgene in eastern white efficient transgenic eastern white pine (pinus strobus l.) plant regeneration system has been established using agrobacterium tumefaciens strain gv3850-mediated transformation and the green fluorescent protein (gfp) gene as a reporter in this investigation. stable integration of transgenes in the plant genome of pine was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction (pcr), southern blot, and northern blot analyses. transgene expression was analysed in pine t-dna transformants carrying different numb ...200717158108
canopy dynamics and aboveground production of five tree species with different leaf longevities.canopy dynamics and aboveground net primary production (anpp) were studied in replicated monospecific and dual-species plantations comprised of species with different leaf longevities. in the monospecific plantations, leaf longevity averaged 5, 6, 36, 46 and 66 months for quercus rubra l., larix decidua miller, pinus strobus l., pinus resinosa ait. and picea abies (l.) karst., respectively. specific leaf area, maximum net photosynthesis per unit mass (a/mass), leaf n per unit mass (n(leaf)/mass) ...199314969905
okadaic acid and trifluoperazine enhance agrobacterium-mediated transformation in eastern white pine.mature zygotic embryos of recalcitrant christmas tree species eastern white pine (pinus strobus l.) were used as explants for agrobacterium tumefaciens strain gv3101-mediated transformation using the uida (beta-glucuronidase) gene as a reporter. influence of the time of sonication and the concentrations of protein phosphatase inhibitor (okadaic acid) and kinase inhibitor (trifluoperazine) on agrobacterium-mediated transformation have been evaluated. a high transformation frequency was obtained a ...200717242943
gibberellin a(4/7) promotes cone production on potted grafts of eastern white pine.potted grafts of eastern white pine (pinus strobus l.) growing in a heated greenhouse were sprayed weekly with 0, 250 or 500 mg l(-1) of gibberellin a(4/7) for four different 6-week periods between mid-may and mid-september. at different periods, gibberellin a(4/7) concentrations of 250 and 500 mg l(-1) were effective in promoting pollen- and seed-cone production. spraying in may and june, during the period of rapid terminal shoot elongation, significantly increased pollen-cone production, where ...199214969962
estimation of leaf area index in fourteen southern wisconsin forest stands using a portable radiometer.projected leaf area index (lai) and beer-lambert law extinction coefficients (k) were estimated for 28-year-old picea abies (l.) karst., larix decidua mill., pinus resinosa ait., and pinus strobus l. plantations using vertical profile data obtained with a portable integrating radiometer (sunfleck ceptometer). predicted lai values were compared with direct measures of lai. based on dimensional analysis, lai ranged from 5.0 for larix decidua to 10.5 for picea abies. significant inverse relationshi ...199014972910
assessing seasonal leaf area dynamics and vertical leaf area distribution in eastern white pine (pinus strobus l.) with a portable light meter.we evaluated the ability of a portable light meter (sunfleck ceptometer, decagon devices, pullman, wa, usa) to quantify seasonal photosynthetically active radiation (par, 400-700 nm) interception, projected stand leaf area index (lai), and vertical lai distribution in a 32-year-old eastern white pine (pinus strobus l.) plantation. canopy par transmittance measured with the ceptometer was converted to lai with the beer-lambert equation. the ceptometer was sensitive to changes in par transmittance ...199014972911
pollution-induced injury in north american forests: facts and suspicions.toxic gases are the only airborne chemicals that have been demonstrated to cause detrimental effects on forest trees in north america. ozone is the only regionally dispersed pollutant known to have injured foliage, decreased radial growth, decreased resistance to insects and diseases, and increased mortality of sensitive tree species over a wide geographic range. all of these effects have been observed in eastern white pine (pinus strobus l.) throughout its natural range, in some conifers and ha ...198714975831
evidence for trans-cuticular uptake of hno3 vapor by foliage of eastern white pine (pinus strobus l.).forest declines in europe and the northeastern united states are widely believed to be associated with deposition of air pollutants, perhaps including nitric acid vapor. the experiments presented here, which were conducted in indoor chambers, involved measurement of steady-state rates of nitric acid deposition on foliage of seedlings of eastern white pine. nitric acid concentrations ranged from 37 to 1260 ppb, but were mostly in the 130-180 ppb range. between 130 and 180 ppb, much of the deposit ...198915092387
rates of submergence of coastal new england and acadia.altitudinal and carbon-14 age determinations of in-place pinus strobus stumps of drowned forests at odiorne point, n.h., and grand pré and fort lawrence, nova scotia, yield apparent average rates of submergence of 3.1, 14.5, and 20.3 feet per 1000 c(14) years, respectively. rate differences are assessed in terms of eustatic rise of sea level, crustal movements, and tidal effects.196017756998
element accumulation patterns of deciduous and evergreen tree seedlings on acid soils: implications for sensitivity to manganese toxicity.foliar nutrient imbalances, including the hyperaccumulation of manganese (mn), are correlated with symptoms of declining health in sensitive tree species growing on acidic forest soils. the objectives of this study were to: (1) compare foliar nutrient accumulation patterns of six deciduous (sugar maple (acer saccharum marsh.), red maple (acer rubrum l.), red oak (quercus rubra l.), white oak (quercus alba l.), black cherry (prunus serotina ehrh.) and white ash (fraxinus americana l.)) and three ...200515519989
feeding preference of three lady beetle predators of the hemlock woolly adelgid (homoptera: adelgidae).in a laboratory study, we tested the feeding preferences of three coccinellid predators of hemlock woolly adelgid, adelges tsugae annand, an introduced pest of hemlock in the eastern united states. the species tested were sasajiscymnus tsugae sasaji & mcclure (formerly pseudoscymnus tsugae) from japan, scymnus ningshanensis yu & yao from china, and harmonia axyridis (pallas), a generalist species introduced from asia that is currently widespread in eastern hemlock, tsuga canadensis carriere, for ...200415568353
plant regeneration from callus cultures derived from mature zygotic embryos in white pine (pinus strobus l.).plant regeneration via adventitious shoot organogenesis from callus cultures initiated from mature embryos in white pine (pinus strobus l.) was achieved in this study. callus cultures were induced from mature embryos cultured on ps medium supplemented with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, alpha-naphthaleneacetic acid, or indole-3-acetic acid. adventitious shoot regeneration from callus cultures was induced on medium containing 2 microm indole-3-butyric acid (iba) and 3-12 microm n(6)-benzylaminop ...200515706455
chemical composition of gum turpentines of pines; a report on pinus strobus, p. cembra, p. taeda, p. radiata, and p. virginiana. 194918136811
peroxidase and catalase activities are involved in direct adventitious shoot formation induced by thidiazuron in eastern white pine (pinus strobus l.) zygotic embryos.we reported establishment of an efficient plant regeneration procedure through direct adventitious shoot (das) formation from cotyledons and hypocotyls of eastern white pine (pinus strobus l.) mature embryos in this investigation. multiple dass were initiated from cotyledons of embryos on ps medium containing n6-benzyladenine (ba), thidiazuron (tdz), or kinetin (kin). among different concentrations of casein enzymatic hydrosylate (ch) and glutamine used in this study, 500 mg l(-1) ch or 600 mg l ...200516129608
characterization of pollen tube development in pinus strobus (eastern white pine) through proteomic analysis of differentially expressed proteins.the differentially expressed proteins in pollen tubes indicate their specific roles in this stage of male gametophyte development. to isolate these proteins, 2-de was done using ungerminated pollen and 2-day-old pollen tubes of pinus strobus. results show that 645 and 647 protein spots were clearly resolved from pollen grains and pollen tubes, respectively. thirty-eight protein spots were expressed only in pollen tubes, while 19 increased in intensity. maldi-tof ms was used to generate tryptic p ...200516247732
lignocellulose mineralization by arctic lake sediments in response to nutrient manipulation.mineralization of specifically labeled c-cellulose- and c-lignin-labeled lignocelluloses by toolik lake, alaska, sediments was examined in response to manipulation of various environmental factors. mineralization was measured by quantifying the amount of labeled co(2) released from the specifically labeled substrates. nitrogen (nh(4)no(3)) and, to a greater degree, phosphorus (po(4)) additions enhanced the mineralization of white pine (pinus strobus) cellulose during the summer of 1978. nitrogen ...198016345594
mevalonate kinase activity during different stages of plant regeneration from nodular callus cultures in white pine (pinus strobus).mevalonate kinase (mk) catalyzes a step in the isoprenoid biosynthetic pathway, which leads to a huge number of compounds that play important roles in plant growth and development. here, we report on changes in mk activity in white pine (pinus strobus l.) during plant regeneration by adventitious shoot organogenesis from cotyledons of mature embryos, including nodular callus induction, shoot formation and rooting. nodular calli were induced from pinus strobus (ps) embryos by culture in nodular c ...200616356916
inferring colonization history from analyses of spatial genetic structure within populations of pinus strobus and quercus rubra.many factors interact to determine genetic structure within populations including adult density, the mating system, colonization history, natural selection, and the mechanism and spatial patterns of gene dispersal. we examined spatial genetic structure within colonizing populations of quercus rubra seedlings and pinus strobus juveniles and adults in an aspen-white pine forest in northern michigan, usa. a 20-year spatially explicit demographic study of the forest enables us to interpret the resul ...200616499707
proteomic comparison of needles from blister rust-resistant and susceptible pinus strobus seedlings reveals upregulation of putative disease resistance order to characterize a hypersensitive-like reaction in selected pinus strobus seedlings to cronartium ribicola, a proteomic comparison of needles from resistant and susceptible seedlings was undertaken using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-de). the results revealed 19 polypeptides specific to resistant seedlings and seven of these specific to infected resistant seedlings. there were 13 polypeptides up-regulated (> or = 3-fold increase) in resistant family p327 in comparison to needle ...200616529377
dark respiration rate increases with plant size in saplings of three temperate tree species despite decreasing tissue nitrogen and nonstructural shaded environments, minimizing dark respiration during growth could be an important aspect of maintaining a positive whole-plant net carbon balance. changes with plant size in both biomass distribution to different tissue types and mass-specific respiration rates (r(d)) of those tissues would have an impact on whole-plant respiration. in this paper, we evaluated size-related variation in r(d), biomass distribution, and nitrogen (n) and total nonstructural carbohydrate (tnc) concentrations of ...200616585037
incubation temperature and time effects on life stages of bursaphelenchus xylophilus in wood chips.wood chips of pinus strobus inoculated with bursaphelenchus xylophilus were incubated at 3, 12, 30, or 40 c during intervals of 47, 82, and 130 days to determine the effects of incubation temperature and time on total number of nematodes and occurrence of each life stage. nematodes did not survive at 40 c; the greatest number of nematodes was maintained at 3 c. the number and percentage of juveniles in the propagative cycle were greatest at 3 c after 47 days, but the percentage was greatest at 3 ...199119283158
seasonal changes in the distribution of photo-assimilated c in young pine plants.pinus strobus l. plants in their third year of growth were permitted to photoassimilate (14)co(2) for about 1 hour at monthly intervals between april and october, and the subsequent distribution of (14)c in these plants was determined 8 hours, 1 month, 2 months or 4 months after photo-assimilation. in this way, the fate of (14)co(2) photo-assimilated during different months of the growing season was the spring, old needles played a significant role in photo-assimilating (14)co(2) and ...196816656852
relative susceptibility of four pine species to infection by pinewood nematode.mature trees of eastern white, jack, scotch, and shortleaf pines were inoculated with 25,000-34,000 pinewood nematodes, bursaphelenchus xylophilus, isolated from infected scotch pines in missouri. equal numbers of trees of each species inoculated with distilled water served as controls. nine of fifteen scotch pines died within 4 months of nematode infection or during the winter and early spring following infection. a single eastern white and shortleaf pine died. no jack pines died. a single scot ...198719290105
enzymes of glyoxylate in conifers.the high level of lipids in seeds of some species of conifers suggested that the glyoxylate cycle might have a role in conifer seed metabolism.six species (pinus pinea, pinus pinaster, pinus canariensis, pinus strobus, abies alba, and cupressus sempervirens) were investigated for their lipid content and malate synthase and isocitrate lyase level. the fatty acid composition of the triglyceride fraction was also investigated. the correlation between lipid content of germinating seed with the prese ...196816656892
mechanics of the compression wood response: i. preliminary analyses.righting of two tilted white pine (pinus strobus l.) stem leaders by compression wood formation was followed for 16 weeks. the natural curves and three deflection curves under added end loads were determined from weekly field photographs. data for self-loading and cross sectional diameters were interpolated from original estimated and final measurements. a mechanical-mathematical model was developed to predict curves under zero gravity for each stem each week. the model estimated stiffness of th ...197016657504
growth and photosynthetic responses of four virginia piedmont tree species to determine the effects of shade on biomass, carbon allocation patterns and photosynthetic response, seedlings of loblolly pine (pinus taeda l.), white pine (pinus strobus l.), red maple (acer rubrum l.), and yellow-poplar (liriodendron tulipifera l.) were grown without shade or in shade treatments providing a 79 or 89% reduction of full sunlight for two growing seasons. the shade treatments resulted in less total biomass for all species, with loblolly pine showing the greatest shade-induced gr ...199614871684
seasonal nutrient dynamics in white pine and white spruce in response to environmental manipulation.seasonal retranslocation in white pine (pinus strobus l.) and white spruce (picea glauca (moench) voss) was examined in response to silvicultural treatments (scarification, annual fertilization application, and annual control of competing vegetation with herbicide) that changed both environmental conditions and the growth rate of the trees. four years after plantation establishment and initial treatment, nutrient accumulation in current-year needles of white pine and retranslocation from 1-year- ...199514965969
a 796 bp pspr10 gene promoter fragment increased root-specific expression of the gus reporter gene under the abiotic stresses and signal molecules in tobacco.a 1681 bp pspr10 promoter was isolated from pinus strobus and a series of 5'-deletions were fused to the β-glucuronidase (gus) reporter gene and introduced into tobacco. gus activity in p796 (-796 to +69) construct transgenic plant roots was similar with that of p1681 and higher than those of the p513 (-513 to +69) and p323 (-323 to +69) transgenic plants. moreover, the abiotic stresses of nacl, peg 6000 and mannitol, and salicylic acid (sa), abscisic acid (aba) and jasmonic acid (ja) induced hi ...201020495947
effects of air pollutants on the composition of stable carbon isotopes, deltac, of leaves and wood, and on leaf injury.air pollutants are known to cause visible leaf injury as well as impairment of photosynthetic co(2) fixation. here we evaluate whether the effects on photosynthesis are large enough to cause changes in the relative composition of stable carbon isotopes, delta(13)c, of plant tissue samples, and, if so, how the changes relate to visual leaf injury. for that purpose, several woody and herbaceous plant species were exposed to so(2) + o(3) and so(2) + o(3) + no(2) for one month (8 hours per day, 5 da ...198816666270
enhanced stress tolerance in transgenic pine expressing the pepper capf1 gene is associated with the polyamine biosynthesis.erf/ap2 transcription factors play an important role in plant stress tolerance. however, little is known about the functional significance of erf/ap2 genes in pine, compared to the model plant species arabidopsis. capsicum annuum pathogen and freezing tolerance-related protein 1 (capf1) is an erf/ap2 transcription factor. we show here that overexpression of capf1 resulted in a dramatic increase in tolerance to drought, freezing, and salt stress in a gymnosperm species, eastern white pine (pinus ...200716937149
lophodermium macci sp. nov., a new species on senesced foliage of five-needle pines.the new species lophodermium macci is described. it is similar in its morphology, habitat, geographic range and ecology to l. pini-excelsae, l. staleyi and l. nitens and often is misidentified as l. pinastri on pinus strobus in herbaria. a modified technique was used to extract dna from minute ascomata on herbarium specimens, and new primers were made to amplify the damaged dna from these specimens. it provides added evidence to separate l. macci from l. pini-excelsae, its closest morphological ...200421148950
cold hardiness of interspecific hybrids between pinus strobus and p. wallichiana measured by post-freezing needle electrolyte leakage.interspecific hybrids between eastern white pine (pinus strobus l.) and himalayan blue pine (p. wallichiana a. b. jacks.) were developed in ontario, canada, to introduce blister rust (cronartium ribicola fisch.) resistance genes to p. strobus. there is concern that introducing blister rust resistance has resulted in reduced cold hardiness of the progeny compared with non-hybridized eastern white pine. to test the efficacy of backcrossing with p. strobus to improve cold hardiness, 1-year-old seed ...200717241966
effects of carbon dioxide and oxygen on sapwood respiration in five temperate tree species.the gaseous environment surrounding parenchyma in woody tissue is low in o2 and high in co2, but it is not known to what extent this affects respiration or might play a role in cell death during heartwood formation. sapwood respiration was measured in two conifers and three angiosperms following equilibration to levels of o2 and co2 common within stems, using both inner and outer sapwood to test for an effect of age. across all species and tissue ages, lowering the o2 level from 10% to 5% (v/v) ...200717283373
agricultural legacies in forest environments: tree communities, soil properties, and light availability.temperate deciduous forests across much of europe and eastern north america reflect legacies of past land use, particularly in the diversity and composition of plant communities. intense disturbances, such as clearing forests for agriculture, may cause persistent environmental changes that continue to shape vegetation patterns as landscapes recover. we assessed the long-term consequences of agriculture for environmental conditions in central new york forests, including tree community structure a ...200717489252
profiling secondary metabolites of needles of ozone-fumigated white pine (pinus strobus) clones by thermally assisted hydrolysis/methylation gc/ms.plant secondary metabolites have an important role in defense responses against herbivores and pathogens, and as a chemical barrier to elevated levels of harmful air pollutants. this study involves the rapid chemical profiling of phenolic and diterpene resin acids in needles of two (ozone-tolerant and ozone-sensitive) white pine (pinus strobus) clones, fumigated with different ozone levels (control, and daily events peaking at 80 and 200 ppb) for 40 days. the phenolic and resin acids were measur ...200717562110
limonene: attractant kairomone for white pine cone beetles (coleoptera: scolytidae) in an eastern white pine seed orchard in western north carolina.i report on the attraction of the white pine cone beetle, conophthoru.s coniperda (schwarz) (coleoptera: scolytidae), to traps baited with the host monoterpene limonene in western north carolina. both (+)- and (-)-limonene attracted male and female cone beetles to japanese beetle traps in an eastern white pine, pinus strobus l., seed orchard near murphy, nc. catches of cone beetles were directly proportional to the release rate of (-)-limonene; (+)-limonene was not tested for dose response. attr ...200717598543
parenchyma cell respiration and survival in secondary xylem: does metabolic activity decline with cell age?sapwood respiration often declines towards the sapwood/heartwood boundary, but it is not known if parenchyma metabolic activity declines with cell age. we measured sapwood respiration in five temperate species (sapwood age range of 5-64 years) and expressed respiration on a live cell basis by quantifying living parenchyma. we found no effect of parenchyma age on respiration in two conifers (pinus strobus, tsuga canadensis), both of which had significant amounts of dead parenchyma in the sapwood. ...200717617821
phloem differentiation: induced stimulation by gibberellic acid.gibberellic acid solutions supplied through micropipettes to explants from dormant branches of white pine (pinus strobus l.) stimulate changes in the cambial zone. immature sieve cells expand radially and exhibit cytological changes usually associated with spring maturation. diflerentiation of sieve cells continues in response to treatment and is recognized by the birefringence of secondary walls when examined with the polarizing microscope.196617775171
distribution and hosts of callidiellum rufipenne (coleoptera: cerambycidae), an asian cedar borer established in the eastern united states.the distribution and hosts of the exotic cedar-boring beetle, callidiellum rufipenne (motschulsky) (coleoptera: cerambycidae), were determined in five northeastern u.s. states by capturing adults on cedar trap logs and by rearing adults from various conifers. this beetle was detected in the coastal states of massachusetts, rhode island, connecticut, new york, and new jersey. in these states, adults emerged from the live or dead wood of four genera and eight species of cupressaceae; species of pi ...200717849882
common mortality factors of woodwasp larvae in three northeastern united states host species.very little is presently known about the natural enemies and mortality factors associated with siricids (hymenoptera: siricidae) in the united states of america (usa), especially those that may directly affect the woodwasp, sirex noctilio fabricius (hymenoptera: siricidae). s. noctilio is an invasive woodwasp, is considered a major economic pest of pine, and has a severe effect on north american pine species planted in the southern hemisphere. the mortality factors of siricid larvae were determi ...201223421560
element mobility and partitioning along a soil acidity gradient in central ontario forests, canada.the potential environmental risk posed by metals in forest soils is typically evaluated by modeling metal mobility using soil-solution partitioning coefficients (k(d)), although such information is generally restricted to a few well-studied metals. soil-solution partitioning coefficients were determined for 17 mineral elements (al, as, be, ba, ca, cr, cu, fe, ga, k, li, mg, rb, sr, tl, u and v) in a-horizon (0-5 cm) soil at 46 forested sites that border the precambrian shield in central ontario, ...200818058024
the co-occurrence of ectomycorrhizal, arbuscular mycorrhizal, and dark septate fungi in seedlings of four members of the pinaceae.although roots of species in the pinaceae are usually colonized by ectomycorrhizal (em) fungi, there are increasing reports of the presence of arbuscular mycorrhizal (am) and dark septate endophytic (dse) fungi in these species. the objective of this study was to determine the colonization patterns in seedlings of three pinus (pine) species (pinus banksiana, pinus strobus, pinus contorta) and picea glauca x picea engelmannii (hybrid spruce) grown in soil collected from a disturbed forest site. s ...200818157555
differences between forest type and vertical strata in the diversity and composition of hymenopteran families and mymarid genera in northeastern temperate forests.most insects' assemblages differ with forest type and show vertical stratification. we tested for differences in richness, abundance and composition of hymenopteran families and mymarid genera between sugar maple (acer saccharum) and white pine (pinus strobus) stands and between canopy and understory in northeastern temperate forests in canada. we used flight interception traps (modified malaise traps) suspended in the canopy and the understory in a split-split block design, with forest type as ...200718284731
epicuticular wax and white pine blister rust resistance in resistant and susceptible selections of eastern white pine (pinus strobus).abstract epicuticular wax on needles was evaluated for its influence on cronartium ribicola infection of resistant and susceptible selections of pinus strobus. environmental scanning electron microscopy comparisons revealed that needles from a resistant selection of eastern white pine, p327, had a significantly higher percentage of stomata that were occluded with wax, fewer basidiospores germinating at 48 h after inoculation, and fewer germ tubes penetrating stomata than needles from a susceptib ...200618943920
fine-level genetic structure of white pine blister rust populations.abstract the fine-level genetic structure of the white pine blister rust agent, cronartium ribicola, was investigated by sampling multiple monokaryotic spermogonia directly on cankers in four eastern canadian white pine (pinus strobus) plantations and assessing genetic variability, using random amplified polymorphic dna (rapd) markers. ninety-eight percent of the cankers surveyed contained a single dna haplotype, suggesting spermogonia within cankers are the result of clonal reproduction. a sing ...199818944852
biodegradation and saccharification of wood chips of pinus strobus and liriodendron tulipifera by white rot fungi.degradation and glucose production from wood chips of white pine (pinus strobus) and tulip tree (liriodendron tulipifera) by several white rot fungi were investigated. the highest weight losses from 4 g of wood chips of p. strobus and l. tulipifera by the fungal degradation on yeast extractmalt extract-glucose agar medium were 38% of irpex lacteus and 93.7% of trametes versicolor mrp 1 after 90 days, respectively. when 4 g of wood chips of p. strobus and l. tulipifera biodegraded for 30 days wer ...200819047827
seasonal changes in abundance and phosphorylation status of photosynthetic proteins in eastern white pine and balsam fir.during winter, the light-harvesting complexes of evergreen plants change function from energy-harvesting to energy-dissipating centers. the goal of our study was to monitor changes in the composition of the photosynthetic apparatus that accompany these functional changes. seasonal changes in chlorophyll fluorescence, pigment concentration, and abundance and phosphorylation status of photosynthetic proteins in pinus strobus l. (sun-exposed trees) and abies balsamea (l.) p. mill. (sun-exposed and ...200919203960
survival and infectivity of bursaphelenchus xylophilus in wood chip-soil determine the effect of soil environment on the life stages and total numbers of bursaphelenchus xylophilus, nematode-infested wood chips alone and mixed with soil were incubated at 12 and 20 c. nematodes were extracted at 2-week intervals for 12 weeks. numbers of nematodes and percentage of third-stage dispersal larvae were greater at 12 c and in chips without soil. percentage of juveniles of the propagative cycle was greater at 20 c and in chips with soil. although b. xylophilus survived in ...199219283027
development of bursaphelenchus xylophilus populations in wood chips with different moisture contents.bags of pinus strobus wood chips with moisture contents of 38, 92, 164, and 217% (oven dry weight) were inoculated with bursaphelenchus xylophilus and incubated at 30 c in order to determine the effect of wood moisture on nematode population development. nematodes were extracted after 2, 4, 8, and 12 weeks. population levels were greatest in wood chips with a moisture content of 38% and decreased successively with each higher moisture content. in chips with the three lower moisture contents, pop ...199019287697
pathotypes of the pinewood nematode bursaphelenchus isolate of bursaphelenchus xylophilus from pinus sylvestris in missouri infected and reproduced in 2-3-year-old seedlings of p. sylvestris and to some extent in seedlings of p. nigra. wilting, however, occurred only in p. sylvestris. b. xylophilus isolated from p. strobus in vermont infected and reproduced only in p. strobus seedlings. p. taeda seedlings were resistant to both of these isolates. phytotoxin production was seen only in susceptible seedling species-nematode combinations. signifi ...198619294172
allergenicity and cross-reactivity of pine pollen.pine pollen has long been considered a non-allergenic pollen. the large size of the grain and its low levels of proteins are the main reasons invoked to explain this low allergenicity. the aim of this study was to describe the main allergenic bands of pinus radiata (pr) and its cross-reactivity with other pine species, other conifers and grass pollen.200919573163
species-driven changes in nitrogen cycling can provide a mechanism for plant invasions.traits that permit successful invasions have often seemed idiosyncratic, and the key biological traits identified vary widely among species. this fundamentally limits our ability to determine the invasion potential of a species. however, ultimately, successful invaders must have positive growth rates that longer term result in higher biomass accumulation than competing established species. in many terrestrial ecosystems nitrogen limits plant growth, and is a key factor determining productivity a ...200919592506
effects of chronic internal beta-radiation from photoassimilated co(2) on the retention and distribution of c in young white pine plants.eastern white pines (pinus strobus l.) in their 3rd year of growth photoassimilated 35, 110, 220, or 400 microcuries of (14)co(2) on a single occasion in the spring when needle expansion was occurring. once assimilated into organic products and translocated to various sinks, the retained (14)c represented an internal chronic source of ionizing radiation to the plant. about 2.5 months later, the pines were harvested, and the distribution of (14)c activity was determined. in addition, new needle l ...197316658445
the significance of the cambium in the study of certain physiological problems.1. the adjacent, undifferentiated, uninucleated cells of the lateral meristem or cambium are of two distinct shapes and sizes: (1) small, more or less isodiametric initials which are of the same general order of magnitude as the cells of the terminal meristem and embryo; and (2) large, elongated initials which in certain cases may attain a length of more than 10,000 micra and a volume of 10,000,000 cubic micra. the large initials may be induced to divide to form small initials, and the latter to ...192019871827
species-diagnostic and species-specific dna sequences evenly distributed throughout pine and spruce chromosomes.genome organization in the family pinaceae is complex and largely unknown. the main purpose of the present study was to develop and physically map species-diagnostic and species-specific molecular markers in pine and spruce. five rapd (random amplified polymorphic dna) and one issr (inter-simple sequence repeat) species-diagnostic or species-specific markers for picea mariana, picea rubens, pinus strobus, or pinus monticola were identified, cloned, and sequenced. in situ hybridization of these s ...201020962883
ericaceous dwarf shrubs affect ectomycorrhizal fungal community of the invasive pinus strobus and native pinus sylvestris in a pot experiment.this study aimed to elucidate the relationship between ericaceous understorey shrubs and the diversity and abundance of ectomycorrhizal fungi (ecmf) associated with the invasive pinus strobus and native pinus sylvestris. seedlings of both pines were grown in mesocosms and subjected to three treatments simulating different forest microhabitats: (a) grown in isolation and grown with (b) vaccinium myrtillus or (c) vaccinium vitis-idaea. ericaceous plants did not act as a species pool of pine mycobi ...201021161550
analysis of genet size and local gene flow in the ectomycorrhizal basidiomycete suillus spraguei(synonym s. pictus).several recent fine-scale genetic structure studies of ectomycorrhizal fungi have reported significant spatial clustering of genets with similar genotypes, supporting locally restricted gene flow. in this study, we used genotype data from microsatellite markers and spatial autocorrelation analysis to examine local gene flow in suillus spraguei at distances up to 2 km. previously developed microsatellite markers for s. spraguei from japan were unsuccessful at amplifying dna isolated from sporocar ...201121482628
gene expression of wood decay fungi postia placenta and phanerochaete chrysosporium is significantly altered by plant species.identification of specific genes and enzymes involved in conversion of lignocellulosics from an expanding number of potential feedstocks is of growing interest to bioenergy process development. basidiomycetous wood decay fungi phanerochaete chrysosporium and postia placenta are promising in this regard as they are able to utilize a wide range of simple and complex carbon compounds. however, systematic comparative studies with different woody substrates have not been reported. addressing this iss ...201121551287
antifungal metabolites from fungal endophytes of pinus strobus.the extracts of five foliar fungal endophytes isolated from pinus strobus (eastern white pine) that showed antifungal activity in disc diffusion assays were selected for further study. from these strains, the aliphatic polyketide compound 1 and three related sesquiterpenes 2-4 were isolated and characterized. compound 2 is reported for the first time as a natural product and the e/z conformational isomers 3 and 4 were hitherto unknown. additionally, the three known macrolides; pyrenophorol (5), ...201121632082
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